[Vegan-commits] r469 - in pkg: R man
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Tue Aug 12 09:24:32 CEST 2008
Author: psolymos
Date: 2008-08-12 09:24:32 +0200 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 469
separate files for permat object class, but retaining svn ancestry
Copied: pkg/R/permatfull.R (from rev 467, pkg/R/permat.R)
--- pkg/R/permatfull.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/permatfull.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+## permatfull function
+`permatfull` <-
+function(m, fixedmar="both", reg=NULL, hab=NULL, mtype="count", times=100)
+ if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
+ stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
+ mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
+ count <- mtype == "count"
+ fixedmar <- match.arg(fixedmar, c("none", "rows", "columns", "both"))
+ m <- as.matrix(m)
+ n.row <- nrow(m)
+ n.col <- ncol(m)
+ if (mtype == "prab") m <- matrix(as.numeric(m > 0), n.row, n.col)
+ if (is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
+ if (!is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(reg)
+ if (is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(hab)
+ if (!is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- interaction(reg, hab, drop=TRUE)
+ levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
+ str <- as.numeric(str)
+ nstr <- length(unique(str))
+ if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
+ stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
+ perm <- list()
+ for (k in 1:times)
+ perm[[k]] <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
+ for (j in 1:nstr) {
+ id <- which(str == j)
+ if (fixedmar == "none")
+ for (i in 1:times)
+ if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- matrix(sample(m[id,]), length(id), n.col)
+ else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="r00")
+ if (fixedmar == "rows")
+ for (i in 1:times)
+ if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- apply(m[id,], 2, sample)
+ else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="r0")
+ if (fixedmar == "columns")
+ for (i in 1:times)
+ if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- t(apply(m[id,], 1, sample))
+ else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="c0")
+ if (fixedmar == "both")
+ for (i in 1:times)
+ if (count) perm[[i]][id,] <- r2dtable(1, apply(m[id,], 1, sum), apply(m[id,], 2, sum))[[1]]
+ else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="quasiswap")
+ }
+ specs <- list(reg=reg, hab=hab)
+ out <- list(call=match.call(), orig=m, perm=perm, specs=specs)
+ attr(out, "mtype") <- mtype
+ attr(out, "ptype") <- "full"
+ attr(out, "fixedmar") <- fixedmar
+ attr(out, "times") <- times
+ class(out) <- c("permat", "list")
+ return(out)
Deleted: pkg/R/permatswap.R
--- pkg/R/permatswap.R 2008-08-12 06:23:56 UTC (rev 468)
+++ pkg/R/permatswap.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-## permatswap function
-`permatswap` <-
-function(m, reg=NULL, hab=NULL, mtype="count", method="swap", times=100, burnin = 10000, thin = 1000)
- if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
- stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
- mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
- count <- mtype == "count"
- if (count) {
- method <- match.arg(method, "swap")
- } else {method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "tswap"))}
- m <- as.matrix(m)
- n.row <- nrow(m)
- n.col <- ncol(m)
- if (mtype == "prab") m <- matrix(as.numeric(m > 0), n.row, n.col)
- if (is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
- if (!is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(reg)
- if (is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(hab)
- if (!is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- interaction(reg, hab, drop=TRUE)
- levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
- str <- as.numeric(str)
- nstr <- length(unique(str))
- if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
- stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
- perm <- list()
- for (i in 1:times)
- perm[[i]] <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
- for (j in 1:nstr) {
- id <- which(str == j)
- temp <- m[id,]
- if (count)
- for (k in 1:burnin)
- temp <- .C("swapcount", m = as.double(temp),
- as.integer(n.row), as.integer(n.col),
- as.integer(1), PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
- else
- for (k in 1:burnin)
- temp <- commsimulator(temp, method=method)
- for (i in 1:times) {
- if (count)
- perm[[i]][id,] <- .C("swapcount",
- m = as.double(temp),
- as.integer(n.row),
- as.integer(n.col),
- as.integer(thin),
- PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
- else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(temp, method=method, thin=thin)
- temp <- perm[[i]][id,]
- }
- }
- specs <- list(reg=reg, hab=hab, burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
- out <- list(call=match.call(), orig=m, perm=perm, specs=specs)
- attr(out, "mtype") <- mtype
- attr(out, "ptype") <- "swap"
- attr(out, "fixedmar") <- "both"
- attr(out, "times") <- times
- class(out) <- c("permat", "list")
- return(out)
Copied: pkg/R/permatswap.R (from rev 467, pkg/R/permat.R)
--- pkg/R/permatswap.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/permatswap.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+## permatswap function
+`permatswap` <-
+function(m, reg=NULL, hab=NULL, mtype="count", method="swap", times=100, burnin = 10000, thin = 1000)
+ if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
+ stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
+ mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
+ count <- mtype == "count"
+ if (count) {
+ method <- match.arg(method, "swap")
+ } else {method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "tswap"))}
+ m <- as.matrix(m)
+ n.row <- nrow(m)
+ n.col <- ncol(m)
+ if (mtype == "prab") m <- matrix(as.numeric(m > 0), n.row, n.col)
+ if (is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
+ if (!is.null(reg) && is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(reg)
+ if (is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- as.factor(hab)
+ if (!is.null(reg) && !is.null(hab)) str <- interaction(reg, hab, drop=TRUE)
+ levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
+ str <- as.numeric(str)
+ nstr <- length(unique(str))
+ if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
+ stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
+ perm <- list()
+ for (i in 1:times)
+ perm[[i]] <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
+ for (j in 1:nstr) {
+ id <- which(str == j)
+ temp <- m[id,]
+ if (count)
+ for (k in 1:burnin)
+ temp <- .C("swapcount", m = as.double(temp),
+ as.integer(n.row), as.integer(n.col),
+ as.integer(1), PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
+ else
+ for (k in 1:burnin)
+ temp <- commsimulator(temp, method=method)
+ for (i in 1:times) {
+ if (count)
+ perm[[i]][id,] <- .C("swapcount",
+ m = as.double(temp),
+ as.integer(n.row),
+ as.integer(n.col),
+ as.integer(thin),
+ PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
+ else perm[[i]][id,] <- commsimulator(temp, method=method, thin=thin)
+ temp <- perm[[i]][id,]
+ }
+ }
+ specs <- list(reg=reg, hab=hab, burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
+ out <- list(call=match.call(), orig=m, perm=perm, specs=specs)
+ attr(out, "mtype") <- mtype
+ attr(out, "ptype") <- "swap"
+ attr(out, "fixedmar") <- "both"
+ attr(out, "times") <- times
+ class(out) <- c("permat", "list")
+ return(out)
Deleted: pkg/R/plot.permat.R
--- pkg/R/plot.permat.R 2008-08-12 06:23:56 UTC (rev 468)
+++ pkg/R/plot.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-## S3 plot method for permat
-`plot.permat` <-
-function(x, ...)
- n <- attr(x, "times")
- bray <- numeric(n)
- for (i in 1:n) bray[i] <- sum(abs(x$orig-x$perm[[i]]))/sum(x$orig+x$perm[[i]])
- plot(bray,type="n",ylab="Bray-Curtis dissimilarity",xlab="Runs", ...)
- lines(bray,col="red")
- lines(lowess(bray),col="blue",lty=2)
- title(sub=paste("(mean = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(mean(bray),3))),
- ", min = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(min(bray),3))),
- ", max = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(max(bray),3))), ")", sep=""))
- invisible(NULL)
Copied: pkg/R/plot.permat.R (from rev 467, pkg/R/permat.R)
--- pkg/R/plot.permat.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/plot.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## S3 plot method for permat
+`plot.permat` <-
+function(x, ...)
+ n <- attr(x, "times")
+ bray <- numeric(n)
+ for (i in 1:n) bray[i] <- sum(abs(x$orig-x$perm[[i]]))/sum(x$orig+x$perm[[i]])
+ plot(bray,type="n",ylab="Bray-Curtis dissimilarity",xlab="Runs", ...)
+ lines(bray,col="red")
+ lines(lowess(bray),col="blue",lty=2)
+ title(sub=paste("(mean = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(mean(bray),3))),
+ ", min = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(min(bray),3))),
+ ", max = ", substitute(z, list(z=round(max(bray),3))), ")", sep=""))
+ invisible(NULL)
Deleted: pkg/R/print.permat.R
--- pkg/R/print.permat.R 2008-08-12 06:23:56 UTC (rev 468)
+++ pkg/R/print.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-## S3 print method for permat
-`print.permat` <-
-function(x, digits=3, ...)
