[Stacomir-commits] r571 - in pkg/stacomir/R: . po

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Oct 11 10:08:59 CEST 2021

Author: briand
Date: 2021-10-11 10:08:59 +0200 (Mon, 11 Oct 2021)
New Revision: 571

259: Transfert version 0.6 

Task-Url: http://w3.eptb-vilaine.fr:8080/tracstacomi/ticket/259
: Rapport didson 2019 2020 

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/po/R-stacomiR_fr_FR.mo
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/po/R-stacomiR_fr_FR.po
--- pkg/stacomir/R/po/R-stacomiR_fr_FR.po	2021-08-04 15:26:02 UTC (rev 570)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/po/R-stacomiR_fr_FR.po	2021-10-11 08:08:59 UTC (rev 571)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: stacomiR 0.5.0\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-31 13:54\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-31 14:12+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-04 14:32+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "Language: fr_FR\n"
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
 msgid "Writing monthly summary in the database"
@@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@
 "base version 0.5, vérifiez le lien ODBC"
 msgid "ODBC link"
-msgstr "lien ODBC"
+msgstr "Lien ODBC"
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Utilisateur"
@@ -1788,13 +1788,14 @@
 msgstr "Sorties du programme"
 msgid "The vector passed to vector_to_listsql should not be null"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Le vecteur passé à vector_to_listsql ne doit pas être nul"
 msgid "The vector passed to vector_to_listsql should not be NA"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Le vecteur passé à vector_to_listsql ne doit pas être NA"
 msgid "The vector passed to vector_to_listsql should not be of lenght zero"
 msgstr ""
+"Le vecteur passé à vector_to_listsql ne doit pas être de longueur nulle"
 msgid "horodatedebut not in column names for data"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1804,7 +1805,7 @@
 msgstr "horodatefin n'apparaît pas dans les noms de colonnes dans les données"
 msgid "The color argument should have length %s"
-msgstr "l'argument couleur doit avoir une longueur %s"
+msgstr "L’argument color doit avoir une longueur %s"
 msgid "The following name(s) %s do not match vector name: %s"
 msgstr "Les noms suivants %s ne correspondent pas à ceux du vecteur %s"

Deleted: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_checkbox.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_checkbox.R	2021-08-04 15:26:02 UTC (rev 570)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_checkbox.R	2021-10-11 08:08:59 UTC (rev 571)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#' ref_checkbox referencial class 
-#' referential class allows to choose for several parms with checkbox
-#' @slot title A "character", the title of the box giving the possible choices
-#' @slot labels The logical parameters choice
-#' @slot checked A boolean vector
-#' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
-#' \code{new("ref_checkbox", ...)}.
-#' @family referential objects
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-setClass(Class="ref_checkbox",representation= representation(title="character",labels="character",checked="logical"),
-	prototype=prototype(title="liste de choice",labels="choice",checked=FALSE))
-#' Loading method for ref_checkbox referential objects
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_checkbox-class}
-#' @param title Title of the frame
-#' @param labels Labels for checked
-#' @param checked Vector of boolean indicating if ref_checkbox are checked
-#' @return An object of class \link{ref_checkbox-class}
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @examples 
-#' \dontrun{
-#'  object=new("ref_checkbox")
-#' charge(object,title="essai",labels=c("par1","par2","par3"),checked=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE))
-#' }
-setMethod("charge",signature=signature("ref_checkbox"),definition=function(object,title,labels,checked) {
-	  if (length(labels) != length(checked)) stop ("les longeur de 'labels' et 'checked' sont differentes")
-	  object at title=title
-	  object at labels=labels
-	  object at checked=checked
-	  return(object)
-	})
-#' Choice method for ref_checkbox referential objects
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_checkbox-class}
-#' @examples 
-#' \dontrun{
-#' object=new("ref_checkbox")
