[Vegan-commits] r605 - pkg/vegan/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Dec 4 05:58:31 CET 2008

Author: psolymos
Date: 2008-12-04 05:58:30 +0100 (Thu, 04 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 605

new version of adipart based on oecosimu

Modified: pkg/vegan/R/adipart.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/adipart.R	2008-12-04 04:57:16 UTC (rev 604)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/adipart.R	2008-12-04 04:58:30 UTC (rev 605)
@@ -1,350 +1,67 @@
-## adipart function START
 adipart <-
-function(matr, strata, hclass=NULL, method="trad", index=c("richness", "shannon", "simpson"), 
-    scales=seq(0, 2, 0.2), weights="unif", test=TRUE, permtype="full", times=100, crit=0.05, 
-    burnin=10000, results=FALSE, ...)
+function(matr, strata, index=c("richness", "shannon", "simpson"),
+    weights=c("unif", "prop"), nsimul=99, control, ...)
-    method <- match.arg(method, c("trad", "tsallis"))
-    if (method == "trad")
-        index <- match.arg(index, c("richness", "shannon", "simpson"), is.null(hclass))
-    weights <- match.arg(weights, c("unif", "prop"))
-    permtype <- match.arg(permtype, c("full", "swap"))
-    if (length(unique(strata[,1])) != 1)
-        stop("first column of strata should be uniform")
-    if (method == "tsallis" && length(scales) != 1 && !is.null(hclass))
-        stop("scales must be of length 1 if hclass is defined")
-    if (times == 0) test <- FALSE
-    if (!test && results)
-        stop("results are not produced when test is FALSE or times = 0")
-    if (!is.null(hclass) && results)
-        stop("results are not produced when hclass is defined")
-    if (inherits(matr, "matrix") || inherits(matr, "data.frame")) m <- matr
-    if (inherits(matr, "permat")) m <- matr$orig
-    if (test) {
-        if (inherits(matr, "permat")) {
-            perm <- matr$perm
-            times <- attr(matr, "times")
-            perm.done <- TRUE
-            } else {
-                 perm <- NULL
-                 perm.done <- FALSE}
-        } else perm <- NULL
-## internal
-nestFactor <- function(stra) {
-    nr <- nrow(stra)
-    nc <- ncol(stra)
-    for (k in 1:nc) stra[,k] <- as.numeric(stra[,k])
-    out <- stra
-    stra <- data.frame(rep(1,nrow(stra)), stra)
-    for (i in 1:nc) {
-        if (i == 1) out[,i] <- interaction(stra[,i], stra[,(i+1)], drop=TRUE)
-        else out[,i] <- interaction(out[,(i-1)], stra[,(i+1)], drop=TRUE)
-        levels(out[,i]) <- 1:nlevels(out[,i])}
-    out <- out[,c(nc:1)]
-    colnames(out) <- paste("x", 1:ncol(out), sep="")
-    rownames(out) <- 1:nrow(out)
-    return(out)}
-## internal !!!f <- nestFactor(x)
-adpTrad <- function(y, f, index, weights="unif", serr=TRUE){
-    if (any(rowSums(y) == 0)) stop("empty samples not allowed")
-    ni <- length(index)
-    n <- ncol(f)
-    q <- list()
-    w <- list()
-    a <- list()
-    le <- list()
-    if (serr) sde <- list()
-    for (i in 1:n){
-        tab <- aggregate(y, by=list(f[,i]), sum)[,-1]
-        rndq <- character(3)
-        if ("richness" %in% index) {
-            Richness <- apply(tab > 0, 1, sum)
-            rndq[1] <- "Richness"
-            } else {Richness <- NULL
-            rndq[1] <- "X"}
-        if ("shannon" %in% index) {
-            Shannon <- diversity(tab, "shannon")
-            rndq[2] <- "Shannon"
-            } else {Shannon <- NULL
-            rndq[2] <- "X"}
-        if ("simpson" %in% index) {
