[Yuima-commits] r260 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Nov 20 12:50:04 CET 2013

Author: iacus
Date: 2013-11-20 12:50:03 +0100 (Wed, 20 Nov 2013)
New Revision: 260

added setCarma and modifications to yuima class

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package (unstable version)
-Version: 0.1.214
-Date: 2013-10-30
+Version: 0.1.215
+Date: 2013-11-20
 Depends: methods, zoo, stats4, utils
 Suggests: cubature, mvtnorm
 Author: YUIMA Project Team.

Modified: pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/AllClasses.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/AllClasses.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/AllClasses.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -1,98 +1,101 @@
-# Class Definitions
-# This source MUST be loaded first
-# Class 'yuima.pars'
-# parameter object included in 'yuima.model'
-                                          common="character",
-                                          diffusion="character",
-                                          drift="character",
-                                          jump="character",
-                                          measure="character"
-                                          )
-         )
-# Class 'yuima.model'
-                                      diffusion="list",
-                                      hurst="ANY",
-                                      jump.coeff="expression",
-                                      measure="list",
-                                      measure.type="character",
-                                      parameter="model.parameter",
-                                      state.variable="character",
-                                      jump.variable="character",
-                                      time.variable="character",
-                                      noise.number="numeric",
-                                      equation.number="numeric",
-                                      dimension="numeric",
-                                      solve.variable="character",
-                                      xinit="numeric",
-                                      J.flag="logical"
-                                      )
-         )
-# Class 'yuima.data'
-# we want yuimaS4 to use any class of data as input
-# the original data will be stored in OrigData
-# we convert these objects internally to "zoo" object
-# in the future, we may want to use more flexible
-# classes
-setClass("yuima.data", representation(original.data = "ANY",
-                                      zoo.data = "ANY"
-                                      )
-         )
-# Class 'yuima.sampling'
-# sampling is now empty, but should give informations on the sampling
-# type, rate, deltas, etc.
-setClass("yuima.sampling", representation(Initial  = "numeric",
-										  Terminal = "numeric",
-                                          n = "numeric",
-										  delta    = "numeric",
-										  grid     = "ANY",
-										  random   = "ANY",
-										  regular  = "logical",
-										  sdelta   = "numeric",
-										  sgrid    = "ANY",
-										  oindex   = "ANY",
-										  interpolation = "character"
-                                          )
-         )
-# Class 'yuima.functional'
-# functional model used in 'asymptotic term' procedure
-setClass("yuima.functional", representation(F = "ANY",
-                                          f = "list",
-                                          xinit = "numeric",
-                                          e = "numeric"
-                                          )
-         )
-# Class 'yuima'
-# this is the principal class of yuima project. It may contain up to
-# three slots for now: the data, the model and the sampling
-setClass("yuima.characteristic", representation(equation.number = "numeric",
-                                                time.scale = "numeric"
-                                                )
-         )
-setClass("yuima", representation(data = "yuima.data",
-                                 model = "yuima.model",
-                                 sampling = "yuima.sampling",
-                                 characteristic = "yuima.characteristic",
-								 functional = "yuima.functional"
-                                 )
-         )
+# Class Definitions
+# This source MUST be loaded first
+# Class 'yuima.pars'
+# parameter object included in 'yuima.model'
+                                          common="character",
+                                          diffusion="character",
+                                          drift="character",
+                                          jump="character",
+                                          measure="character",
+# Insert parameters for starting conditions                                           
+                                          xinit="character"
+                                          )
+         )
+# Class 'yuima.model'
+                                      diffusion="list",
+                                      hurst="ANY",
+                                      jump.coeff="expression",
+                                      measure="list",
+                                      measure.type="character",
+                                      parameter="model.parameter",
+                                      state.variable="character",
+                                      jump.variable="character",
+                                      time.variable="character",
+                                      noise.number="numeric",
+                                      equation.number="numeric",
+                                      dimension="numeric",
+                                      solve.variable="character",
+#                                       xinit="numeric",
+                                      xinit="expression",
+                                      J.flag="logical"
+                                      )
+         )
+# Class 'yuima.data'
+# we want yuimaS4 to use any class of data as input
+# the original data will be stored in OrigData
+# we convert these objects internally to "zoo" object
+# in the future, we may want to use more flexible
+# classes
+setClass("yuima.data", representation(original.data = "ANY",
+                                      zoo.data = "ANY"
+                                      )
+         )
+# Class 'yuima.sampling'
+# sampling is now empty, but should give informations on the sampling
+# type, rate, deltas, etc.
