[Uwgarp-commits] r215 - in pkg/GARPFRM: R man

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Sat Nov 15 10:28:08 CET 2014

Author: jaiganeshp
Date: 2014-11-15 10:28:07 +0100 (Sat, 15 Nov 2014)
New Revision: 215

Updated CAPM Plot Method and Also Added dat.Rd file.

Modified: pkg/GARPFRM/R/capm.R
--- pkg/GARPFRM/R/capm.R	2014-08-26 00:08:59 UTC (rev 214)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/R/capm.R	2014-11-15 09:28:07 UTC (rev 215)
@@ -1,324 +1,325 @@
-# CAPM Function 
-# Description for CAPM
-# @param r risk-free rate
-# @param mkrt market return
-# @return the function returns tstat upon default & pvalue when specified
-# @export
-# capm.tstats = function(r,mkrt,type = FALSE) {
-#   # Fiting CAPM and retrieve alpha specific tstats or pvalues
-#   capm.fit = lm(r~mkrt)    
-#   # Extract summary info
-#   capm.summary = summary(capm.fit) 
-#   if(is.null(type) | type=="pvalue"){
-#     # Retrieve p-value if specified
-#     p.value = coef(capm.summary)[1,4]  
-#     p.value
-#   }else{
-#     # Otherwise retrieve t-stat if specified or on default
-#     t.stat = coef(capm.summary)[1,3]  
-#     t.stat
-#   }
-# }
-#' Capital Asset Pricing Model
-#' CAPM describes the relationship between risk and (expected) return
-#' Retrieves alphas, betas, as well as pvalue and tstats. 
-#' The CAPM is used to determine a theoretically appropriate rate of return
-#' of the non-diversifiable risk of an asset.
-#' @param R asset returns
-#' @param Rmkt market returns
-#' @examples
-#' data(crsp.short)
-#' head(largecap.ts)
-#' Rf <- largecap.ts[, "t90"]
-#' R <- largecap.ts[, "CAT"] - Rf
-#' MKT <- largecap.ts[, "market"] - Rf
-#' # Fit the CAPM model
-#' tmp <- CAPM(R=R, Rmkt=MKT)
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-CAPM <- function(R, Rmkt){  
-  capm_fit <- lm(R ~ Rmkt)
-  capm_fit$x_data <- Rmkt
-  capm_fit$y_data <- R
-  if(ncol(R) > 1){
-    #  Multiple Linear Model CAPM
-    class(capm_fit) <- c("capm_mlm", "mlm", "lm")
-  } else if(ncol(R) == 1){
-    #  Univariate CAPM
-    class(capm_fit) <- c("capm_uv", "lm")
-  }
-  return(capm_fit)
-#' CAPM alphas
-#' Extract the computed alphas (intercept) from the fitted CAPM object.
-#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-getAlphas <- function(object){
-  UseMethod("getAlphas")
-#' @method getAlphas capm_uv
-#' @S3method getAlphas capm_uv
-getAlphas.capm_uv <- function(object){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
-  temp = getStatistics(object)[,1]
-  return(temp[1])
-#' @method getAlphas capm_mlm
-#' @S3method getAlphas capm_mlm
-getAlphas.capm_mlm <- function(object){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
-  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
-  tmp_sm = tmp_sm[seq(1,nrow(tmp_sm),2),1]
-  return(tmp_sm)
-#' CAPM betas
-#' Extract the computed alpha (intercept) from the CAPM object.
-#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-getBetas <- function(object){
-  UseMethod("getBetas")
-#' @method getBetas capm_uv
-#' @S3method getBetas capm_uv
-getBetas.capm_uv <- function(object){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
-  temp = getStatistics(object)[,1]
-  return(temp[2])
-#' @method getBetas capm_mlm
-#' @S3method getBetas capm_mlm
-getBetas.capm_mlm <- function(object){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
-  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
-  tmp_sm = tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),1]
-  return(tmp_sm)
-#' CAPM statistics
-#' Extract the standard error, t-values, and p-values from the CAPM object.
