[Yuima-commits] r466 - in pkg/yuimaGUI: . inst/yuimaGUI inst/yuimaGUI/www

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Sep 22 17:25:11 CEST 2016

Author: phoenix844
Date: 2016-09-22 17:25:10 +0200 (Thu, 22 Sep 2016)
New Revision: 466

added COGARACH estimation

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/DESCRIPTION	2016-09-20 16:05:02 UTC (rev 465)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/DESCRIPTION	2016-09-22 15:25:10 UTC (rev 466)
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 Package: yuimaGUI
 Type: Package
 Title: A Graphical User Interface for the Yuima Package
-Version: 0.7.2
+Version: 0.7.3
 Author: YUIMA Project Team
 Maintainer: Emanuele Guidotti <emanuele.guidotti at studenti.unimi.it>
 Description: Provides a graphical user interface for the yuima package.
 License: GPL-2
-Depends: R(>= 3.0.0), DT, shinyjs, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyBS, yuima, quantmod, sde
+Depends: R(>= 3.0.0)
+Imports: DT (>= 0.2), shinyjs, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyBS, yuima, quantmod, sde

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/global.R
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/global.R	2016-09-20 16:05:02 UTC (rev 465)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/global.R	2016-09-22 15:25:10 UTC (rev 466)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
@@ -138,18 +138,19 @@
     if (symb %in% names(yuimaGUIdata$series))
       alreadyIn <- c(alreadyIn, symb)
-      temp <- data.frame("Index" = rownames(x), symb = as.numeric(as.character(x[,symb])))
+      temp <- data.frame("Index" = rownames(x), "symb" = as.numeric(as.character(x[,symb])))
       temp <- temp[complete.cases(temp), ]
       rownames(temp) <- temp[,"Index"]
+      colnames(temp) <- c("Index", symb)
       if (typeIndex=="numeric"){
-        test <- try(read.zoo(temp, FUN=as.numeric))
+        test <- try(read.zoo(temp, FUN=as.numeric, drop = FALSE))
         if (class(test)!="try-error")
           yuimaGUIdata$series[[symb]] <<- test
           err <- c(err, symb)
-        test <- try(read.zoo(temp, FUN=as.Date, format = typeIndex))
+        test <- try(read.zoo(temp, FUN=as.Date, format = typeIndex, drop = FALSE))
         if (class(test)!="try-error")
           yuimaGUIdata$series[[symb]] <<- test
@@ -192,14 +193,15 @@
                     "Compound Poisson" = "Linear Intensity",
                     "Compound Poisson" = "Power Low Intensity",
                     "Compound Poisson" = "Exponentially Decaying Intensity",
-                    "Compound Poisson" = "Periodic Intensity"
+                    "Compound Poisson" = "Periodic Intensity",
+                    "COGARCH" = "Noise - Compound Poisson"
 defaultJumps <- c("Gaussian", "Uniform")
-defaultBounds <- function(name, jumps = NULL, lower = NA, upper = NA){
-  if (name %in% names(isolate({usr_models$model}))){
-    par <- setModelByName(name = name, jumps = jumps)@parameter at all
+defaultBounds <- function(name, jumps = NULL, lower = NA, upper = NA, p_C = NA, q_C = NA){
+  if (name %in% c(names(isolate({usr_models$model})), defaultModels[names(defaultModels)=="COGARCH"])){
+    par <- setModelByName(name = name, jumps = jumps,  p_C = p_C, q_C = q_C)@parameter at all
     startmin <- rep(lower, length(par))
     startmax <- rep(upper, length(par))
     names(startmin) <- par
@@ -279,6 +281,7 @@
 estimateJumps <- function(data, jumps, threshold = 0){
   if (is.na(threshold)) threshold <- 0
+  data <- as.numeric(data)
   x <- na.omit(diff(data))
   x <- x[abs(x) > threshold]
   param <- switch (jumps,
@@ -289,7 +292,11 @@
-setModelByName <- function(name, jumps = NULL){
+setModelByName <- function(name, jumps = NULL, p_C = NA, q_C = NA){
+  if (name %in% defaultModels[names(defaultModels=="COGARCH")]){
+    if (name == "Noise - Compound Poisson")
+      return(yuima::setCogarch(p = p_C, q = q_C, measure = list(intensity = "lambda", df = setJumps(jumps)), measure.type = "CP", XinExpr=TRUE)) 
+  }
   if (name %in% names(isolate({usr_models$model}))){
     if (isolate({usr_models$model[[name]]$class=="Diffusion process"}))
@@ -370,6 +377,9 @@
+  if (process=="COGARCH"){
+    return(paste("$$","COGARCH(p,q)","$$"))
+  }
@@ -460,10 +470,12 @@
-addModel <- function(modName, modClass, jumps, symbName, data, delta, start, startMin, startMax, tries, seed, method="BFGS", fixed = list(), lower, upper, joint=FALSE, aggregation=TRUE, threshold=NULL, session, anchorId){
+addModel <- function(modName, modClass, p_C, q_C, jumps, symbName, data, delta, start, startMin, startMax, tries, seed, method="BFGS", fixed = list(), lower, upper, joint=FALSE, aggregation=TRUE, threshold=NULL, session, anchorId){
   info <- list(
     class = modClass,
     modName = modName,
+    p = p_C,
+    q = q_C,
     jumps = ifelse(is.null(jumps),NA,jumps),
     delta = delta,
@@ -491,44 +503,88 @@
   fixed <- clearNA(fixed)
   lower <- clearNA(lower)
   upper <- clearNA(upper)
-  model <- setYuima(data = setData(data, delta = delta), model=setModelByName(name = modName, jumps = jumps))
-  parameters <- setModelByName(name = modName, jumps = jumps)@parameter
-  if (!is.null(jumps)){
-    jumpParam <- estimateJumps(data = data, jumps = jumps, threshold = threshold)
-    for (i in names(jumpParam)) if (is.null(start[[i]])) start[[i]] <- jumpParam[[i]]
