[Vegan-commits] r2322 - pkg/vegan/inst
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Wed Oct 10 10:03:29 CEST 2012
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2012-10-10 10:03:28 +0200 (Wed, 10 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 2322
copy vegan 2.0-5 NEWS from branches/2.0
Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd 2012-10-09 16:58:28 UTC (rev 2321)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd 2012-10-10 08:03:28 UTC (rev 2322)
@@ -2,6 +2,98 @@
\title{vegan News}
+\section{Changes in version 2.0-5}{
+ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{
+ \itemize{
+ \item \code{anova(<cca_object>, ...)} failed with \code{by =
+ "axis"} and \code{by = "term"}. The bug was reported by Dr Sven
+ Neulinger (Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany).
+ \item \code{radlattice} did not honour argument \code{BIC = TRUE},
+ but always displayed AIC.
+ }
+ } % bug fixes
+ \subsection{NEW FUNCTIONS}{
+ \itemize{
+ \item Most \pkg{vegan} functions with permutation tests have now a
+ \code{density} method that can be used to find empirical
+ probability distributions of permutations. There is a new
+ \code{plot} method for these functions that displays both the
+ density and the observed statistic. The \code{density} function is
+ available for \code{adonis}, \code{anosim}, \code{mantel},
+ \code{mantel.partial}, \code{mrpp}, \code{permutest.cca} and
+ \code{procrustes}.
+ Function \code{adonis} can return several statistics, and it has
+ now a \code{densityplot} method (based on \pkg{lattice}).
+ Function \code{oecosimu} already had \code{density} and
+ \code{densityplot}, but they are now similar to other \pkg{vegan}
+ methods, and also work with \code{adipart}, \code{hiersimu} and
+ \code{multipart}.
+ \item \code{radfit} functions got a \code{predict} method that
+ also accepts arguments \code{newdata} and \code{total} for new
+ ranks and site totals for prediction. The functions can also
+ interpolate to non-integer \dQuote{ranks}, and in some models
+ also extrapolate.
+ }
+ } % new functions
+ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{
+ \itemize{
+ \item Labels can now be set in the \code{plot} of \code{envfit}
+ results. The labels must be given in the same order that the
+ function uses internally, and new support function \code{labels}
+ can be used to display the default labels in their correct order.
+ \item Mantel tests (functions \code{mantel} and
+ \code{mantel.partial}) gained argument \code{na.rm} which can be
+ used to remove missing values. This options should be used with
+ care: Permutation tests can be biased if the missing values were
+ originally in matching or fixed positions.
+ \item \code{radfit} results can be consistently accessed with
+ the same methods whether they were a single model for a single
+ site, all models for a single site or all models for all sites
+ in the data. All functions now have methods \code{AIC},
+ \code{coef}, \code{deviance}, \code{logLik}, \code{fitted},
+ \code{predict} and \code{residuals}.
+ }
+ } % new features
+ \itemize{
+ \item Building of \pkg{vegan} vignettes failed with the latest
+ version of LaTeX (TeXLive 2012).
+ \item \R{} versions later than 2.15-1 (including development
+ version) report warnings and errors when installing and checking
+ \pkg{vegan}, and you must upgrade \pkg{vegan} to this version.
+ The warnings concern functions \code{cIndexKM} and
+ \code{betadisper}, and the error occurs in \code{betadisper}.
+ These errors and warnings were triggered by internal changes in
+ \R.
+ }
+ } % installation and building
+} % version 2.0-5
\section{Changes in version 2.0-4}{
\subsection{BUG FIXES}{
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