-            Simpson <- diversity(tab, "simpson")
-            rndq[3] <- "Simpson"
-            } else {Simpson <- NULL
-            rndq[3] <- "X"}
-        rndq <- rndq[which(rndq != "X")]
-        dq.list <- list(Richness, Shannon, Simpson)
-        dq <- dqsd <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(dq.list), nrow(tab), length(rndq)))
-        colnames(dq) <- rndq 
-#        dq[dq == Inf | dq == -Inf] <- 0
-        le[[i]] <- length(unique(f[,i]))
-        if (weights=="prop")
-            q[[i]] <- tapply(apply(y, 1, sum), list(f[,i]), sum) / sum(y)
-        if (weights=="unif")
-            q[[i]] <- rep(1 / length(unique(f[,i])), length(unique(f[,i])))
-        if (ncol(as.matrix(dq)) != 1) {
-            for (j in 1:ni) dq[,j] <- as.matrix(dq)[,j] * q[[i]]
-            } else {dq <- dq * q[[i]]}
-        w[[i]] <- dq
-        if (ni == 1) {
-            a[[i]] <- sum(w[[i]])
-            if (serr) sde[[i]] <- sd(dqsd)
-        } else {
-        if (ncol(as.matrix(dq)) != 1) {
-            a[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(w[[i]]), 2, sum)
-            if (serr) sde[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(dqsd), 2, sd)
-            } else {
-            a[[i]] <- w[[i]]
-            if (serr) sde[[i]] <- sd(dqsd)}}
-        }
-    alpha <- matrix(unlist(a), n, ni, byrow=TRUE)
-    beta <- matrix(alpha[1:(n-1),], (n-1), ni, byrow=TRUE)
-    for (i in 1:(n-1))
-        beta[i, 1:ni] <- alpha[(i+1), 1:ni] - alpha[i, 1:ni]
-    colnames(alpha) <- colnames(beta) <- rndq
-    if (serr) {
-        sdev <- matrix(unlist(sde), n, ni, byrow=TRUE)
-        sqrn <- matrix(unlist(le), n, ni, byrow=FALSE)
-        sem <- sdev / sqrt(sqrn)
-#        sem[is.na(sem)] <- 0
-        colnames(sem) <- rndq}
-    if (serr) {out <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, sem=sem)
-        } else out <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
-    return(out)}
-## internal !!!f <- nestFactor(x)
-adpTsallis <- function(y, f, weights="unif", serr=TRUE, scales=seq(0, 2, 0.2)){
-    if (any(rowSums(y) == 0))
-        stop("empty samples not allowed")
-    n <- ncol(f)
-    ni <- length(scales)
-    q <- list()
-    w <- list()
-    a <- list()
-    le <- list()
-    if (serr) sde <- list()
-    for (i in 1:n){
-        tab <- aggregate(y, by=list(f[,i]), sum)[,-1]
-        dq <- tsallis(tab, scales=scales, norm=FALSE)
-        if (i == 1) rndq <- colnames(dq)
-        if (ni == 1) dq <- data.frame(matrix(dq, length(dq), 1))
-        dqsd <- dq
-#        dq[dq == Inf | dq == -Inf] <- 0
-        le[[i]] <- length(unique(f[,i]))
-        if (weights=="prop")
-            q[[i]] <- tapply(apply(y, 1, sum), list(f[,i]), sum) / sum(y)
-        if (weights=="unif")
-            q[[i]] <- rep(1 / length(unique(f[,i])), length(unique(f[,i])))
-        if (ncol(as.matrix(dq)) != 1) {
-            for (j in 1:ni) dq[,j] <- as.matrix(dq)[,j] * q[[i]]
-            } else {dq <- dq * q[[i]]}
-        w[[i]] <- dq
-        if (any(dim(w[[i]]) != 1)) {
-            a[[i]] <- apply(w[[i]], 2, sum)
-            if (serr) sde[[i]] <- apply(dqsd, 2, sd)
-            } else {
-            if (ni == 1) {
-                a[[i]] <- apply(w[[i]], 1, sum)
-                if (serr) sde[[i]] <- sd(dqsd)}
-            if (i == n) {
-                a[[i]] <- w[[i]]
-                if (serr) sde[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(dqsd), 1, sd)}
-            }
-        }