-#' object<- charge(object,title="essai",labels=c("par1","par2","par3"),checked=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE))
-#' win=gwindow(title="test ref_checkbox")
-#' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-#' choice(object) 
-#' dispose(win)
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-setMethod("choice",signature=signature("ref_checkbox"),definition=function(object) {
-	  hlist=function(h,...){
-		i=h$action
-		if (exists("ref_checkbox",envir_stacomi)) {
-		  object<-get("ref_checkbox",envir_stacomi)
-		}
-		object at checked[i]<-svalue(the_choice[[i]])
-		assign("ref_checkbox",object,envir_stacomi)
-		funout(paste("choice",object at labels[i],"\n"))
-	  }
-	  group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  frame_check<-gframe(object at title)	
-	  assign("frame_check",frame_check,envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  ##=>selection de plusieurs caracteristiques
-	  add(group,frame_check)
-	  the_choice=list()
-	  for(i in 1: length(object at labels)){
-		the_choice[[i]]=gcheckbox(text=object at labels[i], action=i,checked = object at checked[i],container=frame_check,handler=hlist)
-	  }
-	})

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_choice.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_choice.R	2021-08-04 15:26:02 UTC (rev 570)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_choice.R	2021-10-11 08:08:59 UTC (rev 571)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #' Class "ref_choice"
 #' ref_choice referential class allows to choose within several values with
-#' radiobuttons
+#' radiobuttons interface
 #' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
 #' \code{new("ref_choice", listechoice=character() ,label=character()
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-#' Loading method for Rechoice referential objects
+#' Loading method for Refchoice referential objects
 #' @family referential objects
 #' @return An S4 object of class ref_choice
@@ -39,36 +39,37 @@
-#' Choice method for Rechoice referential objects
-#' Used by the graphical interface.
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_choice-class}
-#' @examples 
-#' \dontrun{
-#'  object=new("ref_choice")
-#'  object<-charge(object,vecteur=c("oui","non"),label="essai",selected=as.integer(1))
-#' win=gwindow(title="test ref_choice")
-#' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-#' choice(object) 
-#' dispose(win)}
-#' @keywords internal
-setMethod("choice",signature=signature("ref_choice"),definition=function(object) {
-	  hlist=function(h,...){
-		valeurchoisie=svalue(choice)
-		object at listechoice<-valeurchoisie
-		assign("refchoice",object,envir_stacomi)
-		funout(paste(object at label,"\n"))
-	  }
-	  group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  frame_choice<-gframe(object at label)
-	  assign("frame_choice",frame_choice,envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  ##=>selection de plusieurs caracteristiques
-	  add(group,frame_choice)
-	  list_libelle=fun_char_spe(object at listechoice)
-	  choice=gradio(items=list_libelle,selected=object at selected,horizontal=TRUE,container=frame_choice,handler=hlist)
-	  gbutton("OK", container=frame_choice,handler=hlist)
-	})
+##' Choice method for Rechoice referential objects
+##' Used by the graphical interface.
+##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+##' @param object An object of class \link{ref_choice-class}
+##' @examples 
+##' \dontrun{
+##'  object=new("ref_choice")
+##'  object<-charge(object,vecteur=c("oui","non"),label="essai",selected=as.integer(1))
+##' win=gwindow(title="test ref_choice")
+##' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
+##' choice(object) 
+##' dispose(win)}
+##' @keywords internal
+#setMethod("choice",signature=signature("ref_choice"),definition=function(object) {
+#	  hlist=function(h,...){
+#		valeurchoisie=svalue(choice)
+#		object at listechoice<-valeurchoisie
+#		assign("refchoice",object,envir_stacomi)
+#		funout(paste(object at label,"\n"))
+#	  }
+#	  group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#	  frame_choice<-gframe(object at label)
+#	  assign("frame_choice",frame_choice,envir=envir_stacomi)
+#	  ##=>selection de plusieurs caracteristiques
+#	  add(group,frame_choice)
+#	  list_libelle=fun_char_spe(object at listechoice)
+#	  choice=gradio(items=list_libelle,selected=object at selected,horizontal=TRUE,container=frame_choice,handler=hlist)
