[Vegan-commits] r1862 - in pkg/vegan: . inst man

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Tue Sep 20 18:40:55 CEST 2011

Author: psolymos
Date: 2011-09-20 18:40:55 +0200 (Tue, 20 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 1862

documenting new nullmodel functions

Modified: pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE	2011-09-20 16:40:28 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE	2011-09-20 16:40:55 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
 export(CCorA, MOStest, RsquareAdj, SSarrhenius, SSgitay, SSgleason,
 SSlomolino, adipart, adonis, anosim, beals, betadisper, betadiver,
 bgdispersal, bioenv, bstick, cIndexKM, calibrate, capscale, cascadeKM,
-cca, commsimulator, contribdiv, clamtest, decorana, decostand, designdist,
+cca, commsimulator, contribdiv, clamtest, commsim,
+decorana, decostand, designdist,
 coverscale, dispindmorisita, distconnected, diversity, downweight,
 drarefy, eigengrad, eigenvals, envfit, estaccumR, estimateR, eventstar,
 factorfit, fisherfit, fitspecaccum, goodness, hiersimu, humpfit,
 indpower, inertcomp, initMDS, intersetcor, isomapdist, isomap,
 linestack, mantel, meandist, metaMDSdist, metaMDSiter, metaMDSredist,
-MDSrotate, metaMDS, monoMDS, mrpp, msoplot, mso, multipart,
-nestedchecker, nesteddisc, nestedn0, nestednodf, nestedtemp, oecosimu,
-ordiR2step, ordiarrows, ordicloud, ordicluster,
+MDSrotate, metaMDS, monoMDS, mrpp, msoplot, mso, multipart, make.commsim,
+nestedchecker, nesteddisc, nestedn0, nestednodf, nestedtemp, nullmodel,
+oecosimu, ordiR2step, ordiarrows, ordicloud, ordicluster,
 ordiellipse, ordigrid, ordihull, ordilabel, ordiplot3d,
 ordiplot, ordipointlabel, ordiresids, ordirgl, ordisegments,
 ordispider, ordisplom, ordistep, ordisurf, orditkplot, orditorp,
@@ -269,6 +270,7 @@
 S3method(print, bioenv)
 S3method(print, capscale)
 S3method(print, cca)
+S3method(print, commsim)
 S3method(print, decorana)
 S3method(print, eigenvals)
 S3method(print, envfit)
@@ -289,6 +291,7 @@
 S3method(print, nestedn0)
 S3method(print, nestednodf)
 S3method(print, nestedtemp)
+S3method(print, nullmodel)
 S3method(print, oecosimu)
 S3method(print, permat)
 S3method(print, permutest.betadisper)
@@ -301,6 +304,7 @@
 S3method(print, radfit.frame)
 S3method(print, radline)
 S3method(print, specaccum)
+S3method(print, simmat)
 S3method(print, summary.bioenv)
 S3method(print, summary.cca)
 S3method(print, summary.clamtest)
@@ -355,6 +359,7 @@
 S3method(simulate, capscale)
 S3method(simulate, cca)
 S3method(simulate, rda)
+S3method(simulate, nullmodel)
 # stressplot: vegan
 S3method(stressplot, default)
 S3method(stressplot, monoMDS)
@@ -388,6 +393,8 @@
 S3method(text, procrustes)
 # tolerance: vegan -- or analogue?? Gav?
 S3method(tolerance, cca)
+# update: stats
+S3method(update, nullmodel)
 # vif: car -- but not used as a S3method within vegan
 # because of car definition: could be defined as exported 'vif' generic
 # in vegan with namespace

Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog	2011-09-20 16:40:28 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/ChangeLog	2011-09-20 16:40:55 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -9,6 +9,28 @@
 	call should now be defined as as.integer() instead of old
+	* New functions: commsim is used to define Null Model Algorithms
+	via a function that returns n x m x nsim array of permuted
+	matrices based on structural constraints. make.commsim
+	contains Null Model Algorithms already defined in vegan 
+	from commsimulator and permat* functions (and some more).