-#' The t-statistic and corresponding two-sided p-value are calculated differently
-#' for the alpha and beta coefficients.
-#' \itemize{
-#'   \item{alpha}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
-#'   test if alpha is significantly different from 0.
-#'   \deqn{
-#'     H0: \alpha = 0
-#'   }
-#'   }
-#'   \item{beta}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
-#'   test if beta is significantly different from 1.
-#'   \deqn{
-#'     H0: \beta = 1
-#'   }
-#'   }
-#' }
-#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-getStatistics <- function(object){
-  UseMethod("getStatistics")
-#' @method getStatistics capm_uv
-#' @S3method getStatistics capm_uv
-getStatistics.capm_uv <- function(object){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
-  tmp_sm <- summary.lm(object)
-  # Gets t-value, and p-value of model
-  result = coef(tmp_sm)[,c(1:4)]
-  # recalculate the tstat for the beta to test if beta is significantly different from 1
-  # (beta - beta0) / se
-  tstat = (result[2,1] - 1 )/result[2,2]
-  # Two sided t-test
-  pvalue= (2*(1 - pt(abs(tstat),df=nrow(object$x_data)-2)))
-  result[2,3:4] = cbind(tstat, pvalue)
-  rownames(result) = cbind(c(paste("alpha.", colnames(object$y_data))),c(paste("beta. ", colnames(object$y_data))))
-  return(result)
-#' @method getStatistics capm_mlm
-#' @S3method getStatistics capm_mlm
-getStatistics.capm_mlm <- function(object){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
-  # Gets t-value, and p-value of model
-  # Multi-Beta CAPM
-  x <- coef(summary(object))
-  tmp_sm <- do.call(rbind, x)
-  holder = matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(coef(object))*2)
-  n=1
-  for (i in 1:ncol(coef(object))){
-    holder[,n:(i*2)] = cbind(c(paste("alpha.",colnames(coef(object))[i])) ,c(paste("beta. ",colnames(coef(object))[i])))
-    n = i*2 +1
-  }
-  rownames(tmp_sm) <- c(holder)
-  # recalculate the tstat for the beta to test if beta is significantly different from 1
-  # (beta - beta0) / se
-  tstat = (tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),1] - 1 )/tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),2]
-  #' Two sided t-test
-  pvalue = (2*(1 - pt(abs(tstat),df=nrow(object$x_data)-2)))
-  tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),3:4] = cbind(tstat,pvalue)
-  return(tmp_sm)
-#' Plotting method for CAPM
-#' Plot a fitted CAPM object
-#' @param x a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
-#' @param y not used
-#' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}.
-#' @param main a main title for the plot
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @method plot capm_uv
-#' @S3method plot capm_uv
-plot.capm_uv <- function(x, y, ..., main="CAPM"){
-  xlab <- colnames(x$x_data)
-  ylab <- colnames(x$y_data)
-  plot(x=coredata(x$x_data), y=(x$y_data), ...=..., xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
-  abline(x)
-  abline(h=0,v=0,lty=3)
-  alpha = coef(summary(x))[1,1]
-  a_tstat = coef(summary(x))[1,2]
-  beta = coef(summary(x))[2,1]
-  b_tstat = coef(summary(x))[2,2]
-  legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("alpha =", round(alpha,digits=2),"(", round(a_tstat,digits=2),")"),
-                             paste("beta =", round(beta,digits=2),"(", round(b_tstat,digits=2),")")), cex=.8, bty="n")
-#' Plotting method for CAPM
-#' Plot a fitted CAPM object
-#' @param x a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
-#' @param y not used
-#' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}.
-#' @param main a main title for the plot
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @method plot capm_mlm
-#' @S3method plot capm_mlm
-plot.capm_mlm <- function(x, y, ..., main="CAPM"){
-  if(ncol(x$y_data) > 4) warning("Only first 4 assets will be graphically displayed")
-  par(mfrow=c(2,round(ncol(coef(x))/2)))
-  Rmkt = x$x_data
-  nbPlot = min(ncol(coef(x)),4)
-  for (i in 1:nbPlot){
-    tmp = CAPM(x$y_data[,i], Rmkt)
-    plot(tmp, ...=..., main=main)
-  }
-#' Security Market Line (SML) of the CAPM.
