[Yuima-commits] r52 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Sat Dec 26 09:34:16 CET 2009

Author: hinohide
Date: 2009-12-26 09:34:15 +0100 (Sat, 26 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 52

add asymptotic expansion

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2009-12-24 07:38:56 UTC (rev 51)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2009-12-26 08:34:15 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package
-Version: 0.0.81
-Date: 2009-12-24
-Depends: methods, zoo
+Version: 0.0.82
+Date: 2010-01-01
+Depends: methods, zoo, adapt
 Author: YUIMA Project Team.
 Maintainer: Stefano M. Iacus <stefano.iacus at R-project.org>
 Description: The YUIMA Project for Simulation and Inference 

Modified: pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2009-12-24 07:38:56 UTC (rev 51)
+++ pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2009-12-26 08:34:15 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -28,7 +28,17 @@
-              "limiting.gamma"
+              "limiting.gamma",
+			  "getF",
+			  "getf",
+			  "getxinit",
+			  "gete",
+			  "simFunctional",
+			  "F0",
+			  "Fnorm",
+			  "asymptotic_term"
 ## function which we want to expose to the user
@@ -58,3 +68,15 @@
 export(rIG, rNIG, rbgamma, rngamma, rstable) ##:: random number generator for Inverse Gaussian

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/AllClasses.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/AllClasses.R	2009-12-24 07:38:56 UTC (rev 51)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/AllClasses.R	2009-12-26 08:34:15 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -66,6 +66,18 @@
+# Class 'yuima.functional'
+# functional model used in 'asymptotic term' procedure
+setClass("yuima.functional", representation(F = "ANY",
+                                          f = "list",
+                                          xinit = "numeric",
+                                          e = "numeric"
+                                          )
+         )
 # Class 'yuima'
 # this is the principal class of yuima project. It may contain up to
@@ -80,6 +92,7 @@
 setClass("yuima", representation(data = "yuima.data",
                                  model = "yuima.model",
                                  sampling = "yuima.sampling",
-                                 characteristic = "yuima.characteristic"
+                                 characteristic = "yuima.characteristic",
+								 functional = "yuima.functional"

Added: pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/asymptotic_term.R	2009-12-26 08:34:15 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -0,0 +1,1476 @@
+# in this source we note formulae like latex
+           function(yuima,block=100, rho, g)
+           standardGeneric("asymptotic_term")
+           )
+setMethod("asymptotic_term",signature(yuima="yuima"), function(yuima,block=100, rho, g){
+  if(is.null(yuima at model)) stop("model object is missing!")
+  if(is.null(yuima at sampling)) stop("sampling object is missing!")
+  if(is.null(yuima at functional)) stop("functional object is missing!")
+  f <- getf(yuima at functional)
+  F <- getF(yuima at functional)
+  e <- gete(yuima at functional)
+  Terminal <- yuima at sampling@Terminal
+  division <- yuima at sampling@n
+  xinit <- getxinit(yuima at functional)
+  state <- yuima at model@state.variable
+  V0 <- yuima at model@drift
+  V <- yuima at model@diffusion
+  r.size <- yuima at model@noise.number
+  d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
+  k.size <- length(F)
+  X.t0 <- Get.X.t0(yuima)
+  delta <- deltat(X.t0)
+  pars <- yuima at model@parameter at all[1]  #epsilon
+  # function to return symbolic derivatives of myfunc by mystate(multi-state)
+  Derivation.vector <- function(myfunc,mystate,dim1,dim2){
+    tmp <- vector(dim1*dim2,mode="expression")
+    for(i in 1:dim1){
+      for(j in 1:dim2){
+        tmp[(i-1)*dim2+j] <- parse(text=deparse(D(myfunc[i],mystate[j])))
+      }
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  # function to return symbolic derivatives of myfunc by mystate(single state)
+  Derivation.scalar <- function(myfunc,mystate,dim){
+    tmp <- vector(dim,mode="expression")
+    for(i in 1:dim){
+      tmp[i] <- parse(text=deparse(D(myfunc[i],mystate)))
