[Stacomir-commits] r431 - www
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Mon Jun 26 08:36:49 CEST 2017
Author: timothee_besse
Date: 2017-06-26 08:36:49 +0200 (Mon, 26 Jun 2017)
New Revision: 431
page d'accueil deuxi?\195?\131?\194?\168me version
Modified: www/index2.php
--- www/index2.php 2017-06-26 05:51:05 UTC (rev 430)
+++ www/index2.php 2017-06-26 06:36:49 UTC (rev 431)
@@ -1,151 +1,141 @@
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- <?php if ($handle=fopen('http://'.$domain.'/export/projtitl.php?group_name='.$group_name,'r')){
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- <p>Migratory fishes move upstream or downsteam in the rivers. Monitoring stations, often located on fishways installed on dams, provide counts of migrants, and those are usefull to stock management.</p>
- <p>The objective of the STACOMI project is to provide a database along with data treatment and a tool to import or type down fishes number. The stacomiR package offers standardized treatments for migration monitoring stations</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Migration overview for one or several species, and stages.</li>
- <li>Migration analysed with environmental conditions</li>
- <li>Weight / number conversion for glass eel</li>
- <li>Silver eel migration analysis, along with maturation analysis</li>
- <li>Size-age conversion for salmon</li>
- <li>Analysis of fish characteristics (size, weight, sex…)</li>
- <li>Crossed analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative characteristics and migration</li>
- <li>Seasonality analysis, comparison of the annual migration with historical values</li>
- <li>Fishway and counting device operation</li>
- </ul>
- <p>To work with stacomi, you’ll need a database, and an installation of the program and java interface. Please contact the authors if you are interested in the project.<p>
- <p>Cédric Briand EPTB Vilaine <a href="mailto:cedric.briand at eptb-vilaine.fr">cedric.briand at eptb-vilaine.fr</a><br/>
- Timothée Besse LOGRAMI <a href="mailto:timothee.besse at logrami.fr">timothee.besse at logrami.fr</a><br/>
- Marion Legrand LOGRAMI <a href="mailto:marion.legrand at logrami.fr">marion.legrand at logrami.fr</a></p>
- <img src="images/stacomi.png" style="max-width: 100%;">
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- echo $feedlist->display(9,"TRAC RSS");
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+ <?php if ($handle=fopen('http://'.$domain.'/export/projtitl.php?group_name='.$group_name,'r')){
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+ <div class="mdl-card__supporting-text mdl-color-text--grey-600">
+ <p>Migratory fishes move upstream or downsteam in the rivers. Monitoring stations, often located on fishways installed on dams, provide counts of migrants, and those are usefull to stock management.</p>
+ <p>The objective of the STACOMI project is to provide a database along with data treatment and a tool to import or type down fishes number. The stacomiR package offers standardized treatments for migration monitoring stations</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Migration overview for one or several species, and stages.</li>
+ <li>Migration analysed with environmental conditions</li>
+ <li>Weight / number conversion for glass eel</li>
+ <li>Silver eel migration analysis, along with maturation analysis</li>
+ <li>Size-age conversion for salmon</li>
+ <li>Analysis of fish characteristics (size, weight, sex…)</li>
+ <li>Crossed analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative characteristics and migration</li>
+ <li>Seasonality analysis, comparison of the annual migration with historical values</li>
+ <li>Fishway and counting device operation</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>To work with stacomi, you’ll need a database, and an installation of the program and java interface. Please contact the authors if you are interested in the project.<p>
+ <p>Cédric Briand EPTB Vilaine <a href="mailto:cedric.briand at eptb-vilaine.fr">cedric.briand at eptb-vilaine.fr</a><br/>
+ Timothée Besse LOGRAMI <a href="mailto:timothee.besse at logrami.fr">timothee.besse at logrami.fr</a><br/>
+ Marion Legrand LOGRAMI <a href="mailto:marion.legrand at logrami.fr">marion.legrand at logrami.fr</a></p>
+ <img src="images/stacomi.png" style="max-width: 100%;">
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+ <?PHP
+ include('rssclass.php');
+ $feedlist = new rss('http://www.migrateurs-loire.fr/feed/');
+ echo $feedlist->display(9,"Activity");
+ ?>
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