[Vinecopula-commits] r36 - in pkg: R src
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Mi Okt 30 10:32:44 CET 2013
Author: ulf
Date: 2013-10-30 10:32:41 +0100 (Wed, 30 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 36
Tobias und ich haben noch eine Fehler bei Tawn gefunden. In der Hfunc.c hatte sich bei den rotierten Versionen ein Fehler eingeschlichen durch Copy und paste.
Modified: pkg/R/BiCopSelect.r
--- pkg/R/BiCopSelect.r 2013-10-30 08:24:34 UTC (rev 35)
+++ pkg/R/BiCopSelect.r 2013-10-30 09:32:41 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
if(!is.na(familyset[1]) && (!any(c(1,2,5,23,24,26:30,33,34,36:40,104,114,204,214) %in% familyset) || !any(c(1:10,13,14,16:20,124,134,224,234) %in% familyset))) stop("'familyset' has to include at least one bivariate copula family for positive and one for negative dependence.")
emp_tau = fasttau(data1,data2,weights)
if(indeptest == TRUE){
out$p.value.indeptest = BiCopIndTest(data1,data2)$p.value
Modified: pkg/R/RVineStructureSelect.r
--- pkg/R/RVineStructureSelect.r 2013-10-30 08:24:34 UTC (rev 35)
+++ pkg/R/RVineStructureSelect.r 2013-10-30 09:32:41 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
RVine$Tree[[1]] = VineTree
RVine$Graph[[1]] = g
oldVineGraph = VineTree
for(i in 2:(n-1)){
Modified: pkg/src/hfunc.c
--- pkg/src/hfunc.c 2013-10-30 08:24:34 UTC (rev 35)
+++ pkg/src/hfunc.c 2013-10-30 09:32:41 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,1273 +1,1273 @@
-** hfunc.c - C code of the package CDRVine
-** with contributions from Carlos Almeida, Aleksey Min,
-** Ulf Schepsmeier, Jakob Stoeber and Eike Brechmann
-** A first version was based on code
-** from Daniel Berg <daniel at danielberg.no>
-** provided by personal communication.
-#include "include/vine.h"
-#include "include/hfunc.h"
-#include "include/evCopula.h"
-#define UMAX 1-1e-10
-#define UMIN 1e-10
-#define XEPS 1e-4
-// h-func for BB1
-void pcondbb1(double* u, double* v, int* n, double* param, double* out)
- int i;
- double th, de;
- double t1, t2, t3, t16, t17, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t10, t12, t13, t20;
- th = param[0];
- de = param[1];
- for(i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- t1 = pow(u[i],-th);
- t2 = t1-1.;
- t3 = pow(t2,de);
- t16 = 1./u[i];
- t17 = 1./t2;
- t4 = pow(v[i],-th);
- t5 = t4-1.;
- t6 = pow(t5,de);
- t7 = t3+t6;
- t9 = pow(t7,1/de);
- t10 = 1.0+t9;
- t12 = pow(t10,-1/th);
- t13 = t12*t9;
- t20 = 1./t10;
- out[i] = t13*t3*t1*t16*t17/t7*t20;
- }
-void pcondbb6(double* u, double* v, int* n, double* param, double* out)
- int i;
- double th, de;
- double t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t12, t16, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t13, t14, t15, t17;
- th = param[0];
- de = param[1];
- for(i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- t1 = 1.0-u[i];
- t2 = pow(t1,th);
- t3 = 1.0-t2;
- t4 = log(t3);
- t5 = pow(-t4,de);
- t12 = 1/de;
- t16 = 1/th;
- t6 = 1.0-v[i];
- t7 = pow(t6,th);
- t8 = 1.0-t7;
- t9 = log(t8);
- t10 = pow(-t9,de);
- t11 = t5+t10;
- t13 = pow(t11,t12);
- t14 = exp(-t13);
- t15 = 1.0-t14;
- t17 = pow(t15,t16);
- out[i] = -t17*t13*t5*t2/t1/t3/t4/t11*t14/t15;
- }
-void pcondbb7(double* u, double* v, int* n, double* param, double* out)
- int i;
- double th, de;
- double t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t8, t9, t11, t12, t14;
- th = param[0];
- de = param[1];
- for(i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- t1 = 1.0-u[i];
- t2 = pow(t1,1.0*th);
- t3 = 1.0-t2;
- t4 = pow(t3,-1.0*de);
- t6 = pow(1.0-v[i],1.0*th);
- t8 = pow(1.0-t6,-1.0*de);
- t9 = t4+t8-1.0;
- t11 = pow(t9,-1.0/de);
- t12 = 1.0-t11;
- t14 = pow(t12,1.0/th);
- out[i] = t14*t11*t4*t2/t1/t3/t9/t12;
- }
-void pcondbb8(double* u, double* v, int* n, double* param, double* out)
- int i;
- double th, de;
- double t2, t3, t12, t16, t6, t7, t8, t10, t11, t13, t15, t17;
- th = param[0];
- de = param[1];
- for(i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- t2 = 1.0-de*u[i];
- t3 = pow(t2,th);
- t10 = 1.0-de;
- t11 = pow(t10,th);