-  }
-  if (all(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed)))){
-    QMLE <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #REMOVE# joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
-                 threshold = threshold))
+  model <- setYuima(data = setData(data, delta = delta), model=setModelByName(name = modName, jumps = jumps, q_C = q_C, p_C = p_C))
+  index(model at data@original.data) <- index(data)
+  parameters <- setModelByName(name = modName, jumps = jumps, q_C = q_C, p_C = p_C)@parameter
+  if (modName == "Geometric Brownian Motion" | modName == "gBm"){
+    X <- as.numeric(na.omit(Delt(data, type = "log")))
+    alpha <- mean(X)/delta
+    sigma <- sqrt(var(X)/delta)
+    mu <- alpha +0.5*sigma^2
+    if (is.null(start$sigma)) start$sigma <- sigma
+    if (is.null(start$mu)) start$mu <- mu
+    QMLE <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper))
     if (class(QMLE)=="try-error"){
-      createAlert(session = session, anchorId = anchorId, content = paste("Unable to estimate ", modName," on ", symbName, ". Try to use 'Advanced Settings' and customize estimation.", sep = ""), style = "danger")
+      createAlert(session = session, anchorId = anchorId, content =  paste("Unable to estimate ", modName," on ", symbName, ". Try to use 'Advanced Settings' and customize estimation.", sep = ""), style = "danger")
+  } 
+  else if (modClass=="COGARCH") {
+    if (all(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed))))
+      QMLE <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #REMOVE# joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
+                       threshold = threshold, grideq = TRUE))
+    else {
+      miss <- parameters at all[!(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed)))]
+      m2logL_prec <- NA
+      na_prec <- NA
+      withProgress(message = 'Step: ', value = 0, {
+        for(iter in 1:tries){
+          incProgress(1/tries, detail = paste(iter,"(/", tries ,")"))
+          for(j in 1:3){
+            for (i in miss)
+              start[[i]] <- runif(1, min = max(lower[[i]],startMin[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max = min(upper[[i]],startMax[[i]],na.rm = TRUE))
+            QMLEtemp <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
+                                 threshold = threshold, grideq = TRUE))
+            if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error") if (all(!is.na(summary(QMLEtemp)@coef[,"Estimate"])))
+              break
+          }
+          if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error") if (all(!is.na(summary(QMLEtemp)@coef[,"Estimate"]))){
+            repeat{
+              m2logL <- summary(QMLEtemp)@objFunVal
+              coefTable <- summary(QMLEtemp)@coef
+              for (param in rownames(coefTable))
+                start[[param]] <- as.numeric(coefTable[param,"Estimate"])
+              QMLEtemp <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
+                               threshold = threshold, grideq = TRUE))
+              if (class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error") break
+              else if(summary(QMLEtemp)@objFunVal>=m2logL*abs(sign(m2logL)-0.001)) break
+            }
+            if(is.na(m2logL_prec) & class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error"){
+              QMLE <- QMLEtemp
+              m2logL_prec <- summary(QMLE)@objFunVal
+              na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+            }
+            else if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error"){
+              if (sum(is.na(coefTable)) < na_prec){
+                QMLE <- QMLEtemp
+                m2logL_prec <- summary(QMLE)@objFunVal
+                na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+              }
+              else {
+                test <- summary(QMLEtemp)@objFunVal
+                if(test < m2logL_prec & sum(is.na(coefTable))==na_prec){
+                  QMLE <- QMLEtemp
+                  m2logL_prec <- test
+                  na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (iter==tries & class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error" & !exists("QMLE")){
+            createAlert(session = session, anchorId = anchorId, content =  paste("Unable to estimate ", modName," on ", symbName, ". Try to use 'Advanced Settings' and customize estimation.", sep = ""), style = "danger")
+            return()
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    }
-  else{
-    if (modName == "Geometric Brownian Motion" | modName == "gBm"){
-      X <- as.numeric(na.omit(Delt(data, type = "log")))
-      alpha <- mean(X)/delta
-      sigma <- sqrt(var(X)/delta)
-      mu <- alpha +0.5*sigma^2
-      if (is.null(start$sigma)) start$sigma <- sigma
-      if (is.null(start$mu)) start$mu <- mu
+  else if (modClass == "Compound Poisson") {
+    jumpParam <- estimateJumps(data = data, jumps = jumps, threshold = threshold)
+    for (i in names(jumpParam)) if (is.null(start[[i]])) start[[i]] <- jumpParam[[i]]
+    if (all(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed))))
       QMLE <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #REMOVE# joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
-                   threshold = threshold))
