[Stacomir-commits] r608 - in pkg/stacomir: R dev dev/cran-comments man man/figures po

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Nov 16 10:32:32 CET 2021

Author: briand
Date: 2021-11-16 10:32:32 +0100 (Tue, 16 Nov 2021)
New Revision: 608

fixing check, documentation ...

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/create_generic.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/create_generic.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/create_generic.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -57,12 +57,6 @@
 #' @author cedric.briand
 #' @export
 setGeneric("getvalue", def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getvalue"))
-#' Generic method to forward outputs
-#' @param object Object
-#' @param ... Additional parms
-#' @author cedric.briand
-#' @export
-setGeneric("createmessage", def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("createmessage"))
 #' Generic method to transform quantitative par into a qualitative one
 #' @param object Object
 #' @param ... Additional parms 
@@ -79,59 +73,7 @@
-#' Generic method for getting the beginning date for current time step
-#' @param object An object
-#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the method
-#' @keywords internal
-		"currentstart_date",
-		def = function(object, ...)
-			standardGeneric("currentstart_date")
-#' Generic method for getting the ending date for current time step
-#' @param object An object
-#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the method
-#' @keywords internal
-		"current_end_date",
-		def = function(object, ...)
-			standardGeneric("current_end_date")
-#' Generic method the get starting date
-#' @param object An object
-#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the method
-#' @keywords internal
-		"getdateDebut",
-		def = function(object, ...)
-			standardGeneric("getdateDebut")
-#' Generic method to set the starting date
-#' @param object An object
-#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the method
-#' @keywords internal
-		"set_starting_date",
-		def = function(object, ...)
-			standardGeneric("set_starting_date")
-#' Generic method to get the string value of time step
-#' @param object An object
-#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the method
-#' @keywords internal
-		"get_step_label",
-		def = function(object, ...)
-			standardGeneric("get_step_label")
 #' Generic method to get the years
 #' @param object An object
 #' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the method

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/data.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/data.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/data.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 #' }
 #'   \item{dc}{the \code{ref_dc} the DC with 4 slots
 #'   \describe{
-#'    \item{dc_selectionne}{the selected device}
+#'    \item{dc_selected}{the selected device}
 #'      \item{ouvrage}{the dam}
 #'    \item{station}{the monitoring station, a section of river}
 #'    \item{data}{A dataset of all dc present in the database with 10 observations}
@@ -236,7 +236,8 @@
 #' operational at the same location and provides one of the longest series of eel migration. 
 #' For this reason,
 #' the dataset has been loaded as an example for the report_mig_interannual-class. It has been
-#' kindly provided by the parc du Marais Poitevin.
+#' kindly provided by the parc du Marais Poitevin. The stage corresponds to small eels (elvers)
+#' less than 150 mmm stage name 'PANG'
 #' @format An object of class \link{report_mig_interannual-class} with data loaded.
 #' @keywords data

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/fun_write_monthly.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/fun_write_monthly.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/fun_write_monthly.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	# below not the most elegant way to do it but efficient
-			cbind(report_mig at dc@dc_selectionne,
+			cbind(report_mig at dc@dc_selected,
 					report_mig at taxa@data$tax_code,
 					report_mig at stage@data$std_code,
 					unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(report_mig at time.sequence),"%Y")), # une valeur
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 					rep(rownames(resum),(ncol(resum)-2)), # nb of month except columns report and label
 					stack(resum, select=c(2:(ncol(resum)-1))),# stack re-ordonne les tab de donnees !  
 					format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
-					substr(toupper(rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch")), 1, nchar(toupper(rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch")))-1)
+					get_org()
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 	# ecriture dans la base...
 	for (i in 1:nrow(t_reportmigrationmensuel_bme)) {
-		sql=paste("INSERT INTO ",rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),"t_bilanmigrationmensuel_bme (",			
+		sql=paste("INSERT INTO ",get_schema(),"t_bilanmigrationmensuel_bme (",			
 				" VALUES ('",paste(t_reportmigrationmensuel_bme[i,],collapse="','"),"');",sep="")
 		con <- new("ConnectionDB")

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/fungraph.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/fungraph.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/fungraph.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   if (is.null(dc))
-    dc = report_mig at dc@dc_selectionne[1]
+    dc = report_mig at dc@dc_selected[1]
   annee = unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(time.sequence), "%Y"))[1]
   mois = months(time.sequence)
   jour = strftime(as.POSIXlt(time.sequence), "%j")

