[Yuima-commits] r359 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Fri Feb 6 19:25:59 CET 2015

Author: lorenzo
Date: 2015-02-06 19:25:59 +0100 (Fri, 06 Feb 2015)
New Revision: 359

Added Method of Moments for COGARCH(P,Q) 

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-11-28 10:48:18 UTC (rev 358)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2015-02-06 18:25:59 UTC (rev 359)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package for SDEs
-Version: 1.0.54
-Date: 2014-11-27
+Version: 1.0.55
+Date: 2015-02-06
 Depends: methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm, cubature, mvtnorm
 Author: YUIMA Project Team
 Maintainer: Stefano M. Iacus <stefano.iacus at unimi.it>

Modified: pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2014-11-28 10:48:18 UTC (rev 358)
+++ pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2015-02-06 18:25:59 UTC (rev 359)
@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@
 export(CarmaNoise) # Estimates the Levy in carma model 
+export(MM.COGARCH) # Estimation COGARCH(P,Q) using Method Of Moments 
 S3method(print, phitest)

Added: pkg/yuima/R/MM.COGARCH.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/MM.COGARCH.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/MM.COGARCH.R	2015-02-06 18:25:59 UTC (rev 359)
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# In this function we consider different kind estimation procedures for COGARCH(P,Q)
+# Model. 
+is.COGARCH <- function(obj){
+  if(is(obj,"yuima"))
+    return(is(obj at model, "yuima.cogarch"))
+  if(is(obj,"yuima.cogarch"))
+    return(is(obj, "yuima.cogarch"))
+  return(FALSE)
+# The estimation procedure for cogarch(p,q) implemented in this code are based on the 
+# Chadraa phd's thesis
+MM.COGARCH<-function(yuima, data = NULL, start, method="BFGS", fixed = list(), 
+                           lower, upper){
+  print <- FALSE
+  call <- match.call()
+# First step we check if all inputs are inserted correctly.
+  if( missing(yuima))
+    yuima.stop("yuima object is missing.")
+  if( missing(start) ) 
+    yuima.stop("Starting values for the parameters are missing.")
+  if( !is.COGARCH(yuima) )
+    yuima.stop("The model is not an object of class yuima.")
+  if( !is(yuima,"yuima") && missing(data) )
+    yuima.stop("data are missing.")
+  if(is(yuima,"yuima")){
+    model<-yuima at model
+    if(is.null(data)){
+      observ<-yuima at data
+    }else{observ<-data}
+  }else{
+    if(is(yuima,"yuima.cogarch")){
+      model<-yuima
+      if(is.null(data)){
+        yuima.stop("Missing data")
+      }
+      observ<-data
+    }
+  }
+  if(!is(observ,"yuima.data")){
+    yuima.stop("Data must be an object of class yuima.data-class")  
+  } 
+  if( !missing(upper)){
+    yuima.warn("The upper constraints will be implemented as soon as possible")
+    upper <- list()
+  }
+  if( !missing(lower)){
+    yuima.warn("The lower constraints will be implemented as soon as possible")
+    lower <- list()
+  }
+  if( !missing(fixed)){
+    yuima.warn("The fixed constraints will be implemented as soon as possible")
+    fixed <- list()
+  }
+  # We identify the model parameters
