[Yuima-commits] r343 - in pkg/yuima: . R src

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Thu Oct 23 13:37:46 CEST 2014

Author: lorenzo
Date: 2014-10-23 13:37:45 +0200 (Thu, 23 Oct 2014)
New Revision: 343

update qmle.R for carma model 

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-10-20 08:21:58 UTC (rev 342)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-10-23 11:37:45 UTC (rev 343)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package for SDEs
-Version: 1.0.41
-Date: 2014-10-18
+Version: 1.0.42
+Date: 2014-10-23
 Depends: methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm, cubature, mvtnorm
 Author: YUIMA Project Team
 Maintainer: Stefano M. Iacus <stefano.iacus at unimi.it>

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R	2014-10-20 08:21:58 UTC (rev 342)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R	2014-10-23 11:37:45 UTC (rev 343)
@@ -1823,14 +1823,10 @@
 #carma.kalman<-function(y, tt, p, q, a,bvector, sigma){
-carma.kalman<-function(y, u, p, q, a,bvector, sigma, times.obs, V_inf0){
-  # V_inf0<-matrix(diag(rep(1,p)),p,p)
+carma.kalman<-function(y, u, p, q, a,bvector, sigma, times.obs, V_inf0){  
+  # V_inf0<-matrix(diag(rep(1,p)),p,p)  
   # u<-diff(tt)[1]
 #  Amatx<-yuima.ca2rma.eigen(A)
 #   expA<-Amatx$vectors%*%expm(diag(Amatx$values*u),
 #                              method="Pade",
@@ -1844,59 +1840,66 @@
       expA<-expm(A*u,method="Pade",order=6, trySym=FALSE, do.sparseMsg = FALSE)
 #    }
-  v<-as.numeric(V_inf0[upper.tri(V_inf0,diag=TRUE)])
-  ATrans<-t(A)
-  matrixV<-matrix(0,p,p)
-  #l.dummy<-c(rep(0,p-1),1)
-  l<-rbind(matrix(rep(0,p-1),p-1,1),1)
-  #l<-matrix(l.dummy,p,1)
-  #lTrans<-matrix(l.dummy,1,p)
-  lTrans<-t(l)
-  elForVInf<-new.env()
-  elForVInf$A<-A
-  elForVInf$ATrans<-ATrans
-  elForVInf$lTrans<-lTrans
-  elForVInf$l<-l
-  elForVInf$matrixV<-matrixV
-  elForVInf$sigma<-sigma
-#   elForVInf<-list(A=A,
-#                   ATrans=ATrans,
-#                   lTrans=lTrans,
-#                   l=l,
-#                   matrixV=matrixV,
-#                   sigma=sigma)
+#   v<-as.numeric(V_inf0[upper.tri(V_inf0,diag=TRUE)])
+#   ATrans<-t(A)
+#   matrixV<-matrix(0,p,p)
+#   #l.dummy<-c(rep(0,p-1),1)
+#   l<-rbind(matrix(rep(0,p-1),p-1,1),1)
+#   #l<-matrix(l.dummy,p,1)
+#   #lTrans<-matrix(l.dummy,1,p)
+#   lTrans<-t(l)
+#   elForVInf<-new.env()
+#   elForVInf$A<-A
+#   elForVInf$ATrans<-ATrans
+#   elForVInf$lTrans<-lTrans
+#   elForVInf$l<-l
+#   elForVInf$matrixV<-matrixV
+#   elForVInf$sigma<-sigma
+# #   elForVInf<-list(A=A,
+# #                   ATrans=ATrans,
+# #                   lTrans=lTrans,
+# #                   l=l,
+# #                   matrixV=matrixV,
+# #                   sigma=sigma)
+# #   
+# #   V_inf_vect<-nlm(yuima.Vinfinity, v,
+# #                    elForVInf = elForVInf)$estimate
+#  V_inf_vect<-nlminb(start=v,objective=yuima.Vinfinity, elForVInf = elForVInf)$par
+ # V_inf_vect<-optim(par=v,fn=yuima.Vinfinity,method="L-BFGS-B", elForVInf = elForVInf)$par
+#   V_inf<-diag(p)
+#    V_inf[upper.tri(V_inf,diag=TRUE)]<-V_inf_vect
+#    V_inf<-as.matrix(forceSymmetric(V_inf))
-   V_inf_vect<-nlm(yuima.Vinfinity, v,
-                   elForVInf = elForVInf)$estimate
-#  V_inf_vect<-nlminb(start=v,objective=yuima.Vinfinity, elForVInf = elForVInf)$par
-#  V_inf_vect<-optim(par=v,fn=yuima.Vinfinity,method="L-BFGS-B", elForVInf = elForVInf)$par
-  V_inf<-matrix(0,p,p)
+#    V_inf[abs(V_inf)<=1.e-06]=0
+#     pp = as.integer(length(a))
+#     vinf = matrix(ncol = pp, nrow = pp, 0)
+#     xx = .Fortran("vinfinity", a, pp, vinf, PACKAGE = "yuima")
