[Stpp-commits] r48 - pkg/R

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Fri Apr 20 14:28:22 CEST 2012

Author: gabriele
Date: 2012-04-20 14:28:22 +0200 (Fri, 20 Apr 2012)
New Revision: 48


Deleted: pkg/R/covst.r
--- pkg/R/covst.r	2012-04-20 12:26:37 UTC (rev 47)
+++ pkg/R/covst.r	2012-04-20 12:28:22 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-set.cov <- function(separable,model,param,sigma2)
-  {
-    mods <- 0
-    modt <- 0
-    mod <- 0    
-    models <- c("exponential","cauchy","stable","wave","gneiting","cesare","matern","none")
-    for(i in 1:length(model))
-      {
-        M <- which(models==model[i])
-        if (length(M)==0) stop("the model is not implemented")
-      }
-    for (i in 1:length(unique(model)))
-      {
-        if (((isTRUE(separable)) & ((model[i]==models[5]) | (model[i]==models[6]))) | ((!(isTRUE(separable))) & ((model[i]==models[1]) | (model[i]==models[2]) | (model[i]==models[3]) | (model[i]==models[4]) | (model[i]==models[7])))) stop("'stcov' does not match with 'model'")
-      }
-    if (isTRUE(separable))
-      {
-        if ((length(model)!=1) & (length(model)!=2))
-          stop("for separable covariance functions, 'model' must be of length 1 or 2")
-        if (length(model)==1)
-          {
-            if (model=="none")
-              {
-                mods <- 0
-                modt <- 0
-              }
-            if (model=="exponential")
-              {
-                mods <- 1
-                modt <- 1
-              }
-            if (model=="stable")
-              {
-                mods <- 2
-                if ((param[1] >2) | (param[1]<0)) stop("Stable model parameter must lie in [0,2]")
-                modt <- 2
-                if ((param[2] >2) | (param[2]<0)) stop("Stable model parameter must lie in [0,2]")
-              }
-            if (model=="cauchy")
-              {
-                mods <- 3
-                if (param[1]<=0) stop("Cauchy model parameter must be strictly positive")
-                modt <- 3
-                if (param[2]<=0) stop("Cauchy model parameter must be strictly positive")
-              }
-            if (model=="wave")
-              {
-                mods <- 4
-                modt <- 4
-                }
-            if (model=="matern") 
-			{
-                  mods <- 7
-			if (param[2]<=0 | param[1]<=0) stop("Matern model parameters must be strictly positive")
-                  modt <- 7
-			if (param[3]<=0 | param[4]<=0) stop("Matern model parameters must be strictly positive")
-                  }
-          }
-            if (length(model)==2)
-              {
-                if (model[1]=="none")
-                    mods <- 0
-                if (model[2]=="none")
-                  modt <- 0
-                if (model[1]=="exponential")
-                    mods <- 1
-                if (model[2]=="exponential")
-                  modt <- 1
-                if (model[1]=="stable")
-                    {
-                      mods <- 2
-                      if ((param[1] >2) | (param[1]<0)) stop("Stable model parameter must lie in [0,2]")
-                    }
-                if (model[2]=="stable")
-                  {
-                    modt <- 2
-                    if ((param[2] >2) | (param[2]<0)) stop("Stable model parameter must lie in [0,2]")
-                  }
-                if (model[1]=="cauchy")
-                  {
-                    mods <- 3
-                    if (param[1]<=0) stop("Cauchy model parmaeter must be strictly positive")
-                  }
-                if (model[2]=="cauchy")
-                  {
-                    modt <- 3
-                    if (param[2]<=0) stop("Cauchy model parameter must be strictly positive")
-                  }
-                if (model[1]=="wave")
-                    mods <- 4
-                if (model[2]=="wave")
-                  modt <- 4