-      if (class(QMLE)=="try-error"){
-        createAlert(session = session, anchorId = anchorId, content =  paste("Unable to estimate ", modName," on ", symbName, ". Try to use 'Advanced Settings' and customize estimation.", sep = ""), style = "danger")
-        return()
-      }
-    #} else if (modName == "Brownian Motion" | modName == "Bm") {
-      #Delta <- ifelse(is.null(delta), 1, delta)
-      #X <- as.numeric(na.omit(Delt(data, type = "arithmetic")))
-      #mu <- mean(X)/Delta
-      #sigma <- sqrt(var(X)/Delta)
-      #if (is.null(start$sigma)) start$sigma <- sigma
-      #if (is.null(start$mu)) start$mu <- mu
-      #QMLE <- qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
-      #             threshold = threshold)
-    } else {
+                        threshold = threshold))
+    else {
       miss <- parameters at all[!(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed)))]
       m2logL_prec <- NA
       na_prec <- NA
@@ -539,22 +595,20 @@
             for (i in miss)
               start[[i]] <- runif(1, min = max(lower[[i]],startMin[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max = min(upper[[i]],startMax[[i]],na.rm = TRUE))
             QMLEtemp <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
-                             threshold = threshold))
-            if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error")
+                                 threshold = threshold))
+            if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error") if (all(!is.na(summary(QMLEtemp)@coef[,"Estimate"])))
-          if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error"){
+          if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error") if (all(!is.na(summary(QMLEtemp)@coef[,"Estimate"]))){
               m2logL <- summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL
               coefTable <- summary(QMLEtemp)@coef
               for (param in names(start))
                 start[[param]] <- as.numeric(coefTable[param,"Estimate"])
               QMLEtemp <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
-                               threshold = threshold))
-              if (class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error")
-                break
-              else if (summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL>=m2logL*abs(sign(m2logL)-0.001))
-                break
+                                   threshold = threshold))
+              if (class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error") break
+              else if (summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL>=m2logL*abs(sign(m2logL)-0.001)) break
             if(is.na(m2logL_prec) & class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error"){
               QMLE <- QMLEtemp
@@ -567,11 +621,73 @@
                 m2logL_prec <- summary(QMLE)@m2logL
                 na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
-              else if(summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL < m2logL_prec & sum(is.na(coefTable))==na_prec){
+              else {
+                test <- summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL
+                if(test < m2logL_prec & sum(is.na(coefTable))==na_prec){
+                  QMLE <- QMLEtemp
+                  m2logL_prec <- test
+                  na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (iter==tries & class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error" & !exists("QMLE")){
+            createAlert(session = session, anchorId = anchorId, content =  paste("Unable to estimate ", modName," on ", symbName, ". Try to use 'Advanced Settings' and customize estimation.", sep = ""), style = "danger")
+            return()
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    if (all(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed))))
+      QMLE <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #REMOVE# joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
+                       threshold = threshold))
+    else {
+      miss <- parameters at all[!(parameters at all %in% c(names(start),names(fixed)))]
+      m2logL_prec <- NA
+      na_prec <- NA
+      withProgress(message = 'Step: ', value = 0, {
+        for(iter in 1:tries){
+          incProgress(1/tries, detail = paste(iter,"(/", tries ,")"))
+          for(j in 1:3){
+            for (i in miss)
+              start[[i]] <- runif(1, min = max(lower[[i]],startMin[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max = min(upper[[i]],startMax[[i]],na.rm = TRUE))
+            QMLEtemp <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
+                                 threshold = threshold))
+            if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error") if (all(!is.na(summary(QMLEtemp)@coef[,"Estimate"])))
+              break
+          }
+          if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error") if (all(!is.na(summary(QMLEtemp)@coef[,"Estimate"]))){
+            repeat{
+              m2logL <- summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL
+              coefTable <- summary(QMLEtemp)@coef
+              for (param in names(start))
+                start[[param]] <- as.numeric(coefTable[param,"Estimate"])