+# We need to write this part using Yuima 
+#    V_inf<-sigma^2 * xx[[3]]
+  V_inf<-V0inf(a,p)*sigma^2
-  V_inf[upper.tri(V_inf,diag=TRUE)]<-V_inf_vect
-  V_inf<-as.matrix(forceSymmetric(V_inf))
-#  V_inf[lower.tri(V_inf)]<-V_inf[upper.tri(V_inf)]
-  V_inf[abs(V_inf)<=1.e-06]=0
   # input: V_inf, p, expA
   # output: SigMatr (pre-alloc in R)
-   SigMatr <- .Call("carma_tmp",  V_inf, as.integer(p), expA, PACKAGE="yuima")
+#   SigMatr <- .Call("carma_tmp",  V_inf, as.integer(p), expA, PACKAGE="yuima")
-#   SigMatr <- V_inf - expA %*% V_inf %*% expAT
+   SigMatr <- V_inf - expA %*% V_inf %*% expAT
 #    cat("\nSigMatr\n")
 #    print(SigMatr)
 #    stop("")
-  statevar<-matrix(rep(0, p),p,1)
+  statevar<-numeric(length=p)
   # set
@@ -1909,20 +1912,25 @@
   #SigMatr <- V_inf
-  zc <- matrix(bvector,1,p)
-  loglstar <- 0
+   zc <- matrix(bvector,1,p)
+   loglstar <- 0
-#  zcT<-matrix(bvector,p,1)
-  zcT <- t(zc)
+  zcT<-matrix(bvector,p,1)
+  #zcT <- t(zc)
 # Cycle_Carma(SEXP StateVar, SEXP ExpA, SEXP Times.Obs, SEXP P,
 #             SEXP Qmatr, SEXP SigMatr, SEXP Zc, SEXP Logstar) 
- # sd_2<-0
-    loglstar<- .Call("Cycle_Carma", y, statevar, expA, as.integer(times.obs),
-                   as.integer(p), Qmatr, SigMatr, zc, 
-                   PACKAGE="yuima")
-  return(list(loglstar=as.numeric(loglstar[1,1])-0.5*log(2*pi)*times.obs,s2hat=loglstar[2,1]))
+ #   sd_2<-0
+   Result<-numeric(length=2)
+   Kgain<-numeric(length=p)
+   dum_zc<-numeric(length=p)
+   Mat22int<-numeric(length=(p*p))
+# #  
+     loglstar<- .Call("Cycle_Carma", y, statevar, expA, as.integer(length(y)),
+                    as.integer(p), Qmatr, SigMatr, bvector, Result, Kgain, 
+                   dum_zc, Mat22int,
+                    PACKAGE="yuima")
+  return(list(loglstar=loglstar[1]-0.5*log(2*pi)*times.obs,s2hat=loglstar[2]))
   #  statevar, expA, times.obs, Qmatr, SigMatr, zc, logstar
@@ -1933,20 +1941,53 @@
 #     statevar <- expA %*% statevar
 #     SigMatr <- expA %*% SigMatr %*% expAT + Qmatr
 #     # forecast
-#     Uobs <- y[t] - zc %*% statevar
+#     #Uobs <- y[t] - zc %*% statevar
+#     Uobs <- y[t] - sum(bvector * statevar)
 #     dum.zc <- zc %*% SigMatr
-#     sd_2 <- dum.zc %*% zcT
+#     sd_2 <- sum(dum.zc * bvector)
 #     Inv_sd_2 <- 1/sd_2
-#     #correction
-#     Kgain <- SigMatr %*% zcT %*% Inv_sd_2
-#     statevar <- statevar+Kgain %*% Uobs
+#     #correction Kgain <- SigMatr %*% zcT %*% Inv_sd_2
+#     Kgain <- SigMatr %*% zcT *Inv_sd_2
+#     statevar <- statevar+Kgain * Uobs
 #     SigMatr <- SigMatr - Kgain %*% dum.zc
-#     term_int<- -0.5 * (log(sd_2)+ Uobs %*% Uobs %*% Inv_sd_2)
+#     term_int<- -0.5 * (log(sd_2)+ Uobs * Uobs *Inv_sd_2)
 #     loglstar <- loglstar + term_int
 #   }
 #   return(list(loglstar=loglstar-0.5*log(2*pi)*times.obs,s2hat=sd_2))
+  # This code is based on the paper A continuous-time ARMA process Tsai-Chan 2000
+  # we need to find the values along the diagonal
+  #l<-c(numeric(length=(p-1)),0.5)
+  # B_{p*p}V^{*}_{p*1}=-sigma^2*l/2
+  B<-matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=p)
+  aa <- -rev(a)
+  for(i in 1:p){
+    # Condition on B
+    for(j in 1:p){
+      if ((2*j-i) %in% c(1:p)){ 
+        B[i,j]<-(-1)^(j-i)*aa[2*j-i]
+      }
+      if((2*j-i)==(p+1)){
+        B[i,j]<-(-1)^(j-i-1)
+      }
+    }  
+  }
+  Vdiag <- -solve(B)[,p]*0.5
+  V <- diag(Vdiag)
+  # we insert the values outside the diagonal
+  for(i in 1:p){
+    for(j in (i+1):p){
+      if((i+j)  %% 2 == 0){ # if even
+        V[i,j]=(-1)^((i-j)/2)*V[(i+j)/2,(i+j)/2]
+        V[j,i]=V[i,j]
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(V)