+  info <- model at info
+  numb.ar <- info at q
+  ar.name <- paste(info at ar.par,c(numb.ar:1),sep="")
+  numb.ma <- info at p
+  ma.name <- paste(info at ma.par,c(1:numb.ma),sep="")
+  loc.par <- info at loc.par
+  xinit.name <- paste(info at Latent.var, c(1:numb.ar), sep = "")
+  meas.par <- model at parameter@measure
+  fixed.name <- names(fixed)
+  if(info at q==1){
+  #  nm <- c(names(start), "EL1", "phi1","phi2")
+    nm <- c(names(start), "EL1")
+  }else{
+  #  nm <- c(names(start), "EL1", "M2Lev","M4Lev")
+    nm <- c(names(start), "EL1")
+  }
+  # We identify the index of parameters
+  if(length(meas.par)!=0){
+    if(info at q==1){  
+  #    fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name, measure.par, "EL1", "phi1","phi2")
+      fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name, meas.par, "EL1")
+    }else{
+  #    fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name, measure.par, "EL1", "M2Lev","M4Lev")
+      fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name, meas.par, "EL1")
+    }
+  }else{
+    if(info at q==1){
+  #    fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name,  "EL1", "phi1","phi2")
+      fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name,  "EL1")
+    }else{
+  #    fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name,  "EL1", "M2Lev","M4Lev")
+      fullcoeff <- c(ar.name, ma.name, loc.par, xinit.name,  "EL1")
+    }
+  }
+  oo <- match(nm, fullcoeff)
+  if(any(is.na(oo)))
+    yuima.stop("some named arguments in 'start' are not arguments to the supplied yuima model")
+  if(info at q==1){
+  #  start <- c(start, EL1 = 1, phi1=-1, phi2=-1)
+    start <- c(start, EL1 = 1)
+  }else{
+  #  start <- c(start, EL1 = 1, M2Lev=1, M4Lev=2)
+    start <- c(start, EL1 = 1)
+  }
+  start <- start[order(oo)]
+  nm <- names(start)
+  ar.idx <- match(ar.name, fullcoeff)
+  ma.idx <- match(ma.name, fullcoeff)
+  loc.idx <- match(loc.par, fullcoeff)
+  meas.idx <- match(meas.par, fullcoeff)
+  fixed.idx <- match(fixed.name, fullcoeff)
+  EL1.idx <- match("EL1",fullcoeff)  # We decide to pass EL1 as parameter !!!
+#   if(info at q==1){
+#     phi1.idx <- match("phi1",fullcoeff) # We decide to pass phi1 as parameter !!! 
+#     phi2.idx <- match("phi2",fullcoeff) # We decide to pass phi1 as parameter !!!
+#   }else{
+#     M2Lev.idx <- match("M2Lev",fullcoeff)
+#     M4Lev.idx <- match("M4Lev",fullcoeff)
+#   }
+  # We build the environment used as input in the 
+  # objective function.
+  env <- new.env()
+  n <- length(observ)[1]
+  # Data
+  assign("Data",  as.matrix(onezoo(observ)[,1]), envir=env)
+  assign("deltaData",  frequency(onezoo(observ)[,1]), envir=env)
+  assign("time.obs",length(env$Data),envir=env)
+  # Order
+  assign("p", info at p, envir=env)
+  assign("q", info at q, envir=env)
+  # Idx
+  assign("ar.idx", ar.idx, envir=env)
+  assign("ma.idx", ma.idx, envir=env)
+  assign("loc.idx", loc.idx, envir=env)
+  assign("meas.idx", meas.idx, envir=env)
+  assign("EL1.idx", EL1.idx, envir=env)
+#   if(info at q==1){ 
+#     assign("phi1.idx", phi1.idx, envir=env)
+#     assign("phi2.idx", phi1.idx, envir=env)
