[Yuima-commits] r583 - in pkg/yuima: . R inst inst/ybook man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jan 26 06:55:35 CET 2017

Author: iacus
Date: 2017-01-26 06:55:35 +0100 (Thu, 26 Jan 2017)
New Revision: 583

added ybook R code

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2017-01-26 01:02:31 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2017-01-26 05:55:35 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs
-Version: 1.5.6
+Version: 1.5.7
 Depends: R(>= 2.10.0), methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm, cubature, mvtnorm
 Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.1)
 Author: YUIMA Project Team

Modified: pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2017-01-26 01:02:31 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2017-01-26 05:55:35 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
 ## function which we want to expose to the user
 ## all other functions are used internally by the
 ## package
 export(setModel) ## builds sde model

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/yuima.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/yuima.R	2017-01-26 01:02:31 UTC (rev 582)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/yuima.R	2017-01-26 05:55:35 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
-yuima.stop <- function(x) 
+ybook <- function(chapter){
+    chapter <- as.integer(chapter[1])
+    if(chapter %in% 1:7){
+     file.show(file.path(.libPaths()[1],"yuima","ybook",sprintf("chapter%d.R",chapter)))
+    } else {
+      cat("\nPlease choose an integer number within 1 and 7")
+    }
+yuima.stop <- function(x)
 stop(sprintf("\nYUIMA: %s\n", x))
 yuima.warn <- function(x) 

Added: pkg/yuima/inst/ybook/chapter1.R
--- pkg/yuima/inst/ybook/chapter1.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/inst/ybook/chapter1.R	2017-01-26 05:55:35 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+### R code from vignette source '/Users/jago/Dropbox (VOICES)/yuima-book/chapter1.Rnw'
+### code chunk number 1: chapter1.Rnw:3-6
+options(continue="  ")
+### code chunk number 2: chapter1.Rnw:110-112
+### code chunk number 3: chapter1.Rnw:115-118
+mod <- lm(dist~speed, data=cars)
+### code chunk number 4: chapter1.Rnw:121-122
+### code chunk number 5: chapter1.Rnw:125-126
+### code chunk number 6: chapter1.Rnw:130-135
+x <- 1:4
+class(x) <- "lm"
+### code chunk number 7: chapter1.Rnw:140-146
+y <- rnorm(100, mean=1.5)
+f <- function(theta=0) -sum(dnorm(x=y, mean=theta,log=TRUE))
+fit <- mle(f)
+### code chunk number 8: chapter1.Rnw:149-150
+### code chunk number 9: chapter1.Rnw:153-154
+fit at coef
+### code chunk number 10: chapter1.Rnw:157-158
+### code chunk number 11: chapter1.Rnw:165-166 (eval = FALSE)
+## install.packages("yuima")
+### code chunk number 12: chapter1.Rnw:176-177 (eval = FALSE)
+## install.packages("yuima",repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
+### code chunk number 13: chapter1.Rnw:181-183 (eval = FALSE)
+## install.packages("yuima",repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org", 
+##   type="source")
