[Yuima-commits] r317 - in pkg/yuima: . R man src

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Mon Jul 7 04:19:12 CEST 2014

Author: kyuta
Date: 2014-07-07 04:19:11 +0200 (Mon, 07 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 317

modified llag.R, llag.Rd, cce_functions.c

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-05-13 12:10:47 UTC (rev 316)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2014-07-07 02:19:11 UTC (rev 317)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package for SDEs
-Version: 1.0.21
-Date: 2014-05-02
+Version: 1.0.22
+Date: 2014-07-07
 Depends: methods, zoo, stats4, utils, expm
 Suggests: cubature, mvtnorm
 Author: YUIMA Project Team

Modified: pkg/yuima/NEWS
--- pkg/yuima/NEWS	2014-05-13 12:10:47 UTC (rev 316)
+++ pkg/yuima/NEWS	2014-07-07 02:19:11 UTC (rev 317)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 2013/10/28: modify llag.R
 2013/10/30: modify cce.R, cce_functions.c
 2013/11/21: modify llag.R
-2013/11/22: modify cce.R, cce_functions.c
-2014/04/28: modified qmle, added carma, modified lasso
-2014/05/04: modified show method, setYuima sets the sampling from the data if sampling is missing
+2013/11/22: modify cce.R, cce_functions.c
+2014/04/28: modified qmle, added carma, modified lasso
+2014/05/04: modified show method, setYuima sets the sampling from the data if sampling is missing
+2014/07/07: modified llag.R, llag.Rd, cce_functions.c; estimated cross-correlation functions are converted to values in [-1,1]

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/llag.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/llag.R	2014-05-13 12:10:47 UTC (rev 316)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/llag.R	2014-07-07 02:19:11 UTC (rev 317)
@@ -1,368 +1,544 @@
-#lead-lag estimation
-#setGeneric( "llag", function(x,verbose=FALSE) standardGeneric("llag") )
-#setMethod( "llag", "yuima", function(x,verbose=FALSE) llag(x at data,verbose=verbose ))
-#setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,verbose=FALSE) {
-#setGeneric( "llag",
-#		function(x,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
-#		standardGeneric("llag") )
-#setMethod( "llag", "yuima",
-#		function(x,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
-#		llag(x at data,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=verbose ))
-#setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
-setGeneric( "llag",
-		function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,grid)
-		standardGeneric("llag") )
-setMethod( "llag", "yuima",
-		function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,grid)
-		llag(x at data,from=from,to=to,division=division,verbose=verbose,grid=grid))
-setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,
-                                          verbose=FALSE,grid) {
-  if((is(x)=="yuima")||(is(x)=="yuima.data")){
-    zdata <- get.zoo.data(x)
-  }else{
-    print("llag:invalid argument")
-    return(NULL)
-  }
-  d <- length(zdata)
-  # allocate memory
-  ser.times <- vector(d, mode="list") # time index in 'x'
-  ser.diffX <- vector(d, mode="list") # difference of data
-  vol <- double(d)
-  for(i in 1:d){
-    # NA data must be skipped
-    idt <- which(is.na(zdata[[i]]))
-    if(length(idt>0)){
-      zdata[[i]] <- zdata[[i]][-idt]
-    }
-    if(length(zdata[[i]])<2) {
-      stop("length of data (w/o NA) must be more than 1")
-    }
-    # set data and time index
-    ser.times[[i]] <- as.numeric(time(zdata[[i]]))
-    # set difference of the data 
-    ser.diffX[[i]] <- diff( as.numeric(zdata[[i]]) )
-    vol[i] <- sum(ser.diffX[[i]]^2)
-  }
-  theta <- matrix(0,d,d)
-  covmat <- diag(vol)
-  d.size <- d*(d-1)/2
-  crosscov <- vector(d.size,mode="list")
-  if(missing(grid)){
-    if(length(from) != d.size){
-      from <- c(from,rep(-Inf,d.size - length(from)))
-    }
-    if(length(to) != d.size){
-      to <- c(to,rep(Inf,d.size - length(to)))
-    }
-    if(length(division) == 1){
-      division <- rep(division,d.size)
-    }
-    for(i in 1:(d-1)){
-      for(j in (i+1):d){
-        time1 <- ser.times[[i]]
-        time2 <- ser.times[[j]] 
-        # calculate the maximum of correlation by substituting theta to lagcce
-        #n:=2*length(data)
-        num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
-        if(division[num]==FALSE){
