[Vegan-commits] r2637 - in pkg/vegan: R inst
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Tue Oct 15 16:01:11 CEST 2013
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2013-10-15 16:01:11 +0200 (Tue, 15 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 2637
rename permutest.ccalist to anova.ccalist: function returns an 'anova' table
Copied: pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccalist.R (from rev 2636, pkg/vegan/R/permutest.ccalist.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccalist.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/anova.ccalist.R 2013-10-15 14:01:11 UTC (rev 2637)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+`anova.ccalist` <-
+ function(object, ..., permutations = 99)
+ ## Collect cca class objects. FIXME: Eventually this should be in
+ ## a function that calls permutest.ccalist after collecting model
+ ## objects from dotargs.
+ dotargs <- list(...)
+ if (length(dotargs)) {
+ isCCA <- sapply(dotargs, function(z) inherits(z, "cca"))
+ dotargs <- dotargs[isCCA]
+ if (length(dotargs))
+ object <- c(list(object), dotargs)
+ }
+ nmodels <- length(object)
+ ## check that input is valid
+ ## 1. All models must be fitted with the same method
+ method <- sapply(object, function(z) z$method)
+ if (!all(method == method[1]))
+ stop("same ordination method must be used in all models")
+ else
+ method <- method[1]
+ ## 2. Same response
+ resp <- sapply(object, function(z) deparse(formula(z)[[2]]))
+ if (!all(resp == resp[1]))
+ stop("response must be same in all models")
+ ## 3. Same no. of observations
+ N <- sapply(object, nobs)
+ if (!all(N = N[1]))
+ stop("number of observations must be same in all models")
+ else
+ N <- N[1]
+ ## 4. Terms must be nested
+ trms <- lapply(object, function(z) labels(terms(z)))
+ o <- order(sapply(trms, length))
+ for(i in 2:nmodels)
+ if(!all(trms[[o[i-1]]] %in% trms[[o[i]]]))
+ stop("models must be nested")
+ ## Create permutation matrix if it does not exist. FIXME: should
+ ## take arguments for restricted permutation
+ if (length(permutations) == 1)
+ permutations <- shuffleSet(N, permutations)
+ ## permutations is now matrix
+ nperm <- nrow(permutations)
+ ## check
+ if (ncol(permutations) != N)
+ stop(gettextf("permutation matrix has %d columns, but you have %d sites",
+ ncol(nperm), N))
+ ## All models are evaluated in permutest.cca with identical
+ ## permutations so that the differences of single permutations can
+ ## be used to assess the significance of differences of fitted
+ ## models. This strictly requires nested models (not checked
+ ## here): all terms of the smaller model must be included in the
+ ## larger model. FIXME: should pass arguments to permutest.cca.
+ mods <- lapply(object, function(z)
+ permutest(z, permutations = permutations))
+ dfs <- sapply(mods, function(z) z$df)
+ dev <- sapply(mods, function(z) z$chi)
+ resdf <- dfs[2,]
+ df <- -diff(resdf)
+ resdev <- dev[2,]
+ changedev <- -diff(resdev)
+ big <- which.min(resdf)
+ scale <- resdev[big]/resdf[big]
+ fval <- changedev/df/scale
+ ## Collect permutation results: denominator of F varies in each
+ ## permutation.
+ pscale <- mods[[big]]$den/resdf[big]
+ ## Numerator of F
+ pfvals <- sapply(mods, function(z) z$num)
+ if (is.list(pfvals))
+ pfvals <- do.call(cbind, pfvals)
+ pfvals <- apply(pfvals, 1, diff)
+ ## dropped to vector?
+ if (!is.matrix(pfvals))
+ pfvals <- matrix(pfvals, nrow=1, ncol=nperm)
+ pval <- rowSums(sweep(pfvals, 1, fval, ">="))
+ pval <- (pval + 1)/(nperm+1)
+ pfvals <- sweep(pfvals, 1, df, "/")
+ pfvals <- sweep(pfvals, 2, pscale, "/")
+ ## collect table
+ table <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, c(NA, df),
+ c(NA,changedev), c(NA,fval), c(NA,pval))
+ dimnames(table) <- list(1L:nmodels, c("Resid. Df", "Res. Chisq",
+ "Df", "Chisq", "F", "Pr(>F)"))
+ ## Collect header information
+ formulae <- sapply(object, function(z) deparse(formula(z)))
+ head <- paste0("Permutation tests for ", method, " under ",
+ mods[[big]]$model, " model\nwith ", nperm,
+ " permutations\n")
+ topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1L:nmodels), ": ", formulae,
+ sep = "", collapse = "\n")
+ structure(table, heading=c(head,topnote), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/permutest.ccalist.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/permutest.ccalist.R 2013-10-15 13:52:36 UTC (rev 2636)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/permutest.ccalist.R 2013-10-15 14:01:11 UTC (rev 2637)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-`permutest.ccalist` <-
- function(x, ..., permutations = 99)
- ## Collect cca class objects. FIXME: Eventually this should be in
- ## a function that calls permutest.ccalist after collecting model
- ## objects from dotargs.
- dotargs <- list(...)
