[Vegan-commits] r2507 - in pkg/permute: . R inst man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Jun 11 07:56:55 CEST 2013

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2013-06-11 07:56:54 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 2507

allPerms updated to new API, bug fixes in numPerms, new get methods for grid designs, start a TODO list, a bit of code clean up, new function how to eventually replace permControl

Modified: pkg/permute/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/permute/NAMESPACE	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/NAMESPACE	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
        `shuffleFree`, `shuffleSeries`, `shuffleGrid`, `shuffleStrata`,
        `getBlocks`, `getWithin`, `getStrata`, `getType`, `getMirror`,
        `getConstant`, `getPlots`,
-       `shuffleSet`, `permuplot`)
+       `shuffleSet`, `permuplot`, `how`)
 ### Imports: nobs() only exists in R 2.13.0 for import. We define the
 ### same nobs() generic in permute for export in older R.
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 ## print methods
 S3method(`print`, `allPerms`)
 S3method(`print`, `check`)
+S3method(`print`, `how`)
 S3method(`print`, `permControl`)
 S3method(`print`, `summary.allPerms`)
 S3method(`print`, `summary.check`)

Modified: pkg/permute/R/allPerms.R
--- pkg/permute/R/allPerms.R	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/R/allPerms.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
 `allPerms` <- function(n, control = permControl(), max = 9999,
                        observed = FALSE) {
-    ## replicate a matrix by going via a list and bind together
-    repMat <- function(mat, n) {
-        res <- rep(list(mat), n)
-        do.call(rbind, res)
-    }
     ## start
     v <- n
     ## expand n if a numeric or integer vector of length 1
@@ -13,160 +8,204 @@
     ## number of observations in data
     n <- nobs(v)
     ## check permutation scheme and update control
-    pcheck <- check(v, control = control, make.all = FALSE)
-    ctrl <- pcheck$control
+    ## pcheck <- check(v, control = control, make.all = FALSE)
+    ## ctrl <- pcheck$control
     ## get max number of permutations
-    nperms <- pcheck$n
+    nperms <- numPerms(v, control = control)
     ## sanity check - don't let this run away to infinity
     ## esp with type = "free"
     if(nperms > max)
         stop("Number of possible permutations too large (> 'max')")
-    WI <- getWithin(ctrl)
-    STRATA <- getStrata(ctrl)
-    type.wi <- WI$type
-    if(type.wi != "none") {
-        if(is.null(STRATA)) {
-            res <- switch(type.wi,
+    WI <- getWithin(control)
+    strataP <- getStrata(control, which = "plots")
+    typeW <- getType(control, which = "within")
+    typeP <- getType(control, which = "plot")
+    BLOCKS <- getBlocks(control)
+    dimW <- getDim(control, which = "within")
+    dimP <- getDim(control, which = "plots")
+    mirrorW <- getMirror(control, which = "within")
+    mirrorP <- getMirror(control, which = "plots")
+    constantW <- getConstant(control)
+    ## give a BLOCKS if non supplied - i.e. one block
+    if(is.null(BLOCKS))
+        BLOCKS <- factor(rep(1, n))
+    ## split v by blocks
+    spl <- split(v, BLOCKS)
+    nb <- length(spl) # number of blocks
+    ## result object
+    out <- vector(mode = "list", length = nb)
+    ## loop over blocks and return allPerms on each block
+    for (i in seq_along(spl)) {
+        out[[i]] <-
+            doAllPerms(spl[[i]], strataP, typeW, typeP, mirrorW,
+                       mirrorP, constantW, dimW, dimP, control)
+    }
+    ## bind all the blocks together
+    out <- do.call(rbind, out) ## hmm are any of these the same shape?
+    if(!observed) {
+        obs.v <- seq_len(n)
+        obs.row <- apply(out, 1, function(x, obs.v) all(x == obs.v), obs.v)
+        out <- out[!obs.row, ]
+        ## reduce the number of permutations to get rid of the
+        ## observed ordering
+        control$nperm <- control$nperm - 1
+    }
+    class(out) <- "allPerms"
+    attr(out, "observed") <- observed
+    out
+`doAllPerms` <- function(obs, strataP, typeW, typeP, mirrorW, mirrorP,
+                         constantW, dimW, dimP, control) {
+    ## replicate a matrix by going via a list and bind together
+    repMat <- function(mat, n) {
+        res <- rep(list(mat), n)
+        do.call(rbind, res)
+    }
+    n <- length(obs)
+    ## permuting within?
+    if (typeW != "none") {
+        if(is.null(strataP)) { ## no plot-level permutations
+            res <- switch(typeW,
                           free = allFree(n),
-                          series = allSeries(n, nperms, WI$mirror),
-                          grid = allGrid(n, nperms, WI$nrow,
-                          WI$ncol, WI$mirror, WI$constant))
+                          series = allSeries(n, nperms, mirrorW),
+                          grid = allGrid(n, nperms, dimW[1],
+                          dimW[2], mirrorW, constantW))
         } else {
-            ## permuting within blocks
-            tab <- table(STRATA)
-            if(WI$constant) {
-                ## same permutation in each block
-                pg <- unique(tab)
-                ctrl.wi <- permControl(within = WI)
-                nperms <- numPerms(pg, ctrl.wi)
-                ord <- switch(type.wi,
+            ## permuting within plots
+            tab <- table(strataP)
+            pg <- unique(tab)
+            if(constantW) {
+                ## same permutation in each plot
+                ##pg <- unique(tab)
+                controlW <- permControl(within = getWithin(control))
+                nperms <- numPerms(pg, controlW)
+                ord <- switch(typeW,
                               free = allFree(pg),
-                              series = allSeries(pg, nperms, WI$mirror),
-                              grid = allGrid(pg, nperms, WI$nrow,
-                              WI$ncol, WI$mirror,
-                              WI$constant))
-                perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
-                sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+                              series = allSeries(pg, nperms, mirrorW),
+                              grid = allGrid(pg, nperms, dimW[1],
+                              dimW[2], mirrorW, constantW))
+                permW <- nrow(ord)
+                sp <- split(obs, strataP)
                 res <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
-                for(i in seq_len(perm.wi))
-                    #res[i,] <- t(sapply(sp, function(x) x[ord[i,]]))
-                    res[i,] <- sapply(sp, function(x) x[ord[i,]])
+                for(i in seq_len(permW)) {
+                    res[i,] <- sapply(sp,
+                                      function(x, ord) x[ord[i,]], ord = ord)
+                }
             } else {
                 ## different permutations within blocks
-                tab <- table(STRATA)
                 ng <- length(tab)
-                pg <- unique(tab)
+                ##pg <- unique(tab)
                 if(length(pg) > 1) {
                     ## different number of observations per level of strata
-                    if(type.wi == "grid")