-    alpha <- matrix(unlist(a), n, ni, byrow=TRUE)
-    beta <- matrix(alpha[1:(n-1),], (n-1), ni, byrow=TRUE)
-    for (i in 1:(n-1))
-        beta[i, 1:ni] <- alpha[(i+1), 1:ni] - alpha[i, 1:ni]
-    colnames(alpha) <- colnames(beta) <- rndq
-    if (serr) {
-        sdev <- matrix(unlist(sde), n, ni, byrow=TRUE)
-        sqrn <- matrix(unlist(le), n, ni, byrow=FALSE)
-        sem <- sdev / sqrt(sqrn)
-#        sem[is.na(sem)] <- 0
-        colnames(sem) <- rndq}
-    if (serr) {out <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, sem=sem)
-        } else out <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
-    return(out)}
-## internal
-formatAdp <- function(x, style=c("alpha","beta","alpha2","beta2", "alphaH"),col.nam=NULL){
-    if (style=="alpha" || style=="alpha2" || style=="alphaH") {
-        rownames(x) <- interaction(rep("Alpha",nrow(x)), 1:nrow(x))
-        if (style=="alpha" || style=="alphaH") rownames(x)[nrow(x)] <- "Gamma"
-        if (style=="alpha2" || style=="alphaH") colnames(x) <- col.nam}
-    if (style=="beta" || style=="beta2") {
-        rownames(x) <- interaction(rep("Beta",nrow(x)), 1:nrow(x))
-        if (style=="beta2") colnames(x) <- col.nam}
-    return(x)}
-## internal
-adpPvalue <- function(obs, perm, crit=0.05, style="alpha2", col.nam=NULL){
-#    perm[perm < 0] <- 0
-    Mean <- apply(perm, 1, mean)
-    obs2 <- Pval <- array(obs)
-    Sign <- (Mean - obs2) > 0
-    Abs <- abs(Mean - obs2)
-    sdp <- apply(perm, 1, sd)
-    upper <- lower <- p.val <- cl1 <- cl2 <- numeric(length(obs2))
-    adp1 <- Mean + Abs
-    adp2 <- Mean - Abs
-    for (i in 1:(nrow(obs)*ncol(obs))) {
-        upper[i] <- sum(perm[i,] >= adp1[i])
-        lower[i] <- sum(perm[i,] <= adp2[i])
-        p.val[i] <- if (Sign[i]) upper[i] else lower[i]
-        cl1[i] <- quantile(perm[i,], probs=crit/2)
-        cl2[i] <- quantile(perm[i,], probs=1-crit/2)}
-    Pval <- matrix(p.val*2 / times, nrow(obs), ncol(obs))
-#    Pval[Pval > 1] <- 1
-    Mean <- matrix(Mean, nrow(obs), ncol(obs))
-    cl1 <- matrix(cl1, nrow(obs), ncol(obs))
-    cl2 <- matrix(cl2, nrow(obs), ncol(obs))
-    ses <- (obs - Mean) / matrix(sdp, nrow(obs), ncol(obs))
-    Pval <- formatAdp(Pval, style, col.nam)
-    Mean <- formatAdp(Mean, style, col.nam)
-    cl1 <- formatAdp(cl1, style, col.nam)
-    cl2 <- formatAdp(cl2, style, col.nam)
-    ses <- formatAdp(ses, style, col.nam)
-    return(list(p.value=Pval,mean=Mean,cl1=cl1,cl2=cl2,ses=ses))}
-## internal fun
-simpleCap <- function(x) {
-    s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
-    paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2), sep="", collapse=" ")}
-## internal
-testAdp <- function(obs, perm, f, method, results, type=c(1,2), id=NULL, burnin=NULL, ...){
-#    if (type==1) id <- 1:nrow(perm[[1]])
-    pa <- matrix(NA, (nrow(obs$alpha)-1)*ncol(obs$alpha), times)
-    pb <- matrix(NA, nrow(obs$beta)*ncol(obs$alpha), times)
-    for (i in 1:times) {
-        if (perm.done) {
-            perm.i <- perm[[i]]
-            } else {
-                if (permtype == "full")
-                    perm.i <- permatfull(matr, times=1, ...)$perm[[1]]
-                if (permtype == "swap") {
-                    if (i == 1) {
-                        perm.i <- permatswap(matr, times=1, burnin=burnin, method="swap", ...)$perm[[1]]
-                        } else {
-                        perm.i <- permatswap(perm.i, times=1, burnin=0, method="swap", ...)$perm[[1]]
