[Vinecopula-commits] r62 - in pkg/src: . include

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Fr Mär 21 11:32:19 CET 2014

Author: ulf
Date: 2014-03-21 11:32:18 +0100 (Fri, 21 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 62

Line ending hat bei ein paar Dateien nicht gepasst.

Modified: pkg/src/gof.c
--- pkg/src/gof.c	2014-03-21 08:57:02 UTC (rev 61)
+++ pkg/src/gof.c	2014-03-21 10:32:18 UTC (rev 62)
@@ -1,667 +1,667 @@
-#include "include/vine.h"
-#include "include/memoryhandling.h"
-#include "include/gof.h"
-#include "include/rvinederiv2.h"
-#include "include/pit.h"
-#include "include/rvine.h"
-// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
-//     AD: Anderson-Darling  GOF test
-//     (Cumulative distribution function test)
-//     INPUT:
-//          cdf         CDF for which to compute the test
-//          n             Length of cdf
-void ADtest(double* cdf, int* n, double* out)
-  int j;
-  double sum=0.0;
-  for(j=0;j<*n;j++) sum += (2.0*((double)j+1.0)-1.0)*(log(cdf[j])+log(1.0-cdf[*n-1-j]));
-  *out = -(double)*n-(1.0/(double)*n)*sum;
-// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
-// Function to compute cumulative distribution function of a uniform vector x ($\hat F(x)$)
-void CumDist(double* x, int* i_n, int* i_m, double* out)
-  int i,j,n,m;
-  double *y;
-  n=*i_n; m=*i_m;
-  y = malloc(m*sizeof(double));
-  for(i=0;i<m;i++)
-  {
-    y[i]=0.0;
-    for(j=0;j<n;j++)
-    {
-      if(x[j]<=((double)i+1.0)/((double)m+1.0)) y[i] += 1.0/((double)n+1.0);
-    }
-    if(y[i]==0.0) y[i] = 1.0/((double)n+1.0);
-    out[i] = y[i];
-  }
-  free(y);
-// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
-//     CvM: Cramer-von Mises GOF test
-//     (Cumulative distribution function test)
-//     INPUT:
-//          cdf         CDF for which to compute the test
-//          n             Length of cdf
-void CvMtest(double* cdf, int* n, double* out)
-  int i;
-  double sum1=0.0,sum2=0.0;
-  for(i=0;i<*n;i++) 
-  {
-    sum1 += pow(cdf[i],2.0);
-    sum2 += cdf[i]*(2.0*((double)i+1.0)+1.0);
-  }
-  *out = (double)*n/3.0 + (double)*n/((double)*n + 1.0)*sum1 - (double)*n/(pow((double)*n+1.0,2.0))*sum2;
-// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
-//     KS: Kolmogorov-Smirnof GOF test
-//     (Cumulative distribution function test)
-//     INPUT:
-//          cdf         CDF for which to compute the test
-//          n             Length of cdf
-void KStest(double* cdf, int* n, double* out)
-  int j;
-  double tmp, maxdist=0.0;
-  for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
-  {
-    tmp = MAX( fabs(cdf[j]-((double)j+1.0)/((double)*n+1.0)), fabs(cdf[j]-((double)j+2.0)/((double)*n+1.0)) );
-    if(tmp>maxdist) maxdist = tmp;
-  }
-  *out = sqrt((double)*n)*maxdist;
-// Goodness-of-fit test based on White's information equality
-// by U. Schepsmeier
-void White(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, double* D, double* V)
-	int i=0, dd=0, tt=0, k=1, j=0, kk=0, t=0, mm=0, dd2=0;
-	double *Dprime, *hess, *subhess, *der, *subder, *dat, *hess_red, *der_red;
-	for(i=0; i<(*d*(*d));i++)
-	{
-		if(family[i]!=0) dd++;
-		if(family[i]==2) tt++;
-	}
-	mm=(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2;
-	dd2=*d*(*d-1)/2;
-	//Allocate memory
-	//V = create_matrix((dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2,(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2);
-	//D = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2*sizeof(double));
-	Dprime = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2*sizeof(double));
-	hess = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
-	subhess = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
-	der = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
-	subder = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
-	hess_red = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt)*sizeof(double));
-	der_red = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt)*sizeof(double));
-	dat = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
-	// initialisieren
-	for(i=0;i<mm;i++)
-	{
-		Dprime[i]=0;
-	}
-	/*for(i=0;i<(dd+tt)*(dd+tt);i++)
-	{
-		hess[i]=0;
-		subhess[i]=0;
-		der[i]=0;
-		subder[i]=0;
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2;i++)