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/fungraph_glasseel.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/fungraph_glasseel.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/fungraph_glasseel.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   if (is.null(dc))
-    dc = report_mig at dc@dc_selectionne[1]
+    dc = report_mig at dc@dc_selected[1]
   annee = paste(unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(time.sequence), "%Y")), collapse =
   mois = months(time.sequence)

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_coe.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_coe.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_coe.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #' @family referential objects
 #' @keywords classes
 setClass(Class = "ref_coe", representation = representation(data = "data.frame",
-    datedebut = "POSIXlt", datefin = "POSIXlt"), prototype = prototype(data = data.frame()))
+				datedebut = "POSIXlt", datefin = "POSIXlt"), prototype = prototype(data = data.frame()))
 #' loads the coefficients for the period defined in class
@@ -35,19 +35,18 @@
 #' charge(object) 
 #' }
 setMethod("charge", signature = signature("ref_coe"), definition = function(object) {
-    requete = new("RequeteDBwheredate")
-    requete at datedebut = object at datedebut
-    requete at datefin = object at datefin
-    requete at colonnedebut = "coe_date_debut"
-    requete at colonnefin = "coe_date_fin"
-    requete at datefin = as.POSIXlt(object at datefin)
-    requete at select = stringr::str_c("select * from ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi,
-        "sch"), "tj_coefficientconversion_coe")
-    requete at and = " and  coe_tax_code='2038' and coe_std_code='CIV' and coe_qte_code='1'"
-    requete <- query(requete)
-    object at data <- requete at query
-    return(object)
+			requete = new("RequeteDBwheredate")
+			requete at datedebut = object at datedebut
+			requete at datefin = object at datefin
+			requete at colonnedebut = "coe_date_debut"
+			requete at colonnefin = "coe_date_fin"
+			requete at datefin = as.POSIXlt(object at datefin)
+			requete at select = stringr::str_c("select * from ", get_schema(), "tj_coefficientconversion_coe")
+			requete at and = " and  coe_tax_code='2038' and coe_std_code='CIV' and coe_qte_code='1'"
+			requete <- query(requete)
+			object at data <- requete at query
+			return(object)
+		})
 #' supprime method for 'ref_coe' class
@@ -59,24 +58,27 @@
 #' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr}
 #' @export
 setMethod("supprime", signature = signature("ref_coe"), definition = function(object,
-    tax, std, silent = FALSE) {
-    # object<-r_gew at coe;tax=2038;std='CIV' getting the data to import
+				tax, std, silent = FALSE) {
+			# object<-r_gew at coe;tax=2038;std='CIV' getting the data to import
+			# here I assume that dc_selected will be unique (no report with several
+			# dc)
+			req = new("RequeteDB")
+			req at sql <- stringr::str_c(
+					"WITH deleted AS (", 
+					"DELETE FROM ", get_schema(), "tj_coefficientconversion_coe ",
+					"WHERE coe_date_debut >= '",object at datedebut,"'",
+					" AND coe_date_fin  <= '", object at datefin, "'",
+					" AND  coe_tax_code='", tax, "' and coe_std_code='", std,
+					"' and coe_qte_code='1'",
+					" RETURNING *)",
+					" SELECT * FROM deleted"
+			)
+			del <- stacomirtools::getquery(query(req))
+			nr <- nrow(del)
+			if (!silent)
+				funout(gettextf("%s rows deleted from table tj_coefficientconversion_coe",
+								nr, domain = "R-stacomiR"))
+			return(invisible(NULL))
+		})
-    # here I assume that dc_selectionne will be unique (no report with several
-    # dc)
-    requete = new("RequeteDBwheredate")
-    requete at datedebut <- object at datedebut
-    requete at datefin <- object at datefin
-    requete at colonnedebut <- "coe_date_debut"
-    requete at colonnefin <- "coe_date_fin"
-    requete at select = stringr::str_c("DELETE from ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi,
-        "sch"), "tj_coefficientconversion_coe ")
-    requete at and = str_c(" and  coe_tax_code='", tax, "' and coe_std_code='", std,
-        "' and coe_qte_code='1'")
-    requete <- stacomirtools::query(requete)
-    if (!silent)
-        funout(gettextf("%s rows deleted from table tj_coefficientconversion_coe",
-            nrow(object at data), domain = "R-stacomiR"))
-    return(invisible(NULL))