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  # function to solve Y_{t} (between (13.9) and (13.10)) using runge kutta method
+  Get.Y <- function(){
+    ## init
+    dt <- Terminal/division
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    Yinit <- as.vector(diag(d.size))
+    Yt <- Yinit
+    Y <- Yinit
+    k <- numeric(d.size*d.size)
+    k1 <- numeric(d.size*d.size)
+    k2 <- numeric(d.size*d.size)
+    k3 <- numeric(d.size*d.size)
+    k4 <- numeric(d.size*d.size)
+    Ystate <- paste("y",1:(d.size*d.size),sep="")
+    F <- NULL
+    F.n <- vector(d.size,mode="expression")
+    for(n in 1:d.size){
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        F.tmp <- dx.drift[((i-1)*d.size+1):(i*d.size)]
+        F.n[i] <- parse(text=paste(paste(F.tmp,"*",Ystate[((n-1)*d.size+1):(n*d.size)],sep=""),collapse="+"))
+      }
+      F <- append(F,F.n)
+    }
+    ## runge kutta
+    for(t in 1:division){
+      ## Xt
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        assign(state[i],X.t0[t,i])
+      }
+      ## k1
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        assign(Ystate[i],Yt[i])
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        k1[i] <- dt*eval(F[i])
+      }
+      ## k2
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        assign(Ystate[i],Yt[i]+k1[i]/2)
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        k2[i] <- dt*eval(F[i])
+      }
+      ## k3
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        assign(Ystate[i],Yt[i]+k2[i]/2)
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        k3[i] <- dt*eval(F[i])
+      }
+      ## k4
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        assign(Ystate[i],Yt[i]+k3[i])
+      }
+      for(i in 1:(d.size*d.size)){
+        k4[i] <- dt*eval(F[i])
+      }
+      ## F(Y(t+dt))
+      k <- (k1+k2+k2+k3+k3+k4)/6
+      Yt <- Yt+k
+      Y <- rbind(Y,Yt)
+    }
+    ## return matrix : (division+1)*(d.size*d.size)
+    rownames(Y) <- NULL
+    colnames(Y) <- Ystate
+    return(ts(Y,deltat=dt,start=0))  
+  }
+  # function to calculate Y_{t}Y_{s}^{-1}
+  Get.YtYis <- function(t,s,range){
+    yt <- matrix(Y[(range[t]-1)*delta/deltat(Y)+1,],d.size,d.size)
+    yis <- solve(matrix(Y[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(Y)+1,],d.size,d.size))
+    return(yt%*%yis)
+  }
+  # function to calculate lambda_{t,s}
+  ## require: de.diffusion, ytyis
+  Get.lambda.ts <- function(t,s,range){
+    tmp <- matrix(0,d.size,r.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      for(j in 1:r.size){
+        tmp[i,j] <- eval(de.diffusion[[i]][j]) # dV/de
+      }
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate lambda_{t,s,0}
+  ## require: de.drift, ytyis
+  Get.lambda.ts0 <- function(t,s,range){
+    tmp <- seq(0,0,length=d.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp[i] <- eval(de.drift[i]) # dV0/de
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate mu_{i,t,s}
+  ## require: ytyis
+  Get.mu.its <- function(i.state,t,s,range){
+    tmp <- matrix(0,d.size,r.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+	# make expression of dV/di
+    diV <- as.list(NULL)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      diV[i] <- list(Derivation.scalar(V[[i]],state[i.state],r.size))
+    }
+	# make expression of d(dV/di)/de
+    dideV <- as.list(NULL)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      dideV[i] <- list(Derivation.scalar(diV[[i]],pars,r.size))
+    }
+	# evaluate expression
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      for(j in 1:r.size){
+        tmp[i,j] <- eval(dideV[[i]][j])
+      }
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate mu_{i,t,s,0}
+  ## require: ytyis
+  Get.mu.its0 <- function(i.state,t,s,range){
+    tmp <- seq(0,0,length=d.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[t]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+    diV0 <- Derivation.scalar(V0,state[i.state],d.size) # dV0/di
+    dideV0 <- Derivation.scalar(V0,pars,d.size) #d(dV0/di)/de
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp[i] <- eval(dideV0[i])
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate nu_{i,j,t,s}
+  ## require: ytyis
+  Get.nu.ijts <- function(i.state,j.state,t,s,range){
