From noreply at Mon May 11 12:58:49 2015
From: noreply at (noreply at
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 12:58:49 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Vegan-commits] r2946 - in pkg/vegan: R man
Message-ID: <>
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2015-05-11 12:58:49 +0200 (Mon, 11 May 2015)
New Revision: 2946
Merge branch 'cran-2.2' into r-forge-svn-local
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/ordiArrowMul.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/ordiArrowMul.R 2015-04-20 06:46:45 UTC (rev 2945)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/ordiArrowMul.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -1,19 +1,33 @@
### Scaling of arrows to 'fill' a plot with vectors centred at 'at'.
### Plot dims from 'par("usr")' and arrow heads are in 'x'.
-`ordiArrowMul` <-
- function (x, at = c(0,0), fill=0.75)
+`ordiArrowMul` <- function (x, at = c(0,0), fill = 0.75,
+ display, choices = c(1,2), ...) {
+ ## handle x, which we try with scores, but also retain past usage of
+ ## a two column matrix
+ X <- if (is.matrix(x)) {
+ nc <- NCOL(x)
+ if (nc != 2L) {
+ stop("A 2-column matrix of coordinates is required & not supplied.")
+ }
+ x
+ } else {
+ if (inherits(x, "envfit")) {
+ scores(x, display = "vectors", ...)[, 1:2]
+ } else {
+ scores(x, display = display, choices = choices, ...)
+ }
+ }
u <- par("usr")
u <- u - rep(at, each = 2)
- r <- c(range(x[,1], na.rm = TRUE), range(x[,2], na.rm = TRUE))
+ r <- c(range(X[,1], na.rm = TRUE), range(X[,2], na.rm = TRUE))
## 'rev' takes care of reversed axes like xlim(1,-1)
rev <- sign(diff(u))[-2]
if (rev[1] < 0)
u[1:2] <- u[2:1]
if (rev[2] < 0)
u[3:4] <- u[4:3]
- u <- u/r
+ u <- u/r
u <- u[is.finite(u) & u > 0]
fill * min(u)
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/ordiArrowTextXY.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/ordiArrowTextXY.R 2015-04-20 06:46:45 UTC (rev 2945)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/ordiArrowTextXY.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -2,17 +2,53 @@
### coordinates of the arrow heads, and 'labels' are the text used to
### label these heads, '...' passes arguments (such as 'cex') to
### strwidth() and strheight().
-`ordiArrowTextXY` <-
- function (x, labels, ...)
+`ordiArrowTextXY` <- function (x, labels, display, choices = c(1,2),
+ rescale = TRUE, fill = 0.75, ...) {
+ ## handle x, which we try with scores, but also retain past usage of
+ ## a two column matrix
+ X <- if (is.matrix(x)) {
+ nc <- NCOL(x)
+ if (nc != 2L) {
+ stop("A 2-column matrix of coordinates is required & not supplied.")
+ }
+ x
+ } else {
+ if (inherits(x, "envfit")) {
+ scores(x, display = "vectors", ...)[, 1:2]
+ } else {
+ scores(x, display = display, choices = choices, ...)
+ }
+ if (!rescale) {
+ warning("Extracted scores usually need rescaling but you set 'rescale = FALSE'.\nConsider using 'rescale = TRUE', the default.")
+ }
+ }
+ ## find multiplier to fill if rescaling
+ if (rescale) {
+ mul <- ordiArrowMul(X, fill = fill)
+ X <- X * mul
+ }
+ if (missing(labels)) {
+ rnames <- rownames(X)
+ labels <- if (is.null(rnames)) {
+ paste("V", seq_len(NROW(X)))
+ } else {
+ rnames
+ }
+ }
w <- strwidth(labels, ...)
h <- strheight(labels, ...)