+                    if(typeW == "grid")
                         ## FIXME: this should not be needed once all checks are
                         ## in place in check()
                         stop("Unbalanced grid designs are not supported")
-                    ctrl.wi <- permControl(within = WI)
-                    sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+                    controlW <- permControl(within = getWithin(control))
+                    sp <- split(obs, strataP)
                     res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
                     add <- c(0, cumsum(tab)[1:(ng-1)])
                     for(j in seq_along(tab)) {
-                        np <- numPerms(tab[j], ctrl.wi)
-                        ord <- switch(type.wi,
+                        np <- numPerms(tab[j], controlW)
+                        ord <- switch(typeW,
                                       free = allFree(tab[j]),
-                                      series = allSeries(tab[j], np, WI$mirror))
-                        perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+                                      series = allSeries(tab[j], np, mirrorW))
+                        permW <- nrow(ord)
                         if(j == 1) {
                             a <- 1
-                            b <- np / perm.wi
+                            b <- np / permW
                         } else {
-                            b <- b/perm.wi
-                            a <- np / (b*perm.wi)
+                            b <- b/permW
+                            a <- np / (b*permW)
                         res[[j]] <- matrix(rep(repMat(ord+add[j], a),
                                                each = b),
                                            ncol = tab[j])
                     res <- do.call(cbind, res)
-                    sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+                    sp <- split(obs, strataP)
                     res <- t(apply(res, 1,
-                                   function(x, inds, v) {v[inds] <- inds[x]; v},
-                                   unlist(sp), v))
+                                   function(x, inds, o) {o[inds] <- inds[x]; o},
+                                   unlist(sp), obs))
                 } else {
                     ## same number of observations per level of strata
-                    ctrl.wi <- permControl(within = WI)
-                    np <- numPerms(pg, ctrl.wi)
+                    controlW <- permControl(within = getWithin(control))
+                    np <- numPerms(pg, controlW)
                     ord <-
-                        switch(type.wi,
+                        switch(typeW,
                                free = allFree(pg),
-                               series = allSeries(pg, np, WI$mirror),
-                               grid = allGrid(pg, np, WI$nrow,
-                               WI$ncol, WI$mirror,
-                               WI$constant))
-                    perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+                               series = allSeries(pg, np, mirrorW),
+                               grid = allGrid(pg, np, dimW[1],
+                               dimW[2], mirrorW, constantW))
+                    permW <- nrow(ord)
                     add <- seq(from = 0, by = pg, length.out = ng)
                     res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
                     a <- 1
-                    b <- np / perm.wi
+                    b <- np / permW
                     for(i in seq_len(ng)) {
                         res[[i]] <- matrix(rep(repMat(ord+add[i], a),
                                                each = b),
                                            ncol = pg)
-                        a <- a*perm.wi
-                        b <- b/perm.wi
+                        a <- a*permW
+                        b <- b/permW
                     res <- do.call(cbind, res)
-                    sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+                    sp <- split(obs, strataP)
                     res <- t(apply(res, 1,
-                                   function(x, inds, v) {v[inds] <- inds[x]; v},
-                                   unlist(sp), v))
+                                   function(x, inds, o) {o[inds] <- inds[x]; o},
+                                   unlist(sp), obs))
-    ## Do we need to permute blocks?
-    if ((type.b <- control$blocks$type) != "none") {
-        ## permuting blocks ONLY
-        if(type.wi == "none") {
+    ## Do we need to permute plots?
+    if (!is.null(strataP)) {
+        ## permuting plots ONLY
+        if(typeW == "none") {
             res <- allStrata(n, control = control)
         } else {
-          ## FIXME - this need updating to work with the new code
+            ## FIXME - this need updating to work with the new code
             ## permuting blocks AND within blocks
-            ## need a local CTRL that just permutes blocks
-            ctrl.b <- permControl(strata = STRATA,
-                                  within = Within(type = "none"),
-                                  blocks = getBlocks(ctrl))
+            ## need a local CONTROL that just permutes blocks
+            controlP <- permControl(plots = Plots(strata = strataP),
+                                    within = Within(type = "none"))
             ## number of permutations for just the block level
-            perm.b <- numPerms(n, control = ctrl.b)
+            permP <- numPerms(n, control = controlP)
             ## get all permutations for the block level
-            shuff.b <- allStrata(n, control = ctrl.b)
+            shuffP <- allStrata(n, control = controlP)
             ## copy the set of permutations for within blocks
-            ## perm.b times - results is a list
-            res.b <- rep(list(res), perm.b)
-            res.b <- lapply(seq_along(res.b),
+            ## permP times - results is a list
+            resP <- rep(list(res), permP)
+            resP <- lapply(seq_along(resP),
                             function(i, wi, bl) {
                                 t(apply(wi[[i]], 1,
                                         function(x, bl, i) {
                                         }, bl = bl, i = i))
-                            wi = res.b, bl = shuff.b)
-            res <- do.call(rbind, res.b)
+                            wi = resP, bl = shuffP)
+            res <- do.call(rbind, resP)
     ## some times storage.mode of res is numeric, sometimes
     ## it is integer, set to "integer" for comparisons using
     ## identical to match the observed ordering
     storage.mode(res) <- "integer"
-    if(!observed) {
-        obs.v <- seq_len(n)
-        ##obs.row <- apply(res, 1, function(x, v) {identical(x, v)}, obs.v)
-        obs.row <- apply(res, 1, function(x, obs.v) all(x == obs.v), obs.v)
-        res <- res[!obs.row, ]
-        ## reduce the number of permutations to get rid of the
-        ## observed ordering
-        control$nperm <- control$nperm - 1
-    }
-    class(res) <- "allPerms"
-    ##attr(res, "control") <- control
-    attr(res, "observed") <- observed
-    return(res)
