[Stpp-commits] r22 - in pkg: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Nov 1 14:52:04 CET 2008

Author: gabriele
Date: 2008-11-01 14:52:03 +0100 (Sat, 01 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 22


Modified: pkg/R/rinfec.r
--- pkg/R/rinfec.r	2008-10-31 10:42:57 UTC (rev 21)
+++ pkg/R/rinfec.r	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -1,363 +1,364 @@
-rinfec <- function(npoints=NULL,s.region,t.region,nsim=1,alpha,beta,gamma,maxrad,delta,s.distr="exponential",t.distr="uniform",h="step",p="min",recent="all",lambda=NULL,lmax=NULL,nx=100,ny=100,nt=1000,t0,inhibition=FALSE,...)
-  {
-  #
-  # Simulate an infectious point process in a region D x T.
-  #
-  # Requires Splancs.
-  #  
-  # Arguments:
-  #  
-  #  npoints: number of points to simulate.
-  #
-  #  s.region: two columns matrix specifying polygonal region containing
-  #        all data locations. If poly is missing, the unit square is
-  #        considered.
-  #
-  #  t.region: vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
-  #            the time interval.
-  #  
-  #  nsim: number of simulations to generate. Default is 1.
-  #
-  #  alpha: numerical value for the latent period.
-  #
-  #  beta: numerical value for the maximum infection rate.
-  #
-  #  gamma: numerical value for the infection period.
-  #
-  #  delta: spatial distance of inhibition.
-  #
-  #  maxrad: single value or 2-vector of spatial and temporal maximum
-  #          radiation respectively. If single value, the same value is used
-  #          for space and time.
-  #
-  #  s.distr: spatial distribution. Must be choosen among "uniform", "gaussian",
-  #           "expoenntial" and "poisson".
-  #
-  #  t.distr: temporal distribution. Must be choosen among "uniform" and "exponential".  
-  #
-  #  h: infection rate function which depends on alpha, beta and delta.
-  #     Must be choosen among "step" and "gaussian".
-  #
-  #  p: Must be choosen among "min", "max" and "prod".
-  #
-  #  recent:  If "all" consider all previous events. If is an integer, say N, 
-  #           consider only the N most recent events. 
-  #
-  #  lambda: function or matrix define the intensity of a Poisson process if 
-  #         s.distr is Poisson.
-  #
-  #  lmax: upper bound for the value of lambda.
-  #
-  #  nx,ny: define the 2-D grid on which the intensity is evaluated if s.distr 
-  #        is Poisson.
-  #
-  #  nt: used to discretize time to compute the infection rate function.
-  #
-  #  t0: minimum time used to compute the infection rate function.
-  #      Default in the minimum of t.region.
-  #
-  #  inhibition: Logical. If TRUE, an inhibition process is generated.
-  #              Otherwise, it is a contagious process.
-  #
-  #
-  # Value:
-  #  pattern: list containing the points (x,y,t) of the simulated point
-  #           process.
-  #
-  ##
-  ## E. GABRIEL, 02/04/2007
-  ##
-  ## last modification: 20/10/2008
-  ##
-  ##
-  if (is.null(npoints)) stop("please specify the number of points to generate")
-  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
-  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
-  if (missing(t0)) t0 <- t.region[1]
-  if (missing(maxrad)) maxrad <- c(0.05,0.05)
-  maxrads <- maxrad[1]
-  maxradt <- maxrad[2]
-  if (missing(delta)) delta <- maxrads
-  if (s.distr=="poisson")
-    {
-      s.grid <- make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
-      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
-      if (is.function(lambda))
-        {
-          Lambda <- lambda(as.vector(s.grid$X),as.vector(s.grid$Y),...)
-          Lambda <- matrix(Lambda,ncol=ny,byrow=T)
-        }
-      if (is.matrix(lambda))
-        {
-          nx <- dim(lambda)[1]
-          ny <- dim(lambda)[2]
-          Lambda <- lambda
-        }
-      if (is.null(lambda))
-        {
-          Lambda <- matrix(npoints/areapl(s.region),ncol=ny,nrow=nx)
-        }
-      Lambda[s.grid$mask==FALSE] <- NaN
-    }
-  if (h=="step")
-    {
-      hk <- function(t,t0,alpha,beta,gamma)
-        {
-          res <- rep(0,length(t))
-          mask <- (t <= t0+alpha+gamma) & (t >= t0+alpha)
-          res[mask] <- beta
-          return(res)
-        }
-    }
-  if (h=="gaussian")
-    {
-      hk <- function(t,t0,alpha,beta,gamma)
-        {
-          t0 <- alpha+t0
-          d <- gamma/8
-          top <- beta*sqrt(2*pi)*d
-#          res <- top*(1/(sqrt(2*pi)*d))*exp(-(((t-(t0+gamma/2))^2)/(2*d^2)))
-          res <- top*dnorm(t,mean=t0+gamma/2,sd=d)
-          return(res)
-        }
-      d <- gamma/8
-      top <- beta*sqrt(2*pi)*d
-      ug <- top*dnorm(0,mean=alpha+gamma/2,sd=d)
-    }
-  if (p=="min")
-    {
-      pk <- function(mu,recent)
-        {
-          if (recent=="all")
-            res <- min(mu)
-          else
-            {
-              if (is.numeric(recent))
-                {
-                  if(recent<=length(ITK))
-                    res <- min(mu[(length(ITK)-recent+1):length(ITK)])
-                  else
-                    res <- min(mu)
-                }
-              else
-                stop("'recent' must be numeric")
-            }
-          return(res)
-        }
-    }
-  if (p=="max")
-    {
-      pk <- function(mu,recent)
-        {
-          if (recent=="all")
-            res <- max(mu)
-          else
-            {
-              if (is.numeric(recent))
-                {
-                  if(recent<=length(ITK))
-                    res <- max(mu[(length(ITK)-recent+1):length(ITK)])
-                  else
-                    res <- max(mu)
-                }
-              else
-                stop("'recent' must be numeric")
-            }
-          return(res)
-        }
-    }
-    if (p=="prod")
-    {
-      pk <- function(mu,recent)
-        {
-          if (recent=="all")
-            res <- prod(mu)
-          else
-            {
-              if (is.numeric(recent))
-                {
-                  if(recent<=length(ITK))
-                    res <- prod(mu[(length(ITK)-recent+1):length(ITK)])
-                  else
-                    res <- prod(mu)
-                }
-              else
-                stop("'recent' must be numeric")
-            }
-          return(res)
-        }
-    }
-  t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=((t.region[2]-t.region[1])/(nt-1)))
-  pattern <- list()
-  ni <- 1
-  while(ni<=nsim)
-    {
-      xy <- csr(n=1,poly=s.region)
-      npts <- 1
-      pattern.interm <- cbind(x=xy[1],y=xy[2],t=t0)
-      Mu <- rep(0,nt)
-      ti <- t0
-      ITK <- iplace(t.grid$times,ti,t.grid$tinc)
-      continue <- FALSE
-      while(continue==FALSE)
-        {
-          while (npts<npoints)
-            {
-              ht <- hk(t=t.grid$times,t0=ti[npts],alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma)
-#              ht <- ht/integrate(hk,lower=t.region[1],upper=t.region[2],subdivisions=nt,t0=t0,alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma)$value
-              ht <- ht/(sum(ht)*t.grid$tinc)
-              mu <- Mu+ht
-              if (sum(mu)==0) 
-                mu2 <- mu
-              else
-                mu2 <- mu/max(mu)
-              if (t.distr=="uniform")
-                tk <- ti[npts] + runif(1,min=0,max=maxradt)
-              if (t.distr=="exponential")
-                  tk <- ti[npts] + rexp(1,rate=1/maxradt)
-#                  tk <- ti[npts]+rexp(1,rate=1/(sum(mu)*t.grid$tinc))
-              if (tk>=t.region[2])
-                {
-                  npts <- npoints
-                  continue <- TRUE
-                }
-              else
-                {
-                  itk <- iplace(t.grid$times,tk,t.grid$tinc)
-                 if ((mu[itk]==0) || ((h=="gaussian") && (mu[itk]<ug)))
-                   {
-                     npts <- npoints
-                     continue <- TRUE
-                   }
-                 else
-                   {
-                     uk <- runif(1)
-                     Mu <- mu
-                     if (inhibition==FALSE)
-                       {
-                         cont <- FALSE
-                         while(cont==FALSE)
-                           {
-                             xpar <- pattern.interm[npts,1]