+setClass("yuima.sampling", representation(Initial  = "numeric",
+										  Terminal = "numeric",
+                                          n = "numeric",
+										  delta    = "numeric",
+										  grid     = "ANY",
+										  random   = "ANY",
+										  regular  = "logical",
+										  sdelta   = "numeric",
+										  sgrid    = "ANY",
+										  oindex   = "ANY",
+										  interpolation = "character"
+                                          )
+         )
+# Class 'yuima.functional'
+# functional model used in 'asymptotic term' procedure
+setClass("yuima.functional", representation(F = "ANY",
+                                          f = "list",
+                                          xinit = "numeric",
+                                          e = "numeric"
+                                          )
+         )
+# Class 'yuima'
+# this is the principal class of yuima project. It may contain up to
+# three slots for now: the data, the model and the sampling
+setClass("yuima.characteristic", representation(equation.number = "numeric",
+                                                time.scale = "numeric"
+                                                )
+         )
+setClass("yuima", representation(data = "yuima.data",
+                                 model = "yuima.model",
+                                 sampling = "yuima.sampling",
+                                 characteristic = "yuima.characteristic",
+								 functional = "yuima.functional"
+                                 )
+         )

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/adaBayes.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/adaBayes.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/adaBayes.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@
 	n <- length(yuima)[1]
 	env <- new.env()
-	assign("X",  as.matrix(onezoo(yuima)), env=env)
-	assign("deltaX",  matrix(0, n-1, d.size), env=env)
-	assign("time", as.numeric(index(yuima at data@zoo.data[[1]])), env=env) 
+	assign("X",  as.matrix(onezoo(yuima)), envir=env)
+	assign("deltaX",  matrix(0, n-1, d.size), envir=env)
+	assign("time", as.numeric(index(yuima at data@zoo.data[[1]])), envir=env)
 	for(t in 1:(n-1))
 	 env$deltaX[t,] <- env$X[t+1,] - env$X[t,]
-	assign("h", deltat(yuima at data@zoo.data[[1]]), env=env)
+	assign("h", deltat(yuima at data@zoo.data[[1]]), envir=env)
 	 mle <- qmle(yuima, "start"=start, "lower"=lower,"upper"=upper, "method"="L-BFGS-B")
 	integ <- function(idx.fixed=NULL,f=f,start=start,par=NULL,hessian=FALSE,upper,lower){
Modified: pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term_second.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term_second.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term_second.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
-				tmp <- adaptIntegrate(gz_pi0, lower=lower,upper=upper)$integral
+				tmp <- adaptIntegrate(gz_pi0, lowerLimit=lower,upperLimit=upper)$integral
 			} else {
 				tmp <- NA		
Modified: pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term_third.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term_third.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term_third.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
-				tmp <- adaptIntegrate(gz_pi0, lower=lower,upper=upper)$integral
+				tmp <- adaptIntegrate(gz_pi0, lowerLimit=lower,upperLimit=upper)$integral
 			} else {
 				tmp <- NA		
Modified: pkg/yuima/R/poisson.random.sampling.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/poisson.random.sampling.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/poisson.random.sampling.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
               Elength <- T*n*rate[i]
               ## make random numbers following exponential distribution
-              Time <- diffinv(rexp(Elength,r=deltat*n*rate[i]))
+              Time <- diffinv(rexp(Elength,rate=deltat*n*rate[i]))
               # make up a deficit
               while(Time[length(Time)]< Num){
                 # adding random numbers (by 10% of Elength)
-                Time2 <- diffinv(rexp(trunc(Elength/10+1),r=deltat*n*rate[i]))+Time[length(Time)]
+                Time2 <- diffinv(rexp(trunc(Elength/10+1),rate=deltat*n*rate[i]))+Time[length(Time)]
                 # restrain duplication
                 Time <- append(Time,Time2[-1])

Added: pkg/yuima/R/setCarma.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/setCarma.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/setCarma.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# Carma_Model<-setClass("Carma_Model",
+#                       slots = c(Cogarch_Model_Log="logical",
+#                                 Under_Lev="yuima.model"),
+#                       prototype=list(Cogarch_Model_Log = FALSE,
+#                                      Under_Lev=NULL),
+#                       contains= "yuima")
+#ma.par, ar.par, lin.par=NULL  is.null
+#state Variable consistente con Yuima.????
