[Vinecopula-commits] r138 - pkg/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Do Sep 17 20:11:05 CEST 2015

Author: tnagler
Date: 2015-09-17 20:11:04 +0200 (Thu, 17 Sep 2015)
New Revision: 138

* allow for Clayton/Frank with par = 0 in most functions (only when check.pars = FALSE)

Modified: pkg/R/BiCopCDF.r
--- pkg/R/BiCopCDF.r	2015-09-17 17:30:45 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopCDF.r	2015-09-17 18:11:04 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -1,227 +1,232 @@
-BiCopCDF <- function(u1, u2, family, par, par2 = 0, obj = NULL, check.pars = TRUE) {
-    ## sanity checks for u1, u2
-        if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE) 
-            stop("u1 and/or u2 are not set or have length zero.")
-        if (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0)) 
-            stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
-        if (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0)) 
-            stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
-        if (length(u1) != length(u2)) 
-            stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
-    n <- length(u1)
-    ## extract family and parameters if BiCop object is provided
-    if (missing(family))
-        family <- NA
-    if (missing(par))
-        par <- NA
-    # for short hand usage extract obj from family
-    if (class(family) == "BiCop")
-        obj <- family
-    if (!is.null(obj)) {
-        stopifnot(class(obj) == "BiCop")
-        family <- obj$family
-        par <- obj$par
-        par2 <- obj$par2
-    }
-    ## check for reasonable input
-    if (any(is.na(family)) | any(is.na(par)))
-        stop("Provide either 'family' and 'par' or 'obj'")
-    if (any(family == 2)) 
-        stop("The CDF of the t-copula is not implemented.")
-    ## adjust length for parameter vectors; stop if not matching
-    if (any(c(length(family), length(par), length(par2)) == n)) {
-        if (length(family) == 1) 
-            family <- rep(family, n)
-        if (length(par) == 1) 
-            par <- rep(par, n)
-        if (length(par2) == 1)
-            par2 <- rep(par2, n)
-    }
-    if (!(length(family) %in% c(1, n)))
-        stop("'family' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
-    if (!(length(par) %in% c(1, n)))
-        stop("'par' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
-    if (!(length(par2) %in% c(1, n)))
-        stop("'par2' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
-    ## check for family/parameter consistency
-    if (check.pars)
-        BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
-    ## calculate CDF
-    if (length(par) == 1) {
-        # call for single parameters
-        out <- calcCDF(u1, u2, family, par, par2)
-    } else {
-        # vectorized call
-        out <- vapply(1:length(par),
-                      function(i) calcCDF(u1[i],
-                                          u2[i], 
-                                          family[i],
-                                          par[i],
-                                          par2[i]),
-                      numeric(1))
-    }
-    ## return result
-    out
-calcCDF <- function(u1, u2, family, par, par2) {
-    if (family == 0) {
-        res <- u1 * u2
-    } else if (family == 1) {
-        cdf <- function(u, v) pmvnorm(upper = c(qnorm(u), qnorm(v)), 
-                                      corr = matrix(c(1,   par, par, 1), 2, 2))
-        res <- mapply(cdf, u1, u2, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
-        # }else if(family == 2){ par2=round(par2) cdf = function(u,v)
-        # pmvt(upper=c(qt(u,df=par2),qt(v,df=par2)), corr=matrix(c(1,par,par,1),2,2),
-        # df=par2) res = mapply(cdf, u1, u2, SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
-    } else if (family %in% c(3:10, 41)) {
-        res <- .C("archCDF",
-                  as.double(u1), 
-                  as.double(u2), 
-                  as.integer(length(u1)), 
-                  as.double(c(par, par2)), 
-                  as.integer(family), 
-                  as.double(rep(0, length(u1))), 
-                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
-    } else if (family %in% c(13, 14, 16:20, 51)) {
-        res <- u1 + u2 - 1 + .C("archCDF",
-                                as.double(1 - u1),
-                                as.double(1 - u2), 
-                                as.integer(length(u1)),
-                                as.double(c(par, par2)), 
-                                as.integer(family - 10),
