[Stpp-commits] r60 - in pkg: . R man

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Tue Aug 21 11:25:25 CEST 2012

Author: gabriele
Date: 2012-08-21 11:25:25 +0200 (Tue, 21 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 60


Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2012-08-20 08:02:56 UTC (rev 59)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2012-08-21 09:25:25 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Package: stpp
-Type: Package
-Title: Space-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and analysis
-Version: 1.0
-Date: 2012-08-08
-Author: Edith Gabriel, Peter J Diggle, stan function by Barry Rowlingson
-Maintainer: Edith Gabriel <edith.gabriel at univ-avignon.fr>
-Depends: R (>= 2.10), splancs, KernSmooth
-Suggests: rpanel, rgl
-Description: A package for analysing, simulating and displaying space-time point patterns
-License: GPL-3
-LazyLoad: yes
+Package: stpp
+Type: Package
+Title: Space-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and analysis
+Version: 1.0-1
+Date: 2012-08-08
+Author: Edith Gabriel, Peter J Diggle, stan function by Barry Rowlingson
+Maintainer: Edith Gabriel <edith.gabriel at univ-avignon.fr>
+Depends: R (>= 2.10), splancs, KernSmooth
+Suggests: rpanel, rgl
+Description: A package for analysing, simulating and displaying space-time point patterns
+License: GPL-3
+LazyLoad: yes

Modified: pkg/R/rinfec.r
--- pkg/R/rinfec.r	2012-08-20 08:02:56 UTC (rev 59)
+++ pkg/R/rinfec.r	2012-08-21 09:25:25 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -226,13 +226,17 @@
                                          up <- runif(1)
                                          nix <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$x,x=xp)
                                          niy <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$y,x=yp)
-                                         Up <- Lambda[nix,niy]/lmax
-                                         retain <- up <= Up
-                                         if ((retain==FALSE) || is.na(retain))
-                                           retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-                                         else
-                                           retain.eq.F <- TRUE
+						     if (nix!=0 & niy!=0)
+							{
+                                          Up <- Lambda[nix,niy]/lmax
+                                          retain <- up <= Up
+                                          if ((retain==FALSE) || is.na(retain))
+                                            retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+                                          else
+                                            retain.eq.F <- TRUE
+							}
+							else 
+							  retain.eq.F <- FALSE
                                  M <- inout(pts=rbind(c(xp,yp),c(xp,yp)),poly=s.region)

Modified: pkg/R/rlgcp.r
--- pkg/R/rlgcp.r	2012-08-20 08:02:56 UTC (rev 59)
+++ pkg/R/rlgcp.r	2012-08-21 09:25:25 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -354,7 +354,10 @@
               nix <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$x,x=x[ix])
               niy <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$y,x=y[ix])
               nit <- findInterval(vec=t.grid$times,x=times[ix])
-              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
+		  if (nix==0 | niy==0 | nit==0) 
+			prob=c(prob,NA)
+		  else	
+                  prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
           M <- which(is.na(prob))
@@ -407,7 +410,10 @@
               nix <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$x,x=wx[ix])
               niy <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$y,x=wy[ix])
               nit <- findInterval(vec=t.grid$times,x=wtimes[ix])
-              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
+              if (nix==0 | niy==0 | nit==0) 
+			prob=c(prob,NA)
+		  else	
+                  prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
           M <- which(is.na(prob))
           if (length(M)!=0)

Modified: pkg/R/rpp.r
--- pkg/R/rpp.r	2012-08-20 08:02:56 UTC (rev 59)
+++ pkg/R/rpp.r	2012-08-21 09:25:25 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -1,534 +1,540 @@
-.make.grid <- function(nx,ny,poly)
-  {
-    if (missing(poly)) poly <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1),4,2,T)
-    if ((nx < 2) || (ny < 2)) stop("the grid must be at least of size 2x2")