- t12 = 1.0-t11;
- t13 = 1/t12;
- t16 = 1/th;
- t6 = 1.0-de*v[i];
- t7 = pow(t6,th);
- t8 = 1.0-t7;
- t15 = 1.0-(1.0-t3)*t8*t13;
- t17 = pow(t15,t16);
- out[i] = t17*t3/t2*t8*t13/t15;
- }
-// Since the h function is not symmetric in case of double Gumbel and double Clayton we have two implement both separately,
-// i.e. Hfunc1 and Hfunc2
-void Hfunc1(int* family,int* n,double* u,double* v,double* theta,double* nu,double* out)
- double *negv, *negu;
- negv = (double *) malloc(*n* sizeof(double));
- negu = (double *) malloc(*n*sizeof(double));
- double ntheta, nnu;
- int nfamily, j, T=1;
- ntheta = -*theta;
- nnu = -*nu;
- for(int i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- if(u[i]<UMIN) u[i]=UMIN;
- else if(u[i]>UMAX) u[i]=UMAX;
- if(v[i]<UMIN) v[i]=UMIN;
- else if(v[i]>UMAX) v[i]=UMAX;
- }
- if((*family==43))
- {
- nfamily=3;
- if(*theta > 0){
- ntheta=2*(*theta)/(1-*theta);
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, u, v, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }else{
- ntheta=-2*(*theta)/(1+*theta);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, u, negv, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }
- }else if((*family==44))
- {
- nfamily=4;
- if(*theta > 0){
- ntheta=1/(1-*theta);
- Hfunc (&nfamily, n, u, v, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }else{
- ntheta=1/(1+*theta);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc (&nfamily, n, u, negv, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }
- }else{
- if(((*family==23) | (*family==24) | (*family==26) | (*family==27) | (*family==28) | (*family==29) | (*family==30) | (*family==61) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc (&nfamily, n, u, negv, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }
- else if(((*family==33) | (*family==34) | (*family==36) | (*family==37) | (*family==38) | (*family==39) | (*family==40) | (*family==71) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, negu, v, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- else if(*family==104)
- {
- double par3=1;
- dC_du(v,u,n,theta,nu,&par3,out); // u und v kommen aus BiCopHfunc vertauscht hier an. Dreh zurück. NOch testen, wie sich das auf die anderen Funktione auswirkt
- }
- else if(*family==114)
- {
- double par3=1;
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- negv[j]= 1-v[j];
- negu[j]= 1-u[j];
- dC_dv(&negu[j],&negv[j],&T,theta,nu,&par3,&out[j]);
- out[j]= 1-out[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*family==124)
- {
- double par3=1;
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- negv[j]= 1-v[j];
- dC_dv(&u[j],&negv[j],&T,&ntheta,nu,&par3,&out[j]);
- }
- }
- else if(*family==134)
- {
- double par3=1;
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- negu[j]= 1-u[j];
- dC_dv(&negu[j],&v[j],&T,&ntheta,nu,&par3,&out[j]);
- out[j]=1-out[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*family==204)
- {
- double par3=*nu;
- double par2=1;
- dC_du(v,u,n,theta,&par2,&par3,out);
- }
- else if(*family==214)
- {
- double par3=*nu;
- double par2=1;
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- negv[j]= 1-v[j];
- negu[j]= 1-u[j];
- dC_dv(&negu[j],&negv[j],&T,theta,&par2,&par3,&out[j]);
- out[j]= 1-out[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*family==124)
- {
- double par3=*nu;
- double par2=1;
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- negv[j]= 1-v[j];
- dC_dv(&u[j],&negv[j],&T,&ntheta,&par2,&par3,&out[j]);
- }
- }
- else if(*family==134)
- {
- double par3=*nu;
- double par2=1;
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- negu[j]= 1-u[j];
- dC_dv(&negu[j],&v[j],&T,&ntheta,&par2,&par3,&out[j]);
- out[j]=1-out[j];
- }
- }
- else {
- Hfunc (family, n, u, v, theta, nu, out);
- }
- }
- free(negv);
- free(negu);
-void Hfunc2(int* family,int* n,double* v,double* u,double* theta,double* nu,double* out)
- double *negv, *negu;
- negv = (double *) malloc(*n * sizeof(double));
- negu = (double *) malloc(*n * sizeof(double));
- double ntheta, nnu;
- int nfamily;
- ntheta = -*theta;
- nnu = -*nu;