-                }}}
-        if (method == "trad")
-            adp.perm <- adpTrad(perm.i[id,], f[id,], index, weights, serr=FALSE)
-        if (method == "tsallis")
-            adp.perm <- adpTsallis(perm.i[id,], f[id,], weights, serr=FALSE, scales=scales)
-        pa[,i] <- array(adp.perm$alpha[1:(nrow(adp.perm$alpha)-1),])
-        pb[,i] <- array(adp.perm$beta)}
-    obs.in.a <- obs$alpha[1:(nrow(adp.perm$alpha)-1),]
-    if (any(dim(as.matrix(obs.in.a)) == 1))
-        obs.in.a <- matrix(obs.in.a, length(obs.in.a),1)
-    obs.in.b <- obs$beta
-    if (any(dim(as.matrix(obs.in.b)) == 1))
-    obs.in.a <- matrix(obs.in.b, length(obs.in.b),1)
-    test.alpha <- adpPvalue(obs.in.a,pa,crit,"alpha2",colnames(obs$alpha))
-    test.beta <- adpPvalue(obs.in.b,pb,crit,"beta2",colnames(obs$beta))
-    if (results) res <- list(alpha=t(pa), beta=t(pb)) else res <- NULL
-    out <- list(alpha=test.alpha, beta=test.beta, res=res)
-    return(out)}
-## make orig
-    if (!is.null(hclass)) {
-        habnam <- unique(as.character(hclass))
-        nhab <- length(habnam)
-        habnam2 <- c(habnam, "All")
-        f2 <- data.frame(strata[,1], hclass, strata[,2:ncol(strata)])
-        obslist <- list(alpha=list(), beta=list(), sem=list())
-        for (i in 1:(nhab+1)) {
-            if (i < nhab+1) {
-                ff <- nestFactor(f2[hclass == habnam[i],])
-                mm <- m[hclass == habnam[i],]
-            } else {
-                ff <- nestFactor(f2)
-                mm <- m}
-            if (method == "trad")
-                obs <- adpTrad(mm, ff, index, weights, TRUE)
-            if (method == "tsallis")
-                obs <- adpTsallis(mm, ff, weights, TRUE, scales=scales)
-            obslist$alpha[[i]] <- obs$alpha
-            obslist$beta[[i]] <- obs$beta
-            obslist$sem[[i]] <- obs$sem
+    ## internal function, maybe later gets out
+    nested.factor <-
+    function(x) {
+        x <- data.frame(x)
+        nc <- NCOL(x)
+        if (nc < 2)
+            stop("number of columns must at least 2")
+        nr <- NROW(x)
+        l1 <- sapply(x, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+        if (!any(sapply(2:nc, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
+            stop("number of levels are inapropriate")
+        rval <- list()
+        rval[[1]] <- as.factor(x[,nc])
+        rval[[1]] <- rval[[1]][drop = TRUE]
+        ncol <- nc - 1
+        for (i in 2:nc) {
+            rval[[i]] <- interaction(x[,ncol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
+            ncol <- ncol - 1
-        alpha <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(obslist$alpha), ncol(f2), nhab+1),"alphaH",habnam2)
-        beta <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(obslist$beta), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"beta2",habnam2)
-        sem <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(obslist$sem), ncol(f2), nhab+1),"alphaH",habnam2)
-        obs <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, sem=sem)
-        if (test) {
-            explist <- list(
-                alpha=list(p.value=list(), mean=list(), cl1=list(), cl2=list(), ses=list()),
-                beta=list(p.value=list(), mean=list(), cl1=list(), cl2=list(), ses=list()))
-            for (i in 1:(nhab+1)) {
-                if (i < nhab+1) {
-                    expt <- testAdp(obs, perm, ff, method, FALSE, 2, which(hclass == habnam[i]), burnin, ...)