- if (attr(x, "ptype") != "sar" & !is.null(x$specs$reg) | !is.null(x$specs$hab))
- restr <- TRUE else restr <- FALSE
- cat("Object of class 'permat'\n\nCall: ")
- print(x$call)
- cat("Matrix type:", attr(x, "mtype"), "\nPermutation type:", attr(x, "ptype"))
- cat("\nRestricted:", restr, "\nFixed margins:", attr(x, "fixedmar"))
- cat("\n\nMatrix dimensions:", nrow(x$orig), "rows,", ncol(x$orig), "columns")
- cat("\nSum of original matrix:", sum(x$orig))
- cat("\nFill of original matrix:", round(sum(x$orig>0)/(nrow(x$orig)*ncol(x$orig)),digits))
- cat("\nNumber of permuted matrices:", attr(x, "times"),"\n")
Copied: pkg/R/print.permat.R (from rev 467, pkg/R/permat.R)
--- pkg/R/print.permat.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/print.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## S3 print method for permat
+`print.permat` <-
+function(x, digits=3, ...)
+ if (attr(x, "ptype") != "sar" & !is.null(x$specs$reg) | !is.null(x$specs$hab))
+ restr <- TRUE else restr <- FALSE
+ cat("Object of class 'permat'\n\nCall: ")
+ print(x$call)
+ cat("Matrix type:", attr(x, "mtype"), "\nPermutation type:", attr(x, "ptype"))
+ cat("\nRestricted:", restr, "\nFixed margins:", attr(x, "fixedmar"))
+ cat("\n\nMatrix dimensions:", nrow(x$orig), "rows,", ncol(x$orig), "columns")
+ cat("\nSum of original matrix:", sum(x$orig))
+ cat("\nFill of original matrix:", round(sum(x$orig>0)/(nrow(x$orig)*ncol(x$orig)),digits))
+ cat("\nNumber of permuted matrices:", attr(x, "times"),"\n")
Deleted: pkg/R/print.summary.permat.R
--- pkg/R/print.summary.permat.R 2008-08-12 06:23:56 UTC (rev 468)
+++ pkg/R/print.summary.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-## S3 print method for summary.permat
-`print.summary.permat` <-
-function(x, digits=2, ...)
- bray <- x$bray
- restr <- x$restr
- test <- x$test
- x <- x$x
- cat("Summary of object of class 'permat'\n\nCall: ")
- print(x$call)
- cat("Matrix type:", attr(x, "mtype"), "\nPermutation type:", attr(x, "ptype"))
- cat("\nRestricted:", restr, "\nFixed margins:", attr(x, "fixedmar"))
- cat("\n\nMatrix dimensions:", nrow(x$orig), "rows,", ncol(x$orig), "columns")
- cat("\nSum of original matrix:", sum(x$orig))
- cat("\nFill of original matrix:", round(sum(x$orig>0)/(nrow(x$orig)*ncol(x$orig)),digits))
- cat("\nNumber of permuted matrices:", attr(x, "times"),"\n")
- cat("\nMatrix sums retained:", round(100*test[1], digits), "%")
- cat("\nMatrix fill retained:", round(100*test[2], digits), "%")
- cat("\nRow sums retained: ", round(100*test[3], digits), "%")
- cat("\nColumn sums retained:", round(100*test[4], digits), "%")
- if (restr) cat("\nSums within strata retained:", round(100*test[5], digits), "%")
- cat("\n\nBray-Curtis dissimilarities among original and permuted matrices:\n")
- print(summary(bray))
Copied: pkg/R/print.summary.permat.R (from rev 467, pkg/R/permat.R)
--- pkg/R/print.summary.permat.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/print.summary.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+## S3 print method for summary.permat
+`print.summary.permat` <-
+function(x, digits=2, ...)
+ bray <- x$bray
+ restr <- x$restr
+ test <- x$test
+ x <- x$x
+ cat("Summary of object of class 'permat'\n\nCall: ")
+ print(x$call)
+ cat("Matrix type:", attr(x, "mtype"), "\nPermutation type:", attr(x, "ptype"))
+ cat("\nRestricted:", restr, "\nFixed margins:", attr(x, "fixedmar"))
+ cat("\n\nMatrix dimensions:", nrow(x$orig), "rows,", ncol(x$orig), "columns")
+ cat("\nSum of original matrix:", sum(x$orig))
+ cat("\nFill of original matrix:", round(sum(x$orig>0)/(nrow(x$orig)*ncol(x$orig)),digits))
+ cat("\nNumber of permuted matrices:", attr(x, "times"),"\n")
+ cat("\nMatrix sums retained:", round(100*test[1], digits), "%")
+ cat("\nMatrix fill retained:", round(100*test[2], digits), "%")
+ cat("\nRow sums retained: ", round(100*test[3], digits), "%")
+ cat("\nColumn sums retained:", round(100*test[4], digits), "%")
+ if (restr) cat("\nSums within strata retained:", round(100*test[5], digits), "%")
+ cat("\n\nBray-Curtis dissimilarities among original and permuted matrices:\n")
+ print(summary(bray))
Deleted: pkg/R/summary.permat.R
--- pkg/R/summary.permat.R 2008-08-12 06:23:56 UTC (rev 468)
+++ pkg/R/summary.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-## S3 summary method for permat
-`summary.permat` <-
-function(object, ...)