+#   }else{
+#     assign("M2Lev.idx", M2Lev.idx, envir=env) 
+#     assign("M4Lev.idx", M4Lev.idx, envir=env)
+#   }
+objectiveFun <- function(p) {
+  mycoef <- as.list(p)
+  #		 names(mycoef) <- nm
+    if(length(c(fixed.idx, meas.idx))>0){ ## SMI 2/9/14
+      names(mycoef) <- nm[-c(fixed.idx,meas.idx)] ## SMI 2/9/14
+    }else{
+      names(mycoef) <- nm
+   } 
+  ErrTerm(yuima=yuima, param=mycoef, print=print, env)
+ out<- optim(start, objectiveFun, method=method)
+# , method = "L-BFGS-B",
+#              lower=c(0.0001,0.00001,0.00001,0, 0.9,-100,-100),
+#              upper=c(1,1,1,1,1.1,0,0))
+  return(out)
+ErrTerm <- function(yuima, param, print, env){
+ # sample moments
+  typeacf <- "correlation"
+  param <- as.numeric(param)
+  G_i <- diff(env$Data)
+  r <- 1/env$deltaData 
+  mu_G2 <- mean(G_i^2)
+  var_G2 <- mean(G_i^4) - mu_G2^2
+  d <- floor(sqrt(length(G_i)))
+  CovQuad <- log(abs(acf(G_i^2,plot=FALSE,lag.max=min(d,10),type=typeacf)$acf[-1]))
+  h <- seq(1, d, by = 1)*r
+  cost <- env$loc.idx
+  b <- env$ar.idx
+  a <- env$ma.idx
+  meanL1 <- param[env$EL1.idx]
+  #meanL1 <- 1
+#   if(env$q == 1){
+#   beta <- param[cost]*param[b]
+#   eta <- param[b]
+#   phi <- param[a]
+# #   phi1 <- param[env$phi1.idx]
+# #   phi2 <- param[env$phi2.idx]
+#   #theo_mu_G2 <- meanL1*r*beta/abs(phi1)
+#   phi1 <- meanL1*r*beta/mu_G2
+#   termA <- (6*mu_G2/r*beta/abs(phi1)*(2*eta/phi-meanL1)*(r-(1-exp(-r*abs(phi1)))/abs(phi1))+2*beta^2/phi^2*r)
+#   phi2 <-2*termA*abs(phi1)/((var_G2-2*mu_G2^2)*abs(phi1)+termA)
+#   if(typeacf == "covariance"){
+#   TheoCovQuad <- meanL1*beta^2/abs(phi1)^3*(2*eta/phi-meanL1)*
+#      (2/abs(phi2)-1/abs(phi1))*(1-exp(-r*abs(phi1)))*(exp(r*abs(phi1))-1)*
+#      exp(-h*abs(phi1))
+#   }else{
+#     TheoCovQuad <- meanL1*beta^2/abs(phi1)^3*(2*eta/phi-meanL1)*
+#       (2/abs(phi2)-1/abs(phi1))*(1-exp(-r*abs(phi1)))*(exp(r*abs(phi1))-1)*
+#       exp(-h*abs(phi1))/(var_G2)
+#   }
+#  } 
+ if(env$q >= 1){
+#    M2Lev <- param[env$M2Lev.idx] 
+#    M4Lev <- param[env$M4Lev.idx]
+#  }else{
+#    M2Lev <- param[env$phi1.idx]
+#    M4Lev <- param[env$phi2.idx]
+#  }
+   TheoCovQuad <- numeric(length = length(h))
+   for(i in c(1:length(h))){
+      MomentCog <- MM_Cogarch(p = env$p, q = env$q, cost=param[cost] , acoeff=param[a],
+                              b=param[b], meanL1 = meanL1, r = r, h = h[i], 
+                              type = typeacf, m2=mu_G2, var=var_G2)
+   TheoCovQuad[i] <- MomentCog$acfG2
+   }
+   theo_mu_G2 <- MomentCog$meanG2
+ }
+ res <- sum((c(log(abs(TheoCovQuad)))-c(CovQuad))^2)
+ return(res)
+#  if(env$q == 3){
+#    MomentCog <- MM_Cogarch(p = env$p, q = env$q, a, b, r, h)
+#  }
+#  if(env$q >= 4){
+#    MomentCog <- MM_Cogarch(p = env$p, q = env$q, a, b, r, h)
+#  }
+MM_Cogarch <- function(p, q, cost, acoeff, b, meanL1, r, h, type, m2, var){
+  # The code developed here is based on the acf for squared returns derived in the 
+  # Chaadra phd Thesis
+  a <- e <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=1)
+  e[q,1] <- 1
+  a[1:p,1] <- acoeff
+#   mu <- M2Lev
+  bq <- b[1]
+  a1 <- a[1]
+  mu <-1/acoeff[1]*(bq-cost*bq*r*meanL1/m2)
