[Stacomir-commits] r499 - in pkg/stacomir: R inst/examples

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Sep 18 12:30:33 CEST 2018

Author: legrand
Date: 2018-09-18 12:30:32 +0200 (Tue, 18 Sep 2018)
New Revision: 499

removing calls to sqldf in non-database functions

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_interannual.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_interannual.R	2018-06-20 14:02:12 UTC (rev 498)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_interannual.R	2018-09-18 10:30:32 UTC (rev 499)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
-			data24<-dplyr::filter(ungroup(data23),bjo_labelquantite=="Effectif_total")
+			data24<-dplyr::filter(dplyr::ungroup(data23),bjo_labelquantite=="Effectif_total")
@@ -407,7 +407,8 @@
 #' @author Marion Legrand
 #' @export
-	  report_mig_interannual<-object	
+	  report_mig_interannual<-object
+	  #report_mig_interannual<-r_mig_interannual    
 	  if (!timesplit%in%c("jour","day","month","mois","week","semaine","quinzaine","2 weeks")) stop (
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@
 	  taxa<-report_mig_interannual at taxa@data$tax_code
 	  stage<-report_mig_interannual at stage@data$std_code
 	  if(length(unique(report_mig_interannual at dc@station))!=1) stop("You have more than one station in the report, the dc from the report should belong to the same station")
-	  if(nrow(report_mig_interannual at data)==0) stop("No rows in report_mig_interannual at data, nothing to run calculations on")
+	  if(nrow(report_mig_interannual at data)==0) stop("No rows in report_mig_interannual at data, nothing to run calculations on, you should run a report_mig_mult on this dc first")
 	  datadic<-report_mig_interannual at data[
 		  report_mig_interannual at data$bjo_labelquantite=="Effectif_total",]

