[Vegan-commits] r487 - in pkg: inst man

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Wed Aug 27 14:49:07 CEST 2008

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2008-08-27 14:49:07 +0200 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 487

split docs of oecosimu and nestedness indices

Modified: pkg/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2008-08-27 09:31:33 UTC (rev 486)
+++ pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2008-08-27 12:49:07 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 	define the name of the statistic in the function call. This means
 	that things like functional diversity (treedive) for sites can be
 	analysed with approprite simulation model.
+	* nestedtemp & oecosimu documentations split. 
 	* ordiParseFormula: formula of the partial terms has the same
 	environment as the general formula. Cures some tricky issues when

Copied: pkg/man/nestedtemp.Rd (from rev 486, pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd)
--- pkg/man/nestedtemp.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/nestedtemp.Rd	2008-08-27 12:49:07 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+\title{ Nestedness Indices for Communities of Islands or Patches }
+  Patches or local communities are regarded as nested if they all could
+  be subsets of the same community. In general, species poor communities
+  should be subsets of species rich communities, and rare species should
+  only occur in species rich communities. 
+nestedtemp(comm, ...)
+\method{plot}{nestedtemp}(x, kind = c("temperature", "incidendce"),
+    col=rev(heat.colors(100)),  names = FALSE, ...)
+  \item{comm}{Community data. }
+  \item{x}{Result object for a \code{plot}.}
+  \item{col}{Colour scheme for matrix temperatures.}
+  \item{kind}{The kind of plot produced.}
+  \item{names}{Label columns and rows in the plot using names in \code{comm}.}
+  \item{\dots}{Other arguments to functions.}
+  The nestedness functions evaluate alternative indices of nestedness.
+  The functions are intended to be used together with Null model
+  communities and used as an argument in \code{\link{oecosimu}} to analyse
+  the nonrdanomness of results.
+  Function \code{netstedchecker} gives the number of checkerboard units,
+  or 2x2 submatrices where both species occur once but on different
+  sites (Stone & Roberts 1990).  Function \code{nestedn0} implements
+  nestedness measure N0 which is the number of absences from the sites
+  which are richer than the most pauperate site species occurs
+  (Patterson & Atmar 1986).  Function \code{nesteddisc} implements
+  discrepancy index which is the number of ones that should be shifted
+  to fill a row with ones in a table arranged by species frequencies
+  (Brualdi & Sanderson 1999). Function \code{nestedtemp} finds the
+  matrix temperature which is defined as the sum of \dQuote{surprises}
+  in arranged matrix.  In arranged unsurprising matrix all species
+  within proportion given by matrix fill are in the upper left corner of
+  the matrix, and the surprise of the absence or presences is the
+  diagonal distance from the fill line (Atmar & Patterson
+  1993). Function tries to pack species and sites to a low
+  temperature (\enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria
+  2006), but this is an iterative procedure, and the temperatures
+  usually vary among runs.  Function \code{nestedtemp} also has a
+  \code{plot} method which can display either incidences or temperatures
+  of the surprises. Matrix temperature was rather vaguely described
+  (Atmar & Patterson 1993), but
+  \enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria (2006) are
+  more explicit and their description is used here. However, the results
+  probably differ from other implementations, and users should be
+  cautious in interpreting the results. The details of calculations
+  are explained in the \code{\link{vignette}} \emph{Design decisions
+  and implementation} that you can read using functions
+  \code{\link{vignette}} or \code{\link{vegandocs}}. 
+  The result returned by a nestedness function contains an item called
+  \code{statistic}, but the other components differ among functions. The
+  functions are constructed so that they can be handled by
+  \code{\link{oecosimu}}. 
+  Atmar, W. & Patterson, B.D. (1993). The measurement of order and
+  disorder in the distribution of species in fragmented
+  habitat. \emph{Oecologia} 96, 373--382.
+  Brualdi, R.A. & Sanderson, J.G. (1999). Nested species subsets, gaps,
+  and discrepancy. \emph{Oecologia} 119, 256--264.
+  Patterson, B.D. & Atmar, W. (1986). Nested subsets and the structure
+  of insular mammalian faunas and archipelagos. \emph{Biol. J. Linnean
+    Soc.} 28, 65--82.
+  \enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones}, M.A.  & Santamaria, L.
+  (2006). A new algorithm to calculate the nestedness temperature of
+  presence-absence matrices. \emph{J. Biogeogr.} 33, 924--935.
+  Stone, L. & Roberts, A. (1990). The checkerboard score and species
+  distributions. \emph{Oecologia} 85, 74--79.
+  Wright, D.H., Patterson, B.D., Mikkelson, G.M., Cutler, A. & Atmar,
+  W. (1998). A comparative analysis of nested subset patterns of species
+  composition. \emph{Oecologia} 113, 1--20.
+  }
+\author{ Jari Oksanen }
+  In general, the functions should be used with \code{\link{oecosimu}}
+  which generates Null model communities to assess the nonrandomness of
+  nestedness patterns. 
+ }
+## Matrix temperature
+out <- nestedtemp(sipoo)
+plot(out, kind="incid")
+## Use oecosimu to assess the nonrandomness of checker board units
+oecosimu(sipoo, nestedchecker, "quasiswap")
+## Another Null model and standardized checkerboard score
+oecosimu(sipoo, nestedchecker, "r00", statistic = "C.score")
+\keyword{ univar }