-	{
-		for(j=0;j<(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2;j++)
-		{
-			V[i][j]=0;
-		}
-	}*/
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-	{
-		for(i=0; i<*d;i++)
-		{
-			dat[i]=data[(t+1)+(i*(*T))-1];
-		}
-		for(i=0;i<((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt));i++)
-		{
-			hess[i]=0;
-			subhess[i]=0;
-			der[i]=0;
-			subder[i]=0;
-		}
-		hesse(&k, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, dat, hess, subhess, der, subder);
-		// independence aus der Hesse herausnehmen
-		kk=0;
-		for(i=0;i<dd2+tt;i++)
-		{
-			for(j=0;j<dd2+tt;j++)
-			{
-				if(hess[i+1+((dd2+tt)*j)-1]!=0)
-				{
-					hess_red[kk]=hess[i+1+((dd2+tt)*j)-1];
-					der_red[kk]=der[i+1+((dd2+tt)*j)-1];
-					kk++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		kk=0;
-		for(i=0;i<(dd+tt);i++)
-		{
-			for(j=i;j<(dd+tt);j++)
-			{
-				Dprime[kk] = hess[(j+1)+((dd+tt)*i)-1] + der[(j+1)+((dd+tt)*i)-1];
-				D[kk] = D[kk] + (Dprime[kk]/(double)(*T));
-				kk++;
-			}
-		}
-		for(i=0;i<mm;i++)
-		{
-			for(j=0;j<mm;j++)
-			{
-				V[(i+1)+mm*j-1]+=(Dprime[i]*Dprime[j]/(double)(*T));
-			}
-		}
-	} 
-	// Nicht fertig, da hier das Problem D%*%solve(V)%*%t(D) zu lösen ist
-	// Free memory
-	//free(D);
-	free(Dprime);	
-	free(hess);
-	free(subhess);
-	free(der);
-	free(subder);
-	free(dat);
-	free(hess_red);
-	free(der_red);
-	//free_matrix(V,(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2);
-// Functions for PIT based GOF
-// by U. Schepsmeier
-// Function to compute probability of observing rank i, given rank 1,...,i-1 
-// Help function by Daniel Berg
-// Input: q (vector to be transformed, must be sorted ascending), 
-// d(length of vector q), out(output) 
-void ZStar(double* q, int* d, double* out)
-  int i;
-  double *qprev;
-  qprev = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
-  for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-  {
-    if(i==0) qprev[i]=0.0;
-    else qprev[i] = q[i-1];
-    out[i] = 1.0 - pow((1.0-q[i])/(1.0-qprev[i]),*d-i);
-    if(out[i]==1.0) { out[i] = 0.9999999999; }
-    else if(out[i]==0.0) { out[i] = 1.0-0.9999999999; }
-  }
-  free(qprev);
-// Function to compare two numbers
-// Help function by Daniel Berg
-int comp_nums(double *num1, double *num2)
-  if (*num1 <  *num2) return -1;
-  else if (*num1 == *num2) return  0;
-  else return  1;
-void Bj(int *T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
-		 double* out, double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, int* method, int *alpha)
-	int i=0, t=0, ii=0, j=0;
-	double *udata, **tmp, **u;
-	udata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
-	tmp = create_matrix(*T,*d);
-	u = create_matrix(*T,*d);
-	RvinePIT(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, data, udata, vv, vv2, calcupdate);
-	ii=0;
-	for(j=0;j<*T;j++)
-	{
-		if(*method==2 || *method==3)
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-			{
-				u[j][i] = udata[ii];
-				ii += 1;
-			}
-			qsort(u[j],*d,sizeof(double),(void *)comp_nums);
-			ZStar(u[j],d,tmp[j]);		//Transformation von Berg and Bakken (2007)
-		}
-		else	// Im Fall von Breymann ist es besser keine Transformation zu machen
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-			{
-				tmp[j][i] = udata[ii];
-				ii += 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-		{
-			if(*method==1)
-				tmp[t][i]=pow(qnorm(tmp[t][i],0.0,1.0,1,0),2);
-			else if(*method==2)
-				tmp[t][i]=fabs(tmp[t][i]-0.5);
-			else if(*method==3)
-				tmp[t][i]=pow(tmp[t][i]-0.5,*alpha);
-			out[t]+=tmp[t][i];
-		}
-	}
-	free(udata);
-	free_matrix(tmp,*T);
-	free_matrix(u,*T);
-void SimulateBj(double* S, int *T, int* d, int* B, int* method, int *alpha, double* p)
-	int i=0, t=0, m=0;
-	double *tmp, Sb=0, *ustar;
-	tmp = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
-	ustar = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
-	GetRNGstate();
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-	{
-		p[t]=0;
-	}
-	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
-	{
-		for(i=1;i<=*d;i++) { tmp[i] = runif(0,1);}
-		qsort(tmp,*d,sizeof(double),(void *)comp_nums);
-		ZStar(tmp,d,ustar);		//Transformation von Berg and Bakken (2007)
-		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-		{