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_mult.R
--- pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_mult.R	2018-06-20 14:02:12 UTC (rev 498)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/report_mig_mult.R	2018-09-18 10:30:32 UTC (rev 499)
@@ -188,9 +188,6 @@
 #' @param silent Default FALSE, should messages be stopped
 #' @note The class does not handle escapement rates, though structurally those are present in the database. If you 
 #' want to use those you will have to do the calculation manually from the data in \code{report_mig_mult at data}.
-#' Note also that running the calcule method requires to have a database called test in postgres, and empty
-#' database in which all sqldf group by queries are run. The user and password for the test database are taken 
-#' from the calcmig.csv configuration file.
 #' @return report_mig_mult with a list in slot calcdata. For each dc one will find a list with the following elements
 #' \describe{
 #' \item{method}{In the case of instantaneous periods (video counting) the sum of daily values is done by the \link{fun_report_mig_mult} method and the value indicated in method is "sum".
@@ -231,7 +228,7 @@
 		  if (contient_poids){
 			coe<-report_mig_mult at coef_conversion[,c("coe_date_debut","coe_valeur_coefficient")]
@@ -430,11 +427,11 @@
 		for (dcnum in 1:length(lesdc)){
 		  for (taxanum in 1:nrow(lestaxa)){
 			for (stagenum in 1:nrow(lesstage)){
-			  taxa=lestaxa[taxanum,"tax_nom_latin"]
-			  stage=lesstage[stagenum,"std_libelle"]
-			  dc=lesdc[dcnum]
-			  data<-report_mig_mult at calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_",dc)]][["data"]]
+			  #dcnum=1;taxnum=1;stagenum=1
+			  taxa <- lestaxa[taxanum,"tax_nom_latin"]
+			  stage <- lesstage[stagenum,"std_libelle"]
+			  dc <- lesdc[dcnum]
+			  data <- report_mig_mult at calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_",dc)]][["data"]]
 			  data<-data[data$lot_tax_code==lestaxa[taxanum,"tax_code"] &
@@ -521,13 +518,10 @@
-		grdata<-sqldf::sqldf(x="select sum(effectif_total) as effectif_total,
-				\"no.pas\",
-				debut_pas
-				from grdata
-				group by debut_pas,\"no.pas\"
-				order by debut_pas",
-                    drv="PostgreSQL")
+        grdata <- as.data.frame(grdata %>% 
+                dplyr::group_by(debut_pas,no.pas) %>% 
+                dplyr::summarize(effectif_total=sum(effectif_total))%>%
+                dplyr::arrange(debut_pas))	
 			data.frame(no.pas=as.numeric(strftime(report_mig_mult at time.sequence,format="%j"))-1,
 				debut_pas=report_mig_mult at time.sequence),
@@ -902,49 +896,54 @@
 	  ts_id=as.numeric(strftime(time.sequence,format="%j")),stringsAsFactors =FALSE)
-# to do a group by it is good to use sqldf
-  datasub1$value<-as.numeric(datasub1$value) # sinon arrondis a des entiers
+  datasub1$value<-as.numeric(datasub1$value) # Otherwise rounded to integer
+  # If negative negative and positive are treated separately and return one row for each positive or negative value
   if (negative){
-	datasub2<-sqldf::sqldf(x="SELECT  debut_pas,
-			fin_pas,
-			sum(value*coef) as value,
-			type_de_quantite,
-			ope_dic_identifiant,
-			lot_tax_code,
-			lot_std_code,
-			lot_methode_obtention 	
-			FROM datasub1 
-			where value<0		
-			GROUP BY ope_dic_identifiant,lot_tax_code, lot_std_code, lot_methode_obtention, debut_pas,fin_pas,type_de_quantite
-			ORDER BY ope_dic_identifiant,debut_pas, lot_tax_code, lot_std_code,type_de_quantite 
-			SELECT  debut_pas,
-			fin_pas,
-			sum(value*coef) as value,
-			type_de_quantite,
-			ope_dic_identifiant,
-			lot_tax_code,
-			lot_std_code,
-			lot_methode_obtention 	
-			FROM datasub1 		
-			where value>=0
-			GROUP BY ope_dic_identifiant,lot_tax_code, lot_std_code, lot_methode_obtention, debut_pas,fin_pas,type_de_quantite
-			ORDER BY ope_dic_identifiant,debut_pas, lot_tax_code, lot_std_code,type_de_quantite",
-        drv="PostgreSQL"
-	)
+    the_negative <- datasub1 %>% dplyr::select(debut_pas,
+		    fin_pas,
+		    value,
+            coef,
+		    type_de_quantite,
+		    ope_dic_identifiant,
+		    lot_tax_code,
+		    lot_std_code,
+		    lot_methode_obtention) %>%
+        dplyr::filter(value<0) %>%
+        dplyr::group_by(ope_dic_identifiant,lot_tax_code, lot_std_code, lot_methode_obtention, debut_pas,fin_pas,type_de_quantite) %>%
+	    dplyr::summarize(value=sum(value*coef))%>%
+        dplyr::arrange(ope_dic_identifiant,debut_pas, lot_tax_code, lot_std_code,type_de_quantite)
+    the_positive <- datasub1 %>% dplyr::select(debut_pas,
+		    fin_pas,
+		    value,
+            coef,
+		    type_de_quantite,
+		    ope_dic_identifiant,
+		    lot_tax_code,
+		    lot_std_code,
+		    lot_methode_obtention) %>%
+        dplyr::filter(value>=0) %>%
+        dplyr::group_by(ope_dic_identifiant,lot_tax_code, lot_std_code, lot_methode_obtention, debut_pas,fin_pas,type_de_quantite) %>%
+	    dplyr::summarize(value=sum(value*coef))%>%
+        dplyr::arrange(ope_dic_identifiant,debut_pas, lot_tax_code, lot_std_code,type_de_quantite)
+    datasub2 <- as.data.frame(rbind(the_negative,the_positive))
   } else {
-	datasub2<-sqldf::sqldf(x="SELECT  debut_pas,
-			fin_pas,
-			sum(value*coef) as value,
-			type_de_quantite,
-			ope_dic_identifiant,
-			lot_tax_code,
-			lot_std_code,
-			lot_methode_obtention 	
-			FROM datasub1 		
-			GROUP BY ope_dic_identifiant,lot_tax_code, lot_std_code, lot_methode_obtention, debut_pas,fin_pas,type_de_quantite
-			ORDER BY ope_dic_identifiant,debut_pas, lot_tax_code, lot_std_code,type_de_quantite ",
-        drv="PostgreSQL")
+	datasub2<- as.data.frame(datasub1 %>% dplyr::select(debut_pas,
+		    fin_pas,
+		    value,
+            coef,
+		    type_de_quantite,
+		    ope_dic_identifiant,
+		    lot_tax_code,
+		    lot_std_code,
+		    lot_methode_obtention) %>%
+        dplyr::group_by(ope_dic_identifiant,lot_tax_code, lot_std_code, lot_methode_obtention, debut_pas,fin_pas,type_de_quantite) %>%
+	    dplyr::summarize(value=sum(value*coef))%>%
+        dplyr::arrange(ope_dic_identifiant,debut_pas, lot_tax_code, lot_std_code,type_de_quantite))
   # if some samples overlap between the current year and the year arround the current year,
   # then the calculation will have hampered our numbers of a small amount

Modified: pkg/stacomir/inst/examples/report_mig_interannual-example.R
--- pkg/stacomir/inst/examples/report_mig_interannual-example.R	2018-06-20 14:02:12 UTC (rev 498)
+++ pkg/stacomir/inst/examples/report_mig_interannual-example.R	2018-09-18 10:30:32 UTC (rev 499)
@@ -29,11 +29,14 @@
-  r_mig_interannual<-connect(r_mig_interannual,silent=TRUE)	
+  r_mig_interannual<-charge(r_mig_interannual)
+  r_mig_interannual<-connect(r_mig_interannual,check=TRUE)	
+  r_mig_interannual<-calcule(r_mig_interannual,silent=TRUE)	
 #############otherwise use this ######################
 # load the dataset generated by previous lines
 # the first plot is of little interest, it allows to see what data 
 # are available... simple lines

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