- for(int i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- if(u[i]<UMIN) u[i]=UMIN;
- else if(u[i]>UMAX) u[i]=UMAX;
- if(v[i]<UMIN) v[i]=UMIN;
- else if(v[i]>UMAX) v[i]=UMAX;
- }
- if((*family==43))
- {
- nfamily=3;
- if(*theta > 0){
- ntheta=2*(*theta)/(1-*theta);
- Hfunc (&nfamily, n, v, u, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }else{
- ntheta=-2*(*theta)/(1+*theta);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, negv, u, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- }else if((*family==44))
- {
- nfamily=4;
- if(*theta > 0){
- ntheta=1/(1-*theta);
- Hfunc (&nfamily, n, v, u, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }else{
- ntheta=1/(1+*theta);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, negv, u, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];}; }
- }else{
- if(((*family==23) | (*family==24) | (*family==26) | (*family==27) | (*family==28) | (*family==29) | (*family==30) | (*family==61) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, negv, u, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- else if(((*family==33) | (*family==34) | (*family==36) | (*family==37) | (*family==38) | (*family==39) | (*family==40) | (*family==71) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, v, negu, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }
- // else if(*family==104 | *family==204 | *family==114 | *family==214)
- // {
- // u und v vertauschen (Unsauber, aber so sollte es funktionieren in unserer bisherigen Notation)
- // Hfunc(family,n,u,v,theta,nu,out);
- // }
- else if((*family==124) | (*family==224))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, negv, u, &ntheta, nu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- else if((*family==134) | (*family==234))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];}
- Hfunc(&nfamily, n, v, negu, &ntheta, nu, out);
- }
- else
- {
- Hfunc(family, n, v, u, theta, nu, out);
- }
- }
- free(negv);
- free(negu);
-// Function to compute h-function for vine simulation and estimation
-// Input:
-// family copula family (0=independent, 1=gaussian, 2=student, 3=clayton, 4=gumbel, 5=frank, 6=joe, 7=BB1, 8=BB7)
-// n number of iterations
-// u variable for which h-function computes conditional distribution function
-// v variable on which h-function conditions
-// theta parameter for the copula family
-// nu degrees-of-freedom for the students copula
-// out output
-void Hfunc(int* family, int* n, double* u, double* v, double* theta, double* nu, double* out)
- int j;
- double *h;
- h = Calloc(*n,double);
- double x;
- /*for(int i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- if(u[i]<UMIN) u[i]=UMIN;
- else if(u[i]>UMAX) u[i]=UMAX;
- if(v[i]<UMIN) v[i]=UMIN;
- else if(v[i]>UMAX) v[i]=UMAX;
- }*/
-//Rprintf("family in Hfunc: %d\n", *family);
-//Rprintf("theta=par1 in Hfunc: %f\n", *theta);
-//Rprintf("nu=par2 in Hfunc: %f\n", *nu);
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- if((v[j]==0) | ( u[j]==0)) h[j] = 0;
- else if (v[j]==1) h[j] = u[j];
- else
- {
- if(*family==0) //independent
- {
- h[j] = u[j];
- }
- else if(*family==1) //gaussian
- {
- x = (qnorm(u[j],0.0,1.0,1,0) - *theta*qnorm(v[j],0.0,1.0,1,0))/sqrt(1.0-pow(*theta,2.0));
- if (isfinite(x))
- h[j] = pnorm(x,0.0,1.0,1,0);
- else if ((qnorm(u[j],0.0,1.0,1,0) - *theta*qnorm(v[j],0.0,1.0,1,0)) < 0)
- h[j] = 0;
- else
- h[j] = 1;
- }
- else if(*family==2) //student
- {
- double t1, t2, mu, sigma2;
- t1 = qt(u[j],*nu,1,0); t2 = qt(v[j],*nu,1,0); mu = *theta*t2; sigma2 = ((*nu+t2*t2)*(1.0-*theta*(*theta)))/(*nu+1.0);
- h[j] = pt((t1-mu)/sqrt(sigma2),*nu+1.0,1,0);
- }
- else if(*family==3) //clayton
- {
- if(*theta == 0) h[j] = u[j] ;
- if(*theta < XEPS) h[j] = u[j] ;
- else
- {
- x = pow(u[j],-*theta)+pow(v[j],-*theta)-1.0 ;
- h[j] = pow(v[j],-*theta-1.0)*pow(x,-1.0-1.0/(*theta));
- if(*theta < 0)
- {
- if(x < 0) h[j] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(*family==4) //gumbel
- {
- if(*theta == 1) h[j] = u[j] ;
- else
- {