## slope of arrows
- b <- x[,2]/x[,1]
+ b <- X[,2] / X[,1]
## offset based on string dimensions
- off <- cbind(sign(x[,1]) * (w/2 + h/4), 0.75 * h * sign(x[,2]))
+ off <- cbind(sign(X[,1]) * (w/2 + h/4), 0.75 * h * sign(X[,2]))
## move the centre of the string to the continuation of the arrow
- for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
+ for(i in seq_len(nrow(X))) {
move <- off[i,2] / b[i]
## arrow points to the top/bottom of the text box
if (is.finite(move) && abs(move) <= abs(off[i, 1]))
@@ -23,5 +59,5 @@
off[i, 2] <- move
- off + x
+ off + X
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/pcnm.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/pcnm.R 2015-04-20 06:46:45 UTC (rev 2945)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/pcnm.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-`pcnm` <-
- function(dis, threshold, w, dist.ret = FALSE)
+`pcnm` <- function(dis, threshold, w, dist.ret = FALSE) {
+ if (!inherits(dis, "dist")) {
+ dims <- dim(dis)
+ if (length(unique(dims)) >1) {
+ stop("'dis' does not appear to be a square distance matrix.")
+ }
+ dis <- as.dist(dis)
+ }
EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
wa.old <- options(warn = -1)
@@ -16,7 +21,7 @@
res <- list(vectors = mypcnm$points, values = mypcnm$eig,
weights = mypcnm$weig)
k <- ncol(mypcnm$points)
- res$vectors <- sweep(res$vectors, 2, sqrt(res$values[1:k]), "/")
+ res$vectors <- sweep(res$vectors, 2, sqrt(res$values[seq_len(k)]), "/")
colnames(res$vectors) <- paste("PCNM", 1:k, sep="")
res$threshold <- threshold
if (dist.ret) {
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/rarefy.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/rarefy.R 2015-04-20 06:46:45 UTC (rev 2945)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/rarefy.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
function (x, sample, se = FALSE, MARGIN = 1)
x <- as.matrix(x)
+ minsample <- min(apply(x, MARGIN, sum))
+ if (any(sample > minsample))
+ warning(
+ gettextf("Requested 'sample' was larger than smallest site maximum (%d)",
+ minsample))
## as.matrix changes an n-vector to a n x 1 matrix
if (ncol(x) == 1 && MARGIN == 1)
x <- t(x)
Modified: pkg/vegan/man/diversity.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/diversity.Rd 2015-04-20 06:46:45 UTC (rev 2945)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/diversity.Rd 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
Function \code{rarefy} gives the expected species richness in random
subsamples of size \code{sample} from the community. The size of
\code{sample} should be smaller than total community size, but the
- function will silently work for larger \code{sample} as well and
- return non-rarefied species richness (and standard error = 0). If
- \code{sample} is a vector, rarefaction of all observations is
+ function will work for larger \code{sample} as well (with a warning)
+ and return non-rarefied species richness (and standard error =
+ 0). If \code{sample} is a vector, rarefaction of all observations is
performed for each sample size separately. Rarefaction can be
performed only with genuine counts of individuals. The function
\code{rarefy} is based on Hurlbert's (1971) formulation, and the
Modified: pkg/vegan/man/envfit.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/envfit.Rd 2015-04-20 06:46:45 UTC (rev 2945)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/envfit.Rd 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
\title{Fits an Environmental Vector or Factor onto an Ordination }
@@ -26,9 +24,6 @@
\method{scores}{envfit}(x, display, choices, ...)
vectorfit(X, P, permutations = 0, strata = NULL, w, ...)
factorfit(X, P, permutations = 0, strata = NULL, w, ...)
-## support functions
-ordiArrowMul(x, at = c(0,0), fill = 0.75)
-ordiArrowTextXY(x, labels, ...)
@@ -95,9 +90,6 @@
\item{w}{Weights used in fitting (concerns mainly \code{\link{cca}}
and \code{\link{decorana}} results which have nonconstant weights).}
- \item{fill}{numeric; the proportion of the plot to fill by the span of
- the arrows.}
\item{...}{Parameters passed to \code{\link{scores}}.}
@@ -162,13 +154,9 @@
for the physical size of the plot, and the arrow lengths cannot be
compared across plots. For similar scaling of arrows, you must
explicitly set the \code{arrow.mul} argument in the \code{plot}
- command. \code{ordiArrowMul} finds a multiplier to scale a bunch of
- arrows to fill an ordination plot, and \code{ordiArrowTextXY} finds
- the coordinates for labels of these arrows. NB.,
- \code{ordiArrowTextXY} does not draw labels; it simply returns
- coordinates at which the labels should be drawn for use with another
- function, such as \code{\link{text}}.