+#   rho <- M4Lev
+  B_tilde <- MatrixA(b[c(q:1)])+mu*e%*%t(a)
+  #beta <- as.numeric(B_tilde[q,])
+  meanG2 <- cost*bq*r/(bq-mu*a1)*meanL1
+  Inf_eps <- IdentM <- diag(q)
+  if(q==1){
+    Inf_eps[q,q] <- 1/(-2*B_tilde[1,1]) 
+  }
+  if(q==2){
+    Inf_eps[q,q] <- -B_tilde[2,1]
+    Inf_eps <- 1/(2*B_tilde[2,1]*B_tilde[2,2])*Inf_eps
+  }
+  if(q==3){
+    Inf_eps[1,1] <- B_tilde[3,3]/B_tilde[3,1]
+    Inf_eps[q,q] <- -B_tilde[3,2]
+    Inf_eps[1,3] <- -1
+    Inf_eps[3,1] <- -1
+    Inf_eps <- 1/(2*(B_tilde[3,3]*B_tilde[3,2]+B_tilde[3,1]))*Inf_eps
+  }
+  if(q>=4){
+    Inf_eps <- round(AsympVar(B_tilde,e,lower=0,upper=100,delta=0.01)*10^5)/10^5
+  }
+  term <- expm(B_tilde*h)
+  invB <- solve(B_tilde)
+  term1 <- invB%*%(IdentM-expm(-B_tilde*r))
+  term2 <- (expm(B_tilde*r)-IdentM)
+  P0_overRho <- 2*mu^2*(3*invB%*%(invB%*%term2-r*IdentM)-IdentM)%*%Inf_eps
+  Q0_overRho <- 6*mu*((r*IdentM-invB%*%term2)%*%Inf_eps
+                      -invB%*%(invB%*%term2-r*IdentM)%*%Inf_eps%*%t(B_tilde))%*%e
+  m_overRho <- as.numeric(t(a)%*%Inf_eps%*%a)
+  Den<- (m_overRho*meanL1^2/m2^2*var*r^2+t(a)%*%Q0_overRho+t(a)%*%P0_overRho%*%a+1) 
+  num <-(meanL1^2/m2^2*var-2*mu^2)*r^2
+  rh0 <- as.numeric(num/Den)
+  Inf_eps1 <- Inf_eps*rh0
+  Ph <- mu^2*term%*%term1%*%invB%*%term2%*%Inf_eps1
+  Qh <- mu*term%*%term1%*%(-term2%*%Inf_eps1-invB%*%term2%*%Inf_eps1%*%t(B_tilde))%*%e
+  m <- m_overRho*rh0
+  if(type=="correlation"){
+    VarTheo<-as.numeric(rh0*t(a)%*%P0_overRho%*%a+rh0*t(a)%*%Q0_overRho+2*r^2*mu^2+rh0)
+    acfG2 <- (t(a)%*%Ph%*%a+t(a)%*%Qh)/VarTheo
+  }else{
+    coeff <- cost^2*bq^2/((1-m)*(bq-mu*a1)^2)
+    acfG2 <- coeff*(t(a)%*%Ph%*%a+t(a)%*%Qh)
+  }
+  res <- list(acfG2=acfG2, meanG2=meanG2)
+  return(res)
+  part<-seq(lower,upper-delta, by=delta)+delta/2
+  last <- length(part)
+  Integrand <- as.matrix(matrix(0,length(e),length(e)))
+  for(i in c(1:last)){
+  Integrand<-Integrand+expm(B_tilde*part[i])%*%e%*%t(e)%*%expm(t(B_tilde)*part[i])*delta
+  }
+  return(Integrand)

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.R	2014-11-28 10:48:18 UTC (rev 358)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.R	2015-02-06 18:25:59 UTC (rev 359)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
     #    }
-    if(sdeModel at measure.type == "CP"){ ##:: Compound-Poisson type
+    if(sdeModel at measure.type == "CP" ){ ##:: Compound-Poisson type
       ##:: delete 2010/09/13 for simulate func bug fix by s.h
             ## eta0 <- eval(sdeModel at measure$intensity)
@@ -256,17 +256,21 @@
         if(JAMP==FALSE || sum(i==ij)==0){
           Pi <- 0
-          J <- eta0*randJ[j]/lambda
-          j <- j+1
+          if(is.null(dL)){
+            J <- eta0*randJ[j]/lambda
+            j <- j+1
           ##Pi <- zeta(dX, J)
-          assign(sdeModel at jump.variable, J, env)
+            assign(sdeModel at jump.variable, J, env)
-          if(sdeModel at J.flag){
-            J <- 1
+            if(sdeModel at J.flag){
+              J <- 1
+            }
+            Pi <- p.b.j(t=i*delta,X=dX) * J
+          }else{# we add this part since we allow the user to specify the increment of CP LM 05/02/2015