- x <- object
- n <- attr(x, "times")
- if (attr(x, "ptype") != "sar" && !is.null(x$specs$reg) || !is.null(x$specs$hab))
- restr <- TRUE else restr <- FALSE
- if (restr) {
- if (!is.null(x$specs$reg) && is.null(x$specs$hab)) int <- x$specs$reg
- if (is.null(x$specs$reg) && !is.null(x$specs$hab)) int <- x$specs$hab
- if (!is.null(x$specs$reg) && !is.null(x$specs$hab))
- int <- interaction(x$specs$reg, x$specs$hab, drop=TRUE)
- nlev <- length(unique(int))
- ssum <- numeric(n)}
- bray <- psum <- pfill <- vrow <- vcol <- numeric(n)
- for (i in 1:n) {
- bray[i] <- sum(abs(x$orig-x$perm[[i]]))/sum(x$orig+x$perm[[i]])
- psum[i] <- sum(x$orig) == sum(x$perm[[i]])
- pfill[i] <- sum(x$orig > 0) == sum(x$perm[[i]] > 0)
- vrow[i] <- sum(rowSums(x$orig) == rowSums(x$perm[[i]])) == nrow(x$orig)
- vcol[i] <- sum(colSums(x$orig) == colSums(x$perm[[i]])) == ncol(x$orig)
- if (restr) ssum[i] <- {sum(rowSums(aggregate(x$orig,list(int),sum)[,-1]) ==
- rowSums(aggregate(x$perm[[i]],list(int),sum)[,-1])) == nlev}
- }
- strsum <- if (restr) sum(ssum)/n else NA
- test <- c(sum=sum(psum)/n, fill=sum(pfill)/n, rowsums=sum(vrow)/n, colsums=sum(vcol)/n, strsum=strsum)
- x$perm <- NULL
- out <- list(x=x, bray=bray, test=test, restr=restr)
- class(out) <- c("summary.permat", "list")
- return(out)
Copied: pkg/R/summary.permat.R (from rev 467, pkg/R/permat.R)
--- pkg/R/summary.permat.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/summary.permat.R 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+## S3 summary method for permat
+`summary.permat` <-
+function(object, ...)
+ x <- object
+ n <- attr(x, "times")
+ if (attr(x, "ptype") != "sar" && !is.null(x$specs$reg) || !is.null(x$specs$hab))
+ restr <- TRUE else restr <- FALSE
+ if (restr) {
+ if (!is.null(x$specs$reg) && is.null(x$specs$hab)) int <- x$specs$reg
+ if (is.null(x$specs$reg) && !is.null(x$specs$hab)) int <- x$specs$hab
+ if (!is.null(x$specs$reg) && !is.null(x$specs$hab))
+ int <- interaction(x$specs$reg, x$specs$hab, drop=TRUE)
+ nlev <- length(unique(int))
+ ssum <- numeric(n)}
+ bray <- psum <- pfill <- vrow <- vcol <- numeric(n)
+ for (i in 1:n) {
+ bray[i] <- sum(abs(x$orig-x$perm[[i]]))/sum(x$orig+x$perm[[i]])
+ psum[i] <- sum(x$orig) == sum(x$perm[[i]])
+ pfill[i] <- sum(x$orig > 0) == sum(x$perm[[i]] > 0)
+ vrow[i] <- sum(rowSums(x$orig) == rowSums(x$perm[[i]])) == nrow(x$orig)
+ vcol[i] <- sum(colSums(x$orig) == colSums(x$perm[[i]])) == ncol(x$orig)
+ if (restr) ssum[i] <- {sum(rowSums(aggregate(x$orig,list(int),sum)[,-1]) ==
+ rowSums(aggregate(x$perm[[i]],list(int),sum)[,-1])) == nlev}
+ }
+ strsum <- if (restr) sum(ssum)/n else NA
+ test <- c(sum=sum(psum)/n, fill=sum(pfill)/n, rowsums=sum(vrow)/n, colsums=sum(vcol)/n, strsum=strsum)
+ x$perm <- NULL
+ out <- list(x=x, bray=bray, test=test, restr=restr)
+ class(out) <- c("summary.permat", "list")
+ return(out)
Deleted: pkg/man/permat.Rd
--- pkg/man/permat.Rd 2008-08-12 06:23:56 UTC (rev 468)
+++ pkg/man/permat.Rd 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-\title{Matrix Permutation Algorithms for Presence-Absence and Count Data}
-\description{ Individual (for count data) or incidence (for
-presence-absence data) based null models can be generated for
-community level simulations. Options for preserving characteristics of
-the original matrix (rows/columns sums, matrix fill) and
-restricted permutations (within strata based on spatial units, habitat
-classes or both) are discussed in the Details section. By using these functions,