+ command; see \code{\link{ordiArrowMul}} and
+ \code{\link{ordiArrowTextXY}}.
The results can be accessed with \code{scores.envfit} function which
returns either the fitted vectors scaled by correlation coefficient or
the centroids of the fitted environmental variables.
@@ -231,22 +219,7 @@
plot(ord, type="p")
fit <- envfit(ord, varechem, perm = 999, display = "lc")
plot(fit, p.max = 0.05, col = "red")
-## Scale arrows by hand to fill 80% of the plot
-## Biplot arrows by hand
-data(varespec, varechem)
-ord <- cca(varespec ~ Al + P + K, varechem)
-plot(ord, display = c("species","sites"))
-## biplot scores
-bip <- scores(ord, choices = 1:2, display = "bp")
-## scaling factor for arrows to fill 80% of plot
-(mul <- ordiArrowMul(bip, fill = 0.8))
-bip.scl <- bip * mul # Scale the biplot scores
-labs <- c("Al","P","K") # Arrow labels
-## calculate coordinate of labels for arrows
-(bip.lab <- ordiArrowTextXY(bip.scl, labels = labs))
-## draw arrows and text labels
-arrows(0, 0, bip.scl[,1], bip.scl[,2], length = 0.1)
-text(bip.lab, labels = labs)
## Class variables, formula interface, and displaying the
## inter-class variability with `ordispider', and semitransparent
## white background for labels (semitransparent colours are not
@@ -265,6 +238,7 @@
plot(fit, labels=list(factors = paste("M", c(1,2,4,5), sep = "")),
bg = rgb(1,1,0,0.5))
\keyword{multivariate }
Added: pkg/vegan/man/ordiArrowTextXY.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/ordiArrowTextXY.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/ordiArrowTextXY.Rd 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+\title{Support Functions for Drawing Vectors}
+ Support functions to assist with drawing of vectors (arrows) on
+ ordination plots. \code{ordiArrowMul} finds the multiplier for the
+ coordinates of the head of the vector such that they accupy
+ \code{fill} proportion of the plot region. \code{ordiArrowTextXY}
+ finds coordinates for the locations of \code{labels} to be drawn just
+ beyond the head of the vector.
+ordiArrowTextXY(x, labels, display, choices = c(1,2),
+ rescale = TRUE, fill = 0.75, \ldots)
+ordiArrowMul(x, at = c(0,0), fill = 0.75,
+ display, choices = c(1,2), \ldots)
+ \item{x}{An R object, from which \code{\link{scores}} can determine
+ suitable ordination scores or an object created by
+ \code{\link{envfit}}, or a two-column matrix of coordinates of arrow
+ heads on the two plot axes.}
+ \item{labels}{Change plotting labels. A character vector of labels for
+ which label coordinates are sought. If not supplied, these will be
+ determined from the row names of \code{x}, or \code{scores(x, ...)}
+ if required. If either of these are not defined, suitable labels
+ will be generated.}
+ \item{display}{a character string known to \code{\link{scores}} or one
+ of its methods which indicates the type of scores to extract. In
+ fitting functions these are ordinary site scores or linear
+ combination scores (\code{"lc"}) in constrained ordination
+ (\code{\link{cca}}, \code{\link{rda}}, \code{\link{capscale}}). If
+ \code{x} was created by \code{envfit} then \code{display} can not be
+ set by the user and takes the value \code{"vectors"}. Ignored if
+ \code{x} is a matrix.}
+ \item{choices}{Axes to be plotted.}
+ \item{rescale}{logical; should the coordinates in or extracted from
+ \code{x} be rescaled to fill \code{fill} proportion of the plot
+ region? The default is to always rescale the coordinates as this is
+ usually desired for objects \code{x} from which coordinates are
+ retrieved. If supplying \code{x} a 2-column matrix that has already
+ been rescaled, then set this to \code{FALSE}.}
+ \item{fill}{numeric; the proportion of the plot to fill by the span of
+ the arrows.}
+ \item{at}{The origin of fitted arrows in the plot. If you plot arrows
+ in other places than origin, you probably have to specify
+ \code{arrrow.mul}.}
+ \item{...}{Parameters passed to \code{\link{scores}}, and
+ \code{\link{strwidth}} and \code{\link{strheight}}.}
+ \code{ordiArrowMul} finds a multiplier to scale a bunch of
+ arrows to fill an ordination plot, and \code{ordiArrowTextXY} finds
+ the coordinates for labels of these arrows. NB.,
+ \code{ordiArrowTextXY} does not draw labels; it simply returns
+ coordinates at which the labels should be drawn for use with another
+ function, such as \code{\link{text}}.