-                             ypar <- pattern.interm[npts,2]
-                             out <- TRUE
-                             while(out==TRUE)
-                               {
-                                 if (s.distr=="uniform")
-                                   {
-                                     xp <- xpar+runif(1,min=-maxrads,max=maxrads)
-                                     yp <- ypar+runif(1,min=-maxrads,max=maxrads)
-                                   }
-                                 if (s.distr=="gaussian")
-                                   {
-                                     xp <- xpar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=maxrads/2)
-                                     yp <- ypar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=maxrads/2)
-                                   }
-                                 if (s.distr=="exponential")
-                                   {
-                                     xp <- xpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/maxrads)
-                                     yp <- ypar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/maxrads)
-                                   }
-                                 if (s.distr=="poisson")
-                                   {
-                                     if (is.null(lmax))
-                                       lmax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
-                                     retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-                                     while(retain.eq.F==FALSE)
-                                       {
-                                         xy <- csr(poly=s.region,npoints=1)
-                                         xp <- xy[1]
-                                         yp <- xy[2]
-                                         up <- runif(1)
-                                         nix <- iplace(X=s.grid$x,x=xp,xinc=s.grid$xinc)
-                                         niy <- iplace(X=s.grid$y,x=yp,xinc=s.grid$yinc)
-                                         Up <- Lambda[nix,niy]/lmax
-                                         retain <- up <= Up
-                                         if ((retain==FALSE) || is.na(retain))
-                                           retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-                                         else
-                                           retain.eq.F <- TRUE
-                                       }
-                                   }
-                                 M <- inout(pts=rbind(c(xp,yp),c(xp,yp)),poly=s.region)
-                                 if ((sqrt((xp - pattern.interm[npts,1])^2 + (yp - pattern.interm[npts,2])^2) < maxrads)) M <- c(M,M)
-                                 if (sum(M)==4)
-                                   out <- FALSE
-                               }
-                             if (sqrt((xp - pattern.interm[npts,1])^2 + (yp - pattern.interm[npts,2])^2) < delta)
-                               umax <- 1
-                             else
-                               umax <- mu2[itk]
-                             if (uk < umax)
-                               {
-                                 npts <- npts+1
-                                 ITK <- c(ITK,itk)
-                                 ti <- c(ti,tk)
-                                 pattern.interm <- rbind(pattern.interm,c(xp,yp,tk))
-                                 cont <- TRUE
-                               }
-                           }                          
-                       }
-                     else
-                       {
-                         xy <- csr(n=1,poly=s.region)
-                         xp <- xy[1]
-                         yp <- xy[2]
-                         if (all((sqrt((xp - pattern.interm[,1])^2 + (yp - pattern.interm[,2])^2)) > delta))
-                           umax <- 1
-                         else
-                           umax <- pk(mu=mu2[ITK],recent=recent)
-                         if (uk < umax)
-                           {
-                             npts <- npts+1
-                             ITK <- c(ITK,itk)
-                             ti <- c(ti,tk)
-                             pattern.interm <- rbind(pattern.interm,c(xp,yp,tk))
-                           }
-                       }
-                   }
-               }
-            }
-          continue <- TRUE
-        }
-      dimnames(pattern.interm) <- list(NULL,c("x","y","t"))
-      if (nsim==1)
-        {
-          pattern <- pattern.interm
-          ni <-  ni+1
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          pattern[[ni]] <- pattern.interm
-          ni <- ni+1
-        }
-    }
-  par(cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5)
-  plot(t.grid$times,Mu,type="s",ylim=c(0,max(Mu)),lwd=2,xlab="t",ylab=expression(mu(t)))
-  points(ti,Mu[ITK],pch=20,col=2,cex=1.5)
-  invisible(return(list(xyt=pattern,s.region=s.region,t.region=t.region)))
+rinfec <- function(npoints, s.region, t.region, nsim=1, alpha, beta, gamma, 
+s.distr="exponential", t.distr="uniform", maxrad, delta, h="step", g="min", 
+recent=1, lambda=NULL, lmax=NULL, nx=100, ny=100, nt=1000, 
+t0, inhibition=FALSE, ...)
+  #
+  # Simulate an infectious point process in a region D x T.
+  #
+  # Requires Splancs.
+  #  
+  # Arguments:
+  #  
+  #  npoints: number of points to simulate.
+  #
+  #  s.region: two columns matrix specifying polygonal region containing
+  #        all data locations. If poly is missing, the unit square is
+  #        considered.
+  #
+  #  t.region: vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
+  #            the time interval.
+  #  
+  #  nsim: number of simulations to generate. Default is 1.
+  #
+  #  alpha: numerical value for the latent period.
+  #
+  #  beta: numerical value for the maximum infection rate.
+  #
+  #  gamma: numerical value for the infection period.
+  #
+  #  delta: spatial distance of inhibition.
+  #
+  #  maxrad: single value or 2-vector of spatial and temporal maximum
+  #          radiation respectively. If single value, the same value is used
+  #          for space and time.
+  #
+  #  s.distr: spatial distribution. Must be choosen among "uniform", "gaussian",
+  #           "expoenntial" and "poisson".
+  #
+  #  t.distr: temporal distribution. Must be choosen among "uniform" and "exponential".  
+  #
+  #  h: infection rate function which depends on alpha, beta and delta.
+  #     Must be choosen among "step" and "gaussian".
+  #
+  #  g: Must be choosen among "min", "max" and "prod".
+  #
+  #  recent:  If "all" consider all previous events. If is an integer, say N, 
+  #           consider only the N most recent events. 
+  #
+  #  lambda: function or matrix define the intensity of a Poisson process if 
+  #         s.distr is Poisson.
+  #
+  #  lmax: upper bound for the value of lambda.
+  #
+  #  nx,ny: define the 2-D grid on which the intensity is evaluated if s.distr 
+  #        is Poisson.
+  #
+  #  nt: used to discretize time to compute the infection rate function.
+  #
+  #  t0: minimum time used to compute the infection rate function.
+  #      Default in the minimum of t.region.
+  #
+  #  inhibition: Logical. If TRUE, an inhibition process is generated.
+  #              Otherwise, it is a contagious process.
+  #
+  #
+  # Value:
+  #  xyt: list containing the points (x,y,t) of the simulated point
+  #           process.
+  #
+  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
+  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
+  if (missing(t0)) t0 <- t.region[1]
+  if (missing(maxrad)) maxrad <- c(0.05,0.05)
+  maxrads <- maxrad[1]
+  maxradt <- maxrad[2]
+  if (missing(delta)) delta <- maxrads
+  if (s.distr=="poisson")
+    {
+      if (is.matrix(lambda))
+        {
+          nx <- dim(lambda)[1]
+          ny <- dim(lambda)[2]
+          Lambda <- lambda
+        }
+      s.grid <- make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
+      s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
+      if (is.function(lambda))
+        {
+          Lambda <- lambda(as.vector(s.grid$X),as.vector(s.grid$Y),...)