+# Inserire Solve Variable???
+# ... che mi serve per passare gli stessi parametri di setModel
+# per i ... guardare qmle
+# call<-matchcall()
+# mydots guardare
+setCarma<-function(p,q,loc.par=NULL,ar.par="beta",ma.par="alpha",lin.par=NULL,Carma.var="v",Latent.var="x", ...){
+# We use the same parametrization as in Brockwell[2000] 
+# mydots$Carma.var= V
+# mydots$Latent.var= X ?????  
+  # The Carma model is defined by two equations:  
+  # \begin{eqnarray} 
+  # V_{t}&=&\alpha_{0}+a'Y_{t-}\\
+  # dY_{t}&=& BY_{t-}dt+ e dL\\
+  # \end{eqnarray}  
+  # p is the number of the moving average parameters \alpha
+  # q  is the number of the autoregressive coefficient \beta
+#Default parameters
+  call <- match.call()
+  quadratic_variation<-FALSE
+  mydots <- as.list(call)[-(1:2)]
+#   hurst<-0.5 
+#   jump.coeff <- character()
+#   measure <- list() 
+#   measure.type <- character() 
+#   state.variable <- "Y"
+#   jump.variable <- "z" 
+#   time.variable <- "t"
+#   mydots$xinit<- NULL
+  if (is.null(mydots$hurst)){
+    mydots$hurst<-0.5
+  }
+  if(is.null(mydots$time.variable)){
+    mydots$time.variable<-"t"
+  }
+  if(is.null(mydots$jump.variable)){
+    mydots$jump.variable<-"z"
+  }
+#   if(is.null(mydots$Carma.var)){
+#     Carma.var<-"V"
+#   } else{
+#     Carma.var<-mydots$Carma.var
+#   }
+#   if(is.null(mydots$Latent.var)){
+#     Latent.var<-"X"
+#   } else{
+#     Latent.var<-mydots$Latent.var
+#   }
+  if(is.null(mydots$xinit)){ 
+    if(is.null(mydots$XinExpr)){
+      mydots$xinit<-as.character(0*c(1:p))
+    }else{  
+      if(mydots$XinExpr==TRUE){
+        Int.Var<-paste(Latent.var,"0",sep="")
+        mydots$xinit<-paste(Int.Var,c(0:(p-1)),sep="")
+      }
+    }
+  } else{
+    dummy<-as.character(mydots$xinit)
+    mydots$xinit<-dummy[-1]
+  }
+  if(p<q){
+    yuima.stop("order of AR must be larger than MA order")
+  }
+  beta_coeff0<-paste("-",ar.par,sep="")
+  beta_coeff<-paste(beta_coeff0,p:1,sep="")
+  coeff_alpha<-c(paste(ma.par,0:q,sep=""),as.character(matrix(0,1,p-q-1)))
+  fin_alp<-length(coeff_alpha)
+  # We built the drift condition   
+  Y_coeff<-paste(Latent.var,0:(p-1),sep="")
+  fin_Y<-length(Y_coeff)
+  V1<-paste(coeff_alpha,Y_coeff,sep="*")
+  V2<-paste(V1,collapse="+")
+#   alpha0<-paste(ma.par,0,sep="")
+  if(is.null(loc.par)){
+    V<-paste("(",V2,")",collapse="")
+  } else {
+    Vt<-paste(loc.par,V2,sep="+") 
+    V<-paste("(",Vt,")",collapse="")
+  }
+  drift_last_cond<-paste(paste(beta_coeff,Y_coeff,sep="*"),collapse="")
+  # Drift condition for the dV_{t}   
+  drift_first_cond_1<-c(paste(coeff_alpha[-fin_alp],Y_coeff[-1],sep="*"))
+  drift_first_cond_2<-paste(drift_first_cond_1,collapse="+")
+  drift_first_cond_a<-paste("(",drift_last_cond,")",sep="")
+  drift_first_cond_b<-paste(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],drift_first_cond_a,sep="*")
+  drift_first_cond<-paste(drift_first_cond_2,drift_first_cond_b,sep="+")
+  if(length(Y_coeff)>1)
+  {drift_Carma<-c(drift_first_cond,Y_coeff[2:length(Y_coeff)],drift_last_cond)}else 
+  {drift_Carma<-c(drift_first_cond,drift_last_cond)}
+  # We need to consider three different situations   
+  if(is.null(mydots$jump.coeff) & is.null(mydots$measure)  &  
+        is.null(mydots$measure.type) & quadratic_variation==FALSE){
+    # The Carma model is driven by a Brwonian motion
+    if (is.null(lin.par)){ 
+      diffusion_Carma<-matrix(c(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],as.character(matrix(0,(p-1),1)),"1"),(p+1),1)
+      #     Latent.var<-Y_coeff
+      Model_Carma1<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma, 
+                             diffusion=diffusion_Carma,
+                             hurst=mydots$hurst, 
+                             state.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),  
+                             solve.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),
