[Yuima-commits] r461 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Fri Sep 2 19:40:52 CEST 2016

Author: lorenzo
Date: 2016-09-02 19:40:52 +0200 (Fri, 02 Sep 2016)
New Revision: 461

Added qmle for Point Process Regression Models

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2016-07-27 17:30:44 UTC (rev 460)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2016-09-02 17:40:52 UTC (rev 461)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs
-Version: 1.1.4
+Version: 1.1.5
 Depends: R(>= 2.10.0), methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm, cubature, mvtnorm
 Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.1)
 Author: YUIMA Project Team
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
 Description: Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations.
 License: GPL-2
 URL: http://R-Forge.R-project.org/projects/yuima/
-LinkingTo: Rcpp
\ No newline at end of file
+LinkingTo: Rcpp

Modified: pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2016-07-27 17:30:44 UTC (rev 460)
+++ pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2016-09-02 17:40:52 UTC (rev 461)
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
 export(rIG, rNIG, rbgamma, rvgamma, rstable,rpts,rnts) ## random number generators in rng.R
 export(dIG, dNIG, dbgamma, dvgamma) ## pdfs in rng.R

Added: pkg/yuima/R/AuxMethodforPPR.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/AuxMethodforPPR.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/AuxMethodforPPR.R	2016-09-02 17:40:52 UTC (rev 461)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+## Here we write all auxiliar functions for the Point Process
+## Regression Model
+is.Ppr <- function(yuimaPpr){is(yuimaPpr,"yuima.Ppr")}
+quasiLogLik.Ppr <- function(yuimaPpr, parLambda=list(), method=method, fixed = list(),
+                lower, upper, call, ...){
+  PprData<-yuimaPpr at data
+  Time <- index(yuimaPpr at data@zoo.data[[1]])
+  envPpr <- list()
+  dY <- paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx)
+  for(i in (c(1:(length(Time)-1)))){
+    envPpr[[i]]<-new.env()
+    assign(yuimaPpr at gFun@param at time.var,rep(Time[i+1],i),envir=envPpr[[i]])
+    assign(yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dt,Time[1:i],envir=envPpr[[i]])
+    if(length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates)>0){
+      for(j in c(1:length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates))){
+        cond<-colnames(yuimaPpr at data@original.data)%in%yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates[[j]]
+        assign(yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates[[j]],
+               as.numeric(yuimaPpr at data@original.data[1:(i+1),cond]),
+               envir=envPpr[[i]])
+      }
+    }
+    for(j in c(1:length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var))){
+      cond<-colnames(yuimaPpr at data@original.data)%in%yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var[[j]]
+      assign(yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var[[j]],
+             as.numeric(yuimaPpr at data@original.data[1:(i+1),cond]),
+             envir=envPpr[[i]])
+    }
+    for(j in c(1:length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx))){
+      cond<-c(colnames(yuimaPpr at data@original.data),yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dt)%in%c(yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx,yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dt)[[j]]
+      if(any(cond[-length(cond)])){
+        assign(paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx[[j]]),
+               diff(as.numeric(yuimaPpr at data@original.data[1:(i+1),cond[-length(cond)]])),
+               envir=envPpr[[i]])
+      }
+      if(tail(cond,n=1L)){
+        assign(paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx[[j]]),
+               as.numeric(diff(Time[1:(i+1),cond[-length(cond)]])),
+               envir=envPpr[[i]])
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  IntKernExpr<- function(Kern,dy){
+    dum<-paste(Kern,dy,sep="*")
+    dum<-paste0(dum, collapse = " + ")
+    dum <- paste0("sum( ", dum, " )")
+    return(parse(text = dum))
+  }
+  IntegKern <- lapply(yuimaPpr at Kernel@Integrand at IntegrandList,IntKernExpr,dY)
+  Integrator <- t(as.matrix(eval(parse(text=dY[1]),envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]])))
+  if(length(dY)>1){
+    for(i in c(2:length(dY))){
+      Integrator <- rbind(Integrator,
+                          t(as.matrix(eval(parse(text=dY[1]),envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]]))))
+    }
+  }
+  assign("Integrator",Integrator,envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]])
+  assign("Nlamb",length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var),envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]])
+  out<-NULL
+  param1<-unlist(parLambda)
+  my.env <- envPpr
+  if(length(lower)==0 && length(upper)>0 && length(fixed)==0){
+    out <- optim(par=param1, fn=aux.lambdaFromData,
+      method = method, upper=upper, envPpr = my.env, gFun=yuimaPpr at gFun,
+      Kern =IntegKern, intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+      logLikelihood=TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(length(lower)==0 && length(upper)==0 && length(fixed)>0){
+    out <- optim(par = param1, fn = aux.lambdaFromData,
+                 method = method, fixed = fixed, envPpr = my.env,
+                 gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun, Kern = IntegKern,
+                 intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+                 logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(length(lower)>0 && length(upper)==0 && length(fixed)==0){
+    out <- optim(par = param1, fn = aux.lambdaFromData,
+                 method = method, lower=lower, envPpr = my.env,
+                 gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun, Kern = IntegKern,
+                 intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+                 logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(length(lower)>0 && length(upper)>0 && length(fixed)==0){
+    out <- optim(par = param1, fn = aux.lambdaFromData,
+                 method = method, upper = upper,
+                 lower=lower, envPpr = my.env,
+                 gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun, Kern = IntegKern,
+                 intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+                 logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(length(lower)==0 && length(upper)>0 && length(fixed)>0){
+    out <- optim(par = param1, fn = aux.lambdaFromData,
+                 method = method, upper = upper,