+	The nullmodel function creates an environment, where statistics
+	of the input matrix are stored. The environment also stores
+	updated status of sequential algorithms and current number of 
+	iterations. The update and simulate methods are used to
+	update the nullmodel (for sequential algorithms) or
+	simulate random matrices, respectively. The simulate
+	method returns the n x m nsim array (simmat class).
+	Efficiency gains are sometimes high (because marginal
+	statistics are calculate only once by nullmodel), 
+	but not significant in most cases. 
+	Most advanageously, this implementation
+	can unite the commsimulator and permat* branches
+	and can serve as basis for further extensions.
+	Current intent is to investigate how this low level
+	infrastructure can be used within oecosimu and permat*
+	functions without breaking current vegan functionality.
 Version 2.1-0 (closed September 20, 2011)
 	* New major version opened with the release of vegan_2.0-0 on

Added: pkg/vegan/man/commsim.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/commsim.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/commsim.Rd	2011-09-20 16:40:55 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+Create a Object for Null Model Algorithms
+The \code{commsim} function can be used to feed Null Model algorithms into
+\code{\link{nullmodel}} analysis.
+The \code{make.commsim} function returns various predefined algorithm type
+(see Details).
+These functions represent low level interface for community null model
+infrastructure in \pkg{vegan} with the intent of extensibility,
+and less emphasis on direct use by users.
+commsim(method, fun, binary, isSeq, mode)
+\method{print}{commsim}(x, ...)
+  \item{method}{
+Character, name of the algorithm.
+  \item{fun}{
+A function. For possible arguments see Details.
+  \item{binary}{
+Logical, if the algorithm applies to presence-abseence or count matrices.
+  \item{isSeq}{
+Logical, if the algorthm is sequential (needs burnin).
+  \item{mode}{
+Character, storage mode of community matrix, either 
+\code{"integer"} or \code{"double"}.
+  \item{x}{
+A \code{commsim} object.
+  \item{\dots}{
+Additional arguments.
+The function \code{fun} must take some of the
+following arguments:
+  item{\code{x}: }{input matrix,}
+  item{\code{n}: }{number of permuted matrices in output,}
+  item{\code{nr}: }{number of rows,}
+  item{\code{nc}: }{number of columns,}
+  item{\code{rs}: }{vector of row sums,}
+  item{\code{cs}: }{vector of column sums,}
+  item{\code{rf}: }{vector of row frequencies (nonzero cells),}
+  item{\code{cf}: }{vector of column frequencies (nonzero cells),}
+  item{\code{s}: }{total sum of \code{x}}
+  item{\code{fill}: }{matrix fill,}
+  item{\code{thin}: }{thinning value for sequential algorithms,}
+  item{\code{...}: }{additional arguments.}
+Autput must be an array of \code{dim(nr, nc, n)}.
+The following algorithms are currently predefined:
+%% commsimulator
+  \item{\code{"r00"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This maintains the number of presences but fills 
+    these anywhere so that neither species (column) nor 
+    site (row) totals are preserved. See Wright et al. (1998) for review.}
+  \item{\code{"r0"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This maintains the site (row) frequencies,
+    fills presences anywhere on the row with no respect to 
+    species (column) frequencies. See Wright et al. (1998) for review.}
+  \item{\code{"r1"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This maintains the site (row) frequencies,
+    uses column marginal frequencies as probabilities. 
+    It tries to simulate original species frequencies, 
+    but it is not strictly constrained. See Wright et al. (1998) for review.}
+  \item{\code{"r2"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This maintains the site (row) frequencies,
+    uses squared column sums as as probabilities. 
+    It tries to simulate original species frequencies, 
+    but it is not strictly constrained. See Wright et al. (1998) for review.}
+  \item{\code{"c0"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This method maintains species frequencies, 
+    but does not honour site (row) frequencies (Jonsson 2001). }
+  \item{\code{"swap"}: }{sequential algorithm for binary matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This changes the matrix structure, but does not influence 
+    marginal sums (Gotelli & Entsminger 2003).