-    xrang <- range(poly[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
-    yrang <- range(poly[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
-    xmin <- xrang[1]
-    xmax <- xrang[2]
-    ymin <- yrang[1]
-    ymax <- yrang[2]
-    xinc <- (xmax-xmin)/nx
-    yinc <- (ymax-ymin)/ny
-    xc <- xmin-xinc/2
-    yc <- ymin-yinc/2
-    xgrid <- rep(0,nx)
-    ygrid <- rep(0,ny)
-    xgrid[1] <- xc + xinc
-    ygrid[1] <- yc + yinc
-    for (i in 2:nx)
-      {
-        xgrid[i] <- xgrid[i-1]+xinc
-      }
-    for (i in 2:ny)
-      {
-        ygrid[i] <- ygrid[i-1]+yinc
-      }
-    yy <- matrix(xgrid,nx,ny)
-    xx <- t(yy)
-    yy <- matrix(ygrid,nx,ny)
-    X <- as.vector(xx)
-    Y <- as.vector(yy)
-    poly <- rbind(poly,poly[1,])
-    pts <- inpip(pts=cbind(X,Y),poly)
-    X[pts] <- TRUE
-    X[X!=TRUE] <- FALSE
-    mask <- matrix(X,ncol=ny,nrow=nx,byrow=TRUE)
-    invisible(return(list(x=xgrid,y=ygrid,X=xx,Y=yy,pts=pts,xinc=xinc,yinc=yinc,mask=matrix(as.logical(mask),nx,ny))))
-  }
-.rhpp <- function(lambda, s.region, t.region, npoints=NULL, replace=TRUE, discrete.time=FALSE)
-  {
-    if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
-    if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
-    s.area <- areapl(s.region)
-    t.region <- sort(t.region)
-    t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
-    if (missing(lambda) & !(is.null(npoints)))
-      {
-        if (t.area==0) lambda <- npoints/(s.area)
-        else lambda <- npoints/(s.area * t.area)
-      }
-    pattern <- list()
-    index.t <- list()
-   if (is.numeric(lambda))
-    {
-      if (is.null(npoints)==TRUE)
-        {
-          if (t.area==0)
-            { npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=lambda * s.area),0) }
-          else
-            { npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=lambda * s.area * t.area),0) }
-        }
-      xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints),ncol=2)
-      x <- xy[,1]
-      y <- xy[,2]
-      npoints <- length(x)
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          if ((length(vect)<npoints) & (replace==FALSE))
-            stop("when replace=FALSE and discrete.time=TRUE, the length of seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],by=1) must be greater than the number of points")
-          names(vect) <- 1:length(vect) 
-          M <- sample(vect,npoints,replace=replace)
-          times <- M
-          names(times) <- NULL
-          samp <- as.numeric(names(M))
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          times <- runif(npoints,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
-          samp <- sample(1:npoints,npoints,replace=replace)
-          times <- times[samp]
-        }
-      times <- sort(times)
-      index.times <- sort(samp)
-      pattern.interm <- list(x=x,y=y,t=times,index.t=index.times)      
-      pattern <- cbind(x=pattern.interm$x,y=pattern.interm$y,t=pattern.interm$t)
-      index.t <- pattern.interm$index.t
-    }
-   else
-     stop("lambda must be numeric")
-    invisible(return(list(pts=pattern,index.t=index.t)))
-  }
-.ripp <- function(lambda, s.region, t.region, npoints=NULL, replace=TRUE, discrete.time=FALSE, nx=100, ny=100, nt=100, lmax=NULL, Lambda=NULL, ...)
-  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
-  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
-  s.area <- areapl(s.region)
-  t.region <- sort(t.region)
-  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
-  if (missing(lambda) & !(is.null(npoints)))
-    {
-      if (t.area==0) lambda <- npoints/(s.area)
-      else lambda <- npoints/(s.area * t.area)
-    }
-  lambdamax <- lmax
-  pattern <- list()
-  index.t <- list()
-  if (is.function(lambda))
-    {
-      s.grid <- .make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
-      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          if (nt>length(vect))
-            {
-              nt <- length(vect)
-              warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
-              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
-              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
-      if (is.null(Lambda))
-        {
-	    Lambda <- array(NaN,dim=c(nx,ny,nt)) 
-          for(it in 1:nt)
-            {
-              L <- lambda(as.vector(s.grid$X),as.vector(s.grid$Y),t.grid$times[it],...)