-          n <- round(2*max(length(time1),length(time2)))+1
-        }else{
-          n <- division[num]
-        }
-        # maximum value of lagcce
-        tmptheta <- time2[1]-time1[1] # time lag (sec)
-        num1 <- time1[length(time1)]-time1[1] # elapsed time for series 1
-        num2 <- time2[length(time2)]-time2[1] # elapsed time for series 2
-        # modified
-        if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE && is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
-          num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
-          num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
-          tmptheta <- 0
-          if(-num2 >= num1){
-            print("llag:invalid range")
-            return(NULL)
-          }
-        }else if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE){
-          num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
-          num1 <- num1-tmptheta
-          tmptheta <- 0
-          if(-num2 >= num1){
-            print("llag:invalid range")
-            return(NULL)
-          }
-        }else if(is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
-          num2 <- num2+tmptheta
-          num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
-          tmptheta <- 0
-          if(-num2 >= num1){
-            print("llag:invalid range")
-            return(NULL)
-          }
-        }
-        y <- seq(-num2-tmptheta,num1-tmptheta,length=n)[2:(n-1)]
-        tmp <- .C("HYcrosscov",
-                  as.integer(n-2),
-                  as.integer(length(time1)),
-                  as.integer(length(time2)),
-                  as.double(y),
-                  as.double(time1),
-                  as.double(time2),
-                  double(length(time2)),
-                  as.double(ser.diffX[[i]]),
-                  as.double(ser.diffX[[j]]),
-                  value=double(n-2),PACKAGE="yuima")$value
-        idx <- which.max(abs(tmp))
-        mlag <- -y[idx] # make the first timing of max or min
-        cov <- tmp[idx]
-        theta[i,j] <- mlag
-        covmat[i,j] <- cov
-        theta[j,i] <- -mlag
-        covmat[j,i] <- covmat[i,j]
-        crosscov[[num]] <- zoo(tmp,y)
-      }
-    }
-  }else{
-    if(!is.list(grid)){
-      if(is.numeric(grid)){
-        grid <- data.frame(matrix(grid,length(grid),d.size))
-      }else{
-        print("llag:invalid grid")
-        return(NULL)
-      }
-    }
-    for(i in 1:(d-1)){
-      for(j in (i+1):d){
-        time1 <- ser.times[[i]]
-        time2 <- ser.times[[j]] 
-        num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
-        tmp <- .C("HYcrosscov",
-                  as.integer(length(grid[[num]])),
-                  as.integer(length(time1)),
-                  as.integer(length(time2)),
-                  as.double(grid[[num]]),
-                  as.double(time1),
-                  as.double(time2),
-                  double(length(time2)),
-                  as.double(ser.diffX[[i]]),
-                  as.double(ser.diffX[[j]]),
-                  value=double(length(grid[[num]])),PACKAGE="yuima")$value
-        idx <- which.max(abs(tmp))
-        mlag <- -grid[[num]][idx] # make the first timing of max or min
-        cov <- tmp[idx]
-        theta[i,j] <- mlag
-        covmat[i,j] <- cov
-        theta[j,i] <- -mlag
-        covmat[j,i] <- covmat[i,j]
-        crosscov[[num]] <- zoo(tmp,grid[[num]])
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  cormat <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))%*%covmat%*%diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))
-  colnames(theta) <- names(zdata)
-  rownames(theta) <- names(zdata)
-  if(verbose==TRUE){
-    colnames(covmat) <- names(zdata)
-    rownames(covmat) <- names(zdata)
-    colnames(cormat) <- names(zdata)
-    rownames(cormat) <- names(zdata)
-    return(list(lagcce=theta,covmat=covmat,cormat=cormat,crosscov=crosscov))
-  }else{
-    return(theta)
-  }
-## Old version
-setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
-  if(!is(x)=="yuima.data"){
-    if(is(x)=="yuima"){
-      dat <- x at data
-    }else{
-      print("llag:invalid argument")
-      return(NULL)
-    }
-  }else{
-    dat <- x
-  }
-  d <- length(dat at zoo.data)
-  lagccep <- function(datp,theta){
-    time(datp[[2]]) <- time(datp[[2]])+theta