-#' The SML is a represesentation of the CAPM. It illustrates the expected rate 
-#' of return of an individual security as a function of systematic, 
-#' non-diversified risk (known as beta).
-#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
-#' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}.
-#' @param main a main title for the plot.
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-chartSML <- function(object, ..., main="Estimated SML"){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
-  #' Plot expected return versus beta
-  mu.hat = colMeans(object$y_data, na.rm=TRUE)
-  betas = getBetas(object)
-  sml.fit = lm(mu.hat~betas)
-  # Plot Fitted SML
-  plot(betas,mu.hat,main=main, ...=...)
-  abline(sml.fit)
-  #legend("topleft",1, "Estimated SML",1)                  
-#' CAPM Hypothesis Test
-#' Test the CAPM coefficients for significance.
-#' @details
-#' This function tests the significance of the coefficients (alpha and beta)
-#' estimated by the CAPM.
-#' #' The t-statistic and corresponding two-sided p-value are calculated differently
-#' for the alpha and beta coefficients
-#' \itemize{
-#'   \item{alpha}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
-#'   test if alpha is significantly different from 0.
-#'   \deqn{
-#'     H0: \alpha = 0
-#'   }
-#'   }
-#'   \item{beta}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
-#'   test if beta is significantly different from 1.
-#'   \deqn{
-#'     H0: \beta = 1
-#'   }
-#'   }
-#' }
-#' If the p-value is less than the coefficients confidence level, the null 
-#' hypothesis is rejected meaning that the coefficients is significant. If 
-#' the p-value is greater than the specified confidence level, the null 
-#' hypothesis cannot be rejected.
-#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}
-#' @param significanceLevel confidence level
-#' @return TRUE if the null hypothesis is rejected (i.e. the estimated coefficient is significant)
-#' FALSE if the null hypothesis cannot be rejected (i.e. the estimated coefficient is not significant)
-#' @seealso \code{\link{getStatistics}}
-#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
-#' @export
-hypTest <- function(object,significanceLevel){
-  UseMethod("hypTest")
-#' @method hypTest capm_uv
-#' @S3method hypTest capm_uv
-hypTest.capm_uv <- function(object, significanceLevel = 0.05){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
-  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
-  # test for alpha p-value < significanceLevel
-  tmp_A = tmp_sm[1,4] < significanceLevel
-  # test for beta p-value < significanceLevel
-  tmp_B = tmp_sm[2,4] < significanceLevel
-  result = list(alpha = tmp_A, beta = tmp_B)
-  return(result)
-#' @method hypTest capm_mlm
-#' @S3method hypTest capm_mlm
-hypTest.capm_mlm <- function(object, significanceLevel = 0.05){
-  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
-  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
-  # test for alpha p-value < significanceLevel
-  tmp_A = tmp_sm[seq(1,nrow(tmp_sm),2),4] < significanceLevel
-  # test for beta p-value < significanceLevel
-  tmp_B = tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),4] < significanceLevel
-  result = list(alpha = tmp_A, beta = tmp_B)  
-  return(result)
+# CAPM Function 
+# Description for CAPM
+# @param r risk-free rate
+# @param mkrt market return
+# @return the function returns tstat upon default & pvalue when specified
+# @export
+# capm.tstats = function(r,mkrt,type = FALSE) {
+#   # Fiting CAPM and retrieve alpha specific tstats or pvalues
+#   capm.fit = lm(r~mkrt)    
+#   # Extract summary info
+#   capm.summary = summary(capm.fit) 
+#   if(is.null(type) | type=="pvalue"){
+#     # Retrieve p-value if specified
+#     p.value = coef(capm.summary)[1,4]  
+#     p.value
+#   }else{
+#     # Otherwise retrieve t-stat if specified or on default
+#     t.stat = coef(capm.summary)[1,3]  
+#     t.stat
+#   }
+# }
+#' Capital Asset Pricing Model
+#' CAPM describes the relationship between risk and (expected) return
+#' Retrieves alphas, betas, as well as pvalue and tstats. 