+                             xinit=c(V,mydots$xinit))
+      if(length(Model_Carma1)==0){
+        stop("Yuima model was not built") 
+      } else { 
+        return(Model_Carma1)
+      }
+    } else{
+      if(ma.par==lin.par){
+        first_term<-paste(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],V,sep="*")
+        diffusion_Carma<-matrix(c(first_term,as.character(matrix(0,(p-1),1)),V),(p+1),1)  
+        Model_Carma1<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma, 
+                               diffusion=diffusion_Carma,
+                               hurst=mydots$hurst, 
+                               state.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),  
+                               solve.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),
+                               xinit=c(V,mydots$xinit))
+        return(Model_Carma1)
+      }else{ 
+#         coeff_gamma<-c(paste(lin.par,1:p,sep=""),as.character(matrix(0,1,p-q)))
+        coeff_gamma<-c(paste(lin.par,1:p,sep=""))
+        Gamma1<-paste(coeff_gamma,Y_coeff,sep="*")
+        Gamma2<-paste(Gamma1,collapse="+")
+        gamma0<-paste(lin.par,0,sep="")
+        Gammat<-paste(gamma0,Gamma2,sep="+") 
+        Gamma<-paste("(",Gammat,")",collapse="")
+        first_term<-paste(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],Gamma,sep="*")
+        diffusion_Carma<-matrix(c(first_term,as.character(matrix(0,(p-1),1)),Gamma),(p+1),1)  
+        Model_Carma1<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma, 
+                               diffusion=diffusion_Carma,
+                               hurst=mydots$hurst, 
+                               state.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),  
+                               solve.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),
+                               xinit=c(V,mydots$xinit))
+        return(Model_Carma1)
+      }
+    }                      
+  } else {
+    if( is.null(mydots$jump.coeff) & is.null(mydots$measure)  &  
+          is.null(mydots$measure.type) & is.null(lin.par) & 
+          quadratic_variation==TRUE){
+      stop("The CoGarch model requires a Carma process driven by the discrete part of the quadratic covariation:
+           You Must specify the Levy Measure")
+    } else {
+      if(quadratic_variation==FALSE & is.null(lin.par)){
+        #         warning("At the moment, we need specify the underlying L?vy directly")
+        #         diffusion_Carma<-matrix(c(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],as.character(matrix(0,(q-1),1)),"1"),(q+1),1)
+        #         Model_Carma1<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma, diffusion=diffusion_Carma,
+        #                                hurst=hurst, state.variable=c(V,Y_coeff),  solve.variable=c(V,Y_coeff))
+        #         under_Lev1<-setModel(drift="0",diffusion="0",jump.coeff="1" ,
+        #                              measure=measure ,measure.type=measure.type , 
+        #                              jump.variable=jump.variable , time.variable=time.variable)
+        #         if(length(Model_Carma1)==0){
+        #           stop("Yuima model was not built") 
+        #         } else {
+        #           Model_Carma<-Carma_Model()
+        #           Model_Carma at model <- Model_Carma1
+        #           Model_Carma at Cogarch_Model_Log <- Cogarch_Model 
+        #           Model_Carma at Under_Lev <-under_Lev1
+        #           return(Model_Carma)
+        #         }
+        # LM 27/09 We use a modified 
+        # setModel that allows us to build a sde where the slot model at jump.coeff is an vector
+        # jump_Carma<-matrix(c(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],as.character(matrix(0,(q-1),1)),"1"),(q+1),1)
+        jump_Carma<-c(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],as.character(matrix(0,(p-1),1)),"1")