+ For \code{ordiArrowTextXY}, a 2-column matrix of coordinates for the
+ label centres in the coordinate system of the currently active
+ plotting device.
+ For \code{ordiArrowMul}, a length-1 vector containing the scaling
+ factor.
+\author{Jari Oksanen, with modifications by Gavin L. Simpson}
+ ## Scale arrows by hand to fill 80% of the plot
+ ## Biplot arrows by hand
+ data(varespec, varechem)
+ ord <- cca(varespec ~ Al + P + K, varechem)
+ plot(ord, display = c("species","sites"))
+ ## biplot scores
+ bip <- scores(ord, choices = 1:2, display = "bp")
+ ## scaling factor for arrows to fill 80% of plot
+ (mul <- ordiArrowMul(bip, fill = 0.8))
+ bip.scl <- bip * mul # Scale the biplot scores
+ labs <- rownames(bip) # Arrow labels
+ ## calculate coordinate of labels for arrows
+ (bip.lab <- ordiArrowTextXY(bip.scl, rescale = FALSE, labels = labs))
+ ## draw arrows and text labels
+ arrows(0, 0, bip.scl[,1], bip.scl[,2], length = 0.1)
+ text(bip.lab, labels = labs)
+ ## Handling of ordination objects directly
+ mul2 <- ordiArrowMul(ord, display = "bp", fill = 0.8)
+ stopifnot(all.equal(mul, mul2))
\ No newline at end of file
From noreply at Wed May 20 14:03:36 2015
From: noreply at (noreply at
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 14:03:36 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Vegan-commits] r2947 - in pkg/vegan: . R inst man
Message-ID: <>
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2015-05-20 14:03:35 +0200 (Wed, 20 May 2015)
New Revision: 2947
Merge branch 'cran-2.2' into r-forge-svn-local
Modified: pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
orditkplot, orditorp, ordixyplot,
pcnm, permatfull, permatswap, permustats, permutest,
poolaccum, postMDS, prc, prestondistr, prestonfit, procrustes,
-protest, radfit, radlattice, rankindex, rarefy, rarecurve, raupcrick,
-rda, renyiaccum, renyi, rrarefy, scores,
-showvarparts, simper, spandepth,
-spantree, specaccum, specnumber, specpool2vect, specpool, spenvcor,
+protest, radfit, radlattice, rankindex, rarefy, rarecurve, rareslope,
+raupcrick, rda, renyiaccum, renyi, rrarefy, scores,
+showvarparts, simper, spandepth, spantree, specaccum, specslope,
+specnumber, specpool2vect, specpool, spenvcor,
stepacross, stressplot, swan, tabasco, taxa2dist, taxondive, tolerance,
treedist, treedive, treeheight, tsallisaccum, tsallis, varpart,
vectorfit, vegandocs, vegdist, vegemite, veiledspec, wascores,
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
S3method(adipart, default)
S3method(adipart, formula)
# AIC: stats
+S3method(AIC, fitspecaccum)
S3method(AIC, radfit)
S3method(AIC, radfit.frame)
# RsquareAdj: vegan
@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@
S3method(deviance, rda)
S3method(deviance, radfit)
S3method(deviance, radfit.frame)
+S3method(deviance, fitspecaccum)
# drop1: stats
S3method(drop1, cca)
# eigenvals: vegan
@@ -442,6 +444,9 @@
S3method(simulate, cca)
S3method(simulate, rda)
S3method(simulate, nullmodel)
+# specslope: vegan
+S3method(specslope, specaccum)
+S3method(specslope, fitspecaccum)
# str: utils
S3method(str, nullmodel)
# stressplot: vegan
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/fitspecaccum.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/fitspecaccum.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/fitspecaccum.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
x <- object$sites
hasWeights <- !is.null(object$weights)
+ ## scale weights to correspond to the no. of sites
+ if (hasWeights) {
+ w <- as.matrix(object$weights)
+ n <- nrow(w)
+ w <- sweep(w, 2, w[n,], "/") * n
+ }
NLSFUN <- function(y, x, model, ...) {
"arrhenius" = nls(y ~ SSarrhenius(x, k, z), ...),
@@ -31,11 +37,12 @@
mods <- lapply(seq_len(NCOL(SpeciesRichness)),
function(i, ...)