-              M <- matrix(L,ncol=ny,nrow=nx,byrow=TRUE)
-              M[!(s.grid$mask)] <- NaN
-              Lambda[,,it] <- M
-            }
-        }
-      if (is.null(npoints)==TRUE)
-        {
-          if (t.area==0)
-            { en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc }
-          else
-            {
-              en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc*t.grid$tinc 
-              npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=en),0)
-            }
-        }
-      if (is.null(lambdamax))
-        lambdamax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
-      npts <- round(lambdamax/(s.area*t.area),0)
-      if (npts==0) stop("there is no data to thin")
-      xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npts),ncol=2)
-      x <- xy[,1]
-      y <- xy[,2]
-      if ((replace==FALSE) & (nt < max(npts,npoints))) stop("when replace=FALSE, nt must be greater than the number of points used for thinning")
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          times.init <- sample(vect,nt,replace=replace)
-        }
-      else
-        times.init <- runif(nt,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
-      samp <- sample(1:nt,npts,replace=replace)
-      times <- times.init[samp]
-      prob <-  lambda(x,y,times,...)/lambdamax
-      u <- runif(npts)
-      retain <- u <= prob
-      if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain))
-        {
-          lambdas <- matrix(0,nrow=nx,ncol=ny)
-          for(ix in 1:nx){for(iy in 1:ny){
-            lambdas[ix,iy] <- median(Lambda[ix,iy,],na.rm=TRUE)}}
-          lambdamax <- max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE)
-          prob <-  lambda(x,y,times,...)/lambdamax
-          retain <- u <= prob
-          if (sum(retain==F)==length(retain)) stop ("no point was retained at the first iteration, please check your parameters")
-        }
-      x <- x[retain]
-      y <- y[retain]
-      samp <- samp[retain]
-      samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-      times <- times[retain]
-      neffec <- length(x)
-      while(neffec < npoints)
-        {
-          xy <- as.matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints-neffec))
-          if(dim(xy)[2]==1){wx <- xy[1]; wy <- xy[2]}
-          else{wx <- xy[,1]; wy <- xy[,2]}
-          if(replace==FALSE)
-            { wsamp <- sample(samp.remain,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
-          else{ wsamp <- sample(1:nt,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
-          wtimes <- times.init[wsamp]
-#              lambdamax <- maxlambda[wsamp]
-          prob <-  lambda(wx,wy,wtimes,...)/lambdamax
-          u <- runif(npoints-neffec)
-          retain <- u <= prob
-          x <- c(x,wx[retain])
-          y <- c(y,wy[retain])
-          times <- c(times,wtimes[retain])
-          samp <- c(samp,wsamp[retain])
-          samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-          neffec <- length(x)
-        }
-      times <- sort(times)
-      index.times <- sort(samp)
-      pattern.interm <- list(x=x,y=y,t=times,index.t=index.times)
-          pattern <- cbind(x=pattern.interm$x,y=pattern.interm$y,t=pattern.interm$t)
-      index.t <- pattern.interm$index.t
-    }
-  if (is.character(lambda))
-    {
-      if (is.null(Lambda))
-        stop("Lambda must be specified")
-      nx <- dim(Lambda)[1]
-      ny <- dim(Lambda)[2]
-      nt <- dim(Lambda)[3]
-      s.grid <- .make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
-      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          if (nt>length(vect))
-            {
-              nt <- length(vect)
-              warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
-              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
-              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
-      if (is.null(npoints))
-        {
-	    en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc*t.grid$tinc 
-          npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=en),0)
-        }
-      if (is.null(lambdamax))
-        lambdamax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
-#      npts <- round(lambdamax/(s.area*t.area),0)
-      npts <- npoints
-      if (npts==0) stop("there is no data to thin")
-      if ((replace==FALSE) & (nt < max(npts,npoints))) stop("when replace=FALSE, nt must be greater than the number of points used for thinning")
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          times.init <- sample(vect,nt,replace=replace)
-        }
-      else
-        times.init <- runif(nt,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
-      samp <- sample(1:nt,npts,replace=replace)
-      times <- times.init[samp]
-      retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-      while(retain.eq.F==FALSE)
-        {
-          xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npts),ncol=2)
-          x <- xy[,1]
-          y <- xy[,2]
-          prob <- NULL
-          for(nx in 1:length(x))
-            {
-              nix <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$x,x=x[nx])
-              niy <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$y,x=y[nx])
-              nit <- findInterval(vec=t.grid$times,x=times[nx])
-              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
-            }
