[Vegan-commits] r1056 - in pkg/vegan: R man
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Wed Oct 28 10:33:25 CET 2009
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2009-10-28 10:33:25 +0100 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 1056
Adding 'pcnm' from sedarVegan with history: first veganification
Modified: pkg/vegan/R/pcnm.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/pcnm.R 2009-10-28 09:31:51 UTC (rev 1055)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/pcnm.R 2009-10-28 09:33:25 UTC (rev 1056)
@@ -1,19 +1,28 @@
"pcnm" <-
+ function(matdist, threshold, support = c("vegan", "ade4"))
- matdist <- as.matrix(matdist)
- mattrunc <- ifelse(matdist >thresh, 4*thresh,matdist)
- wa.old <- options()$warn
- options(warn = -1)
- mypcnm <- cmdscale(mattrunc,k=min(dim(matdist))-1,eig=TRUE)
- eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(mypcnm$eig/max((mypcnm$eig))),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 0), TRUE))
- inf0 <- ifelse(mypcnm$eig<0,TRUE,FALSE)
+ EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
+ wa.old <- options(warn = -1)
+ on.exit(options(wa.old))
+ matdist <- as.dist(matdist)
+ if (missing(threshold)) {
+ support <- match.arg(support)
+ threshold <-
+ switch(support,
+ vegan = max(spantree(matdist)$dist),
+ ade4 = max(neig2mat(mstree(matdist)) * as.matrix(matdist))
+ )
+ }
+ matdist[matdist > threshold] <- 4*threshold
+ k <- attr(matdist, "Size") - 1
+ mypcnm <- cmdscale(matdist, k = k, eig = TRUE)
+ eq0 <- abs(mypcnm$eig/max((mypcnm$eig))) <= EPS
+ inf0 <- mypcnm$eig < 0
res <- list()
res$values <- mypcnm$eig[!(eq0|inf0)]
- res$vectors <- mypcnm$points[,!(eq0|inf0)]
- res$vectors <- sweep(res$vectors,2,sqrt(res$values),"/")
- options(warn = wa.old)
- return(res)
+ res$vectors <- mypcnm$points[,!(eq0|inf0), drop = FALSE]
+ res$vectors <- sweep(res$vectors, 2, sqrt(res$values), "/")
+ res$threshold <- threshold
+ class(res) <- "pcnm"
+ res
Modified: pkg/vegan/man/pcnm.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/pcnm.Rd 2009-10-28 09:31:51 UTC (rev 1055)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/pcnm.Rd 2009-10-28 09:33:25 UTC (rev 1056)
@@ -5,31 +5,36 @@
This function computed classical PCNM by the principal coordinate analysis of a truncated distance matrix.
-pcnm(matdist, thresh = give.thresh(as.dist(matdist)))
+pcnm(matdist, threshold, support = c("vegan", "ade4"))
\item{matdist}{ A distance matrix. }
- \item{thresh}{ A threshold value. }
+ \item{threshold}{ A threshold value or truncation distance. If missing,
+ minimum distance giving connected network will be used. This is found
+ as the longest distance in the minimum spanning tre of
+ \code{matdist}. }
+ \item{support}{Use either \pkg{vegan} or \pkg{ade4} function for the
+ minimum spanning tree.}
- A list of two elements:
+ A list of three elements:
\item{values }{Eigenvalues obtained by the principal coordinates analysis.}
\item{vectors }{Eigenvectors obtained by the principal coordinates analysis. They have been normalized to unit norm.}
+ \item{threshold}{Truncation distance.}
\references{ Borcard D. and Legendre P. (2002) All-scale spatial analysis of ecological data by means of principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. \emph{Ecological Modelling} \bold{153}, 51--68. }
-\author{ Stephane Dray }
-\seealso{ \code{\link{give.thresh}} }
+\author{ Stephane Dray, adapted to vegan by Jari Oksanen }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[vegan]{spantree}}, \code{\link[ade4]{mstree}}. }
-pcnm1 <- pcnm(dist(oribatid$xy))
-s.value(oribatid$xy,pcnm1$vectors[,1],cleg=0, sub="PCNM 1",csub=3)
-s.value(oribatid$xy,pcnm1$vectors[,2],cleg=0, sub="PCNM 2",csub=3)
-s.value(oribatid$xy,pcnm1$vectors[,3],cleg=0, sub="PCNM 3",csub=3)
+pcnm1 <- pcnm(dist(mite.xy))
+op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
+ordisurf(mite.xy, pcnm1$vectors[,1])
+ordisurf(mite.xy, pcnm1$vectors[,2])
+ordisurf(mite.xy, pcnm1$vectors[,3])
\keyword{ spatial }
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