Modified: pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd
--- pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd	2008-08-27 09:31:33 UTC (rev 486)
+++ pkg/man/oecosimu.Rd	2008-08-27 12:49:07 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -1,43 +1,27 @@
-\title{ Nestedness and Null Models for Islands or Patches }
+\title{ Null Models for Biological Communities }
-  Patches or local communities are regarded as nested if they all could
-  be subsets of the same community. In general, species poor communities
-  should be subsets of species rich communities, and rare species should
-  only occur in species rich communities. Null models generate random
-  communities with different criteria to study the significance of
-  nestedness.
+  Null models generate random communities with different criteria to
+  study the significance of nestedness or other community patterns. The
+  function only simulates binary (presence/absence) models with
+  constraint for total number of presences, and optionally for numbers
+  of species and/or species frequencies.
 oecosimu(comm, nestfun, method, nsimul = 99, burnin = 0, thin = 1,
    statistic = "statistic",  ...)
-nestedtemp(comm, ...)
-\method{plot}{nestedtemp}(x, kind = c("temperature", "incidendce"),
-    col=rev(heat.colors(100)),  names = FALSE, ...)
 commsimulator(x, method, thin=1)
-  \item{comm}{Community data. }
+  \item{comm, x}{Community data. }
   \item{nestfun}{Function to analyse nestedness. Some functions are
   provided in \pkg{vegan}, but any function can be used if it accepts the
   community as the first argument, and returns either a plain number or
@@ -52,61 +36,27 @@
   \code{"swap"} and \code{"tswap"}.}
   \item{statistic}{The name of the statistic returned by
-  \item{kind}{The kind of plot produced.}
-  \item{x}{Matrix for \code{commsimulator} or a \code{plot} object.}
-  \item{col}{Colour scheme for matrix temperatures.}
-  \item{names}{Label columns and rows in the plot using names in \code{comm}.}
   \item{\dots}{Other arguments to functions.}
   Function \code{oecosimu} is a wrapper that evaluates a nestedness
   statistic using function given by \code{nestfun}, and then simulates a
   series of null models using \code{commsimulator}, and evaluates the
-  nestedness statistic on these null models. The \pkg{vegan} packages
-  contains some nestedness functions that are described below, and the
-  generation of null models is described towards the end of this
-  section.
+  statistic on these null models. The \pkg{vegan} packages contains some
+  nestedness functions that are described separately
+  (\code{\link{nestedchecker}}, \code{\link{nesteddisc}},
+  \code{\link{nestedn0}}, \code{\link{nestedtemp}}), but many other
+  functions can be used as long as they are meaningful with binary
+  community models. An applicable function must return either the
+  statistic as a plain number, or as a list element \code{"statistic"}
+  (like \code{\link{chisq.test}}), or in an item whose name is given in
+  the argument \code{statistic}.  The statistic can be a single number
+  (like typical for a nestedness index), or it can be a vector. The
+  vector indices can be used to analyse site (row) or species (column)
+  properties, see \code{\link{treedive}} for an example.
-  Function \code{netstedchecker} gives the number of checkerboard units,
-  or 2x2 submatrices where both species occur once but on different
-  sites (Stone & Roberts 1990).  Function \code{nestedn0} implements
-  nestedness measure N0 which is the number of absences from the sites
-  which are richer than the most pauperate site species occurs
-  (Patterson & Atmar 1986).  Function \code{nesteddisc} implements
-  discrepancy index which is the number of ones that should be shifted
-  to fill a row with ones in a table arranged by species frequencies
-  (Brualdi & Sanderson 1999). Function \code{nestedtemp} finds the
-  matrix temperature which is defined as the sum of \dQuote{surprises}
-  in arranged matrix.  In arranged unsurprising matrix all species
-  within proportion given by matrix fill are in the upper left corner of
-  the matrix, and the surprise of the absence or presences is the
-  diagonal distance from the fill line (Atmar & Patterson
-  1993). Function tries to pack species and sites to a low
-  temperature (\enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria
-  2006), but this is an iterative procedure, and the temperatures
-  usually vary among runs.  Function \code{nestedtemp} also has a
-  \code{plot} method which can display either incidences or temperatures
-  of the surprises. Matrix temperature was rather vaguely described
-  (Atmar & Patterson 1993), but
-  \enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones} & Santamaria (2006) are
-  more explicit and their description is used here. However, the results
-  probably differ from other implementations, and users should be
-  cautious in interpreting the results. The details of calculations