+              QMLEtemp <- try(qmle(model, start = start, fixed = fixed, method = method, lower = lower, upper = upper, #joint = joint, aggregation = aggregation,
+                                   threshold = threshold))
+              if (class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error") break
+              else if (summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL>=m2logL*abs(sign(m2logL)-0.001)) break
+            }
+            if(is.na(m2logL_prec) & class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error"){
+              QMLE <- QMLEtemp
+              m2logL_prec <- summary(QMLE)@m2logL
+              na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+            }
+            else if (class(QMLEtemp)!="try-error"){
+              if (sum(is.na(coefTable)) < na_prec){
                 QMLE <- QMLEtemp
                 m2logL_prec <- summary(QMLE)@m2logL
                 na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+              else {
+                test <- summary(QMLEtemp)@m2logL
+                if(test < m2logL_prec & sum(is.na(coefTable))==na_prec){
+                  QMLE <- QMLEtemp
+                  m2logL_prec <- test
+                  na_prec <- sum(is.na(coefTable))
+                }
+              }
           if (iter==tries & class(QMLEtemp)=="try-error" & !exists("QMLE")){
@@ -583,14 +699,15 @@
   yuimaGUIdata$model[[symbName]][[ifelse(is.null(length(yuimaGUIdata$model[[symbName]])),1,length(yuimaGUIdata$model[[symbName]])+1)]] <<- list(
    model = model,
    qmle = QMLE,
-   aic = AIC(QMLE),
-   bic = BIC(QMLE),
+   aic = ifelse(modClass!="COGARCH", AIC(QMLE), NA),
+   bic = ifelse(modClass!="COGARCH", BIC(QMLE), NA),
    info = info

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/server.R
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/server.R	2016-09-20 16:05:02 UTC (rev 465)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/server.R	2016-09-22 15:25:10 UTC (rev 466)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   ###Display available data
-  output$database1 <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtiS'), extensions = 'Scroller', selection = "multiple", rownames = FALSE,{
+  output$database1 <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', selection = "multiple", rownames = FALSE,{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$series)!=0)
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
   ###Display data available
-  output$database2 <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtiS'), extensions = 'Scroller', selection = "multiple", rownames = FALSE,{
+  output$database2 <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', selection = "multiple", rownames = FALSE,{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$series)!=0)
       return (yuimaGUItable$series)
@@ -258,6 +258,14 @@
     if (input$modelClass!="Diffusion process")
       return(selectInput("jumps",label = "Jumps", choices = defaultJumps))
+  output$pq_C <- renderUI({
+    if (input$modelClass=="COGARCH")
+      return(div(
+        column(6,numericInput("p_C",label = "p", value = 1, min = 1, step = 1)),
+        column(6,numericInput("q_C",label = "q", value = 1, min = 1, step = 1))
+      ))
+  })
   ###Print last selected model in Latex
   output$PrintModelLatex <- renderUI({
@@ -357,7 +365,7 @@
   ###Display Selected Data
   output$database4 <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(order = list(1, 'desc'), scrollY = 150, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = FALSE, selection = "multiple",{
-    if (length(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))==0){
+    if (nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)==0){
       NoData <- data.frame("Symb"=NA,"Select some data from the table beside"=NA, check.names = FALSE)
@@ -401,8 +409,8 @@
-    shinyjs::toggle(id="plotsRangeErrorMessage", condition = length(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))==0)
-    shinyjs::toggle(id="plotsRangeAll", condition = length(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))!=0)
+    shinyjs::toggle(id="plotsRangeErrorMessage", condition = nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)==0)
+    shinyjs::toggle(id="plotsRangeAll", condition = nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)!=0)
   ###Display charts: series and its increments
@@ -513,13 +521,31 @@
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["start"]]) | isolate({input$modelClass!="Diffusion process"}))
           estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["start"]] <<- list()
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["startMin"]]) | isolate({input$modelClass!="Diffusion process"}))
-          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["startMin"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps), lower = -100, upper = 100)$lower
+          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["startMin"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, 
+                                                                              jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps, "COGARCH" = input$jumps), 
+                                                                              p_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$p_C, NA), 