- h[j] = -(exp(-pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*theta)+pow(-log(u[j]),*theta),1.0/(*theta)))*pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*theta)+pow(-log(u[j]),*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1.0)*pow(-log(v[j]),*theta))/(v[j]*log(v[j]));
- }
- }
- else if(*family==5) //frank
- {
- if(*theta==0) h[j]=u[j];
- else
- {
- h[j] = -(exp(*theta)*(exp(*theta*u[j])-1.0))/(exp(*theta*v[j]+*theta*u[j])-exp(*theta*v[j]+*theta)-exp(*theta*u[j]+*theta)+exp(*theta));
- }
- }
- else if(*family==6) //joe
- {
- if(*theta==1) h[j]=u[j];
- else
- {
- h[j] = pow(pow(1.0-u[j],*theta) + pow(1.0-v[j],*theta) - pow(1.0-u[j],*theta)*pow(1.0-v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(1.0-v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(1-u[j],*theta));
- }
- }
- else if(*family==7) //BB1
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*nu==1)
- {
- if(*theta==0) h[j]=u[j];
- else h[j]=pow(pow(u[j],-*theta)+pow(v[j],-*theta)-1,-1/(*theta)-1)*pow(v[j],-*theta-1);
- }
- else if(*theta==0)
- {
- h[j]=-(exp(-pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)))*pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)-1.0)*pow(-log(v[j]),*nu))/(v[j]*log(v[j]));
- }
- else
- {
- pcondbb1(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==8) //BB6
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*theta==1)
- {
- if(*nu==1) h[j]=u[j];
- else h[j]=-(exp(-pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)))*pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)-1.0)*pow(-log(v[j]),*nu))/(v[j]*log(v[j]));
- }
- else if(*nu==1)
- {
- h[j]=pow(pow(1.0-u[j],*theta) + pow(1.0-v[j],*theta) - pow(1.0-u[j],*theta)*pow(1.0-v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(1.0-v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(1-u[j],*theta));
- }
- else
- {
- pcondbb6(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==9) //BB7
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*theta==1)
- {
- if(*nu==0) h[j]=u[j];
- else h[j]=pow(pow(u[j],-*nu)+pow(v[j],-*nu)-1,-1/(*nu)-1)*pow(v[j],-*nu-1);
- }
- else if(*nu==0)
- {
- h[j] = pow(pow(1.0-u[j],*theta) + pow(1.0-v[j],*theta) - pow(1.0-u[j],*theta)*pow(1.0-v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(1.0-v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(1-u[j],*theta));
- }
- else
- {
- pcondbb7(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==10) //BB8
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*nu==0)
- {
- h[j]=u[j];
- }
- else if(*nu==1)
- {
- if(*theta==1) h[j]=u[j];
- else h[j]=pow(pow(1.0-u[j],*theta) + pow(1.0-v[j],*theta) - pow(1.0-u[j],*theta)*pow(1.0-v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(1.0-v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(1-u[j],*theta));
- }
- else
- {
- pcondbb8(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==13) //rotated clayton (180°)
- {
- if(*theta == 0) h[j] = u[j] ;
- if(*theta < XEPS) h[j] = u[j] ;
- else
- {
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- x = pow(u[j],-*theta)+pow(v[j],-*theta)-1.0 ;
- h[j] = pow(v[j],-*theta-1.0)*pow(x,-1.0-1.0/(*theta)); // pow(v[j],-*theta-1.0)*pow(pow(u[j],-*theta)+pow(v[j],-*theta)-1.0,-1.0-1.0/(*theta));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*family==14) //rotated gumbel (180°)
- {
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- h[j]= -(exp(-pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*theta)+pow(-log(u[j]),*theta),1.0/(*theta)))*pow(pow(-log(v[j]),*theta)+pow(-log(u[j]),*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1.0)*pow(-log(v[j]),*theta))/(v[j]* log(v[j]));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==16)
- {
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- h[j] = pow(pow(1.0-u[j],*theta) + pow(1.0-v[j],*theta) - pow(1.0-u[j],*theta)*pow(1.0-v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(1.0-v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(1-u[j],*theta));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==17) //rotated BB1
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*nu==1)
- {
- if(*theta==0) h[j]=u[j];
- else
- {
