[Yuima-commits] r295 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Thu Mar 27 15:57:48 CET 2014

Author: lorenzo
Date: 2014-03-27 15:57:48 +0100 (Thu, 27 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 295

Modified qmle.R for CARMA model

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-03-23 15:57:44 UTC (rev 294)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-03-27 14:57:48 UTC (rev 295)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package
-Version: 1.0.5
+Version: 1.0.6
 Date: 2014-03-23
 Depends: methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm
 Suggests: cubature, mvtnorm

Deleted: pkg/yuima/R/CarmaRecovNoise.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/CarmaRecovNoise.R	2014-03-23 15:57:44 UTC (rev 294)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/CarmaRecovNoise.R	2014-03-27 14:57:48 UTC (rev 295)
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# In this file we develop the procedure described in Brockwell, Davis and Yang (2012) 
-# for estimation of the underlying noise once the parameters of carma(p,q) are previously 
-# obtained
-  MatrixLamb<-diag(lambda)
-  matrixR<-matrix(NA,length(lambda),length(lambda))
-  for(i in c(1:length(lambda))){
-    matrixR[,i]<-lambda[i]^c(0:(length(lambda)-1))
-  }
-  AMatrix<-matrixR%*%MatrixLamb%*%solve(matrixR)
-  acoeff<-AMatrix[length(lambda),]
-  diagA<-eigen(A)
-  diagA$values<-diagA$values[order(diagA$values, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)]
-  n_eigenval<-length(diagA$values)
-  diagA$vectors<-matrix(diagA$values[1]^(c(1:n_eigenval)-1),n_eigenval,1)
-  if(n_eigenval>=2){
-    for (i in 2:n_eigenval){
-      diagA$vectors<-cbind(diagA$vectors, 
-                           matrix(diagA$values[i]^(c(1:n_eigenval)-1),n_eigenval,1))
-    }
-  }
-  return(diagA)
-  # The code obtains the first q-1 state variable using eq 5.1 in Brockwell, Davis and Yang 2011
-  Time<-length(tt) 
-  q<-length(X_0)
-  e_q<-rep(0,q)
-  e_q[q]<-1
-  X_0<-matrix(X_0,q,1)
-  e_q<-matrix(e_q,q,1)
-  X<-matrix(0,q,Time)
-  int<-matrix(0,q,1)
-  for (i in c(3:Time)){
-    if(discr.eul==FALSE){
-      int<-int+(expm(B*(tt[i]-tt[(i-1)]))%*%(e_q*y[i-1]))*(tt[i]-tt[(i-1)])
-      X[,i]<-as.matrix(expm(B*tt[i])%*%X_0+int)
-    }else{
-      X[,i]<-X[,i-1]+(B%*%X[,i-1])*(tt[i]-tt[(i-1)])+(e_q*y[i-1])*(tt[i]-tt[(i-1)])
-    }
-  }
-  return(X)
-# StateVarXp<-function(y,X_q,tt,B,q,p){
-#   # The code computes the  state variable X using the derivatives of eq 5.2 
-#   # see Brockwell, Davis and Yang 2011
-#   diagMatB<-yuima.carma.eigen(B)
-#   if(length(diagMatB$values)>1){
-#     MatrD<-diag(diagMatB$values)
-#   }else{
-#     MatrD<-as.matrix(diagMatB$values)
-#   }
-#   MatrR<-diagMatB$vectors
-#   idx.r<-c(q:(p-1))
-#   elem.X <-length(idx.r)
-#   YMatr<-matrix(0,q,length(y))
-#   YMatr[q,]<-y
-#   OutherX<-matrix(NA,elem.X,length(y))
-#   # OutherXalt<-matrix(NA,q,length(y))
-#   for(i in 1:elem.X){
-#     OutherX[i,]<-((MatrR%*%MatrD^(idx.r[i])%*%solve(MatrR))%*%X_q+
-#       (MatrR%*%MatrD^(idx.r[i]-1)%*%solve(MatrR))%*%YMatr)[1,]  
-#   }
-#   X.StatVar<-rbind(X_q,OutherX)
-#   return(X.StatVar)
-# }
-  # The code computes the  state variable X using the derivatives of eq 5.2 
-  # see Brockwell, Davis and Yang 2011
-  if(nume.Der==FALSE){
-    yuima.warn("We need to develop this part in the future for gaining speed")
-    return(NULL)