+    tmp <- seq(0,0,length=d.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+    diV0 <- Derivation.scalar(V0,state[i.state],d.size)     #dV0/di
+    didjV0 <- Derivation.scalar(diV0,state[j.state],d.size) #d(dV0/di)/dj
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp[i] <- eval(didjV0[i])
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate nu_{t,s}
+  ## require: dede.diffusion, ytyis
+  Get.nu.ts <- function(t,s,range){
+    tmp <- matrix(0,d.size,r.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      for(j in 1:r.size){
+        tmp[i,j] <- eval(dede.diffusion[[i]][j])
+      }
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate nu_{t,s,0}
+  ## require: dede.drift, ytyis
+  Get.nu.ts0 <- function(t,s,range){
+    tmp <- seq(0,0,length=d.size)
+    assign(pars,0)  ## epsilon=0
+    #ytyis <- Get.YtYis((range[t]-1)*delta,(range[s]-1)*delta)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[i],X.t0[(range[s]-1)*delta/deltat(X.t0)+1,i])
+    }
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp[i] <- eval(dede.drift[i])
+    }
+    return(ytyis[t,s,,]%*%tmp)
+  }
+  # function to calculate mu in thesis p5
+  funcmu <- function(e=0){
+    division <- nrow(X.t0)
+    XT <- X.t0[division,] #data X0 observated last. size:vector[d.size]
+    ## calculate derived F by e with XT and e=0. deF(XT,0)
+    deF0 <- c() #size:vector[k.size]
+    for(d in 1:d.size){
+      assign(state[d],XT[d]) #input XT in state to use eval function
+    }
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      deF <- deriv(F[k],"e") #expression of derived F by e
+      deF0[k] <- attr(eval(deF),"gradient") #calculate deF(derived F by e) with XT
+    }
+    ## calculate derived f0 by e with Xt and e=0. def0(Xt,0)
+    def0 <- matrix(0,k.size,division) #size:matrix[k.size,division]
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      def <- deriv(f[[1]][k],"e") #expression of derived f0 by e
+      for(t in 1:division){
+        X0t <- X.t0[t,]  #data X0 observated on time t
+        for(d in 1:d.size){ 
+          assign(state[d],X0t[d]) #input X0t in state
+        }
+        def0[k,t] <- attr(eval(def),"gradient")  #calculate def(derived f0 by e) with X0t
+      }
+    }
+	# integrate def0 (just sum it)
+    def0 <- apply(def0,1,sum) #sum of def0. size:vector[k.size]
+    def0 <- def0*(1/(division-1))
+    mu <- def0+deF0  #size:vector[k.size]
+    return(mu)
+  }
+  # function to calculate a_{s}^{alpha} in thesis p5
+  funca <- function(e=0){ 
+    #init
+    division <- nrow(X.t0)
+    XT <- X.t0[division,] #data X0 observated last. size:vector[d.size]
+    defa <- array(0,dim=c(k.size,r.size,division)) #size:array[k.size,r.size,division]
+    deva <- array(0,dim=c(d.size,r.size,division)) #size:array[d.size,r.size,division]
+    dxF0 <- matrix(0,k.size,d.size) #size:matrix[k.size,d.size]
+    dxf0 <- array(0,dim=c(k.size,d.size,division)) #size:array[k.size,d.size,division]
+    dxf <- c()
+    dxF <- c()
+    def <- list()
+    dev <- list()
+	# prepare expression of derivatives
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      dxf[k] <- deriv(f[[1]][k],state) #expression of derived f0 by x
+      dxF[k] <- deriv(F[k],state) #expression of derived F by x
+      def[[k]] <- list()
+      for(r in 2:(r.size+1)){
+        def[[k]][[r-1]] <- deriv(f[[r]][k],"e") #expression of derived fa by e
+      }
+    }
+    for(r in 1:r.size){
+      dev[[r]] <- list()
+      for(d in 1:d.size){
+        dev[[r]][[d]] <- deriv(V[[d]][r],"e") #expression of derived Vr by e
+      }
+    }
+	# evaluate derivative expressions
+    for(t in 1:division){
+      X0t <- X.t0[t,]
+      for(d in 1:d.size){
+        assign(state[d],X0t[d]) #input X0t in state to use eval function to V
+      }
+      for(k in 1:k.size){
+        ##calculate derived f0 by x with Xt and e=0. dxf0(Xt,0)
+        dxf0[k,,t] <- attr(eval(dxf[k]),"gradient") #calculate dxf(derived f0 by x) with X0t
+        ##calculate derived F by x with XT and e=0. dxF(XT,0)
+        dxF0[k,] <- attr(eval(dxF[k]),"gradient") #calculate dxF(derived F by e) with XT
+        for(r in 2:(r.size+1)){
+          ##calculate derived fa by e with Xt and e=0. defa(Xt,0)
+          defa[k,r-1,t] <- attr(eval(def[[k]][[r-1]]),"gradient")  #calculate def(derived fa by e) with X0t   