-hypothesis testing is separated from the null model generation, thus
-several tests can be applied on the same set of random matrices. }
-permatfull(m, fixedmar = "both", reg = NULL, hab = NULL, mtype = "count", times = 100)
-permatswap(m, reg = NULL, hab = NULL, mtype = "count", method = "swap", times = 100, burnin = 10000, thin = 1000)
-\method{plot}{permat}(x, ...)
-\method{summary}{permat}(object, ...)
-\method{print}{summary.permat}(x, digits = 2, ...)
- \item{m}{a community data matrix with plots (samples) as rows and species (taxa) as columns.}
- \item{fixedmar}{character, stating which of the row/column sums should be preserved (\code{"none", "rows", "columns", "both"}).}
- \item{reg}{numeric vector or factor with length same as \code{nrow(m)} for grouping rows within strata (regions) for restricted permutations. Unique values or levels are used.}
- \item{hab}{numeric vector or factor with length same as \code{nrow(m)} for grouping rows within strata (habitat classes) for restricted permutations. Unique values or levels are used.}
- \item{mtype}{matrix data type, either \code{"count"} for count data, or \code{"prab"} for presence-absence type incidence data.}
- \item{times}{number of permuted matrices.}
- \item{method}{character for method used for the swap algorithm (\code{"swap"}, \code{"tswap"}, \code{"backtrack"}) as described for function \code{\link{commsimulator}}. If \code{mtype="count"} only \code{"swap"} is available.}
- \item{burnin}{number of null communities discarded before proper analysis in sequential (\code{"swap", "tswap"}) methods.}
- \item{thin}{number of discarded permuted matrices between two evaluations in sequential (\code{"swap", "tswap"}) methods.}
- \item{x, object}{object of class \code{"permat"}}
- \item{digits}{number of digits used for rounding.}
- \item{\dots}{other arguments passed to methods.}
-The function \code{permatfull} is useful when matrix fill is allowed to vary, and matrix type is \code{count}.
-The \code{fixedmar} argument is used to set constraints for permutation.
-If \code{none} of the margins are fixed, cells are randomised within the matrix.
-If \code{rows} or \code{columns} are fixed, cells within rows or columns are randomised, respectively.
-If \code{both} margins are fixed, the \code{\link{r2dtable}} function is used that is based on
-Patefield's (1981) algorithm. For presence absence data, matrix fill is necessarily fixed, and \code{permatfull}
-is a wrapper for the function \code{\link{commsimulator}}. The \code{r00, r0, c0, quasiswap}
-algorithms of \code{\link{commsimulator}} are used for \code{"none", "rows", "columns", "both"} values
-of the \code{fixedmar} argument, respectively
-The function \code{permatswap} is useful when matrix fill (i.e. the proportion of empty cells) should be kept constant.
-\code{permatswap} uses different kinds of swap algorithms, and row and columns sums are fixed in all cases.
-For presence-absence data, the \code{swap} and \code{tswap} methods of \code{\link{commsimulator}} can be used.
-For count data, a special swap algorithm (swapcount) is implemented that results in permuted matrices with
-fixed marginals and matrix fill at the same time.
-Constraints on row/colum sums, matrix fill, total sum and sums within
-strata can be checked by the \code{summary} method. \code{plot} method is for
-visually testing the randomness of the prmuted matrices, especially for the
-swap methods. If there are any tendency in the graph, higher \code{burnin} and
-\code{thin} values can help.