-#     diagMatB<-yuima.carma.eigen(B)
-#     if(length(diagMatB$values)>1){
-#       MatrD<-diag(diagMatB$values)
-#     }else{
-#       MatrD<-as.matrix(diagMatB$values)
-#     }
-#     MatrR<-diagMatB$vectors
-#     idx.r<-c(q:(p-1))
-#     elem.X <-length(idx.r)
-#     YMatr<-matrix(0,q,length(y))
-#     YMatr[q,]<-y
-#     OutherX<-matrix(NA,elem.X,length(y))
-#     # OutherXalt<-matrix(NA,q,length(y))
-#     for(i in 1:elem.X){
-#       OutherX[i,]<-((MatrR%*%MatrD^(idx.r[i])%*%solve(MatrR))%*%X_q+
-#                       (MatrR%*%MatrD^(idx.r[i]-1)%*%solve(MatrR))%*%YMatr)[1,]  
-#     }
-#     X.StatVar<-rbind(X_q,OutherX)
-#     return(X.StatVar)
-  }else{
-    X_q0<-as.numeric(X_q[1,])
-    qlen<-length(X_q0)
-    X.StatVar<-matrix(0,p,qlen)
-    X.StatVar[1,]<-X_q0[1:length(X_q0)]
-    diffStatVar<-diff(X_q0)
-    difftime<-diff(tt)[1]
-    for(i in 2:p){
-      in.count<-(p-i+1)
-      fin.count<-length(diffStatVar)
-      dummyDer<-(diffStatVar/difftime)
-      X.StatVar[i,c(1:length(dummyDer))]<-(dummyDer)
-      diffStatVar<-diff(dummyDer)
-#       if(in.count-1>0){
-#         difftime<-difftime[c((in.count-1):fin.count)]
-#       }else{difftime<-difftime[c((in.count):fin.count)]}
-    }
-    X.StatVar[c(1:dim(X_q)[1]),]<-X_q
-    return(X.StatVar[,c(1:length(dummyDer))])
-  }
-  result<-sum(b*lambdax^(c(1:length(b))-1))
-  return(result)
-  p<-length(a)
-  a.new<-c(1,a[c(1:(p-1))])
-  pa.new<-c(p:1)*a.new
-  result<-sum(pa.new*lambdax^(c(p:1)-1))
-  return(result)
-CarmaRecovNoise<-function(yuima, param, data=NULL,NoNeg.Noise=FALSE){
-  if( missing(param) ) 
-    yuima.stop("Parameter values are missing.")
-  if(!is.list(param))
-    yuima.stop("Argument 'param' must be of list type.")
-  vect.param<-as.numeric(param)
-  name.param<-names(param)
-  names(vect.param)<-name.param
-  if(is(yuima,"yuima")){
-    model<-yuima at model
-    if(is.null(data)){
-      observ<-yuima at data
-    }else{observ<-data}
-  if(is(yuima,"yuima.carma")){
-    model<-yuima
-    if(is.null(data)){
-      yuima.stop("Missing data")
-    }
-    observ<-data
-  }
-  if(!is(observ,"yuima.data")){
-   yuima.stop("Data must be an object of class yuima.data-class")  
-  }
-  info<-model at info
-  numb.ar<-info at p
-  name.ar<-paste(info at ar.par,c(numb.ar:1),sep="")
-  ar.par<-vect.param[name.ar]
-  numb.ma<-info at q
-  name.ma<-paste(info at ma.par,c(0:numb.ma),sep="")
-  ma.par<-vect.param[name.ma]
-  loc.par=NULL
-  if (length(info at loc.par)!=0){
-    loc.par<-vect.param[info at loc.par]
-  }
-  scale.par=NULL
-  if (length(info at scale.par)!=0){
-    scale.par<-vect.param[info at scale.par]
-  }
-  lin.par=NULL
-  if (length(info at lin.par)!=0){
-    lin.par<-vect.param[info at lin.par]
-  }
-  ttt<-observ at zoo.data[[1]]
-  tt<-index(ttt)
-  y<-coredata(ttt)
-  levy<-yuima.CarmaRecovNoise(y,tt,ar.par,ma.par, loc.par, scale.par, lin.par,NoNeg.Noise)
-  inc.levy<-diff(as.numeric(levy))
-  return(inc.levy)
-                                loc.par=NULL, 
-                                scale.par=NULL, 
-                                lin.par=NULL, 
-                                NoNeg.Noise=FALSE){
-  if(!is.null(loc.par)){
-      y<-y-loc.par
-#       yuima.warn("the loc.par will be implemented as soon as possible")
-#       return(NULL)
-    } 
-    if(NoNeg.Noise==TRUE){
-      if(length(ar.par)==length(ma.par)){
-        yuima.warn("The case with no negative jump needs to test deeply")