+          Lambda <- matrix(Lambda,ncol=ny,byrow=T)
+        }
+      if (is.null(lambda))
+        {
+          Lambda <- matrix(npoints/areapl(s.region),ncol=ny,nrow=nx)
+        }
+      Lambda[s.grid$mask==FALSE] <- NaN
+    }
+  if (h=="step")
+    {
+      hk <- function(t,t0,alpha,beta,gamma)
+        {
+          res <- rep(0,length(t))
+          mask <- (t <= t0+alpha+gamma) & (t >= t0+alpha)
+          res[mask] <- beta
+          return(res)
+        }
+    }
+  if (h=="gaussian")
+    {
+      hk <- function(t,t0,alpha,beta,gamma)
+        {
+          t0 <- alpha+t0
+          d <- gamma/8
+          top <- beta*sqrt(2*pi)*d
+#          res <- top*(1/(sqrt(2*pi)*d))*exp(-(((t-(t0+gamma/2))^2)/(2*d^2)))
+          res <- top*dnorm(t,mean=t0+gamma/2,sd=d)
+          return(res)
+        }
+      d <- gamma/8
+      top <- beta*sqrt(2*pi)*d
+      ug <- top*dnorm(0,mean=alpha+gamma/2,sd=d)
+    }
+  if (g=="min")
+    {
+      pk <- function(mu,recent)
+        {
+          if (recent=="all")
+            res <- min(mu)
+          else
+            {
+              if (is.numeric(recent))
+                {
+                  if(recent<=length(ITK))
+                    res <- min(mu[(length(ITK)-recent+1):length(ITK)])
+                  else
+                    res <- min(mu)
+                }
+              else
+                stop("'recent' must be numeric")
+            }
+          return(res)
+        }
+    }
+  if (g=="max")
+    {
+      pk <- function(mu,recent)
+        {
+          if (recent=="all")
+            res <- max(mu)
+          else
+            {
+              if (is.numeric(recent))
+                {
+                  if(recent<=length(ITK))
+                    res <- max(mu[(length(ITK)-recent+1):length(ITK)])
+                  else
+                    res <- max(mu)
+                }
+              else
+                stop("'recent' must be numeric")
+            }
+          return(res)
+        }
+    }
+    if (g=="prod")
+    {
+      pk <- function(mu,recent)
+        {
+          if (recent=="all")
+            res <- prod(mu)
+          else
+            {
+              if (is.numeric(recent))
+                {
+                  if(recent<=length(ITK))
+                    res <- prod(mu[(length(ITK)-recent+1):length(ITK)])
+                  else
+                    res <- prod(mu)
+                }
+              else
+                stop("'recent' must be numeric")
+            }
+          return(res)
+        }
+    }
+  t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=((t.region[2]-t.region[1])/(nt-1)))
+  pattern <- list()
+  ni <- 1
+  while(ni<=nsim)
+    {
+      xy <- csr(n=1,poly=s.region)
+      npts <- 1
+      pattern.interm <- cbind(x=xy[1],y=xy[2],t=t0)
+      Mu <- rep(0,nt)
+      ti <- t0
+      ITK <- iplace(t.grid$times,ti,t.grid$tinc)
+      continue <- FALSE
+      while(continue==FALSE)
+        {
+          while (npts<npoints)
+            {
+              ht <- hk(t=t.grid$times,t0=ti[npts],alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma)
+#              ht <- ht/integrate(hk,lower=t.region[1],upper=t.region[2],subdivisions=nt,t0=t0,alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma)$value
+              ht <- ht/(sum(ht)*t.grid$tinc)
+              mu <- Mu+ht
+              if (sum(mu)==0) 
+                mu2 <- mu
+              else
+                mu2 <- mu/max(mu)
+              if (t.distr=="uniform")
+                tk <- ti[npts] + runif(1,min=0,max=maxradt)
+              if (t.distr=="exponential")
+                  tk <- ti[npts] + rexp(1,rate=1/maxradt)
+#                  tk <- ti[npts]+rexp(1,rate=1/(sum(mu)*t.grid$tinc))
+              if (tk>=t.region[2])
+                {
+			N = npts
+                  npts <- npoints
+                  continue <- TRUE
+			M = paste("only",N,"points have been generated over",npoints,". Process stopped when getting a time t greater than max(t.region): try a larger t.region or check your parameters",sep=" ")
+			warning(M)
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  itk <- iplace(t.grid$times,tk,t.grid$tinc)
+                 if ((mu[itk]==0) || ((h=="gaussian") && (mu[itk]<ug)))
+                   {
+			  N = npts
+                    npts <- npoints
+                    continue <- TRUE
+			  M = paste("only",N,"points have been generated over",npoints,"(process stopped when getting µ(t)=0",sep=" ")
+			  warning(M)
+                   }
+                 else
+                   {
+                     Mu <- mu
+                     if (inhibition==FALSE)
+                       {
+                         cont <- FALSE
+                         while(cont==FALSE)
+                           {
+	                       uk <- runif(1)
+                             xpar <- pattern.interm[npts,1]
+                             ypar <- pattern.interm[npts,2]
+                             out <- TRUE
+                             while(out==TRUE)
+                               {
+                                 if (s.distr=="uniform")
+                                   {
+                                     xp <- xpar+runif(1,min=-maxrads,max=maxrads)
+                                     yp <- ypar+runif(1,min=-maxrads,max=maxrads)
+                                   }
+                                 if (s.distr=="gaussian")
+                                   {
+                                     xp <- xpar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=maxrads/2)
+                                     yp <- ypar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=maxrads/2)
+                                   }
+                                 if (s.distr=="exponential")
+                                   {
+                                     xp <- xpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/maxrads)
+                                     yp <- ypar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/maxrads)
+                                   }
+                                 if (s.distr=="poisson")
+                                   {
+                                     if (is.null(lmax))
+                                       lmax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
+                                     retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+                                     while(retain.eq.F==FALSE)
+                                       {
+                                         xy <- csr(poly=s.region,npoints=1)
+                                         xp <- xy[1]
+                                         yp <- xy[2]
+                                         up <- runif(1)
+                                         nix <- iplace(X=s.grid$x,x=xp,xinc=s.grid$xinc)
+                                         niy <- iplace(X=s.grid$y,x=yp,xinc=s.grid$yinc)
+                                         Up <- Lambda[nix,niy]/lmax
+                                         retain <- up <= Up
+                                         if ((retain==FALSE) || is.na(retain))
+                                           retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+                                         else
+                                           retain.eq.F <- TRUE
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                                 M <- inout(pts=rbind(c(xp,yp),c(xp,yp)),poly=s.region)
+                                 if ((sqrt((xp - pattern.interm[npts,1])^2 + (yp - pattern.interm[npts,2])^2) < maxrads)) M <- c(M,M)
+                                 if (sum(M)==4)
+                                   out <- FALSE
+                               }
+                             if (all(sqrt((xp - pattern.interm[,1])^2 + (yp - pattern.interm[,2])^2) < delta))
+                               umax <- 1
+                             else
+					umax <- pk(mu=mu2[ITK],recent=recent)
+#                               umax <- mu2[itk]
+                             if (uk < umax)
+                               {
+                                 npts <- npts+1
+                                 ITK <- c(ITK,itk)
+                                 ti <- c(ti,tk)
+                                 pattern.interm <- rbind(pattern.interm,c(xp,yp,tk))
+                                 cont <- TRUE
+                               }
+                           }                          
+                       }
+                     else
+                       {
+				 uk <- runif(1)
+                         xy <- csr(n=1,poly=s.region)
+                         xp <- xy[1]
+                         yp <- xy[2]
+                         if (all((sqrt((xp - pattern.interm[,1])^2 + (yp - pattern.interm[,2])^2)) > delta))
+                           umax <- 1
+                         else
+                           umax <- pk(mu=mu2[ITK],recent=recent)
+                         if (uk < umax)
+                           {
+                             npts <- npts+1
+                             ITK <- c(ITK,itk)
+                             ti <- c(ti,tk)
+                             pattern.interm <- rbind(pattern.interm,c(xp,yp,tk))
+                           }
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+            }
+          continue <- TRUE
+        }
+      dimnames(pattern.interm) <- list(NULL,c("x","y","t"))
+      if (nsim==1)
+        {
+          pattern <- pattern.interm
+          ni <-  ni+1
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          pattern[[ni]] <- pattern.interm
+          ni <- ni+1
+        }
+    }
+  invisible(return(list(xyt=pattern,s.region=s.region,t.region=t.region)))

Modified: pkg/R/rlgcp.r
--- pkg/R/rlgcp.r	2008-10-31 10:42:57 UTC (rev 21)
+++ pkg/R/rlgcp.r	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -1,246 +1,231 @@
-rlgcp <- function(s.region, t.region, replace=TRUE, npoints=NULL, nsim=1, nx=100, ny=100, nt=100,separable=TRUE,model="exponential",param=c(1,1,1,1,1,2),scale=c(1,1),var.grf=1,mean.grf=0,lmax=NULL,discrete.time=FALSE,exact=TRUE)
-  #
-  # Simulate a space-time log-Gaussian point process in a region D x T.