+### code chunk number 14: chapter1.Rnw:188-189
+### code chunk number 15: chapter1.Rnw:288-289
+mod1 <- setModel(drift = "-3*x", diffusion = "1/(1+x^2)")
+### code chunk number 16: chapter1.Rnw:295-296
+### code chunk number 17: chapter1.Rnw:302-303
+### code chunk number 18: chapter1.Rnw:315-317
+mod1b <- setModel(drift = "-3*s*y", diffusion = "1/(1+y^2)", 
+state.var="y", time.var="s")
+### code chunk number 19: chapter1.Rnw:320-322
+tmp <- capture.output(str(mod1b))
+### code chunk number 20: chapter1.Rnw:334-335
+mod2 <- setModel(drift = "-mu*x", diffusion = "1/(1+x^gamma)")
+### code chunk number 21: chapter1.Rnw:340-342
+capture.output(str(mod2)) -> tmp
+### code chunk number 22: chapter1.Rnw:345-346
+### code chunk number 23: sim-mod1
+X <- simulate(mod1)
+### code chunk number 24: plot-mod1
+### code chunk number 25: chapter1.Rnw:370-374
+### code chunk number 26: plot-mod1bis
+x0 <- 1
+X <- simulate(mod1, xinit=x0)
+### code chunk number 27: chapter1.Rnw:390-394
+### code chunk number 28: chapter1.Rnw:401-402
+str(X at data,vec.len=2)
+### code chunk number 29: chapter1.Rnw:405-406
+str(X at sampling,vec.len=2)
+### code chunk number 30: chapter1.Rnw:411-413
+tmp <- capture.output(str(X))
+### code chunk number 31: chapter1.Rnw:416-417
+### code chunk number 32: plot-mod1ter
+x0 <- 1
+X <- simulate(mod1, xinit=x0, Initial=0.5, Terminal=1.2)
+### code chunk number 33: chapter1.Rnw:428-432
+### code chunk number 34: chapter1.Rnw:439-440
+str(X at sampling,vec.len=2)
+### code chunk number 35: plot-mod1b
+X <- simulate(mod1b, xinit=x0)
+### code chunk number 36: chapter1.Rnw:458-462
+### code chunk number 37: sim-mod2
+X <- simulate(mod2,true.param=list(mu=1,gamma=3))
+### code chunk number 38: plot-mod2
+### code chunk number 39: setModel1
+sol <- c("x1","x2") # variable for numerical solution
+b <- c("-theta*x1","-x1-gamma*x2")   # drift vector 
+s <- matrix(c("1","x1","0","delta","x2","0"),2,3)  #  diffusion matrix
+mymod <- setModel(drift = b, diffusion = s, solve.variable = sol)
+### code chunk number 40: chapter1.Rnw:551-552
+samp <- setSampling(Terminal=3, n=3000)
+### code chunk number 41: chapter1.Rnw:555-556
+### code chunk number 42: chapter1.Rnw:560-564
+X2 <- simulate(mymod, sampling=samp, 
+ true.param=list(theta=1,gamma=1,delta=1))
+### code chunk number 43: chapter1.Rnw:567-568
+str(X2 at sampling)
+### code chunk number 44: sub1
+newsamp <- setSampling(
+random=list(rdist=c( function(x) rexp(x, rate=10), 
+function(x) rexp(x, rate=20))) )
+### code chunk number 45: sub2
+newdata <- subsampling(X2, sampling=newsamp)
+plot(X2,plot.type="single", lty=c(1,3),ylab="X2")
+### code chunk number 46: plot-sub2
+plot(X2,plot.type="single", lty=c(1,3),ylab="X2")
+### code chunk number 47: sub3
+newsamp <- setSampling(Terminal=3, delta=c(0.1,0.2), n=NULL)
+newdata <- subsampling(X2, sampling=newsamp)
+plot(X2,plot.type="single", lty=c(1,3),ylab="X2")
+points(get.zoo.data(newdata)[[2]],col="green", pch=18)
+### code chunk number 48: plot-sub3
+plot(X2,plot.type="single", lty=c(1,3),ylab="X2")
+points(get.zoo.data(newdata)[[2]],col="green", pch=18)
+### code chunk number 49: chapter1.Rnw:629-630