+    ## return
+    res
 ## enumerate all possible permutations for a more complicated
@@ -183,3 +222,137 @@
 ## numPerms(Nobs, control = ctrl) ## works just as well
 ## (tmp <- allPerms(Nobs, control = ctrl, observed = TRUE))
 ## (tmp2 <- allPerms(Nobs, control = ctrl))
+## just in case, keep this for now so I have something to look at before comitting
+    ## if(typeW != "none") {
+    ##     if(is.null(strataP)) {
+    ##         res <- switch(type.wi,
+    ##                       free = allFree(n),
+    ##                       series = allSeries(n, nperms, WI$mirror),
+    ##                       grid = allGrid(n, nperms, WI$nrow,
+    ##                       WI$ncol, WI$mirror, WI$constant))
+    ##     } else {
+    ##         ## permuting within blocks
+    ##         tab <- table(STRATA)
+    ##         if(WI$constant) {
+    ##             ## same permutation in each block
+    ##             pg <- unique(tab)
+    ##             control.wi <- permControl(within = WI)
+    ##             nperms <- numPerms(pg, control.wi)
+    ##             ord <- switch(type.wi,
+    ##                           free = allFree(pg),
+    ##                           series = allSeries(pg, nperms, WI$mirror),
+    ##                           grid = allGrid(pg, nperms, WI$nrow,
+    ##                           WI$ncol, WI$mirror,
+    ##                           WI$constant))
+    ##             perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+    ##             sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+    ##             res <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = n)
+    ##             for(i in seq_len(perm.wi))
+    ##                 #res[i,] <- t(sapply(sp, function(x) x[ord[i,]]))
+    ##                 res[i,] <- sapply(sp, function(x) x[ord[i,]])
+    ##         } else {
+    ##             ## different permutations within blocks
+    ##             tab <- table(STRATA)
+    ##             ng <- length(tab)
+    ##             pg <- unique(tab)
+    ##             if(length(pg) > 1) {
+    ##                 ## different number of observations per level of strata
+    ##                 if(type.wi == "grid")
+    ##                     ## FIXME: this should not be needed once all checks are
+    ##                     ## in place in check()
+    ##                     stop("Unbalanced grid designs are not supported")
+    ##                 control.wi <- permControl(within = WI)
+    ##                 sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+    ##                 res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
+    ##                 add <- c(0, cumsum(tab)[1:(ng-1)])
+    ##                 for(j in seq_along(tab)) {
+    ##                     np <- numPerms(tab[j], control.wi)
+    ##                     ord <- switch(type.wi,
+    ##                                   free = allFree(tab[j]),
+    ##                                   series = allSeries(tab[j], np, WI$mirror))
+    ##                     perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+    ##                     if(j == 1) {
+    ##                         a <- 1
+    ##                         b <- np / perm.wi
+    ##                     } else {
+    ##                         b <- b/perm.wi
+    ##                         a <- np / (b*perm.wi)
+    ##                     }
+    ##                     res[[j]] <- matrix(rep(repMat(ord+add[j], a),
+    ##                                            each = b),
+    ##                                        ncol = tab[j])
+    ##                 }
+    ##                 res <- do.call(cbind, res)
+    ##                 sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+    ##                 res <- t(apply(res, 1,
+    ##                                function(x, inds, v) {v[inds] <- inds[x]; v},
+    ##                                unlist(sp), v))
+    ##             } else {
+    ##                 ## same number of observations per level of strata
+    ##                 control.wi <- permControl(within = WI)
+    ##                 np <- numPerms(pg, control.wi)
+    ##                 ord <-
+    ##                     switch(type.wi,
+    ##                            free = allFree(pg),
+    ##                            series = allSeries(pg, np, WI$mirror),
+    ##                            grid = allGrid(pg, np, WI$nrow,
+    ##                            WI$ncol, WI$mirror,
+    ##                            WI$constant))
+    ##                 perm.wi <- nrow(ord)
+    ##                 add <- seq(from = 0, by = pg, length.out = ng)
+    ##                 res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ng)
+    ##                 a <- 1
+    ##                 b <- np / perm.wi
+    ##                 for(i in seq_len(ng)) {
+    ##                     res[[i]] <- matrix(rep(repMat(ord+add[i], a),
+    ##                                            each = b),
+    ##                                        ncol = pg)
+    ##                     a <- a*perm.wi
+    ##                     b <- b/perm.wi
+    ##                 }
+    ##                 res <- do.call(cbind, res)
+    ##                 sp <- split(v, STRATA)
+    ##                 res <- t(apply(res, 1,
+    ##                                function(x, inds, v) {v[inds] <- inds[x]; v},
+    ##                                unlist(sp), v))
+    ##             }
+    ##         }
+    ##     }
+    ## }
+    ## ## Do we need to permute blocks?
+    ## if ((type.b <- control$blocks$type) != "none") {
+    ##     ## permuting blocks ONLY
+    ##     if(type.wi == "none") {
+    ##         res <- allStrata(n, control = control)
+    ##     } else {
+    ##       ## FIXME - this need updating to work with the new code
+    ##         ## permuting blocks AND within blocks
+    ##         ## need a local CONTROL that just permutes blocks
+    ##         control.b <- permControl(strata = STRATA,
+    ##                               within = Within(type = "none"),
+    ##                               blocks = getBlocks(control))
+    ##         ## number of permutations for just the block level
+    ##         perm.b <- numPerms(n, control = control.b)
+    ##         ## get all permutations for the block level
+    ##         shuff.b <- allStrata(n, control = control.b)
+    ##         ## copy the set of permutations for within blocks
+    ##         ## perm.b times - results is a list
+    ##         res.b <- rep(list(res), perm.b)
+    ##         res.b <- lapply(seq_along(res.b),
+    ##                         function(i, wi, bl) {
+    ##                             t(apply(wi[[i]], 1,
+    ##                                     function(x, bl, i) {
+    ##                                         x[bl[i,]]
+    ##                                     }, bl = bl, i = i))
+    ##                         },
+    ##                         wi = res.b, bl = shuff.b)
+    ##         res <- do.call(rbind, res.b)
+    ##     }
+    ## }
+    ## ## some times storage.mode of res is numeric, sometimes
+    ## ## it is integer, set to "integer" for comparisons using
+    ## ## identical to match the observed ordering
+    ## storage.mode(res) <- "integer"

