[Vegan-commits] r640 - pkg/vegan/R

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Thu Dec 18 09:25:39 CET 2008

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2008-12-18 09:25:38 +0100 (Thu, 18 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 640

kendall.post: latest version from G. Blanchet; removed useless system.time reporting

Modified: pkg/vegan/R/kendall.post.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/kendall.post.R	2008-12-17 18:45:13 UTC (rev 639)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/kendall.post.R	2008-12-18 08:25:38 UTC (rev 640)
@@ -9,134 +9,129 @@
     mult <- match.arg(mult, c("sidak", "holm", "bonferroni"))
-    a <- system.time({
-        ##CC# Make sure Y is a matrix and find number of rows and columns of Y
-        Y <- as.matrix(Y)
-        n <- nrow(Y)
-        p <- ncol(Y)
-        if(p < 2) stop("There is a single variable in the data matrix")
+    ##CC# Make sure Y is a matrix and find number of rows and columns of Y
+    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
+    n <- nrow(Y)
+    p <- ncol(Y)
+    if(p < 2) stop("There is a single variable in the data matrix")
-        ##CC# Transform the species abundances to ranks, by column
-        R <- apply(Y,2,rank)
+    ##CC# Transform the species abundances to ranks, by column
+    R <- apply(Y,2,rank)
-        if(missing(group)) group <- rep(1,p)
-        if(length(group) != p){
-            stop("The number of species in the vector differs from the total number of species")
-        }
+    if(missing(group)) group <- rep(1,p)
+    if(length(group) != p){
+        stop("The number of species in the vector differs from the total number of species")
+    }
-        ##CC# Separate tests for the variables in each group
-        group <- as.factor(group)
-        gr.lev <- levels(group)
-        ngr <- nlevels(group)
+    ##CC# Separate tests for the variables in each group
+    group <- as.factor(group)
+    gr.lev <- levels(group)
+    ngr <- nlevels(group)
-        gr <- as.list(1:ngr)
+    gr <- as.list(1:ngr)
-        n.per.gr <- vector(length=ngr)
-        for(i in 1:ngr){
-            gr[[i]] <- which(group==gr.lev[i])
-            n.per.gr[i] <- length(gr[[i]])
-            ## Vector with the number of variables per group
-        }
+    n.per.gr <- vector(length=ngr)
+    for(i in 1:ngr){
+        gr[[i]] <- which(group==gr.lev[i])
+        n.per.gr[i] <- length(gr[[i]])  # Vector with the number of
+                                        # variables per group
+    }
-        ##===============================
-        ##CC# start permutation procedure
-        ##===============================
-        ##CC# Initialize the counters
-        counter <- as.list(1:ngr)
-        for(i in 1:ngr){
-            counter[[i]] <- vector(l=n.per.gr[i])
-        }
-        W.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
-        if(ngr > 1) spear.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
+    ##===============================
+    ##CC# start permutation procedure
+    ##===============================
+    ##CC# Initialize the counters
+    counter <- as.list(1:ngr)
+    for(i in 1:ngr){
+        counter[[i]] <- vector(l=n.per.gr[i])
+    }
+    W.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
+    if(ngr > 1) spear.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
-        for(i in 1:ngr){
-            p.i <- n.per.gr[i]
-            if(p.i < 2) stop("There is a single variable in group ",gr.lev[i])
-            ##CC# Extract variables part of group i
-            R.gr <- R[,gr[[i]]]
-            ## Table with species of group 'i' only as columns CC#
-            ##Calculate the mean of the Spearman correlations for each
-            ##species in a group
-            spear.mat <- cor(R.gr)
-            diag(spear.mat) <- NA
-            spear.mean <- apply(spear.mat, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
-            ##CC# Calculate Kendall's W for each variable
-            W.var <- ((p.i-1)*spear.mean+1)/p.i
+    for(i in 1:ngr){
+        p.i <- n.per.gr[i]
+        if(p.i < 2) stop("There is a single variable in group ",gr.lev[i])
+                                        #CC# Extract variables part of
+                                        #group i
+        R.gr <- R[,gr[[i]]]     # Table with species of group 'i' only
+                                        #as columns CC# Calculate the
+                                        #mean of the Spearman
+                                        #correlations for each species
+                                        #in a group
+        spear.mat <- cor(R.gr)
+        diag(spear.mat) <- NA
+        spear.mean <- apply(spear.mat, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
+                                        #CC# Calculate Kendall's W for each variable
+        W.var <- ((p.i-1)*spear.mean+1)/p.i
                                         #for(j in 1:n.per.gr[i]){
-            for(j in 1:p.i){            # Test each species in turn
