[Yuima-commits] r741 - pkg/yuima/man
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Fri Feb 5 05:53:39 CET 2021
Author: eguchi
Date: 2021-02-05 05:53:39 +0100 (Fri, 05 Feb 2021)
New Revision: 741
Modified: pkg/yuima/man/IC.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/IC.Rd 2021-02-05 04:53:18 UTC (rev 740)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/IC.Rd 2021-02-05 04:53:39 UTC (rev 741)
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
-Information criteria for the stochastic differential equation
-Information criteria BIC, Quasi-BIC (QBIC) and CIC for the stochastic differential equation.
-IC(drif = NULL, diff = NULL, data = NULL, Terminal = 1,
- add.settings = list(), start, lower, upper, ergodic = TRUE,
- stepwise = FALSE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = FALSE, ...)
- \item{drif}{
- a character vector that each element presents the candidate drift coefficient.
- }
- \item{diff}{
- a character vector that each element presents the candidate diffusion coefficient.
- }
- \item{data}{
- the data to be used.
- }
- \item{Terminal}{
- terminal time of the grid.
- }
- \item{add.settings}{
- details of model settings(see \code{\link{setModel}}).
- }
- \item{start}{
- a named list of the initial values of the parameters for optimization.
- }
- \item{lower}{
- a named list for specifying lower bounds of the parameters.
- }
- \item{upper}{
- a named list for specifying upper bounds of the parameters.
- }
- \item{ergodic}{
- whether the candidate models are ergodic SDEs or not(default \code{ergodic=TRUE}).
- }
- \item{stepwise}{
- specifies joint procedure or stepwise procedure(default \code{stepwise=FALSE}).
- }
- \item{weight}{
- calculate model weight? (default \code{weight=FALSE})
- }
- \item{rcpp}{
- use C++ code? (default \code{rcpp=FALSE})
- }
- \item{\dots}{
- }
-Calculate the information criteria BIC, QBIC, and CIC for stochastic processes.
-The calculation and model selection are performed by joint procedure or stepwise procedure.
- \item{BIC}{
- values of BIC for all candidates.
- }
- \item{QBIC}{
- values of QBIC for all candidates.
- }
- \item{CIC}{
- values of CIC for all candidates.
- }
- \item{model}{
- information of all candidate models.
- }
- \item{par}{
- quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for each candidate.
- }
- \item{weight}{
- model weights for all candidates.
- }
- \item{selected}{
- selected model number and selected drift and diffusion coefficients
- }
-## AIC, BIC
-Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In Second International Symposium on Information Theory (Tsahkadsor, 1971), 267-281. \href{https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-1694-0_15}{https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-1694-0_15}
-Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics, 6(2), 461-464. \href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1176344136}{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1176344136}
-## BIC, Quasi-BIC
-Eguchi, S. and Masuda, H. (2018). Schwarz type model comparison for LAQ models. Bernoulli, 24(3), 2278-2327. \href{https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bj/1517540475}{https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bj/1517540475}.
-## CIC
-Uchida, M. (2010). Contrast-based information criterion for ergodic diffusion processes from discrete observations. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 62(1), 161-187. \href{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10463-009-0245-1}{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10463-009-0245-1}
-## Model weight
-Burnham, K. P. and Anderson, D. R. (2002). Model Selection and Multimodel Inference. Springer-Verlag, New York.
-The YUIMA Project Team
-Contacts: Shoichi Eguchi \email{eguchi at sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp}
-The function \code{IC} uses the function \code{\link{qmle}} with \code{method="L-BFGS-B"} internally.