+str(newdata at sampling)
+### code chunk number 50: sub4
+Y.sub <- simulate(mymod,sampling=setSampling(delta=0.001,n=1000),
+ subsampling=setSampling(delta=0.01,n=100), 
+ true.par=list(theta=1,delta=1,gamma=1))
+Y <- simulate(mymod, sampling=setSampling(delta=0.001,n=1000),
+  true.par=list(theta=1,delta=1,gamma=1))
+plot(Y, plot.type="single")
+### code chunk number 51: plot-sub4
+plot(Y, plot.type="single")
+### code chunk number 52: sub5
+plot(Y.sub, plot.type="single")
+### code chunk number 53: plot-sub5
+plot(Y.sub, plot.type="single")
+### code chunk number 54: chapter1.Rnw:675-677
+### code chunk number 55: chapter1.Rnw:681-682 (eval = FALSE)
+## my.yuima <- setYuima(data=setData(X), model=mod)
+### code chunk number 56: chapter1.Rnw:688-690
+data <- read.csv("http://chart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=IBM&g=d&x=.csv", 
+ stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
+### code chunk number 57: chapter1.Rnw:694-695
+### code chunk number 58: chapter1.Rnw:698-700
+tmp <- zoo(data$Close,order.by=as.Date(data$Date, format="%Y-%m-%d"))
+### code chunk number 59: chapter1.Rnw:704-706
+x <- setYuima(data=setData(tmp))
+str(x at data)
+### code chunk number 60: chapter1.Rnw:713-715
+y <- setYuima(data=setData(tmp, delta=1/252))
+str(y at data)
+### code chunk number 61: setData
+plot(x, main="data with the original time stamps")
+plot(y, main="time stamps of data rescaled")
+### code chunk number 62: plot-setData
+par(mar=c(4,4,2,0), mfrow=c(2,1))
+plot(x, main="data with the original time stamps")
+plot(y, main="time stamps of data rescaled")
+### code chunk number 63: chapter1.Rnw:736-738
+### code chunk number 64: quantmod
+attr(IBM, "src")
+### code chunk number 65: chapter1.Rnw:753-755
+attr(IBM, "src")
+### code chunk number 66: chapter1.Rnw:758-763
+attr(DEXUSEU, "src")
+attr(EURUSD, "src")
+### code chunk number 67: chapter1.Rnw:768-771
+X <- yahooSeries("IBM")
+### code chunk number 68: chapter1.Rnw:774-776
+X <- yahooImport("IBM")
+### code chunk number 69: chapter1.Rnw:783-789
+x <- get.hist.quote("IBM")
+x <- get.hist.quote(instrument = "EUR/USD", provider = "oanda", 
+ start = Sys.Date() - 300)
+### code chunk number 70: chapter1.Rnw:801-803
+mydat <- get.zoo.data(y)[[1]]
+### code chunk number 71: chapter1.Rnw:806-808
+str(y at data@original.data)
+head(y at data@original.data)
+### code chunk number 72: chapter1.Rnw:826-829
+some.data <- rnorm(12)
+### code chunk number 73: chapter1.Rnw:832-834
+X <- ts(some.data, frequency = 4, start = c(1961, 2))
+### code chunk number 74: chapter1.Rnw:837-840
+X <- ts(some.data, start = c(1964, 2), frequency = 12)
+### code chunk number 75: chapter1.Rnw:845-850
+### code chunk number 76: chapter1.Rnw:853-854
+window(X, frequency=4)
+### code chunk number 77: chapter1.Rnw:860-864
+X <- zoo( some.data )
+### code chunk number 78: chapter1.Rnw:867-868
+### code chunk number 79: chapter1.Rnw:871-873
+rtimes <- cumsum(rexp(12,rate=0.2))
+### code chunk number 80: chapter1.Rnw:876-879
+X <- zoo( rnorm(12), order.by = rtimes)
+### code chunk number 81: chapter1.Rnw:882-884