-    return(cce(setData(datp))$covmat[1,2])
-  }
-  lagcce <- function(datzoo,theta){
-    d <- dim(theta)[1]
-    lcmat <- cce(setData(datzoo))$covmat
-    for(i in 1:(d-1)){
-      for(j in (i+1):d){
-        datp <- datzoo[c(i,j)]
-        lcmat[i,j] <- lagccep(datp,theta[i,j])
-        lcmat[j,i] <- lcmat[i,j]
-      }
-    }		
-    return(lcmat)	
-  }
-  d.size <- d*(d-1)/2
-  if(length(from) != d.size){
-    from <- c(from,rep(-Inf,d.size - length(from)))
-  }
-  if(length(to) != d.size){
-    to <- c(to,rep(Inf,d.size - length(to)))
-  }
-  if(length(division) != d.size){
-    division <- c(division,rep(FALSE,d.size - length(division)))
-  }
-  find_lag <- function(i,j){
-    datp <- dat at zoo.data[c(i,j)]
-    time1 <- time(datp[[1]])
-    time2 <- time(datp[[2]])  
-    # calculate the maximum of correlation by substituting theta to lagcce
-    #n:=2*length(data)
-    num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
-    if(division[num]==FALSE){
-      n <- round(2*max(length(datp[[1]]),length(datp[[2]])))+1
-    }else{
-      n <- division[num]
-    }
-    # maximum value of lagcce
-    tmptheta <- as.numeric(time2[1])-as.numeric(time1[1]) # time lag (sec)
-    num1 <- as.numeric(time1[length(time1)])-as.numeric(time1[1]) # elapsed time for series 1
-    num2 <- as.numeric(time2[length(time2)])-as.numeric(time2[1]) # elapsed time for series 2
-    # modified
-    if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE && is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
-      num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
-      num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
-      tmptheta <- 0
-      if(-num2 >= num1){
-        print("llag:invalid range")
-        return(NULL)
-      }
-    }else if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE){
-      num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
-      num1 <- num1-tmptheta
-      tmptheta <- 0
-      if(-num2 >= num1){
-        print("llag:invalid range")
-        return(NULL)
-      }
-    }else if(is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
-      num2 <- num2+tmptheta
-      num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
-      tmptheta <- 0
-      if(-num2 >= num1){
-        print("llag:invalid range")
-        return(NULL)
-      }
-    }
-    y <- seq(-num2-tmptheta,num1-tmptheta,length=n)
-    tmp <- double(n)
-    for(i.tmp in 2:(n-1)){
-      tmp[i.tmp] <- lagccep(datp,y[i.tmp])
-    }
-    mat <- cbind(y[2:(n-1)],tmp[2:(n-1)])
-    #idx <- abs(mat[,2])==max(abs(mat[,2]))
-    #mlag <- mat[,1][idx][1] # make the first timing of max or min
-    #cov <- mat[,2][idx][1]
-    idx <- which.max(abs(mat[,2]))
-    mlag <- mat[,1][idx] # make the first timing of max or min
-    cov <- mat[,2][idx]
-    return(list(lag=-mlag,cov=cov))
-  }
-  theta <- matrix(numeric(d^2),ncol=d)
-  covmat <- cce(dat)$covmat
-  for(i in 1:(d-1)){
-    for(j in (i+1):d){
-      fl <- find_lag(i,j)
-      theta[i,j] <- fl$lag
-      covmat[i,j] <- fl$cov
-      theta[j,i] <- -theta[i,j]
-      covmat[j,i] <- covmat[i,j]
-    }
-  }
-  #  covmat <- lagcce(dat at zoo.data,theta)
-  cormat <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))%*%covmat%*%diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))
-  if(verbose==TRUE){
-    return(list(lagcce=theta,covmat=covmat,cormat=cormat))
-  }else{
-    return(theta)
-  }
+#lead-lag estimation
+#setGeneric( "llag", function(x,verbose=FALSE) standardGeneric("llag") )
+#setMethod( "llag", "yuima", function(x,verbose=FALSE) llag(x at data,verbose=verbose ))
+#setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,verbose=FALSE) {
+#setGeneric( "llag",
+#		function(x,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
+#		standardGeneric("llag") )
+#setMethod( "llag", "yuima",
+#		function(x,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
+#		llag(x at data,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=verbose ))
+#setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,from=FALSE,to=FALSE,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
+setGeneric( "llag",
+		function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,grid,psd=TRUE,
+             plot=FALSE,ccor=FALSE)
+		standardGeneric("llag") )
+setMethod( "llag", "yuima",
+		function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,grid,psd=TRUE,