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_dc.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_dc.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_dc.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 #' Description of a control device.
 #' @include create_generic.R
-#' @slot dc_selectionne Object of class \code{'integer'}, The selected device
+#' @slot dc_selected Object of class \code{'integer'}, The selected device
 #' @slot ouvrage Object of class \code{'integer'}, the attached dam
 #' @slot station Object of class \code{'character'}, the attached migration monitoring station, this is necessary to join the
 #' table of escapements calculated at the station level.
 #' @slot data Object of class \code{'data.frame'} data pertaining to the control device
 #' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
-#' \code{new('ref_dc', dc_selectionne=integer(), ouvrage=integer(),
+#' \code{new('ref_dc', dc_selected=integer(), ouvrage=integer(),
 #' data=data.frame())}.
 #' @author cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr
 #' @keywords classes
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
     Class = "ref_dc",
     representation = representation(
-        dc_selectionne = "integer",
+        dc_selected = "integer",
         ouvrage = "integer",
         station = "character",
         data = "data.frame"
     prototype = prototype(
-        dc_selectionne = integer(),
+        dc_selected = integer(),
         ouvrage = integer(),
         station = character(),
         data = data.frame()
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
     method = function(object) {
-        if (length(object at dc_selectionne) != 0) {
+        if (length(object at dc_selected) != 0) {
             if (nrow(object at data) > 0) {
-                concord <- object at dc_selectionne %in% object at data$dc
+                concord <- object at dc_selected %in% object at data$dc
                 if (any(!concord)) {
-                    return(paste("No data for DC", object at dc_selectionne[!concord]))
+                    return(paste("No data for DC", object at dc_selected[!concord]))
                 } else {
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
             } else {
-                    "You tried to set a value for dc_selectionne without initializing the data slot"
+                    "You tried to set a value for dc_selected without initializing the data slot"
         } else
@@ -81,22 +81,22 @@
             " tdc_libelle as type_DC,",
             " FROM ",
-            rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),
+            get_schema(),
             " JOIN ",
-            rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),
+            get_schema(),
             "t_dispositifcomptage_dic ON dic_dis_identifiant =dis_identifiant",
             " JOIN ",
-            rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),
+            get_schema(),
             "t_dispositiffranchissement_dif ON dif_dis_identifiant=dic_dif_identifiant",
             " JOIN ",
-            rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),
+            get_schema(),
             "tj_dfesttype_dft ON dif_dis_identifiant=dft_df_identifiant",
             " JOIN ",
-            rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),
+            get_schema(),
             "t_ouvrage_ouv on dif_ouv_identifiant=ouv_identifiant",
             " JOIN ",
-            rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"),
+            get_schema(),
             "t_station_sta on ouv_sta_code=sta_code",
             " JOIN ref.tr_typedf_tdf ON tdf_code=dft_tdf_code",
             " JOIN ref.tr_typedc_tdc ON dic_tdc_code=tdc_code",
@@ -147,15 +147,15 @@
             stop("NA values dc")
-        object at dc_selectionne <- dc
+        object at dc_selected <- dc
         # the method validObject verifies that the dc is in the data slot of
         # ref_dc  
         object at station <-
-            as.character(object at data$sta_code[object at data$dc %in% object at dc_selectionne])
+            as.character(object at data$sta_code[object at data$dc %in% object at dc_selected])
         object at ouvrage <-
-            object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$dc %in% object at dc_selectionne]
+            object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$dc %in% object at dc_selected]
         assign("ref_dc", object, envir = envir_stacomi)

