[Yuima-commits] r676 - pkg/yuima/R

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Mon Sep 17 01:53:09 CEST 2018

Author: lorenzo
Date: 2018-09-17 01:53:08 +0200 (Mon, 17 Sep 2018)
New Revision: 676

Simulate PPR with feedback in the SDE

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/simulateForPpr.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/simulateForPpr.R	2018-07-18 08:19:47 UTC (rev 675)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/simulateForPpr.R	2018-09-16 23:53:08 UTC (rev 676)
@@ -182,16 +182,441 @@
                                           methodfGn = methodfGn, sampling = sampling,
                                           subsampling = subsampling)
-    object <- aux.simulatPPRROldNew(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
+    if(object at PPR@RegressWithCount){
+      object <-aux.simulatPPRWithCount(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
+                                       xinit = xinit, true.parameter = true.parameter,
+                                       space.discretized = space.discretized, increment.W = increment.W,
+                                       increment.L = increment.L, method = method, hurst = hurst,
+                                       methodfGn = methodfGn, sampling = sampling,
+                                       subsampling = subsampling)
+    }else{
+      object <- aux.simulatPPRROldNew(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
                                         xinit = xinit, true.parameter = true.parameter,
                                         space.discretized = space.discretized, increment.W = increment.W,
                                         increment.L = increment.L, method = method, hurst = hurst,
                                         methodfGn = methodfGn, sampling = sampling,
                                         subsampling = subsampling)
+    }
+eulerPPR<-function(xinit,yuima,Initial,Terminal, dW, env){
+  sdeModel<-yuima at model
+  modelstate <- sdeModel at solve.variable
+  modeltime <- sdeModel at time.variable
+  V0 <- sdeModel at drift
+  V <- sdeModel at diffusion
+  r.size <- sdeModel at noise.number
+  d.size <- sdeModel at equation.number
+  # Terminal <- yuima at sampling@Terminal[1]
+  # Initial <- yuima at sampling@Initial[1]
+  n <- yuima at sampling@n[1]
+  dL <- env$dL
+  if(length(unique(as.character(xinit)))==1 &&
+     is.numeric(tryCatch(eval(xinit[1],env),error=function(...) FALSE))){
+    dX_dummy<-xinit[1]
+    dummy.val<-eval(dX_dummy, env)
+    if(length(dummy.val)==1){dummy.val<-rep(dummy.val,length(xinit))}
+    for(i in 1:length(modelstate)){
+      assign(modelstate[i],dummy.val[i] ,env)
+    }
+    dX<-vector(mode="numeric",length(dX_dummy))
+    for(i in 1:length(xinit)){
+      dX[i] <- dummy.val[i]
+    }
+  }else{
+    dX_dummy <- xinit
+    if(length(modelstate)==length(dX_dummy)){
+      for(i in 1:length(modelstate)) {
+        if(is.numeric(tryCatch(eval(dX_dummy[i],env),error=function(...) FALSE))){
+          assign(modelstate[i], eval(dX_dummy[i], env),env)
+        }else{
+          assign(modelstate[i], 0, env)
+        }
+      }
+    }else{
+      yuima.warn("the number of model states do not match the number of initial conditions")
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+    dX<-vector(mode="numeric",length(dX_dummy))
+    for(i in 1:length(dX_dummy)){
+      dX[i] <- eval(dX_dummy[i], env)
+    }
+  }
+  delta <- yuima at sampling@delta
+  if(!length(sdeModel at measure.type)){