+        Model_Carma<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma, 
+                              diffusion = NULL, 
+                              hurst=mydots$hurst, 
+                              jump.coeff=jump_Carma,
+                              measure=eval(mydots$measure),
+                              measure.type=mydots$measure.type, 
+                              jump.variable=mydots$jump.variable, 
+                              time.variable=mydots$time.variable,
+                              state.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),  
+                              solve.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),
+                              xinit=c(V,mydots$xinit))
+        return(Model_Carma)
+      } else {
+        if (quadratic_variation==FALSE ){
+        # Selecting Quadratic_Variation==FALSE and specifying the Heteroskedatic.param in the model, 
+        # The coefficient of the error term is a vector in which the last element is an affine linear function 
+        # of the vector space Y               
+        # We have to consider two different cases:
+        # a) The last component of the error term is  $V_{t-}=\alpha_{0}+a'Y_{t-}$. Usually 
+        #    this condition is used for the definition of the COGARCH(p,q) introduced in Brockwell and Davis     and 
+        # b) The last component of the error term is a linear function of the state variable $Y_{t}$
+        #     different of the observable variable V.  
+        if(ma.par==lin.par){
+          jump_first_comp<-paste(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],V,sep="*")
+          jump_Carma<-c(jump_first_comp,as.character(matrix(0,(p-1),1)),V)
+        }else{
+#           coeff_gamma<-c(paste(lin.par,1:p,sep=""),as.character(matrix(0,1,q-p)))
+          coeff_gamma<-c(paste(lin.par,1:p,sep=""))
+          Gamma1<-paste(coeff_gamma,Y_coeff,sep="*")
+          Gamma2<-paste(Gamma1,collapse="+")
+          gamma0<-paste(lin.par,0,sep="")
+          Gammat<-paste(gamma0,Gamma2,sep="+") 
+          Gamma<-paste("(",Gammat,")",collapse="")
+          jump_first_comp<-paste(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],Gamma,sep="*")
+          jump_Carma<-c(jump_first_comp,as.character(matrix(0,(p-1),1)),Gamma)
+        }
+#         Model_Carma<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma,
+#                               diffusion =NULL,
+#                               hurst=0.5,
+#                               jump.coeff=jump_Carma,
+#                               measure=eval(mydots$measure),
+#                               measure.type=mydots$measure.type,
+#                               jump.variable=mydots$jump.variable,
+#                               time.variable=mydots$time.variable,
+#                               state.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),  
+#                               solve.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),
+#                               c(V,mydots$xinit))
+#         return(Model_Carma)
+        }
+        Model_Carma<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma,
+                              diffusion =NULL,
+                              hurst=mydots$hurst,
+                              jump.coeff=jump_Carma,
+                              measure=eval(mydots$measure),
+                              measure.type=mydots$measure.type,
+                              jump.variable=mydots$jump.variable,
+                              time.variable=mydots$time.variable,
+                              state.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),  
+                              solve.variable=c(Carma.var,Y_coeff),
+                              c(V,mydots$xinit))
+        return(Model_Carma)
+         if(quadratic_variation==TRUE){
+                stop("Work in Progress: Implementation of CARMA model for CoGarch. 
