[Tikzdevice-bugs] pgfSweave book project

SyTpp sylvia.tippmann at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 13:33:09 CET 2012

Dear list,

I'm about to start writing my PhD Thesis and I'd like to do it with 
pgfSwaeve. Because it's gone be pretty big I'd like to use a book style 
format and use multiple folders to structure chapters.
I have experience with multi-chapter/multi-folder projects in LaTex (with 
the '\include' command) but I don't know how to active the same with 
pgfSweave. So far I've only used pgfSweave for single .Rnw  documents, like 
reports or articles. Could you please hint we to a help page a describe 
briefly how the structure of main .Rnw document and '\included' documents 
should look like?

Kind Regards

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