-Unrestricted and restricted permutations: if both
-\code{reg} and \code{hab} are \code{NULL}, functions perform
-unrestricted permutations. If either of the two is given, it is used
-as is for restricted permutations. If both are given, interaction is
-used for restricted permutations. Each strata should contain at least 2 rows
-in order to perform randomization (in case of low row numbers, swap methods
-can be more slower).
-Functions \code{permatfull} and \code{permatswap} return an object of class \code{"permat"}.
- \item{call}{the function call.}
- \item{orig}{the original data matrix used for permutations.}
- \item{perm}{a list of permuted matrices with length \code{times}.}
- \item{specs}{a list of other specifications (variable in length, depending on the function used): \code{reg}, \code{hab}, \code{burnin}, \code{thin}.}
-\code{summary.permat} returns a list invisibly containing mean
-Bray-Curtis dissimilarities calculated pairvise among original and
-permuted matrices, and check results of the constraints. }
-Original references for presence-absence swap methods are given on help
-page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
-Patefield, W. M. (1981) Algorithm AS159. An efficient method of generating r x c tables with given row and column totals.
-Applied Statistics 30, 91-97.
-\author{Peter Solymos, \email{Solymos.Peter at aotk.szie.hu}; Jari Oksanen translated the original swap algorithm for count data into C}
-\code{\link{commsimulator}}, \code{\link{r2dtable}}, \code{\link{sample}}
-## A simple artificial community data matrix.
-m <- matrix(c(
- 1,3,2,0,3,1,
- 0,2,1,0,2,1,
- 0,0,1,2,0,3,
- 0,0,0,1,4,3
- ), 4, 6, byrow=TRUE)
-## Using the swap algorithm to create a
-## list of permuted matrices, where
-## row/columns sums and matrix fill are preserved:
-x1 <- permatswap(m, burnin = 1000, thin = 100)
-## Unrestricted permutation retaining
-## row/columns sums but not matrix fill:
-x2 <- permatfull(m)
-## Unrestricted permutation of presence-absence type
-## not retaining row/columns sums:
-x3 <- permatfull(m, "none", mtype="prab")
-x3$orig ## note: original matrix is binarized!
-## Restricted permutation,
-## check sums within strata:
-x4 <- permatfull(m, reg=c(1,1,2,2))
Copied: pkg/man/permatfull.Rd (from rev 467, pkg/man/permat.Rd)
--- pkg/man/permatfull.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/permatfull.Rd 2008-08-12 07:24:32 UTC (rev 469)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+\title{Matrix Permutation Algorithms for Presence-Absence and Count Data}
+\description{ Individual (for count data) or incidence (for
+presence-absence data) based null models can be generated for
+community level simulations. Options for preserving characteristics of
+the original matrix (rows/columns sums, matrix fill) and
+restricted permutations (within strata based on spatial units, habitat
+classes or both) are discussed in the Details section. By using these functions,
+hypothesis testing is separated from the null model generation, thus
+several tests can be applied on the same set of random matrices. }
+permatfull(m, fixedmar = "both", reg = NULL, hab = NULL, mtype = "count", times = 100)
+permatswap(m, reg = NULL, hab = NULL, mtype = "count", method = "swap", times = 100, burnin = 10000, thin = 1000)
+\method{plot}{permat}(x, ...)
+\method{summary}{permat}(object, ...)
+\method{print}{summary.permat}(x, digits = 2, ...)
+ \item{m}{a community data matrix with plots (samples) as rows and species (taxa) as columns.}
+ \item{fixedmar}{character, stating which of the row/column sums should be preserved (\code{"none", "rows", "columns", "both"}).}
+ \item{reg}{numeric vector or factor with length same as \code{nrow(m)} for grouping rows within strata (regions) for restricted permutations. Unique values or levels are used.}
+ \item{hab}{numeric vector or factor with length same as \code{nrow(m)} for grouping rows within strata (habitat classes) for restricted permutations. Unique values or levels are used.}
+ \item{mtype}{matrix data type, either \code{"count"} for count data, or \code{"prab"} for presence-absence type incidence data.}
+ \item{times}{number of permuted matrices.}
+ \item{method}{character for method used for the swap algorithm (\code{"swap"}, \code{"tswap"}, \code{"backtrack"}) as described for function \code{\link{commsimulator}}. If \code{mtype="count"} only \code{"swap"} is available.}
+ \item{burnin}{number of null communities discarded before proper analysis in sequential (\code{"swap", "tswap"}) methods.}
+ \item{thin}{number of discarded permuted matrices between two evaluations in sequential (\code{"swap", "tswap"}) methods.}
+ \item{x, object}{object of class \code{"permat"}}
+ \item{digits}{number of digits used for rounding.}
+ \item{\dots}{other arguments passed to methods.}
+The function \code{permatfull} is useful when matrix fill is allowed to vary, and matrix type is \code{count}.
