[Yuima-commits] r526 - in pkg/yuimaGUI: . inst/yuimaGUI inst/yuimaGUI/www

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Nov 23 01:27:42 CET 2016

Author: phoenix844
Date: 2016-11-23 01:27:42 +0100 (Wed, 23 Nov 2016)
New Revision: 526


Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/DESCRIPTION	2016-11-22 01:06:01 UTC (rev 525)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/DESCRIPTION	2016-11-23 00:27:42 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Package: yuimaGUI
 Type: Package 
 Title: A Graphical User Interface for the Yuima Package
-Version: 0.9.0
+Version: 0.9.1
 Author: YUIMA Project Team
 Maintainer: Emanuele Guidotti <emanuele.guidotti at studenti.unimi.it>
 Description: Provides a graphical user interface for the yuima package.
 License: GPL-2
 Depends: R(>= 3.0.0) 
-Imports: DT (>= 0.2), shinyjs, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyBS, yuima, quantmod, sde, ggplot2, reshape2
+Imports: DT (>= 0.2), shinyjs, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyBS, yuima, quantmod, sde, ggplot2

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/global.R
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/global.R	2016-11-22 01:06:01 UTC (rev 525)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/global.R	2016-11-23 00:27:42 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
@@ -46,6 +45,13 @@
   return (do.call("rbind", dots))
+melt <- function(x){
+  V1 <- rep(rownames(x), ncol(x))
+  V2 <- sort(V1)
+  xx <- data.frame(Var1 = V1, Var2 = V2, value = NA)
+  for (i in 1:nrow(xx)) xx[i,"value"] <- x[as.character(xx[i,"Var1"]), as.character(xx[i,"Var2"])]
+  return(xx)
 observeEvent(yuimaGUIdata$series, priority = 10, {
   yuimaGUItable$series <<- data.frame()
@@ -286,7 +292,10 @@
   if (name == "Vasicek model (VAS)" | name == "VAS"){
     if (strict==TRUE) return(list(lower=list("theta3"=0, "theta1"=NA, "theta2"=NA), upper=list("theta3"=NA, "theta1"=NA, "theta2"=NA)))
-    else return(list(lower=list("theta3"=0, "theta1"=-1/delta, "theta2"=-1/delta), upper=list("theta3"=1/sqrt(delta), "theta1"=1/delta, "theta2"=1/delta)))
+    else {
+      mu <- abs(mean(as.numeric(data), na.rm = TRUE))
+      return(list(lower=list("theta3"=0, "theta1"=-0.1*mu/delta, "theta2"=-0.1/delta), upper=list("theta3"=1/sqrt(delta), "theta1"=0.1*mu/delta, "theta2"=0.1/delta)))
+    }
   if (name == "Constant elasticity of variance (CEV)" | name == "CEV"){
     if (strict==TRUE) return(list(lower=list("mu"=NA, "sigma"=0, "gamma"=0), upper=list("mu"=NA, "sigma"=NA, "gamma"=NA)))

