[Vegan-commits] r250 - pkg/man
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Mon Mar 3 09:45:18 CET 2008
Author: jarioksa
Date: 2008-03-03 09:45:18 +0100 (Mon, 03 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 250
Added diacritics to Rodriguez-Girones: Aquamacs Emacs can't do these, neither this svn system
Modified: pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd
--- pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd 2008-03-02 18:14:21 UTC (rev 249)
+++ pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd 2008-03-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 250)
@@ -64,28 +64,29 @@
generation of null models is described towards the end of this
- Function \code{netstedchecker} gives the number of checkerboard
- units, or 2x2 submatrices where both species occur once but on
- different sites (Stone & Roberts 1990). Function \code{nestedn0}
- implements nestedness measure N0 which is the number of absences
- from the sites which are richer than the most pauperate site species
- occurs (Patterson & Atmar 1986). Function \code{nesteddisc}
- implements discrepancy index which is the number of ones that should
- be shifted to fill a row with ones in a table arranged by species
- frequencies (Brualdi & Sanderson 1999). Function \code{nestedtemp}
- finds the matrix temperature which is defined as the sum of
- \dQuote{surprises} in arranged matrix. In arranged unsurprising
- matrix all species within proportion given by matrix fill are in the
- upper left corner of the matrix, and the surprise of the absence or
- presences is the diagonal distance from the fill line (Atmar &
- Patterson 1993). Function tries to pack species and sites to a
- minimal temperature (Rodriguez-Girones & Santamaria 2006), but this
- is an iterative procedure, and the temperatures usually vary among
- runs. Function \code{nestedtemp} also has a \code{plot} method
- which can display either incidences or temperatures of the
- surprises. Matrix temperature was rather vaguely described (Atmar &
- Patterson 1993), but Rodriguez-Girones & Santamaria (2006) are more
- explicit and their description is used here. However, the results
+ Function \code{netstedchecker} gives the number of checkerboard units,
+ or 2x2 submatrices where both species occur once but on different
+ sites (Stone & Roberts 1990). Function \code{nestedn0} implements
+ nestedness measure N0 which is the number of absences from the sites
+ which are richer than the most pauperate site species occurs
+ (Patterson & Atmar 1986). Function \code{nesteddisc} implements
+ discrepancy index which is the number of ones that should be shifted
+ to fill a row with ones in a table arranged by species frequencies
+ (Brualdi & Sanderson 1999). Function \code{nestedtemp} finds the
+ matrix temperature which is defined as the sum of \dQuote{surprises}
+ in arranged matrix. In arranged unsurprising matrix all species
+ within proportion given by matrix fill are in the upper left corner of
+ the matrix, and the surprise of the absence or presences is the
+ diagonal distance from the fill line (Atmar & Patterson
+ 1993). Function tries to pack species and sites to a minimal
+ temperature (\enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria
+ 2006), but this is an iterative procedure, and the temperatures
+ usually vary among runs. Function \code{nestedtemp} also has a
+ \code{plot} method which can display either incidences or temperatures
+ of the surprises. Matrix temperature was rather vaguely described
+ (Atmar & Patterson 1993), but
+ \enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria (2006) are
+ more explicit and their description is used here. However, the results
probably differ from other implementations, and users should be
cautious in interpreting the results.
@@ -189,8 +190,8 @@
of insular mammalian faunas and archipelagos. \emph{Biol. J. Linnean
Soc.} 28, 65--82.
- Rodriguez-Girones & Santamaria (2006). A new algorithm to calculate
- the nestedness temperature of presence-absence
+ \enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria (2006). A new
+ algorithm to calculate the nestedness temperature of presence-absence
matrices. \emph{J. Biogeogr.} 33, 924--935.
Stone, L. & Roberts, A. (1990). The checkerboard score and species
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