 # CycleCarma<-function(y, statevar, expA, times.obs=integer(),
 #                      p=integer(), Qmatr, SigMatr, zc, loglstar){
 # #   expAT=t(expA)

Modified: pkg/yuima/src/carmafilter.c
--- pkg/yuima/src/carmafilter.c	2014-10-20 08:21:58 UTC (rev 342)
+++ pkg/yuima/src/carmafilter.c	2014-10-23 11:37:45 UTC (rev 343)
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
 SEXP carma_tmp(SEXP V, SEXP P, SEXP A);
 SEXP Cycle_Carma(SEXP Y, SEXP StateVar, SEXP ExpA, SEXP Times_Obs, SEXP P,
-                SEXP Qmatr, SEXP SigMatr, SEXP Zc);
+                SEXP Qmatr, SEXP SigMatr, SEXP Zc, SEXP Result,SEXP Kgain, 
+                SEXP dum_zc, SEXP Mat22int);
@@ -105,37 +106,36 @@
 SEXP Cycle_Carma(SEXP Y, SEXP StateVar, SEXP ExpA, SEXP Times_Obs, SEXP P,
-                SEXP Qmatr, SEXP SigMatr, SEXP Zc){
+                SEXP Qmatr, SEXP SigMatr, SEXP Zc, SEXP Result, SEXP Kgain,
+                SEXP dum_zc, SEXP Mat22int){
                 /* Declare Integer Variable */
                 int times_obs, p;
-                int i, j, h, k, t;
+                int i, j, h,  t;
                 /* Declare pointer */
                 double *rY, *rStateVar, *rExpA, *rQmatr, *rSigMatr, *rZc;
-                double *rKgain, *rdum_zc, *rMat21, *rMat22int, *rMat22est, *rResult;
-                double ppp=0;
+                double *rKgain, *rdum_zc,  *rMat22int,  *rResult;
                 double Uobs=0;
-                double sd_2=0;
-                double LogL=0;
-    double dummy=0;
+                double dummy=0;
+                double dummy1=0;
                 /* Declare SEXP */
-                SEXP Kgain,  dum_zc, Mat21, Mat22int, Mat22est, Result;
                 /* Check the type of variables*/
-                if(!isInteger(P)) error("`P' must be integer");
-                if(!isInteger(Times_Obs)) error("`Times_Obs' must be integer");
-                if(!isNumeric(Y)) error("`Y' must be numeric");
-                if(!isNumeric(StateVar)) error("`StateVar' must be numeric");
-                if(!isNumeric(ExpA)) error("`ExpA' must be numeric");
-                if(!isNumeric(Qmatr)) error("`Qmatr' must be numeric");
-                if(!isNumeric(SigMatr)) error("`SigMatr' must be numeric");
-                if(!isNumeric(Zc)) error("`Zc' must be numeric");
+              //  if(!isInteger(P)) error("`P' must be integer");
+              //  if(!isInteger(Times_Obs)) error("`Times_Obs' must be integer");
+              //  if(!isNumeric(Y)) error("`Y' must be numeric");
+              //  if(!isNumeric(StateVar)) error("`StateVar' must be numeric");
+              //  if(!isNumeric(ExpA)) error("`ExpA' must be numeric");
+              //  if(!isNumeric(Qmatr)) error("`Qmatr' must be numeric");
+              //  if(!isNumeric(SigMatr)) error("`SigMatr' must be numeric");
+              //  if(!isNumeric(Zc)) error("`Zc' must be numeric");
                 /* Protect Objects */
@@ -157,7 +157,20 @@
                 PROTECT(Zc = AS_NUMERIC(Zc));
                 rZc = REAL(Zc);
+                PROTECT(Result = AS_NUMERIC(Result));
+                rResult = REAL(Result);
+                PROTECT(Kgain = AS_NUMERIC(Kgain));
+                rKgain = REAL(Kgain);
+                PROTECT(dum_zc = AS_NUMERIC(dum_zc));
+                rdum_zc = REAL(dum_zc);
+                PROTECT(Mat22int = AS_NUMERIC(Mat22int));
+                rMat22int = REAL(Mat22int);
                 /*PROTECT(Logstar = AS_NUMERIC(Logstar));
                 rLoglstar = REAL(Logstar);*/
@@ -166,27 +179,9 @@
                 times_obs = *INTEGER(Times_Obs);