+                     We need the increments of Quadratic Variation")
+#           diffusion_first_cond<-paste(coeff_alpha[fin_alp],V,sep="*")
+#           diffusion_Carma<-matrix(c(diffusion_first_cond,as.character(matrix(0,(q-1),1)),Vt),(q+1),1)
+#           #    At the present time, Yuima does not support Multi - Jumps 
+#           Model_Carma1<-setModel(drift=drift_Carma, diffusion=diffusion_Carma,
+#                                  hurst=hurst, state.variable=c(V,Y_coeff),  solve.variable=c(V,Y_coeff))
+#           under_Lev1<-setModel(drift="0",diffusion="0",jump.coeff="1" ,
+#                                measure=measure ,measure.type=measure.type , 
+#                                jump.variable=jump.variable , time.variable=time.variable)
+#           if(length(Model_Carma1)==0){
+#             stop("Yuima model was not built") 
+#           } else {
+#             Model_Carma<-Carma_Model()
+#             Model_Carma at model <- Model_Carma1
+#             Model_Carma at Cogarch_Model_Log <- Cogarch_Model 
+#             Model_Carma at Under_Lev <-under_Lev1
+#             return(Model_Carma)
+#           }
+         } 
+      } 
+    }
+  }  

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -12,8 +12,30 @@
 	Terminal <- yuima at sampling@Terminal[1]
 	n <- yuima at sampling@n[1]
-	dX <- xinit
+#	dX <- xinit
+	# 06/11 xinit is an expression: the structure is equal to that of V0   
+	dX_dummy <- xinit
+	if(length(modelstate)==length(dX_dummy)){
+	  for(i in 1:length(modelstate)) {
+	    if(is.numeric(tryCatch(eval(dX_dummy[i],env),error=function(...) FALSE))){
+	      assign(modelstate[i], eval(dX_dummy[i], env),env)
+	    }else{
+	      assign(modelstate[i], 0, env)
+	    }}
+	} else{ 
+	  yuima.warn("the number of model states do not match the number of initial conditions")
+	  return(NULL)
+	}
+	# 06/11 we need a initial variable for X_0
+	dX<-vector(mode="numeric",length(dX_dummy))
+	for(i in 1:length(dX_dummy)){
+	  dX[i] <- eval(dX_dummy[i], env)
+	}
 ##:: set time step	
 	delta <- Terminal/n 

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.space.discretized.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.space.discretized.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/sim.euler.space.discretized.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -1,106 +1,126 @@
-space.discretized<-function(xinit,yuima, env){
-##:: initialize state variable
-	sdeModel<-yuima at model
-	modelstate <- sdeModel at solve.variable
-	modeltime <- sdeModel at time.variable
-	V0 <- sdeModel at drift
-	V <- sdeModel at diffusion
-	r.size <- sdeModel at noise.number
-	d.size <- sdeModel at equation.number
-	Terminal <- yuima at sampling@Terminal[1]
-	n <- yuima at sampling@n[1]
-	dX <- xinit
-##:: set time step	
-	delta <- Terminal/n 
-##:: using Space-discretized Euler-Maruyama method
-##:: function for approximation of function G
-gfunc <- function(x){
-  c0 <- 10
-  c1 <- 10
-  ret <- rep(0, length(x))
-  idx <- which(x < 1/c0)
-  ret[idx] <- 1
-  idx <- which(1/c0 <= x)
-  ret[idx] <- 1-pnorm(x[idx])
-  for(i in 1:length(idx)){
-    n <- 1:floor(c1/x[idx[i]])
-    ret[idx[i]] <- 4 * (ret[idx[i]] - sum( pnorm((4*n+1)*x[idx[i]]) - pnorm((4*n-1)*x[idx[i]]) ))
-  }
-  idx <- which(1 < ret)