Modified: pkg/permute/R/allStrata.R
--- pkg/permute/R/allStrata.R	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/R/allStrata.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -3,23 +3,26 @@
     ## seq vector of observation indices
     v <- seq_len(n)
     ## number of groups
-    lev <- length(levels(control$strata))
-    ## compute nperms on number of levels
-    nperms <- numPerms(lev, control)
+    strata <- getStrata(control, which = "plots")
+    lev <- length(levels(strata))
+    ## compute nperms on number of levels - for this need Within()
+    ## and type == typeP
+    newControl <-
+        permControl(within = Within(type = getType(control, which = "plots")))
+    nperms <- numPerms(lev, newControl)
     ## result object
-    X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = length(control$strata))
+    X <- matrix(nrow = nperms, ncol = length(strata))
     ## store the type
-    type <- control$blocks$type
+    type <- getType(control, which = "plots")
+    mirror <- getMirror(control, which = "plots")
     perms <- if(type == "free") {
     } else if(type == "series") {
-        mirror <- control$blocks$mirror
         allSeries(lev, nperms = nperms, mirror = mirror)
     } else if(type == "grid") {
-        nr <- control$blocks$nrow
-        nc <- control$blocks$ncol
-        mirror <- control$blocks$mirror
-        constant <- control$blocks$constant
+        nr <- getRow(control, which = "plots")
+        nc <- getCol(control, which = "plots")
+        constant <- getConstant(control)
         allGrid(lev, nperms = nperms, nr = nr, nc = nc,
                 mirror = mirror, constant = constant)
     } else {
@@ -28,10 +31,10 @@
         ## is possible given calling function...
-    sp <- split(v, control$strata)
+    sp <- split(v, strata)
     ## build permutations by concatenating components of sp
     ## for each row of level permutations
     for(i in seq_len(nrow(perms)))
         X[i,] <- unname(do.call(c, sp[perms[i,]]))
-    return(X)
+    X