+#' The CAPM is used to determine a theoretically appropriate rate of return
+#' of the non-diversifiable risk of an asset.
+#' @param R asset returns
+#' @param Rmkt market returns
+#' @examples
+#' data(crsp.short)
+#' head(largecap.ts)
+#' Rf <- largecap.ts[, "t90"]
+#' R <- largecap.ts[, "CAT"] - Rf
+#' MKT <- largecap.ts[, "market"] - Rf
+#' # Fit the CAPM model
+#' tmp <- CAPM(R=R, Rmkt=MKT)
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+CAPM <- function(R, Rmkt){  
+  capm_fit <- lm(R ~ Rmkt)
+  capm_fit$x_data <- Rmkt
+  capm_fit$y_data <- R
+  if(ncol(R) > 1){
+    #  Multiple Linear Model CAPM
+    class(capm_fit) <- c("capm_mlm", "mlm", "lm")
+  } else if(ncol(R) == 1){
+    #  Univariate CAPM
+    class(capm_fit) <- c("capm_uv", "lm")
+  }
+  return(capm_fit)
+#' CAPM alphas
+#' Extract the computed alphas (intercept) from the fitted CAPM object.
+#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+getAlphas <- function(object){
+  UseMethod("getAlphas")
+#' @method getAlphas capm_uv
+#' @S3method getAlphas capm_uv
+getAlphas.capm_uv <- function(object){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
+  temp = getStatistics(object)[,1]
+  return(temp[1])
+#' @method getAlphas capm_mlm
+#' @S3method getAlphas capm_mlm
+getAlphas.capm_mlm <- function(object){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
+  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
+  tmp_sm = tmp_sm[seq(1,nrow(tmp_sm),2),1]
+  return(tmp_sm)
+#' CAPM betas
+#' Extract the computed alpha (intercept) from the CAPM object.
+#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+getBetas <- function(object){
+  UseMethod("getBetas")
+#' @method getBetas capm_uv
+#' @S3method getBetas capm_uv
+getBetas.capm_uv <- function(object){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
+  temp = getStatistics(object)[,1]
+  return(temp[2])
+#' @method getBetas capm_mlm
+#' @S3method getBetas capm_mlm
+getBetas.capm_mlm <- function(object){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
+  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
+  tmp_sm = tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),1]
+  return(tmp_sm)
+#' CAPM statistics
+#' Extract the standard error, t-values, and p-values from the CAPM object.
+#' The t-statistic and corresponding two-sided p-value are calculated differently
+#' for the alpha and beta coefficients.
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{alpha}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
+#'   test if alpha is significantly different from 0.
+#'   \deqn{
+#'     H0: \alpha = 0
+#'   }
+#'   }
+#'   \item{beta}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
+#'   test if beta is significantly different from 1.