+#	  gbutton("OK", container=frame_choice,handler=hlist)
+#	})
 #' Choice_c method for refchoix referential objects
 #' @param object An object of class \link{ref_list-class}
@@ -96,39 +97,39 @@
-#' Multiple Choice method for ref_choice referential objects, to put together with notebook widgets
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_choice-class}
-#' @param selected_value the value selected in the combo
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @keywords internal
-		selected_value
-	) {
-	  hlist=function(h,...){
-		valeurchoisie=svalue(choice)
-		object at selectedvalue<-valeurchoisie
-		assign("refchoice",object,envir_stacomi)
-		funout(gettext("choice made\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-		if (svalue(notebook)<length(notebook)){
-		  svalue(notebook)<-svalue(notebook)+1	
-		}
-	  }
-	  group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  if (!exists("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)){
-		notebook <- gnotebook(container=group)
-	  } else {
-		notebook<-get("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)
-	  }
-	  groupchoice<-ggroup(container=notebook, 
-		  label=gettext("options",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-		  horizontal=FALSE) 
-	  glabel(object at label,container=groupchoice)
-	  list_libelle=fun_char_spe(object at listechoice)
-	  choice=gradio(items=list_libelle,
-		  selected=object at selected,
-		  horizontal=FALSE,
-		  container=groupchoice,
-		  handler=hlist)		
-	  gbutton("OK", container=groupchoice,handler=hlist)
-	})
\ No newline at end of file
+##' Multiple Choice method for ref_choice referential objects, to put together with notebook widgets
+##' @param object An object of class \link{ref_choice-class}
+##' @param selected_value the value selected in the combo
+##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+##' @keywords internal
+#		selected_value
+#	) {
+#	  hlist=function(h,...){
+#		valeurchoisie=svalue(choice)
+#		object at selectedvalue<-valeurchoisie
+#		assign("refchoice",object,envir_stacomi)
+#		funout(gettext("choice made\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#		if (svalue(notebook)<length(notebook)){
+#		  svalue(notebook)<-svalue(notebook)+1	
+#		}
+#	  }
+#	  group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#	  if (!exists("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)){
+#		notebook <- gnotebook(container=group)
+#	  } else {
+#		notebook<-get("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#	  }
+#	  groupchoice<-ggroup(container=notebook, 
+#		  label=gettext("options",domain="R-stacomiR"),
+#		  horizontal=FALSE) 
+#	  glabel(object at label,container=groupchoice)
+#	  list_libelle=fun_char_spe(object at listechoice)
+#	  choice=gradio(items=list_libelle,
+#		  selected=object at selected,
+#		  horizontal=FALSE,
+#		  container=groupchoice,
+#		  handler=hlist)		
+#	  gbutton("OK", container=groupchoice,handler=hlist)
+#	})
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_coe.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_coe.R	2021-08-04 15:26:02 UTC (rev 570)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_coe.R	2021-10-11 08:08:59 UTC (rev 571)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Nom fichier :        ref_coe(classe)
+# Name :        ref_coe(classe)
 #' Class "ref_coe"

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_dc.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_dc.R	2021-08-04 15:26:02 UTC (rev 570)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_dc.R	2021-10-11 08:08:59 UTC (rev 571)
@@ -78,224 +78,224 @@
+##' Graphical method to choose a fishway through the interface
+##' @note   The choice method has for arguments a report (report) object
+##'  (e.g) is called from a report report(e.g report_sample_char).
+##'   By default,  the value of the objectreport is null.
+##'   When it is not the method calls daughter widgets (e.g. the dc widget will call species) 
+##' and fills it with the method \link{charge_with_filter,ref_taxa-method} 
+##' @param object An object of class \link{ref_dc-class}
+##' @param objectreport the objectreport from which this frame was called
+##' @param is.enabled a boolean indicating whether the current frame will be enabled. Selecting a "parent"
+##' frame may cause some frame to be disabled. When created the frame is enabled.