-%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
-### Ex.1
-N <- 1000 # number of data
-h <- N^(-2/3) # sampling stepsize
-Ter <- N*h # terminal sampling time
-## Data generate (dXt = -Xt*dt + exp((-2*cos(Xt) + 1)/2)*dWt)
-mod <- setModel(drift="theta21*x", diffusion="exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta12)/2)")
-samp <- setSampling(Terminal=Ter, n = N)
-yuima <- setYuima(model=mod, sampling=setSampling(Terminal=Ter, n=50*N))
-simu.yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit=1, true.parameter=list(theta11=-2, theta12=1,
- theta21=-1), subsampling=samp)
-Xt <- NULL
-for(i in 1:(N+1)){
- Xt <- c(Xt, simu.yuima at data@original.data[50*(i-1)+1])
-## Candidate coefficients
-diffusion <- c("exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta12*sin(x)+theta13)/2)",
- "exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta12*sin(x))/2)",
- "exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta13)/2)", "exp((theta12*sin(x)+theta13)/2)")
-drift <- c("theta21*x + theta22", "theta21*x")
-## Parameter settings
-para.init <- list(theta11=runif(1,max=5,min=-5), theta12=runif(1,max=5,min=-5),
- theta13=runif(1,max=5,min=-5), theta21=runif(1,max=-0.5,min=-1.5),
- theta22=runif(1,max=-0.5,min=-1.5))
-para.low <- list(theta11=-10, theta12=-10, theta13=-10, theta21=-5, theta22=-5)
-para.upp <- list(theta11=10, theta12=10, theta13=10, theta21=-0.001, theta22=-0.001)
-## Ex.1.1 Joint
-ic1 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter, start=para.init, lower=para.low,
- upper=para.upp, stepwise = FALSE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = TRUE)
-## Ex.1.2 Stepwise
-ic2 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter,
- start=para.init, lower=para.low, upper=para.upp,
- stepwise = TRUE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = TRUE)
-### Ex.2 (multidimansion case)
-N <- 3000 # number of data
-h <- N^(-2/3) # sampling stepsize
-Ter <- N*h # terminal sampling time
-## Data generate
-diff.coef.matrix <- matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta3"), 2, 2)
-drif.coef.vec <- c("alpha1*x1", "alpha2*x2")
-mod <- setModel(drift = drif.coef.vec, diffusion = diff.coef.matrix,
- state.variable = c("x1", "x2"), solve.variable = c("x1", "x2"))
-samp <- setSampling(Terminal = Ter, n = N)
-yuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = setSampling(Terminal = N^(1/3), n = 50*N))
-simu.yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit = c(1,1), true.parameter = list(alpha1=-2, alpha2=-1,
- beta1=-1, beta3=2), subsampling = samp)
-Xt <- matrix(0,(N+1),2)
-for(i in 1:(N+1)){
- Xt[i,] <- simu.yuima at data@original.data[50*(i-1)+1,]
-## Candidate coefficients
-diffusion <- list(matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta2*x2+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta2*x2+beta3"), 2, 2),
- matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta2*x2", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta2*x2"), 2, 2),
- matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta3"), 2, 2),
- matrix(c("beta2*x2+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta2*x2+beta3"), 2, 2),
- matrix(c("beta1*x1", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1"), 2, 2),
- matrix(c("beta2*x2", "1", "-1", "beta2*x2"), 2, 2),
- matrix(c("beta3", "1", "-1", "beta3"), 2, 2))
-drift <- list(c("alpha1*x1", "alpha2*x2"), c("alpha1*x2", "alpha2*x1"))
-modsettings <- list(state.variable = c("x1", "x2"), solve.variable = c("x1", "x2"))
-## Parameter settings
-para.init <- list(alpha1 = runif(1,min=-3,max=-1), alpha2 = runif(1,min=-2,max=0),
- beta1 = runif(1,min=-2,max=0), beta2 = runif(1,min=0,max=2),
- beta3 = runif(1,min=1,max=3))
-para.low <- list(alpha1 = -5, alpha2 = -5, beta1 = -5, beta2 = -5, beta3 = 1)
-para.upp <- list(alpha1 = 0.01, alpha2 = -0.01, beta1 = 5, beta2 = 5, beta3 = 10)
-## Ex.2.1 Joint
-ic3 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter, add.settings=modsettings,
- start=para.init, lower=para.low, upper=para.upp,
- weight=FALSE, rcpp=FALSE)
-## Ex.2.2 Stepwise
-ic4 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter, add.settings=modsettings,
- start=para.init, lower=para.low, upper=para.upp,
- stepwise = TRUE, weight=FALSE, rcpp=FALSE)
-\keyword{Information criteria}
+Information criteria for the stochastic differential equation
+Information criteria BIC, Quasi-BIC (QBIC) and CIC for the stochastic differential equation.