+#'   \deqn{
+#'     H0: \beta = 1
+#'   }
+#'   }
+#' }
+#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+getStatistics <- function(object){
+  UseMethod("getStatistics")
+#' @method getStatistics capm_uv
+#' @S3method getStatistics capm_uv
+getStatistics.capm_uv <- function(object){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
+  tmp_sm <- summary.lm(object)
+  # Gets t-value, and p-value of model
+  result = coef(tmp_sm)[,c(1:4)]
+  # recalculate the tstat for the beta to test if beta is significantly different from 1
+  # (beta - beta0) / se
+  tstat = (result[2,1] - 1 )/result[2,2]
+  # Two sided t-test
+  pvalue= (2*(1 - pt(abs(tstat),df=nrow(object$x_data)-2)))
+  result[2,3:4] = cbind(tstat, pvalue)
+  rownames(result) = cbind(c(paste("alpha.", colnames(object$y_data))),c(paste("beta. ", colnames(object$y_data))))
+  return(result)
+#' @method getStatistics capm_mlm
+#' @S3method getStatistics capm_mlm
+getStatistics.capm_mlm <- function(object){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
+  # Gets t-value, and p-value of model
+  # Multi-Beta CAPM
+  x <- coef(summary(object))
+  tmp_sm <- do.call(rbind, x)
+  holder = matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(coef(object))*2)
+  n=1
+  for (i in 1:ncol(coef(object))){
+    holder[,n:(i*2)] = cbind(c(paste("alpha.",colnames(coef(object))[i])) ,c(paste("beta. ",colnames(coef(object))[i])))
+    n = i*2 +1
+  }
+  rownames(tmp_sm) <- c(holder)
+  # recalculate the tstat for the beta to test if beta is significantly different from 1
+  # (beta - beta0) / se
+  tstat = (tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),1] - 1 )/tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),2]
+  #' Two sided t-test
+  pvalue = (2*(1 - pt(abs(tstat),df=nrow(object$x_data)-2)))
+  tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),3:4] = cbind(tstat,pvalue)
+  return(tmp_sm)
+#' Plotting method for CAPM
+#' Plot a fitted CAPM object
+#' @param x a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
+#' @param y not used
+#' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}.
+#' @param main a main title for the plot
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @method plot capm_uv
+#' @S3method plot capm_uv
+plot.capm_uv <- function(x, y, ..., main="CAPM"){
+  xlab <- colnames(x$x_data)
+  ylab <- colnames(x$y_data)
+  plot(x=coredata(x$x_data), y=(x$y_data), ...=..., xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
+  abline(x)
+  abline(h=0,v=0,lty=3)
+  alpha = coef(summary(x))[1,1]
+  a_tstat = coef(summary(x))[1,2]
+  beta = coef(summary(x))[2,1]
+  b_tstat = coef(summary(x))[2,2]
+  legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("alpha =", round(alpha,digits=2),"(", round(a_tstat,digits=2),")"),
+                             paste("beta =", round(beta,digits=2),"(", round(b_tstat,digits=2),")")), cex=.8, bty="n")
+#' Plotting method for CAPM
+#' Plot a fitted CAPM object
+#' @param x a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
+#' @param y not used
+#' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}.
+#' @param main a main title for the plot
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @method plot capm_mlm
+#' @S3method plot capm_mlm
+plot.capm_mlm <- function(x, y, ..., main="CAPM"){
+  if(ncol(x$y_data) > 4) warning("Only first 4 assets will be graphically displayed")
+  par(mfrow=c(2,min(round(ncol(coef(x))/2,2))))
+  Rmkt = x$x_data
+  nbPlot = min(ncol(coef(x)),4)
+  for (i in 1:nbPlot){
+    tmp = CAPM(x$y_data[,i], Rmkt)
+    plot(tmp, ...=..., main=main)
+  }
+  par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+#' Security Market Line (SML) of the CAPM.
+#' The SML is a represesentation of the CAPM. It illustrates the expected rate 
+#' of return of an individual security as a function of systematic, 
+#' non-diversified risk (known as beta).
+#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}.
+#' @param \dots passthrough parameters to \code{\link{plot}}.
+#' @param main a main title for the plot.
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+chartSML <- function(object, ..., main="Estimated SML"){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
+  #' Plot expected return versus beta
+  mu.hat = colMeans(object$y_data, na.rm=TRUE)
+  betas = getBetas(object)
+  sml.fit = lm(mu.hat~betas)
+  # Plot Fitted SML
+  plot(betas,mu.hat,main=main, ...=...)
+  abline(sml.fit)
+  #legend("topleft",1, "Estimated SML",1)                  
+#' CAPM Hypothesis Test
+#' Test the CAPM coefficients for significance.
+#' @details
+#' This function tests the significance of the coefficients (alpha and beta)
+#' estimated by the CAPM.