+##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+##' @examples \dontrun{ 
+##' win=gwindow()
+##' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
+##' object=new("ref_dc")
+##' object<-charge(object)
+##' objectreport=new("report_mig")
+##' choice(object=object,objectreport=objectreport)
+##' @keywords internal
+#setMethod("choice",signature=signature("ref_dc"),definition=function(object,objectreport=NULL,is.enabled=TRUE) {
+#	  if (nrow(object at data) > 0){
+#		h_report_dc=function(h,...){
+#		  object at dc_selectionne<-svalue(choice)
+#		  object at ouvrage= object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne]
+#		  object at station=object at data$sta_code[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne]
+#		  assign("ref_dc",object,envir_stacomi)
+#		  funout(gettext("Counting device selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#		  # si il existe un object fils; supprimer
+#		  # referentiel fils, celui charge par la methode charge_with_filter
+#		  # ici comme on fait appel e un autre object il faut appeller le conteneur qui contient l'object
+#		  if (!is.null(objectreport)) {
+#			# ci dessous pas d'appel de charge_with_filter pour les report_species (tous les taxa)
+#			# pas non plus d'appel pour les report_silver_eel dont les slots taxa, stage ,et par sont fixes
+#			if("ref_taxa"%in%as.character(getSlots(class(objectreport)))&class(objectreport)!="report_silver_eel"&class(objectreport)!="report_sea_age"){
+#			  objectreport at taxa<<-charge_with_filter(object=objectreport at taxa,dc_selectionne=get("ref_dc",object,envir_stacomi)@dc_selectionne)
+#			  if (exists("frame_tax",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
+#				frame_tax<-get("frame_tax",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#				delete(group,frame_tax)
+#			  }
+#			  if (exists("frame_std",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
+#				frame_std<-get("frame_std",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#				delete(group,frame_std)
+#			  }
+#			  if (exists("frame_par",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
+#				frame_par<-get("frame_par",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#				delete(group,frame_par)
+#			  }
+#			  if (exists("frame_parquan",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
+#				frame_parquan<-get("frame_parquan",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#				delete(group,frame_parquan)
+#			  }
+#			  if (exists("frame_parqual",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
+#				frame_parqual<-get("frame_parqual",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#				delete(group,frame_parqual)
+#			  }
+#			  choice(objectreport at taxa,objectreport,is.enabled=TRUE)
+#			  funout(gettext("Select taxa for this counting device (for all periods)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#			}
+#		  }
+#		  #dispose(winst)
+#		} 
+#		# Handler d'affichage du tableau
+#		h_report_dci=function(h,...){
+#		  w=gwindow(gettext("Counting devices data",domain="R-stacomiR",width=400))
+#		  wg=ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=w)
+#		  tab=gtable(object at data[,c(1,4,7,8,11,12)],chosencol=1,multiple=FALSE,expand=TRUE, container=wg)
+#		  bg<-ggroup(container=wg)
+#		  addSpring(bg)
+#		  gbutton(gettext("close",domain="R-stacomiR"), container=bg, handler = function(h,...) dispose(w))
+#		}
+#		group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#		frame_DC<-gframe(gettext("Counting devices choice",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#		assign("frame_DC",frame_DC,envir_stacomi)
+#		add(group,frame_DC)
+#		DC_identifiant=object at data$dc
+#		choice=gdroplist(DC_identifiant,container=frame_DC,handler=h_report_dc)
+#		gbutton(gettext("Table",domain="R-stacomiR"), container=frame_DC,handler=h_report_dci) 
+#		enabled(frame_DC)<-is.enabled
+#		gbutton("OK", container=frame_DC,handler=h_report_dc)
+#	  } else {
+#		funout(gettext("Error : no counting device in the database (the query returns 0 entry)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+#	  }
+#	  return(object)
+#	})
+## pour test #choice(object)
-#' Graphical method to choose a fishway through the interface
-#' @note   The choice method has for arguments a report (report) object
-#'  (e.g) is called from a report report(e.g report_sample_char).
-#'   By default,  the value of the objectreport is null.
-#'   When it is not   the method calls daughter widgets (e.g. the dc widget will call species) 
-#' and fills it with the method \link{charge_with_filter,ref_taxa-method} 
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_dc-class}
-#' @param objectreport the objectreport from which this frame was called
-#' @param is.enabled a boolean indicating whether the current frame will be enabled. Selecting a "parent"
-#' frame may cause some frame to be disabled. When created the frame is enabled.