+    This inspects 2 x 2 submatrices so long that a swap can be done.}
+  \item{\code{"tswap"}: }{sequential algorithm for binary matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    Same as the \code{"swap"} algorithm, but it
+    is trying a fixed number of times and doing zero to 
+    many swaps at one step (according th thin argument in later call, 
+    see Examples). This approach was suggested by
+    \enc{Miklós}{Miklos} & Podani (2004) because they found that ordinary swap
+    may lead into biased sequences, 
+    since some columns or rows may be more easily swapped.}
+  \item{\code{"quasiswap"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This method implements a 
+    method where matrix is first filled honouring row and 
+    column totals, but with integers that may be larger than one. 
+    Then the method inspects random 2x2 matrices and performs a 
+    quasiswap on them. Quasiswap is similar to ordinary swap, 
+    but it also can reduce numbers above one to ones maintaining 
+    marginal totals (\enc{Miklós}{Miklos} & Podani 2004). }
+  \item{\code{"backtracking"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for binary matrices described 
+    in the page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+    This method implements a filling method with constraints 
+    both for row and column frequencies (Gotelli & Entsminger 2001). 
+    The matrix is first filled randomly using row and column frequencies 
+    as probabilities. Typically row and column sums are reached before 
+    all incidences are filled in. After that begins "backtracking", 
+    where some of the points are removed, and then filling is 
+    started again, and this backtracking is done so may times that 
+    all incidences will be filled into matrix.}
+%% permatswap
+  \item{\code{"swap_count"}: }{sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    This algorithm tries to find 2 x 2 submatrices 
+    (identified by 2 random row and 2 random column indices), 
+    that can be swapped in order to leave column and row totals 
+    and fill unchanged. First, the algorithm finds the largest 
+    value in the submatrix that can be swapped (\eqn{d}) 
+    and whether in diagonal or antidiagonal way. 
+    Submatrices that contain values larger than zero in either 
+    diagonal or antidiagonal position can be swapped. 
+    Swap means that the values in diagonal or antidiagonal 
+    positions are decreased by \eqn{d}, while remaining cells 
+    are increased by \eqn{d}. A swap is made only if fill doesn't change. 
+    \bold{WARNING}: according to simulations, 
+    this algorithm seems to be biased and non random, 
+    thus its use should be avoided!}
+  \item{\code{"quasiswap_count"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    This algorithm uses the same trick as 
+    Carsten Dormann's \code{\link[bipartite]{swap.web}} 
+    function in the package \pkg{bipartite}. First, a 
+    random matrix is generated by the \code{\link{r2dtable}} 
+    function retaining row and column sums. 
+    Then the original matrix fill is reconstructed by 
+    sequential steps to increase or decrease matrix fill in 
+    the random matrix. These steps are based on swapping 2 x 2 
+    submatrices (see \code{"swap_count"} algorithm for details) 
+    to maintain row and column totals. }
+  \item{\code{"swsh_samp"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm. 
+    First, it makes binary quasiswaps to keep row and column 
+    incidences constant, then non-zero values are 
+    modified by shuffling original nonzero samples among the new
+    nonzero cells of the binary matrix.}
+  \item{\code{"swsh_both"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm. 
+    First, it makes binary quasiswaps to keep row and column 
+    incidences constant, then non-zero values are 
+    modified by shuffling original nonzero samples among the new
+    nonzero cells of the binary matrix, individuals of the
+    nonzero cells are also shuffled.}
+  \item{\code{"swsh_samp_r"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm. 
+    First, it makes binary quasiswaps to keep row and column 
+    incidences constant, then non-zero values are 
+    modified by shuffling original nonzero samples among the new
+    nonzero cells of the binary matrix, separately for each rows.}
+  \item{\code{"swsh_samp_c"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm. 
+    First, it makes binary quasiswaps to keep row and column 
+    incidences constant, then non-zero values are 
+    modified by shuffling original nonzero samples among the new
+    nonzero cells of the binary matrix, separately for each columns.}
+  \item{\code{"swsh_both_r"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm. 
+    First, it makes binary quasiswaps to keep row and column 
+    incidences constant, then non-zero values are 
+    modified by shuffling original nonzero samples among the new
+    nonzero cells of the binary matrix, individuals of the
+    nonzero cells are also shuffled, separately for each rows.}
+  \item{\code{"swsh_both_c"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}}.