+    b <- parse(text=paste("c(",paste(as.character(V0),collapse=","),")"))
+    vecV <- parse(text=paste("c(",paste(as.character(unlist(V)),collapse=","),")"))
+    X_mat <- .Call("euler", dX, Initial, as.integer(r.size), 
+                   rep(1, n) * delta, dW, modeltime, modelstate, quote(eval(b, env)), 
+                   quote(eval(vecV, env)), env, new.env())
+    tsX <- ts(data=t(X_mat), deltat=delta , start = Initial) #LM
+  }else{
+    has.drift <- sum(as.character(sdeModel at drift) != "(0)")
+    var.in.diff <- is.logical(any(match(unlist(lapply(sdeModel at diffusion, all.vars)), sdeModel at state.variable)))
+    p.b <- function(t, X=numeric(d.size)){
+      for(i in 1:length(modelstate)){
+        assign(modelstate[i], X[i], env)
+      }
+      assign(modeltime, t, env)
+      if(has.drift){
+        tmp <- matrix(0, d.size, r.size+1)
+        for(i in 1:d.size){
+          tmp[i,1] <- eval(V0[i], env)
+          for(j in 1:r.size){
+            tmp[i,j+1] <- eval(V[[i]][j],env)
+          }
+        }
+      } else {  ##:: no drift term (faster)
+        tmp <- matrix(0, d.size, r.size)
+        if(!is.Poisson(sdeModel)){ # we do not need to evaluate diffusion
+          for(i in 1:d.size){
+            for(j in 1:r.size){
+              tmp[i,j] <- eval(V[[i]][j],env)
+            } # for j
+          } # foh i
+        } # !is.Poisson
+      } # else
+      return(tmp)
+    }
+    X_mat <- matrix(0, d.size, n+1)
+    X_mat[,1] <- dX
+    if(has.drift){  
+      dW <- rbind( rep(1, n)*delta , dW)
+    }
+    JP <- sdeModel at jump.coeff
+    mu.size <- length(JP)
+    p.b.j <- function(t, X=numeric(d.size)){
+      for(i in 1:length(modelstate)){
+        assign(modelstate[i], X[i], env)
+      }
+      assign(modeltime, t, env)
+      j.size <- length(JP[[1]])
+      tmp <- matrix(0, mu.size, j.size)
+      for(i in 1:mu.size){
+        for(j in 1:j.size){
+          tmp[i,j] <- eval(JP[[i]][j],env)
+        }
+      }
+      return(tmp)
+    }
+    dZ <- dL
+    if(is.null(dim(dZ)))
+      dZ <- matrix(dZ,nrow=1)
+    for(i in 1:n){
+      assign(sdeModel at jump.variable, dZ[,i], env)
+      if(sdeModel at J.flag){
+        dZ[,i] <- 1
+      }
+      tmp.j <- p.b.j(t=Initial+(i - 1)*delta, X=dX) # YK
+      if(sum(dim(tmp.j))==2)
+        tmp.j <- as.numeric(tmp.j)
+      dX <- dX + p.b(t=Initial+(i - 1)*delta, X=dX) %*% dW[, i] +tmp.j %*% dZ[,i] # YK
+      X_mat[, i+1] <- dX
+    }
+    #tsX <- ts(data=t(X_mat), deltat=delta, start=yuima at sampling@Initial)
+  }
+  return(X_mat)
+aux.simulatPPRWithCount<-function(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
+                                xinit = xinit, true.parameter = true.parameter,
+                                space.discretized = space.discretized, increment.W = increment.W,
+                                increment.L = increment.L, method = method, hurst = 0.5,
+                                methodfGn = methodfGn, sampling = sampling,
+                                subsampling = subsampling){
+  samp <- sampling
+  Model <- object at model
+  gFun <- object at gFun
+  Kern <- object at Kernel
+  object at sampling <- samp
+  randomGenerator<-object at model@measure$df
+  if(missing(increment.W) | is.null(increment.W)){
+    if( Model at hurst!=0.5 ){
+      grid<-sampling2grid(object at sampling)
+      isregular<-object at sampling@regular
+      if((!isregular) || (methodfGn=="Cholesky")){
+        dW<-CholeskyfGn(grid, Model at hurst,Model at noise.number)
+        yuima.warn("Cholesky method for simulating fGn has been used.")