-                if (model[1]=="matern")
-			{
-                  mods <- 7
-			if (param[2]<=0 | param[1]<=0) stop("Matern model parameters must be strictly positive")
-                  }
-		    if (model[2]=="matern")
-			{
-                  modt <- 7
-			if (param[3]<=0 | param[4]<=0) stop("Matern model parameters must be strictly positive")
-                  }
-              }
-      }
-    if (!(isTRUE(separable)))
-      {
-        if (length(model)!=1)
-          stop("for non-separable covariance functions, 'model' must be of length 1")
-        if (model=="gneiting")
-          {
-            mod <- 5
-            if (param[6]<2) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, the sixth parameter must be greater than 2")
-            if ((param[3]<=0) | (param[3]>2)) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, the third parameter must lie in (0,2]")
-            if ((param[4]<=0) | (param[4]>1)) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, the fourth parameter must lie in (0,1]")
-            if ((param[5]!=1) & (param[5]!=2) & (param[5]!=3)) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, the fifth parameter must be 1, 2 or 3")
-            if ((param[2]!=1) & (param[2]!=2) & (param[2]!=3)) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, the second parameter must be 1, 2 or 3")
-            if ((param[2]==1) & ((param[1]<0) | (param[1]>2))) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, if the second parameter equals 1, the first parameter must lie in [0,2]") 
-            if ((param[2]==2) & (param[1]<=0)) stop("for Gneiting's covariance function, if the second parameter equals 2, the first parameter must be strictly positive")            
-          }
-        if (model=="cesare")
-          {
-            mod <- 6
-            if (((param[1]>2) | (param[1]<1)) | ((param[2]>2) | (param[2]<1))) stop("for De Cesare's model, the first and second parameters must lie in [1,2]")
-            if (param[3]<3/2) stop("for De Cesare's model, the third parameter must be greater than 3/2")
-          }
-      }
-    return(model=c(mods,modt,mod))
-  }
-matern = function (d, scale = 1, alpha = 1, nu = 0.5) 
-    if (any(d < 0)) 
-        stop("distance argument must be nonnegative")
-    d <- d * alpha
-    d[d == 0] <- 1e-10
-    k <- 1/((2^(nu - 1)) * gamma(nu))
-    res <- scale * k * (d^nu) * besselK(d, nu)
-    return(res)
-covst <- function(dist,times,separable=TRUE,model,param=c(1,1,1,1,1,2),sigma2=1,scale=c(1,1),plot=TRUE,nlevels=10)
-  nt <- length(times)
-  np <- length(dist)
-  model <- set.cov(separable,model,param,sigma2)
-  gs <- array(0, dim = c(np,nt))
-  storage.mode(gs) <- "double"
-#  dyn.load("/home/gabriel/functions/SimulSTPP/libF/covst.dll")
-  gs <- .Fortran("covst",
-                 (gs),
-                 as.double(dist),
-                 as.integer(np),
-                 as.double(times),
-                 as.integer(nt),
-                 as.integer(model),
-                 as.double(param),
-                 as.double(sigma2),
-                 as.double(scale))[[1]]
- if (model[1]==7) mods=matern(dist,scale=scale[1],alpha=param[2],nu=param[1])
- if (model[2]==7) modt=matern(times,scale=scale[2],alpha=param[4],nu=param[3])
- if (model[1]==7 & model[2]==7) gs=mods%*%t(modt)
- if (model[1]==7 & model[2]!=7) gs=mods*gs
- if (model[2]==7 & model[1]!=7) gs=gs*modt
-  if (plot==TRUE)
-    {
-#      image(dist,times,gs,col=grey(((10*max(length(times),length(dist))):1)/(10*max(length(times),length(dist)))),xlab="h",ylab="t",cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=2,font=2)
-      image(dist,times,gs,col=grey((1000:1)/1000),xlab="h",ylab="t",cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=2,font=2)
-      contour(dist,times,gs,add=T,col=4,labcex=1.5,nlevels=nlevels)
-    }
-  return(gs)

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