[Yuima-commits] r506 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Wed Nov 2 12:58:17 CET 2016

Author: lorenzo
Date: 2016-11-02 12:58:16 +0100 (Wed, 02 Nov 2016)
New Revision: 506


Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2016-11-02 10:28:02 UTC (rev 505)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2016-11-02 11:58:16 UTC (rev 506)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs
-Version: 1.3.2
+Version: 1.3.3
 Depends: R(>= 2.10.0), methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm, cubature, mvtnorm
 Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.1)
 Author: YUIMA Project Team

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/PointProcessClasses.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/PointProcessClasses.R	2016-11-02 10:28:02 UTC (rev 505)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/PointProcessClasses.R	2016-11-02 11:58:16 UTC (rev 506)
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
                         covariates = "character",
                         var.dt = "character",
                         additional.info = "character",
-                        Info.measure = "list")
+                        Info.measure = "list",
+                        RegressWithCount = "logical",
+                        IntensWithCount = "logical")
@@ -32,7 +34,9 @@
                    covariates = character(),
                    var.dt = character(),
                    additional.info = character(),
-                   Info.measure = list()){
+                   Info.measure = list(),
+                   RegressWithCount = FALSE,
+                   IntensWithCount = TRUE){
             .Object at allparam <- allparam
             .Object at allparamPpr <- allparamPpr
             .Object at common <- common
@@ -44,6 +48,8 @@
             .Object at var.dt <- var.dt
             .Object at additional.info <- additional.info
             .Object at Info.measure <- Info.measure
+            .Object at RegressWithCount <- RegressWithCount
+            .Object at IntensWithCount <- IntensWithCount

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/setPpr.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/setPpr.R	2016-11-02 10:28:02 UTC (rev 505)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/setPpr.R	2016-11-02 11:58:16 UTC (rev 506)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 setPpr <- function(yuima, counting.var="N", gFun, Kernel,
-                   var.dx, var.dt = "s", lambda.var = "lambda",
+                   var.dx= "s", var.dt = "s", lambda.var = "lambda",
                    lower.var="0", upper.var = "t",
                    nrow =1 ,ncol=1){
@@ -74,10 +74,65 @@
     measure <- yuima at measure
+  IntensWithCount<-FALSE
+  if(!is.list(g at Output@formula)){
+    if(any(counting.var%in%all.vars(g at Output@formula)))
+       IntensWithCount<-TRUE
+  }else{
+    ddd<- length(g at Output@formula)
+    for(i in c(1:ddd)){
+      if(any(counting.var%in%all.vars(g at Output@formula[[i]])))
+        IntensWithCount<-TRUE
+    }
+  }
+  if(any(counting.var%in%Integral at Integral@variable.Integral at var.dx))
+     IntensWithCount<-TRUE
+  if(!is.list(Integral at Integral@Integrand at IntegrandList)){
+    if(any(counting.var%in%all.vars(Integral at Integral@Integrand at IntegrandList)))
+      IntensWithCount<-TRUE
+  }else{
+    ddd<- length(Integral at Integral@Integrand at IntegrandList)
+    for(i in c(1:ddd)){
+      if(any(counting.var%in%all.vars(Integral at Integral@Integrand at IntegrandList[[i]])))
+        IntensWithCount<-TRUE
+    }
+  }
+  RegressWithCount <- FALSE
     if(sum(!(counting.var==yuima at solve.variable))!=0){
-      covariates<-yuima at solve.variable[!(counting.var==yuima at solve.variable)]
+      condCovariate<-!(counting.var==yuima at solve.variable)
+      covariates<-yuima at solve.variable[condCovariate]
+      if(length(covariates)>0){
+        covariate.drift <- yuima at drift[condCovariate]
+        covariate.diff <- yuima at diffusion[condCovariate]
+        covariate.jump <- yuima at jump.coeff[condCovariate]
+      }
+      if(any(counting.var %in% all.vars(covariate.drift))){
+        RegressWithCount <-TRUE
+      }
+      ddd.dif <-length(covariate.diff)
+      if(length(covariate.diff)>0){
+        for(i in c(1:ddd.dif)){
+          if(any(counting.var %in% all.vars(covariate.diff[[i]]))){
+            RegressWithCount <-TRUE
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      ddd.jump <-length(covariate.jump)
+      if(length(covariate.jump)>0){
+        for(i in c(1:ddd.jump)){
+          if(any(counting.var %in% all.vars(covariate.jump[[i]]))){
+            RegressWithCount <-TRUE
+          }
+        }
+      }
     Ppr <- new("info.Ppr",
                allparam = paramHawkes$allparam,
@@ -90,7 +145,9 @@
                covariates = covariates,
                var.dt = var.dt,
                additional.info = lambda.var,
-               Info.measure = list(type=type,measure=measure))
+               Info.measure = list(type=type,measure=measure),
+               RegressWithCount=RegressWithCount,
+               IntensWithCount=IntensWithCount)
     ret <- new("yuima.Ppr", Ppr = Ppr,