+IC(drif = NULL, diff = NULL, data = NULL, Terminal = 1,
+ add.settings = list(), start, lower, upper, ergodic = TRUE,
+ stepwise = FALSE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = FALSE, ...)
+ \item{drif}{
+ a character vector that each element presents the candidate drift coefficient.
+ }
+ \item{diff}{
+ a character vector that each element presents the candidate diffusion coefficient.
+ }
+ \item{data}{
+ the data to be used.
+ }
+ \item{Terminal}{
+ terminal time of the grid.
+ }
+ \item{add.settings}{
+ details of model settings(see \code{\link{setModel}}).
+ }
+ \item{start}{
+ a named list of the initial values of the parameters for optimization.
+ }
+ \item{lower}{
+ a named list for specifying lower bounds of the parameters.
+ }
+ \item{upper}{
+ a named list for specifying upper bounds of the parameters.
+ }
+ \item{ergodic}{
+ whether the candidate models are ergodic SDEs or not(default \code{ergodic=TRUE}).
+ }
+ \item{stepwise}{
+ specifies joint procedure or stepwise procedure(default \code{stepwise=FALSE}).
+ }
+ \item{weight}{
+ calculate model weight? (default \code{weight=FALSE})
+ }
+ \item{rcpp}{
+ use C++ code? (default \code{rcpp=FALSE})
+ }
+ \item{\dots}{
+ }
+Calculate the information criteria BIC, QBIC, and CIC for stochastic processes.
+The calculation and model selection are performed by joint procedure or stepwise procedure.
+ \item{BIC}{
+ values of BIC for all candidates.
+ }
+ \item{QBIC}{
+ values of QBIC for all candidates.
+ }
+ \item{CIC}{
+ values of CIC for all candidates.
+ }
+ \item{model}{
+ information of all candidate models.
+ }
+ \item{par}{
+ quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for each candidate.
+ }
+ \item{weight}{
+ model weights for all candidates.
+ }
+ \item{selected}{
+ selected model number and selected drift and diffusion coefficients
+ }
+## AIC, BIC
+Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In Second International Symposium on Information Theory (Tsahkadsor, 1971), 267-281. \href{https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-1694-0_15}{https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-1694-0_15}
+Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics, 6(2), 461-464. \href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1176344136}{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1176344136}
+## BIC, Quasi-BIC
+Eguchi, S. and Masuda, H. (2018). Schwarz type model comparison for LAQ models. Bernoulli, 24(3), 2278-2327. \href{https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bj/1517540475}{https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bj/1517540475}.
+## CIC
+Uchida, M. (2010). Contrast-based information criterion for ergodic diffusion processes from discrete observations. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 62(1), 161-187. \href{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10463-009-0245-1}{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10463-009-0245-1}
+## Model weight
+Burnham, K. P. and Anderson, D. R. (2002). Model Selection and Multimodel Inference. Springer-Verlag, New York.
+The YUIMA Project Team
+Contacts: Shoichi Eguchi \email{eguchi at sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp}
+The function \code{IC} uses the function \code{\link{qmle}} with \code{method="L-BFGS-B"} internally.