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_df.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_df.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_df.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@
 #' Representation of a fishway, contains description data of all fishways from
 #' the database along with the selected fishways (df) (integer)
 #' Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
-#' \code{new('ref_df', df_selectionne=integer(), ouvrage=integer(),
+#' \code{new('ref_df', df_selected=integer(), ouvrage=integer(),
 #' data=data.frame())}.  
-#' @param df_selectionne Object of class \code{'integer'} The identifier of the fishway
+#' @param df_selected Object of class \code{'integer'} The identifier of the fishway
 #' @param ouvrage Object of class \code{'integer'} The attached dam
 #' @param data Object of class \code{'data.frame'} Data concerning the fishway
 #' @author cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr
 #' @family referential objects
-setClass(Class = "ref_df", representation = representation(df_selectionne = "integer",
+setClass(Class = "ref_df", representation = representation(df_selected = "integer",
 				ouvrage = "integer", data = "data.frame"))
 setValidity("ref_df", method = function(object) {
-			if (length(object at df_selectionne) != 0) {
+			if (length(object at df_selected) != 0) {
 				if (nrow(object at data) > 0) {
-					concord <- object at df_selectionne %in% object at data$df
+					concord <- object at df_selected %in% object at data$df
 					if (any(!concord)) {
-						return(paste("No data for DF", object at df_selectionne[!concord]))
+						return(paste("No data for DF", object at df_selected[!concord]))
 					} else {
 				} else {
-					return("You tried to set a value for df_selectionne without initializing the data slot")
+					return("You tried to set a value for df_selected without initializing the data slot")
 			} else return(TRUE)
@@ -43,10 +43,9 @@
 			requete at sql = paste("select dis_identifiant as DF,", " dis_date_creation,", " dis_date_suppression,",
 					" dis_commentaires,", " dif_ouv_identifiant,", " ouv_libelle,", " dif_code as DF_code,",
 					" dif_localisation,", " dif_orientation,", " tdf_libelle as type_DF", " from ",
-					rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "tg_dispositif_dis", " JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi,
-							"sch"), "t_dispositiffranchissement_dif ON dif_dis_identifiant=dis_identifiant",
-					" JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "tj_dfesttype_dft ON dif_dis_identifiant=dft_df_identifiant",
-					" JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "t_ouvrage_ouv on dif_ouv_identifiant=ouv_identifiant",
+					get_schema(), "tg_dispositif_dis", " JOIN ", get_schema(), "t_dispositiffranchissement_dif ON dif_dis_identifiant=dis_identifiant",
+					" JOIN ", get_schema(), "tj_dfesttype_dft ON dif_dis_identifiant=dft_df_identifiant",
+					" JOIN ", get_schema(), "t_ouvrage_ouv on dif_ouv_identifiant=ouv_identifiant",
 					" JOIN ref.tr_typedf_tdf ON tdf_code=dft_tdf_code", " ORDER BY dis_identifiant;",
 					sep = "")
 			requete <- stacomirtools::query(requete)
@@ -86,8 +85,8 @@
 			if (any(is.na(df)))
 				stop("NA values df")
-			object at df_selectionne <- df
-			object at ouvrage = object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$df %in% object at df_selectionne]
+			object at df_selected <- df
+			object at ouvrage = object at data$dif_ouv_identifiant[object at data$df %in% object at df_selected]
 			# the method validObject verifies that the df is in the data slot of
 			# ref_df  

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_env.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_env.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_env.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 setMethod("charge", signature = signature("ref_env"), definition = function(object) {
     requete = new("RequeteDB")
     requete at sql = paste("SELECT stm_identifiant, stm_libelle, stm_sta_code, stm_par_code, stm_description",
-        " FROM ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "tj_stationmesure_stm", " ORDER BY stm_identifiant;",
+        " FROM ", get_schema(), "tj_stationmesure_stm", " ORDER BY stm_identifiant;",
         sep = "")
     requete at silent = TRUE
     requete <- stacomirtools::query(requete)