                 p = *INTEGER(P);
-              //  PROTECT(Mat21 = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, 1));
-               // rMat21 = REAL(Mat21);
-                PROTECT(Kgain = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, 1));
-                rKgain = REAL(Kgain);
-                PROTECT(dum_zc = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p,1));
-                rdum_zc = REAL(dum_zc);
-                PROTECT(Mat22int = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, p));
-                rMat22int = REAL(Mat22int);
-                PROTECT(Mat22est = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, p));
-                rMat22est = REAL(Mat22est);
-                PROTECT(Result = allocMatrix(REALSXP, 2, 1));
-                rResult = REAL(Result);
-               /* Main Code */
-                /* Dimension of Inputs:
+               /* Main Code 
+                 Dimension of Inputs:
                 Y = Vector p dimension;
                 StateVar = matrix p x 1;
                 ExpA = matrix p x p;
@@ -200,9 +195,6 @@
                 for(t in 1:rtime_obs){*/
-         /*       for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                  rdum_zc[i]=0;
-                }*/
                  for(t=0; t<times_obs; t++){
@@ -214,9 +206,7 @@
                           dummy += rExpA[i+j*p]*rStateVar[j];
                           rStateVar[i] = dummy;
-                          /* rMat21[i]=0;  statevar <- expA %*% statevar */
-                      /*}
-                         SigMatr <- expA %*% SigMatr %*% expAT + Qmatr: pxp = pxp pxp pxp
+                      /*SigMatr <- expA %*% SigMatr %*% expAT + Qmatr: pxp = pxp pxp pxp
                          First We compute rMat22int <- expA %*% SigMatr : pxp = pxp pxp
                       for(i=0; i<p; i++){*/
                         for(j=0; j<p; j++){
@@ -229,223 +219,59 @@
                        /* Second We compute rMat22est <- rMat22int %*% t(expA)
                          + Qmatr: pxp = pxp pxp + pxp */
+                      Uobs = 0;
                       for(i=0; i<p; i++){
                         for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          rMat22est[i+j*p]=0;
+                          rSigMatr[i+j*p]=0;
                           for(h=0; h<p; h++){
-                            rMat22est[i+j*p]=rMat22est[i+j*p]+rMat22int[i+h*p]*rExpA[j+h*p];
+                            rSigMatr[i+j*p] += rMat22int[i+h*p]*rExpA[j+h*p];
-                          rSigMatr[i+j*p]=rMat22est[i+j*p]+rQmatr[i+j*p];
+                          rSigMatr[i+j*p] = rSigMatr[i+j*p]+rQmatr[i+j*p];
+                      /*forecast
+                      Uobs <- y[t] - zc %*% statevar # 1 - 1Xp px*/
+                      Uobs += rZc[i]*rStateVar[i];
-                      /*forecast*/
-                      /*Uobs <- y[t] - zc %*% statevar # 1 - 1Xp px1*/
-                      rMat22est[0]=0;
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                          rMat22est[0]=rMat22est[0]+rZc[i]*rStateVar[i];
-                      }
-                      Uobs=rY[t]-rMat22est[0];
-                      /*rMat22est[0]=0;*/
+                      Uobs = rY[t]-Uobs;
                       /*   dum.zc <- zc %*% SigMatr  # 1xp pxp */
+                      rResult[1] =0;
                       for(i=0; i<p; i++){
                         dummy = 0;
                         for(j=0; j<p; j++){
                           dummy += rSigMatr[i+j*p]*rZc[j];
-                      }
