[Vegan-commits] r2553 - in pkg/vegan: R man

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Wed Jul 10 13:48:43 CEST 2013

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2013-07-10 13:48:43 +0200 (Wed, 10 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 2553

renamed function, returns list with transformed data, assigned class

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/disp_weight.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/disp_weight.R	2013-07-10 11:48:42 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/disp_weight.R	2013-07-10 11:48:43 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-`disp_weight` <-
-    function(comm, group, nperm = 1000)
-    # number of replicates per group
-    nrep <- tabulate(group) 
-    # workhorse
-    dfun <- function(comm, group, nperm, nrep) {
-        ## Calc Dispersion
-        # group means
-        means <-  tapply(comm, group, mean)
-        # omit groups with mean == 0
-        if(any(means == 0)) {
-            comm <- comm[means[group] != 0]
-            group <- group[means[group] != 0, drop = TRUE]
-            nrep <- nrep[means != 0]
-            means <- means[means != 0]
-        }
-        # group variances
-        vars <-  tapply(comm, group, var)
-        # dispersion
-        d <- vars / means
-        # average dispersion 
-        d_hat <- sum(d * (nrep - 1)) / sum(nrep - 1)
-        ## Test
-        # original chisq values
-        chi_o <- sum((comm - means[group])^2 / means[group])
-        # permutations
-        # calculate chisq
-        pfun <- function(comm, group){
-            means <-  tapply(comm, group, mean)
-            if(any(means == 0)) {
-                comm <- comm[means[group] != 0]
-                group <- group[means[group] != 0, drop = TRUE]
-                means <- means[means != 0]
-            }
-            chi <- sum((comm - means[group])^2 / means[group])
-            return(chi)
-        }
-        # sum of individuals per group
-        sums <- tapply(comm, group, sum)
-        # realocate randomly individuals to replications
-        perms <- vector('list', length(sums))
-        for(i in seq_along(sums)) {
-            perms[[i]] <- rmultinom(n = nperm, size = sums[i], prob = rep(1, nrep[i]) / nrep[i])
-        }
-        perms <- t(do.call(rbind, perms))
-        chi_p <- apply(perms, 1, pfun, sort(group))
-        p <- (sum(chi_p >= chi_o) + 1) / (nperm + 1)
-        out <- list(D = d_hat, p = p, weights = ifelse(p < 0.05, 1/d_hat, 1))
-        return(out)
-    }
-    # apply workhorse to every species
-    out <- apply(comm, 2, dfun, group, nperm, nrep)
-    # format output
-    out <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, out)
-    return(out)
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: pkg/vegan/R/dispweight.R (from rev 2552, pkg/vegan/R/disp_weight.R)
--- pkg/vegan/R/dispweight.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/dispweight.R	2013-07-10 11:48:43 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+`dispweight` <-
+    function(comm, group, nperm = 1000)
+    # number of replicates per group
+    nrep <- tabulate(group) 
+    # workhorse
+    dfun <- function(comm, group, nperm, nrep) {
+        ## Calc Dispersion
+        # group means
+        means <-  tapply(comm, group, mean)
+        # omit groups with mean == 0
+        if(any(means == 0)) {
+            comm <- comm[means[group] != 0]
+            group <- group[means[group] != 0, drop = TRUE]
+            nrep <- nrep[means != 0]
+            means <- means[means != 0]
+        }
+        # group variances
+        vars <-  tapply(comm, group, var)
+        # dispersion
+        d <- vars / means
+        # average dispersion 
+        d_hat <- sum(d * (nrep - 1)) / sum(nrep - 1)
+        ## Test
+        # original chisq values
+        chi_o <- sum((comm - means[group])^2 / means[group])
+        # permutations
+        # calculate chisq
+        pfun <- function(comm, group){
+            means <-  tapply(comm, group, mean)
+            if(any(means == 0)) {
+                comm <- comm[means[group] != 0]
+                group <- group[means[group] != 0, drop = TRUE]
+                means <- means[means != 0]
+            }
+            chi <- sum((comm - means[group])^2 / means[group])
+            return(chi)
+        }
+        # sum of individuals per group
+        sums <- tapply(comm, group, sum)
+        # realocate randomly individuals to replications
+        perms <- vector('list', length(sums))
+        for(i in seq_along(sums)) {
+            perms[[i]] <- rmultinom(n = nperm, size = sums[i], prob = rep(1, nrep[i]) / nrep[i])
+        }
+        perms <- t(do.call(rbind, perms))
+        chi_p <- apply(perms, 1, pfun, sort(group))
+        p <- (sum(chi_p >= chi_o) + 1) / (nperm + 1)
+        out <- list(D = d_hat, p = p, weights = ifelse(p < 0.05, 1/d_hat, 1))
+        return(out)
+    }
+    # apply workhorse to every species
+    out <- apply(comm, 2, dfun, group, nperm, nrep)
+    # format output
+    weights <-  unlist(sapply(out, '[', 3))
+    out <- list(D = unlist(sapply(out, '[', 1)), 
+                p = unlist(sapply(out, '[', 2)),
+                weights = weights,
+                transformed = sweep(comm, MARGIN = 2, weights, `*`))
+    attr(out, "permutations") <- nperm
+    class(out) <- "dispweight"
+    return(out)
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/vegan/man/disp_weight.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/disp_weight.Rd	2013-07-10 11:48:42 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/disp_weight.Rd	2013-07-10 11:48:43 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-\title{Dispersion-based weighting of species counts}
-\description{Transform abundance data using dispersion-based weighting of species counts}
-\usage{disp_weight(comm, group, nperm = 1000)}
-  \item{comm}{Community data matrix.}
-  \item{group}{Factor describing the group structure.}
-  \item{nperm}{Number of permutations}
-Dispersion weighting can be used when there are \emph{a priori} defined groups 
-(eg. lacation of samples). 
-The dispersion index (D) is calculated as ratio between 
-variance and mean and averaged across groups. D can then be used as divisor to 
-downweight species abundances.
-However species should be only downweighted, when there is evidence for 
-over-dispersion (D > 1). This is tested using a permutational Chi-squared test. 
-If this test shows statistically significant over-dispersion then the species is 
-downweighted by 1/D, else the divisor is 1.
-A data.frame with three columns:
-    \item{D}{Average Dispersion index}
-    \item{p}{p-value of permutation test that D = 1}
-    \item{weights}{weights to apply to community data}
-Clarke, K. R., M. G. Chapman, P. J. Somerfield, and H. R. Needham. 2006. Dispersion-based Weighting of Species Counts in Assemblage Analyses. \emph{Marine Ecology Progress Series}, 320, 11–27.
-  Eduard Szöcs \email{szoe8822 at uni-landau.de}
-# calculate weights
-dpw <- disp_weight(dune, dune.env$Management, nperm = 100)
-# calculate transformed data
-sweep(dune, MARGIN = 2, dpw$weights, `*`)