+        }
+      }
+      for(r in 1:r.size){
+        for(d in 1:d.size){
+          ##calculate derived Va by e with Xt and e=0. deVa(Xt,0)
+          deva[d,r,t] <- attr(eval(dev[[r]][[d]]),"gradient") #calculate dev(derived Vr by e) with X0t
+        }
+      }
+    }  
+	# prepare Y and Y^{-1}
+    arrayY <- array(0,dim=c(d.size,d.size,division))
+    invY <- array(0,dim=c(d.size,d.size,division))
+    for(t in 1:division){
+      arrayY[,,t] <- matrix(Y[t,],d.size,d.size)
+      invY[,,t] <- solve(arrayY[,,t])
+    }
+	# calculate dxF*Y^{T}*Y^{-1}*deV_{a}
+	second <- array(0,dim=c(k.size,r.size,division))
+	temp <- dxF0 %*% arrayY[,,division]
+	for(t in 1:division) {
+		second[,,t] <- temp %*% invY[,,t] %*% deva[,,t]
+	}
+	#calculate integral
+	fIntegral <- array(0,dim=c(k.size,r.size,division))
+	third <- array(0,dim=c(k.size,r.size,division))
+	dt <- Terminal / division
+	third[,,division] <- dxf0[,,division] %*% arrayY[,,division] %*% invY[,,division] %*% deva[,,division] * dt
+	for(s in (division-1):1) {
+		third[,,s] <- third[,,s+1] + dxf0[,,s] %*% arrayY[,,s] %*% invY[,,s] %*% deva[,,s] * dt
+	}
+ #   defa <- aperm(defa,c(1,3,2))*1.0
+ #   deva <- aperm(deva,c(1,3,2))*1.0
+ #   dxF0 <- dxF0*1.0
+ #   dxf0 <- dxf0*1.0
+    ##use C source
+ #   dyn.load("yuima.so")
+ #   a <- .Call("get_a",defa,dxF0,arrayY,invY,deva,dxf0,
+ #              1.0*dim(defa),1.0*dim(arrayY),1.0*dim(invY),1.0*dim(deva),1.0*dim(dxf0),
+ #              1.0*a,1.0*dim(a))
+    return(defa + second + third) #size:array[k.size,r.size,division]
+  }
+  # function to calculate sigma in thesis p5
+  # require: aMat
+  funcsigma <- function(e=0){
+    division <- nrow(X.t0)
+    sigma <- matrix(0,k.size,k.size) #size:matrix[k.size,k.size]
+    for(t in 1:division){
+      sigma <- sigma+(aMat[,,t]%*%t(aMat[,,t])) /(division-1) #calculate sigma
+    }
+    if(any(eigen(sigma)$value<=0.0001)){
+    # Singularity check
+      cat("Eigen value of covariance matrix in very small.\n")
+    }
+    return(sigma)
+  }
+  ## integrate start:1 end:t number to integrate:block
+  # because integration at all 0:T takes too much time,
+  # we sample only 'block' points and use trapezium rule to integrate  
+  make.range.for.trapezium.fomula <- function(t,block){
+    if(t/block <= 1){ # block >= t : just use all points 
+      range <- c(1:t)
+    }else{ # make array which includes points to use
+      range <- as.integer( (c(0:block) * (t/block))+1)
+      if( range[block+1]  < t){
+        range[block+2] <- t
+      }else if( range[block+1] > t){
+        range[block+1] <- t
+      }
+    }
+    return(range)
+  }
+  # function to return expressions of df0/dxi
+  deriv.f0.for.state<- function(f0){
+    tmp_deriv_f0 <- function(i,f){
+      d_xi_f <- c()
+      for(j in 1:k.size){
+        d_xi_f[j] <- deriv(f[j],state[i])
+      }
+      return(d_xi_f)
+    }
+    tmp <- apply(as.matrix(1:length(state)),1,tmp_deriv_f0,f0)
+    ##return list of (df0/dxi)
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## This function return value of expr(X0[t])
+  ## expr:list of derived for state x1,x2,...
+  ## ex) expr[[1]] : f0 derived for x1
+  ## t: time index (t=1,2,...,division+1)
+  input.deriv <- function(t,expr,l=1,X0){
+    df <- c()
+    ##input x1,x2,...,
+    for(i in  1:d.size){
+      df[i] <- expr[[i]][l]
+      assign(state[i],X0[t,i])
+    }
+    ##epsilon = 0
+    assign(pars[1],0)
+    tmp <- c()
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp[i] <- attr(eval(df[i]),"gradient")
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## get hessian for(state,"e")
+  hessian.f0.di.de<- function(f0){
+    tmp.hessian.f0 <- function(i,f){
+      d.xi.de.f <- c()
+      for(j in 1:k.size){
+        d.xi.de.f[j] <- deriv(f[j],c(state[i],"e"),hessian=T)
+      }
+      return(d.xi.de.f)
+    }
+    tmp <- apply(as.matrix(1:length(state)),1,tmp.hessian.f0,f0)
+    ##return list of (d^2 f0/dxi de)
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  hessian.f.dxi.de<- function(f){
+    list_l_dxi_de <- list(NULL)
+    list_dxi_de <- list(NULL)
+    de <- c()
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        for(r in 1:r.size){
+          de[r] <- deriv(f[[r+1]][k],c(state[i],"e"),hessian=T)