-          M <- which(is.na(prob))
-          if (length(M)!=0)
-            {
-              x <- x[-M]
-              y <- y[-M]
-              times <- times[-M]
-              prob <- prob[-M]
-              npts <- length(x)
-            }
-          u <- runif(npts)
-          retain <- u <= prob
-          if (sum(retain==F)==length(retain)) retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-          else retain.eq.F <- TRUE
-        }
-#      if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain)) stop ("no point was retained at the first iteration, please check your parameters")
-      if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain))
-        {
-          lambdas <- matrix(0,nrow=nx,ncol=ny)
-          for(ix in 1:nx){for(iy in 1:ny){
-            lambdas[ix,iy] <- median(Lambda[ix,iy,],na.rm=TRUE)}}
-          lambdamax <- max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE)
-          prob <-  lambda(x,y,times,...)/lambdamax
-          retain <- u <= prob
-          if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain)) stop ("no point was retained at the first iteration, please check your parameters")
-        }
-      x <- x[retain]
-      y <- y[retain]
-      samp <- samp[retain]
-      samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-      times <- times[retain]
-      neffec <- length(x)
-      if (neffec > npoints)
-        {
-          retain <- 1:npoints
-          x <- x[retain]
-          y <- y[retain]
-          samp <- samp[retain]
-          samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-          times <- times[retain]
-        }
-      while(neffec < npoints)
-        {
-          xy <- as.matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints-neffec))
-          if(dim(xy)[2]==1){wx <- xy[1]; wy <- xy[2]}
-          else{wx <- xy[,1]; wy <- xy[,2]}
-          if(replace==FALSE)
-            { wsamp <- sample(samp.remain,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
-          else{ wsamp <- sample(1:nt,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
-          wtimes <- times.init[wsamp]
-#              lambdamax <- maxlambda[wsamp]
-          prob <- NULL
-          for(nx in 1:length(wx))
-            {
-              nix <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$x,x=wx[nx])
-              niy <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$y,x=wy[nx])
-              nit <- findInterval(vec=t.grid$times,x=wtimes[nx])
-              prob <- c(prob,(Lambda[nix,niy,nit])/lambdamax)
-            }
-          M <- which(is.na(prob))
-          if (length(M)!=0)
-            {
-              wx <- wx[-M]
-              wy <- wy[-M]
-              wtimes <- wtimes[-M]
-              prob <- prob[-M]
-            }
-          if (neffec > 0)
-            {
-              u <- runif(length(prob))
-              retain <- u <= prob
-              x <- c(x,wx[retain])
-              y <- c(y,wy[retain])
-              times <- c(times,wtimes[retain])
-              samp <- c(samp,wsamp[retain])
-              samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-              neffec <- length(x)
-            }
-        }
-      times <- sort(times)
-      index.times <- sort(samp)
-      pattern.interm <- list(x=x,y=y,t=times,index.t=index.times)
-      pattern <- cbind(x=pattern.interm$x,y=pattern.interm$y,t=pattern.interm$t)
-      index.t <- pattern.interm$index.t
-    }
-  invisible(return(list(pts=pattern,index.t=index.t)))
-rpp <- function(lambda, s.region, t.region, npoints=NULL, nsim=1, replace=TRUE, discrete.time=FALSE, nx=100, ny=100, nt=100, lmax=NULL, ...)
-  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
-  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
-  s.area <- areapl(s.region)
-  t.region <- sort(t.region)
-  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
-  if (missing(lambda) & !(is.null(npoints)))
-    {
-      if (t.area==0) lambda <- npoints/(s.area)
-      else lambda <- npoints/(s.area * t.area)
-    }
-  lambdamax <- lmax
-  pattern <- list()
-  index.t <- list()
-  ni <- 1
-  #
-  # Homogeneous Poisson Process
-  #
-  if (is.numeric(lambda) & length(lambda)==1)
-    {
-      while(ni<=nsim)
-        {
-          hpp <- .rhpp(lambda=lambda, s.region=s.region, t.region=t.region, npoints=npoints, replace=replace, discrete.time=discrete.time)
-          if (nsim==1)
-            {
-              pattern <- as.3dpoints(hpp$pts)
-              index.t <- hpp$index.t
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              pattern[[ni]] <- as.3dpoints(hpp$pts)
-              index.t[[ni]] <- hpp$index.t
-            }
-          ni <- ni+1
-        }
-      Lambda <- NULL
-    }
-  #
-  # Inhomogeneous Poisson Process
-  #
-  else if (is.function(lambda))
-    {
-      s.grid <- .make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
-      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          if (nt>length(vect))
-            {
-              nt <- length(vect)
-              warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
-              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
-              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
-      Lambda <- array(NaN,dim=c(nx,ny,nt)) 
-      for(it in 1:nt)
-        {
-          L <- lambda(as.vector(s.grid$X),as.vector(s.grid$Y),t.grid$times[it],...)