- if (length(dotargs)) {
- isCCA <- sapply(dotargs, function(z) inherits(z, "cca"))
- dotargs <- dotargs[isCCA]
- if (length(dotargs))
- x <- c(list(x), dotargs)
- }
- nmodels <- length(x)
- ## check that input is valid
- ## 1. All models must be fitted with the same method
- method <- sapply(x, function(z) z$method)
- if (!all(method == method[1]))
- stop("same ordination method must be used in all models")
- else
- method <- method[1]
- ## 2. Same response
- resp <- sapply(x, function(z) deparse(formula(z)[[2]]))
- if (!all(resp == resp[1]))
- stop("response must be same in all models")
- ## 3. Same no. of observations
- N <- sapply(x, nobs)
- if (!all(N = N[1]))
- stop("number of observations must be same in all models")
- else
- N <- N[1]
- ## 4. Terms must be nested
- trms <- lapply(x, function(z) labels(terms(z)))
- o <- order(sapply(trms, length))
- for(i in 2:nmodels)
- if(!all(trms[[o[i-1]]] %in% trms[[o[i]]]))
- stop("models must be nested")
- ## Create permutation matrix if it does not exist. FIXME: should
- ## take arguments for restricted permutation
- if (length(permutations) == 1)
- permutations <- shuffleSet(N, permutations)
- ## permutations is now matrix
- nperm <- nrow(permutations)
- ## check
- if (ncol(permutations) != N)
- stop(gettextf("permutation matrix has %d columns, but you have %d sites",
- ncol(nperm), N))
- ## All models are evaluated in permutest.cca with identical
- ## permutations so that the differences of single permutations can
- ## be used to assess the significance of differences of fitted
- ## models. This strictly requires nested models (not checked
- ## here): all terms of the smaller model must be included in the
- ## larger model. FIXME: should pass arguments to permutest.cca.
- mods <- lapply(x, function(z)
- permutest(z, permutations = permutations))
- dfs <- sapply(mods, function(z) z$df)
- dev <- sapply(mods, function(z) z$chi)
- resdf <- dfs[2,]
- df <- -diff(resdf)
- resdev <- dev[2,]
- changedev <- -diff(resdev)
- big <- which.min(resdf)
- scale <- resdev[big]/resdf[big]
- fval <- changedev/df/scale
- ## Collect permutation results: denominator of F varies in each
- ## permutation.
- pscale <- mods[[big]]$den/resdf[big]
- ## Numerator of F
- pfvals <- sapply(mods, function(z) z$num)
- if (is.list(pfvals))
- pfvals <- do.call(cbind, pfvals)
- pfvals <- apply(pfvals, 1, diff)
- ## dropped to vector?
- if (!is.matrix(pfvals))
- pfvals <- matrix(pfvals, nrow=1, ncol=nperm)
- pval <- rowSums(sweep(pfvals, 1, fval, ">="))
- pval <- (pval + 1)/(nperm+1)
- pfvals <- sweep(pfvals, 1, df, "/")
- pfvals <- sweep(pfvals, 2, pscale, "/")
- ## collect table
- table <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, c(NA, df),
- c(NA,changedev), c(NA,fval), c(NA,pval))
- dimnames(table) <- list(1L:nmodels, c("Resid. Df", "Res. Chisq",
- "Df", "Chisq", "F", "Pr(>F)"))
- ## Collect header information
- formulae <- sapply(x, function(z) deparse(formula(z)))
- head <- paste0("Permutation tests for ", x[[1]]$method, " under ",
- mods[[big]]$model, " model\nwith ", nperm,
- " permutations\n")
- topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1L:nmodels), ": ", formulae,
- sep = "", collapse = "\n")
- structure(table, heading=c(head,topnote), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog 2013-10-15 13:52:36 UTC (rev 2636)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog 2013-10-15 14:01:11 UTC (rev 2637)
@@ -4,17 +4,19 @@
Version 2.1-37 (opened October 14, 2013)
- * permutest.cca: added new function permutest.ccalist() to compare
- a sequence of models. The function is still experimental ("proof
- of the concept") and unexported. If this stays in vegan, it should
- eventually be called from anova.cca() or permutest.cca(). This
- would bring along a change of API to, say, anova.cca(object, ...,
- alpha=...): the dots must follow the first argument which turns of
- positional and partial matching of arguments so that the function
- can collect the "cca" models. We must decide whether the new
- function is worth such a change that can make life harder for
- ordinary users.
+ * anova.cca: added new function anova.ccalist() to compare a
+ sequence of models. The function is still experimental ("proof of
+ the concept") and unexported. If this stays in vegan, it should
+ eventually be called from anova.cca(). This would bring along a
+ change of API to anova.cca(object, ..., alpha=...): the dots must
+ follow the first argument which turns of positional and partial
+ matching of arguments so that the function can collect the "cca"
+ models. We must decide whether the new function is worth such a
+ change that can make life harder for ordinary users.
+ One potential advantage is that the code in anova.ccaby* functions
+ could be simplifed to a anova.ccabylist() calls.
The function is based on calling permutest.cca for each model with
identical permutations. We can then compare the change in model
for each permutation and collect the test statistics for
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