- if (hasWeights) object$weights[,i] else x,
+ if (hasWeights) w[,i] else x,
model, ...), ...)
object$fitted <- drop(sapply(mods, fitted))
object$residuals <- drop(sapply(mods, residuals))
object$coefficients <- drop(sapply(mods, coef))
+ object$SSmodel <- model
object$models <- mods
object$call <-
class(object) <- c("fitspecaccum", class(object))
@@ -51,7 +58,7 @@
if (is.null(x$weights))
fv <- fitted(x)
- fv <- sapply(x$models, predict, newdata = list(x = x$effort))
+ fv <- sapply(x$models, predict, newdata = list(x = x$sites))
matplot(x$sites, fv, col = col, lty = lty, pch = NA,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "l", ...)
@@ -63,7 +70,7 @@
if (is.null(x$weights))
fv <- fitted(x)
- fv <- sapply(x$models, predict, newdata= list(x = x$effort))
+ fv <- sapply(x$models, predict, newdata= list(x = x$sites))
matlines(x$sites, fv, col = col, lty = lty, pch = NA, type = "l", ...)
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/plot.specaccum.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/plot.specaccum.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/plot.specaccum.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
ci.lty = 1, xlab, ylab = x$method, ylim,
xvar = c("sites", "individuals", "effort"), ...)
- if(random && x$method != "random")
+ if(random && !(x$method %in% c("random", "collector")))
stop("random = TRUE can be used only with method='random'")
+ if(x$method == "collector")
+ random <- TRUE
xvar <- match.arg(xvar)
## adjust weights to number of sites
if (random && !is.null(x$weights) && xvar == "sites") {
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/predict.fitspecaccum.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/predict.fitspecaccum.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/predict.fitspecaccum.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+### fitspecaccum returns fitted nls() models in item models. Here we
+### provide interfaces for some "nls" class support functions, and
+### others can be used in the similar way.
`predict.fitspecaccum` <-
function(object, newdata, ...)
@@ -11,3 +15,15 @@
drop(sapply(mods, predict, ...))
+`AIC.fitspecaccum` <-
+ function(object, ..., k = 2)
+ sapply(object$models, AIC, k = k, ...)
+`deviance.fitspecaccum` <-
+ function(object, ...)
+ sapply(object$models, deviance, ...)
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/predict.specaccum.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/predict.specaccum.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/predict.specaccum.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -8,12 +8,43 @@
newdata <- drop(as.matrix(newdata))
if (length(dim(newdata)) > 1)
stop("function accepts only one variable as 'newdata'")
- if (interpolation == "linear")
- out <- approx(x = object$sites, y = object$richness,
- xout = newdata, rule = 1)$y
- else
- out <- spline(x = object$sites, y = object$richness,
- xout = newdata, ...)$y
+ ## Estimation uses lchoose(), but for predict we need to
+ ## estimates on non-integer sample sizes and therefore we use
+ ## lgamma(). Original "rarefaction" used sample sizes rounded
+ ## to integers, but here we can use non-integer data and hence
+ ## get different results.