-          M <- matrix(L,ncol=ny,nrow=nx,byrow=TRUE)
-          M[!(s.grid$mask)] <- NaN
-          Lambda[,,it] <- M
-        }
-      while(ni<=nsim)
-        {
-          ipp <- .ripp(lambda=lambda, s.region=s.region, t.region=t.region, npoints=npoints, replace=replace, discrete.time=discrete.time, nx=nx, ny=ny, nt=nt, lmax=lmax, Lambda=Lambda, ...)
-          if (nsim==1)
-            {
-              pattern <- as.3dpoints(ipp$pts)
-              index.t <- ipp$index.t
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              pattern[[ni]] <- as.3dpoints(ipp$pts)
-              index.t[[ni]] <- ipp$index.t
-            }
-          ni <- ni+1
-        }
-    }
- else if (is.array(lambda))
-    {
-      if (length(dim(lambda))!=3) stop ("lambda must be a 3D-array")
-      Lambda = lambda
-      lambda = "a"
-      while(ni<=nsim)
-        {
-          ipp <- .ripp(lambda=lambda, s.region=s.region, t.region=t.region, npoints=npoints, replace=replace, discrete.time=discrete.time, nx=nx, ny=ny, nt=nt, lmax=lmax, Lambda=Lambda, ...)
-          if (nsim==1)
-            {
-              pattern <- as.3dpoints(ipp$pts)
-              index.t <- ipp$index.t
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              pattern[[ni]] <- as.3dpoints(ipp$pts)
-              index.t[[ni]] <- ipp$index.t
-            }
-          ni <- ni+1
-        }
-    }
-    else stop("lambda must be either a single positive value or a function or a 3D-array")
-  invisible(return(list(xyt=pattern,index.t=index.t,s.region=s.region,t.region=t.region,lambda=lambda,Lambda=Lambda)))
+.make.grid <- function(nx,ny,poly)
+  {
+    if (missing(poly)) poly <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1),4,2,T)
+    if ((nx < 2) || (ny < 2)) stop("the grid must be at least of size 2x2")
+    xrang <- range(poly[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
+    yrang <- range(poly[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
+    xmin <- xrang[1]
+    xmax <- xrang[2]
+    ymin <- yrang[1]
+    ymax <- yrang[2]
+    xinc <- (xmax-xmin)/nx
+    yinc <- (ymax-ymin)/ny
+    xc <- xmin-xinc/2
+    yc <- ymin-yinc/2
+    xgrid <- rep(0,nx)
+    ygrid <- rep(0,ny)
+    xgrid[1] <- xc + xinc
+    ygrid[1] <- yc + yinc
+    for (i in 2:nx)
+      {
+        xgrid[i] <- xgrid[i-1]+xinc
+      }
+    for (i in 2:ny)
+      {
+        ygrid[i] <- ygrid[i-1]+yinc
+      }
+    yy <- matrix(xgrid,nx,ny)
+    xx <- t(yy)
+    yy <- matrix(ygrid,nx,ny)
+    X <- as.vector(xx)
+    Y <- as.vector(yy)
+    poly <- rbind(poly,poly[1,])
+    pts <- inpip(pts=cbind(X,Y),poly)
+    X[pts] <- TRUE
+    X[X!=TRUE] <- FALSE
+    mask <- matrix(X,ncol=ny,nrow=nx,byrow=TRUE)
+    invisible(return(list(x=xgrid,y=ygrid,X=xx,Y=yy,pts=pts,xinc=xinc,yinc=yinc,mask=matrix(as.logical(mask),nx,ny))))
+  }
+.rhpp <- function(lambda, s.region, t.region, npoints=NULL, replace=TRUE, discrete.time=FALSE)
+  {
+    if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
+    if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
+    s.area <- areapl(s.region)
+    t.region <- sort(t.region)
+    t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
+    if (missing(lambda) & !(is.null(npoints)))
+      {
+        if (t.area==0) lambda <- npoints/(s.area)
+        else lambda <- npoints/(s.area * t.area)
+      }
+    pattern <- list()
+    index.t <- list()
+   if (is.numeric(lambda))
+    {
+      if (is.null(npoints)==TRUE)
+        {
+          if (t.area==0)
+            { npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=lambda * s.area),0) }
+          else
+            { npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=lambda * s.area * t.area),0) }
+        }
+      xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints),ncol=2)
+      x <- xy[,1]
+      y <- xy[,2]
+      npoints <- length(x)
+      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+        {
+          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+          if ((length(vect)<npoints) & (replace==FALSE))
+            stop("when replace=FALSE and discrete.time=TRUE, the length of seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],by=1) must be greater than the number of points")
+          names(vect) <- 1:length(vect) 
+          M <- sample(vect,npoints,replace=replace)
+          times <- M
+          names(times) <- NULL
+          samp <- as.numeric(names(M))
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          times <- runif(npoints,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
+          samp <- sample(1:npoints,npoints,replace=replace)
+          times <- times[samp]
+        }
+      times <- sort(times)
+      index.times <- sort(samp)
+      pattern.interm <- list(x=x,y=y,t=times,index.t=index.times)      