-                      /*rResult[1]=rSigMatr[0];*/
                       /*     Sd_2 <- dum.zc %*% zcT  # 1xp px1 */
-                      rResult[1] =0;
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                         rResult[1] = rResult[1]+rdum_zc[i]*rZc[i];
+                         rResult[1] += rdum_zc[i]*rZc[i];
                       /* correction */
                       /*   Kgain <- SigMatr %*% zcT %*% 1/Sd_2 # pxp px1*1 */
                       for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        dummy=0;
+                        dummy1=0;
                         for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          dummy += rSigMatr[i+j*p]*rZc[j];
+                          dummy1 += rSigMatr[i+j*p]*rZc[j];
-                        rKgain[i]=dummy/rResult[1];
-                        /*rMat21[i]=0;*/
-                      }
+                        rKgain[i]=dummy1/rResult[1];
                       /*     statevar <- statevar+Kgain %*% Uobs # px1+px1 */
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                         rStateVar[i] = rStateVar[i] + rKgain[i]*Uobs;
-                      }
-                      /*     SigMatr <- SigMatr - Kgain %*% dum.zc # pxp-px1 1xp */
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
+                         rStateVar[i] +=  rKgain[i]*Uobs;
+                      /*SigMatr <- SigMatr - Kgain %*% dum.zc # pxp-px1 1xp*/
                         for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                            rSigMatr[i+j*p]=rSigMatr[i+j*p]-rKgain[i]*rdum_zc[j];
+                            rSigMatr[i+j*p] += -rKgain[i]*rdum_zc[j];
-                       /*for(i=0; i<p*p; i++){
-                         rMat22int[i];
-                       }*/
                        /*term_int = -0.5 * (log(Sd_2)+ Uobs * Uobs * 1/Sd_2)  every entries are scalars*/
-                      rResult[0] = rResult[0] -0.5 * (log(rResult[1])+ Uobs * Uobs /rResult[1]);
+                      rResult[0] += -0.5 * (log(rResult[1])+ Uobs * Uobs /rResult[1]);
                       /* manual debug */
-                   UNPROTECT(11);
+                   UNPROTECT(10);
                    return Result;
-                }
-                /* t=1;*/
-                   /* next step of the loop */
-           /*        for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        rMat21[i] = 0;
-                        for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          /*    statevar <- expA %*% statevar: px1=pxp px1 */
-                 /*         rMat21[i] = rMat21[i]+rExpA[i+j*p]*rStateVar[j];
-                        }
-                          rStateVar[i] = rMat21[i];
-                          rMat21[i]=0;/*  statevar <- expA %*% statevar */
-                    /*  }
-                  /*   SigMatr <- expA %*% SigMatr %*% expAT + Qmatr: pxp = pxp pxp pxp */
-                        /* First We compute rMat22int <- expA %*% SigMatr : pxp = pxp pxp */
-                     /* for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          rMat22int[i+j*p]=0;
-                          for(h=0; h<p; h++){
-                              rMat22int[i+j*p]=rMat22int[i+j*p]+rExpA[i+h*p]*
-                              rSigMatr[h+j*p];
-                          }
-                        }
-                      }
-                      /* print(rMat22int) */
-                        /* Second We compute rMat22est <- rMat22int %*% t(expA) + Qmatr: pxp = pxp pxp + pxp */
-                 /*     for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          rMat22est[i+j*p]=0;