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/simulateForPpr.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/simulateForPpr.R	2016-11-02 10:28:02 UTC (rev 505)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/simulateForPpr.R	2016-11-02 11:58:16 UTC (rev 506)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
                increment.L = increment.L, method = method, hurst = hurst,
                methodfGn = methodfGn, sampling = sampling,
                subsampling = subsampling){
+  ROLDVER<-!(is(object at model@measure$df,"yuima.law"))
     object <- aux.simulatPprROldVersion(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
                                           xinit = xinit, true.parameter = true.parameter,
@@ -73,28 +73,122 @@
 aux.simulatPprROldNew<-function(object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
                           xinit = xinit, true.parameter = true.parameter,
                           space.discretized = space.discretized, increment.W = increment.W,
-                          increment.L = increment.L, method = method, hurst = hurst,
+                          increment.L = increment.L, method = method, hurst = 0.5,
                           methodfGn = methodfGn, sampling = sampling,
                           subsampling = subsampling){
   # We need an expression for the evaluation of the hazard
-  is(object)
-  yuimaPpr<-object
+  if(missing(hurst)){
+    hurst<-0.5
+  }
+  samp <- sampling
+  Model <- object at model
+  gFun <- object at gFun
+  Kern <- object at Kernel
-  envPpr <- list()
+  if(missing(xinit)){
+    if(object at Ppr@RegressWithCount){
-  dY <- paste0("d",yuimaPpr at Ppr@var.dx)
-  Time <- sampling at grid[[1]]
-  IntKernExpr<- function(Kern,dy){
-    dum<-paste(Kern,dy,sep="*")
-    dum<-paste0(dum, collapse = " + ")
-    dum <- paste0("sum( ", dum, " )")
-    return(parse(text = dum))
+      yuima.warn("Counting Variables are also covariates.
+                 In this case, the algorthim will be implemented
+                 as soon as possible.")
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+  }else{
+    if(object at Ppr@RegressWithCount){
+      yuima.warn("Counting Variables are also covariates.
+                 In this case, the algorthim will be implemented
+                 as soon as possible.")
+      return(NULL)
+    }
-  IntegKern <- lapply(yuimaPpr at Kernel@Integrand at IntegrandList,IntKernExpr,dY)
+  if(!object at Ppr@RegressWithCount && !object at Ppr@IntensWithCount){
+    auxg <- setMap(func = gFun at formula, yuima =Model)
+    dummyKernIntgrand <- Kern at Integrand@IntegrandList
+    dummyUpperTime<- paste0(Kern at variable.Integral@upper.var,
+                       Kern at variable.Integral@upper.var,
+                       collapse = "")
+    dummyTime <-Model at time.variable
+    for(i in c(1:length(dummyKernIntgrand))){
+      if(Kern at variable.Integral@upper.var %in% all.vars(dummyKernIntgrand[[i]])){
+        dumExpr <- paste0("substitute(expression(",
+               dummyKernIntgrand[[i]],"), list(",
+               Kern at variable.Integral@upper.var,
+               " =  as.symbol(dummyUpperTime), ",
+               Kern at variable.Integral@var.time,
+               " =  as.symbol(Model at time.variable)))")
+        dummyKernIntgrand[[i]] <- eval(parse(text=dumExpr))
+      }
+    }
+    auxIntMy <- unlist(lapply(dummyKernIntgrand, FUN = function(X){as.character(X)[2]}))