-                } else {
-                    expt <- testAdp(obs, perm, ff, method, FALSE, 2, 1:length(hclass), burnin, ...)
-                }
-            explist$alpha$p.value[[i]] <- expt$alpha$p.value
-            explist$alpha$mean[[i]] <- expt$alpha$mean
-            explist$alpha$cl1[[i]] <- expt$alpha$cl1
-            explist$alpha$cl2[[i]] <- expt$alpha$cl2
-            explist$alpha$ses[[i]] <- expt$alpha$ses
-            explist$beta$p.value[[i]] <- expt$beta$p.value
-            explist$beta$mean[[i]] <- expt$beta$mean
-            explist$beta$cl1[[i]] <- expt$beta$cl1
-            explist$beta$cl2[[i]] <- expt$beta$cl2
-            explist$beta$ses[[i]] <- expt$beta$ses
-        }
-        alpha.p.value <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$alpha$p.value), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"alpha2",habnam2)
-        alpha.mean <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$alpha$mean), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"alpha2",habnam2)
-        alpha.cl1 <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$alpha$cl1), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"alpha2",habnam2)
-        alpha.cl2 <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$alpha$cl2), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"alpha2",habnam2)
-        alpha.ses <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$alpha$ses), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"alpha2",habnam2)
-        beta.p.value <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$beta$p.value), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"beta2",habnam2)
-        beta.mean <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$beta$mean), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"beta2",habnam2)
-        beta.cl1 <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$beta$cl1), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"beta2",habnam2)
-        beta.cl2 <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$beta$cl2), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"beta2",habnam2)
-        beta.ses <- formatAdp(matrix(unlist(explist$beta$ses), ncol(f2)-1, nhab+1),"beta2",habnam2)
-        exp <- list(
-            alpha=list(p.value=alpha.p.value, mean=alpha.mean, cl1=alpha.cl1, cl2=alpha.cl2, ses=alpha.ses),
-            beta=list(p.value=beta.p.value, mean=beta.mean, cl1=beta.cl1, cl2=beta.cl2, ses=beta.ses))
-        res <- NULL
-        } else {
-            exp <- NULL
-            times <- 0
-            res <- NULL}
-        obs$alpha[(nrow(obs$alpha)-1), 1:(ncol(obs$alpha)-1)] <- NA
-        obs$beta[nrow(obs$beta), 1:(ncol(obs$beta)-1)] <- NA
-        if (test) {for (a in 1:5) {
-            exp$alpha[[a]][(nrow(obs$alpha)-1), 1:(ncol(obs$alpha)-1)] <- NA
-            exp$beta[[a]][(nrow(obs$alpha)-1), 1:(ncol(obs$alpha)-1)] <- NA
-            }}
-        index.out <- simpleCap(index)
-        design <- "twoway"
-    } else {
-        f <- nestFactor(strata)
-        if (method == "trad")
-            obs <- adpTrad(m, f, index, weights, TRUE)
-        if (method == "tsallis")
-            obs <- adpTsallis(m, f, weights, TRUE, scales=scales)
-        obs$alpha <- formatAdp(obs$alpha,"alpha")
-        obs$sem <- formatAdp(obs$sem,"alpha")
-        obs$beta <- formatAdp(obs$beta,"beta")
-        index.out <- colnames(obs$alpha)
-        design <- "oneway"
-        if (test) {
-            exp <- testAdp(obs, perm, f, method, results, 1, 1:nrow(m), burnin, ...)