-  ret[idx] <- 1
-  return(ret)
-    dxx <- 0.0001
-    xx <- seq(0, 1.7, dxx)
-    ##:: approximate function G(gg)
-    gg <- gfunc(xx)
-    appfunc <- suppressWarnings(approxfun(gg, xx))
-    ##:: calculate inverse of G
-    unif.a <- runif(n*2)
-    inv.a <- pmin(qnorm(1 - unif.a/4), appfunc(unif.a), na.rm=TRUE)
-    ##:: make random time steps
-    ep <- sqrt(delta)
-    dTW <- (ep/inv.a)^2
-    time_idx <- cumsum(dTW) ##:: time index should be attached            
-    div_sd <- min(which(time_idx > Terminal)) ##:: cut by time=1
-    time_idx <- time_idx[1:div_sd]
-    ##:: add diffusion term
-    dTW <- rbind(dTW[1:div_sd],
-                 t(matrix( (rbinom(div_sd*r.size, 1, 0.5)*2-1) * ep,
-                          nrow=div_sd,
-                          ncol=r.size)
-                   )
-                 )
-    X_mat <- matrix(0, d.size, div_sd+1)              
-    X_mat[,1] <- dX
-    ##:: function to calculate coefficients of dTW
-    p.b <- function(t, X=numeric(d.size)){
-      ##:: assign names of variables
-      for(i in 1:length(modelstate)){
-        assign(modelstate[i], X[i], env)
-      }
-      assign(modeltime, t, env)
-      tmp <- matrix(0, d.size, r.size+1)
-      for(i in 1:d.size){
-        tmp[i,1] <- eval(V0[i],env)
-        for(j in 1:r.size){
-          tmp[i,j+1] <- eval(V[[i]][j], env)
-        }
-      }
-      return(tmp)
-    }
-    ##:: calcurate difference equation
-    for(i in 1:div_sd){
-      dX <- dX + p.b(t=time_idx[i], X=dX) %*% dTW[,i]
-      X_mat[,i+1] <- dX
-    }
-    ##tsX <- ts(data=t(X_mat), deltat=delta , start=0)
-    ##:: output zoo data
-    zooX <- zoo(x=t(X_mat), order.by=c(0, time_idx))
-    yuimaData <- setData(original.data=zooX)
-	return(yuimaData)
+space.discretized<-function(xinit,yuima, env){
+##:: initialize state variable
+	sdeModel<-yuima at model
+	modelstate <- sdeModel at solve.variable
+	modeltime <- sdeModel at time.variable
+	V0 <- sdeModel at drift
+	V <- sdeModel at diffusion
+	r.size <- sdeModel at noise.number
+	d.size <- sdeModel at equation.number
+	Terminal <- yuima at sampling@Terminal[1]
+	n <- yuima at sampling@n[1]
+#	dX <- xinit
+	dX_dummy <- xinit
+	if(length(modelstate)==length(dX_dummy)){
+	  for(i in 1:length(modelstate)) {
+	    if(is.numeric(tryCatch(eval(dX_dummy[i],env),error=function(...) FALSE))){
+	      assign(modelstate[i], eval(dX_dummy[i], env),env)
+	    }else{
+	      assign(modelstate[i], 0, env)
+	    }}
+	} else{ 
+	  yuima.warn("the number of model states do not match the number of initial conditions")
+	  return(NULL)
+	}
+	# 20/11 we need a initial variable for X_0
+	dX<-vector(mode="numeric",length(dX_dummy))
+	for(i in 1:length(dX_dummy)){
+	  dX[i] <- eval(dX_dummy[i], env)
+	}
+##:: set time step	
+	delta <- Terminal/n 
+##:: using Space-discretized Euler-Maruyama method
+##:: function for approximation of function G
+gfunc <- function(x){
+  c0 <- 10
+  c1 <- 10
+  ret <- rep(0, length(x))
+  idx <- which(x < 1/c0)
+  ret[idx] <- 1
+  idx <- which(1/c0 <= x)
+  ret[idx] <- 1-pnorm(x[idx])
+  for(i in 1:length(idx)){
+    n <- 1:floor(c1/x[idx[i]])
+    ret[idx[i]] <- 4 * (ret[idx[i]] - sum( pnorm((4*n+1)*x[idx[i]]) - pnorm((4*n-1)*x[idx[i]]) ))
+  }
+  idx <- which(1 < ret)