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @examples \dontrun{ 
-#' win=gwindow()
-#' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-#' object=new("ref_dc")
-#' object<-charge(object)
-#' objectreport=new("report_mig")
-#' choice(object=object,objectreport=objectreport)
-#' @keywords internal
-setMethod("choice",signature=signature("ref_dc"),definition=function(object,objectreport=NULL,is.enabled=TRUE) {
-	  if (nrow(object at data) > 0){
-		h_report_dc=function(h,...){
-		  object at dc_selectionne<-svalue(choice)
-		  object at ouvrage= object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne]
-		  object at station=object at data$sta_code[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne]
-		  assign("ref_dc",object,envir_stacomi)
-		  funout(gettext("Counting device selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-		  # si il existe un object fils; supprimer
-		  # referentiel fils, celui charge par la methode charge_with_filter
-		  # ici comme on fait appel e un autre object il faut appeller le conteneur qui contient l'object
-		  if (!is.null(objectreport)) {
-			# ci dessous pas d'appel de charge_with_filter pour les report_species (tous les taxa)
-			# pas non plus d'appel pour les report_silver_eel dont les slots taxa, stage ,et par sont fixes
-			if("ref_taxa"%in%as.character(getSlots(class(objectreport)))&class(objectreport)!="report_silver_eel"&class(objectreport)!="report_sea_age"){
-			  objectreport at taxa<<-charge_with_filter(object=objectreport at taxa,dc_selectionne=get("ref_dc",object,envir_stacomi)@dc_selectionne)
-			  if (exists("frame_tax",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
-				frame_tax<-get("frame_tax",envir=envir_stacomi)
-				delete(group,frame_tax)
-			  }
-			  if (exists("frame_std",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
-				frame_std<-get("frame_std",envir=envir_stacomi)
-				delete(group,frame_std)
-			  }
-			  if (exists("frame_par",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
-				frame_par<-get("frame_par",envir=envir_stacomi)
-				delete(group,frame_par)
-			  }
-			  if (exists("frame_parquan",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
-				frame_parquan<-get("frame_parquan",envir=envir_stacomi)
-				delete(group,frame_parquan)
-			  }
-			  if (exists("frame_parqual",envir=envir_stacomi)) {
-				frame_parqual<-get("frame_parqual",envir=envir_stacomi)
-				delete(group,frame_parqual)
-			  }
-			  choice(objectreport at taxa,objectreport,is.enabled=TRUE)
-			  funout(gettext("Select taxa for this counting device (for all periods)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-			}
-		  }
-		  #dispose(winst)
-		} 
-		# Handler d'affichage du tableau
-		h_report_dci=function(h,...){
-		  w=gwindow(gettext("Counting devices data",domain="R-stacomiR",width=400))
-		  wg=ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=w)
-		  tab=gtable(object at data[,c(1,4,7,8,11,12)],chosencol=1,multiple=FALSE,expand=TRUE, container=wg)
-		  bg<-ggroup(container=wg)
-		  addSpring(bg)
-		  gbutton(gettext("close",domain="R-stacomiR"), container=bg, handler = function(h,...) dispose(w))
-		}
-		group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
-		frame_DC<-gframe(gettext("Counting devices choice",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-		assign("frame_DC",frame_DC,envir_stacomi)
-		add(group,frame_DC)
-		DC_identifiant=object at data$dc
-		choice=gdroplist(DC_identifiant,container=frame_DC,handler=h_report_dc)
-		gbutton(gettext("Table",domain="R-stacomiR"), container=frame_DC,handler=h_report_dci) 
-		enabled(frame_DC)<-is.enabled
-		gbutton("OK", container=frame_DC,handler=h_report_dc)
-	  } else {
-		funout(gettext("Error : no counting device in the database (the query returns 0 entry)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }
-	  return(object)
-	})
-# pour test #choice(object)
+# deprecated 0.6
+##' choicemult, selection method for ref_dc allowing to select several DC
+##' @note   The choice method has for arguments a report (report) object
+##'  (e.g) is called from a report report(e.g report_sample_char).
+##'   By default,  the value of the objectreport is null.