+The \code{fixedmar} argument is used to set constraints for permutation.
+If \code{none} of the margins are fixed, cells are randomised within the matrix.
+If \code{rows} or \code{columns} are fixed, cells within rows or columns are randomised, respectively.
+If \code{both} margins are fixed, the \code{\link{r2dtable}} function is used that is based on
+Patefield's (1981) algorithm. For presence absence data, matrix fill is necessarily fixed, and \code{permatfull}
+is a wrapper for the function \code{\link{commsimulator}}. The \code{r00, r0, c0, quasiswap}
+algorithms of \code{\link{commsimulator}} are used for \code{"none", "rows", "columns", "both"} values
+of the \code{fixedmar} argument, respectively
+The function \code{permatswap} is useful when matrix fill (i.e. the proportion of empty cells) should be kept constant.
+\code{permatswap} uses different kinds of swap algorithms, and row and columns sums are fixed in all cases.
+For presence-absence data, the \code{swap} and \code{tswap} methods of \code{\link{commsimulator}} can be used.
+For count data, a special swap algorithm (swapcount) is implemented that results in permuted matrices with
+fixed marginals and matrix fill at the same time.
+Constraints on row/colum sums, matrix fill, total sum and sums within
+strata can be checked by the \code{summary} method. \code{plot} method is for
+visually testing the randomness of the prmuted matrices, especially for the
+swap methods. If there are any tendency in the graph, higher \code{burnin} and
+\code{thin} values can help.
+Unrestricted and restricted permutations: if both
+\code{reg} and \code{hab} are \code{NULL}, functions perform
+unrestricted permutations. If either of the two is given, it is used
+as is for restricted permutations. If both are given, interaction is
+used for restricted permutations. Each strata should contain at least 2 rows
+in order to perform randomization (in case of low row numbers, swap methods
+can be more slower).
+Functions \code{permatfull} and \code{permatswap} return an object of class \code{"permat"}.
+ \item{call}{the function call.}
+ \item{orig}{the original data matrix used for permutations.}
+ \item{perm}{a list of permuted matrices with length \code{times}.}
+ \item{specs}{a list of other specifications (variable in length, depending on the function used): \code{reg}, \code{hab}, \code{burnin}, \code{thin}.}
+\code{summary.permat} returns a list invisibly containing mean
+Bray-Curtis dissimilarities calculated pairvise among original and
+permuted matrices, and check results of the constraints. }
+Original references for presence-absence swap methods are given on help
+page of \code{\link{commsimulator}}.
+Patefield, W. M. (1981) Algorithm AS159. An efficient method of generating r x c tables with given row and column totals.
+Applied Statistics 30, 91-97.
+\author{Peter Solymos, \email{Solymos.Peter at aotk.szie.hu}; Jari Oksanen translated the original swap algorithm for count data into C}
+\code{\link{commsimulator}}, \code{\link{r2dtable}}, \code{\link{sample}}
+## A simple artificial community data matrix.
+m <- matrix(c(
+ 1,3,2,0,3,1,
+ 0,2,1,0,2,1,
+ 0,0,1,2,0,3,
+ 0,0,0,1,4,3
+ ), 4, 6, byrow=TRUE)
+## Using the swap algorithm to create a
+## list of permuted matrices, where
+## row/columns sums and matrix fill are preserved:
+x1 <- permatswap(m, burnin = 1000, thin = 100)
+## Unrestricted permutation retaining
+## row/columns sums but not matrix fill:
+x2 <- permatfull(m)
+## Unrestricted permutation of presence-absence type
+## not retaining row/columns sums:
+x3 <- permatfull(m, "none", mtype="prab")
+x3$orig ## note: original matrix is binarized!
+## Restricted permutation,
+## check sums within strata:
+x4 <- permatfull(m, reg=c(1,1,2,2))
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