-			if(*method==1)
-				tmp[i]=pow(qnorm(ustar[i],0.0,1.0,1,0),2);
-			else if(*method==2)
-				tmp[i]=fabs(ustar[i]-0.5);
-			else if(*method==3)
-				tmp[i]=pow(ustar[i]-0.5,*alpha);
-			Sb+=tmp[i];
-		}
-		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-		{
-			if(Sb<=S[t]) p[t]+=1.0/(1.0+(double)*B);
-		}
-		Sb=0;
-	}
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++) 
-	{
-		if(p[t] == 0) p[t] = 1.0/(1.0+(double)*B);
-	}
-	PutRNGstate();
-	free(tmp);
-	free(ustar);
-void gofPIT_AD(int *T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
-		 double* statistic, double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, int* method, int *alpha, int* B, int *statisticName)
-	int t=0;
-	double *S, *helpvar, *Bhat;
-	S = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	helpvar = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	Bhat = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-	{
-		S[t]=0;
-		helpvar[t]=0;
-		Bhat[t]=0;
-	}
-	Bj(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, data, S, vv, vv2, calcupdate, method, alpha);
-	// Statistic berechnen
-	if(*B==0)
-	{
-		if(*method==1)
-		{
-			for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-			{
-				Bhat[t]=pchisq(S[t],*d,1.0,0.0);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-			CumDist(S, T, T, Bhat);
-		if(*statisticName==1)		//Anderson-Darling
-			ADtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
-		else if(*statisticName==2)	//Kolmogorov-Smirnov
-			KStest(Bhat, T, statistic);
-		else if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises
-		{
-			CvMtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
-		}
-	}
-	else		//bootstrap
-	{
-		SimulateBj(S, T, d, B, method, alpha, helpvar);
-		CumDist(helpvar, T, T, Bhat);
-		if(*statisticName==1)		//Anderson-Darling
-			ADtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
-		else if(*statisticName==2)	//Kolmogorov-Smirnov
-			KStest(Bhat, T, statistic);
-		else if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises
-		{
-			CvMtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
-		}
-	}
-	free(S);
-	free(helpvar);
-	free(Bhat);
-void gofPIT_AD_pvalue(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data,
-		double* statistic, double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, int* method, int* alpha, int* B, double* pvalue, int *statisticName)
-	int i=0, m=0, t=0, *f, B2=1000;
-	double *bdata, bstat=0;
-	f = malloc(*T*sizeof(int));
-	bdata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
-	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
-	{
-		MySample(T, T, f);
-		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-			{
-				bdata[(t+1)+(*T*i)-1]=data[(f[t]+1)+(*T*i)-1];
-			}
-		}
-		bstat=0;
-		gofPIT_AD(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, bdata, 
-				&bstat, vv, vv2, calcupdate, method, alpha, &B2, statisticName);
-		if(bstat>=*statistic)
-			*pvalue+=1.0/(*B);
-	}
-	free(f);
-	free(bdata);
-/* Equal probability sampling; with-replacement case */
-void MySample(int *k, int *n, int *y)
-    int i;
-	GetRNGstate();
-    for (i = 0; i < *k; i++)
-	{
-		y[i] = (int) *n * unif_rand() + 1;
-	}
-	PutRNGstate();
-// gof-test based on empirical copula process
-void gofECP(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, double* statistic, int* statisticName)
-	double *znull, *Chat1, *Chat2, U=0;
-	int T2=1000, i=0, t=0, takeU=0;
-	znull = malloc(*d*1000*sizeof(double));
-	Chat1 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	Chat2 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	for(t=0;t<T2;t++)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-		{
-			znull[t+1+(T2*i)-1]=0;
-		}
-	}
-	SimulateRVine(&T2, d, family, maxmat, matrix, conindirect, par, par2, znull, &U, &takeU);
-	ChatZj(data, data, T, d, T, Chat1);
-	ChatZj(znull, data, T, d, &T2, Chat2);
-	*statistic=0;
-	if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises test statistic
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
-		{
-			*statistic+=pow(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i],2);
-		}
-	}
-	else if(*statisticName==2)	// KS
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
-		{
-			*statistic=MAX(fabs(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i]),*statistic);