+##'   When it is not   the method calls daughter widgets (e.g. the dc widget will call species) 
+##' and fills it with the method \link{charge_with_filter,ref_taxa-method}
+##' @param object An object of class ref_dc
+##' @param objectreport A report object
+##' @param is.enabled A boolean indicating if the widget can be seleted at launch
+##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+##' @examples 
+##' \dontrun{ 
+##' win=gwindow()
+##' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
+##' object=new("ref_dc")
+##' object<-charge(object)
+##' objectreport=new("report_mig_mult")
+##' choicemult(object=object,objectreport=objectreport)
+#setMethod("choicemult",signature=signature("ref_dc"),definition=function(object,objectreport=NULL,is.enabled=TRUE) {
+#	  if (nrow(object at data) > 0){
+#		h_report_dc=function(h,...){
+#		  #browser()
+#		  dc_selectionne<-tbdestdc[,][tbdestdc[,]!=""]
+#		  object at dc_selectionne<-as.integer(dc_selectionne)
+#		  if (length(dc_selectionne)>0){
+#			object at ouvrage= object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne]
+#			object at station= as.character(object at data$sta_code[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne])
+#			assign("ref_dc",object,envir_stacomi)
+#			funout(gettext("Counting device selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#			# si il existe un object fils; supprimer
+#			# referentiel fils, celui charge par la methode charge_with_filter
+#			# ici comme on fait appel e un autre object il faut appeller le conteneur qui contient l'object
+#			if (!is.null(objectreport)) {
+#			  # ci dessous pas d'appel de charge_with_filter pour les report_species (tous les taxa)
+#			  if("ref_taxa"%in%as.character(getSlots(class(objectreport)))){
+#				objectreport at dc<-object
+#				objectreport at taxa<-charge_with_filter(object=objectreport at taxa,dc_selectionne=get("ref_dc",envir_stacomi)@dc_selectionne)
+#				# the name was created by the interface
+#				# as I can't get the name from within the function (deparse(substitute(objectreport does not return
+#				# "report_mig_mult"
+#				assign(get("objectreport",envir=envir_stacomi),objectreport,envir=envir_stacomi)
+#				# suppresses all tab larger than (dc)
+#				currenttab<-svalue(notebook)
+#				if (length(notebook)>currenttab){
+#				  for (i in length(notebook):(currenttab+1)){
+#					svalue(notebook) <- i							
+#					dispose(notebook) ## dispose current tab
+#				  }}
+#				choicemult(objectreport at taxa,objectreport,is.enabled=TRUE)
+#				#funout(gettext("Select taxa for this counting device (for all periods)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#			  }
+#			}
+#			# changing tab of notebook to next tab
+#			if (svalue(notebook)<length(notebook)){
+#			  svalue(notebook)<-svalue(notebook)+1	
+#			}
+#			#dispose(winst)
+#		  } else {
+#			funout(gettext("Counting device not selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+#		  }
+#		} 
+#		# Handler d'affichage du tableau
+#		# below the widget structure [=> within (=> type
+#		# group(ggroup)[nb(notebook)[groupdc(ggroup&tab)[[frameDCsource(gframe)[tbsourcedc(gtable)],frameDCdest(gframe)[tbdcdest(gtable)]],OKbutton]]
+#		notebook<-get("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)
+#		DC=object at data[,c("dc","dis_commentaires","type_dc")]
+#		groupdc<-ggroup(container=notebook, label="dc")   ## "add" called by constructor this is a tab of the notebook
+#		assign("groupdc",groupdc,envir=envir_stacomi)
+#		frameDCsource<-gframe(gettext("Counting devices choice",domain="R-stacomiR"),container=groupdc)
+#		size(frameDCsource)<-c(250,300)
+#		tbsourcedc  = gtable(DC,container=frameDCsource,expand = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
+#		frameDCdest<-gframe(gettext("drop here",domain="R-stacomiR"),container=groupdc)
+#		size(frameDCdest)<-c(60,300)
+#		#addSpring(groupdc)
+#		# need for a fixed size data.frame otherwise errors when adding new lines
+#		xx<-data.frame(choice=rep("",12))
+#		xx$choice<-as.character(xx$choice)
+#		tbdestdc=gtable(xx,container=frameDCdest,expand=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
+#		adddropsource(tbsourcedc)
+#		adddroptarget(tbdestdc)				