+Xreg <- zooreg(some.data, start = c(1964, 2),  frequency = 12)
+### code chunk number 82: chapter1.Rnw:887-890
+Y <- as.ts(X)
+### code chunk number 83: chapter1.Rnw:894-900
+my.time.stamps <- as.Date(rtimes)
+X <- xts( some.data , order.by = my.time.stamps)
+### code chunk number 84: chapter1.Rnw:905-911
+X.ts <- ts(some.data, start = c(1964, 2), frequency = 12)
+X.zoo <- as.zoo(X.ts)
+X.xts <- as.xts(X.ts)
+### code chunk number 85: xts
+### code chunk number 86: chapter1.Rnw:919-923
+### code chunk number 87: chapter1.Rnw:936-940
+X <- irts( rtimes, some.data)
+### code chunk number 88: chapter1.Rnw:946-950
+X <- timeSeries( some.data,  my.time.stamps)
+### code chunk number 89: chapter1.Rnw:959-961
+d <- ISOdate(2008,7,3)
+### code chunk number 90: chapter1.Rnw:964-965
+### code chunk number 91: chapter1.Rnw:969-970
+### code chunk number 92: chapter1.Rnw:973-975
+### code chunk number 93: chapter1.Rnw:979-993
+format(d,"%a") # week day
+format(d,"%b") # month
+format(d,"%c") # full date
+format(d,"%D") # yy/dd/mm
+format(d,"%T") # hh:mm:ss
+format(d,"%A %B  %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
+format(d,"%A   %d/%m/%Y")
+format(d,"%d/%m/%Y (%A)")
+### code chunk number 94: chapter1.Rnw:997-999
+x <- c("10jan1962", "2feb1970", "11jul2011", "27jun1968")
+strptime(x, "%d%b%Y")
+### code chunk number 95: chapter1.Rnw:1002-1007
+Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "it_it")
+strptime(x, "%d%b%Y")
+Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "en_GB")
+strptime(x, "%d%b%Y")
+### code chunk number 96: chapter1.Rnw:1010-1012
+### code chunk number 97: chapter1.Rnw:1016-1018
+### code chunk number 98: chapter1.Rnw:1021-1022
+ISOdate(2006,7,10) - ISOdate(2005, 3, 1)
+### code chunk number 99: chapter1.Rnw:1025-1027
+my.dates <- timeDate(c("2001-01-09", "2001-02-25")) 
+### code chunk number 100: chapter1.Rnw:1030-1031
+### code chunk number 101: chapter1.Rnw:1034-1038
+dA <- timeDate("2011-02-05", Fin="Europe/Zurich") 
+dB <- timeDate("2016-01-22", Fin="America/Chicago") 
+### code chunk number 102: chapter1.Rnw:1046-1050
+mydata <- rnorm(9) 
+chardata <- sprintf("2010-0%s-01", 9:1) 
+### code chunk number 103: chapter1.Rnw:1053-1056
+X1 <- zoo(mydata, as.Date(chardata))
+X2 <- xts(mydata, as.Date(chardata))
+X3 <- timeSeries(mydata, chardata)
+### code chunk number 104: chapter1.Rnw:1059-1062
+### code chunk number 105: chapter1.Rnw:1065-1071
+zA <- zoo(mydata, as.POSIXct(chardata))
+zB <- zoo(mydata, ISOdatetime(2016, 9:1, 1, 0,0,0))
+zC <- zoo(mydata, ISOdate(2016, 9:1, 1, 0))
+### code chunk number 106: chapter1.Rnw:1076-1090
+val1 <- rnorm(9) 
+val2 <- rnorm(6) 
+mydate1 <- ISOdate(2016,1:9,1)
+mydate2 <- ISOdate(2015,6:11,1)
+Z1 <- zoo(val1, mydate1)
+Z2 <- zoo(val2, mydate2)
+X1 <- xts(val1, mydate1)
+X2 <- xts(val2, mydate2)
+W1 <- timeSeries(val1, mydate1)
+W2 <- timeSeries(val2, mydate2)
+### code chunk number 107: chapter1.Rnw:1093-1095
+mydate2 <- ISOdate(2016,4:9,1)
+Z2 <- zoo(val2, mydate2)
+### code chunk number 108: chapter1.Rnw:1098-1099 (eval = FALSE)
+## rbind(Z1,Z2)
+### code chunk number 109: chapter1.Rnw:1101-1102