-		}
-		*statistic=*statistic*sqrt(*T);
-	}
-	free(znull);
-	free(Chat1);
-	free(Chat2);
-void gofECP_pvalue(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, double* statistic, int* statisticName, double* pvalue, int* B)
-	int i=0, m=0, t=0, *f;
-	double *bdata, bstat=0;
-	f = malloc(*T*sizeof(int));
-	bdata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
-	//Rprintf("%f\n",*statistic);
-	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
-	{
-		MySample(T, T, f);
-		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-			{
-				bdata[(t+1)+(*T*i)-1]=data[(f[t]+1)+(*T*i)-1];
-			}
-		}
-		bstat=0;
-		gofECP(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, conindirect, par, par2, bdata, &bstat, statisticName);
-		//Rprintf("%f ",bstat);
-		if(bstat>=*statistic)
-			*pvalue+=1.0/(*B);
-	}
-	free(f);
-	free(bdata);
-// n = dim(u)[1]
-// m = dim(data)[1]
-// Chat vector of length n
-void ChatZj(double* data, double* u, int* n, int* d, int* m, double* Chat)
-	int i,j,k;
-	double *helpvar;
-	helpvar=malloc(*m*sizeof(double));
-	for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
-	{
-		Chat[j]=0;
-		for(k=0;k<*m;k++)
-		{
-			helpvar[k]=0;
-			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-			{
-				if(data[k+1+(*m*i)-1]<=u[j+1+(*n*i)-1])
-					helpvar[k]++;
-			}
-			if(helpvar[k]==*d)
-				Chat[j]++;
-		}
-		Chat[j]/=(*m+1);
-	}
-	free(helpvar);
-void C_ind(double* data, int* n, int* d, double* C)	
-	int t=0, i=0;
-	for(t=0;t<*n;t++)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-		{
-			if(i==0)
-				C[t]=data[t+1+(*n*i)-1];
-			else
-				C[t]=C[t] * data[t+1+(*n*i)-1];
-		}
-	}
-void gofECP2(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
-		double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, double* statistic, int* statisticName)
-	double *udata, *Chat1, *Chat2;
-	int i=0, t=0;
-	udata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
-	Chat1 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	Chat2 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-		{
-			udata[t+1+(*T*i)-1]=0;
-		}
-	}
-	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-	{
-		Chat1[t]=0;
-		Chat2[t]=1;
-	}
-	RvinePIT(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, data, udata, vv, vv2, calcupdate);
-	ChatZj(udata, udata, T, d, T, Chat1);
-	C_ind(udata,T,d,Chat2);
-	*statistic=0;
-	if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises test statistic
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
-		{
-			*statistic+=pow(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i],2);
-		}
-	}
-	else if(*statisticName==2)	// KS
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
-		{
-			*statistic=MAX(fabs(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i]),*statistic);
-		}
-		*statistic=*statistic*sqrt(*T);
-	}
-	free(udata);
-	free(Chat1);
-	free(Chat2);
-void gofECP2_pvalue(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
-		double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, double* statistic, double* pvalue, int* statisticName, int* B)
-	int i=0, m=0, t=0, *f;
-	double *bdata, bstat=0;
-	f = malloc(*T*sizeof(int));
-	bdata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
-	//Rprintf("%f\n",*statistic);
-	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
-	{
-		MySample(T, T, f);
-		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
-			{
-				bdata[(t+1)+(*T*i)-1]=data[(f[t]+1)+(*T*i)-1];
-			}
-		}
-		bstat=0;
-		gofECP2(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, bdata, vv, vv2, calcupdate, &bstat, statisticName);
-		//Rprintf("%f ",bstat);
-		if(bstat>=*statistic)
-			*pvalue+=1.0/(*B);
-	}
-	free(f);
-	free(bdata);
+#include "include/vine.h"
+#include "include/memoryhandling.h"
+#include "include/gof.h"
+#include "include/rvinederiv2.h"
+#include "include/pit.h"
+#include "include/rvine.h"
+// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
+//     AD: Anderson-Darling  GOF test
+//     (Cumulative distribution function test)
+//     INPUT:
+//          cdf         CDF for which to compute the test
+//          n             Length of cdf
+void ADtest(double* cdf, int* n, double* out)
+  int j;
+  double sum=0.0;