+                                                                              q_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$q_C, NA), 
+                                                                              lower = -100, upper = 100
+                                                                              )$lower
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["startMax"]]) | input$modelClass!="Diffusion process")
-          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["startMax"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps), lower = -100, upper = 100)$upper
+          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["startMax"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, 
+                                                                              jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps, "COGARCH" = input$jumps), 
+                                                                              p_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$p_C, NA), 
+                                                                              q_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$q_C, NA), 
+                                                                              lower = -100, upper = 100
+                                                                              )$upper
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["upper"]]) | input$modelClass!="Diffusion process")
-          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["upper"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps))$upper
+          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["upper"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, 
+                                                                           jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps, "COGARCH" = input$jumps),
+                                                                           p_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$p_C, NA), 
+                                                                           q_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$q_C, NA)
+                                                                           )$upper
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["lower"]]) | input$modelClass!="Diffusion process")
-          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["lower"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps))$lower
+          estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["lower"]] <<- defaultBounds(name = modName, 
+                                                                           jumps = switch(isolate({input$modelClass}), "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps, "COGARCH" = input$jumps),
+                                                                           p_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$p_C, NA), 
+                                                                           q_C = ifelse(isolate({input$modelClass})=="COGARCH", input$q_C, NA)
+                                                                           )$lower
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["method"]]))
           estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["method"]] <<- "L-BFGS-B"
         if (is.null(estimateSettings[[modName]][[symb]][["tries"]]))
@@ -538,13 +564,13 @@
     valid <- TRUE
-    if (is.null(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table)) | is.null(input$model)) valid <- FALSE
+    if (nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)==0 | is.null(input$model)) valid <- FALSE
     else if (input$modelClass!="Diffusion process") if (is.null(input$jumps)) valid <- FALSE
     shinyjs::toggle(id="advancedSettingsAll", condition = valid)
     shinyjs::toggle(id="advancedSettingsErrorMessage", condition = !valid)
   output$advancedSettingsSeries <- renderUI({
-    if (!is.null(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table)))
+    if (nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)!=0)
       selectInput(inputId = "advancedSettingsSeries", label = "Series", choices = rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))
   output$advancedSettingsDelta <- renderUI({
@@ -558,7 +584,7 @@
   output$advancedSettingsParameter <- renderUI({
     if (!is.null(input$model))
       if (!is.null(input$advancedSettingsModel))
-        selectInput(inputId = "advancedSettingsParameter", label = "Parameter", choices = setModelByName(input$advancedSettingsModel, jumps = switch(input$modelClass, "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps))@parameter at all)
+        selectInput(inputId = "advancedSettingsParameter", label = "Parameter", choices = setModelByName(input$advancedSettingsModel, jumps = switch(input$modelClass, "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps, "COGARCH"=input$jumps), p_C = ifelse(input$modelClass=="COGARCH", input$p_C, NA), q_C = ifelse(input$modelClass=="COGARCH", input$q_C, NA))@parameter at all)
   #REMOVE# output$advancedSettingsFixed <- renderUI({
   #REMOVE#  if (!is.null(input$advancedSettingsModel) & !is.null(input$advancedSettingsSeries) & !is.null(input$advancedSettingsParameter))
@@ -686,7 +712,7 @@
   ###Estimate models