-                          for(h=0; h<p; h++){
-                            rMat22est[i+j*p]=rMat22est[i+j*p]+rMat22int[i+h*p]*rExpA[j+h*p];
-                          }
-                          rSigMatr[i+j*p]=rMat22est[i+j*p];
-                        }
-                      }
-                      for(i=0; i<p*p; i++){
-                        rSigMatr[i]=rSigMatr[i]+rQmatr[i];
-                      }
-                      for(i=0; i<p*p; i++){
-                        rMat22est[i]=0;
-                        rMat22int[i]=0;
-                      }
-                      /*forecast*/
-                      /*Uobs <- y[t] - zc %*% statevar # 1 - 1Xp px1*/
-                     /* rMat22est[0]=0;
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                          rMat22est[0]=rMat22est[0]+rZc[i]*rStateVar[i];
-                      }
-                      Uobs=rY[t]-rMat22est[0];
-                      rMat22est[0]=0;
-                      /*   dum.zc <- zc %*% SigMatr  # 1xp pxp */
-                    /*
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                         rResult[1] = rResult[1]+rdum_zc[i]*rZc[i];
-                      }*/
-                    /*  for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        rMat21[i] = 0;
-                        for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          rMat21[i] =rMat21[i]+rSigMatr[i+j*p]*rZc[j];
-                        }
-                        rdum_zc[i]=rMat21[i];
-                        rMat21[i]=0;
-                      }
-                      /*rResult[1]=rSigMatr[0];*/
-                      /*     Sd_2 <- dum.zc %*% zcT  # 1xp px1 */
-                    /*  rResult[1] =0;
-                      for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                         rResult[1] = rResult[1]+rdum_zc[i]*rZc[i];
-                      }
-                      /* correction */
-                      /*   Kgain <- SigMatr %*% zcT %*% 1/Sd_2 # pxp px1*1 */
-                   /*   for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        rMat21[i]=0;
-                        for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                          rMat21[i]=rMat21[i]+rSigMatr[i+j*p]*rZc[j];
-                        }
-                        rKgain[i]=rMat21[i]/rResult[1];
-                        rMat21[i]=0;
-                      }
-                      /*     statevar <- statevar+Kgain %*% Uobs # px1+px1 */
-    /*                  for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                         rStateVar[i] = rStateVar[i] + rKgain[i]*Uobs;
-                      }
-                      /*     SigMatr <- SigMatr - Kgain %*% dum.zc # pxp-px1 1xp */
-              /*        for(i=0; i<p; i++){
-                        for(j=0; j<p; j++){
-                            rSigMatr[i+j*p]=rSigMatr[i+j*p]-rKgain[i]*rdum_zc[j];
-                        }
-                       }
-                       /*for(i=0; i<p*p; i++){
-                         rMat22int[i];
-                       }*/
-                       /*term_int = -0.5 * (log(Sd_2)+ Uobs * Uobs * 1/Sd_2)  every entries are scalars*/
-                    /*  rResult[0] = rResult[0] -0.5 * (log(rResult[1])+ Uobs * Uobs /rResult[1]);
-                /* Unprotect steps */
-      /*          UNPROTECT(12);
-                return(Result);
 SEXP sde_sim_euler(SEXP x0, SEXP t0, SEXP delta, SEXP N, SEXP M,
                    SEXP d,888 SEXP s, SEXP sx,

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