+  for(j=0;j<*n;j++) sum += (2.0*((double)j+1.0)-1.0)*(log(cdf[j])+log(1.0-cdf[*n-1-j]));
+  *out = -(double)*n-(1.0/(double)*n)*sum;
+// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
+// Function to compute cumulative distribution function of a uniform vector x ($\hat F(x)$)
+void CumDist(double* x, int* i_n, int* i_m, double* out)
+  int i,j,n,m;
+  double *y;
+  n=*i_n; m=*i_m;
+  y = malloc(m*sizeof(double));
+  for(i=0;i<m;i++)
+  {
+    y[i]=0.0;
+    for(j=0;j<n;j++)
+    {
+      if(x[j]<=((double)i+1.0)/((double)m+1.0)) y[i] += 1.0/((double)n+1.0);
+    }
+    if(y[i]==0.0) y[i] = 1.0/((double)n+1.0);
+    out[i] = y[i];
+  }
+  free(y);
+// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
+//     CvM: Cramer-von Mises GOF test
+//     (Cumulative distribution function test)
+//     INPUT:
+//          cdf         CDF for which to compute the test
+//          n             Length of cdf
+void CvMtest(double* cdf, int* n, double* out)
+  int i;
+  double sum1=0.0,sum2=0.0;
+  for(i=0;i<*n;i++) 
+  {
+    sum1 += pow(cdf[i],2.0);
+    sum2 += cdf[i]*(2.0*((double)i+1.0)+1.0);
+  }
+  *out = (double)*n/3.0 + (double)*n/((double)*n + 1.0)*sum1 - (double)*n/(pow((double)*n+1.0,2.0))*sum2;
+// Code form Daniel Berg, R-package copulaGOF
+//     KS: Kolmogorov-Smirnof GOF test
+//     (Cumulative distribution function test)
+//     INPUT:
+//          cdf         CDF for which to compute the test
+//          n             Length of cdf
+void KStest(double* cdf, int* n, double* out)
+  int j;
+  double tmp, maxdist=0.0;
+  for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
+  {
+    tmp = MAX( fabs(cdf[j]-((double)j+1.0)/((double)*n+1.0)), fabs(cdf[j]-((double)j+2.0)/((double)*n+1.0)) );
+    if(tmp>maxdist) maxdist = tmp;
+  }
+  *out = sqrt((double)*n)*maxdist;
+// Goodness-of-fit test based on White's information equality
+// by U. Schepsmeier
+void White(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, double* D, double* V)
+	int i=0, dd=0, tt=0, k=1, j=0, kk=0, t=0, mm=0, dd2=0;
+	double *Dprime, *hess, *subhess, *der, *subder, *dat, *hess_red, *der_red;
+	for(i=0; i<(*d*(*d));i++)
+	{
+		if(family[i]!=0) dd++;
+		if(family[i]==2) tt++;
+	}
+	mm=(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2;
+	dd2=*d*(*d-1)/2;
+	//Allocate memory
+	//V = create_matrix((dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2,(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2);
+	//D = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2*sizeof(double));
+	Dprime = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2*sizeof(double));
+	hess = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
+	subhess = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
+	der = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
+	subder = malloc((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt)*sizeof(double));
+	hess_red = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt)*sizeof(double));
+	der_red = malloc((dd+tt)*(dd+tt)*sizeof(double));
+	dat = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
+	// initialisieren
+	for(i=0;i<mm;i++)
+	{
+		Dprime[i]=0;
+	}
+	/*for(i=0;i<(dd+tt)*(dd+tt);i++)
+	{
+		hess[i]=0;
+		subhess[i]=0;
+		der[i]=0;
+		subder[i]=0;
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2;i++)
+	{
+		for(j=0;j<(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2;j++)
+		{
+			V[i][j]=0;
+		}
+	}*/
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+	{
+		for(i=0; i<*d;i++)
+		{
+			dat[i]=data[(t+1)+(i*(*T))-1];
+		}
+		for(i=0;i<((dd2+tt)*(dd2+tt));i++)
+		{
+			hess[i]=0;
+			subhess[i]=0;
+			der[i]=0;
+			subder[i]=0;
+		}
+		hesse(&k, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, dat, hess, subhess, der, subder);
+		// independence aus der Hesse herausnehmen
+		kk=0;
+		for(i=0;i<dd2+tt;i++)
+		{
+			for(j=0;j<dd2+tt;j++)
+			{
+				if(hess[i+1+((dd2+tt)*j)-1]!=0)
+				{
+					hess_red[kk]=hess[i+1+((dd2+tt)*j)-1];
+					der_red[kk]=der[i+1+((dd2+tt)*j)-1];
+					kk++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		kk=0;
+		for(i=0;i<(dd+tt);i++)
+		{
+			for(j=i;j<(dd+tt);j++)
+			{
+				Dprime[kk] = hess[(j+1)+((dd+tt)*i)-1] + der[(j+1)+((dd+tt)*i)-1];
+				D[kk] = D[kk] + (Dprime[kk]/(double)(*T));
+				kk++;
+			}
+		}
+		for(i=0;i<mm;i++)
