[Stacomir-commits] r347 - pkg/stacomir/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Apr 7 11:22:02 CEST 2017

Author: briand
Date: 2017-04-07 11:22:02 +0200 (Fri, 07 Apr 2017)
New Revision: 347


Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r	2017-04-07 07:37:04 UTC (rev 346)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r	2017-04-07 09:22:02 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -294,11 +294,11 @@
 			# resetting the right values for valqual
 			bmC at parqual@valqual<-rbind(bmC at parqual@valqual,
-					val_qual_code=par,
-					val_rang=1:length(levels(tab$car_val_identifiant)),
-					val_libelle=NA))
+							val_qual_code=par,
+							val_rang=1:length(levels(tab$car_val_identifiant)),
+							val_libelle=NA))
 			if (!silent) funout(gettextf("%s lines have been converted from quantitative to qualitative parameters",nrow(tab)))
@@ -372,34 +372,14 @@
 			# transformation du tableau de donnees
-			# color_parm<-c("age0"="red","age1"="blue","age2"="green")
+			# color_parm<-c("age 1"="red","age 2"="blue","age 3"="green")
+			# color_parm<-c("C001"="red")
 			if (plot.type=="qual") {	
-				#######################
-				# setting colors
-				######################
-				parlevels<-bmC at parqual@valqual$val_identifiant
-				if (is.null(color_par)) {
-					color_par=RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(parlevels),"Dark2")
-					names(color_par)<-parlevels
-				} else if (length(color_par)!=length(parlevels)){
-					funout(gettextf("The color_par argument should have length %s",length(parlevels)),arret=TRUE)
-				}
-				if (!all(names(color_par)%in%parlevels)) {
-					stop (gettextf("The following name(s) %s do not match station name: %s",
-									names(color_par)[!names(color_par)%in%parlevels],
-									paste(parlevels, collapse=", ")))
-				}
-				# creating a data frame to pass to merge later (to get the color in the data frame)
-				cs<-data.frame(car_val_identifiant=names(color_par),color=color_par)
-				# problem with different order (set by color name) implying different order
-				# in the graph (ie by color not by car_val_identifiant
-				levels(cs$color)<-cs$color
-				bonordre<-match(levels(cs$color),cs$color)
-				cs$color = factor(cs$color,levels(cs$color)[bonordre])
+				parlevels<-bmC at parqual@valqual$val_identifiant				
+				cs<-colortable(color=color_parm,vec=parlevels,palette="Dark2")
+				cs<-stacomirtools::chnames(cs,"name","car_val_identifiant")
 				calcdata<-bmC at calcdata
-				calcdata<-calcdata[order(calcdata$mois,calcdata$car_val_identifiant),]
 						geom_bar(aes(x=mois,y=lot_effectif,fill=color),stat = "identity")+
@@ -414,16 +394,41 @@
 				funout(gettext("Writing the graphical object into envir_stacomi environment : write g=get(\"g\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
 			} #end plot.type = "qual"
-			if (plot.type=="quant") { 				
-				g<-ggplot(bmC at calcdata)
-				g<-g+geom_point(aes(x=ope_date_debut,y=car_valeur_quantitatif,col=car_par_code_quan),stat='identity')
+			if (plot.type=="quant") { 
+				calcdata<-bmC at calcdata
+				the_parms<-unique(calcdata$car_par_code_quan)
+				cs<-colortable(color=color_parm,vec=the_parms,palette="Dark2")
+				cs<-stacomirtools::chnames(cs,"name","car_par_code_quan")
+				calcdata<-merge(calcdata,cs)
+				g<-ggplot(calcdata)+
+						geom_point(aes(x=ope_date_debut,y=car_valeur_quantitatif,col=color),stat='identity')+
+						xlab(gettext("Month"))+
+						ylab(gettext("Number"))+
+						scale_colour_identity(name=gettext("Param"),
+								labels=cs[,"car_par_code_quan"],
+								breaks=cs[,"color"],
+								guide = "legend")+
+						theme_bw()
 				funout(gettext("Writing the graphical object into envir_stacomi environment : write g=get(\"g\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
 			} #end plot.type="quant"
-			if (plot.type=="crossed") { 				
-				g<-ggplot(bmC at calcdata)
-				g<-g+geom_point(aes(x=ope_date_debut,y=car_valeur_quantitatif,col=car_val_identifiant),stat='identity')
+			if (plot.type=="crossed") { 
+				parlevels<-bmC at parqual@valqual$val_identifiant				
+				cs<-colortable(color=color_parm,vec=parlevels,palette="Dark2")
+				cs<-stacomirtools::chnames(cs,"name","car_val_identifiant")
+				calcdata<-bmC at calcdata
+				calcdata<-merge(calcdata,cs)
+				g<-ggplot(calcdata)+
+						geom_point(aes(x=ope_date_debut,y=car_valeur_quantitatif,col=color),stat='identity')+
+						xlab(gettext("Month"))+
+						ylab(gettext("Number"))+
+						scale_colour_identity(name=gettext("Param"),
+								labels=cs[,"car_val_identifiant"],
+								breaks=cs[,"color"],
+								guide = "legend")+
+						theme_bw()
 				funout(gettext("Writing the graphical object into envir_stacomi environment : write g=get(\"g\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))

