[Vegan-commits] r1955 - pkg/vegan/inst
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Wed Oct 19 21:05:13 CEST 2011
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2011-10-19 21:05:11 +0200 (Wed, 19 Oct 2011)
New Revision: 1955
merge NEWS from branches/2.0
Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd 2011-10-18 17:52:32 UTC (rev 1954)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd 2011-10-19 19:05:11 UTC (rev 1955)
@@ -13,11 +13,17 @@
habitat types or sampling units, and is applicable only to count
data with no over-dispersion.
+ \item \code{as.preston} gained \code{plot} and \code{lines}, and
+ \code{as.fisher} gained \code{plot} method (which also can add
+ items to existing plots). These are similar as \code{plot} and
+ \code{lines} for \code{prestonfit} and \code{fisherfit}, but
+ display only data without the fitted model.
\item \code{raupcrick}: new function to implement Raup-Crick
dissimilarity as a probability of number of co-occurring species
with occurrence probabilities proportional to species
frequencies. \pkg{Vegan} has Raup-Crick index as a choice in
- \code{vegdist}, but it uses equal sampling probabilities for
+ \code{vegdist}, but that uses equal sampling probabilities for
species and analytic equations. The new \code{raupcrick}
function uses simulation with \code{oecosimu}. The function
follows Chase et al. (2011) \emph{Ecosphere} 2:art24
@@ -30,16 +36,44 @@
\subsection{BUG FIXES}{
- \item Function \code{meandist} could randomly permute items,
- especially when the \code{grouping} was numerical. The problem
- was reported by Dr Miguel Alvarez (Univ. Bonn).
+ \item Function \code{meandist} can scramble items and confusing
+ results, especially when the \code{grouping} was numerical. The
+ problem was reported by Dr Miguel Alvarez (Univ. Bonn).
+ \item \code{metaMDS} did not reset \code{tries} when a new model
+ was started with a \code{previous.best} solution from a different
+ model.
\item Function \code{permatswap} for community null models using
quantitative swap never swapped items in a \eqn{2 \times 2}{2 by 2}
submatrix if all cells were filled.
+ \item The result from \code{permutest.cca} could not be
+ \code{update}d because of a \file{NAMESPACE} issue.
+ \item \R 2.14.0 changed so that it does not accept using
+ \code{sd()} function for matrices, and several \pkg{vegan}
+ functions were changed to adapt to these changes (\code{rda},
+ \code{capscale}, \code{simulate} methods for \code{rda},
+ \code{cca} and \code{capscale}). The change in \R 2.14.0 does
+ not change the results but causes a lot of annoying warnings in
+ \code{rda} and related functions, and you probably wish to
+ upgrade \pkg{vegan}.
} % end BUG FIXES
+ \subsection{ANALYSES}{
+ \itemize{
+ \item \code{nesteddisc} is slacker and hence faster when trying
+ to optimize the statistic for tied column frequencies. Tracing
+ showed that in most cases an improved ordering was found rather
+ early in tries, and the results are equally good in most cases.
+ }
+ } % end ANALYSES
} % end version 2.0-1
\section{Changes in version 2.0-0}{
@@ -48,7 +82,7 @@
\item Peter Minchin joins the \pkg{vegan} team.
- \item \pkg{vegan} implements standard \R \code{NAMESPACE}. In
+ \item \pkg{vegan} implements standard \R \file{NAMESPACE}. In
general, \code{S3} methods are not exported which means that you
cannot directly use or see contents of functions like
\code{cca.default}, \code{plot.cca} or \code{anova.ccabyterm}. To
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