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/server.R
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/server.R	2016-11-22 01:06:01 UTC (rev 525)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/server.R	2016-11-23 00:27:42 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -1025,7 +1025,152 @@
     shinyjs::toggle("usr_model_saved_div", condition = length(names(usr_models$model))!=0)
+  observe({
+    test <- FALSE
+    choices <- NULL
+    if(length(names(yuimaGUIdata$model))!=0) for (i in names(yuimaGUIdata$model)) for (j in 1:length(yuimaGUIdata$model[[i]])) 
+      if(yuimaGUIdata$model[[i]][[j]]$info$class %in% c("Diffusion process", "Compound Poisson")){
+        test <- TRUE
+        choices <- c(choices, paste(i,j))
+      }
+    shinyjs::toggle(id = "model_modal_fitting_body", condition = test)
+    shinyjs::toggle(id = "databaseModels_button_showResults", condition = test)
+    output$model_modal_model_id <- renderUI({
+      if (test==TRUE){
+        selectInput("model_modal_model_id", label = "Model ID", choices = choices)
+      }
+    })
+  })
+  observe({
+    if(!is.null(input$model_modal_model_id)) {
+      id <- unlist(strsplit(input$model_modal_model_id, split = " " , fixed = FALSE))
+      type <- isolate({yuimaGUIdata$model})[[id[1]]][[as.numeric(id[2])]]$info$class
+      shinyjs::toggle(id = "model_modal_plot_intensity", condition = type=="Compound Poisson")
+      shinyjs::toggle(id = "model_modal_plot_distr", condition = type %in% c("Diffusion process","Compound Poisson"))
+    }
+  })
+  observeEvent(input$model_modal_model_id,{
+    if(!is.null(input$model_modal_model_id)){
+      id <- unlist(strsplit(input$model_modal_model_id, split = " " , fixed = FALSE))
+      isolated_yuimaGUIdataModel <- isolate({yuimaGUIdata$model}) 
+      if(id[1] %in% names(isolated_yuimaGUIdataModel)) if (length(isolated_yuimaGUIdataModel[[id[1]]])>=as.integer(id[2])){
+        y <- isolated_yuimaGUIdataModel[[id[1]]][[as.numeric(id[2])]]
+        if (y$info$class=="Diffusion process"){
+          delta <- y$model at sampling@delta
+          x <- as.numeric(y$model at data@zoo.data[[1]])
+          x <- x[-length(x)]
+          dx <- diff(x)
+          for (i in names(y$qmle at coef)) assign(i, value = as.numeric(y$qmle at coef[i]))
+          z <- (dx-eval(y$model at model@drift)*delta)/(eval(y$model at model@diffusion[[1]])*sqrt(delta))
+          z <- data.frame("V1" = z)
+          output$model_modal_plot_distr <- renderPlot({
+            return(
+              ggplot(z, aes(x = V1)) + 
+                theme(
+                  plot.title = element_text(size=14, face= "bold", hjust = 0.5),
+                  axis.title=element_text(size=12),
+                  legend.position="none"
+                ) +
+                stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = list(mean = 0, sd = 1), fill = "blue",color = "blue", geom = 'area', alpha = 0.5) +
+                geom_density(alpha = 0.5, fill = "green", color = "green") +
+                xlim(-4, 4) + 
+                labs(fill="", title = "Estimated VS Theoretical Distribution", x = "Increments", y = "Density")
+            )
+          })
+          ksTest <- try(ks.test(x = as.numeric(z$V1), "pnorm"))
+          output$model_modal_plot_test <- renderUI({
+            if(class(ksTest)!="try-error")
+              HTML(paste("<div><h5>Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value (the two distributions coincide): ", format(ksTest$p.value, scientific=T, digits = 2), "</h5></div>"))
+          })
+        }
+        if (y$info$class=="Compound Poisson"){
+          x <- as.numeric(y$model at data@zoo.data[[1]])
+          dx <- diff(x)
+          dx <- dx[dx!=0]
+          for (i in names(y$qmle at coef)) assign(i, value = as.numeric(y$qmle at coef[i]))
+          dx <- data.frame("V1" = dx)
+          if(y$info$jumps=="Gaussian"){
+            output$model_modal_plot_distr <- renderPlot({
+              return(
+                ggplot(dx, aes(x = V1)) + 
+                  theme(
+                    plot.title = element_text(size=14, face= "bold", hjust = 0.5),
+                    axis.title=element_text(size=12),
+                    legend.position="none"
+                  ) +
+                  stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = list(mean = mu_jump, sd = sigma_jump), fill = "blue",color = "blue", geom = 'area', alpha = 0.5) +
+                  geom_density(alpha = 0.5, fill = "green", color = "green") +
+                  xlim(-4, 4) + 
+                  labs(fill="", title = "Estimated VS Theoretical Distribution", x = "Increments", y = "Density")
+              )
+            })
+            ksTest <- try(ks.test(x = as.numeric(dx$V1), "pnorm", mean = mu_jump, sd = sigma_jump))
+            output$model_modal_plot_test <- renderUI({
+              if(class(ksTest)!="try-error")
+                HTML(paste("<div><h5>Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value (the two distributions coincide): ", format(ksTest$p.value, scientific=T, digits = 2), "</h5></div>"))
+            })
+          }
+          if(y$info$jumps=="Uniform"){
+            output$model_modal_plot_distr <- renderPlot({
+              return(
+                ggplot(dx, aes(x = V1)) + 
+                  theme(
+                    plot.title = element_text(size=14, face= "bold", hjust = 0.5),
+                    axis.title=element_text(size=12),
+                    legend.position="none"
+                  ) +
+                  stat_function(fun = dunif, args = list(min = a_jump, max = b_jump), fill = "blue",color = "blue", geom = 'area', alpha = 0.5) +
+                  geom_density(alpha = 0.5, fill = "green", color = "green") +
+                  xlim(min(dx$V1),max(dx$V1)) + 
+                  labs(fill="", title = "Estimated VS Theoretical Distribution", x = "Increments", y = "Density")
+              )
+            })
+            ksTest <- try(ks.test(x = as.numeric(dx$V1), "punif", min = a_jump, max = b_jump))
+            output$model_modal_plot_test <- renderUI({
+              if(class(ksTest)!="try-error")
+                HTML(paste("<div><h5>Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value (the two distributions coincide): ", format(ksTest$p.value, scientific=T, digits = 2), "</h5></div>"))
+            })
+          }
+          delta <- y$model at sampling@delta
+          jumps <- ifelse(diff(x)==0,0,1)
+          jumps[is.na(jumps)] <- 0
+          empirical_Lambda <- cumsum(jumps)
+          t <- y$model at sampling@grid[[1]][-1]
+          theory_Lambda <- cumsum(eval(y$model at model@measure$intensity)*rep(delta, length(t)))
+          Lambda <- data.frame(empirical = empirical_Lambda, theory = theory_Lambda, time = index(y$model at data@original.data)[-1]) 
+          output$model_modal_plot_intensity <- renderPlot({
+            return(
+              ggplot(Lambda, aes(x = time)) +
+                geom_line(aes(y = empirical), size = 1, color = "green") +
+                geom_line(aes(y = theory), size = 1, color = "blue") +
+                scale_color_manual(values=c("green", "blue")) +
+                theme(
+                  plot.title = element_text(size=14, face= "bold", hjust = 0.5),
+                  axis.title=element_text(size=12),
+                  legend.position="none"
+                ) +
+                labs(fill="", title = "Estimated VS Theoretical Intensity", x = "", y = "Number of Jumps")
+            )
+          })
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  })
   ###Delete Model
   observeEvent(input$databaseModelsDelete, priority = 1, {
     if(!is.null(input$databaseModels_rows_selected) & !is.null(input$databaseModels_row_last_clicked)){

