[Traminer-users] dissmfac coefficients

Alexandre Pollien alexandre.pollien at bluewin.ch
Tue Aug 24 10:16:24 CEST 2010


I have a question about the interpretation of the dissmfac function. I 
hope this is not stupid and understable.

Can the pseudo-F, pseudo-R2 be interpreted and used in the same way that 
regression coefficients? In other words, should we pay attention to 
problems of collinearity? Is this really multifactorial system or simply 
a series of independent coefficients?
I ask these questions because I did an analysis with strongly correlated 
variables, and the results do not seem bad:
I would like to determine the breakpoint of an experience effect : exper 
= 1 to 8 and I recode it like this:

exper1 (=1 / 2->8)
exper2 (= 1->2 / 3->8)
exper3 (= 1->3 / 4->8)
exper4 (= 1->4 / 5->8)
etc. ...

I suspect that the experience effect is very strong at first, then 
gradually decreases. The results are:


The passage from one experience to two produced a change, as well as 2 
to 3, 3 to 4. But a break seems to occur at the 4th level of experience. 
Having 4 or having 5 (or 6,7 etc..) units experience seems to make not 
very difference (even if the 4th p-value = 0.000). Is that right?

Thank a lot


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