+    The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm. 
+    First, it makes binary quasiswaps to keep row and column 
+    incidences constant, then non-zero values are 
+    modified by shuffling original nonzero samples among the new
+    nonzero cells of the binary matrix, individuals of the
+    nonzero cells are also shuffled, separately for each columns.}
+  \item{\code{"abuswap_r"}: }{sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}} (\code{"abuswap"} 
+    algorithm with fixed row freqencies).
+    The algorithm produces matrices by swapping
+    2 x 2 submatrices. Each step changes the the corresponding
+    column sums, but honours matrix fill, row sums,
+    and row/column frequencies, 
+    as described in Hardy (2008; randomization scheme 2x).}
+  \item{\code{"abuswap_c"}: }{sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatswap}} (\code{"abuswap"} 
+    algorithm with fixed column freqencies).
+    The algorithm produces matrices by swapping
+    2 x 2 submatrices. Each step changes the the corresponding
+    row sums, but honours matrix fill, column sums,
+    and row/column frequencies, 
+    as described in Hardy (2008; randomization scheme 3x).}
+%% permatfull
+  \item{\code{"r2dtable"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{r2dtable}} and \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps matrix sum and row/column sums constant.}
+  \item{\code{"r00_ind"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps total sum constant,
+    individuals are shullfed among cells of the matrix.}
+  \item{\code{"r0_ind"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps row sums constant,
+    individuals are shullfed among cells of each row of the matrix.}
+  \item{\code{"c0_ind"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps column sums constant,
+    individuals are shullfed among cells of each column of the matrix.}
+  \item{\code{"r00_samp"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps total sum constant,
+    cells of the matrix are shuffled.}
+  \item{\code{"r0_samp"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps row sums constant,
+    cells within each row are shuffled.}
+  \item{\code{"c0_samp"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps column sums constant,
+    cells within each columns are shuffled.}
+  \item{\code{"r00_both"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps total sum constant,
+    cells and individuals among cells of the matrix are shuffled.}
+  \item{\code{"r0_both"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps total sum constant,
+    cells and individuals among cells of each row are shuffled.}
+  \item{\code{"c0_both"}: }{non-sequential algorithm for count matrices 
+    described in the page of \code{\link{permatfull}}.
+    This algorithm keeps total sum constant,
+    cells and individuals among cells of each column are shuffled.}
+For structural constraints imposed by each algorithm, see Examples.
+An object of class \code{"commsim"} with elements 
+corresponding to the arguments (\code{method}, \code{binary}, 
+\code{isSeq}, \code{fun}).
+IF the input of \code{make.comsimm} is a \code{commsim} object,
+it is returned without further evaluation. If this is not the case,
+the character \code{method} argument is matched agains
+predefined algorithm names. An error message is issued
+if none such is found.
+  Hardy, O. J. (2008) 
+  Testing the spatial phylogenetic structure of local communities: 
+  statistical performances of different null models 
+  and test statistics on a locally neutral community. 
+  \emph{Journal of Ecology} 96, 914--926.
+  Patefield, W. M. (1981) Algorithm AS159. 
+  An efficient method of generating r x c tables with 
+  given row and column totals. 
+  \emph{Applied Statistics} 30, 91--97.
+  Gotelli, N.J. & Entsminger, N.J. (2001). Swap and fill algorithms in
+  null model analysis: rethinking the knight's tour. \emph{Oecologia}
+  129, 281--291.
+  Gotelli, N.J. & Entsminger, N.J. (2003). Swap algorithms in null model
+  analysis. \emph{Ecology} 84, 532--535.
+  Jonsson, B.G. (2001) A null model for randomization tests of
+  nestedness in species assemblages. \emph{Oecologia} 127, 309--313.
+  \enc{Miklós}{Miklos}, I. & Podani, J. (2004). Randomization of presence-absence
+  matrices: comments and new algorithms. \emph{Ecology} 85, 86--92.