+                 fixed = fixed, envPpr = my.env,
+                 gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun, Kern = IntegKern,
+                 intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+                 logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(length(lower)>0 && length(upper)==0 && length(fixed)>0){
+    out <- optim(par=param1, fn=aux.lambdaFromData,
+                 method = method, lower = lower,
+                 fixed = fixed, envPpr = my.env,
+                 gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun, Kern = IntegKern,
+                 intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+                 logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(length(lower)>0 && length(upper)>0 && length(fixed)>0){
+    out <- optim(par = param1, fn = aux.lambdaFromData,
+      method = method, lower = lower, fixed = fixed, upper = upper,
+      envPpr = my.env, gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun, Kern = IntegKern,
+      intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr, logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  if(is.null(out)){
+    out <- optim(par = param1, fn = aux.lambdaFromData,
+                 method = method, envPpr = my.env, gFun = yuimaPpr at gFun,
+                 Kern = IntegKern, intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+                 logLikelihood = TRUE, ...)
+  }
+  return(out)
+lambdaFromData <- function(yuimaPpr, PprData=NULL, parLambda=list()){
+ if(is.null(PprData)){
+   PprData<-yuimaPpr at data
+ }else{
+  # checklambdaFromData(yuimaPpr,PprData)
+ }
+ if(!any(names(parLambda) %in% yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr)){yuima.stop("1 ...")}
+ if(!any(yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr %in% names(parLambda))){yuima.stop("2 ...")}
+  Time <- index(yuimaPpr at data@zoo.data[[1]])
+  envPpr <- list()
+  dY <- paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx)
+  for(i in (c(1:(length(Time)-1)))){
+   envPpr[[i]]<-new.env()
+    assign(yuimaPpr at gFun@param at time.var,rep(Time[i+1],i),envir=envPpr[[i]])
+    assign(yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dt,Time[1:i],envir=envPpr[[i]])
+    if(length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates)>0){
+      for(j in c(1:length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates))){
+        cond<-colnames(yuimaPpr at data@original.data)%in%yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates[[j]]
+          assign(yuimaPpr at Ppr@covariates[[j]],
+                as.numeric(yuimaPpr at data@original.data[1:(i+1),cond]),
+                envir=envPpr[[i]])
+      }
+    }
+    for(j in c(1:length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var))){
+      cond<-colnames(yuimaPpr at data@original.data)%in%yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var[[j]]
+      assign(yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var[[j]],
+             as.numeric(yuimaPpr at data@original.data[1:(i+1),cond]),
+             envir=envPpr[[i]])
+    }
+    for(j in c(1:length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx))){
+      cond<-c(colnames(yuimaPpr at data@original.data),yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dt)%in%c(yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx,yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dt)[[j]]
+      if(any(cond[-length(cond)])){
+      assign(paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx[[j]]),
+             diff(as.numeric(yuimaPpr at data@original.data[1:(i+1),cond[-length(cond)]])),
+             envir=envPpr[[i]])
+      }
+      if(tail(cond,n=1L)){
+        assign(paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx[[j]]),
+               as.numeric(diff(Time[1:(i+1),cond[-length(cond)]])),
+               envir=envPpr[[i]])
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  IntKernExpr<- function(Kern,dy){
+    dum<-paste(Kern,dy,sep="*")
+    dum<-paste0(dum, collapse = " + ")
+    dum <- paste0("sum( ", dum, " )")
+    return(parse(text = dum))
+  }
+  IntegKern <- lapply(yuimaPpr at Kernel@Integrand at IntegrandList,IntKernExpr,dY)
+  Integrator <- t(as.matrix(eval(parse(text=dY[1]),envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]])))
+  if(length(dY)>1){
+    for(i in c(2:length(dY))){
+      Integrator <- rbind(Integrator,
+                          t(as.matrix(eval(parse(text=dY[1]),envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]]))))
+    }
+  }
+  assign("Integrator",Integrator,envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]])
+  assign("Nlamb",length(yuimaPpr at Ppr@counting.var),envir=envPpr[[length(envPpr)]])
+  res<-aux.lambdaFromData(param = unlist(parLambda), gFun=yuimaPpr at gFun,
+    Kern =IntegKern, intensityParm = yuimaPpr at Ppr@allparamPpr,
+    envPpr)
+  return(res)
+# my.lapply <- function (X, FUN, ...){
+# #  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
+#   .Internal(lapply(X, FUN))
+# }
+  t(simplify2array(lapply(Kern, FUN=DumFun,
+                             Y = X), higher = (TRUE == "array")))}
+aux.lambdaFromData <-function(param, gFun, Kern, intensityParm, envPpr,logLikelihood = FALSE){
+  lapply(envPpr,FUN=dumFun2,Y=as.list(param))
+  lastEnv <- tail(envPpr,n=1L)[[1]]
+  # gFunVect<- t(simplify2array(my.lapply(gFun at formula, FUN=DumFun,
+  #            Y = lastEnv), higher = (TRUE == "array")))
+  gFunVect<- matrix(unlist(lapply(gFun at formula, FUN=DumFun,
+     Y = lastEnv)),nrow=lastEnv$Nlamb,byrow=TRUE)
+  # IntKer<- simplify2array(my.lapply(envPpr,function(my.env){
+  #   t(simplify2array(my.lapply(Kern, FUN=DumFun,
+  #             Y = my.env), higher = (TRUE == "array")))}),
+  #   higher = (TRUE == "array")
+  #   )
+  # IntKer<- simplify2array(my.lapply(envPpr,myfun3,Kern=Kern),
+  #                         higher = (TRUE == "array")
+  # )
+  # IntKer<- matrix(unlist(my.lapply(envPpr,myfun3,Kern=Kern)),
+  #        nrow=1,byrow=TRUE)
+  IntKer<- matrix(unlist(lapply(envPpr,myfun3,Kern=Kern)),
+              nrow=lastEnv$Nlamb)
+  lambda <- gFunVect+cbind(0,IntKer)
+  time <- (c(lastEnv$s,lastEnv$t[1]))
+  if(!logLikelihood){
+    Intensity <- zoo(t(lambda), order.by = time)
+    return(Intensity)
+  }
+  dn <- dim(lambda)
+  if(dn[1]==1){
+    logLiklihood2 <- -sum(lambda[,-1]*diff(time)[1])
+    logLiklihood1 <- sum(log(lambda[,-1])*lastEnv$Integrator)
+  }else{
+    logLiklihood2 <- -rowSums(lambda[,-1]*diff(time)[1])
+    logLiklihood1 <- rowSums(log(lambda[,-1])*lastEnv$Integrator)
+  }
+  minusLoglik <- -sum(logLiklihood2+logLiklihood1)
+  #cat(sprintf("\n%.5f",minusLoglik))
+  return(minusLoglik)
+DumFun<- function(X,Y){eval(X,envir=Y)}