+#		adddropmotion(tbdestdc,handler=function(h,...) {
+#			  valeurs<-tbdestdc[,]
+#			  valeurs<-valeurs[valeurs!=""]
+#			  if (!svalue(tbsourcedc)%in%valeurs){
+#				tbdestdc[length(valeurs)+1,1]<-svalue(tbsourcedc)
+#			  }
+#			})
+#		addHandlerDoubleclick(tbsourcedc,handler=function(h,...) {
+#			  valeurs<-tbdestdc[,]
+#			  valeurs<-valeurs[valeurs!=""]
+#			  if (!svalue(tbsourcedc)%in%valeurs){
+#				tbdestdc[length(valeurs)+1,1]<-svalue(h$obj)
+#			  }
+#			})
+#		adddropsource(tbdestdc)
+#		adddroptarget(tbsourcedc)
+#		removedc<-function(){
+#		  valeurs<-tbdestdc[,]
+#		  valeurs<-valeurs[valeurs!=""]
+#		  valeurs<-valeurs[-match(svalue(tbdestdc),valeurs)]
+#		  tbdestdc[,]<-c(valeurs,rep("",8-length(valeurs)))
+#		}
+#		adddropmotion(tbsourcedc,handler=function(h,...) {
+#			  removedc()
+#			})
+#		addHandlerDoubleclick(tbdestdc,handler=function(h,...) {
+#			  removedc()
+#			})
+#		gbutton("OK", container = groupdc, handler = h_report_dc)
+#	  } else {
+#		funout(gettext("Error : no counting device in the database (the query returns 0 entry)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
+#	  }
+#	  #return(object)
+#	})
-#' choicemult, selection method for ref_dc allowing to select several DC
-#' @note   The choice method has for arguments a report (report) object
-#'  (e.g) is called from a report report(e.g report_sample_char).
-#'   By default,  the value of the objectreport is null.
-#'   When it is not   the method calls daughter widgets (e.g. the dc widget will call species) 
-#' and fills it with the method \link{charge_with_filter,ref_taxa-method}
-#' @param object An object of class ref_dc
-#' @param objectreport A report object
-#' @param is.enabled A boolean indicating if the widget can be seleted at launch
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @examples 
-#' \dontrun{ 
-#' win=gwindow()
-#' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-#' object=new("ref_dc")
-#' object<-charge(object)
-#' objectreport=new("report_mig_mult")
-#' choicemult(object=object,objectreport=objectreport)
-setMethod("choicemult",signature=signature("ref_dc"),definition=function(object,objectreport=NULL,is.enabled=TRUE) {
-	  if (nrow(object at data) > 0){
-		h_report_dc=function(h,...){
-		  #browser()
-		  dc_selectionne<-tbdestdc[,][tbdestdc[,]!=""]
-		  object at dc_selectionne<-as.integer(dc_selectionne)
-		  if (length(dc_selectionne)>0){
-			object at ouvrage= object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne]
-			object at station= as.character(object at data$sta_code[object at data$dc%in%object at dc_selectionne])
-			assign("ref_dc",object,envir_stacomi)
-			funout(gettext("Counting device selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-			# si il existe un object fils; supprimer
-			# referentiel fils, celui charge par la methode charge_with_filter
-			# ici comme on fait appel e un autre object il faut appeller le conteneur qui contient l'object
-			if (!is.null(objectreport)) {
-			  # ci dessous pas d'appel de charge_with_filter pour les report_species (tous les taxa)
-			  if("ref_taxa"%in%as.character(getSlots(class(objectreport)))){
-				objectreport at dc<-object
-				objectreport at taxa<-charge_with_filter(object=objectreport at taxa,dc_selectionne=get("ref_dc",envir_stacomi)@dc_selectionne)
-				# the name was created by the interface
-				# as I can't get the name from within the function (deparse(substitute(objectreport does not return
-				# "report_mig_mult"
-				assign(get("objectreport",envir=envir_stacomi),objectreport,envir=envir_stacomi)
-				# suppresses all tab larger than (dc)
-				currenttab<-svalue(notebook)
-				if (length(notebook)>currenttab){
-				  for (i in length(notebook):(currenttab+1)){
-					svalue(notebook) <- i							
-					dispose(notebook) ## dispose current tab
-				  }}
-				choicemult(objectreport at taxa,objectreport,is.enabled=TRUE)
-				#funout(gettext("Select taxa for this counting device (for all periods)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-			  }
-			}
-			# changing tab of notebook to next tab
-			if (svalue(notebook)<length(notebook)){
-			  svalue(notebook)<-svalue(notebook)+1	
-			}
-			#dispose(winst)
-		  } else {