+            Pi <- p.b.j(t=i*delta,X=dX) %*% dL[, i]
-          Pi <- p.b.j(t=i*delta,X=dX) * J
           ##Pi <- p.b.j(t=i*delta, X=dX)
         dX <- dX + p.b(t=i*delta, X=dX) %*% dW[, i] + Pi

Added: pkg/yuima/man/MM.COGARCH.rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/MM.COGARCH.rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/MM.COGARCH.rd	2015-02-06 18:25:59 UTC (rev 359)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+\alias{Method of Moment COGARCH}
+\alias{Estimation COGARCH}
+\alias{est. COGARCH}
+\alias{est. yuima Cog}
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+Method of Moments for COGARCH(P,Q). 
+The function returns the estimated parameters of a COGARCH(P,Q) model. The parameters are abtained by matching theoretical vs empirical autocorrelation function. The theoretical autocorrelation function is computed according the methodology developed in Chadraa (2009).
+MM.COGARCH(yuima, data = NULL, start, 
+ method="BFGS", fixed = list(), lower, upper)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{yuima}{a yuima object or an object of \code{\link{yuima.cogarch-class}}.}
+  \item{data}{an object of class \code{\link{yuima.data-class}} contains the observations available at uniformly spaced time. If \code{data=NULL}, the default, the function uses the data in an object of \code{\link{yuima-class}}.}
+  \item{start}{a \code{list} containing the starting values for the optimization routine.}
+  \item{method}{a string indicating one of the methods available in \code{\link{optim}}.}
+  \item{fixed}{a list of fixed parameters in optimization routine.}
+  \item{lower}{a named list for specifying lower bounds of parameters}
+  \item{upper}{a named list for specifying upper bounds of parameters}
+%Please complete !!!
+\value{ The function returns a list with the same components of the object obtained when the function  \code{\link{optim}} is used.
+Chadraa, E. (2009) Statistical Modeling with COGARCH(P,Q) Processes. Phd Thesis
+The YUIMA Project Team.
+%%  ~~further notes~~
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+%% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
+# Example COGARCH(1,1): the parameters are the same used in Haugh et al. 2005. In this case 
+# we assume the underlying noise is a symmetric variance gamma.
+# As first step we define the COGARCH(1,1) in yuima:
+mod1 <- setCogarch(p = 1, q = 1, work = FALSE,
+                   measure=list(df="rbgamma(z,1,sqrt(2),1,sqrt(2))"),
+                    measure.type = "code", Cogarch.var = "y",
+                    V.var = "v", Latent.var="x")
+param <- list(a1 = 0.038,  b1 =  0.053,
+              a0 = 0.04/0.053, x1 = 0)
+# We generate a trajectory
+samp <- setSampling(Terminal=5000, n=5000)
+sim1 <- simulate(mod1, sampling = samp, true.parameter = param)
+# We estimate the model
+res1 <- MM.COGARCH(yuima = sim1, start = param)
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ Method of Moments }
+\keyword{ Estimation COGARCH }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

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