-                                as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                                PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
-    } else if (family %in% c(23, 24, 26:30, 61)) {
-        res <- u2 - .C("archCDF", 
-                       as.double(1 - u1),
-                       as.double(u2), 
-                       as.integer(length(u1)), 
-                       as.double(c(-par, -par2)),
-                       as.integer(family - 20),
-                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
-    } else if (family %in% c(33, 34, 36:40, 71)) {
-        res <- u1 - .C("archCDF",
-                       as.double(u1), 
-                       as.double(1 - u2),
-                       as.integer(length(u1)), 
-                       as.double(c(-par, -par2)),
-                       as.integer(family - 30),
-                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))), 
-                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
-    } else if (family %in% c(104, 114, 124, 134, 204, 214, 224, 234)) {
-      if (family == 104) {
-        par3 <- 1
-        res <- .C("TawnC",
-                  as.double(u1),
-                  as.double(u2),
-                  as.integer(length(u1)),
-                  as.double(par),
-                  as.double(par2), 
-                  as.double(par3), 
-                  as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      } 
-      if (family == 114) {
-        par3 <- 1
-        res <- u1 + u2 - 1 + .C("TawnC",
-                                as.double(1-u1),
-                                as.double(1-u2),
-                                as.integer(length(u1)),
-                                as.double(par),
-                                as.double(par2), 
-                                as.double(par3), 
-                                as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                                PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      }
-      if (family == 124) {
-        par3 <- 1
-        res <- u2 - .C("TawnC",
-                       as.double(1-u1),
-                       as.double(u2),
-                       as.integer(length(u1)),
-                       as.double(-par),
-                       as.double(par2), 
-                       as.double(par3), 
-                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      } 
-      if (family == 134) {
-        par3 <- 1
-        res <- u1 - .C("TawnC",
-                       as.double(u1),
-                       as.double(1-u2),
-                       as.integer(length(u1)),
-                       as.double(-par),
-                       as.double(par2), 
-                       as.double(par3), 
-                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      } 
-      if (family == 204) {
-        par3 <- par2
-        par2 <- 1
-        res <- .C("TawnC",
-                  as.double(u1),
-                  as.double(u2),
-                  as.integer(length(u1)),
-                  as.double(par),
-                  as.double(par2), 
-                  as.double(par3), 
-                  as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      } 
-      if (family == 214) {
-        par3 <- par2
-        par2 <- 1
-        res <- u1 + u2 - 1 + .C("TawnC",
-                                as.double(1-u1),
-                                as.double(1-u2),
-                                as.integer(length(u1)),
-                                as.double(par),
-                                as.double(par2), 
-                                as.double(par3), 
-                                as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                                PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      } 
-      if (family == 224) {
-        par3 <- par2
-        par2 <- 1
-        res <- u2 - .C("TawnC",
-                       as.double(1-u1),
-                       as.double(u2),
-                       as.integer(length(u1)),
-                       as.double(-par),
-                       as.double(par2), 
-                       as.double(par3), 
-                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      } 
-      if (family == 234) {
-        par3 <- par2
-        par2 <- 1
-        res <- u1 - .C("TawnC",
-                       as.double(u1),
-                       as.double(1-u2),
-                       as.integer(length(u1)),
-                       as.double(-par),
-                       as.double(par2), 
-                       as.double(par3), 