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/ui.R
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/ui.R	2016-11-22 01:06:01 UTC (rev 525)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/ui.R	2016-11-23 00:27:42 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -287,11 +287,28 @@
-            column(8),
+            column(2,actionButton(inputId = "databaseModels_button_showResults", label = "Show Fitting")),
+            bsTooltip("databaseModels_button_showResults", title = "Available for: Diffusive Processes", placement = "top"),
+            column(6),
             column(2,actionButton(inputId = "databaseModelsDelete", label = "Delete")),
             bsTooltip("databaseModelsDelete", title = "Delete selected model", placement = "top"),
             column(2,actionButton(inputId = "databaseModelsDeleteAll", label = "Delete All")),
             bsTooltip("databaseModelsDeleteAll", title = "Delete all models that are displayed", placement = "top")
+          ),
+          bsModal(id = "model_modal_fitting", title = "Fitting", trigger = "databaseModels_button_showResults", size = "Large",
+                  div(id = "model_modal_fitting_body",
+                    fluidRow(
+                      column(2),
+                      column(8, uiOutput("model_modal_model_id", align = "center"))
+                    ),
+                    fluidRow(
+                      column(12, 
+                             plotOutput("model_modal_plot_intensity"),
+                             plotOutput("model_modal_plot_distr"),
+                             uiOutput("model_modal_plot_test", align = "center")
+                      )
+                    )
+                  )

Modified: pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/www/custom.css
--- pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/www/custom.css	2016-11-22 01:06:01 UTC (rev 525)
+++ pkg/yuimaGUI/inst/yuimaGUI/www/custom.css	2016-11-23 00:27:42 UTC (rev 526)
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
-#simulate_monitor_button_showSimulation {
+#simulate_monitor_button_showSimulation, #databaseModels_button_showResults {
   color: #ffffff;
 	background: radial-gradient(#662900, #ff8533, #662900);
 	font-size: 110%;

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