- h[j]=pow(pow(1-u[j],-*theta)+pow(1-v[j],-*theta)-1,-1/(*theta)-1)*pow(1-v[j],-*theta-1);
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*theta==0)
- {
- h[j]=-(exp(-pow(pow(-log(1-v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(1-u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)))*pow(pow(-log(1-v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(1-u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)-1.0)*pow(-log(1-v[j]),*nu))/((1-v[j])*log(1-v[j]));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- else
- {
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- pcondbb1(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==18) //rotated BB6
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*theta==1)
- {
- if(*nu==1) h[j]=u[j];
- else
- {
- h[j]=-(exp(-pow(pow(-log(1-v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(1-u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)))*pow(pow(-log(1-v[j]),*nu)+pow(-log(1-u[j]),*nu),1.0/(*nu)-1.0)*pow(-log(1-v[j]),*nu))/((1-v[j])*log(1-v[j]));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*nu==1)
- {
- h[j]=pow(pow(u[j],*theta) + pow(v[j],*theta) - pow(u[j],*theta)*pow(v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(u[j],*theta));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- else
- {
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- pcondbb6(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==19) //rotated BB7
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*theta==1)
- {
- if(*nu==0) h[j]=u[j];
- else{
- h[j]=pow(pow(1-u[j],-*nu)+pow(1-v[j],-*nu)-1,-1/(*nu)-1)*pow(1-v[j],-*nu-1);
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- }
- else if(*nu==0)
- {
- h[j] = pow(pow(u[j],*theta) + pow(v[j],*theta) - pow(u[j],*theta)*pow(v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(u[j],*theta));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- else
- {
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- pcondbb7(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==20) //rotated BB8
- {
- double* param;
- param = Calloc(2,double);
- param[0]=*theta;
- param[1]=*nu;
- int T=1;
- if(*nu==0)
- {
- h[j]=u[j];
- }
- else if(*nu==1)
- {
- if(*theta==1) h[j]=u[j];
- else{
- h[j]=pow(pow(u[j],*theta) + pow(v[j],*theta) - pow(u[j],*theta)*pow(v[j],*theta),1.0/(*theta)-1) * pow(v[j],*theta-1.0)*(1-pow(u[j],*theta));
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- pcondbb8(&v[j],&u[j],&T,param,&h[j]);
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- Free(param);
- }
- else if(*family==41)
- {
- double t1,t2,t3;
- t1=qgamma(1.0-u[j],*theta,1,1,0);
- t2=qgamma(1.0-v[j],*theta,1,1,0);
- t3=pow(pow(t1,*theta)+pow(t2,*theta),(1.0/(*theta)));
- h[j]=exp(-t3+t1);
- }
- else if(*family==104)
- {
- int T=1;
- double par3=1;
- dC_dv(&u[j],&v[j],&T,theta,nu,&par3,&h[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==114)
- {
- int T=1;
- double par3=1;
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- dC_dv(&u[j],&v[j],&T,theta,nu,&par3,&h[j]);
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- else if(*family==204)
- {
- int T=1;
- double par3=*nu, par2=1;
- dC_dv(&u[j],&v[j],&T,theta,&par2,&par3,&h[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==214)
- {
- int T=1;
- double par3=*nu, par2=1;
- v[j]= 1-v[j];
- u[j]= 1-u[j];
- dC_dv(&u[j],&v[j],&T,theta,&par2,&par3,&h[j]);
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- h[j]= 1-h[j];
- }
- }
- out[j] = MAX(MIN(h[j],UMAX),UMIN);
- }
- Free(h);
-void qcondgum(double* q, double* u, double* de, double* out)
- double a,p,g,gp,z1,z2,con,de1,dif;
- double mxdif;
- int iter;
- p = 1-*q;
- z1 = -log(*u);
- con=log(1.-p)-z1+(1.-*de)*log(z1); de1=*de-1.;
- a=pow(2.*pow(z1,*de),1./(*de));
- mxdif=1; iter=0;
- dif=.1; // needed in case first step leads to NaN
- while(mxdif>1.e-6 && iter<20)
- { g=a+de1*log(a)+con;
- gp=1.+de1/a;
- if(isnan(g) || isnan(gp) || isnan(g/gp) ) { dif/=-2.; } // added for de>50
- else dif=g/gp;
- a-=dif; iter++;
- while(a<=z1) { dif/=2.; a+=dif; }
- mxdif=fabs(dif);
- }
- z2=pow(pow(a,*de)-pow(z1,*de),1./(*de));