+ if (object$method %in% c("exact", "rarefaction")) {
+ lg <- function(n, k) {
+ ifelse(k <= n, lgamma(pmax(n, 0) + 1) - lgamma(k+1) -
+ lgamma(pmax(n-k, 0) + 1), -Inf)
+ }
+ if (object$method == "exact")
+ n <- length(object$sites)
+ else {
+ n <- sum(object$freq)
+ newdata <- newdata / length(object$sites) * n
+ }
+ ldiv <- lg(n, newdata)
+ out <- numeric(length(ldiv))
+ for(i in seq_along(newdata)) {
+ out[i] <- sum(1 - exp(lg(n-object$freq, newdata[i])
+ - ldiv[i]))
+ }
+ } else if (object$method == "coleman") {
+ ## "coleman" also works on non-integer newdata
+ n <- length(object$sites)
+ out <- sapply(newdata,
+ function(x) sum(1 - (1 - x/n)^object$freq))
+ } else {
+ ## Other methods do not accept non-integer newdata, but we
+ ## can interpolate
+ if (interpolation == "linear")
+ out <- approx(x = object$sites, y = object$richness,
+ xout = newdata, rule = 1)$y
+ else
+ out <- spline(x = object$sites, y = object$richness,
+ xout = newdata, ...)$y
+ }
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/print.specaccum.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/print.specaccum.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/print.specaccum.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
function(x, ...)
cat("Species Accumulation Curve\n")
+ if (inherits(x, "fitspecaccum"))
+ cat("Non-linear regression model:", x$SSmodel, "\n")
cat("Accumulation method:", x$method)
if (x$method == "random") {
cat(", with ", ncol(x$perm), " permutations", sep="")
Added: pkg/vegan/R/rareslope.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/rareslope.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/rareslope.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#' Slope of Rarefunction Curve at Given Sample Size
+#' Function evaluates the derivative of the rarefaction
+#' function at given sample size. The derivative was
+#' directly derived from the expression used in \code{rarefy}.
+#' @param x Community counts, either an integer vector for a single
+#' site or a data frame or matrix with each row giving site vectors.
+#' @param sample Sample sizes where the derivatives are evaluated; can
+#' be real
+`rareslope` <-
+ function(x, sample)
+ ## 'x' must be integers ('sample' need not be)
+ if (!identical(all.equal(x, round(x)), TRUE))
+ stop("community data 'x' must be integers (counts)")
+ slope <- function(x, sample) {
+ x <- x[x>0]
+ J <- sum(x)
+ ## Replace Hurlbert's factorials with gamma() functions and do
+ ## some algebra for derivatives. NB., rarefy() does not use
+ ## factorials but lchoose directly.
+ d <- digamma(pmax(J-sample+1, 1)) - digamma(pmax(J-x-sample+1, 1))
+ g <- lgamma(pmax(J-x+1, 1)) + lgamma(pmax(J-sample+1, 1)) -
+ lgamma(pmax(J-x-sample+1, 1)) - lgamma(J+1)
+ d <- d*exp(g)
+ sum(d[is.finite(d)])
+ }
+ if (length(dim(x)) == 2)
+ out <- sapply(sample, function(n) apply(x, 1, slope, sample = n))
+ else
+ out <- sapply(sample, function(n) slope(x, sample=n))
+ out <- drop(out)
+ if (length(sample) > 1) {
+ if (is.matrix(out))
+ colnames(out) <- paste0("N", sample)
+ else
+ names(out) <- paste0("N", sample)
+ }
+ out
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/specaccum.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/specaccum.R 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/specaccum.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@
sites <- 1:n
xout <- weights <- cumsum(w)
specaccum <- accumulator(x, sites)
+ perm <- as.matrix(specaccum)
+ weights <- as.matrix(weights)
}, random = {
permat <- getPermuteMatrix(permutations, n)
perm <- apply(permat, 1, accumulator, x = x)
if (!is.null(w))
- weights <- apply(permat, 1, function(i) cumsum(w[i]))
+ weights <- as.matrix(apply(permat, 1, function(i) cumsum(w[i])))
sites <- 1:n