-        #mean.y<-tail(ma.par,n=1)/ar.par[1]*scale.par
-        mean.y<-mean(y)
-        #y<-y-mean.y
-        mean.L1<-mean.y/tail(ma.par,n=1)*ar.par[1]/scale.par
-      }
-    }  
-    if(!is.null(scale.par)){
-      ma.parAux<-ma.par*scale.par
-      names(ma.parAux)<-names(ma.par)
-      ma.par<-ma.parAux
-#       yuima.warn("the scale.par will be implemented as soon as possible")
-#       return(NULL)
-    }
-    if(!is.null(lin.par)){
-      yuima.warn("the lin.par will be implemented as soon as possible")
-      return(NULL)
-    }
-    p<-length(ar.par)
-    q<-length(ma.par)
-    A<-MatrixA(ar.par[c(p:1)])
-    b_q<-tail(ma.par,n=1)
-    ynew<-y/b_q
-    if(q==1){
-      yuima.warn("The Derivatives for recovering noise have been performed numerically.")
-      nume.Der<-TRUE
-      X_qtot<-ynew
-      X.StVa<-matrix(0,p,length(ynew))  
-      X_q<-X_qtot[c(1:length(X_qtot))]
-      X.StVa[1,]<-X_q
-      if(p>1){
-        diffY<-diff(ynew)
-        diffX<-diff(tt)[1]
-        for (i in c(2:p)){          
-          dummyDerY<-diffY/diffX
-          X.StVa[i,c(1:length(dummyDerY))]<-(dummyDerY)
-          diffY<-diff(dummyDerY)
-        }
-        X.StVa<-X.StVa[,c(1:length(dummyDerY))]
-      }
-      #yuima.warn("the car(p) process will be implemented as soon as possible")
-      #return(NULL)
-    }else{
-    newma.par<-ma.par/b_q
-    # We build the matrix B which is necessary for building eq 5.2
-    B<-MatrixA(newma.par[c(1:(q-1))])
-    diagB<-yuima.carma.eigen(B)
-    e_q<-rep(0,(q-1))
-    if((q-1)>0){
-      e_q[(q-1)]<-1
-      X_0<-rep(0,(q-1))
-    }else{
-      e_q<-1
-      X_0<-0
-    }
-    discr.eul<-TRUE 
-    # We use the Euler discretization of eq 5.1 in Brockwell, Davis and Yang
-    X_q<-StateVarX(ynew,tt,X_0,B,discr.eul)
-    nume.Der<-TRUE
-    #plot(t(X_q))
-    X.StVa<-StateVarXp(ynew,X_q,tt,B,q-1,p,nume.Der) #Checked once the numerical derivatives have been used    
-    #plot(y)
-    }
-    diagA<-yuima.carma.eigen(A)
-    BinLambda<-rep(NA,length(ma.par))
-    for(i in c(1:length(diagA$values))){
-      BinLambda[i]<-bEvalPoly(ma.par,diagA$values[i])
-    }
-    MatrBLam<-diag(BinLambda)
-    # We get the Canonical Vector Space in eq 2.17
-    Y_CVS<-MatrBLam%*%solve(diagA$vectors)%*%X.StVa #Canonical Vector Space
-    # We verify the prop 2 in the paper "Estimation for Non-Negative Levy Driven CARMA process
-    # yver1<-Y_CVS[1,]+Y_CVS[2,]+Y_CVS[3,]
-    # plot(yver1)
-    # plot(y)
-    # Prop 2 Verified even in the case of q=0
-    idx.r<-match(0,Im(diagA$values))
-    lambda.r<-Re(diagA$values[idx.r])
-    int<-0
-    derA<-aEvalPoly(ar.par[c(p:1)],lambda.r)
-#     if(q==1){
-#       tt<-tt[p:length(tt)]
-#       # CHECK HERE 15/01 
-#     }
-    if(nume.Der==TRUE){
-      tt<-tt[p:length(tt)]
-      # CHECK HERE 15/01 
-    }
-    lev.und<-matrix(0,1,length(tt))
-    Alternative<-FALSE
-    if(Alternative==TRUE){
-      incr.vect<-(X.StVa[,2:dim(X.StVa)[2]]-X.StVa[,1:(dim(X.StVa)[2]-1)])-(A%*%X.StVa[,1:(dim(X.StVa)[2]-1)]
-                #                                                            +(matrix(c(0,mean.L1),2,(dim(X.StVa)[2]-1)))/diff(tt)[1]
-                                                                            )*diff(tt)[1]
-      #+(matrix(c(0,mean.L1),2,(dim(X.StVa)[2]-1)))
-      lev.und<-as.matrix(cumsum(as.numeric(incr.vect[dim(X.StVa)[1],])),1,length(tt))