-			funout(gettext("Counting device not selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-		  }
-		} 
-		# Handler d'affichage du tableau
-		# below the widget structure [=> within (=> type
-		# group(ggroup)[nb(notebook)[groupdc(ggroup&tab)[[frameDCsource(gframe)[tbsourcedc(gtable)],frameDCdest(gframe)[tbdcdest(gtable)]],OKbutton]]
-		notebook<-get("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)
-		DC=object at data[,c("dc","dis_commentaires","type_dc")]
-		groupdc<-ggroup(container=notebook, label="dc")   ## "add" called by constructor this is a tab of the notebook
-		assign("groupdc",groupdc,envir=envir_stacomi)
-		frameDCsource<-gframe(gettext("Counting devices choice",domain="R-stacomiR"),container=groupdc)
-		size(frameDCsource)<-c(250,300)
-		tbsourcedc  = gtable(DC,container=frameDCsource,expand = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
-		frameDCdest<-gframe(gettext("drop here",domain="R-stacomiR"),container=groupdc)
-		size(frameDCdest)<-c(60,300)
-		#addSpring(groupdc)
-		# need for a fixed size data.frame otherwise errors when adding new lines
-		xx<-data.frame(choice=rep("",12))
-		xx$choice<-as.character(xx$choice)
-		tbdestdc=gtable(xx,container=frameDCdest,expand=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
-		adddropsource(tbsourcedc)
-		adddroptarget(tbdestdc)				
-		adddropmotion(tbdestdc,handler=function(h,...) {
-			  valeurs<-tbdestdc[,]
-			  valeurs<-valeurs[valeurs!=""]
-			  if (!svalue(tbsourcedc)%in%valeurs){
-				tbdestdc[length(valeurs)+1,1]<-svalue(tbsourcedc)
-			  }
-			})
-		addHandlerDoubleclick(tbsourcedc,handler=function(h,...) {
-			  valeurs<-tbdestdc[,]
-			  valeurs<-valeurs[valeurs!=""]
-			  if (!svalue(tbsourcedc)%in%valeurs){
-				tbdestdc[length(valeurs)+1,1]<-svalue(h$obj)
-			  }
-			})
-		adddropsource(tbdestdc)
-		adddroptarget(tbsourcedc)
-		removedc<-function(){
-		  valeurs<-tbdestdc[,]
-		  valeurs<-valeurs[valeurs!=""]
-		  valeurs<-valeurs[-match(svalue(tbdestdc),valeurs)]
-		  tbdestdc[,]<-c(valeurs,rep("",8-length(valeurs)))
-		}
-		adddropmotion(tbsourcedc,handler=function(h,...) {
-			  removedc()
-			})
-		addHandlerDoubleclick(tbdestdc,handler=function(h,...) {
-			  removedc()
-			})
-		gbutton("OK", container = groupdc, handler = h_report_dc)
-	  } else {
-		funout(gettext("Error : no counting device in the database (the query returns 0 entry)\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	  }
-	  #return(object)
-	})
 #' Command line interface to select a counting device
-#' the choice_c method is intendedto have the same behaviour as choice (which creates a
+#' the choice_c method is intended to have the same behaviour as choice (which creates a
 #' widget in the graphical interface) but from the command line.  The parameters for dc are transformed to integer as the ref_dc only 
 #' takes integer in the dc slots. The method also loads the stations and ouvrages (dams) associated with the counting device (dc).
 #' The values passed to the choice_c method are then checked with the setValidty method.

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_df.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_df.R	2021-08-04 15:26:02 UTC (rev 570)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_df.R	2021-10-11 08:08:59 UTC (rev 571)
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# Nom fichier :        ref_df   (classe)
 #' Class "ref_df"
 #' Representation of a fishway, contains description data of all fishways from
@@ -67,48 +65,49 @@
-#' Graphical method to choose a fishway through the interface
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_df-class}
-#' @note the choice method assigns an object of class ref_df in the environment envir_stacomi
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @examples  
-#'  \dontrun{ 
-#' win=gwindow()
-#' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-#' object=new("ref_df")
-#' object<-charge(object)
-#' choice(object)
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-setMethod("choice",signature=signature("ref_df"),definition=function(object) {

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/stacomir -r 571

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