Copied: pkg/vegan/man/dispweight.Rd (from rev 2552, pkg/vegan/man/disp_weight.Rd)
--- pkg/vegan/man/dispweight.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/dispweight.Rd	2013-07-10 11:48:43 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+\title{Dispersion-based weighting of species counts}
+\description{Transform abundance data using dispersion-based weighting of species counts}
+\usage{disp_weight(comm, group, nperm = 1000)}
+  \item{comm}{Community data matrix.}
+  \item{group}{Factor describing the group structure.}
+  \item{nperm}{Number of permutations.}
+Dispersion weighting can be used when there are \emph{a priori} defined groups 
+(eg. lacation of samples). 
+The dispersion index (D) is calculated as ratio between 
+variance and mean and averaged across groups. D can then be used as divisor to 
+downweight species abundances.
+However species should be only downweighted, when there is evidence for 
+over-dispersion (D > 1). This is tested using a permutational Chi-squared test. 
+If this test shows statistically significant over-dispersion then the species is 
+downweighted by 1/D, else the divisor is 1.
+A list of class \code{dispweight} with the following items:
+    \item{D}{Average Dispersion index.}
+    \item{p}{p-value of permutation test that D = 1.}
+    \item{weights}{weights applied to community data.}
+    \item{transformed}{transformed community data.}
+Clarke, K. R., M. G. Chapman, P. J. Somerfield, and H. R. Needham. 2006. Dispersion-based Weighting of Species Counts in Assemblage Analyses. \emph{Marine Ecology Progress Series}, 320, 11–27.
+  Eduard Szöcs \email{szoe8822 at uni-landau.de}
+# calculate weights
+dpw <- disp_weight(dune, dune.env$Management, nperm = 100)
+# transformed community data

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