+    auxIntMy <- matrix(auxIntMy, Kern at Integrand@dimIntegrand[1],
+      Kern at Integrand@dimIntegrand[2], byrow=T)
+    auxInt <- setIntegral(yuima = Model,
+        integrand = auxIntMy,
+        var.dx = Model at time.variable,
+        upper.var = dummyUpperTime,
+        lower.var = Kern at variable.Integral@lower.var)
+    randomGenerator<-object at model@measure$df
+    if(samp at regular){
+      tForMeas<-samp at delta
+      NumbIncr<-samp at n
+      if(missing(true.parameter)){
+        eval(parse(text= paste0("measureparam$",
+                                object at model@time.variable," <- tForMeas",collapse="")))
+      }else{
+        measureparam<-true.parameter[object at model@parameter at measure]
+        eval(parse(text= paste0("measureparam$",
+                                object at model@time.variable," <- tForMeas",collapse="")))
+      }
+      Noise.L <- t(rand(object = randomGenerator, n=NumbIncr, param=measureparam))
+      Noise.W <- t(rnorm(NumbIncr, 0,tForMeas))
+    if(missing(xinit)){
+      simg <- simulate(object = auxg, true.parameter = true.parameter[auxg at Output@param at allparam],
+                     sampling = samp, hurst = hurst,
+                     increment.W = Noise.W, increment.L = Noise.L)
+      simK <- simulate(object = auxInt, true.parameter = true.parameter[auxInt at Integral@param.Integral at allparam],
+                       sampling = samp, hurst = hurst,
+                       increment.W = Noise.W,
+                       increment.L = Noise.L)
+      Lambda.data <- simg at data@original.data+simK at data@original.data
+      Pos<-0
+      globPos<-Pos
+      condWhile <- TRUE
+      while(condWhile){
+        Hazard<--cumsum(as.numeric(Lambda.data)[c(Pos:(samp at n+1))])*samp at delta
+        U<-runif(1)
+        CondPos <- log(U)<=Hazard
+        Pos <- Pos+sum(CondPos)
+        if(Pos > (samp at n+1)){
+          condWhile <- FALSE
+        }else{
+          globPos <- c(globPos,Pos)
+        }
+      }
+      NewNoise.L <- Noise.L
+      cod <- object at Ppr@counting.var%in%Model at solve.variable
+      NeWNoise.W<-Noise.W
+      NeWNoise.W[cod,] <- 0
+      NewNoise.L[cod,] <- 0
+      NewNoise.L[cod,globPos[-1]] <- Noise.L[cod,globPos[-1]]
+      simM <- simulate(object = Model, true.parameter = true.parameter[Model at parameter@all],
+                       sampling = samp, hurst = hurst,
+                       increment.W = NeWNoise.W,
+                       increment.L = NewNoise.L)
+      object at data <- simM at data
+      object at sampling <- samp
+      return(object)
+      #Lambda.data <- simg at data@original.data+simK at data@original.data
+     }else{
+       simg <- simulate(object = auxg, xinit=xinit,
+                       sampling = samp)
+      }
+    }
+  }

Modified: pkg/yuima/man/setPpr.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/setPpr.Rd	2016-11-02 10:28:02 UTC (rev 505)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/setPpr.Rd	2016-11-02 11:58:16 UTC (rev 506)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \description{Constructor of a Point Process }
 setPpr(yuima, counting.var = "N", gFun, Kernel,
-  var.dx, var.dt = "s", lambda.var = "lambda",
+  var.dx = "s", var.dt = "s", lambda.var = "lambda",
   lower.var = "0", upper.var = "t", nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.

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