+      } else {
+        dW<-WoodChanfGn(grid, Model at hurst,Model at noise.number)
+      }
+    } else {
+      # delta<-(Terminal-Initial)/n
+      delta <- samp at delta
+      if(!is.Poisson(Model)){ # if pure CP no need to setup dW
+        dW <- rnorm(samp at n * Model at noise.number, 0, sqrt(delta))
+        dW <- matrix(dW, ncol=samp at n, nrow=Model at noise.number,byrow=TRUE)
+      } else {
+        dW <- matrix(0,ncol=samp at n,nrow=1)  # maybe to be fixed
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    dW <- increment.W
+  }
+  if(missing(xinit)){
+    if(length(object at model@xinit)!=0){
+      xinit<-numeric(length=length(object at model@xinit))
+      for(i in c(1:object at model@equation.number))
+        xinit[i] <- eval(object at model@xinit[i])
+    }else{
+      xinit <- rep(0,object at model@equation.number)
+      object at model@xinit<-xinit
+    }
+  }
+  if(missing(hurst)){
+    hurst<-0.5
+  }
+  if(samp at regular){
+    tForMeas<-samp at delta
+    NumbIncr<-samp at n
+    if(missing(true.parameter)){
+      eval(parse(text= paste0("measureparam$",
+                              object at model@time.variable," <- tForMeas",collapse="")))
+    }else{
+      measureparam<-true.parameter[object at model@parameter at measure]
+      eval(parse(text= paste0("measureparam$",
+                              object at model@time.variable," <- tForMeas",collapse="")))
+    }
+    Noise.L <- t(rand(object = randomGenerator, n=NumbIncr, param=measureparam))
+    rownames(Noise.L)<-Model at solve.variable
+    #dIncr <- apply(cbind(0,Noise.L),1,diff)
+    Noise.count <- Noise.L[object at PPR@counting.var,]
+    Noise.Laux <- Noise.L
+    for(i in c(1:length(object at PPR@counting.var))){
+      Noise.Laux[object at PPR@counting.var[i],]<-0
+    }  
+  }
+    myenv<-new.env()
+    par.len <- length(object at PPR@allparam)
+    if(par.len>0){
+      for(i in 1:par.len){
+        pars <- object at PPR@allparam[i]
+        for(j in 1:length(true.parameter)){
+          if( is.na(match(pars, names(true.parameter)[j]))!=TRUE){
+            assign(object at PPR@allparam[i], true.parameter[[j]],myenv)
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    assign("dL",Noise.Laux,myenv)
+    CovariateSim<- eulerPPR(xinit=xinit,yuima=object,dW=dW, 
+             Initial=samp at Initial,Terminal=samp at Terminal,
+             env=myenv)
+    rownames(CovariateSim)<- Model at solve.variable
+    assign("info.PPR", object at PPR, myenv)
+    dimCov <- length(object at PPR@covariates)
+    if (dimCov>0){
+      for(j in c(1:dimCov)){
+        assign(object at PPR@covariates[j],
+               as.numeric(CovariateSim[object at PPR@covariates[j],1]),
+               envir = myenv)
+      }
+    }
+    ExprHaz <- constHazIntPr(g.Fun = object at gFun@formula,
+       Kern.Fun = object at Kernel, covariates = object at PPR@covariates,
+       counting.var = object at PPR@counting.var)$Intens
+    # Start Simulation PPR
+    compErrHazR4 <- function(samp, Kern,
+                             capitalTime, Model, 
+                             my.env, ExprHaz, Time, dN, 
+                             Index, pos){
+      assign(Kern at variable.Integral@var.time, Time, envir = my.env)
+      assign(Model at time.variable, capitalTime, envir = my.env)
+      l <- 1
+      for(i in c(1:length(Kern at variable.Integral@var.dx)) ){
+        if(any(Kern at variable.Integral@var.dx[i]==my.env$info.PPR at counting.var)){
+          assign(paste0("d",Kern at variable.Integral@var.dx[i]), dN[l,], envir =my.env)
+          l <- l + 1
+        }
+        if(Kern at variable.Integral@var.dx[i]%in%my.env$info.PPR at covariates){  
+          assign(paste0("d",Kern at variable.Integral@var.dx[i]),
+                 diff(c(0,my.env[[Kern at variable.Integral@var.dx[i]]])) , 
+                 envir =my.env)
+        }
+      }
+      condPointIngrid <- samp at grid[[1]]<=my.env$t
+      PointIngridInt <- samp at grid[[1]][condPointIngrid]
+      CondJumpGrid <- PointIngridInt %in% my.env$s
+      assign("CondJumpGrid", CondJumpGrid, envir = my.env)
+      Lambda <- NULL
+      #  for(h in c(1:Index)){
+      #      Lambdadum <- eval(ExprHaz[[h]], envir = my.env)
+      #      Lambda <- rbind(Lambda,Lambdadum)
+      #  
+      Lambda <- eval(ExprHaz[[pos]], envir = my.env)
+      #    rownames(Lambda) <- my.env$info.PPR at counting.var
+      return(Lambda)