-                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
-                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
-      }
-      } else {
-        res <- rep(NA, length(u1))
-      }
-  ## return results
-  res
+BiCopCDF <- function(u1, u2, family, par, par2 = 0, obj = NULL, check.pars = TRUE) {
+    ## sanity checks for u1, u2
+        if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE)
+            stop("u1 and/or u2 are not set or have length zero.")
+        if (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0))
+            stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
+        if (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0))
+            stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
+        if (length(u1) != length(u2))
+            stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
+    n <- length(u1)
+    ## extract family and parameters if BiCop object is provided
+    if (missing(family))
+        family <- NA
+    if (missing(par))
+        par <- NA
+    # for short hand usage extract obj from family
+    if (class(family) == "BiCop")
+        obj <- family
+    if (!is.null(obj)) {
+        stopifnot(class(obj) == "BiCop")
+        family <- obj$family
+        par <- obj$par
+        par2 <- obj$par2
+    }
+    ## check for reasonable input
+    if (any(is.na(family)) | any(is.na(par)))
+        stop("Provide either 'family' and 'par' or 'obj'")
+    if (any(family == 2))
+        stop("The CDF of the t-copula is not implemented.")
+    ## adjust length for parameter vectors; stop if not matching
+    if (any(c(length(family), length(par), length(par2)) == n)) {
+        if (length(family) == 1)
+            family <- rep(family, n)
+        if (length(par) == 1)
+            par <- rep(par, n)
+        if (length(par2) == 1)
+            par2 <- rep(par2, n)
+    }
+    if (!(length(family) %in% c(1, n)))
+        stop("'family' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
+    if (!(length(par) %in% c(1, n)))
+        stop("'par' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
+    if (!(length(par2) %in% c(1, n)))
+        stop("'par2' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
+    ## sanity checks for family and parameters
+    if (check.pars) {
+        BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # allow zero parameter for Clayton an Frank otherwise
+        family[(family %in% c(3, 13, 23, 33)) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+        family[(family == 5) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+    }
+    ## calculate CDF
+    if (length(par) == 1) {
+        # call for single parameters
+        out <- calcCDF(u1, u2, family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # vectorized call
+        out <- vapply(1:length(par),
+                      function(i) calcCDF(u1[i],
+                                          u2[i],
+                                          family[i],
+                                          par[i],
+                                          par2[i]),
+                      numeric(1))
+    }
+    ## return result
+    out
+calcCDF <- function(u1, u2, family, par, par2) {
+    if (family == 0) {
+        res <- u1 * u2
+    } else if (family == 1) {
+        cdf <- function(u, v) pmvnorm(upper = c(qnorm(u), qnorm(v)),
+                                      corr = matrix(c(1,   par, par, 1), 2, 2))
+        res <- mapply(cdf, u1, u2, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
+        # }else if(family == 2){ par2=round(par2) cdf = function(u,v)
+        # pmvt(upper=c(qt(u,df=par2),qt(v,df=par2)), corr=matrix(c(1,par,par,1),2,2),
+        # df=par2) res = mapply(cdf, u1, u2, SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
+    } else if (family %in% c(3:10, 41)) {
+        res <- .C("archCDF",
+                  as.double(u1),
+                  as.double(u2),
+                  as.integer(length(u1)),
+                  as.double(c(par, par2)),
+                  as.integer(family),
+                  as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
+    } else if (family %in% c(13, 14, 16:20, 51)) {
+        res <- u1 + u2 - 1 + .C("archCDF",
+                                as.double(1 - u1),
+                                as.double(1 - u2),
+                                as.integer(length(u1)),
+                                as.double(c(par, par2)),
+                                as.integer(family - 10),
+                                as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                                PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