+      pattern <- cbind(x=pattern.interm$x,y=pattern.interm$y,t=pattern.interm$t)
+      index.t <- pattern.interm$index.t
+    }
+   else
+     stop("lambda must be numeric")
+    invisible(return(list(pts=pattern,index.t=index.t)))
+  }
+.ripp <- function(lambda, s.region, t.region, npoints=NULL, replace=TRUE, discrete.time=FALSE, nx=100, ny=100, nt=100, lmax=NULL, Lambda=NULL, ...)
+  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
+  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
+  s.area <- areapl(s.region)
+  t.region <- sort(t.region)
+  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
+  if (missing(lambda) & !(is.null(npoints)))
+    {
+      if (t.area==0) lambda <- npoints/(s.area)
+      else lambda <- npoints/(s.area * t.area)
+    }
+  lambdamax <- lmax
+  pattern <- list()
+  index.t <- list()
+  if (is.function(lambda))
+    {
+      s.grid <- .make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
+      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
+      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+        {
+          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+          if (nt>length(vect))
+            {
+              nt <- length(vect)
+              warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
+              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
+              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
+      if (is.null(Lambda))
+        {
+	    Lambda <- array(NaN,dim=c(nx,ny,nt)) 
+          for(it in 1:nt)
+            {
+              L <- lambda(as.vector(s.grid$X),as.vector(s.grid$Y),t.grid$times[it],...)
+              M <- matrix(L,ncol=ny,nrow=nx,byrow=TRUE)
+              M[!(s.grid$mask)] <- NaN
+              Lambda[,,it] <- M
+            }
+        }
+      if (is.null(npoints)==TRUE)
+        {
+          if (t.area==0)
+            { en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc }
+          else
+            {
+              en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc*t.grid$tinc 
+              npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=en),0)
+            }
+        }
+      if (is.null(lambdamax))
+        lambdamax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
+      npts <- round(lambdamax/(s.area*t.area),0)
+      if (npts==0) stop("there is no data to thin")
+      xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npts),ncol=2)
+      x <- xy[,1]
+      y <- xy[,2]
+      if ((replace==FALSE) & (nt < max(npts,npoints))) stop("when replace=FALSE, nt must be greater than the number of points used for thinning")
+      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+        {
+          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+          times.init <- sample(vect,nt,replace=replace)
+        }
+      else
+        times.init <- runif(nt,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
+      samp <- sample(1:nt,npts,replace=replace)
+      times <- times.init[samp]
+      prob <-  lambda(x,y,times,...)/lambdamax
+      u <- runif(npts)
+      retain <- u <= prob
+      if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain))
+        {
+          lambdas <- matrix(0,nrow=nx,ncol=ny)
+          for(ix in 1:nx){for(iy in 1:ny){
+            lambdas[ix,iy] <- median(Lambda[ix,iy,],na.rm=TRUE)}}
+          lambdamax <- max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE)
+          prob <-  lambda(x,y,times,...)/lambdamax
+          retain <- u <= prob
+          if (sum(retain==F)==length(retain)) stop ("no point was retained at the first iteration, please check your parameters")
+        }
+      x <- x[retain]
+      y <- y[retain]
+      samp <- samp[retain]
+      samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+      times <- times[retain]
+      neffec <- length(x)
+      while(neffec < npoints)
+        {
+          xy <- as.matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints-neffec))
+          if(dim(xy)[2]==1){wx <- xy[1]; wy <- xy[2]}
+          else{wx <- xy[,1]; wy <- xy[,2]}
+          if(replace==FALSE)
+            { wsamp <- sample(samp.remain,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
+          else{ wsamp <- sample(1:nt,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
+          wtimes <- times.init[wsamp]
+#              lambdamax <- maxlambda[wsamp]
+          prob <-  lambda(wx,wy,wtimes,...)/lambdamax
+          u <- runif(npoints-neffec)
+          retain <- u <= prob
+          x <- c(x,wx[retain])
+          y <- c(y,wy[retain])
+          times <- c(times,wtimes[retain])
+          samp <- c(samp,wsamp[retain])
+          samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+          neffec <- length(x)
+        }
+      times <- sort(times)
+      index.times <- sort(samp)