-  #
-  # Requires Splancs.
-  #  
-  # Arguments:
-  #  
-  #  s.region: two columns matrix specifying polygonal region containing
-  #        all data locations. If poly is missing, the unit square is
-  #        considered.
-  #
-  #  t.region: vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
-  #            the time interval.
-  #
-  #   replace: logical allowing times repetition.
-  #
-  #   npoints: number of points to simulate. If NULL (default), the
-  #            number of points is from a Poisson distribution with
-  #            mean the double integral of lambda over s.region and
-  #            t.region.
-  #
-  #      nsim: number of simulations to generate. Default is 1.
-  #
-  #  nx,ny,nt: define the 3-D grid on which the intensity is evaluated.
-  #
-  #
-  # Value:
-  #  pattern: list containing the points (x,y,t) of the simulated point
-  #           process.
-  #  Lambda: an array of the intensity surface at each time.
-  #
-  # NB: the probability that an event occurs at a location s and a time t
-  #     is:
-  #     p(t)=lambda(s,t)/(max_{s_i, i=1,...,ngrid} lambda(s_i,t)).
-  #
-  ##
-  ## E. GABRIEL, 24/01/2006
-  ##
-  ## last modification: 27/01/2006
-  ##                    02/02/2007  
-  ##                    13/02/2007
-  ##
-  ##
-  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
-  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
-  t.region <- sort(t.region)
-  s.area <- areapl(s.region)
-  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
-  tau <- c(start=t.region[1],end=t.region[2],step=(t.region[2]-t.region[1])/(nt-1))
-  bpoly <- bbox(s.region)
-  lambdamax <- lmax
-  pattern <- list()
-  index.t <- list()
-  Lambdafin <- list()
-  ni <- 1
-  s.grid <- make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
-  s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
-  if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-    {
-      vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-      if (nt>length(vect))
-        {
-          nt <- length(vect)
-          warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
-          t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
-          t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
-        }
-    }
-  else
-    t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
-  while(ni<=nsim)
-    {
-#      now <- proc.time()[1]
-      S <- gauss3D(nx=nx,ny=ny,nt=nt,xlim=range(s.region[,1]),ylim=range(s.region[,2]),tlim=range(t.region),separable=separable,model=model,param=param,scale=scale,var.grf=var.grf,mean.grf=mean.grf,exact=exact)
-#      speed <- proc.time()[1]-now;print(speed)
-      Lambda <- exp(S)
-      mut <- rep(0,nt)
-      for (it in 1:nt)
-        {
-          Lambda[,,it][s.grid$mask==FALSE] <- NaN
-          mut[it] <- sum(Lambda[,,it],na.rm=TRUE)
-        }
-      if (is.null(npoints))
-        {
-          en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc
-          npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=en),0)
-        }
-      if (is.null(lambdamax))
-        lambdamax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
-#  summ <- summary(Lambda)
-#  lmax <- summ[[6]] + 0.05 * diff(range(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE))
-      npts <- round(lambdamax/(s.area*t.area),0)
-##  npts <- npoints
-      if (npts==0) stop("there is no data to thin")
-      if ((replace==FALSE) && (nt < max(npts,npoints))) stop("when replace=FALSE, nt must be greater than the number of points used for thinning")
-      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
-        {
-          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
-          times.init <- sample(vect,nt,replace=replace)
-        }
-      else
-        times.init <- runif(nt,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
-      samp <- sample(1:nt,npts,replace=replace,prob=mut/max(mut,na.rm=TRUE))
-      times <- times.init[samp]
-#      now <- proc.time()[1]
-      retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-      while(retain.eq.F==FALSE)
-        {
-          xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npts),ncol=2)
-          x <- xy[,1]
-          y <- xy[,2]
-          prob <- NULL
-          for(ix in 1:length(x))
-            {
-              nix <- iplace(X=s.grid$x,x=x[ix],xinc=s.grid$xinc)
-              niy <- iplace(X=s.grid$y,x=y[ix],xinc=s.grid$yinc)
-              nit <- iplace(X=t.grid$times,x=times[ix],xinc=t.grid$tinc)
-              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
-            }
-          M <- which(is.na(prob))
-          if (length(M)!=0)
-            {
-              x <- x[-M]
-              y <- y[-M]
-              times <- times[-M]
-              prob <- prob[-M]
-              npts <- length(x)
-            }
-          u <- runif(npts)
-          retain <- u <= prob
-          if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain)) retain.eq.F <- FALSE
-          else retain.eq.F <- TRUE
-        }
-      x <- x[retain]
-      y <- y[retain]
-      samp <- samp[retain]
-      samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-      times <- times[retain]
-      neffec <- length(x)
-      if (neffec > npoints)
-        {
-          retain <- 1:npoints
-          x <- x[retain]
-          y <- y[retain]
-          samp <- samp[retain]
-          samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-          times <- times[retain]
-        }
-      while(neffec < npoints)
-        {
-          xy <- as.matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints-neffec))
-          if (dim(xy)[2]==1) {wx <- xy[1]; wy <- xy[2]}
-          else {wx <- xy[,1]; wy <- xy[,2]}
-          if (isTRUE(replace))
-            wsamp <- sample(1:nt,npoints-neffec,replace=replace,prob=mut/max(mut,na.rm=TRUE))
-          else
-            wsamp <- sample(samp.remain,npoints-neffec,replace=replace,prob=mut[samp.remain]/max(mut[samp.remain],na.rm=TRUE))
-          wtimes <- times.init[wsamp]
-          prob <- NULL
-          for(ix in 1:length(wx))
-            {
-              nix <- iplace(X=s.grid$x,x=wx[ix],xinc=s.grid$xinc)
-              niy <- iplace(X=s.grid$y,x=wy[ix],xinc=s.grid$yinc)
-              nit <- iplace(X=t.grid$times,x=wtimes[ix],xinc=t.grid$tinc)
-              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
-            }
-          M <- which(is.na(prob))
-          if (length(M)!=0)
-            {
-              wx <- wx[-M]
-              wy <- wy[-M]
-              wtimes <- wtimes[-M]
-              prob <- prob[-M]
-            }
-          if (neffec > 0)
-            {
-              u <- runif(length(prob))
-              retain <- u <= prob
-              x <- c(x,wx[retain])
-              y <- c(y,wy[retain])
-              times <- c(times,wtimes[retain])
-              samp <- c(samp,wsamp[retain])
-              samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
-              neffec <- length(x)
-            }
-        }
-#      speed <- proc.time()[1]-now;print(speed)
-      times <- sort(times)
-      index.times <- sort(samp)
-      pattern.interm <- cbind(x=x,y=y,t=times)
-      if (nsim==1)
-        {
-          pattern <- pattern.interm
-          index.t <- index.times
-          Lambdafin <- Lambda
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          pattern[[ni]] <- pattern.interm
-          index.t[[ni]] <- index.times
-          Lambdafin[[ni]] <- Lambda
-        }
-      ni <- ni+1
-    }
-  invisible(return(list(xyt=pattern,s.region=s.region,t.region=t.region,Lambda=Lambdafin,index.t=index.t)))
+rlgcp <- function(s.region, t.region, replace=TRUE, npoints=NULL, nsim=1, nx=100, ny=100, nt=100,separable=TRUE,model="exponential",param=c(1,1,1,1,1,2),scale=c(1,1),var.grf=1,mean.grf=0,lmax=NULL,discrete.time=FALSE,exact=FALSE)
+  #
+  # Simulate a space-time log-Gaussian point process in a region D x T.
