[Tikzdevice-bugs] Announcing tikzDevice 0.7

Kirill Müller mail at kirill-mueller.de
Thu Nov 21 20:09:34 CET 2013


In a joint effort, Yihui Xie (author of the knitr package) and I have 
prepared the tikzDevice package for release to CRAN and fixed a few 
minor issues. The release candidate is on GitHub at 
https://github.com/yihui/tikzDevice/tree/0.7-rc . Please install from 
source using devtools::install_github("yihui/tikzDevice", ref="0.7-rc") 
or (for versions of devtools older than 1.4) 
devtools::install_github("tikzDevice", "yihui", ref="0.7-rc") . For 
Windows users there is also a binary package, install using:

setInternet2(TRUE)  # for HTTPS access
install.packages(  "tikzDevice",  
   repos=  c("https://github.com/yihui/tikzDevice/raw/0.7-rc",
             "http://cran.rstudio.com")  )

Unless there are major showstoppers, I plan to release to CRAN early 
next week. The package passes all tests on Linux for all R versions from 
R 2.14 onwards. Unfortunately, it hasn't been tested that well in OS X 
or Windows. Please report issues at GitHub: 
<https://github.com/yihui/tikzDevice/issues?milestone=1&page=1&state=open> .

Unfortunately, Charlie Sharpsteen did not reply when Yihui contacted 
him. I hope he is well. Given that the last commit happened more than a 
year ago, I guess I'll just take over maintenance for now. Of course, 
this is not set in stone.

Happy tikz-ing!


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