+             plot=FALSE,ccor=FALSE)
+		llag(x at data,from=from,to=to,division=division,verbose=verbose,grid=grid,
+         psd=psd,plot=plot))
+setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,
+                                          verbose=FALSE,grid,psd=TRUE,
+                                          plot=FALSE,ccor=FALSE) {
+  if((is(x)=="yuima")||(is(x)=="yuima.data")){
+    zdata <- get.zoo.data(x)
+  }else{
+    print("llag:invalid argument")
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  d <- length(zdata)
+  # allocate memory
+  ser.times <- vector(d, mode="list") # time index in 'x'
+  ser.diffX <- vector(d, mode="list") # difference of data
+  vol <- double(d)
+  for(i in 1:d){
+    # NA data must be skipped
+    idt <- which(is.na(zdata[[i]]))
+    if(length(idt>0)){
+      zdata[[i]] <- zdata[[i]][-idt]
+    }
+    if(length(zdata[[i]])<2) {
+      stop("length of data (w/o NA) must be more than 1")
+    }
+    # set data and time index
+    ser.times[[i]] <- as.numeric(time(zdata[[i]]))
+    # set difference of the data 
+    ser.diffX[[i]] <- diff( as.numeric(zdata[[i]]) )
+    vol[i] <- sum(ser.diffX[[i]]^2)
+  }
+  theta <- matrix(0,d,d)
+  d.size <- d*(d-1)/2
+  crosscor <- vector(d.size,mode="list")
+  if(psd){
+    cormat <- diag(d)
+    if(missing(grid)){
+      if(length(from) != d.size){
+        from <- c(from,rep(-Inf,d.size - length(from)))
+      }
+      if(length(to) != d.size){
+        to <- c(to,rep(Inf,d.size - length(to)))
+      }
+      if(length(division) == 1){
+        division <- rep(division,d.size)
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+        for(j in (i+1):d){
+          time1 <- ser.times[[i]]
+          time2 <- ser.times[[j]] 
+          # calculate the maximum of correlation by substituting theta to lagcce
+          #n:=2*length(data)
+          num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
+          if(division[num]==FALSE){
+            n <- round(2*max(length(time1),length(time2)))+1
+          }else{
+            n <- division[num]
+          }
+          # maximum value of lagcce
+          tmptheta <- time2[1]-time1[1] # time lag (sec)
+          num1 <- time1[length(time1)]-time1[1] # elapsed time for series 1
+          num2 <- time2[length(time2)]-time2[1] # elapsed time for series 2
+          # modified
+          if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE && is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
+            num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
+            num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
+            tmptheta <- 0
+            if(-num2 >= num1){
+              print("llag:invalid range")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+          }else if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE){
+            num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
+            num1 <- num1-tmptheta
+            tmptheta <- 0
+            if(-num2 >= num1){
+              print("llag:invalid range")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+          }else if(is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
+            num2 <- num2+tmptheta
+            num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
+            tmptheta <- 0
+            if(-num2 >= num1){
+              print("llag:invalid range")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+          }
+          y <- seq(-num2-tmptheta,num1-tmptheta,length=n)[2:(n-1)]
+          tmp <- .C("HYcrosscorr",
+                    as.integer(n-2),
+                    as.integer(length(time1)),
+                    as.integer(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(y),
+                    as.double(time1),
+                    as.double(time2),
+                    double(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[i]]),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[j]]),
+                    as.double(vol[i]),
+                    as.double(vol[j]),
+                    value=double(n-2))$value
+          idx <- which.max(abs(tmp))
+          mlag <- -y[idx] # make the first timing of max or min
+          corr <- tmp[idx]
+          theta[i,j] <- mlag
+          cormat[i,j] <- corr
+          theta[j,i] <- -mlag