+  #
+  # Requires Splancs.
+  #  
+  # Arguments:
+  #  
+  #  s.region: two columns matrix specifying polygonal region containing
+  #        all data locations. If poly is missing, the unit square is
+  #        considered.
+  #
+  #  t.region: vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
+  #            the time interval.
+  #
+  #   replace: logical allowing times repetition.
+  #
+  #   npoints: number of points to simulate. If NULL (default), the
+  #            number of points is from a Poisson distribution with
+  #            mean the double integral of lambda over s.region and
+  #            t.region.
+  #
+  #      nsim: number of simulations to generate. Default is 1.
+  #
+  #  nx,ny,nt: define the 3-D grid on which the intensity is evaluated.
+  #
+  #
+  # Value:
+  #  pattern: list containing the points (x,y,t) of the simulated point
+  #           process.
+  #  Lambda: an array of the intensity surface at each time.
+  #
+  # NB: the probability that an event occurs at a location s and a time t
+  #     is:
+  #     p(t)=lambda(s,t)/(max_{s_i, i=1,...,ngrid} lambda(s_i,t)).
+  #
+  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
+  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
+  t.region <- sort(t.region)
+  s.area <- areapl(s.region)
+  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
+  tau <- c(start=t.region[1],end=t.region[2],step=(t.region[2]-t.region[1])/(nt-1))
+  bpoly <- bbox(s.region)
+  lambdamax <- lmax
+  pattern <- list()
+  index.t <- list()
+  Lambdafin <- list()
+  ni <- 1
+  s.grid <- make.grid(nx,ny,s.region)
+  s.grid$mask <- matrix(as.logical(s.grid$mask),nx,ny)
+  if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+    {
+      vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+      if (nt>length(vect))
+        {
+          nt <- length(vect)
+          warning("nt used is less than the one given in argument")
+          t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=1)
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          vect <- round(seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),length=nt))
+          t.grid <- list(times=vect,tinc=round(t.area/(nt-1)))
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    t.grid <- list(times=seq(t.region[1],t.region[2],length=nt),tinc=(t.area/(nt-1)))
+  while(ni<=nsim)
+    {
+      S <- gauss3D(nx=nx,ny=ny,nt=nt,xlim=range(s.region[,1]),ylim=range(s.region[,2]),tlim=range(t.region),separable=separable,model=model,param=param,scale=scale,var.grf=var.grf,mean.grf=mean.grf,exact=exact)
+      Lambda <- exp(S)
+      mut <- rep(0,nt)
+      for (it in 1:nt)
+        {
+          Lambda[,,it][s.grid$mask==FALSE] <- NaN
+          mut[it] <- sum(Lambda[,,it],na.rm=TRUE)
+        }
+      if (is.null(npoints))
+        {
+          en <- sum(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)*s.grid$xinc*s.grid$yinc
+          npoints <- round(rpois(n=1,lambda=en),0)
+        }
+      if (is.null(lambdamax))
+        lambdamax <- max(Lambda,na.rm=TRUE)
+      npts <- round(lambdamax/(s.area*t.area),0)
+      if (npts==0) stop("there is no data to thin")
+      if ((replace==FALSE) && (nt < max(npts,npoints))) stop("when replace=FALSE, nt must be greater than the number of points used for thinning")
+      if (discrete.time==TRUE)
+        {
+          vect <- seq(floor(t.region[1]),ceiling(t.region[2]),by=1)
+          times.init <- sample(vect,nt,replace=replace)
+        }
+      else
+        times.init <- runif(nt,min=t.region[1],max=t.region[2])
+      samp <- sample(1:nt,npts,replace=replace,prob=mut/max(mut,na.rm=TRUE))
+      times <- times.init[samp]
+      retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+      while(retain.eq.F==FALSE)
+        {
+          xy <- matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npts),ncol=2)
+          x <- xy[,1]
+          y <- xy[,2]
+          prob <- NULL
+          for(ix in 1:length(x))
+            {
+              nix <- iplace(X=s.grid$x,x=x[ix],xinc=s.grid$xinc)
+              niy <- iplace(X=s.grid$y,x=y[ix],xinc=s.grid$yinc)
+              nit <- iplace(X=t.grid$times,x=times[ix],xinc=t.grid$tinc)
+              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
+            }
+          M <- which(is.na(prob))
+          if (length(M)!=0)
+            {
+              x <- x[-M]
+              y <- y[-M]
+              times <- times[-M]
+              prob <- prob[-M]
+              npts <- length(x)
+            }
+          u <- runif(npts)
+          retain <- u <= prob
+          if (sum(retain==FALSE)==length(retain)) retain.eq.F <- FALSE
+          else retain.eq.F <- TRUE
+        }
+      x <- x[retain]
+      y <- y[retain]
+      samp <- samp[retain]
+      samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+      times <- times[retain]
+      neffec <- length(x)
+      if (neffec > npoints)
+        {
+          retain <- 1:npoints
+          x <- x[retain]
+          y <- y[retain]
+          samp <- samp[retain]
+          samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+          times <- times[retain]
+        }
+      while(neffec < npoints)
+        {
+          xy <- as.matrix(csr(poly=s.region,npoints=npoints-neffec))
+          if (dim(xy)[2]==1) {wx <- xy[1]; wy <- xy[2]}
+          else {wx <- xy[,1]; wy <- xy[,2]}
+          if (isTRUE(replace))
+            wsamp <- sample(1:nt,npoints-neffec,replace=replace,prob=mut/max(mut,na.rm=TRUE))
+          else
+            wsamp <- sample(samp.remain,npoints-neffec,replace=replace,prob=mut[samp.remain]/max(mut[samp.remain],na.rm=TRUE))
+          wtimes <- times.init[wsamp]
+          prob <- NULL
+          for(ix in 1:length(wx))
+            {
+              nix <- iplace(X=s.grid$x,x=wx[ix],xinc=s.grid$xinc)
+              niy <- iplace(X=s.grid$y,x=wy[ix],xinc=s.grid$yinc)
+              nit <- iplace(X=t.grid$times,x=wtimes[ix],xinc=t.grid$tinc)
+              prob <- c(prob,Lambda[nix,niy,nit]/lambdamax)
+            }
+          M <- which(is.na(prob))
+          if (length(M)!=0)
+            {
+              wx <- wx[-M]
+              wy <- wy[-M]
+              wtimes <- wtimes[-M]
+              prob <- prob[-M]
+            }
+          if (neffec > 0)
+            {
+              u <- runif(length(prob))
+              retain <- u <= prob
+              x <- c(x,wx[retain])
+              y <- c(y,wy[retain])
+              times <- c(times,wtimes[retain])
+              samp <- c(samp,wsamp[retain])
+              samp.remain <- (1:nt)[-samp]
+              neffec <- length(x)
+            }
+        }
+      times <- sort(times)
+      index.times <- sort(samp)
+      pattern.interm <- cbind(x=x,y=y,t=times)
+      if (nsim==1)
+        {
+          pattern <- pattern.interm
+          index.t <- index.times
+          Lambdafin <- Lambda
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          pattern[[ni]] <- pattern.interm
+          index.t[[ni]] <- index.times
+          Lambdafin[[ni]] <- Lambda
+        }
+      ni <- ni+1
+    }
+  invisible(return(list(xyt=pattern,s.region=s.region,t.region=t.region,Lambda=Lambdafin,index.t=index.t)))

Added: pkg/man/fmd.Rd
--- pkg/man/fmd.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/fmd.Rd	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\title{2001 food-and-mouth epidemic, north Cumbria (UK)}
+This data set gives the spatial locations and reported times of 
+food-and-mouth disease in north Cumbria (UK), 2001.