if (is.null(w)) {
specaccum <- apply(perm, 1, mean)
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
} else {
sumw <- sum(w)
xout <- seq(sumw/n, sumw, length.out = n)
- intx <- sapply(seq_len(n), function(i)
+ intx <- sapply(seq_len(NCOL(perm)), function(i)
approx(weights[,i], perm[,i], xout = xout)$y)
specaccum <- apply(intx, 1, mean)
sdaccum <- apply(intx, 1, sd)
@@ -109,6 +111,9 @@
if (method == "rarefaction")
out$individuals <- ind
+ ## return 'freq' for methods that are solely defined by them
+ if (method %in% c("exact", "rarefaction", "coleman"))
+ out$freq <- freq
if (method == "random")
attr(out, "control") <- attr(permat, "control")
class(out) <- "specaccum"
Added: pkg/vegan/R/specslope.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/specslope.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/specslope.R 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#' The Slope of Species Accumulation Curve at Given Point
+#' Function evaluates the derivative of the species accumulation curve
+#' for accumulation methods built upon analytic accumulation
+#' methods. These methods are \code{exact}, \code{rarefaction} and
+#' \code{coleman}. These methods can be evaluated at any sample size,
+#' including non-integer values. For other methods, you must look at
+#' the differences between consecutive steps, using
+#' \code{diff(predict(mod))}.
+#' @param object \code{specaccum} result object fitted with methods
+#' \code{"exact"}, \code{"rarefaction"} or \code{"coleman"}.
+#' @param at The sample size (number of sites) at which the slope is
+#' evaluated. This need not be an integer.
+`specslope` <-
+ function(object, at)
+ UseMethod("specslope")
+`specslope.specaccum` <-
+ function(object, at)
+ accepted <- c("exact", "rarefaction", "coleman")
+ if (!(object$method %in% accepted))
+ stop("accumulation method must be one of: ",
+ paste(accepted, collapse=", "))
+ ## Funcions should accept a vector of 'at', but usually they
+ ## don't. I don't care to change this, and therefore we check the
+ ## input.
+ if (length(at) > 1 && object$method %in% c("exact", "coleman"))
+ stop("'at' can only have a single value")
+ ## The following functions are completely defined by species
+ ## frequencies
+ f <- object$freq
+ n <- length(object$sites)
+ switch(object$method,
+ exact = {
+ d <- digamma(pmax(n-at+1, 1)) - digamma(pmax(n-f-at+1, 1))
+ g <- lgamma(pmax(n-f+1,1)) + lgamma(pmax(n-at+1,1)) -
+ lgamma(pmax(n-f-at+1, 1)) - lgamma(n+1)
+ d <- d*exp(g)
+ sum(d[is.finite(d)])
+ },
+ rarefaction = {
+ ## fractional number of individuals at 'at', and slope
+ ## for adding whole site instead of one individual
+ rareslope(f, at/n*sum(f)) * sum(f)/n
+ },
+ coleman = {
+ sum((1 - at/n)^f*f/(n - at))
+ })
+## Analytical derivatives for NLS regression models in fitspecaccum
+`specslope.fitspecaccum` <-
+ function(object, at)
+ ## functions for single set of fitted parameters. Parameters are
+ ## given as a single vector 'p' as returned by coef(). Below a
+ ## table of original names of 'p':
+ ## arrhenius, gitay, gleason: k slope
+ ## lomolino: Asym xmid slope
+ ## asymp: Asym RO lrc
+ ## gompertz: Asym b2 b3
+ ## michaelis-menten: Vm K (function SSmicmen)
+ ## logis: Asym xmid scal
+ ## weibull: Asym Drop lrc pwr
+ slope <-
+ switch(object$SSmodel,
+ "arrhenius" = function(x,p) p[1]*x^(p[2]-1)*p[2],
+ "gitay" = function(x,p) 2*(p[1]+p[2]*log(x))*p[2]/x,
+ "gleason" = function(x,p) p[2]/x,
+ "lomolino" = function(x,p) p[1]*p[3]^log(p[2]/x)*log(p[3])/
+ (1+p[3]^log(p[2]/x))^2/x,
+ "asymp" = function(x,p) (p[1]-p[2])*exp(p[3]-exp(p[3])*x),
+ "gompertz" = function(x,p) -p[1]*p[2]*p[3]^x*
+ log(p[3])*exp(-p[2]*p[3]^x),
+ "michaelis-menten" = function(x,p) p[1]*p[2]/(p[2]+x)^2,
+ "logis" = function(x,p) p[1]*exp((x-p[2])/p[3])/