     valid <- TRUE
-    if(is.null(input$model) | length(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))==0 | is.null(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))) valid <- FALSE
+    if(is.null(input$model) | nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)==0) valid <- FALSE
     else if (input$modelClass!="Diffusion process" & is.null(input$jumps)) valid <- FALSE
       createAlert(session = session, anchorId = "modelsAlert", alertId = "modelsAlert_err", content = "Select some series and models to estimate", style = "warning")
@@ -696,18 +722,21 @@
         for (modName in input$model){
           for (i in rownames(seriesToEstimate$table)){
             symb <- as.character(seriesToEstimate$table[i,"Symb"])
-            incProgress(1/(length(input$model)*length(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))), detail = paste(symb,"-",modName))
+            incProgress(1/(length(input$model)*nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)), detail = paste(symb,"-",modName))
             data <- getData(symb)
             start <- as.character(seriesToEstimate$table[i,"From"])
             end <- as.character(seriesToEstimate$table[i,"To"])
-            if (class(index(data))=="numeric")
-              data <- window(data, start = as.numeric(start), end = as.numeric(end))
+            times <- index(data)
+            if (class(times)=="numeric")
+              data <- data[(times >= as.numeric(start)) & (times <= as.numeric(end)), , drop = FALSE]
-              data <- window(data, start = start, end = end)
+              data <- data[(times >= start) & (times <= end), , drop = FALSE]
               modName = modName,
               modClass = input$modelClass,
-              jumps = switch(input$modelClass, "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps),
+              p_C = ifelse(input$modelClass=="COGARCH", input$p_C, NA), 
+              q_C = ifelse(input$modelClass=="COGARCH", input$q_C, NA),
+              jumps = switch(input$modelClass, "Diffusion process" = NULL, "Compound Poisson" = input$jumps, "COGARCH" = input$jumps),
               symbName = symb,
               data = data,
               delta = deltaSettings[[symb]],
@@ -735,7 +764,7 @@
     valid <- TRUE
-    if(is.null(input$model) | length(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))==0 | is.null(rownames(seriesToEstimate$table))) valid <- FALSE
+    if(is.null(input$model) | nrow(seriesToEstimate$table)==0) valid <- FALSE
     else if (input$modelClass!="Diffusion process" & is.null(input$jumps)) valid <- FALSE
     if(valid) closeAlert(session, alertId = "modelsAlert_err")
@@ -754,7 +783,7 @@
   ###Display estimated models
-  output$databaseModels <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
+  output$databaseModels <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$model)==0){
       NoData <- data.frame("Symb"=NA,"Here will be stored models you estimate in the previous tabs"=NA, check.names = FALSE)
@@ -901,7 +930,7 @@
-  output$simulate_databaseModels <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "multiple",{
+  output$simulate_databaseModels <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "multiple",{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$model)==0){
       NoData <- data.frame("Symb"=NA,"Please estimate some models first (section Modelling)"=NA, check.names = FALSE)
@@ -1375,7 +1404,7 @@
   ###Create simulations table
-  output$simulate_monitor_table <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollX=TRUE, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
+  output$simulate_monitor_table <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollX=TRUE, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$simulation)==0){
       NoData <- data.frame("Symb"=NA,"Here will be stored simulations you run in the previous tabs"=NA, check.names = FALSE)
@@ -1951,7 +1980,7 @@
-  output$hedging_databaseModels <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollX = TRUE, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
+  output$hedging_databaseModels <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollY = 200, scrollX = TRUE, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$model)==0){
       NoData <- data.frame("Symb"=NA,"Please estimate some models first (section Modelling)"=NA, check.names = FALSE)
@@ -2030,7 +2059,7 @@
     else createAlert(session, anchorId = "hedging_alert", alertId = "hedging_alert_selectRow", content = "Please select a model to simulate the evolution of the underlying asset", style = "error")
-  output$hedging_table_results <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollX=TRUE, scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = TRUE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
+  output$hedging_table_results <- DT::renderDataTable(options=list(scrollX=TRUE, scrollY = 200, scrollCollapse = FALSE, deferRender = FALSE, dom = 'frtS'), extensions = 'Scroller', rownames = TRUE, selection = "single",{
     if (length(yuimaGUItable$hedging)==0){
       NoData <- data.frame("Symb"=NA, "Here will be stored simulations you run in the previous tab"=NA, check.names = FALSE)


To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/yuima -r 466

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