-  are explained in the \code{\link{vignette}} \emph{Design decisions
-  and implementation} that you can read using functions
-  \code{\link{vignette}} or \code{\link{vegandocs}}. 
-  In addition to these functions provided in \pkg{vegan}, any function
-  can be used that takes \code{comm} as the first argument, and returns
-  the nestedness index either as plain numeric value or in an item with
-  name defined in \code{statistic} (which defaults to
-  \code{"statistic"}). Function \code{\link{chisq.test}} is such a
-  function, and examples show how to do this in general.  If you write a
-  function that may be useful to others, please consider submitting it
-  to \pkg{vegan} for others to enjoy (you will be credited as an author
-  of that function).
   Function \code{commsimulator} implements null models for community
   composition. The implemented models are \code{r00} which maintains the
   number of presences but fills these anywhere so that neither species
@@ -131,7 +81,7 @@
   marginal sums (Gotelli & Entsminger
   2003). Method \code{swap} inspects submatrices so long that a swap
   can be done. \enc{Miklós}{Miklos} & Podani (2004) suggest that this may lead into
-  biased sequence, since some columns or rows may be more easily
+  biased sequences, since some columns or rows may be more easily
   swapped, and they suggest trying a fixed number of times and
   doing zero to many swaps at one step. This method is implemented by
   method \code{tswap} or trial swap. Function \code{commsimulator} makes
@@ -144,7 +94,7 @@
   account in estimating the \code{thin}.  One swap still changes the
   matrix only little, and it may be useful to 
   thin the results so that the statistic is only evaluated after
-  \code{thin} steps. 
+  \code{burnin} steps (and \code{thin}ned). 
   Methods \code{quasiswap} and \code{backtracking} are not sequential,
   but each call produces a matrix that is independent of previous
@@ -177,20 +127,11 @@
   with one added component called \code{oecosimu}. The \code{oecosimu}
   component contains the simulated values of the statistic (item
   \code{simulated}), the name of the \code{method}, two-sided \eqn{P}
-  value and z-value of the statistic. The result returned by
-  nestedness function must contain item called \code{statistic}, but
-  the other components differ among functions. The
+  value and z-value of the statistic based on simulation. The
   \code{commsimulator} returns a null model matrix or a swap of the
   input matrix.  }
-  Atmar, W. & Patterson, B.D. (1993). The measurement of order and
-  disorder in the distribution of species in fragmented
-  habitat. \emph{Oecologia} 96, 373--382.
-  Brualdi, R.A. & Sanderson, J.G. (1999). Nested species subsets, gaps,
-  and discrepancy. \emph{Oecologia} 119, 256--264.
   Gotelli, N.J. & Entsminger, N.J. (2001). Swap and fill algorithms in
   null model analyis: rethinking the knight's tour. \emph{Oecologia}
   129, 281--291.
@@ -203,18 +144,7 @@
   \enc{Miklós}{Miklos}, I. & Podani, J. (2004). Randomization of presence-absence
   matrices: comments and new algorithms. \emph{Ecology} 85, 86--92.
-  Patterson, B.D. & Atmar, W. (1986). Nested subsets and the structure
-  of insular mammalian faunas and archipelagos. \emph{Biol. J. Linnean
-    Soc.} 28, 65--82.
-  \enc{Rodríguez-Gironés}{Rodriguez-Girones}, M.A.  & Santamaria, L.
-  (2006). A new algorithm to calculate the nestedness temperature of
-  presence-absence matrices. \emph{J. Biogeogr.} 33, 924--935.
-  Stone, L. & Roberts, A. (1990). The checkerboard score and species
-  distributions. \emph{Oecologia} 85, 74--79.
   Wright, D.H., Patterson, B.D., Mikkelson, G.M., Cutler, A. & Atmar,
   W. (1998). A comparative analysis of nested subset patterns of species
   composition. \emph{Oecologia} 113, 1--20.
@@ -247,21 +177,19 @@
   because it is slow, but it is still included for comparison.
   If you wonder about the name of \code{oecosimu}, look at journal
-  names in the References.  }
+  names in the References (and more in \code{\link{nestedtemp}}).  }
 \seealso{ \code{\link{r2dtable}} generates table with given marginals but
-  with entries above one.  Function \code{\link[labdsv]{rndtaxa}}
-  (\pkg{labdsv} package) randomizes a community table.}
+  with entries above one. Functions \code{\link{permatfull}} and
+  \code{\link{permatswap}} generate Null models for count data.
+  Function \code{\link[labdsv]{rndtaxa}}
+  (\pkg{labdsv} package) randomizes a community table. See also
+  \code{\link{nestedtemp}} (that also discusses other nestedness
+  functions) and \code{\link{treedive}} for another application. }
-## Matrix temperature
-out <- nestedtemp(sipoo)
-plot(out, kind="incid")
 ## Use the first eigenvalue of correspondence analysis as an index
 ## of structure: a model for making your own functions.
-## This is a minimal structure; fancier functions give fancier results
 caeval <- function(x) decorana(x, ira=1)$evals
 out <- oecosimu(sipoo, caeval, "swap", burnin=100, thin=10)

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