+        for(j in 1:p.i){                # Test each species in turn
                                         #CC# Create a new R where the
                                         #permuted variable has been
-                R.gr.mod <- R.gr[,-j]
-                                        #CC# Set counter
-                counter[[i]][j] <- 1
-                                        #CC# The actual permutation
-                                        #procedure
-                for(k in 1:nperm){
-                    var.perm <- sample(R.gr[,j])
-                    spear.mat.perm <- cor(cbind(R.gr.mod, var.perm))
-                    diag(spear.mat.perm) <- NA
-                    spear.mean.j.perm <- mean(spear.mat.perm[p.i,], na.rm=TRUE)
-                    W.perm <- ((p.i-1)*spear.mean.j.perm+1)/p.i
-                    if(W.perm >= W.var[j]) counter[[i]][j] <- counter[[i]][j]+1
-                }
+            R.gr.mod <- R.gr[,-j]
+            ##CC# Set counter
+            counter[[i]][j] <- 1
+            ##CC# The actual permutation procedure
+            for(k in 1:nperm){
+                var.perm <- sample(R.gr[,j])
+                spear.mat.perm <- cor(cbind(R.gr.mod, var.perm))
+                diag(spear.mat.perm) <- NA
+                spear.mean.j.perm <- mean(spear.mat.perm[p.i,], na.rm=TRUE)
+                W.perm <- ((p.i-1)*spear.mean.j.perm+1)/p.i
+                if(W.perm >= W.var[j]) counter[[i]][j] <- counter[[i]][j]+1
-            W.gr[[i]] <- W.var
-            if(ngr > 1) spear.gr[[i]] <- spear.mean
-        ##CC# Calculate P-values
-        for(i in 1:ngr) {
-            counter[[i]] <- counter[[i]]/(nperm+1)
-        }
-        ## Correction to P-values for multiple testing
-        ## Write all P-values to a long vector 'vec'
-        vec <- counter[[1]]
-        if(ngr > 1) {
-            for(i in 2:ngr) vec = c(vec, counter[[i]])
-        }
-        if(length(vec) != p) stop("Error in putting together vector 'vec'")
+        W.gr[[i]] <- W.var
+        if(ngr > 1) spear.gr[[i]] <- spear.mean
+    }
+    ##CC# Calculate P-values
+    for(i in 1:ngr) {
+        counter[[i]] <- counter[[i]]/(nperm+1)
+    }
+    ## Correction to P-values for multiple testing
+    ## Write all P-values to a long vector 'vec'
+    vec <- counter[[1]]
+    if(ngr > 1) {
+        for(i in 2:ngr) vec = c(vec, counter[[i]])
+    }
+    if(length(vec) != p) stop("Error in putting together vector 'vec'")
-        if(mult == "sidak") {
-            vec.corr = NA
-            for(i in 1:p) vec.corr = c(vec.corr, (1-(1-vec[i])^p))
-            vec.corr <- vec.corr[-1]
-        }
-        if(mult == "holm") vec.corr <- p.adjust(vec, method="holm")
-        if(mult == "bonferroni") vec.corr <- p.adjust(vec, method="bonferroni")
+    if(mult == "sidak") {
+        vec.corr = NA
+        for(i in 1:p) vec.corr = c(vec.corr, (1-(1-vec[i])^p))
+        vec.corr <- vec.corr[-1]
+    }
+    if(mult == "holm") vec.corr <- p.adjust(vec, method="holm")
+    if(mult == "bonferroni") vec.corr <- p.adjust(vec, method="bonferroni")
-        if(ngr > 1) {
-            vec.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
-            end <- 0
-            for(i in 1:ngr){
-                beg <- end+1
-                end <- end + n.per.gr[i]
-                vec.gr[[i]] <- vec.corr[beg:end]
-            }
+    if(ngr > 1) {
+        vec.gr <- vector("list",ngr)
+        end <- 0
+        for(i in 1:ngr){
+            beg <- end+1
+            end <- end + n.per.gr[i]
+            vec.gr[[i]] <- vec.corr[beg:end]
-        ## Create data frames containing the results
-	if(ngr == 1) {
-            table <- rbind(spear.mean, W.var, counter[[1]], vec.corr)
-            rownames(table) <- c("Spearman.mean", "W.per.species", "Prob", "Corrected prob")
-        } else {
-            table <- as.list(1:ngr)
-            for(i in 1:ngr) {
-                table[[i]] <- rbind(spear.gr[[i]], W.gr[[i]], counter[[i]], vec.gr[[i]])
-                rownames(table[[i]]) <- c("Spearman.mean", "W.per.species", "Prob", "Corrected prob")
-            }
+    }
+    ## Create data frames containing the results
+    if(ngr == 1) {
+        table <- rbind(spear.mean, W.var, counter[[1]], vec.corr)
+        rownames(table) <- c("Spearman.mean", "W.per.species", "Prob", "Corrected prob")
+    } else {
+        table <- as.list(1:ngr)
+        for(i in 1:ngr) {
+            table[[i]] <- rbind(spear.gr[[i]], W.gr[[i]], counter[[i]], vec.gr[[i]])
+            rownames(table[[i]]) <- c("Spearman.mean", "W.per.species", "Prob", "Corrected prob")
-    })
-    a[3] <- sprintf("%2f",a[3])
-    cat("Time to compute a posteriori tests (per species) =",a[3]," sec",'\n')
+    }
     if(ngr == 1) {
         out <- list(A_posteriori_tests=table, Correction.type=mult)
     } else {
         out <- list(A_posteriori_tests_Group=table, Correction.type=mult)
+                                        #
     class(out) <- "kendall.post"

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