+  ret[idx] <- 1
+  return(ret)
+    dxx <- 0.0001
+    xx <- seq(0, 1.7, dxx)
+    ##:: approximate function G(gg)
+    gg <- gfunc(xx)
+    appfunc <- suppressWarnings(approxfun(gg, xx))
+    ##:: calculate inverse of G
+    unif.a <- runif(n*2)
+    inv.a <- pmin(qnorm(1 - unif.a/4), appfunc(unif.a), na.rm=TRUE)
+    ##:: make random time steps
+    ep <- sqrt(delta)
+    dTW <- (ep/inv.a)^2
+    time_idx <- cumsum(dTW) ##:: time index should be attached            
+    div_sd <- min(which(time_idx > Terminal)) ##:: cut by time=1
+    time_idx <- time_idx[1:div_sd]
+    ##:: add diffusion term
+    dTW <- rbind(dTW[1:div_sd],
+                 t(matrix( (rbinom(div_sd*r.size, 1, 0.5)*2-1) * ep,
+                          nrow=div_sd,
+                          ncol=r.size)
+                   )
+                 )
+    X_mat <- matrix(0, d.size, div_sd+1)              
+    X_mat[,1] <- dX
+    ##:: function to calculate coefficients of dTW
+    p.b <- function(t, X=numeric(d.size)){
+      ##:: assign names of variables
+      for(i in 1:length(modelstate)){
+        assign(modelstate[i], X[i], env)
+      }
+      assign(modeltime, t, env)
+      tmp <- matrix(0, d.size, r.size+1)
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        tmp[i,1] <- eval(V0[i],env)
+        for(j in 1:r.size){
+          tmp[i,j+1] <- eval(V[[i]][j], env)
+        }
+      }
+      return(tmp)
+    }
+    ##:: calcurate difference equation
+    for(i in 1:div_sd){
+      dX <- dX + p.b(t=time_idx[i], X=dX) %*% dTW[,i]
+      X_mat[,i+1] <- dX
+    }
+    ##tsX <- ts(data=t(X_mat), deltat=delta , start=0)
+    ##:: output zoo data
+    zooX <- zoo(x=t(X_mat), order.by=c(0, time_idx))
+    yuimaData <- setData(original.data=zooX)
+	return(yuimaData)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/simulate.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/simulate.R	2013-10-30 03:55:05 UTC (rev 259)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/simulate.R	2013-11-20 11:50:03 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -1,238 +1,240 @@
-## We have splitted the simulate function into blocks to allow for future 
-## methods to be added. S.M.I. & A.B.
-## Interface to simulate() changed to match the S3 generic function in the 
-## package stats
-## added an environment to let R find the proper values defined in the main
-## body of the function, which in turn calls different simulation methods
-## All new simulation methods should look into the yuimaEnv for local variables
-## when they need to "eval" R expressions
-##:: function simulate
-##:: solves SDE and returns result
-subsampling <- function(x,y) return(x)
-	function(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, xinit, true.parameter, space.discretized=FALSE, 
-		increment.W=NULL, increment.L=NULL, hurst, methodfGn="WoodChan", 
-		sampling=sampling, subsampling=subsampling, ...
-#		Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 100, delta, 
-#		grid = as.numeric(NULL), random = FALSE, sdelta=as.numeric(NULL), 
-#		sgrid=as.numeric(NULL), interpolation="none"
-		)
-			standardGeneric("simulate")
-		)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/yuima -r 260

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