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R	2016-07-27 17:30:44 UTC (rev 460)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R	2016-09-02 17:40:52 UTC (rev 461)
@@ -153,6 +153,25 @@
+	if(is.Ppr(yuima)){
+	  if(missing(lower))
+	    lower <- list()
+	  if(missing(upper))
+	    upper <- list()
+	  # res <- NULL
+	  # if("grideq" %in% names(as.list(call)[-(1:2)])){
+	    res  <- quasiLogLik.Ppr(yuimaPpr = yuima, parLambda = start, method=method, fixed = list(),
+	                                 lower, upper, call, ...)
+	  # }else{
+	  #   res  <- PseudoLogLik.COGARCH(yuima, start, method=method, fixed = list(),
+	  #                                lower, upper, Est.Incr, call, grideq = FALSE, aggregation = aggregation,...)
+	  # }
+	  return(res)
+	}
     orig.fixed <- fixed
     orig.fixed.par <- names(orig.fixed)
@@ -1810,9 +1829,9 @@
         ####r <- length(a[[1]])
         r <- yuima at model@noise.number
         xdim <- length(yuima at model@state.variable)
         #if(thetadim!=length(initial)) stop("check dim of initial") #error check
         d_b <- NULL
         for(i in 1:d){
             check_x <- NULL
@@ -1825,7 +1844,7 @@
         #d_b <- c(d_b,b[[i]])
         for(i in 1:d){
             for(j in 1:r){
@@ -1839,7 +1858,7 @@
         for(i in 1:d) assign(yuima at model@state.variable[i], data[-length(data[,1]),i])
         dx <- as.matrix((data-rbind(numeric(d),as.matrix(data[-length(data[,1]),])))[-1,])
         drift <- diffusion <- NULL

Added: pkg/yuima/man/lambdaFromData.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/lambdaFromData.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/lambdaFromData.Rd	2016-09-02 17:40:52 UTC (rev 461)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+Intensity of a Point Process Regression Model
+\description{This function returns the intensity process of a Ppr model when covariates and counting processes are obsered on discrete time}
+lambdaFromData(yuimaPpr, PprData = NULL, parLambda = list())
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{yuimaPpr}{ Mathematical Description of Ppr model
+  \item{PprData}{Observed data}
+  \item{parLambda}{Values of intesity parameters}
+\details{ ... }
+\author{YUIMA TEAM}
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+%\keyword{ ~kwd1 }% use one of  RShowDoc("KEYWORDS")
+%\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

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