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+### Ex.1
+N <- 1000 # number of data
+h <- N^(-2/3) # sampling stepsize
+Ter <- N*h # terminal sampling time
+## Data generate (dXt = -Xt*dt + exp((-2*cos(Xt) + 1)/2)*dWt)
+mod <- setModel(drift="theta21*x", diffusion="exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta12)/2)")
+samp <- setSampling(Terminal=Ter, n = N)
+yuima <- setYuima(model=mod, sampling=setSampling(Terminal=Ter, n=50*N))
+simu.yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit=1, true.parameter=list(theta11=-2, theta12=1,
+ theta21=-1), subsampling=samp)
+Xt <- NULL
+for(i in 1:(N+1)){
+ Xt <- c(Xt, simu.yuima at data@original.data[50*(i-1)+1])
+## Candidate coefficients
+diffusion <- c("exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta12*sin(x)+theta13)/2)",
+ "exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta12*sin(x))/2)",
+ "exp((theta11*cos(x)+theta13)/2)", "exp((theta12*sin(x)+theta13)/2)")
+drift <- c("theta21*x + theta22", "theta21*x")
+## Parameter settings
+para.init <- list(theta11=runif(1,max=5,min=-5), theta12=runif(1,max=5,min=-5),
+ theta13=runif(1,max=5,min=-5), theta21=runif(1,max=-0.5,min=-1.5),
+ theta22=runif(1,max=-0.5,min=-1.5))
+para.low <- list(theta11=-10, theta12=-10, theta13=-10, theta21=-5, theta22=-5)
+para.upp <- list(theta11=10, theta12=10, theta13=10, theta21=-0.001, theta22=-0.001)
+## Ex.1.1 Joint
+ic1 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter, start=para.init, lower=para.low,
+ upper=para.upp, stepwise = FALSE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = TRUE)
+## Ex.1.2 Stepwise
+ic2 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter,
+ start=para.init, lower=para.low, upper=para.upp,
+ stepwise = TRUE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = TRUE)
+### Ex.2 (multidimansion case)
+N <- 3000 # number of data
+h <- N^(-2/3) # sampling stepsize
+Ter <- N*h # terminal sampling time
+## Data generate
+diff.coef.matrix <- matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta3"), 2, 2)
+drif.coef.vec <- c("alpha1*x1", "alpha2*x2")
+mod <- setModel(drift = drif.coef.vec, diffusion = diff.coef.matrix,
+ state.variable = c("x1", "x2"), solve.variable = c("x1", "x2"))
+samp <- setSampling(Terminal = Ter, n = N)
+yuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = setSampling(Terminal = N^(1/3), n = 50*N))
+simu.yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit = c(1,1), true.parameter = list(alpha1=-2, alpha2=-1,
+ beta1=-1, beta3=2), subsampling = samp)
+Xt <- matrix(0,(N+1),2)
+for(i in 1:(N+1)){
+ Xt[i,] <- simu.yuima at data@original.data[50*(i-1)+1,]
+## Candidate coefficients
+diffusion <- list(matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta2*x2+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta2*x2+beta3"), 2, 2),
+ matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta2*x2", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta2*x2"), 2, 2),
+ matrix(c("beta1*x1+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1+beta3"), 2, 2),
+ matrix(c("beta2*x2+beta3", "1", "-1", "beta2*x2+beta3"), 2, 2),
+ matrix(c("beta1*x1", "1", "-1", "beta1*x1"), 2, 2),
+ matrix(c("beta2*x2", "1", "-1", "beta2*x2"), 2, 2),
+ matrix(c("beta3", "1", "-1", "beta3"), 2, 2))
+drift <- list(c("alpha1*x1", "alpha2*x2"), c("alpha1*x2", "alpha2*x1"))
+modsettings <- list(state.variable = c("x1", "x2"), solve.variable = c("x1", "x2"))
+## Parameter settings
+para.init <- list(alpha1 = runif(1,min=-3,max=-1), alpha2 = runif(1,min=-2,max=0),
+ beta1 = runif(1,min=-2,max=0), beta2 = runif(1,min=0,max=2),
+ beta3 = runif(1,min=1,max=3))
+para.low <- list(alpha1 = -5, alpha2 = -5, beta1 = -5, beta2 = -5, beta3 = 1)
+para.upp <- list(alpha1 = 0.01, alpha2 = -0.01, beta1 = 5, beta2 = 5, beta3 = 10)
+## Ex.2.1 Joint
+ic3 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter, add.settings=modsettings,
+ start=para.init, lower=para.low, upper=para.upp,
+ weight=FALSE, rcpp=FALSE)
+## Ex.2.2 Stepwise
+ic4 <- IC(drif=drift, diff=diffusion, data=Xt, Terminal=Ter, add.settings=modsettings,
+ start=para.init, lower=para.low, upper=para.upp,
+ stepwise = TRUE, weight=FALSE, rcpp=FALSE)
+\keyword{Information criteria}
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