+ (1 + exp((x-p[2])/p[3]))^2/p[3],
+ "weibull" = function(x, p) p[2]*exp(p[3]-exp(p[3])*x^p[4])*
+ x^(p[4]-1)*p[4])
+ ## Apply slope with fitted coefficients at 'at'
+ p <- coef(object)
+ if (is.matrix(p)) # several fitted models
+ out <- apply(p, 2, function(i) slope(at, i))
+ else # single site drops to a vector
+ out <- slope(at, p)
+ names(out) <- NULL
+ out
Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd 2015-05-11 10:58:49 UTC (rev 2946)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd 2015-05-20 12:03:35 UTC (rev 2947)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
} % windows
- \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{
\item \code{goodness} function for constrained ordination
@@ -68,6 +68,38 @@
a vector graphics format which can be edited with several external
programs, such as Illustrator and Inkscape.
+ \item Rarefaction curve (\code{rarecurve}) and species
+ accumulation models (\code{specaccum}, \code{fitspecaccum})
+ gained new functions to estimate the slope of curve at given
+ location. Originally this was based on a response to an
+ \href{}{R-SIG-ecology}
+ query. For rarefaction curves, the function is \code{rareslope},
+ and for species accumulation models it is \code{specslope}.
+ The functions are based on analytic equations, and can also be
+ evaluated at interpolated non-integer values. In
+ \code{specaccum} models the functions can be only evaluated for
+ analytic models \code{"exact"}, \code{"rarefaction"} and
+ \code{"coleman"}. With \code{"random"} and \code{"collector"}
+ methods you can only use finite differences
+ (\code{diff(fitted(NEW FEATURES
@@ -87,6 +87,41 @@
programs, such as Illustrator and Inkscape.
Rarefaction curve (rarecurve
) and species
+accumulation models (specaccum
, fitspecaccum
+gained new functions to estimate the slope of curve at given
+location. Originally this was based on a response to an
+query. For rarefaction curves, the function is rareslope
+and for species accumulation models it is specslope
The functions are based on analytic equations, and can also be
+evaluated at interpolated non-integer values. In
models the functions can be only evaluated for
+analytic models "exact"
, "rarefaction"
. With "random"
and "collector"
+methods you can only use finite differences
). Analytic functions for
+slope are used for all non-linear regression models known to
Species accumulation models (specaccum
) and
+non-liner regression models for species accumulation
) work more consistently with weights. In
+all cases, the models are defined using the number of sites as
+independent variable, which with weights means that observations
+can be non-integer numbers of virtual sites. The predict
+models also use the number of sites with newdata
+and for analytic models they can estimate the expected values
+for non-integer number of sites, and for non-analytic randomized
+or collector models they can interpolate on non-integer values.
gained support functions AIC
+and deviance
The varpart
plots of four-component models were
redesigned following Legendre, Borcard & Roberts Ecology
93, 1234–1240 (2012), and they use now four ellipses instead of
From noreply at Thu May 21 12:07:59 2015
From: noreply at (noreply at
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 12:07:59 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Vegan-commits] r2949 - www
Message-ID: <>
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2015-05-21 12:07:59 +0200 (Thu, 21 May 2015)
New Revision: 2949
We release version 2.3 instead of 2.2-2
Modified: www/NEWS.html
--- www/NEWS.html 2015-05-20 12:05:48 UTC (rev 2948)
+++ www/NEWS.html 2015-05-21 10:07:59 UTC (rev 2949)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@