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_horodate.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_horodate.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_horodate.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -72,50 +72,8 @@
-##' Graphical interface
-##' @param object An object of class \link{ref_horodate-class}
-##' @param label Label for the gframe
-##' @param nomassign The name assigned in environment envir_stacomi
-##' @param funoutlabel, text displayed by the interface
-##' @param decal Default 0, number of years to shift forward or backward
-##' @keywords internal
-##' @return Selects the date in the graphical interface, and assigns an object of class POSIXt with name nomassign in envir_stacomi
-#		label="date",
-#		nomassign="horodate",
-#		funoutlabel="nous avons le choix dans la date\n",
-#		decal=0) {
-#	  hwinhor=function(h,...){
-#		object=setref_horodate(object,svalue(horodate))
-#		assign(nomassign,object at horodate,envir_stacomi)
-#		funout(funoutlabel)
-#		#print(object)
-#		#dispose(winpa)
-#	  }
-#	  if (decal!=0){
-#		# Returns the first horodate of a year shifted by decal
-#		# @param horodate The horodate to shift (class POSIXt)
-#		# @param decal number of year to shift
-#		# @return A POSIXt
-#		shiftyear<-function(horodate,decal){
-#		  anneeprec=as.numeric(strftime(horodate,"%Y"))+decal
-#		  return(strptime(paste(anneeprec,"-01-01",sep=""),format="%Y-%m-%d"))
-#		}
-#		object at horodate<-shiftyear(object at horodate,decal)
-#	  }
-#	  group<-get("group",envir=envir_stacomi)
-#	  winhor=gframe(label,container=group,horizontal=FALSE)
-#	  pg<-ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=winhor)
-#	  horodate<-gedit(getref_horodate(object),container=pg,handler=hwinhor,width=20)
-#	  horodate2=as.character(strftime(object at horodate,"%Y-%m-%d"))
-#	  gbutton("OK", container=winhor,handler=hwinhor,icon="execute")
-#	})
-#' Command line
+#' Choice_c method for ref_horodate
+#' @aliases choice_c.ref_horodate
 #' @param object An object of class \link{ref_horodate-class}
 #' @param nomassign The name assigned in environment envir_stacomi
 #' @param funoutlabel, text displayed by the interface
@@ -177,8 +135,7 @@
       } else {
-          "Formatting problem, the character vector you are trying to pass as horodate could not
-				  be parsed. Check example or documentation"
+          "Formatting problem, the character vector you are trying to pass as horodate could not be parsed. Check example or documentation"
@@ -189,8 +146,7 @@
     if (is.na(.horodate))
-        "Formatting problem, the character vector you are trying to pass as horodate could not
-				be parsed. Check example or documentation"
+        "Formatting problem, the character vector you are trying to pass as horodate could not be parsed. Check example or documentation"
     object at horodate = .horodate
@@ -200,49 +156,3 @@
-##' Multiple Choice method for ref_horodate referential objects, to put together with notebook widgets
-##' @param object An object of class \link{ref_horodate-class}
-##' @param label the name to write in the frame
-##' @param nomassign the name with which the frame will be assigned to envir_stacomi
-##' @param funoutlabel the sentence to write when the choice has been made
-##' @param decal Default year will be current year, use -1 to set the default value in the interface to the year before
-##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-##' @keywords internal
-#		label="date",
-#		nomassign="horodate",
-#		funoutlabel="nous avons le choix dans la date\n",
-#		decal=0
-#	) {
-#	  hhoro=function(h,...){
-#		object=setref_horodate(object,svalue(horodate))
-#		assign(nomassign,object at horodate,envir_stacomi)
-#		funout(gettext("Horodate selected\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-#		# changing tab of notebook to next tab