+#' #' The t-statistic and corresponding two-sided p-value are calculated differently
+#' for the alpha and beta coefficients
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{alpha}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
+#'   test if alpha is significantly different from 0.
+#'   \deqn{
+#'     H0: \alpha = 0
+#'   }
+#'   }
+#'   \item{beta}{ the t-statistic and corresponding p-value are calculated to
+#'   test if beta is significantly different from 1.
+#'   \deqn{
+#'     H0: \beta = 1
+#'   }
+#'   }
+#' }
+#' If the p-value is less than the coefficients confidence level, the null 
+#' hypothesis is rejected meaning that the coefficients is significant. If 
+#' the p-value is greater than the specified confidence level, the null 
+#' hypothesis cannot be rejected.
+#' @param object a capm object created by \code{\link{CAPM}}
+#' @param significanceLevel confidence level
+#' @return TRUE if the null hypothesis is rejected (i.e. the estimated coefficient is significant)
+#' FALSE if the null hypothesis cannot be rejected (i.e. the estimated coefficient is not significant)
+#' @seealso \code{\link{getStatistics}}
+#' @author Thomas Fillebeen
+#' @export
+hypTest <- function(object,significanceLevel){
+  UseMethod("hypTest")
+#' @method hypTest capm_uv
+#' @S3method hypTest capm_uv
+hypTest.capm_uv <- function(object, significanceLevel = 0.05){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_uv")) stop("object must be of class capm_uv")
+  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
+  # test for alpha p-value < significanceLevel
+  tmp_A = tmp_sm[1,4] < significanceLevel
+  # test for beta p-value < significanceLevel
+  tmp_B = tmp_sm[2,4] < significanceLevel
+  result = list(alpha = tmp_A, beta = tmp_B)
+  return(result)
+#' @method hypTest capm_mlm
+#' @S3method hypTest capm_mlm
+hypTest.capm_mlm <- function(object, significanceLevel = 0.05){
+  if(!inherits(object, "capm_mlm")) stop("object must be of class capm_mlm")
+  tmp_sm = getStatistics(object)
+  # test for alpha p-value < significanceLevel
+  tmp_A = tmp_sm[seq(1,nrow(tmp_sm),2),4] < significanceLevel
+  # test for beta p-value < significanceLevel
+  tmp_B = tmp_sm[seq(2,nrow(tmp_sm),2),4] < significanceLevel
+  result = list(alpha = tmp_A, beta = tmp_B)  
+  return(result)

Added: pkg/GARPFRM/man/dat.Rd
--- pkg/GARPFRM/man/dat.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/GARPFRM/man/dat.Rd	2014-11-15 09:28:07 UTC (rev 215)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+%%   ~~ data name/kind ... ~~
+%%  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of the dataset. ~~
+  A data frame with 33 observations on the following 7 variables.
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{Cusip}}{a factor with levels \code{912810CT} \code{912810CU} \code{912810CW} \code{912810CX} \code{912810CZ} \code{912810DA} \code{912810DC} \code{912810DD} \code{912810DE} \code{912810DG} \code{912810DH} \code{912810DK} \code{912810DM} \code{912810DQ} \code{912810DR} \code{912810DU} \code{9128272J} \code{9128272U} \code{9128273E} \code{9128273X} \code{9128274F} \code{9128274V} \code{9128275G} \code{912827F4} \code{912827G5} \code{912827N8} \code{912827S8} \code{912827V8} \code{912827X8} \code{912827Y5} \code{912827Z6} \code{912827ZE} \code{912827ZN}}
+    \item{\code{IssueDate}}{a Date}
+    \item{\code{MaturityDate}}{a Date}
+    \item{\code{Name}}{a factor with levels \code{BOND} \code{NOTE}}
+    \item{\code{Coupon}}{a numeric vector}
+    \item{\code{Bid}}{a numeric vector}
+    \item{\code{Ask}}{a numeric vector}
+  }
+%%  ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~
+%%  ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~
+%%  ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~
+## maybe str(dat) ; plot(dat) ...

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