+          cormat[j,i] <- cormat[i,j]
+          crosscor[[num]] <- zoo(tmp,-y)
+        }
+      }
+    }else{
+      if(!is.list(grid)){
+        if(is.numeric(grid)){
+          grid <- data.frame(matrix(grid,length(grid),d.size))
+        }else{
+          print("llag:invalid grid")
+          return(NULL)
+        }
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+        for(j in (i+1):d){
+          time1 <- ser.times[[i]]
+          time2 <- ser.times[[j]] 
+          num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
+          tmp <- .C("HYcrosscorr",
+                    as.integer(length(grid[[num]])),
+                    as.integer(length(time1)),
+                    as.integer(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(grid[[num]]),
+                    as.double(time1),
+                    as.double(time2),
+                    double(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[i]]),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[j]]),
+                    as.double(vol[i]),
+                    as.double(vol[j]),
+                    value=double(length(grid[[num]])))$value
+          idx <- which.max(abs(tmp))
+          mlag <- -grid[[num]][idx] # make the first timing of max or min
+          cor <- tmp[idx]
+          theta[i,j] <- mlag
+          cormat[i,j] <- cor
+          theta[j,i] <- -mlag
+          cormat[j,i] <- cormat[i,j]
+          crosscor[[num]] <- zoo(tmp,-grid[[num]])
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    covmat <- diag(sqrt(vol))%*%cormat%*%diag(sqrt(vol))
+  }else{# non-psd
+    covmat <- diag(vol)
+    if(missing(grid)){
+      if(length(from) != d.size){
+        from <- c(from,rep(-Inf,d.size - length(from)))
+      }
+      if(length(to) != d.size){
+        to <- c(to,rep(Inf,d.size - length(to)))
+      }
+      if(length(division) == 1){
+        division <- rep(division,d.size)
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+        for(j in (i+1):d){
+          time1 <- ser.times[[i]]
+          time2 <- ser.times[[j]] 
+          # calculate the maximum of correlation by substituting theta to lagcce
+          #n:=2*length(data)
+          num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
+          if(division[num]==FALSE){
+            n <- round(2*max(length(time1),length(time2)))+1
+          }else{
+            n <- division[num]
+          }
+          # maximum value of lagcce
+          tmptheta <- time2[1]-time1[1] # time lag (sec)
+          num1 <- time1[length(time1)]-time1[1] # elapsed time for series 1
+          num2 <- time2[length(time2)]-time2[1] # elapsed time for series 2
+          # modified
+          if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE && is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
+            num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
+            num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
+            tmptheta <- 0
+            if(-num2 >= num1){
+              print("llag:invalid range")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+          }else if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE){
+            num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
+            num1 <- num1-tmptheta
+            tmptheta <- 0
+            if(-num2 >= num1){
+              print("llag:invalid range")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+          }else if(is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
+            num2 <- num2+tmptheta
+            num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
+            tmptheta <- 0
+            if(-num2 >= num1){
+              print("llag:invalid range")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+          }
+          y <- seq(-num2-tmptheta,num1-tmptheta,length=n)[2:(n-1)]
+          tmp <- .C("HYcrosscov",
+                    as.integer(n-2),
+                    as.integer(length(time1)),
+                    as.integer(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(y),
+                    as.double(time1),
+                    as.double(time2),
+                    double(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[i]]),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[j]]),
+                    value=double(n-2),PACKAGE="yuima")$value