- *out = exp(-z2);
-void qcondjoe(double* q, double* u, double* de, double* out)
-{ double t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t13,t15,t16,t19,t23,t28,t31;
- double c21,pdf;
- int iter;
- double diff,v,de1,dtem,de1inv,tem;
- t1 = 1.0-*u;
- t2 = pow(t1,1.0*(*de));
- t7 = 1./(*de);
- t10 = t2*(*de);
- t11 = 1./t1;
- t19 = (*de)*(*de);
- de1=*de-1; // may need better modification for large delta
- dtem=-de1/(1.+de1); de1inv=-1./de1;
- // v = 0.5 * (q+u); // starting guess
- // Use a better starting point based on reflected B4 copula
- // A good starting point is crucial when delta is large because
- // C_{2|1} will be steep
- // C_{R,2|1}(v|u)=1-C_{2|1}(1-v|1-u),
- // C_{R,2|1}^{-1}(q|u)=1-C_{2|1}^{-1}(1-q|1-u)
- tem=pow(1.-*q,dtem)-1.;
- tem=tem*pow(1.-*u,-de1)+1.;
- v=pow(tem,de1inv); v=1.-v;
- diff=1; iter=0;
- while(fabs(diff)>1.e-6 && iter<20)
- { t3 = 1.-v;
- t4 = pow(t3,*de);
- t5 = t2*t4;
- t6 = t2+t4-t5;
- t8 = pow(t6,t7);
- t9 = t7*t8;
- t13 = t11*t4;
- t15 = -t10*t11+t10*t13;
- t16 = 1./t6;
- t23 = 1./t3;
- t28 = t6*t6;
- t31 = (-t4*(*de)*t23+t5*(*de)*t23)/t28*t15;
- c21 = -t9*t15*t16;
- pdf = -t8/t19*t31+t8*(*de)*t2*t13*t23*t16+t9*t31;
- iter++;
- if(isnan(pdf) || isnan(c21) ) { diff/=-2.; } // added for de>=30
- else diff=(c21-*q)/pdf;
- v-=diff;
- while(v<=0 || v>=1 || fabs(diff)>0.25 ) { diff/=2.; v+=diff; }
- }
- *out = v;
-/*void qcondbb1(double* q, double* u, double* de, double* th, double* out)
- double t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t10,
- t12, t13, t16, t17, t20, t24, t25, t27, t29,
- t32, t33, t34, t36, t38, t39, t43, t59;
- double c21,pdf;
- int iter,mxiter;
- double diff,v,vb4,tau,tau2,v0,mxstep,min(double,double);
- // mxiter=20; // need larger mxiter for d,th large
- mxiter=30;
- mxstep=.05; // .05 .1; //.25; // some failures if set at 0.25
- t1 = pow(*u,-*th);
- t2 = t1-1.0;
- t3 = pow(t2,*de);
- t16 = 1./(*u);
- t17 = 1./t2;
- t38 = t1*t16;
- t39 = t38*t17;
- v = 0.5 * (*q+*u); // starting guess
- diff=.1; iter=0;
- // B4(th) when de=1, B6(de) when th=0
- vb4=pow(*q,-*th/(1+*th))-1;
- vb4=vb4*pow(*u,-*th)+1;
- vb4=pow(vb4,-1/(*th));
- tau=1-2/(*de*(*th+2.)); tau2=pow(tau,1.7);
- // for tau large, choose v=u as starting point
- // de near 1, choose vb4
- // otherwise weight (q+u)/2 and u
- if(*de<1.3) v=vb4;
- else v=tau2*(*u) + (1-tau2)*(*q+*u)/2.;
- while(fabs(diff)>1.e-6 && iter<mxiter)
- { t4 = pow(v,-*th);
- t5 = t4-1.0;
- t6 = pow(t5,*de);
- t7 = t3+t6;
- t9 = pow(t7,1./(*de));
- t10 = 1.0+t9;
- t12 = pow(t10,-1./(*th));
- t13 = t12*t9;
- t20 = 1./t10;
- t24 = t9*t9;
- t25 = t12*t24;
- t27 = 1./v;
- t29 = 1./t5;
- t32 = t7*t7;
- t33 = 1./t32;
- t34 = t10*t10;
- t36 = t33/t34;
- t43 = t4*(*th);
- t59 = t43*t27*t29;
- c21 = t13*t3*t1*t16*t17/t7*t20;
- pdf = t25*t6*t27*t4*t29*t36*t3*t39-t13*t6*t43*t27*t29*t33*t3*t38*t17*t20+
- t13*t3*t38*t17*t33*t20*t6*(*de)*t59+t25*t3*t39*t36*t6*t59;
- iter++;
- // added for large (de,th) to prevent possible infinite loop etc
- if(pdf<1.e-5 || isnan(pdf) || isnan(c21))
- {
- if(c21>*q) v=v-MIN(mxstep,v/2);
- else v=v+MIN(mxstep,(1-v)/2);
- if(iter>10) mxstep=.025; // half the original
- }
- else
- {
- diff=(c21-*q)/pdf;
- v0=v;
- v-=diff;
- // this can be infinite loop if |v| is extremely large
- //while(v<=0 || v>=1 || fabs(diff)>0.25) { diff/=2; v+=diff; }
- while(v<=0 || v>=1 || fabs(diff)>mxstep) { diff/=2; v+=diff; }
- }
- }
- *out = v;
-// Function to compute inversion of H numerically through Bisection
-// Input:
-// u variable for which h-function computes conditional distribution function
-// v variable on which h-function conditions
-// theta parameter for the copula family
-// out output
-void HNumInv(int* family, double* u, double* v, double* theta, double* nu, double* out)
- int br=0, in=1;
- double ans=0.0, tol=0.000001, x0=UMIN, x1=UMAX, fl, fh, val;
- //Rprintf("family in HNumInv: %d\n", *family);
- Hfunc1(family,&in,&x0,v,theta,nu,&fl); fl -= *u;
- Hfunc1(family,&in,&x1,v,theta,nu,&fh); fh -= *u;
- if(fabs(fl)<=tol) { ans=x0; br=1; }
- if(fabs(fh)<=tol) { ans=x1; br=1; }