+### code chunk number 110: chapter1.Rnw:1105-1109
+X2 <- xts(val2, mydate2)
+W2 <- timeSeries(val2, mydate2)
+### code chunk number 111: chapter1.Rnw:1113-1115
+### code chunk number 112: chapter1.Rnw:1118-1119
+### code chunk number 113: chapter1.Rnw:1122-1124
+W2 <- timeSeries(val2, mydate2, units="MyData")
+### code chunk number 114: chapter1.Rnw:1127-1131
+mydate1 <- ISOdate(2016,1:9,1)
+mydate2 <- ISOdate(2015,6:11,1)
+W1 <- timeSeries(val1, mydate1)
+W2 <- timeSeries(val2, mydate2)
+### code chunk number 115: chapter1.Rnw:1134-1135
+### code chunk number 116: chapter1.Rnw:1138-1139
+### code chunk number 117: chapter1.Rnw:1142-1144
+sort( rbind(W2,W1) )
+sort( rbind(W2,W1), decr=TRUE)
+### code chunk number 118: chapter1.Rnw:1147-1149
+### code chunk number 119: chapter1.Rnw:1155-1158
+### code chunk number 120: chapter1.Rnw:1162-1164
+### code chunk number 121: chapter1.Rnw:1167-1168
+### code chunk number 122: chapter1.Rnw:1171-1174
+mydate <- as.Date(sprintf("2006-08-%.2d",20:10))
+quotes[mydate, 5:9]
+### code chunk number 123: chapter1.Rnw:1178-1181
+initial <- as.Date("2007-05-15")
+terminal <- as.Date("2007-05-21")
+quotes[ (time(quotes) >= initial) & (time(quotes)<= terminal), 4:9]
+### code chunk number 124: chapter1.Rnw:1188-1190
+mod2 <- setModel(drift = "-mu*x", diffusion = "1/(1+x^gamma)")
+### code chunk number 125: chapter1.Rnw:1193-1194
+### code chunk number 126: chapter1.Rnw:1197-1198
+### code chunk number 127: chapter1.Rnw:1201-1205
+sol <- c("x1","x2") # variable for numerical solution
+b <- c("-theta*x1","-x1-gamma*x2")   # drift vector 
+s <- matrix(c("1","x1","0","delta","x2","0"),2,3)  #  diff. matrix
+mymod <- setModel(drift = b, diffusion = s, solve.variable = sol)
+### code chunk number 128: chapter1.Rnw:1208-1209
+### code chunk number 129: chapter1.Rnw:1217-1218 (eval = FALSE)
+## install.packages("yuimaGUI")
+### code chunk number 130: chapter1.Rnw:1222-1224 (eval = FALSE)
+## library(yuimaGUI)
+## yuimaGUI()

Added: pkg/yuima/inst/ybook/chapter2.R
--- pkg/yuima/inst/ybook/chapter2.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/inst/ybook/chapter2.R	2017-01-26 05:55:35 UTC (rev 583)
@@ -0,0 +1,1485 @@
+### R code from vignette source '/Users/jago/Dropbox (VOICES)/yuima-book/chapter2.Rnw'
+### code chunk number 1: chapter2.Rnw:3-6
+options(continue="  ")
+### code chunk number 2: chapter2.Rnw:25-28
+mod1 <- setModel(drift = "-3*x", diffusion = "1/(1+x^2)", 
+ xinit="rnorm(1)")
+### code chunk number 3: plot-mod1diff
+x1 <- simulate(mod1)
+x2 <- simulate(mod1)
+### code chunk number 4: chapter2.Rnw:42-51
+x1 <- simulate(mod1)
+x2 <- simulate(mod1)
+### code chunk number 5: chapter2.Rnw:58-62
+mod2 <- setModel(drift = "-3*x", diffusion = "1/(1+x^2)", 
+ xinit="rnorm(1, mean=mu)")
+### code chunk number 6: chapter2.Rnw:66-67 (eval = FALSE)
+## x <- simulate(mod2, true.par=list(mu=1))
+### code chunk number 7: plot-mod1diff2
+mod1 <- setModel(drift = "-3*x", diffusion = "1/(1+x^2)")
+x1 <- simulate(mod1, xinit=1)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/yuima -r 583

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