+      pattern.interm <- list(x=x,y=y,t=times,index.t=index.times)
+          pattern <- cbind(x=pattern.interm$x,y=pattern.interm$y,t=pattern.interm$t)
+      index.t <- pattern.interm$index.t
+    }
+  if (is.character(lambda))
+    {
+      if (is.null(Lambda))
+        stop("Lambda must be specified")
+      nx <- dim(Lambda)[1]
+      ny <- dim(Lambda)[2]
+      nt <- dim(Lambda)[3]
+      s.grid <- .make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
+      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
+      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+        {
+          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+          if (nt>length(vect))
+            {
+              nt <- length(vect)
+              warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
+              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
+              t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
+      if (is.null(npoints))
+        {
+	    en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc*t.grid$tinc 
+          npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=en),0)
+        }
+      if (is.null(lambdamax))
+        lambdamax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
+#      npts <- round(lambdamax/(s.area*t.area),0)
+      npts <- npoints
+      if (npts==0) stop("there is no data to thin")
+      if ((replace==FALSE) & (nt < max(npts,npoints))) stop("when replace=FALSE, nt must be greater than the number of points used for thinning")
+      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+        {
+          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+          times.init <- sample(vect,nt,replace=replace)
+        }
+      else
+        times.init <- runif(nt,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
+      samp <- sample(1:nt,npts,replace=replace)
+      times <- times.init[samp]
+      retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+      while(retain.eq.F==FALSE)
+        {
+          xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npts),ncol=2)
+          x <- xy[,1]
+          y <- xy[,2]
+          prob <- NULL
+          for(nx in 1:length(x))
+            {
+              nix <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$x,x=x[nx])
+              niy <- findInterval(vec=s.grid$y,x=y[nx])
+              nit <- findInterval(vec=t.grid$times,x=times[nx])
+		  if (nix==0 | niy==0 | nit==0) 
+			prob=c(prob,NA)
+		  else	
+                  prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
+            }
+          M <- which(is.na(prob))
+          if (length(M)!=0)
+            {
+              x <- x[-M]
+              y <- y[-M]
+              times <- times[-M]
+              prob <- prob[-M]
+              npts <- length(x)
+            }
+          u <- runif(npts)
+          retain <- u <= prob
+          if (sum(retain==F)==length(retain)) retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+          else retain.eq.F <- TRUE
+        }
+#      if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain)) stop ("no point was retained at the first iteration, please check your parameters")
+      if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain))
+        {
+          lambdas <- matrix(0,nrow=nx,ncol=ny)
+          for(ix in 1:nx){for(iy in 1:ny){
+            lambdas[ix,iy] <- median(Lambda[ix,iy,],na.rm=TRUE)}}
+          lambdamax <- max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE)
+          prob <-  lambda(x,y,times,...)/lambdamax
+          retain <- u <= prob
+          if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain)) stop ("no point was retained at the first iteration, please check your parameters")
+        }
+      x <- x[retain]
+      y <- y[retain]
+      samp <- samp[retain]
+      samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+      times <- times[retain]
+      neffec <- length(x)
+      if (neffec > npoints)
+        {
+          retain <- 1:npoints
+          x <- x[retain]
+          y <- y[retain]
+          samp <- samp[retain]
+          samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+          times <- times[retain]
+        }
+      while(neffec < npoints)
+        {
+          xy <- as.matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints-neffec))
+          if(dim(xy)[2]==1){wx <- xy[1]; wy <- xy[2]}
+          else{wx <- xy[,1]; wy <- xy[,2]}
+          if(replace==FALSE)
+            { wsamp <- sample(samp.remain,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
+          else{ wsamp <- sample(1:nt,npoints-neffec,replace=replace) }
+          wtimes <- times.init[wsamp]

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/stpp -r 60

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