+        }
+        list_dxi_de[[i]] <- de
+      }
+      list_l_dxi_de[[k]] <- list_dxi_de
+    }
+    ##return list of (d^2 f0/dxi de)
+    return(list_l_dxi_de)
+  }
+  ## This function return list deriv f0 for (xi,xj)
+  ## list_k_dxi_dxj[[ k ]][[ i ]][ j ] is expression f0[k] derived for (state[i],state[j])
+  ## f0:1,...,k.size expression
+  hessian.f0.di.dj<- function(f0){
+    list_k_dxi_dxj <- as.list(NULL)
+    list_dxi_dxj<- as.list(NULL)
+    dxj <- c()
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        for(j in 1:d.size){
+          dxj[j] <- deriv(f0[k],c(state[i],state[j]),hessian=T)
+        }
+        list_dxi_dxj[[i]] <- dxj
+      }
+      list_k_dxi_dxj[[k]] <- list_dxi_dxj
+    }
+    return(list_k_dxi_dxj)
+  }
+  # following funcs (named 'input.hessian~') solve expression of hessian
+  ## This function return (d x 1 vector)
+  input.hessian <- function(t,expr,n=1,m=2,l=1,X0){
+    h_f <- c()
+    ##input x1,x2,...,
+    for(i in  1:d.size){
+      h_f[i] <- expr[[i]][l]
+      assign(state[i],X0[t,i])
+    }
+    ##epsilon = 0
+    assign(pars[1],0)
+    tmp <- c()
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp[i] <- attr(eval(h_f[i]),"hessian")[1,n,m]
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## This function returns (d x d matrix)
+  ## t: time index expr:derived expression 
+  input.hessian.dxi.dxj <- function(t,expr,n=1,m=2,l=1,X0){
+    h_f <- list(NULL)
+    ##input x1,x2,...,
+    for(i in  1:d.size){
+      h_f[[i]] <- expr[[l]][[i]]
+      assign(state[i],X0[t,i])
+    }
+    ##epsilon = 0
+    assign(pars[1],0)
+    tmp <- matrix(0,d.size,d.size)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      for(j in 1:d.size){
+        if(i == j){
+          tmp[i,j] <- attr(eval(h_f[[i]][j]),"hessian")[1,1,1]
+        }else{
+          tmp[i,j] <- attr(eval(h_f[[i]][j]),"hessian")[1,i,j]
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    dim(tmp) <- c()
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## This function returns (d x r matrix)
+  ## t:index , expr:hessian for f, l=1,...,k.size
+  input.hessian.dxi.de.f<- function(t,expr,n=1,m=2,l=1,X0){
+    h.f <- list(NULL)
+    h.f.r <- c()
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      for(r in 1:r.size){
+        h.f.r[r] <- expr[[l]][[i]][r]
+      }
+      assign(state[i],X0[t,i])
+      h.f[[i]] <- h.f.r
+    }
+    assign(pars[1],0)
+    tmp <- matrix(0,d.size,r.size)
+    for(d in 1:d.size){
+      for(r in 1:r.size){
+        tmp[d,r] <- attr(eval(h.f[[d]][r]),"hessian")[1,n,m]
+      }
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## multi dimension gausian distribusion
+  normal <- function(x,mu,Sigma){
+    if(length(x)!=length(mu)){
+      print("Error:length of x != one of mu")
+    }
+    dimension <- length(x)
+    tmp <- 1/((sqrt(2*pi))^dimension * sqrt(det(Sigma))) * exp(-1/2 * t((x-mu)) %*% solve(Sigma) %*% (x-mu) )
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## get d0
+  ## required library(adapt)
+  get.d0.term <- function(){
+    lambda.max<- max(eigen(Sigma)$values)
+    ## get g(z)*pi0(z)
+    gz_pi0 <- function(z){
+      return( g(z) * H0 *normal(z,mu=mu,Sigma=Sigma))      
+    }
+    gz_pi02 <- function(z){
+      return( g(z) * H0 *dnorm(z,mean=mu,sd=sqrt(Sigma)))
+    }
+    ## integrate
+    if( k.size ==1){ # use 'integrate' if k=1
+      tmp <- integrate(gz_pi02,-Inf,Inf)
+    }else if( 2 <= k.size || k.size <= 20 ){ # use library 'adapt' to solve multi-dimentional integration
+      max <- 10 * lambda.max
+      min <- -10 * lambda.max
+      L <- (max - min)
+      tmp <- adapt(ndim=k.size,lower=rep(min,k.size),upper=rep(max,k.size),functn=gz_pi0)
+    }else{
+      stop("length k is too big.")
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ###############################################################################
+  # following funcs are part of d1 term
+  # because they are finally integrated at 'get.d1.term()',
+  # these funcs are called over and over again.
+  # so, we use trapezium rule for integration to save time and memory.
+  # these funcs almost calculate each formulas including trapezium integration.
+  # see each formulas in thesis to know what these funcs do.
+  # some funcs do alternative calculation at k=1.