-    }else{
-      for(t in c(2:length(tt))){
-        int<-int+Y_CVS[idx.r,t-1]*(tt[t]-tt[t-1])
-        lev.und[,t]<-derA/BinLambda[idx.r]*(Y_CVS[idx.r,t]-Y_CVS[idx.r,1]-lambda.r*int)
-      }
-    }
-#     if(NoNeg.Noise==TRUE){
-#       if(length(ar.par)==length(ma.par)){
-#         if(Alternative==TRUE){
-#           mean.Ltt<-mean.L1*tt[c(2:length(tt))]
-#         }else{mean.Ltt<-mean.L1*tt}
-#         lev.und<-lev.und+mean.Ltt
-#       }
-#     }
-  return(lev.und)

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R	2014-03-23 15:57:44 UTC (rev 294)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/qmle.R	2014-03-27 14:57:48 UTC (rev 295)
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
     final_res<-new("mle", call = call, coef = coef, fullcoef = unlist(mycoef), 
                    vcov = vcov, min = min, details = oout, minuslogl = minusquasilogl, 
                    method = method)
-  }else{ 
+  }else{
     if( Est.Incr=="Carma.IncPar" || Est.Incr=="Carma.Inc" ){
     final_res<-new("yuima.carma.qmle", call = call, coef = coef, fullcoef = unlist(mycoef), 
                    vcov = vcov, min = min, details = oout, minuslogl = minusquasilogl, 
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@
 if(!is(yuima at model,"yuima.carma")){
  }else {
-   cat("\nStarting Estimation Increments ...\n")
     observ<-yuima at data
@@ -733,6 +733,12 @@
     if (length(info at lin.par)!=0){
       lin.par<-param[info at lin.par]
+    if(min(yuima.PhamBreton.Alg(ar.par[numb.ar:1]))>=0){
+      cat("\n Stationarity condition is satisfied...\n Starting Estimation Increments ...\n")
+    }else{
+      yuima.warn("Insert constraints in Autoregressive parameters for enforcing stationarity" )
+      cat("\n Starting Estimation Increments ...\n")
+    }
     ttt<-observ at zoo.data[[1]]
@@ -1512,7 +1518,7 @@
   # SigMatr<-expA%*%V_inf%*%t(expA)+Qmatr
-  #SigMatr<-V_inf
+  SigMatr<-V_inf
   loglstar <- 0
@@ -1543,6 +1549,54 @@
+  p<-length(a)
+  gamma<-a[p:1]
+  if(p>2){
+    gamma[p]<-a[1]
+    alpha<-matrix(NA,p,p)
+    for(j in 1:p){
+      if(is.integer(as.integer(j)/2)){
+        alpha[p,j]<-0
+        alpha[p-1,j]<-0
+      }else{
+        alpha[p,j]<-a[j]
+        alpha[p-1,j]<-a[j+1]/gamma[p]
+      }
+    }
+    for(n in (p-1):1){
+      gamma[n]<-alpha[n+1,2]-alpha[n,2]  
+      for(j in 1:n-1){
+        alpha[n-1,j]<-(alpha[n+1,j+2]-alpha[n,j+2])/gamma[n]
+      }
+      alpha[n-1,n-1]<-alpha[n+1,n+1]/gamma[n]
+    }
+    gamma[1]<-alpha[2,2]
+  }
+  return(gamma)
+#   p<-length(gamma)
+#   a<-gamma[p:1]
+#   if(p>2){
+#     x<-polynom()
+#     f0<-1*x^0
+#     f1<-x
+#     f2<-x*f1+gamma[1]*f0
+#     for(t in 2:(p-1)){
+#       f0<-f1
+#       f1<-f2
+#       f2<-x*f1+gamma[t]*f0
+#     }
+#     finpol<-f2+gamma[p]*f1
+#     a <- coef(finpol)[p:1]
+#   }
+#   return(a)
+# }
 #yuima.carma.loglik1<-function (y, tt, a, b, sigma) 
 yuima.carma.loglik1<-function (y, u, a, b, sigma,time.obs,V_inf0,p,q)

Deleted: pkg/yuima/man/CarmaRecovNoise.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/CarmaRecovNoise.Rd	2014-03-23 15:57:44 UTC (rev 294)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/CarmaRecovNoise.Rd	2014-03-27 14:57:48 UTC (rev 295)
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-\title{Estimation for the underlying Levy in a carma model}