+\format{A matrix containing (x,y,t) coordinates of the 648 observations.}
+Diggle, P., Rowlingson, B. and Su, T. (2005). Point process methodology
+for on-line spatio-temporal disease surveillance. Environmetrics, 16, 423--34.
+ \code{\link{northcumbria}} for boundaries of the county of north Cumbria.
+ }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/man/northcumbria.Rd
--- pkg/man/northcumbria.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/northcumbria.Rd	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\title{Polygon boundary of north Cumbria}
+This data set gives the boundary of the county of north Cumbria (UK).
+\format{A matrix containing (x,y) coordinates of the boundary.}
+ \code{\link{fmd}} for the space-time pattern of food-and-mouth disease in this
+ county in 2001.
+ }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/man/rinfec.Rd
--- pkg/man/rinfec.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/rinfec.Rd	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+\title{Generate infection point patterns}
+Generate one (or several) realisation(s) of the infection process 
+in a region S x T.
+rinfec(npoints, s.region, t.region, nsim=1, alpha, beta, gamma, h="step",
+ s.distr="exponential", t.distr="uniform", maxrad, delta, g="min", recent=1,
+ lambda=NULL, lmax=NULL, nx=100, ny=100, nt=1000, t0, inhibition=FALSE, ...)
+  \item{npoints}{number of points to simulate. }
+  \item{s.region}{two-column matrix specifying polygonal region containing
+  all data locations. If \code{s.region} is missing, the unit square is considered.} 
+  \item{t.region}{vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
+  the time interval. If \code{t.region} is missing, the interval [0,1] is considered.} 
+  \item{nsim}{number of simulations to generate. Default is 1. }
+  \item{alpha}{numerical value for the latent period.} 
+  \item{beta}{numerical value for the maximum infection rate.}
+  \item{gamma}{numerical value for the infection period.} 
+  \item{h}{infection rate function which depends on alpha, beta and delta. 
+     Must be choosen among "step" and "gaussian".}
+  \item{s.distr}{spatial distribution. Must be choosen among "uniform",
+   "gaussian", "exponential" and "poisson". }
+  \item{t.distr}{temporal distribution. Must be choosen among "uniform" and
+   "exponential".}
+  \item{maxrad}{single value or 2-vector of spatial and temporal maximum
+  radiation respectively. If single value, the same value is used for space and time.}
+   \item{delta}{spatial distance of inhibition/contagion. If missing, the spatial
+    radiation is used} 
+  \item{g}{Compute the probability of acceptance of a new point from \code{h}
+  and \code{recent}. Must be choosen among "min", "max" and "prod". }
+  \item{recent}{If ``\code{all}'' consider all previous events. If
+  is an integer, say N, consider only the N most recent events.}
+  \item{lambda}{function or matrix define the intensity of a Poisson process if 
+  s.distr is Poisson.}
+  \item{lmax}{upper bound for the value of lambda.}
+  \item{nx, ny}{define the 2-D grid on which the intensity is evaluated if 
+  \code{s.distr} is Poisson.} 
+  \item{nt}{used to discretize time to compute the infection rate function.}
+  \item{t0}{minimum time used to compute the infection rate function. 
+  Default is the minimum of \code{t.region}.}
+  \item{inhibition}{Logical. If TRUE, an inhibition process is generated. 
+   Otherwise, it is a contagious process.}
+  \item{...}{additional parameters if \code{lambda} is a function.}
+A list containing:
+\item{xyt}{matrix (or list of matrices if \code{nsim}>1)
+containing the points (x,y,t) of the simulated point pattern.}
+\item{s.region, t.region}{parameters passed in argument.}
+Edith Gabriel <edith.gabriel at univ-avignon.fr>, Peter J Diggle.
+ \code{\link{animation}} and \code{\link{stani}} for plotting space-time point patterns.
+ }
+# inhibition; spatial distribution: uniform
+inf1 = rinfec(npoints=100, alpha=0.2, beta=0.6, gamma=0.5, maxrad=c(0.075,0.5), t.region=c(0,50), s.distr="uniform", t.distr="uniform", h="step", p="min", recent="all", inhibition=TRUE)
+animation(inf1$xyt, cex=0.8, runtime=10)
+# contagion; spatial distribution: Poisson with intensity a given matrix
+h = mse2d(as.points(fmd[,1:2]), northcumbria, nsmse=30, range=3000)
+h = h$h[which.min(h$mse)]
+Ls = kernel2d(as.points(fmd[,1:2]), northcumbria, h, nx=50, ny=50)
+inf2 = rinfec(npoints=100, alpha=4, beta=0.6, gamma=20, maxrad=c(12000,20), s.region=northcumbria, t.region=c(1,2000), s.distr="poisson", t.distr="uniform", h="step", p="min", recent=1, lambda=Ls$z, inhibition=FALSE)
+image(Ls$x, Ls$y, Ls$z, col=grey((1000:1)/1000)); polygon(northcumbria,lwd=2)
+animation(inf2$xyt, add=TRUE, cex=0.7, runtime=15)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/rinter.Rd
--- pkg/man/rinter.Rd	2008-10-31 10:42:57 UTC (rev 21)
+++ pkg/man/rinter.Rd	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -30,88 +30,21 @@
   \eqn{\leq}{<=} 1. 
    Otherwise, \code{h} is monotone, decreasing, and must tend
   to 1 when the distance tends to 0.}
-  \item{gs, gt}{Must be choosen among "\code{min}", "\code{max}" and 
-   "\code{prod}". }
   \item{thetas, thetat}{Parameters of \code{hs} and \code{ht} functions.} 
   \item{deltas, deltat}{Spatial and temporal distance of inhibition.}
+  \item{gs, gt}{Compute the probability of acceptance of a new point from
+  \code{hs} or \code{ht} and \code{recent}. Must be choosen among "\code{min}",
+   "\code{max}" and "\code{prod}". }
   \item{recent}{If ``\code{all}'' consider all previous events. If
   is an integer, say N, consider only  the N most recent events.}
   \item{nsim}{number of simulations to generate. Default is 1. }
-  \item{discrete.time}{if TRUE, times are discrete, otherwise belong to R+.} 
+  \item{discrete.time}{if TRUE, times belong to \eqn{\mathbb{N}}{N},
+  otherwise belong to \eqn{\mathbb{R}^+}{R^+}.} 
   \item{replace}{Logical. If TRUE allows times repeat.}
   \item{inhibition}{Logical. If TRUE, an inhibition process is
   generated. Otherwise, it is a contagious process. }
-#Inhibition process ($k$th step):
-#\item Generate uniformly a location $s \in S$ and a time $t \in T$.
-#\item Generate $u_s \sim {\cal U}[0,1]$ and $u_t \sim {\cal U}[0,1]$.
-#\item  If $\| s -s_j \| \geq \delta_s$ for all $j=1,\dots,k-1$,
-#    then set $p_s = 1$.