+    }
+    dN <- matrix(0,object at gFun@dimension[1],object at gFun@dimension[2])
+    grid <- samp at grid[[1]]
+    const <- -log(runif(gFun at dimension[1]))
+    condMyTR <- const<delta
+    while(any(condMyTR)){
+      if(sum(condMyTR)==0){
+        const <- -log(runif(length(condMyTR)))
+        condMyTR <- const<delta
+      }else{
+        const[condMyTR] <- -log(runif(sum(condMyTR)))
+        condMyTR <- const<delta
+      }
+    }
+    jumpT<-NULL
+    i <- 1
+    dimGrid <-length(grid)
+    cond <- const
+    Index <- gFun at dimension[1]
+    inter_i <- rep(i,Index)
+    noExit<-rep(T,Index)
+    while(any(noExit)){
+      for(j in c(1:Index)){
+        HazardRate<-0
+        while(cond[j]>0 && noExit[j]){
+          lambda<-compErrHazR4(samp, Kern, capitalTime=samp at grid[[1]][inter_i[j]], 
+                               Model, myenv, ExprHaz, Time=jumpT, dN, Index, j)
+          # lambda<-hawkesInt(mu=mu, alpha=alpha, beta=beta,
+          #                   timet=grid[i], JumpT=jumpT)
+          incrlambda <- lambda*delta
+          HazardRate <- HazardRate+incrlambda
+          cond[j] <- const[j]-HazardRate
+          inter_i[j]<-inter_i[j]+1
+          if(inter_i[j]>=(dimGrid-1)){
+            noExit[j] <- FALSE
+          }
+          if(inter_i[j]<dim(CovariateSim)[2]){  
+            dimCov <- length(object at PPR@covariates)
+            if (dimCov>0){
+              for(j in c(1:dimCov)){
+                # my.covdata <- simMod at data@original.data[1:i,object at PPR@covariates[j]]
+                # names(my.covdata) <-simMod at sampling@grid[[1]][1:i]
+                # 
+                # assign(object at PPR@covariates[j],
+                #        my.covdata,
+                #        envir = my.env)
+                assign(object at PPR@covariates[j],
+                       as.numeric(CovariateSim[object at PPR@covariates[j],1:inter_i[j]]),
+                       envir = myenv)
+              }
+            }  
+            # Line 354 necessary for the development of the code.
+            # cat("\n ", i, grid[i])
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      i <- min(inter_i)
+      if(any(noExit)){
+        if(i<dim(CovariateSim)[2]){ 
+          jumpT<-c(jumpT,grid[i])
+          if(dim(dN)[2]==1 & all(dN[,1]==0)){
+            dN[i==inter_i,1] <- Noise.count[i-1]
+            Noise.Laux[object at PPR@counting.var,i-1]<-Noise.count[i-1]
+            dumdN <- dN
+          }else{
+            dumdN <- rep(0,Index)
+            dumdN[i==inter_i] <- Noise.count[i-1] 
+            Noise.Laux[object at PPR@counting.var,i-1] <- dumdN[i==inter_i] 
+            dN <- cbind(dN,dumdN)
+          }
+          cat("\n ", i, grid[i])
+          assign("dL",Noise.Laux,myenv)
+          CovariateSim<- eulerPPR(xinit=xinit,yuima=object,dW=dW,
+                                  Initial=samp at Initial,Terminal=samp at Terminal,
+                                  env=myenv)
+          rownames(CovariateSim)<- Model at solve.variable
+          const <- -log(runif(object at gFun@dimension[1]))
+          condMyTR <- const<delta
+          while(any(condMyTR)){
+            if(sum(condMyTR)==0){
+              const <- -log(runif(length(condMyTR)))
+              condMyTR <- const<delta
+            }else{
+              const[condMyTR] <- -log(runif(sum(condMyTR)))
+              condMyTR <- const<delta
+            }
+          }
+          cond <- const
+          if(all(noExit)){
+            inter_i <- rep(i, Index)
+          }else{
+            if(any(noExit)){
+              inter_i[noExit] <- i
+              inter_i[!noExit] <- samp at n+1 
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }  
+    }
+    tsX <- ts(data=t(CovariateSim), deltat=delta, start=object at sampling@Initial)
+    object at data <- setData(original.data=tsX)
+    for(i in 1:length(object at data@zoo.data))
+      index(object at data@zoo.data[[i]]) <- object at sampling@grid[[1]]  ## to be fixed
+    #object at model@hurst <-tmphurst
+    if(missing(subsampling))
+      return(object)
+    subsampling(object, subsampling)
 aux.simulatPPRROldNew<-function(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
                           xinit = xinit, true.parameter = true.parameter,
                           space.discretized = space.discretized, increment.W = increment.W,

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