+  # it depends on 'integrate()' function
+  ###############################################################################
+  # p.9 Lemma2 (a)
+  ## This function returns First term of di.bar (d.size x block martix) and
+  ## part of second term(Second.tmp)
+  ## Second.tmp is ((d x block) x k) matrix
+  ## aMat.tmp is k x (d x block) matrix
+  get.di.bar.init <- function(){
+    # trapezium rule
+    tmp.mat <-  rep(1,block)
+    tmp.mat2 <- rep(Diff,d.size)
+    dim(tmp.mat2) <- c((block*block),d.size)
+    tmp.mat2 <- t(tmp.mat2)
+    dim(tmp.mat2) <- c((d.size*block),block)
+    First <- (lambda.ts0 * tmp.mat2) %*% tmp.mat * delta
+    dim(First) <- c(d.size,block)
+    tmp.mat3 <- tmp.mat2
+    for(i in 1:r.size){
+      if(i != 1){
+        tmp.mat3 <- rbind(tmp.mat3,tmp.mat2)
+      }
+    }
+    dim(tmp.mat3) <- c(d.size*block,r.size*block)
+    Second.tmp <- (lambda.ts * tmp.mat3) %*% t(aMat.tmp) * delta
+    tmp <- list(First=First,
+                Second.tmp=Second.tmp)
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## dependency:dat.di.bar
+  get.di.bar <- function(x){
+    if(k.size ==1){
+      First <- dat.di.bar$First
+      tmp.di.bar <- dat.di.bar$Second.tmp
+      dim(tmp.di.bar) <- c(d.size,block)
+      Second.tmp <- tmp.di.bar
+      for(i in 1:(length(x))){
+        if(i!=1){
+          First <- rbind(First,dat.di.bar$First)  
+        }
+      }
+      for(i in 1:length(x)){
+        if(i!=1){
+          Second.tmp <- rbind(Second.tmp,tmp.di.bar)
+        }
+      }
+      tmp.x <- x
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        if(i !=1){
+          tmp.x <- rbind(tmp.x,x)
+        }
+      }
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c()
+      tmp.x <- rep(tmp.x,block)
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c((d.size*length(x)),block)
+      Second <-  tmp.x * Second.tmp / as.double(Sigma)
+      tmp <- First + Second
+    }else{
+      Second <- dat.di.bar$Second.tmp %*% solve(Sigma) %*% x
+      dim(Second) <- c(d.size,block)
+      tmp <- dat.di.bar$First  + Second
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  ## h is (d x block matrix)
+  ## x is k dimension vector
+  get.Di.bar <- function(h,x){
+    if(k.size==1){
+      tmp.Diff <- Diff[block,]
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        if( i != 1 ){
+          tmp.Diff <- rbind( tmp.Diff,Diff[block,] )
+        }
+      }
+      tmp.h <- h * tmp.Diff
+      for(i in 1:length(x)){
+        if(i !=1){
+          tmp.h <- rbind( tmp.h , (h*tmp.Diff) )
+        }
+      }
+      tmp <- tmp.h * get.di.bar(x) *delta
+      tmp <- tmp %*% rep(1,block)
+      dim(tmp) <- c(d.size,length(x))
+    }else{
+      tmp.Diff <- Diff[block,]
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        if( i != 1 ){
+          tmp.Diff <- rbind( tmp.Diff,Diff[block,] )
+        }
+      }
+      tmp <- h * get.di.bar(x) * tmp.Diff * delta
+      tmp <- as.vector(tmp %*% rep(1,block))
+    }
+    return(tmp)
+  }
+  # p.10 (b)
+  ## this function returns first term and part of second term of Di
+  ## h: d x (r x block)  matrix
+  ## x: k dimension vector
+  ## dependency:dat.di.bar
+  get.Di.init <- function(h){
+    ## First term
+    tmp1 <- dat.di.bar$First
+    for(i in 1:r.size){
+      if(i !=1){
+        tmp1 <- rbind( tmp1 , dat.di.bar$First )
+      }
+    }
+    dim(tmp1) <- c( d.size , r.size * block)
+    tmp.Diff <- Diff[block,]
+    for(i in 1:(k.size * r.size)){
+      if(i != 1) tmp.Diff <- rbind(tmp.Diff,Diff[block,])
+    }
+    dim(tmp.Diff) <- c(k.size,(r.size*block))
+    First <- (tmp1 * h) %*% t(aMat.tmp * tmp.Diff) %*% solve(Sigma) * delta
+    ## End of First term
+    tmp.mat1 <- t(dat.di.bar$Second.tmp)
+    dim(tmp.mat1) <- c((k.size * d.size),block)
+    Second.tmp <- array(0,dim=c(k.size,k.size,d.size))
+    for( i in 1:d.size){
+      tmp.mat2 <- tmp.mat1[((i-1)*k.size + 1):(i*k.size),]
+      dim(tmp.mat2) <- c()
+      tmp.mat3 <- tmp.mat2
+      tmp2 <-  h[i,]
+      dim(tmp2) <- c(r.size,block)