+    } else if (family %in% c(23, 24, 26:30, 61)) {
+        res <- u2 - .C("archCDF",
+                       as.double(1 - u1),
+                       as.double(u2),
+                       as.integer(length(u1)),
+                       as.double(c(-par, -par2)),
+                       as.integer(family - 20),
+                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
+    } else if (family %in% c(33, 34, 36:40, 71)) {
+        res <- u1 - .C("archCDF",
+                       as.double(u1),
+                       as.double(1 - u2),
+                       as.integer(length(u1)),
+                       as.double(c(-par, -par2)),
+                       as.integer(family - 30),
+                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]
+    } else if (family %in% c(104, 114, 124, 134, 204, 214, 224, 234)) {
+      if (family == 104) {
+        par3 <- 1
+        res <- .C("TawnC",
+                  as.double(u1),
+                  as.double(u2),
+                  as.integer(length(u1)),
+                  as.double(par),
+                  as.double(par2),
+                  as.double(par3),
+                  as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 114) {
+        par3 <- 1
+        res <- u1 + u2 - 1 + .C("TawnC",
+                                as.double(1-u1),
+                                as.double(1-u2),
+                                as.integer(length(u1)),
+                                as.double(par),
+                                as.double(par2),
+                                as.double(par3),
+                                as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                                PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 124) {
+        par3 <- 1
+        res <- u2 - .C("TawnC",
+                       as.double(1-u1),
+                       as.double(u2),
+                       as.integer(length(u1)),
+                       as.double(-par),
+                       as.double(par2),
+                       as.double(par3),
+                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 134) {
+        par3 <- 1
+        res <- u1 - .C("TawnC",
+                       as.double(u1),
+                       as.double(1-u2),
+                       as.integer(length(u1)),
+                       as.double(-par),
+                       as.double(par2),
+                       as.double(par3),
+                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 204) {
+        par3 <- par2
+        par2 <- 1
+        res <- .C("TawnC",
+                  as.double(u1),
+                  as.double(u2),
+                  as.integer(length(u1)),
+                  as.double(par),
+                  as.double(par2),
+                  as.double(par3),
+                  as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                  PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 214) {
+        par3 <- par2
+        par2 <- 1
+        res <- u1 + u2 - 1 + .C("TawnC",
+                                as.double(1-u1),
+                                as.double(1-u2),
+                                as.integer(length(u1)),
+                                as.double(par),
+                                as.double(par2),
+                                as.double(par3),
+                                as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                                PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 224) {
+        par3 <- par2
+        par2 <- 1
+        res <- u2 - .C("TawnC",
+                       as.double(1-u1),
+                       as.double(u2),
+                       as.integer(length(u1)),
+                       as.double(-par),
+                       as.double(par2),
+                       as.double(par3),
+                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      if (family == 234) {
+        par3 <- par2
+        par2 <- 1
+        res <- u1 - .C("TawnC",
+                       as.double(u1),
+                       as.double(1-u2),
+                       as.integer(length(u1)),
+                       as.double(-par),
+                       as.double(par2),
+                       as.double(par3),
+                       as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
+                       PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
+      }
+      } else {
+        res <- rep(NA, length(u1))
+      }
+  ## return results
+  res