+		{
+			for(j=0;j<mm;j++)
+			{
+				V[(i+1)+mm*j-1]+=(Dprime[i]*Dprime[j]/(double)(*T));
+			}
+		}
+	} 
+	// Nicht fertig, da hier das Problem D%*%solve(V)%*%t(D) zu lösen ist
+	// Free memory
+	//free(D);
+	free(Dprime);	
+	free(hess);
+	free(subhess);
+	free(der);
+	free(subder);
+	free(dat);
+	free(hess_red);
+	free(der_red);
+	//free_matrix(V,(dd+tt)*(dd+tt+1)/2);
+// Functions for PIT based GOF
+// by U. Schepsmeier
+// Function to compute probability of observing rank i, given rank 1,...,i-1 
+// Help function by Daniel Berg
+// Input: q (vector to be transformed, must be sorted ascending), 
+// d(length of vector q), out(output) 
+void ZStar(double* q, int* d, double* out)
+  int i;
+  double *qprev;
+  qprev = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
+  for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+  {
+    if(i==0) qprev[i]=0.0;
+    else qprev[i] = q[i-1];
+    out[i] = 1.0 - pow((1.0-q[i])/(1.0-qprev[i]),*d-i);
+    if(out[i]==1.0) { out[i] = 0.9999999999; }
+    else if(out[i]==0.0) { out[i] = 1.0-0.9999999999; }
+  }
+  free(qprev);
+// Function to compare two numbers
+// Help function by Daniel Berg
+int comp_nums(double *num1, double *num2)
+  if (*num1 <  *num2) return -1;
+  else if (*num1 == *num2) return  0;
+  else return  1;
+void Bj(int *T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
+		 double* out, double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, int* method, int *alpha)
+	int i=0, t=0, ii=0, j=0;
+	double *udata, **tmp, **u;
+	udata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
+	tmp = create_matrix(*T,*d);
+	u = create_matrix(*T,*d);
+	RvinePIT(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, data, udata, vv, vv2, calcupdate);
+	ii=0;
+	for(j=0;j<*T;j++)
+	{
+		if(*method==2 || *method==3)
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+			{
+				u[j][i] = udata[ii];
+				ii += 1;
+			}
+			qsort(u[j],*d,sizeof(double),(void *)comp_nums);
+			ZStar(u[j],d,tmp[j]);		//Transformation von Berg and Bakken (2007)
+		}
+		else	// Im Fall von Breymann ist es besser keine Transformation zu machen
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+			{
+				tmp[j][i] = udata[ii];
+				ii += 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+		{
+			if(*method==1)
+				tmp[t][i]=pow(qnorm(tmp[t][i],0.0,1.0,1,0),2);
+			else if(*method==2)
+				tmp[t][i]=fabs(tmp[t][i]-0.5);
+			else if(*method==3)
+				tmp[t][i]=pow(tmp[t][i]-0.5,*alpha);
+			out[t]+=tmp[t][i];
+		}
+	}
+	free(udata);
+	free_matrix(tmp,*T);
+	free_matrix(u,*T);
+void SimulateBj(double* S, int *T, int* d, int* B, int* method, int *alpha, double* p)
+	int i=0, t=0, m=0;
+	double *tmp, Sb=0, *ustar;
+	tmp = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
+	ustar = malloc(*d*sizeof(double));
+	GetRNGstate();
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+	{
+		p[t]=0;
+	}
+	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
+	{
+		for(i=1;i<=*d;i++) { tmp[i] = runif(0,1);}
+		qsort(tmp,*d,sizeof(double),(void *)comp_nums);
+		ZStar(tmp,d,ustar);		//Transformation von Berg and Bakken (2007)
+		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+		{
+			if(*method==1)
+				tmp[i]=pow(qnorm(ustar[i],0.0,1.0,1,0),2);
+			else if(*method==2)
+				tmp[i]=fabs(ustar[i]-0.5);
+			else if(*method==3)
+				tmp[i]=pow(ustar[i]-0.5,*alpha);
+			Sb+=tmp[i];
+		}
+		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+		{
+			if(Sb<=S[t]) p[t]+=1.0/(1.0+(double)*B);
+		}
+		Sb=0;
+	}
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++) 
+	{
+		if(p[t] == 0) p[t] = 1.0/(1.0+(double)*B);
+	}
+	PutRNGstate();
+	free(tmp);
+	free(ustar);
+void gofPIT_AD(int *T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
+		 double* statistic, double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, int* method, int *alpha, int* B, int *statisticName)
+	int t=0;
+	double *S, *helpvar, *Bhat;
+	S = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	helpvar = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	Bhat = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+	{
+		S[t]=0;
+		helpvar[t]=0;
+		Bhat[t]=0;
+	}
+	Bj(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, data, S, vv, vv2, calcupdate, method, alpha);