+  Wright, D.H., Patterson, B.D., Mikkelson, G.M., Cutler, A. & Atmar,
+  W. (1998). A comparative analysis of nested subset patterns of species
+  composition. \emph{Oecologia} 113, 1--20.
+Peter Solymos \email{solymos at ualberta.ca}
+\code{\link{commsimulator}}, \code{\link{permatfull}}, 
+\code{\link{permatswap}}, \code{\link{oecosimu}}.
+## write the r00 algorithm
+f <- function(x, n, ...) 
+    array(replicate(n, sample(x)), c(dim(x), n))
+(cs <- commsim("r00", fun=f, binary=TRUE, 
+    isSeq=FALSE, mode="integer"))
+## retrieving the sequential swap algorithm
+## structural constraints
+diagfun <- function(x, y) {
+    c(sum = sum(y) == sum(x),
+        fill = sum(y > 0) == sum(x > 0),
+        rowSums = all(rowSums(y) == rowSums(x)),
+        colSums = all(colSums(y) == colSums(x)),
+        rowFreq = all(rowSums(y > 0) == rowSums(x > 0)),
+        colFreq = all(colSums(y > 0) == colSums(x > 0)))
+evalfun <- function(meth, x, n) {
+    m <- nullmodel(x, meth)
+    y <- simulate(m, nsim=n)
+    out <- rowMeans(sapply(1:dim(y)[3], 
+        function(i) diagfun(attr(y, "data"), y[,,i])))
+    z <- as.numeric(c(attr(y, "binary"), attr(y, "isSeq")))
+    names(z) <- c("binary", "isSeq")
+    c(z, out)
+x <- matrix(rbinom(10*12, 1, 0.5)*rpois(10*12, 3), 12, 10)
+a <- t(sapply(c("r00","r0","r1","r2","c0",
+    "swap","tswap","quasiswap","backtrack",
+    "r2dtable","swap_count","quasiswap_count",
+    "swsh_samp","swsh_both","abuswap_r","abuswap_c",
+    "swsh_samp_r","swsh_samp_c","swsh_both_r","swsh_both_c",
+    "r00_ind","r0_ind","c0_ind",
+    "r00_samp","r0_samp","c0_samp",
+    "r00_both","r0_both","c0_both"), 
+    evalfun, x=x, n=10))
+print(as.table(ifelse(a==1,1,0)), zero.print = ".")
+\keyword{ multivariate }
+\keyword{ datagen }

Added: pkg/vegan/man/nullmodel.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/nullmodel.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/nullmodel.Rd	2011-09-20 16:40:55 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+Null Model and Simulation
+The \code{nullmodel} function creates an object,
+which can serve as a basis for Null Model simulation
+via the \code{\link{simulate}} method.
+\code{\link{update}} method updated the nullmodel
+object without sampling (effective for sequential algorithms).
+nullmodel(x, method)
+\method{print}{nullmodel}(x, ...)
+\method{simulate}{nullmodel}(object, nsim = 1, 
+seed = NULL, burnin = 0, thin = 1, ...)
+\method{update}{nullmodel}(object, nsim = 1, 
+seed = NULL, ...)
+\method{print}{simmat}(x, ...)
+  \item{x}{
+A community matrix.
+  \item{method}{
+Character, specifying one of the null model algorithms
+listed in the help page of \code{\link{commsim}}.
+It can be a user supplied object of class \code{commsim}.
+For the \code{print} method, it is an object to be printed.
+  \item{object}{
+A \code{nullmodel} object returned by
+the function \code{nullmodel}.
+  \item{nsim}{
+Number of simulated matrices to return.
+For the \code{update} method, it is the number of
+burnin steps made for sequential algorithms
+to update the status of the input model.
+  \item{seed}{
+An object specifying if and how the random number 
+generator should be initialized ("seeded").
+Either \code{NULL} or an integer that will be 
+used in a call to \code{\link{set.seed}} before 
+simulating the matrices. 
+If set, the value is saved as the 
+\code{"seed"} attribute of the returned value. 
+The default, \code{NULL} will not change the 
+random generator state, and return 
+\code{\link{.Random.seed}} as the \code{"seed"}
+ attribute, see Value. 