-\description{Retrieve the increment of the underlying Levy for the carma(p,q) process using the approach developed in Brockwell et al.(2011)}
-CarmaRecovNoise(yuima, param, data=NULL, NoNeg.Noise=FALSE)
-  \item{yuima}{a yuima object or an object of \code{\link{yuima.carma-class}}.}
-  \item{param}{\code{list} of parameters for the carma.}
-  \item{data}{an object of class \code{\link{yuima.data-class}} contains the observations available at uniformly spaced time. If \code{data=NULL}, the default, the 'CarmaRecovNoise' uses the data in an object of \code{\link{yuima.data-class}}.}
-  \item{NoNeg.Noise}{Estimate a non-negative Levy-Driven Carma process. By default \code{NoNeg.Noise=FALSE}.}
-  %\item{QL}{a real value.}
-  \item{incr.Levy}{a numeric object contains the estimated increments.}
-  }
-\author{The YUIMA Project Team}
-  %The function ml.ql uses the function optim internally.
-  The function \code{qmle} uses the function \code{CarmaRecovNoise} for estimation of underlying Levy in the carma model.
- \references{
-               Brockwell, P., Davis, A. R. and Yang. Y. (2011)
-Estimation for Non-Negative Levy-Driven CARMA Process, \emph{Journal of Business And Economic Statistics}, \bold{29} - 2, 250-259.
-#Ex.1: Carma(p=3, q=0) process driven by a brownian motion.
-# We fix the autoregressive and moving average parameters
-# to ensure the existence of a second order stationary solution for the process.
-true.parm0 <-list(a1=4,a2=4.75,a3=1.5,b0=1)
-# We simulate a trajectory of the Carma model.
-               true.parameter=true.parm0,
-               sampling=samp0, increment.W=incr.W)
-#Applying the CarmaRecovNoise
-  inc.Levy0<-CarmaRecovNoise(sim0,true.parm0)
-# We compare the orginal with the estimated noise increments 
-plot(t(incr.W)[1:998],type="l", ylab="",xlab="time")
-title(main="True Brownian Motion",font.main="1")
-plot(inc.Levy0,type="l", main="Filtered Brownian Motion",font.main="1",ylab="",xlab="time")
-# Ex.2: carma(2,1) driven  by a compound poisson
-# where jump size is normally distributed and
-# the lambda is equal to 1.
-               q=1,
-               measure=list(intensity="Lamb",df=list("dnorm(z, 0, 1)")),
-               measure.type="CP") 
-true.parm1 <-list(a1=1.39631, a2=0.05029,
-                  b0=1,b1=2,
-                  Lamb=1)
-# We generate a sample path.
-               true.parameter=true.parm1,
-               sampling=samp1)
-# We estimate the parameter using qmle.
-carmaopt1 <- qmle(sim1, start=true.parm1)
-# Internally qmle uses CarmaRecovNoise. The result is in 
-# Ex.3: Carma(p=2,q=1) with scale and location parameters 
-# driven by a Compound Poisson
-# with jump size normally distributed.
-               q=1,
-               loc.par="mu",
-               scale.par="sig",
-               measure=list(intensity="Lamb",df=list("dnorm(z, 0, 1)")),
-               measure.type="CP") 
-true.parm2 <-list(a1=1.39631,
-                  a2=0.05029,
-                  b0=1,
-                  b1=2,
-                  Lamb=1,
-                  mu=0.5,
-                  sig=0.23)
-# We simulate the sample path 
-               true.parameter=true.parm2,
-               sampling=samp1)
-# We estimate the Carma and we plot the underlying noise.
-carmaopt2 <- qmle(sim2, start=true.parm2)
-# Increments estimated by CarmaRecovNoise
-% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
-% R documentation directory.

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