-#		if (svalue(notebook)<length(notebook)){
-#		  svalue(notebook)<-svalue(notebook)+1
-#		}
-#	  }
-#	  if (decal!=0){
-#		# Returns the first horodate of a year shifted by decal
-#		# @param horodate The horodate to shift (class POSIXt)
-#		# @param decal number of year to shift
-#		# @return A POSIXt
-#		shiftyear<-function(horodate,decal){
-#		  anneeprec=as.numeric(strftime(horodate,"%Y"))+decal
-#		  return(strptime(paste(anneeprec,"-01-01",sep=""),format="%Y-%m-%d"))
-#		}
-#		object at horodate<-shiftyear(object at horodate,decal)
-#	  }
-#	  if (!exists("notebook",envir_stacomi)){
-#		group<-get("group",envir_stacomi)
-#		notebook <- gnotebook(container=group)}
-#	  else {
-#		notebook<-get("notebook",envir=envir_stacomi)
-#	  }
-#	  grouphorodate<-ggroup(container=notebook, label=label,horizontal=FALSE)
-#	  horodate<-gedit(getref_horodate(object),container=grouphorodate,handler=hhoro,width=20)
-#	  gbutton("OK", container=grouphorodate,handler=hhoro,icon="execute")
-#	})
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_list.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_list.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_list.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-# Nom fichier : ref_list (classe) Description Classe permettant charger un
-# choice dans une liste utilisee par un objectreport
 #' Class 'ref_list'
 #' Enables to load a 'ref_choice' object fom a list given by a 'report' object
 #' @param liste choice='character' A vector of character to choose within a droplist
 #' @param label='character' the title of the box
 #' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
@@ -19,7 +15,8 @@
     selectedvalue = "character", label = "character"))
-#' Loading method for refliste referential objects
+#' Loading method for ref_list referential objects
+#' @aliases charge.ref_list
 #' @return An object of class ref_list
 #' @param object An object of class \link{ref_list-class}
 #' @param listechoice A character vector setting the possible values in which the user can select
@@ -36,34 +33,10 @@
     object at label = label
-# deprecated0.6
-##' Choice method for ref_list referential objects
-##' @param object An object of class \link{ref_list-class}
-##' @param is.enabled A boolean indicating whether the frame is enabled when first displayed, default to TRUE
-##' @note the choice method assigns an object of class refList named ref_list in the environment envir_stacomi
-##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr}
-##' @examples  
-##' \dontrun{
-##'  object=new('ref_list')
-##' win=gwindow()
-##' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-##' object<-charge(object,vecteur=c('choice1','choice2'),label='please choose')
-##' choice(object)
-##' }
-##' @keywords internal
-# setMethod('choice',signature=signature('ref_list'),definition=function(object,is.enabled=TRUE)
-# { hlist=function(h,...){   valeurchoisie=svalue(choice)
-#   object at selectedvalue<-object at listechoice[list_libelle%in%valeurchoisie]
-#   assign('refliste',object,envir_stacomi)
-#   funout(paste(object at label,'\n'))  } 
-# group<-get('group',envir=envir_stacomi)  frame_list<<-gframe(object at label)
-# add(group,frame_list)  list_libelle=fun_char_spe(object at listechoice) 
-# choice=gdroplist(items=list_libelle,container=frame_list,handler=hlist) 
-# enabled(frame_list)<-is.enabled  gbutton('OK',
-# container=frame_list,handler=hlist) })
 #' Choice_c method for ref_list referential objects
+#' @aliases choice_c.ref_list
 #' @param object An object of class \link{ref_list-class}
 #' @param selectedvalue the value selected in the combo
 #' @note the choice method assigns an object of class refList named ref_list in the environment envir_stacomi