Modified: pkg/permute/R/getFoo-methods.R
--- pkg/permute/R/getFoo-methods.R	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/R/getFoo-methods.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@
 `getMirror.permControl` <- function(object,
                                     which = c("plots","within"), ...) {
     which <- match.arg(which)
-  if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "plots")))
-      mirror <- getPlots(object)$mirror
-  else if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "within")))
-      mirror <- getWithin(object)$mirror
-  else
-      stop("Ambiguous `which`")
-  mirror
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "plots")))
+        mirror <- getPlots(object)$mirror
+    else if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "within")))
+        mirror <- getWithin(object)$mirror
+    else
+        stop("Ambiguous `which`")
+    mirror
 ## Get constant status - i.e. same permutation in each Plot
@@ -120,3 +120,68 @@
+## Get the number of rows and colums from grid designs
+`getRow` <- function(object, ...) {
+    UseMethod("getRow")
+`getRow.default` <- function(object, ...) {
+    NROW(object)
+`getRow.permControl` <- function(object, which = c("plots","within"),
+                                 ...) {
+    which <- match.arg(which)
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "plots")))
+        nrow <- getPlots(object)$nrow
+    else if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "within")))
+        nrow <- getWithin(object)$nrow
+    else
+        stop("Ambiguous `which`")
+    nrow
+`getCol` <- function(object, ...) {
+    UseMethod("getCol")
+`getCol.default` <- function(object, ...) {
+    NCOL(object)
+`getCol.permControl` <- function(object, which = c("plots","within"),
+                                 ...) {
+    which <- match.arg(which)
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "plots")))
+        ncol <- getPlots(object)$ncol
+    else if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "within")))
+        ncol <- getWithin(object)$ncol
+    else
+        stop("Ambiguous `which`")
+    ncol
+`getDim` <- function(object, ...) {
+    UseMethod("getDim")
+`getDim.default` <- function(object, ...) {
+    dim(object)
+`getDim.permControl` <- function(object, which = c("plots","within"),
+                                 ...) {
+    which <- match.arg(which)
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "plots"))) {
+        PL <- getPlots(object)
+        nc <- PL$ncol
+        nr <- PL$nrow
+    } else if(isTRUE(all.equal(which, "within"))) {
+        WI <- getWithin(object)
+        nc <- WI$ncol
+        nr <- WI$nrow
+    } else {
+        stop("Ambiguous `which`")
+    }
+    c(nr, nc)