-#    Otherwise compute $v_s = p_s \left( h_s
-#      \left( (\| s -s_j \|)_{j=l,\dots,k-1}, \theta_s, \delta_s
-#      \right), r_k \right)$
-#  \item If $| t -t_j | \geq \delta_t$ for all $j=1,\dots,k-1$,
-#    then set $p_t = 1$.
-#    Otherwise compute $v_t = p_t \left( h_t \left( (| t -t_j |)_{j=l,\dots,
-#          k-1}, \theta_t, \delta_t \right), r_k \right)$
-#  \item If $u_s < v_s$ and $u_t < v_t$, then keep $s$ and $t$.
-#The functions $p_s$ and $p_t$ can be choosen among ``min'', ``max''
-#and ``prod'' and depend on the parameter $r_k$. This parameter allows us
-#to consider either all previous events or only the most recent in the
-#conditions 3 et 4.
-#The functions $h_s$ and $h_t$ depend on the distance between locations
-#and times respectively. They are monotone, increasing, tend
-#to 1 when the distance tends to infinity and satisfy $0 \leq h(\cdot) \leq 1$.
-#Currently the following functions are implemented:
-#\item step: $h(x) = \lce
-#  \begin{array}[l]{ll}
-#    1,  \text{ if } x>\delta \\
-#    \theta,  \text{ otherwise}
-#  \end{array} \right., \ \theta \in [0,1]
-#  $
-#\item exponential: $h(x) = \exp(\theta x) / \max(\exp(\theta x)), \ \theta
-#  \geq 0$,
-#\item gaussian: $h(x) = \exp(\theta x^2) / \max(\exp(\theta x^2)), \ \theta
-#  \geq 0$.
-#Note that the user can call his own functions $h_s$ and $h_t$, provided 
-#that they have (spatial or temporal distance between points), 
-#\verb#theta# and \verb#delta# (even if not used by the function).
-#{\bf *** should we also allow an user defined $p$ function?}
-#The simple sequential inhibition process is given using ``min'' for
-#$g$ functions, ``step'' for $h$ functions and 0 for $\theta$ parameter.
-#Contagious process ($k$th step):
-#\item Generate uniformly a location $s \in S$ and a time $t \in T$.
-#\item Generate $u_s \sim {\cal U}[0,1]$ and $u_t \sim {\cal U}[0,1]$.
-#\item If $\| s_{k-1} -s \| < \delta_s$, then set $p_s = 1$.
-#  Otherwise, compute $p_s =h_s \left( \| s_{k-1} -s \|, \theta_s,
-#    \delta_s \right)$.
-#\item If $| t_{k-1} - t | < \delta_t$, then set $p_t=1$.
-#  Otherwise, compute $p_t = h_t \left( | t_{k-1} - t|, \theta_t,
-#    \delta_t \right)$.
-#\item If $u_s < p_s$ and $u_t < p_t$, then keep $s$ and $t$.
-#The functions $h_s$ and $h_t$ depend on the distance between locations
-#and times respectively. They are monotone, decreasing, tend
-#to 1 when the distance tends to 0 and satisfy $0 \leq h(\cdot) \leq 1$.
-#$h_{cont.} (x,\theta,\delta)=h_{inhib.}(\max(x)-x,\theta,\max(x)-\delta)$.
-#The simple contagious process is given using ``step'' for $h$ functions
-#and 0 for $\theta$ parameters.
 A list containing:
 \item{xyt}{matrix (or list of matrices if \code{nsim}>1)
@@ -159,18 +92,18 @@
 inh2 = rinter(npoints=100, hs=hs, gs="min", thetas=0.2, deltas=0.1, ht=ht, gt="min",	 thetat=0.1, deltat=0.05, inhibition=TRUE)
+animation(inh2$xyt, runtime=15, cex=0.8)
 # simple contagious process for given spatial and temporal regions
-cont1 = rinter(npoints=250, s.region=northcumbria, t.region=c(1,200), hs="gaussian",
- gs="min", thetas=1000, deltas=5000, ht="step", gt="min", thetat=0, deltat=10,
- recent=1, inhibition=FALSE)
+cont1 = rinter(npoints=250, s.region=northcumbria, t.region=c(1,200), thetas=0,
+ deltas=5000, thetat=0, deltat=10, recent=1, inhibition=FALSE)
 animation(cont1$xyt,  s.region=cont1$s.region, t.region=cont1$t.region,
  incident="darkgreen", prevalent="green3", runtime=15, cex=0.8)

Added: pkg/man/rlgcp.Rd
--- pkg/man/rlgcp.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/rlgcp.Rd	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+\title{Generate log-Gaussian Cox point patterns}
+Generate one (or several) realisation(s) of the log-Gaussian cox process 
+in a region S x T.
+ rlgcp(s.region, t.region, npoints=NULL, nsim=1, separable=TRUE, model="exponential",
+       param=c(1,1,1,1,1,2), var.grf=1, mean.grf=0, replace=TRUE, nx=100, ny=100,
+       nt=100, lmax=NULL, discrete.time=FALSE, exact=FALSE)
+  \item{s.region}{two-column matrix specifying polygonal region containing
+  all data locations. If \code{s.region} is missing, the unit square is considered.} 
+  \item{t.region}{vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
+  the time interval. If \code{t.region} is missing, the interval [0,1] is considered.} 
+  \item{npoints}{number of points to simulate. If NULL, the
+  number of points is from a Poisson distribution with mean the double integral of 	  
+  lambda(s,t) over \code{s.region} and \code{t.region}. }
+  \item{nsim}{number of simulations to generate. Default is 1.}
+  \item{separable}{Logical. If TRUE, the covariance function of the
+  Gaussian random field is separable. }
+  \item{model}{vector of length 1 or 2 specifying the model(s) of
+  covariance of the Gaussian random field. If \code{separable=TRUE} and 
+  \code{model} is of length 2, then the elements of \code{model} define the 
+  spatial and temporal covariances respectively.
+   If \code{separable=TRUE} and \code{model} is of length 1, then the
+  spatial and temporal covariances belongs to the same class of covariances, 
+  among "exponential", "stable", "cauchy" and "wave" (see Details). 
+   If \code{separable=FALSE}, \code{model} must be of length 1 and is either
+  "gneiting" or "cesare" (see Details).} 
+  \item{param}{vector of parameters of the covariance function (see
+  Details).} 
+  \item{var.grf}{variance of the Gaussian random field.}
+  \item{mean.grf}{mean of the Gaussian random field.}
+  \item{replace}{logical allowing times repeat.} 
+  \item{nx,ny,nt}{define the size of the 3-D grid on which the intensity
+  is evaluated.} 
+  \item{lmax}{upper bound for the value of lambda(x,y,t).} 
+  \item{discrete.time}{if TRUE, times belong to \eqn{\mathbb{N}}{N},
+  otherwise belong to \eqn{\mathbb{R}^+}{R^+}.} 
+We implemented stationary, isotropic spatio-temporal covariance functions.
+\emph{Separable covariance functions}
+\deqn{c(h,t) = c_s(\| h \|) \, c_t(|t|) , h \in S, t \in T}{c(h,t)
+=c_s(||h||) c_t(|t|), h in S, t in T}
+The purely spatial and purely temporal covariance functions can be:
+\item Exponential: \eqn{c(r) = \exp(-r)}{c(r)=exp(-r)},
+\item Stable: \eqn{c(r) = \exp(-r^\alpha)}{c(r)=exp(-r \alpha)}, 
+\eqn{\alpha \in [0,2]}{\alpha \in [0,2]},
+\item Cauchy: \eqn{c(r) = (1+r^2)^{-\alpha}}{c(r)=(1+r^2)^(-\alpha)},
+\eqn{\alpha >0}{\alpha > 0},
+\item Wave: \eqn{c(r) = \frac{\sin(r)}{r}}{c(r)=sin(r)/r} if \eqn{r>0}{r>0}, 
+ \eqn{c(0)=1}{c(0)=1},
+\item Matèrn: \eqn{c(r) = \frac{(r/\beta)^\alpha}{2^{\alpha-1}\Gamma(\alpha)}
+  {\cal K}_{\alpha}(r/\beta)}{c(r)={(r/\beta)^\alpha}/{2^(\alpha-1) \Gamma(\alpha)}
+  K_\alpha(r/\beta)}, \eqn{\alpha > 0}{\alpha>0} and \eqn{\beta > 0}{\beta>0}.