- while(!br){
- ans = (x0+x1)/2.0;
- Hfunc1(family,&in,&ans,v,theta,nu,&val);
- val -= *u;
- if(fabs(val)<=tol) br=1;
- if(fabs(x0-x1)<=1e-10) br=1; //stop if values become too close (avoid infinite loop)
- if(val > 0.0) {x1 = ans; fh = val;}
- else {x0 = ans; fl = val;}
- }
- *out = ans;
-// Function to invert h-function for vine simulation and estimation
-void Hinv1(int* family, int* n, double* u, double* v, double* theta, double* nu, double* out)
- double *negv, *negu;
- negv = (double*) Calloc(*n,double);
- negu = (double*) Calloc(*n,double);
- double ntheta, nnu;
- int nfamily;
- ntheta = -*theta;
- nnu = -*nu;
- for(int i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- if(u[i]<UMIN) u[i]=UMIN;
- else if(u[i]>UMAX) u[i]=UMAX;
- if(v[i]<UMIN) v[i]=UMIN;
- else if(v[i]>UMAX) v[i]=UMAX;
- }
- if(((*family ==23) | (*family ==24) | (*family==26) | (*family ==27) | (*family ==28) | (*family==29) | (*family==30) | (*family==61) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, u, negv, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- }
- else if(((*family==33) | (*family==34) | (*family==36) | (*family ==37) | (*family ==38) | (*family==39) | (*family==40) | (*family==71) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];};
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, negu, v, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- // else if(*family==104 | *family==204 | *family==114 | *family==214)
- // {
- // Hinv( family, n, v, u, theta, nu, out); // u und v vertauscht
- // }
- else if((*family==124) | (*family==224))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, u, negv, &ntheta, nu, out);
- }
- else if((*family==134) | (*family==234))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];};
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, negu, v, &ntheta, nu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- else {
- Hinv( family, n, u, v, theta, nu, out);
- }
- Free(negv);
- Free(negu);
-void Hinv2(int* family, int* n, double* v, double* u, double* theta, double* nu, double* out)
- double *negv, *negu;
- negv = (double *) malloc(*n*sizeof(double));
- negu = (double *) malloc(*n*sizeof(double));
- double ntheta, nnu;
- int nfamily;
- ntheta = -*theta;
- nnu = -*nu;
- for(int i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- if(u[i]<UMIN) u[i]=UMIN;
- else if(u[i]>UMAX) u[i]=UMAX;
- if(v[i]<UMIN) v[i]=UMIN;
- else if(v[i]>UMAX) v[i]=UMAX;
- }
- if(((*family ==23) | (*family ==24) | (*family==26) | (*family ==27) | (*family ==28) | (*family==29) | (*family==30) | (*family==61) ))
- {
- nfamily = (*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, negv, u, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- else if(((*family==33) | (*family==34) | (*family==36) | (*family ==37) | (*family ==38) | (*family==39) | (*family==40) | (*family==71) ))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];}
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, v, negu, &ntheta, &nnu, out);
- //*out = 1-*out;
- }
- // else if(*family==104 | *family==204 | *family==114 | *family==214)
- // {
- // Hinv( family, n, u, v, theta, nu, out); // u und v vertauscht
- // }
- else if((*family==124) | (*family==224))
- {
- nfamily = (*family)-20;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negv[i]=1 - v[i];}
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, negv, u, &ntheta, nu, out);
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {out[i]=1-out[i];};
- }
- else if((*family==134) | (*family==234))
- {
- nfamily=(*family)-30;
- for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {negu[i]=1 - u[i];}
- Hinv(&nfamily, n, v, negu, &ntheta, nu, out);
- }
- else {
- Hinv( family, n, v, u, theta, nu, out);
- }
- free(negv);
- free(negu);
-// Function to invert h-function for vine simulation and estimation
-// Input:
-// family copula family (1=gaussian, 2=student, 3=clayton, 4=gumbel, 5=frank, 6=joe)
-// n number of iterations
-// u variable for which h-function computes conditional distribution function
-// v variable on which h-function conditions