+	// Statistic berechnen
+	if(*B==0)
+	{
+		if(*method==1)
+		{
+			for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+			{
+				Bhat[t]=pchisq(S[t],*d,1.0,0.0);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			CumDist(S, T, T, Bhat);
+		if(*statisticName==1)		//Anderson-Darling
+			ADtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
+		else if(*statisticName==2)	//Kolmogorov-Smirnov
+			KStest(Bhat, T, statistic);
+		else if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises
+		{
+			CvMtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
+		}
+	}
+	else		//bootstrap
+	{
+		SimulateBj(S, T, d, B, method, alpha, helpvar);
+		CumDist(helpvar, T, T, Bhat);
+		if(*statisticName==1)		//Anderson-Darling
+			ADtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
+		else if(*statisticName==2)	//Kolmogorov-Smirnov
+			KStest(Bhat, T, statistic);
+		else if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises
+		{
+			CvMtest(Bhat, T, statistic);
+		}
+	}
+	free(S);
+	free(helpvar);
+	free(Bhat);
+void gofPIT_AD_pvalue(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data,
+		double* statistic, double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, int* method, int* alpha, int* B, double* pvalue, int *statisticName)
+	int i=0, m=0, t=0, *f, B2=1000;
+	double *bdata, bstat=0;
+	f = malloc(*T*sizeof(int));
+	bdata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
+	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
+	{
+		MySample(T, T, f);
+		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+			{
+				bdata[(t+1)+(*T*i)-1]=data[(f[t]+1)+(*T*i)-1];
+			}
+		}
+		bstat=0;
+		gofPIT_AD(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, bdata, 
+				&bstat, vv, vv2, calcupdate, method, alpha, &B2, statisticName);
+		if(bstat>=*statistic)
+			*pvalue+=1.0/(*B);
+	}
+	free(f);
+	free(bdata);
+/* Equal probability sampling; with-replacement case */
+void MySample(int *k, int *n, int *y)
+    int i;
+	GetRNGstate();
+    for (i = 0; i < *k; i++)
+	{
+		y[i] = (int) *n * unif_rand() + 1;
+	}
+	PutRNGstate();
+// gof-test based on empirical copula process
+void gofECP(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, double* statistic, int* statisticName)
+	double *znull, *Chat1, *Chat2, U=0;
+	int T2=1000, i=0, t=0, takeU=0;
+	znull = malloc(*d*1000*sizeof(double));
+	Chat1 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	Chat2 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	for(t=0;t<T2;t++)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+		{
+			znull[t+1+(T2*i)-1]=0;
+		}
+	}
+	SimulateRVine(&T2, d, family, maxmat, matrix, conindirect, par, par2, znull, &U, &takeU);
+	ChatZj(data, data, T, d, T, Chat1);
+	ChatZj(znull, data, T, d, &T2, Chat2);
+	*statistic=0;
+	if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises test statistic
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
+		{
+			*statistic+=pow(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i],2);
+		}
+	}
+	else if(*statisticName==2)	// KS
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
+		{
+			*statistic=MAX(fabs(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i]),*statistic);
+		}
+		*statistic=*statistic*sqrt(*T);
+	}
+	free(znull);
+	free(Chat1);
+	free(Chat2);
+void gofECP_pvalue(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, double* statistic, int* statisticName, double* pvalue, int* B)
+	int i=0, m=0, t=0, *f;
+	double *bdata, bstat=0;
+	f = malloc(*T*sizeof(int));
+	bdata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
+	//Rprintf("%f\n",*statistic);
+	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
+	{
+		MySample(T, T, f);
+		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+			{
+				bdata[(t+1)+(*T*i)-1]=data[(f[t]+1)+(*T*i)-1];
+			}
+		}
+		bstat=0;
+		gofECP(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, conindirect, par, par2, bdata, &bstat, statisticName);
+		//Rprintf("%f ",bstat);
+		if(bstat>=*statistic)
+			*pvalue+=1.0/(*B);
+	}
+	free(f);
+	free(bdata);
+// n = dim(u)[1]
+// m = dim(data)[1]
+// Chat vector of length n
+void ChatZj(double* data, double* u, int* n, int* d, int* m, double* Chat)
+	int i,j,k;
+	double *helpvar;
+	helpvar=malloc(*m*sizeof(double));
+	for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