+\eqn{{\cal K}_{\alpha}}{K_\alpha} is the modified Bessel function of second kind:
+\deqn{{\cal K}_{\alpha}(x) = \frac{\pi}{2} \frac{I_{-\alpha}(x) -
+    I_{\alpha}(x)}{\sin(\pi \alpha)},}{K_\alpha(x) = (\pi/2) * (I_(-\alpha)(x) 
+    - I_\alpha(x))/sin(\pi \alpha),} with
+  \eqn{I_{\alpha}(x) = \left( \frac{x}{2} \right)^{\alpha} \sum_{k=0}^\infty
+  \frac{1}{k! \Gamma(\alpha+k+1)} \left( \frac{x}{2} \right)^{2k}}{I_\alpha(x) 
+  = (x/2)^\alpha sum_{k=0}^\infty 1/(k! \Gamma(\alpha+k+1)) (x/2)^(2k)}
+The parameters \eqn{alpha_1}{\alpha_1} and \eqn{\alpha_2}{\alpha_2} correspond 
+to the parameters of the spatial and temporal covariance respectively.
+\emph{Non-separable covariance functions}
+The spatio-temporal covariance function can be:
+\item gneiting: \eqn{c(h,t) = \psi (t/\beta_2)^{-\alpha_6} \phi \left(\frac{h/
+      \beta_1}{\psi (t/\beta_2)} \right)}{c(h,t)=\psi(t/\beta_2)^(-\alpha_6) 
+      \phi( (h/\beta_1)/\psi(t/\beta_2) )}, \eqn{\beta_1, \beta_2 >0}{\beta_1, 
+      \beta_2 >0},
+      \itemize{
+  \item If \eqn{\alpha_2=1}{\alpha_2=1}, \eqn{\phi(r)}{\phi(r)} is the Stable model.
+  \item if \eqn{\alpha_2=2}{\alpha_2=2}, \eqn{\phi(r)}{\phi(r)} is the Cauchy model.
+  \item If \eqn{\alpha_2=3}{\alpha_2=3}, \eqn{\phi(r)}{\phi(r)} is the Matèrn model.
+  \item If \eqn{\alpha_5=1}{\alpha_5=1}, \eqn{\psi^2(r) = (r^{\alpha_3}+
+  1)^{\alpha_4}}{\psi^2(r) = (r^\alpha_3+1)^\alpha_4},
+  \item If \eqn{\alpha_5=2}{\alpha_5=2}, \eqn{\psi^2(r) = (\alpha_4^{-1} r^{\alpha_3}
+    +1)/(r^{\alpha_3}+1)}{\psi^2(r) = (\alpha_4^(-1) r^\alpha_3 +1)/(r^\alpha_3+1)},
+  \item If \eqn{\alpha_5=3}{\alpha_5=3}, \eqn{\psi^2(r) = -\log(r^{\alpha_3} +
+   1/{\alpha_4})/\log {\alpha_4}}{\psi^2(r) = -log(r^\alpha_3+1/\alpha_4)/
+   log(\alpha_4)},
+                }
+  The parameter \eqn{\alpha_1}{\alpha_1} is the respective parameter for the model of
+  \eqn{\phi(\cdot)}{\phi(.)}, \eqn{\alpha_3 \in (0,2]}{\alpha_3 in (0,2]}, 
+  \eqn{\alpha_4 \in (0,1]}{\alpha_4 in (0,1]} and \eqn{\alpha_6 \geq 2}{\alpha_6 >= 2}.
+\item cesare: \eqn{c(h,t) = \left( 1 + (h/\beta_1)^{\alpha_1} +
+    (t/\beta_2)^{\alpha_2} \right)^{-\alpha_3}}{c(h,t) = (1 + (h/\beta_1)^\alpha_1 +
+    (t/\beta_2)^\alpha_2)^(-\alpha_3)}, \eqn{\beta_1, \beta_2 >0}{\beta_1, 
+    \beta_2 >0}, \eqn{\alpha_1, \alpha_2 \in [1,2]}{\alpha_1, \alpha_2 in [1,2]}
+     and \eqn{\alpha_3 \geq 3/2}{\alpha_3 >= 3/2}.
+	}
+A list containing:
+\item{xyt}{matrix (or list of matrices if \code{nsim}>1)
+containing the points (x,y,t) of the simulated point pattern.}
+\item{s.region, t.region}{parameters passed in argument.}
+\item{Lambda}{nx * ny * nt array (or list of array if \code{nsim}>1) 
+of the intensity.}
+Chan, G. and Wood A. (1997).  An algorithm for simulating stationary
+Gaussian random fields. Applied Statistics, Algorithm Section, 46, 171--181.
+Gneiting T. (2002). Nonseparable, stationary covariance functions
+for space-time data. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
+97, 590--600.
+Edith Gabriel <edith.gabriel at univ-avignon.fr>, Peter J Diggle.
+ \code{\link{animation}} and \code{\link{stani}} for plotting space-time point patterns.
+ }
+# non separable covariance function: 
+lgcp1 <- rlgcp(npoints=200, nx=50, ny=50, nt=50, separable=FALSE, model="gneiting",
+ param=c(1,1,1,1,1,2), var.grf=1, mean.grf=0)
+N <- lgcp1$Lambda[,,1];for(j in 2:(dim(lgcp1$Lambda)[3])){N <- N+lgcp1$Lambda[,,j]}
+animation(lgcp1$xyt, cex=0.8, runtime=10, add=TRUE, prevalent="orange")
+# separable covariance function: 
+lgcp2 <- rlgcp(npoints=200, nx=50, ny=50, nt=50, separable=TRUE, model="exponential",
+ param=c(1,1,1,1,1,2), var.grf=2, mean.grf=-0.5*2)
+N <- lgcp2$Lambda[,,1];for(j in 2:(dim(lgcp2$Lambda)[3])){N <- N+lgcp2$Lambda[,,j]}
+animation(lgcp2$xyt, cex=0.8, pch=20, runtime=10, add=TRUE, prevalent="orange")

Modified: pkg/man/rpp.Rd
--- pkg/man/rpp.Rd	2008-10-31 10:42:57 UTC (rev 21)
+++ pkg/man/rpp.Rd	2008-11-01 13:52:03 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
   number of points is from a 
    Poisson distribution with mean the double integral of \code{lambda} over 
    \code{s.region} and \code{t.region}.} 
-  \item{discrete.time}{if \code{TRUE}, times belong to N,
-  otherwise belong to R+. }
+  \item{discrete.time}{if TRUE, times belong to \eqn{\mathbb{N}}{N},
+  otherwise belong to \eqn{\mathbb{R}^+}{R^+}.} 
   \item{nsim}{number of simulations to generate. Default is 1.}
   \item{nx,ny,nt}{define the size of the 3-D grid on which the intensity
   is evaluated. }
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
   \code{lambda} is a function.} 
   \item{Lambda}{matrix of spatial intensity if \code{lambda} is a character.}
   \item{mut}{vector of temporal intensity if \code{lambda} is a character.}  
+  \item{...}{additional parameters if \code{lambda} is a function.}

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