+          idx <- which.max(abs(tmp))
+          mlag <- -y[idx] # make the first timing of max or min
+          cov <- tmp[idx]
+          theta[i,j] <- mlag
+          covmat[i,j] <- cov
+          theta[j,i] <- -mlag
+          covmat[j,i] <- covmat[i,j]
+          crosscor[[num]] <- zoo(tmp,-y)/sqrt(vol[i]*vol[j])
+        }
+      }
+    }else{
+      if(!is.list(grid)){
+        if(is.numeric(grid)){
+          grid <- data.frame(matrix(grid,length(grid),d.size))
+        }else{
+          print("llag:invalid grid")
+          return(NULL)
+        }
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+        for(j in (i+1):d){
+          time1 <- ser.times[[i]]
+          time2 <- ser.times[[j]] 
+          num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
+          tmp <- .C("HYcrosscov",
+                    as.integer(length(grid[[num]])),
+                    as.integer(length(time1)),
+                    as.integer(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(grid[[num]]),
+                    as.double(time1),
+                    as.double(time2),
+                    double(length(time2)),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[i]]),
+                    as.double(ser.diffX[[j]]),
+                    value=double(length(grid[[num]])),PACKAGE="yuima")$value
+          idx <- which.max(abs(tmp))
+          mlag <- -grid[[num]][idx] # make the first timing of max or min
+          cov <- tmp[idx]
+          theta[i,j] <- mlag
+          covmat[i,j] <- cov
+          theta[j,i] <- -mlag
+          covmat[j,i] <- covmat[i,j]
+          crosscor[[num]] <- zoo(tmp,-grid[[num]])/sqrt(vol[i]*vol[j])
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    cormat <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))%*%covmat%*%diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))
+  }
+  colnames(theta) <- names(zdata)
+  rownames(theta) <- names(zdata)
+  if(plot){
+    for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+      for(j in (i+1):d){
+        num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
+        plot(crosscor[[num]],
+             main=paste(i,"vs",j,"(positive",expression(theta),"means",i,"leads",j,")"),
+             xlab=expression(theta),ylab=expression(U(theta)))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(verbose==TRUE){
+    colnames(covmat) <- names(zdata)
+    rownames(covmat) <- names(zdata)
+    colnames(cormat) <- names(zdata)
+    rownames(cormat) <- names(zdata)
+    if(ccor){
+      return(list(lagcce=theta,covmat=covmat,cormat=cormat,ccor=crosscor))
+    }else{
+      return(list(lagcce=theta,covmat=covmat,cormat=cormat))
+    }
+  }else{
+    return(theta)
+  }
+## Old version
+setMethod( "llag", "yuima.data", function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,division=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
+  if(!is(x)=="yuima.data"){
+    if(is(x)=="yuima"){
+      dat <- x at data
+    }else{
+      print("llag:invalid argument")
+      return(NULL)
+    }
+  }else{
+    dat <- x
+  }
+  d <- length(dat at zoo.data)
+  lagccep <- function(datp,theta){
+    time(datp[[2]]) <- time(datp[[2]])+theta
+    return(cce(setData(datp))$covmat[1,2])
+  }
+  lagcce <- function(datzoo,theta){
+    d <- dim(theta)[1]
+    lcmat <- cce(setData(datzoo))$covmat
+    for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+      for(j in (i+1):d){
+        datp <- datzoo[c(i,j)]
+        lcmat[i,j] <- lagccep(datp,theta[i,j])
+        lcmat[j,i] <- lcmat[i,j]
+      }
+    }		
+    return(lcmat)	
+  }
+  d.size <- d*(d-1)/2
+  if(length(from) != d.size){
+    from <- c(from,rep(-Inf,d.size - length(from)))
+  }
+  if(length(to) != d.size){
+    to <- c(to,rep(Inf,d.size - length(to)))
+  }
+  if(length(division) != d.size){
+    division <- c(division,rep(FALSE,d.size - length(division)))
+  }
+  find_lag <- function(i,j){
+    datp <- dat at zoo.data[c(i,j)]
+    time1 <- time(datp[[1]])
+    time2 <- time(datp[[2]])  
+    # calculate the maximum of correlation by substituting theta to lagcce
+    #n:=2*length(data)
+    num <- d*(i-1) - (i-1)*i/2 + (j-i)
+    if(division[num]==FALSE){
+      n <- round(2*max(length(datp[[1]]),length(datp[[2]])))+1
+    }else{
+      n <- division[num]
+    }
+    # maximum value of lagcce
+    tmptheta <- as.numeric(time2[1])-as.numeric(time1[1]) # time lag (sec)