Added: pkg/permute/R/how.R
--- pkg/permute/R/how.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/how.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+`how` <- function(within = Within(),
+                  plots = Plots(),
+                  blocks = NULL,
+                  nperm = 199,
+                  complete = FALSE,
+                  maxperm = 9999,
+                  minperm = 99,
+                  all.perms = NULL,
+                  observed = FALSE)
+    out <- list(within = within, plots = plots, blocks = blocks,
+                nperm = nperm, complete = complete,
+                maxperm = maxperm, minperm = minperm,
+                all.perms = all.perms, observed = observed,
+                name.strata = deparse(substitute(strata)))
+    class(out) <- "how"
+    out

Modified: pkg/permute/R/numPerms.R
--- pkg/permute/R/numPerms.R	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/R/numPerms.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
   ## constant - i.e. same perm within each plot?
   constantW <- getConstant(control)
+  ## grid dimensions
+  colW <- getCol(control, which = "within")
+  colP <- getRow(control, which = "plots")
   ## Some checks; i) Plot strata must be of same size when permuting strata
   ##                 or having the same constant permutation within strata
   ##             ii) In grid designs, grids must be of the same size for all
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@
   if(!is.null(PSTRATA)) {
     tab <- table(PSTRATA)
     same.n <- length(unique(tab))
-    if((typeP %in% TYPES || isTRUE(WI$constant)) && same.n > 1) {
+    if((typeP %in% TYPES || isTRUE(constantW)) && same.n > 1) {
       stop("All levels of strata must have same number of samples for chosen scheme")
     if(typeP == "grid" && same.n > 1) {
@@ -47,10 +51,12 @@
   ## the various designs allowed imply multipliers to number of samples
   ## for the restricted permutations
+  mult.p <- mult.wi <- 1
   ## within types
   if(typeW %in% c("series","grid")) {
     mult.wi <- 2
-    if(isTRUE(all.equal(typeW, "grid")) && typeW$ncol > 2) {
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(typeW, "grid")) && !is.null(colW) && colW > 2) {
       mult.wi <- 4
     } else {
       if(isTRUE(all.equal(n, 2)))
@@ -60,7 +66,7 @@
   ## plot-level types
   if(typeP %in% c("series","grid")) {
     mult.p <- 2
-    if(isTRUE(all.equal(typeP, "grid")) && typeP$ncol > 2) {
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(typeP, "grid")) && !is.null(colP) && colP > 2) {
       mult.p <- 4
     } else {
       if(isTRUE(all.equal(n, 2)))
@@ -97,8 +103,8 @@
     n <- nobs(obs) ## obs is index vector for object, split by blocks
     ## need only those strata for the current block. As obs is the index
-    ## vector, split by block, this now gives nobs per plot strata 
-    tab <- table(PSTRATA[obs])
+    ## vector, split by block, this now gives nobs per plot strata
+    tab <- table(PSTRATA)#[obs] # table(PSTRATA[obs])
     same.n <- length(unitab <- unique(tab))
     ## plots