+  \item{burnin}{
+Nonnegative integer, specifying the number of steps
+discarded befor starting simulation.
+Active only for sequential null model algorithms.
+Ignored for non-sequential null model algorithms.
+  \item{thin}{
+Positive integer, number of simulation steps
+made between each returned matrix.
+Active only for sequential null model algorithms.
+Ignored for non-sequential null model algorithms.
+  \item{\dots}{
+Additional arguments supplied to algorithms.
+The purpose of the \code{nullmodel} function is to
+create an object, where all necessari statistics of the
+input matrix is calculated only once.
+This information is reused, but not recalculated
+in each step of the simulation process dome by
+the \code{simulate} method.
+The \code{simulate} method carries out the simulation,
+the simulated matrices are stored in an array.
+For sequential algorithms, the method updates the state
+of the input \code{nullmodel} object.
+Therefore, it is possible to make disgnostic
+tests of the returned \code{simmat} object,
+and make further simulations, or use
+increased thinning value if desired.
+The \code{update} method makes burnin steps in case
+of sequential algorithms to update the status of the 
+input model without any attempt to return any matrices.
+For non-sequential algorithms the method does nothing.
+\code{update} is the preferred way of making burnin iterations
+without sampling. Alternatively, burnin can be done
+via the \code{simulate} method. For convergence
+diagnistics, it is recommended to use the
+\code{simulate} method without burnin.
+The input nullmodel object is updated, so further
+samples can be simulated if desired without having
+to start the process all over again. See Examples.
+The function code{nullmodel} returns an object of class \code{"nullmodel"}.
+It is a set of objects sharing the same environment:
+  \item{\code{data}: }{original matrix in ineger mode.}
+  \item{\code{nrow}: }{number of rows.}
+  \item{\code{ncol}: }{number of columns.}
+  \item{\code{rowSums}: }{row sums.}
+  \item{\code{colSums}: }{column sums.}
+  \item{\code{rowFreq}: }{row frequencies (number of nonzero cells).}
+  \item{\code{colFreq}: }{column frequencies (number of nonzero cells).}
+  \item{\code{totalSum}: }{total sum.}
+  \item{\code{fill}: }{number of nonzero cells in the matrix.}
+  \item{\code{commsim}: }{the \code{commsim} object as a result
+    of the \code{method} ergument}
+  \item{\code{state}: }{current state of the permutations, 
+    a matrix similar to the original.
+    It is \code{NULL} for non-sequential algorithms.}
+  \item{\code{iter}: }{current number of iterations 
+  for sequential algorithms.
+    It is \code{NULL} for non-sequential algorithms.}
+The \code{simulate} method returns an object of class \code{simmat}.
+It is a list with element \code{data} for the original matrix,
+and \code{perm} for an array of simulated matrices (third dimension
+corresponding to \code{nsim} argument).
+The \code{update} method returns \code{NULL} invisibly,
+and update the input object for sequential algorithms.
+Peter Solymos \email{solymos at ualberta.ca}
+\code{\link{commsim}}, \code{\link{make.commsim}}, 
+\code{\link{permatfull}}, \code{\link{permatswap}}
+x <- matrix(rbinom(10*12, 1, 0.5)*rpois(10*12, 3), 12, 10)
+## non-sequential nullmodel
+(nm <- nullmodel(x, "r00"))
+(sm <- simulate(nm, nsim=10))
+## sequential nullmodel
+(nm <- nullmodel(x, "swap"))
+(sm1 <- simulate(nm, nsim=10, thin=5))
+(sm2 <- simulate(nm, nsim=10, thin=5))
+## sequential nullmodel with burnin and extra updating
+(nm <- nullmodel(x, "swap"))
+(sm1 <- simulate(nm, burnin=10, nsim=10, thin=5))
+(sm2 <- simulate(nm, nsim=10, thin=5))
+## sequential nullmodel with separate initial burnin
+(nm <- nullmodel(x, "swap"))
+update(nm, nsim=10)
+(sm2 <- simulate(nm, nsim=10, thin=5))
+\keyword{ multivariate }
+\keyword{ datagen }

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