-            res <- exp$res
-            exp <- exp[1:2]
-        } else {
-            exp <- NULL
-            times <- 0
-            res <- NULL}
+        rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
+        colnames(rval) <- paste("x", 1:nc, sep="")
+        l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+        if (any(l1 != l2))
+            warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
+        rval
-    input <- list(call=match.call(), m=m, f=nestFactor(strata), h=hclass)
-    out <- list(input=input, obs=obs, exp=exp, res=res)
-    attr(out, "method") <- method
-    attr(out, "design") <- design
-    if (method == "trad") attr(out, "index") <- index.out
-    if (method == "tsallis") attr(out, "index") <- scales
-    attr(out, "times") <- times
-    attr(out, "weights") <- weights
-    attr(out, "crit") <- crit
-    class(out) <- c("adipart", "list")
-    return(out)
-} ## adp function END
+    index <- match.arg(index)
+    weights <- match.arg(weights)
+    if (missing(control))
+        control <- permat.control()
+    switch(index,
+        "richness" = {
+            divfun <- function(x) apply(x > 0, 1, sum)},
+        "shannon" = {
+            divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "shannon", MARGIN = 1, ...)},
+        "simpson" = {
+            divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "simpson", MARGIN = 1)})
+    strata <- nested.factor(strata)
+    nl <- NCOL(strata)
+#    seed <- trunc(runif(1, 1000, 9999))
+    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
+    wdivfun <- function(x) {
+        tmp <- lapply(1:nl, function(i) aggregate(x, list(strata[,i]), sum)[,-1])
+        ## weights will change in oecosimu thus need to be recalculated
+        if (weights == "prop")
+            wt <- lapply(1:nl, function(i) apply(tmp[[i]], 1, function(z) sum(z) / sum(matr)))
+            else wt <- lapply(1:nl, function(i) rep(1, NROW(tmp[[i]])))
+        a <- sapply(1:nl, function(i) mean(divfun(tmp[[i]]) * wt[[i]]))
+        names(a) <- c(paste("alpha", 1:(nl-1), sep="."), "gamma")
+        b <- sapply(2:nl, function(i) a[i] - a[(i-1)])
+        names(b) <- paste("beta", 1:(nl-1), sep=".")
+        c(a, b)
+    }
+    sim <- oecosimu(matr, wdivfun, method = "permat", nsimul=nsimul,
+        burnin=control$burnin, thin=control$thin, control=control)
+    attr(sim, "index") <- index
+    attr(sim, "weights") <- weights
+    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nl
+    class(sim) <- c("adipart", "list")
+    sim

Modified: pkg/vegan/R/print.adipart.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/print.adipart.R	2008-12-04 04:57:16 UTC (rev 604)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/print.adipart.R	2008-12-04 04:58:30 UTC (rev 605)
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
 print.adipart <-
 function(x, ...)
-    cat("Object of class 'adipart' for additive diversity partitioning\n\nCall: ")
-    print(x$input$call)
-    cat("Method:", attr(x, "method"), "\nDesign:", attr(x, "design"), "\nWeights:", attr(x, "weights"))
-    cat("\nIndex:", attr(x, "index"))
-    cat("\nNumber of levels:", ncol(x$input$f), "\nNumber of permutations:", attr(x, "times"), "\n")
+    cat("adipart with", ncol(x$oecosimu$simulated), "simulations\n")
+    att <- attributes(x)
+    att$names <- att$class <- att$n.levels <- NULL
+    cat(" with", paste(names(att), att, collapse=", "))
+    cat("\n\n")
+    cl <- class(x)
+    if (length(cl) > 1 && cl[2] != "list") {
+        NextMethod("print", x)
+        cat("\n")
+    }
+    qu <- apply(x$oecosimu$simulated, 1, quantile, probs=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
+    m <- cbind("statistic" = x$oecosimu$statistic,
+               "z" = x$oecosimu$z, t(qu),
+               "Pr(sim.)"=x$oecosimu$pval)
+    printCoefmat(m, ...)
+    invisible(x)

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