Modified: pkg/permute/R/permControl.R
--- pkg/permute/R/permControl.R	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/R/permControl.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-## `permControl` <- function(strata = NULL, nperm = 199, complete = FALSE,
-##                           within = Within(),
-##                           blocks = Blocks(),
-##                           maxperm = 9999, minperm = 99,
-##                           all.perms = NULL,
-##                           observed = FALSE)
-## {
-##     out <- list(strata = strata, nperm = nperm, complete = complete,
-##                 within = within, blocks = blocks,
-##                 maxperm = maxperm, minperm = minperm,
-##                 all.perms = all.perms, observed = observed,
-##                 name.strata = deparse(substitute(strata)))
-##     class(out) <- "permControl"
-##     return(out)
-## }
 `permControl` <- function(within = Within(),
                           plots = Plots(),
                           blocks = NULL, #Blocks(),

Added: pkg/permute/R/print.how.R
--- pkg/permute/R/print.how.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/R/print.how.R	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+`print.how` <- function(x, ...)
+    ## only for objects of correct class
+    stopifnot(class(x) == "how")
+    ## set-up the messages we wish to print
+    if (!is.null(x$strata)) {
+        if(x$blocks$type == "none") {
+            msg.perm.strata <- "Strata unpermuted\n"
+        } else {
+            if(x$blocks$type == "grid") {
+                msg.grid.strata <- paste("Strata are a spatial grid of dimension",
+                                         x$blocks$nrow, "*",
+                                         x$blocks$ncol, "\n")
+            }
+            msg.perm.strata <- paste("Permutation type:", x$blocks$type, "\n")
+            msg.mirror.strata <- paste("Mirrored permutations for Strata?:",
+                                       ifelse(x$blocks$mirror, "Yes", "No"), "\n")
+        }
+        msg.strata <- paste("Permutations are stratified within:", x$name.strata, "\n")
+    } else {
+        msg.strata <- "Permutations are unstratified\n"
+    }
+    msg.perm.sample <- paste("Permutation type:", x$within$type, "\n")
+    if(x$within$type == "grid")
+        msg.grid.sample <- paste("Data are spatial grid(s) of dimension",
+                                 x$within$nrow, "*", x$within$ncol, "\n")
+    msg.nperm <- paste("No. of permutations:", x$nperm,
+                       ifelse(x$complete, "(complete enumeration)", ""),
+                       "\n")
+    msg.mirror.sample <- paste("Mirrored permutations for Samples?:",
+                               ifelse(x$within$mirror, "Yes", "No"), "\n")
+    msg.constant <- paste("Use same permutation within strata?:",
+                          ifelse(x$within$constant, "Yes", "No"), "\n")
+    ## print out the messages
+    cat("\n")
+    cat(msg.nperm)
+    cat("\n**** STRATA ****\n")
+    if(exists("msg.strata"))
+        cat(msg.strata)
+    if(exists("msg.perm.strata"))
+        cat(msg.perm.strata)
+    if(exists("msg.mirror.strata"))
+        cat(msg.mirror.strata)
+    if(exists("msg.grid.strata"))
+        cat(msg.grid.strata)
+    cat("\n**** SAMPLES ****\n")
+    cat(msg.perm.sample)
+    if(exists("msg.grid.sample"))
+        cat(msg.grid.sample)
+    cat(msg.mirror.sample)
+    if(exists("msg.perm.strata"))
+        cat(msg.constant)
+    cat("\n")

Modified: pkg/permute/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/permute/inst/ChangeLog	2013-06-10 20:01:53 UTC (rev 2506)
+++ pkg/permute/inst/ChangeLog	2013-06-11 05:56:54 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -12,11 +12,22 @@
 	* get-methods: New extractor functions `getMirror()`, and
 	`getConstant()` which retrieve the mirroring and constant elements
-	of a permutation design.
+	of a permutation design. Also added `getRow()`, `getCol()` and
+	`getDim()`, which extract the row and column dimensions of a
+	grid permutation design, or both.
 	* numPerms: updated to work with the new API and now handles
 	blocking. Exmaples now pass checks again.
+	* allPerms: updated to the new API.
+	* how: new function, a copy of `permControl()` and will eventually

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/vegan -r 2507

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