+      tmp.mat4 <- tmp2
+      for(j in 1:r.size){
+        if(j != 1) tmp.mat3 <- rbind( tmp.mat3 , tmp.mat2 )
+      }
+      for(j in 1:k.size){
+        if(j !=1) tmp.mat4 <- rbind( tmp.mat4 , tmp2 )
+      }
+      dim(tmp.mat4) <- c(r.size,(k.size * block))
+      tmp3 <- (tmp.mat4 * tmp.mat3)
+      tmp4 <- matrix(0,(r.size*block),k.size)
+      for(k in 1:k.size){
+        tmp4[,k] <- tmp3[,(c(1:block)*k.size + ( k - k.size))]
+      }
+      tmp.Diff <- Diff[block,]
+      for( j in 1:(k.size*r.size)){
+        if(j !=1){
+          tmp.Diff <- rbind(tmp.Diff,Diff[block,])
+        }
+      }
+      dim(tmp.Diff)<-c(k.size,(r.size*block))
+      Second.tmp[,,i] <- (aMat.tmp * tmp.Diff) %*% tmp4 * delta
+    }
+    tmp <- list(First=First,
+                Second.tmp=Second.tmp
+                )
+  }
+  ## dependency: dat.Di.init include First and Second.tmp
+  get.Di <- function(dat.Di.init,x){
+    if(k.size==1){
+      tmp <- numeric(d.size)
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        tmp[i] <- dat.Di.init$Second.tmp[,,i]
+      }
+      ##dat.Di.init$First is d x k matrix
+      First <- dat.Di.init$First %*% x / as.double(Sigma)
+      Second <- (tmp/(as.double(Sigma)^2) ) %*% t(x^2 - as.double(Sigma))
+    }else{
+      First <- dat.Di.init$First %*% solve(Sigma) %*% x
+      Second <- numeric(d.size)
+      for(i in 1:d.size){
+        tmp <- dat.Di.init$Second.tmp[,,i]
+        Second[i] <-  sum( diag( solve(Sigma) %*% tmp %*% solve(Sigma) %*% (x%*%t(x) - Sigma) ) )
+      }
+    }
+    Di <- First + Second
+    return(Di)
+  }
+  # p.10 (c)
+  ## preparation to calculate d^{ij}(x)_{t}
+  ## dependency: dat.di.bar
+  get.dij.init <- function(){
+    ## First term
+    tmp1.1<- dat.di.bar$First
+    tmp1.2 <- rep(dat.di.bar$First,d.size)
+    dim(tmp1.2) <- c((d.size*block),d.size)
+    tmp1.2 <- t(tmp1.2)
+    dim(tmp1.2) <- c((d.size^2),block)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      if(i !=1){
+        tmp1.1 <- rbind( tmp1.1 , dat.di.bar$First )
+      }
+    }
+    First <- tmp1.1 * tmp1.2 ## dim(First) = c( d.size^2 , block)
+    ## Second term
+    tmp2.1 <- tmp1.1
+    dim(tmp2.1) <- c()
+    tmp2.1 <- rep(tmp2.1,k.size)
+    dim(tmp2.1) <- c((d.size^2)*block,k.size)
+    tmp2.2 <- rep(dat.di.bar$Second.tmp,d.size)
+    dim(tmp2.2) <- c(d.size*k.size*block,d.size)
+    tmp2.2 <- t(tmp2.2)
+    dim(tmp2.2) <- c(d.size^2*block,k.size)
+    Second.tmp <- (tmp2.1 * tmp2.2) %*% solve(Sigma) ## dim(Second.tmp) = c(d.size^2 * block ,k.size)
+    ## Third term
+    tmp3.1 <- rep(dat.di.bar$First,d.size)
+    dim(tmp3.1) <- c(d.size*block,d.size)
+    tmp3.1 <- as.vector(t(tmp3.1))
+    tmp3.1 <- rep(tmp3.1,k.size)
+    dim(tmp3.1) <- c((d.size^2)*block,k.size)
+    tmp3 <- dat.di.bar$Second.tmp
+    dim(tmp3) <- c(d.size,k.size*block)
+    tmp3.2 <- tmp3
+    for( i in 1:d.size){
+      if(i != 1){
+        tmp3.2 <- rbind(tmp3.2,tmp3)
+      }
+    }
+    dim(tmp3.2) <- c((d.size^2)*block,k.size)
+    Third.tmp <- (tmp3.1 * tmp3.2) %*% solve(Sigma) ## dim(Third.t,p) = c(d.size^2 * block ,k.size)
+    ##Fourth term
+    tmp4 <- t(dat.di.bar$Second.tmp)
+    dim(tmp4) <- c(k.size*d.size,block)
+    tmp4.1 <- tmp4
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      if(i != 1) tmp4.1 <- rbind(tmp4.1,tmp4)
+    }
+    # rm(tmp4)
+    dim(tmp4.1) <- c(k.size,(d.size^2)*block)
+    tmp4.2 <- tmp4.1
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      if(k != 1) tmp4.2 <- rbind(tmp4.2,tmp4.1)
+    }
+    # rm(tmp4.1)
+    dim(tmp4.2) <- c(k.size,k.size*(d.size^2)*block)
+    tmp4.3 <- t(dat.di.bar$Second.tmp)
+    for(i in 1:d.size){
+      if(i != 1) tmp4.3 <- rbind(tmp4.3,t(dat.di.bar$Second.tmp))
+    }
+    dim(tmp4.3) <- c()
+    tmp4.4 <- tmp4.3
+    for( k in 1:k.size){
+      if( k != 1) tmp4.4 <- rbind(tmp4.4,tmp4.3)
+    }
+    # rm(tmp4.3)
+    dim(tmp4.4) <- c(k.size,k.size*(d.size^2)*block)
+    tmp4.5 <- tmp4.2 * tmp4.4
+    tmp4.6 <- matrix(0,k.size*(d.size^2)*block,k.size)