+    num1 <- as.numeric(time1[length(time1)])-as.numeric(time1[1]) # elapsed time for series 1
+    num2 <- as.numeric(time2[length(time2)])-as.numeric(time2[1]) # elapsed time for series 2
+    # modified
+    if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE && is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
+      num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
+      num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
+      tmptheta <- 0
+      if(-num2 >= num1){
+        print("llag:invalid range")
+        return(NULL)
+      }
+    }else if(is.numeric(from[num])==TRUE){
+      num2 <- min(-from[num],num2+tmptheta)
+      num1 <- num1-tmptheta
+      tmptheta <- 0
+      if(-num2 >= num1){
+        print("llag:invalid range")
+        return(NULL)
+      }
+    }else if(is.numeric(to[num])==TRUE){
+      num2 <- num2+tmptheta
+      num1 <- min(to[num],num1-tmptheta)
+      tmptheta <- 0
+      if(-num2 >= num1){
+        print("llag:invalid range")
+        return(NULL)
+      }
+    }
+    y <- seq(-num2-tmptheta,num1-tmptheta,length=n)
+    tmp <- double(n)
+    for(i.tmp in 2:(n-1)){
+      tmp[i.tmp] <- lagccep(datp,y[i.tmp])
+    }
+    mat <- cbind(y[2:(n-1)],tmp[2:(n-1)])
+    #idx <- abs(mat[,2])==max(abs(mat[,2]))
+    #mlag <- mat[,1][idx][1] # make the first timing of max or min
+    #cov <- mat[,2][idx][1]
+    idx <- which.max(abs(mat[,2]))
+    mlag <- mat[,1][idx] # make the first timing of max or min
+    cov <- mat[,2][idx]
+    return(list(lag=-mlag,cov=cov))
+  }
+  theta <- matrix(numeric(d^2),ncol=d)
+  covmat <- cce(dat)$covmat
+  for(i in 1:(d-1)){
+    for(j in (i+1):d){
+      fl <- find_lag(i,j)
+      theta[i,j] <- fl$lag
+      covmat[i,j] <- fl$cov
+      theta[j,i] <- -theta[i,j]
+      covmat[j,i] <- covmat[i,j]
+    }
+  }
+  #  covmat <- lagcce(dat at zoo.data,theta)
+  cormat <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))%*%covmat%*%diag(1/sqrt(diag(covmat)))
+  if(verbose==TRUE){
+    return(list(lagcce=theta,covmat=covmat,cormat=cormat))
+  }else{
+    return(theta)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/yuima/man/llag.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/llag.Rd	2014-05-13 12:10:47 UTC (rev 316)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/llag.Rd	2014-07-07 02:19:11 UTC (rev 317)
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 \description{Estimate the lead-lag parameters of discretely observed processes by maximizing the shifted Hayashi-Yoshida covariation contrast functions, following Hoffmann et al. (2013).
+     plot=FALSE,ccor=FALSE)
   \item{x}{an object of  \code{\link{yuima-class}} or
@@ -15,25 +16,33 @@
 \item{to}{a numeric vector each of whose component(s) indicates the upper end of a finite grid on which the contrast function is evaluated, if \code{grid} is missing.}
 \item{division}{a numeric vector each of whose component(s) indicates the number of the points of a finite grid on which the contrast function is evaluated, if \code{grid} is missing.}
 \item{grid}{a numeric vector or a list of numeric vectors. See `Details'.}
+\item{psd}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, the estimated cross-correlation functions are converted to the interval [-1,1]. See `Details'.}
+\item{plot}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, the estimated cross-correlation functions are plotted.}
+\item{ccor}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, the estimated cross-correlation functions are returned. This argument is ignored if \code{verbose} is \code{FALSE}.}
 Let \eqn{d} be the number of the components of the \code{zoo.data} of the object \code{x}.
 Let \eqn{Xi_{ti_0},Xi_{ti_1},\dots,Xi_{ti_n(i)}} be the observation data of the \eqn{i}-th component (i.e. the \eqn{i}-th component of the \code{zoo.data} of the object \code{x}).
-The shifted Hayashi-Yoshida covariation contrast function \eqn{Uij(\theta)} of the observations \eqn{Xi} and \eqn{Xj} \eqn{(i<j)} is defined by the same way as in Hoffmann et al. (2013). The lead-lag parameter \eqn{\theta_ij} is defined as a maximizer of \eqn{|Uij(\theta)|}. \eqn{Uij(\theta)} is evaluated on a finite grid \eqn{Gij} defined below. Thus \eqn{\theta_ij} belongs to this grid. If there exist more than two maximizers, the lowest one is selected.
