[Tikzdevice-bugs] tikz() fails

Charlie Sharpsteen chuck at sharpsteen.net
Thu Jan 5 00:14:48 CET 2012

On Wednesday, January 4, 2012 3:04:13 PM UTC-8, baptiste auguie wrote:

> Hi,
> I can't seem to get tikzDevice to work on my machine. I tried the CRAN 
> version, the r-forge version, and even github. I get this error message,
> library(tikzDevice)
> Loading required package: filehash
> filehash: Simple key-value database (2.2 2011-07-21)
> tikzDevice: R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format (v0.6.2-63-38eca21)
>   LaTeX found in the PATH using the command: pdflatex
>   XeLaTeX found in the global option: tikzXelatex
>   LuaLaTeX found in the PATH using the command: lualatex
> > tikz()
> > plot(1,1)

> Error in readKeyMap(filecon) : read failed

> Any ideas what could be wrong with my setup?
> Thanks,
> baptiste

The error points to the `readKeyMap` function which sounds like it would be 
a part of the `filehash` package. I would check to see that you have 
read/write access to your metrics dictionary, `options( 
'tikzMetricsDictionary )`, and possibly try trashing the file so that it 
gets re-created. A corrupted dictionary could explain why several versions 
of the package are failing in the same way.


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