Modified: pkg/R/BiCopHfunc.r
--- pkg/R/BiCopHfunc.r	2015-09-17 17:30:45 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopHfunc.r	2015-09-17 18:11:04 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -53,8 +53,13 @@
         stop("'par2' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
     ## sanity checks for family and parameters
-    if (check.pars)
+    if (check.pars) {
         BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # allow zero parameter for Clayton an Frank otherwise
+        family[(family %in% c(3, 13, 23, 33)) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+        family[(family == 5) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+    }
     ## calculate h-functions
     if (length(par) == 1) {

Modified: pkg/R/BiCopHinv.R
--- pkg/R/BiCopHinv.R	2015-09-17 17:30:45 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopHinv.R	2015-09-17 18:11:04 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -39,9 +39,14 @@
     if (!(length(par2) %in% c(1, n)))
         stop("'par2' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
-    ## check for family/parameter consistency#
-    if (check.pars) 
+    ## sanity checks for family and parameters
+    if (check.pars) {
         BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # allow zero parameter for Clayton an Frank otherwise
+        family[(family %in% c(3, 13, 23, 33)) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+        family[(family == 5) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+    }
     ## calculate inverse h-functions
     if (length(par) == 1) {

Modified: pkg/R/BiCopPDF.r
--- pkg/R/BiCopPDF.r	2015-09-17 17:30:45 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopPDF.r	2015-09-17 18:11:04 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-BiCopPDF <- function(u1, u2, family, par, par2 = 0, obj = NULL, check.pars = TRUE) {       
+BiCopPDF <- function(u1, u2, family, par, par2 = 0, obj = NULL, check.pars = TRUE) {
     ## sanity checks for u1, u2
-    if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE) 
+    if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE)
         stop("u1 and/or u2 are not set or have length zero.")
-    if (length(u1) != length(u2)) 
+    if (length(u1) != length(u2))
         stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
-    if (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0)) 
+    if (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0))
         stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
-    if (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0)) 
+    if (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0))
         stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
     n <- length(u1)
     ## extract family and parameters if BiCop object is provided
     if (missing(family))
         family <- NA
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@
         par <- obj$par
         par2 <- obj$par2
     ## check for reasonable input
     if (any(is.na(family)) | any(is.na(par)))
         stop("Provide either 'family' and 'par' or 'obj'")
     ## adjust length for parameter vectors; stop if not matching
     if (any(c(length(family), length(par), length(par2)) == n)) {
-        if (length(family) == 1) 
+        if (length(family) == 1)
             family <- rep(family, n)
-        if (length(par) == 1) 
+        if (length(par) == 1)
             par <- rep(par, n)
         if (length(par2) == 1)
             par2 <- rep(par2, n)
@@ -44,36 +44,41 @@
         stop("'par' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
     if (!(length(par2) %in% c(1, n)))
         stop("'par2' has to be a single number or a size n vector")
-    ## check for family/parameter consistency
-    if (check.pars)
+    ## sanity checks for family and parameters
+    if (check.pars) {
         BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # allow zero parameter for Clayton an Frank otherwise
+        family[(family %in% c(3, 13, 23, 33)) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+        family[(family == 5) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+    }
     ## evaluate log-density
     if (length(par) == 1) {
         # unvectorized call
         coplik <- .C("LL_mod_seperate",
-                     as.double(u1), 
+                     as.double(u1),
-                     as.double(par2), 
-                     as.double(rep(0, n)), 
+                     as.double(par2),
+                     as.double(rep(0, n)),
                      PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
     } else {
         # vectorized call
         coplik <- .C("LL_mod_seperate_vec",
-                     as.double(u1), 
+                     as.double(u1),
-                     as.double(par2), 
-                     as.double(rep(0, n)), 
+                     as.double(par2),
+                     as.double(rep(0, n)),
                      PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[7]]
     ## return density

Modified: pkg/R/BiCopPar2TailDep.r
--- pkg/R/BiCopPar2TailDep.r	2015-09-17 17:30:45 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopPar2TailDep.r	2015-09-17 18:11:04 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -25,9 +25,14 @@
     if (!all(c(length(family), length(par), length(par2)) %in% c(1, n)))
         stop("Input lenghts don't match")
-    ## check for family/parameter consistency
-    if (check.pars)
+    ## sanity checks for family and parameters
+    if (check.pars) {
         BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # allow zero parameter for Clayton an Frank otherwise
+        family[(family %in% c(3, 13, 23, 33)) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+        family[(family == 5) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+    }
     ## calculate tail dependence coefficient
     if (length(par) == 1) {

Modified: pkg/R/BiCopSim.R
--- pkg/R/BiCopSim.R	2015-09-17 17:30:45 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopSim.R	2015-09-17 18:11:04 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
         stop("'par2' has to be a single number or a size N vector")
     ## sanity checks for family and parameters
-    if (check.pars)
+    if (check.pars) {
         BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
+    } else {
+        # allow zero parameter for Clayton an Frank otherwise
+        family[(family %in% c(3, 13, 23, 33)) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+        family[(family == 5) & (par == 0)] <- 0
+    }
     ## start with independent uniforms (byrow for backwards compatibility)
     w <- matrix(runif(2*N), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

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