+	{
+		Chat[j]=0;
+		for(k=0;k<*m;k++)
+		{
+			helpvar[k]=0;
+			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+			{
+				if(data[k+1+(*m*i)-1]<=u[j+1+(*n*i)-1])
+					helpvar[k]++;
+			}
+			if(helpvar[k]==*d)
+				Chat[j]++;
+		}
+		Chat[j]/=(*m+1);
+	}
+	free(helpvar);
+void C_ind(double* data, int* n, int* d, double* C)	
+	int t=0, i=0;
+	for(t=0;t<*n;t++)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+		{
+			if(i==0)
+				C[t]=data[t+1+(*n*i)-1];
+			else
+				C[t]=C[t] * data[t+1+(*n*i)-1];
+		}
+	}
+void gofECP2(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
+		double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, double* statistic, int* statisticName)
+	double *udata, *Chat1, *Chat2;
+	int i=0, t=0;
+	udata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
+	Chat1 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	Chat2 = malloc(*T*sizeof(double));
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+		{
+			udata[t+1+(*T*i)-1]=0;
+		}
+	}
+	for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+	{
+		Chat1[t]=0;
+		Chat2[t]=1;
+	}
+	RvinePIT(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, data, udata, vv, vv2, calcupdate);
+	ChatZj(udata, udata, T, d, T, Chat1);
+	C_ind(udata,T,d,Chat2);
+	*statistic=0;
+	if(*statisticName==3)	//Cramer-von Mises test statistic
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
+		{
+			*statistic+=pow(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i],2);
+		}
+	}
+	else if(*statisticName==2)	// KS
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<*T;i++)
+		{
+			*statistic=MAX(fabs(Chat1[i]-Chat2[i]),*statistic);
+		}
+		*statistic=*statistic*sqrt(*T);
+	}
+	free(udata);
+	free(Chat1);
+	free(Chat2);
+void gofECP2_pvalue(int* T, int* d, int* family, int* maxmat, int* matrix, int* condirect, int* conindirect, double* par, double* par2, double* data, 
+		double* vv, double* vv2, int* calcupdate, double* statistic, double* pvalue, int* statisticName, int* B)
+	int i=0, m=0, t=0, *f;
+	double *bdata, bstat=0;
+	f = malloc(*T*sizeof(int));
+	bdata = malloc(*d*(*T)*sizeof(double));
+	//Rprintf("%f\n",*statistic);
+	for(m=0;m<*B;m++)
+	{
+		MySample(T, T, f);
+		for(t=0;t<*T;t++)
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<*d;i++)
+			{
+				bdata[(t+1)+(*T*i)-1]=data[(f[t]+1)+(*T*i)-1];
+			}
+		}
+		bstat=0;
+		gofECP2(T, d, family, maxmat, matrix, condirect, conindirect, par, par2, bdata, vv, vv2, calcupdate, &bstat, statisticName);
+		//Rprintf("%f ",bstat);
+		if(bstat>=*statistic)
+			*pvalue+=1.0/(*B);
+	}
+	free(f);
+	free(bdata);

Modified: pkg/src/hfunc.c
--- pkg/src/hfunc.c	2014-03-21 08:57:02 UTC (rev 61)
+++ pkg/src/hfunc.c	2014-03-21 10:32:18 UTC (rev 62)
@@ -1,1273 +1,1273 @@
-** hfunc.c - C code of the package CDRVine  
-** with contributions from Carlos Almeida, Aleksey Min, 
-** Ulf Schepsmeier, Jakob Stoeber and Eike Brechmann
-** A first version was based on code
-** from Daniel Berg <daniel at danielberg.no>
-** provided by personal communication. 
-#include "include/vine.h"
-#include "include/hfunc.h"
-#include "include/evCopula.h"
-#define UMAX  1-1e-10
-#define UMIN  1e-10
-#define XEPS 1e-4
-// h-func for BB1
-void pcondbb1(double* u, double* v, int* n, double* param, double* out)
-	int i;
-	double th, de;
-	double t1, t2, t3, t16, t17, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t10, t12, t13, t20;
-	th = param[0];
-	de = param[1];
-	for(i=0;i<*n;i++)
-		{
-		  t1 = pow(u[i],-th);
-		  t2 = t1-1.;
-		  t3 = pow(t2,de);
-		  t16 = 1./u[i];
-		  t17 = 1./t2;
-		  t4 = pow(v[i],-th);
-		  t5 = t4-1.;
-		  t6 = pow(t5,de);
-		  t7 = t3+t6;
-		  t9 = pow(t7,1/de);
-		  t10 = 1.0+t9;
-		  t12 = pow(t10,-1/th);
-		  t13 = t12*t9;
-		  t20 = 1./t10;
-		  out[i] = t13*t3*t1*t16*t17/t7*t20;
-		}
-void pcondbb6(double* u, double* v, int* n, double* param, double* out)
-	int i;
-	double th, de;
-	double t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t12, t16, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t13, t14, t15, t17;
-	th = param[0];
-	de = param[1];
-	for(i=0;i<*n;i++)
-	{
-		  t1 = 1.0-u[i];

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/vinecopula -r 62

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