[Vegan-commits] r1100 - pkg/permute/man

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Mon Jan 4 17:22:00 CET 2010

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2010-01-04 17:22:00 +0100 (Mon, 04 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 1100

r1090 forgot to include numPerms.Rd

Added: pkg/permute/man/numPerms.Rd
--- pkg/permute/man/numPerms.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/permute/man/numPerms.Rd	2010-01-04 16:22:00 UTC (rev 1100)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+\title{Number of possible permutations for a given object}
+  \code{numPerms} calculates the maximum number of permutations possible
+  under the current permutation scheme.
+numPerms(object, control = permControl())
+  \item{object}{any object handled by \code{\link{getNumObs}}.}
+  \item{control}{a list of control values describing properties of the
+    permutation design, as returned by a call to
+    \code{\link{permControl}}.}
+  Function \code{numPerms} returns the number of permutations for the
+  passed \code{object} and the selected permutation
+  scheme. \code{object} can be one of a data frame, matrix, an object
+  for which a scores method exists, or a numeric or integer vector. In
+  the case of a numeric or integer vector, a vector of length 1 can be
+  used and it will be expanded to a vector of length \code{object}
+  (i.e., \code{1:object}) before computing the number of
+  permutations. As such, \code{object} can be the number of observations
+  not just the object containing the observations. 
+  The (numeric) number of possible permutaytions of observations in
+  \code{object}.
+  In general, mirroring \code{"series"} or \code{"grid"} designs doubles
+  or quadruples, respectively, the number of permutations without
+  mirroring (within levels of strata if present). This is \strong{not}
+  true in two special cases:
+  \enumerate{
+    \item In \code{"grid"} designs where the number of columns is equal
+    to 2, and
+    \item In \code{"series"} designs where the number of observations in
+    a series is equal to 2.
+  }
+  For example, with 2 observations there are 2 permutations for
+  \code{"series"} designs:
+  \enumerate{
+    \item 1-2, and
+    \item 2-1.
+  }
+  If these two permutations were mirrored, we would have:
+  \enumerate{
+    \item 2-1, and
+    \item 1-2.
+  }
+  It is immediately clear that this is the same set of permutations
+  without mirroring (if one reorders the rows). A similar situation
+  arises in \code{"grid"} designs where the number of \strong{columns}
+  per \emph{grid} is equal to 2. Note that the number of rows per
+  \emph{grid} is not an issue here.
+\author{Gavin Simpson}
+\seealso{\code{\link{permuted.index}} and \code{\link{permControl}}.}
+## permutation design --- see ?permControl
+ctrl <- permControl() ## defaults to freely exchangeable
+## vector
+v <- 1:10
+(obs <- getNumObs(v))
+numPerms(v, control = ctrl)
+## integer
+len <- length(v)
+(obs <- getNumObs(len))
+numPerms(len, control = ctrl)
+## new design, objects are a time series
+ctrl <- permControl(within = Within(type = "series"))
+numPerms(v, control = ctrl)
+## number of permutations possible drastically reduced...
+## turn on mirroring
+ctrl <- permControl(within = Within(type = "series", mirror = TRUE))
+numPerms(v, control = ctrl)

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