-// theta parameter for the copula family
-// nu degrees-of-freedom for the students copula
-void Hinv(int* family, int* n, double* u, double* v, double* theta, double* nu, double* out)
- int j;
- double *hinv;
- hinv = Calloc(*n,double);
- for(int i=0;i<*n;i++)
- {
- if(u[i]<UMIN) u[i]=UMIN;
- else if(u[i]>UMAX) u[i]=UMAX;
- if(v[i]<UMIN) v[i]=UMIN;
- else if(v[i]>UMAX) v[i]=UMAX;
- }
- for(j=0;j<*n;j++)
- {
- if(*family==0)
- {
- hinv[j]=u[j];
- }
- else if(*family==1) //gaussian
- {
- hinv[j] = pnorm(qnorm(u[j],0.0,1.0,1,0)*sqrt(1.0-pow(*theta,2.0))+*theta*qnorm(v[j],0.0,1.0,1,0),0.0,1.0,1,0);
- }
- else if(*family==2) //student
- {
- double temp1, temp2, mu, var;
- temp1 = qt(u[j],*nu+1.0,1,0); temp2 = qt(v[j],*nu,1,0); mu = *theta*temp2; var=((*nu+(temp2*temp2))*(1.0-(*theta*(*theta))))/(*nu+1.0);
- hinv[j] = pt((sqrt(var)*temp1)+mu,*nu,1,0);
- }
- else if(*family==3) //clayton
- {
- if(*theta < XEPS) hinv[j]=u[j];
- else
- hinv[j] = pow(pow(u[j]*pow(v[j],*theta+1.0),-*theta/(*theta+1.0))+1.0-pow(v[j],-*theta),-1.0/(*theta));
- }
- else if(*family==4) //gumbel - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
- //double nu=0.0;
- //HNumInv(family,&u[j],&v[j],theta,&nu,&hinv[j]);
- qcondgum(&u[j],&v[j],theta,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==5) //frank - numerical inversion
- {
- hinv[j] = -1/(*theta)*log(1-(1-exp(-*theta)) / ((1/u[j]-1)*exp(-*theta*v[j])+1));
- }
- else if(*family==6) //joe - numerical inversion
- {
- if(*theta<40)
- {
- qcondjoe(&u[j],&v[j],theta,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else
- {
- double nu=0.0;
- HNumInv(family,&u[j],&v[j],theta,&nu,&hinv[j]);
- }
- }
- else if(*family==7) //BB1
- {
- HNumInv(family,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- //qcondbb1(&u[j],&v[j],nu,theta,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==8) //BB6
- {
- HNumInv(family,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==9) //BB7
- {
- HNumInv(family,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==10) //BB8
- {
- HNumInv(family,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else if(*family==13)
- {
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- hinv[j] = pow(pow(u[j]*pow(v[j],*theta+1.0),-*theta/(*theta+1.0))+1.0-pow(v[j],-*theta),-1.0/(*theta));
- hinv[j]=1-hinv[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==14) //rotated gumbel (180°) - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
- //int jj=4;
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- //HNumInv(&jj,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- qcondgum(&u[j],&v[j],theta,&hinv[j]);
- hinv[j]=1-hinv[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==16) //rotated joe (180°) - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- if(*theta<40)
- {
- qcondjoe(&u[j],&v[j],theta,&hinv[j]);
- }
- else
- {
- int jj=6;
- double nu=0.0;
- HNumInv(&jj,&u[j],&v[j],theta,&nu,&hinv[j]);
- }
- hinv[j]=1-hinv[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==17) //rotated BB1 (180°) - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
- int jj=7;
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- HNumInv(&jj,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- //qcondbb1(&u[j],&v[j],nu,theta,&hinv[j]);
- hinv[j]=1-hinv[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==18) //rotated BB6 (180°) - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
- int jj=8;
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- HNumInv(&jj,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- hinv[j]=1-hinv[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==19) //rotated BB7 (180°) - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
- int jj=9;
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- HNumInv(&jj,&u[j],&v[j],theta,nu,&hinv[j]);
- hinv[j]=1-hinv[j];
- u[j]=1-u[j];
- v[j]=1-v[j];
- }
- else if(*family==20) //rotated BB8 (180°) - must turn to numerical inversion
- {
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/vinecopula -r 36
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