+The shifted Hayashi-Yoshida covariation contrast function \eqn{Uij(\theta)} of the observations \eqn{Xi} and \eqn{Xj} \eqn{(i<j)} is defined by the same way as in Hoffmann et al. (2013), which corresponds to their cross-covariance function. The lead-lag parameter \eqn{\theta_ij} is defined as a maximizer of \eqn{|Uij(\theta)|}. \eqn{Uij(\theta)} is evaluated on a finite grid \eqn{Gij} defined below. Thus \eqn{\theta_ij} belongs to this grid. If there exist more than two maximizers, the lowest one is selected.
+If \code{psd} is \code{TRUE}, For any \eqn{i,j} the matrix \eqn{C:=(Ukl(\theta))_{k,l\in{i,j}}} is converted to \code{(C\%*\%C)^(1/2)} for ensuring the positive semi-definiteness, and \eqn{Uij(\theta)} is redefined as the \eqn{(1,2)}-component of the converted \eqn{C}. Here, \eqn{Ukk(\theta)} is set to the realized volatility of \eqn{Xk}. In this case \eqn{\theta_ij} is given as a maximizer of the cross-correlation functions.
 The grid \eqn{Gij} is defined as follows. First, if \code{grid} is missing, \eqn{Gij} is given by  
 \deqn{a, a+(b-a)/(N-1), \dots, a+(N-2)(b-a)/(N-1), b,}
 where \eqn{a,b} and \eqn{N} are the \eqn{(d(i-1)-(i-1)i/2+(j-i))}-th components of \code{from}, \code{to} and \code{division} respectively.  If the corresponding component of \code{from} (resp. \code{to}) is \code{-Inf} (resp. \code{Inf}), \eqn{a=-(tj_n(j)-ti_0)} (resp. \eqn{b=ti_n(i)-tj_0}) is used, while if the corresponding component of \code{division} is \code{FALSE}, \eqn{N=round(2max(n(i),n(j)))+1} is used. Missing components are filled with \code{-Inf} (resp. \code{Inf}, \code{FALSE}). The default value \code{-Inf} (resp. \code{Inf}, \code{FALSE}) means that all components are \code{-Inf} (resp. \code{Inf}, \code{FALSE}). Next, if \code{grid} is a numeric vector, \eqn{Gij} is given by \code{grid}. If \code{grid} is a list of numeric vectors, \eqn{Gij} is given by the \eqn{(d(i-1)-(i-1)i/2+(j-i))}-th component of \code{grid}.    
-The estimated lead-lag parameters are returned as the skew-symmetric matrix \eqn{(\theta_ij)_{i,j=1,\dots,d}}. If \code{verbose} is \code{TRUE}, the covariance matrix \eqn{(Uij(\theta_ij))_{i,j=1,\dots,d}} corresponding to the estimated lead-lag parameters, the corresponding correlation matrix and the computed contrast functions are also returned. The computed contrast functions are returned as a list with the length \eqn{d(d-1)/2}. For \eqn{i<j}, the \eqn{(d(i-1)-(i-1)i/2+(j-i))}-th component of the list consists of an object \eqn{Uij(\theta)} of class \link{zoo} indexed by \eqn{Gij}.}
+The estimated lead-lag parameters are returned as the skew-symmetric matrix \eqn{(\theta_ij)_{i,j=1,\dots,d}}. If \code{verbose} is \code{TRUE}, the covariance matrix \eqn{(Uij(\theta_ij))_{i,j=1,\dots,d}} corresponding to the estimated lead-lag parameters, the corresponding correlation matrix and the computed contrast functions are also returned. If further \code{ccor} is \code{TRUE},the computed cross-correlation functions are returned as a list with the length \eqn{d(d-1)/2}. For \eqn{i<j}, the \eqn{(d(i-1)-(i-1)i/2+(j-i))}-th component of the list consists of an object \eqn{Uij(\theta)/sqrt(Uii(\theta)*Ujj(\theta))} of class \link{zoo} indexed by \eqn{Gij}.
+If \code{plot} is \code{TRUE}, the computed cross-correlation functions are plotted sequentially.}
 If \code{verbose} is \code{FALSE}, a skew-symmetric matrix corresponding to the estimated lead-lag parameters is returned. If \code{verbose} is \code{TRUE}, a list with the following components is returned:
 \item{lagcce}{a skew-symmetric matrix corresponding to the estimated lead-lag parameters.}

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/yuima -r 317

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