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/ref_par.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/ref_par.R	2021-11-15 11:03:09 UTC (rev 607)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/ref_par.R	2021-11-16 09:32:32 UTC (rev 608)
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
     } else return(TRUE)
-#' Loading method for Repar referential objects
+#' Loading method for ref_par referential objects
+#' @aliases charge.ref_par
 #' @param object An object of class \link{ref_par-class}
 #' @return An S4 object of class ref_par
 #' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr}
@@ -46,31 +47,33 @@
     object at data <- requete at query
-#' Loading method for Repar referential objects searching only those parameters existing for a DC, a Taxa, and a stage
+#' Loading method for \code{ref_par referential} objects searching only those parameters existing for a DC, a Taxa, and a stage
+#' @aliases charge_with_filter.ref_par
 #' @param object An object of class \link{ref_par-class}
-#' @param dc_selectionne A counting device selected for the report 
-#' @param taxa_selectionne The taxa selected for the report
-#' @param stage_selectionne The stage selected for the report
+#' @param dc_selected A counting device selected for the report 
+#' @param taxa_selected The taxa selected for the report
+#' @param stage_selected The stage selected for the report
 #' @return An S4 object of class ref_par
 #' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr}
 #' @examples 
 #' \dontrun{
 #'  object=new('ref_par')
-#' charge_with_filter(object,dc_selectionne=6,taxa_selectionne=2038,stage_selectionne=c('AGJ','CIV')
+#' charge_with_filter(object,dc_selected=6,taxa_selected=2038,stage_selected=c('AGJ','CIV')
 #' }
 setMethod("charge_with_filter", signature = signature("ref_par"), definition = function(object,
-    dc_selectionne, taxa_selectionne, stage_selectionne) {
+    dc_selected, taxa_selected, stage_selected) {
     requete = new("RequeteDBwhere")
     requete at select = paste("SELECT DISTINCT ON (par_code) par_code, par_nom", " FROM ",
-        rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "tg_dispositif_dis", " JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi,
-            "sch"), "t_dispositifcomptage_dic on dis_identifiant=dic_dis_identifiant",
-        " JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "t_operation_ope on ope_dic_identifiant=dic_dis_identifiant",
-        " JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "t_lot_lot on lot_ope_identifiant=ope_identifiant",
-        " JOIN ", rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "sch"), "tj_caracteristiquelot_car on car_lot_identifiant=lot_identifiant",
+				get_schema(), "tg_dispositif_dis", " JOIN ", get_schema(), "t_dispositifcomptage_dic on dis_identifiant=dic_dis_identifiant",
+        " JOIN ", get_schema(), "t_operation_ope on ope_dic_identifiant=dic_dis_identifiant",
+        " JOIN ", get_schema(), "t_lot_lot on lot_ope_identifiant=ope_identifiant",
+        " JOIN ", get_schema(), "tj_caracteristiquelot_car on car_lot_identifiant=lot_identifiant",
         " JOIN ref.tg_parametre_par on par_code=car_par_code", sep = "")
-    requete at where = paste("where dis_identifiant in ", vector_to_listsql(dc_selectionne))
-    requete at and = paste("and lot_tax_code in", vector_to_listsql(taxa_selectionne),
-        " and lot_std_code in ", vector_to_listsql(stage_selectionne), sep = "")
+    requete at where = paste("where dis_identifiant in ", vector_to_listsql(dc_selected))
+    requete at and = paste("and lot_tax_code in", vector_to_listsql(taxa_selected),
+        " and lot_std_code in ", vector_to_listsql(stage_selected), sep = "")
     requete at order_by = "ORDER BY par_code"
     requete <- stacomirtools::query(requete)
     object at data <- requete at query
@@ -86,6 +89,7 @@
 #' the choice_c method is intendedto have the same behaviour as choice (which creates a
 #' widget in the graphical interface) but from the command line. 
 #' If an objectreport is passed as a parameter, the method will do a charge_with_filter to select only the taxa present in the counting devices.
+#' @aliases choice_c.ref_par
 #' @param object an object of class  \link{ref_par-class}
 #' @param par A character vector of par
 #' @param silent Default FALSE but not used there
@@ -117,78 +121,4 @@
-#' Multiple Choice method for ref_par referential objects, internal use
-#' @param object An object of class \link{ref_par-class}
-#' @param objectreport An object report which includes the \link{ref_par-class}, default NULL
-#' @param label The name for the frame
-#' @param nomassign The name by which the widget will be assigned in envir_stacomi 
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand'at'eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @examples 
-#' \dontrun{
-#'  object=new('ref_par')
-#' win=gwindow()
-#' group=ggroup(container=win,horizontal=FALSE)
-#' object<-charge(object)
-#' report_mig_char=new('report_mig_char')
-#' objectreport=report_taille # for other test
-#' choicemult(object,objectreport=report_mig_char)
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-# deprecated0.6
-# setMethod('choicemult',signature=signature('ref_par'),definition=function(object,
-#   objectreport=NULL,   label=gettext('Sample
-# characteristic',domain='R-stacomiR'),   nomassign='ref_par') {   if
-# (nrow(object at data) > 0){   hpar=function(h,...){   
-# parm=tbdestpar[,][tbdestpar[,]!='']   
-# object at par_selected<-object at data[car_libelle%in%parm,'par_code']   
-# assign(nomassign,object,envir_stacomi)    funout(gettext('Parameter
-# selected\n',domain='R-stacomiR'))    if (!is.null(objectreport)) {   #
-# the method can be used for parquan or par   # so I test whether the
-# object contains a class parquan   if
-# (class(try(objectreport at parquan,silent=TRUE))!='try-error') {   
-# objectreport at parquan<-object   
-# assign(get('objectreport',envir=envir_stacomi),objectreport,envir=envir_stacomi)
-#   } else {    objectreport at parm<-object   
-# assign(get('objectreport',envir=envir_stacomi),objectreport,envir=envir_stacomi)
-#   }   # suppresses all tab larger than current tab
-#   partab<-svalue(notebook)   if (svalue(notebook)<length(notebook)){
-#    svalue(notebook)<-partab+1   }    }   }   # below the
-# widget structure [=> within (=> type   #
-# group(ggroup)[notebook(notebook)[groupstd(ggroup&tab)[[framestdsource(gframe)[tbsourcestd(gtable)],framestddest(gframe)[tbdeststd(gtable)]],OKbutton]]
-#   if (!exists('notebook',envir_stacomi)){   
-# group<-get('group',envir_stacomi)    notebook <-
-# gnotebook(container=group)}   else {   
-# notebook<-get('notebook',envir=envir_stacomi)   }
-#   car_libelle=fun_char_spe(object at data$par_nom)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/stacomir -r 608

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