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      tmp4.6[,k] <- tmp4.5[,(1:(d.size^2 * block)-1)*k.size + k ]
+    }
+    tmp4.6 <- t(tmp4.6)
+    tmp4.7 <- solve(Sigma) %*%  (tmp4.5 + tmp4.6)
+    # rm(tmp4.5)
+    # rm(tmp4.6)
+    tmp4.8 <- matrix(0,k.size*(d.size^2)*block,k.size)
+    for(k in 1:k.size){
+      tmp4.8[,k] <- tmp4.7[,(1:(d.size^2 * block)-1)*k.size + k ]
+    }
+    Fourth.tmp <- tmp4.8 %*% solve(Sigma) ## dim(Fourth.tmp) =c( k.size * d.size^2 *  block , k.size)
+    ## Fifth term
+    tmp.Diff <- rep(Diff,d.size)
+    dim(tmp.Diff) <- c(block^2,d.size)
+    tmp.Diff <- t(tmp.Diff)
+    dim(tmp.Diff) <- c(d.size*block,block)
+    tmp.Diff2 <- tmp.Diff
+    for(r in 1:r.size){
+      if(r != 1) tmp.Diff <- rbind(tmp.Diff,tmp.Diff2)
+    }
+    dim(tmp.Diff) <- c(d.size*block,r.size*block)
+    # rm(tmp.Diff2)  
+    Fifth <- matrix(0,d.size^2,block)
+    for(t in 1:block){
+      start <- (t-1) * d.size + 1
+      end <- (t-1) * d.size +d.size
+      if( d.size == 1 ){
+        Fifth[,t] <- (lambda.ts[start:end,] * tmp.Diff[start:end,]) %*% lambda.ts[start:end,] *delta
+      }else{
+        Fifth[,t] <- (lambda.ts[start:end,] * tmp.Diff[start:end,]) %*% t(lambda.ts[start:end,]) *delta
+      }
+    }
+    ## dim(Fifth) = c( d.size^2 ,block )
+    tmp <- list(First=First,
+                Second.tmp=Second.tmp,
+                Third.tmp=Third.tmp,
+                Fourth.tmp=Fourth.tmp,
+                Fifth=Fifth
+                )
+    return(tmp)    
+  }
+  ## dependency: dat.dij
+  get.dij <- function(x){
+    if( k.size == 1 ){
+      First <- dat.dij$First
+      First.tmp <- First
+      Fifth <- dat.dij$Fifth
+      Fifth.tmp <- Fifth
+      Second <- dat.dij$Second.tmp
+      dim(Second) <- c(d.size^2,block)
+      Second.tmp <- Second
+      for( i in 1:length(x)){
+        if(i != 1){
+          First <- rbind(First,First.tmp)
+          Second <- rbind(Second,Second.tmp)
+          Fifth <- rbind(Fifth,Fifth.tmp)
+        }
+      }
+      # rm(First.tmp)
+      # rm(Second.tmp)
+      # rm(Fifth.tmp)
+      tmp.x <- rep(x,d.size^2 * block)
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c(length(x),d.size^2 * block)
+      tmp.x <- t(tmp.x)
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c(block,d.size^2*length(x))
+      tmp.x <- t(tmp.x)
+      Second <- Second * tmp.x
+      Third <- dat.dij$Third.tmp
+      dim(Third) <- c(d.size^2,block)
+      Third.tmp <- Third
+      for( i in 1:length(x)){
+        if(i != 1) Third <- rbind(Third,Third.tmp)
+      }
+      # rm(Third.tmp)
+      Third <- Third * tmp.x
+      Fourth <- dat.dij$Fourth.tmp
+      dim(Fourth) <- c(d.size^2,block)
+      Fourth.tmp <- Fourth
+      for( i in 1:length(x)){
+        if(i != 1) Fourth <- rbind(Fourth,Fourth.tmp)
+      }
+      # rm(Fourth.tmp)
+      tmp.x <- rep((x^2 - Sigma),d.size^2 * block)
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c(length(x),d.size^2 * block)
+      tmp.x <- t(tmp.x)
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c(block,d.size^2*length(x))
+      tmp.x <- t(tmp.x)
+      Fourth <- Fourth * tmp.x /2
+      tmp <- First + Second + Third + Fourth + Fifth
+    }else{
+      Second <- dat.dij$Second.tmp %*% x
+      dim(Second) <- c(d.size^2,block)
+      Third <- dat.dij$Third.tmp %*% x
+      dim(Third) <- c(d.size^2,block)
+      tmp.x <- rep((x %*% t(x)) - Sigma, d.size^2 * block )
+      dim(tmp.x) <- c(k.size , k.size * d.size^2 * block )
+      Fourth <- rep(1,k.size) %*% t( dat.dij$Fourth.tmp * t(tmp.x) )
+      dim(Fourth) <- c(k.size ,d.size^2 * block) 
+      Fourth <- ( rep(1,k.size) %*% Fourth ) /2
+      dim(Fourth) <- c(d.size^2,block)
+      tmp <- dat.dij$First + Second + Third + Fourth + dat.dij$Fifth
+    }    
+    return( tmp )
+  }
+  get.Dij <- function(h,x){
+    if(k.size == 1){
+      tmp.Diff <- Diff[block,]
+      for(i in 1:(d.size^2)){
+        if( i != 1 ){

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/yuima -r 52

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