[Yuima-commits] r76 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Thu Jun 10 00:54:50 CEST 2010

Author: iacus
Date: 2010-06-10 00:54:49 +0200 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 76

updated examples and remove depends on adapt

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2010-06-04 15:26:07 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2010-06-09 22:54:49 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package
-Version: 0.0.85
-Date: 2010-05-24
-Depends: methods, zoo, adapt, stats4
+Version: 0.0.86
+Date: 2010-06-07
+Depends: methods, zoo, stats4
+Suggets: adapt
 Author: YUIMA Project Team.
 Maintainer: Stefano M. Iacus <stefano.iacus at R-project.org>
 Description: The YUIMA Project for Simulation and Inference 

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term.R	2010-06-04 15:26:07 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term.R	2010-06-09 22:54:49 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -585,10 +585,14 @@
     if( k.size ==1){ # use 'integrate' if k=1
       tmp <- integrate(gz_pi02,-Inf,Inf)
     }else if( 2 <= k.size || k.size <= 20 ){ # use library 'adapt' to solve multi-dimentional integration
-      max <- 10 * lambda.max
+	  max <- 10 * lambda.max
       min <- -10 * lambda.max
       L <- (max - min)
-      tmp <- adapt(ndim=k.size,lower=rep(min,k.size),upper=rep(max,k.size),functn=gz_pi0)
+	  if(require(adapt)){
+       tmp <- adapt(ndim=k.size,lower=rep(min,k.size),upper=rep(max,k.size),functn=gz_pi0)
+		} else {
+	   tmp <- NA		
+	  }
       stop("length k is too big.")
@@ -1260,7 +1264,11 @@
     }else if( 2 <= k.size || k.size <= 20 ){ # use 'adapt()' to solve multi-dim integration8
       max <- 10*lambda.max
       min <- -10*lambda.max
-      tmp <- adapt(ndim=k.size,lower=rep(min,k.size),upper=rep(max,k.size),functn=gz_pi1)
+	  if(require(adapt)){
+       tmp <- adapt(ndim=k.size,lower=rep(min,k.size),upper=rep(max,k.size),functn=gz_pi1)
+	  } else {
+	    tmp <- NA	  
+	  }
       stop("length k is too big.")

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/simulate.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/simulate.R	2010-06-04 15:26:07 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/simulate.R	2010-06-09 22:54:49 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -207,6 +207,9 @@
   yuima at data <- euler(xinit, yuima, dW, yuimaEnv)
+ for(i in 1:length(yuima at data@zoo.data)) 
+		time(yuima at data@zoo.data[[i]]) <- yuima at sampling@grid
   subsampling(yuima, subsampling)

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/yuima.sampling.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/yuima.sampling.R	2010-06-04 15:26:07 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/yuima.sampling.R	2010-06-09 22:54:49 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
+# general behaviour
+# if grid is specified, the following are derived from it
+# grid ->  n, delta, Initial, Terminal, regular, random
+# if grid is 1-dim, no problem, but we can have more grids. 
+# in this case it is better to have a listI replace grid
+# with alist
 ##Constructor and Initializer of class 'sampling'
 # we convert objects to "zoo" internally
+# to be fixed: the grdi should always be prepared unless it is random sampling
 setMethod("initialize", "yuima.sampling",
            function(.Object, Initial, Terminal, n, delta, grid, random, 
 				 regular, sdelta, sgrid, oindex, interpolation){  
@@ -48,31 +56,31 @@
 				.Object at Terminal <- max(grid)   
 				.Object at random   <- random   
-			 # There is no grid
+# There is no grid
 			 eqn <- length(Terminal)
                .Object at Initial  <- Initial
 			   .Object at Terminal <- Terminal
                .Object at n <- n
-			   .Object at delta    <- delta
-			   .Object at grid     <- grid
-			   .Object at random   <- random
+			   .Object at delta    <- (Terminal-Initial)/n
+			   .Object at grid     <- seq(Initial,Terminal,by=.Object at delta)
+			   .Object at random   <- FALSE
 			   .Object at regular  <- regular
              }else if(length(Terminal)==1){               
                .Object at Initial  <- Initial
 			   .Object at Terminal <- rep(Terminal, length(n))
 			   .Object at n <- n	 
-			   .Object at delta    <- delta
-			   .Object at grid     <- grid
-			   .Object at random   <- random
+			   .Object at delta    <- (Terminal-Initial)/n
+			   .Object at grid     <- seq(Initial,Terminal,by=.Object at delta)
+			   .Object at random   <- FALSE
 			   .Object at regular  <- regular	 
              }else if(length(n)==1){
                .Object at Initial  <- Initial
 			   .Object at Terminal <- Terminal
                .Object at n <- rep(n, length(Terminal))
-			   .Object at delta    <- delta
-			   .Object at grid     <- grid
-			   .Object at random   <- random
+			   .Object at delta    <- (Terminal-Initial)/n
+			   .Object at grid     <- seq(Initial,Terminal,by=.Object at delta)
+			   .Object at random   <- FALSE
 			   .Object at regular  <- regular
                cat("\nDimension missmatch.\n")

Modified: pkg/yuima/man/limiting.gamma.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/limiting.gamma.Rd	2010-06-04 15:26:07 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/limiting.gamma.Rd	2010-06-09 22:54:49 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 n <- 100
 mySampling <- setSampling(Terminal=(n)^(1/3), n=n)
 myYuima <- setYuima(model=myModel, sampling=mySampling)
-myYuima <- simulate(myYuima, xinit=1, true.parameter=c(0.6, 0.3))
+myYuima <- simulate(myYuima, xinit=1, true.parameter=list(theta1=0.6, theta2=0.3))
 ## theorical figure of theta
 theta1 <- 3.5

Modified: pkg/yuima/man/quasi-likelihood.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/quasi-likelihood.Rd	2010-06-04 15:26:07 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/quasi-likelihood.Rd	2010-06-09 22:54:49 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 ysamp <- setSampling(Terminal=(n)^(1/3), n=n) 
 yuima <- setYuima(model=ymodel, sampling=ysamp)
-yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit=1, true.parameter=c(0.3, 0.1))
+yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit=1, true.parameter=list(theta1=0.3, theta2=0.1))
 QL <- ql(yuima, 0.8, 0.7, h=1/((n)^(2/3)))
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 ##xinit=c(x1, x2) #true.parameter=c(theta2.1, theta2.2, theta1.1, theta1.2)
-yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit=c(1, 1), true.parameter=c(0.5, 0.3, 0.6, 0.2))
+yuima <- simulate(yuima, xinit=c(1, 1), true.parameter=list(theta2.1=0.5, theta2.2=0.3, theta1.1=0.6, theta1.2=0.2))
 theta2 <- c(0.8, 0.2) #c(theta2.1, theta2.2)
 theta1 <- c(0.7, 0.1) #c(theta1.1, theta1.2)

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