Deleted: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r.tex
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r.tex	2017-04-07 07:37:04 UTC (rev 346)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationCar.r.tex	2017-04-07 09:22:02 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-#' Migration report along with quantitative and
-#' qualitative characteristics
-#' Migration along with qualitative or quantitative characteristics or both
-#' (e.g.) weight of eels according to the size class per period of time, weight
-#' of fish according to gender, number of fish per age class. This class does not split migration evenly over 
-#' time period. So, unlike calculations made in class BilanMigration and BilanMigrationMult
-#' the whole time span of the migration operation is not considered, only  the date of beginning of 
-#' the operation is used to perform calculation. 
-#' @include Refparquan.r
-#' @include Refparqual.r
-#' @include RefChoix.r
-#' @note The main difference between this class and \link{Bilan_carlot} is that this class allows to
-#' select (or not) the samples, and that it handles quantitative and qualitative parameters separately.
-#' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls of the form
-#' \code{new("BilanMigrationCar", ...)}.  they are loaded by the interface
-#' using interface_BilanMigrationCar function.
-#' @slot parquan An object of class \link{Refparquan-class}, quantitative parameter 
-#' @slot parqual An object of class \link{Refparqual-class}, quanlitative parameter
-#' @slot echantillon An object of class \link{RefChoix-class}, vector of choice
-#' @slot valeurs_possibles A \code{data.frame} choice among possible choice of a qualitative parameter (discrete)
-#' @slot dc an object of class \link{RefDC-class} inherited from \link{BilanMigration-class}
-#' @slot taxons An object of class \link{RefTaxon-class} inherited from \link{BilanMigration-class}
-#' @slot stades An object of class \link{RefStades-class} inherited from \link{BilanMigration-class}
-#' @slot pasDeTemps An object of class \link{PasDeTempsJournalier-class} inherited from \link{BilanMigration-class}
-#' @slot data A \code{data.frame} inherited from \link{BilanMigration-class}, stores the results
-#' @slot time.sequence An object of class "POSIXct" inherited from \link{BilanMigration-class}
-#' #' @family Bilan Objects
-#' @aliases BilanMigrationMult bilanMigrationMult
-#' @note program : default two parameter choice, checking box "aucun" will allow the program to ignore the parameter
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @concept Bilan Object 
-#' @keywords classes
-		representation=representation(
-				echantillon="RefChoix",
-				calcdata="list",
-				parqual="Refparqual",
-				parquan="Refparquan"),
-		prototype=list(
-				echantillon=new("RefChoix"),
-				calcdata<-list(),
-				parqual=new("Refparqual"),
-				parquan=new("Refparquan")),
-		contains="Bilan_carlot")
-		{
-			rep5=length(object at parqual)==1|length(object at parquan)==1 #au moins un qualitatif ou un quantitatif
-			if (!rep5) retValue="length(object at parqual)==1|length(object at parquan)==1 non respecte"  
-			return(ifelse(rep5,TRUE,retValue))
-		}   )
-#' command line interface for BilanMigrationCar class
-#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanMigrationCar-class}
-#' @param dc A numeric or integer, the code of the dc, coerced to integer,see \link{choice_c,RefDC-method}
-#' @param taxons '2220=Salmo salar',
-#' these should match the ref.tr_taxon_tax referential table in the stacomi database, see \link{choice_c,RefTaxon-method}
-#' @param stades TODO
-#' @param car Sample TODO
-#' @param horodatedebut The starting date as a character, formats like \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d} or \code{\%d-\%m-\%Y} can be used as input
-#' @param horodatefin The finishing date of the Bilan, for this class this will be used to calculate the number of daily steps.
-#' @param echantillon Default TRUE, 
-#' @param silent Default FALSE, if TRUE the program should no display messages
-#' @return An object of class \link{BilanAgedemer-class}
-#' The choice_c method fills in the data slot for classes \link{RefDC-class}, \link{RefTaxon-class}, \link{RefStades-class}, \link{Refpar-class} and two slots of \link{RefHorodate-class} and then 
-#' uses the choice_c methods of these object to select the data.
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @export
-				dc,
-				taxons,
-				stades,
-				parquan,
-				parqual,
-				horodatedebut,
-				horodatefin,
-				echantillon=TRUE,
-				silent=FALSE){
-			# code for debug using example
-			#horodatedebut="2012-01-01";horodatefin="2013-12-31";dc=c(107,108,101);taxons=2220;	stades=c('5','11','BEC','BER','IND');parquan=c('1786','1785','C001','A124');parqual='COHO';silent=FALSE
-			bmC<-object
-			bmC at dc=charge(bmC at dc)
-			bmC at dc<-choice_c(object=bmC at dc,dc)
-			bmC at taxons<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at taxons,bmC at dc@dc_selectionne)			
-			bmC at taxons<-choice_c(bmC at taxons,taxons)
-			bmC at stades<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at stades,bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at taxons@data$tax_code)	
-			bmC at stades<-choice_c(bmC at stades,stades,silent=silent)
-			bmC at parquan<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at parquan,dc_selectionne=bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,
-					taxon_selectionne=bmC at taxons@data$tax_code,
-					stade_selectionne=bmC at stades@data$std_code)	
-			bmC at parquan<-choice_c(bmC at parquan,parquan,silent=silent)
-			# the method choice_c is written in refpar, and each time 
-			assign("refparquan",bmC at parquan,envir_stacomi)
-			bmC at parqual<-charge_avec_filtre(object=bmC at parqual,bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at taxons@data$tax_code,bmC at stades@data$std_code)	
-			bmC at parqual<-choice_c(bmC at parqual,parqual,silent=silent)
-			bmC at parqual<-charge_complement(bmC at parqual)
-			# the method choice_c is written in refpar, and each time 
-			assign("refparqual",bmC at parqual,envir_stacomi)
-			bmC at horodatedebut<-choice_c(object=bmC at horodatedebut,
-					nomassign="bmC_date_debut",
-					funoutlabel=gettext("Beginning date has been chosen\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-					horodate=horodatedebut, 
-					silent=silent)
-			bmC at horodatefin<-choice_c(bmC at horodatefin,
-					nomassign="bmC_date_fin",
-					funoutlabel=gettext("Ending date has been chosen\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),
-					horodate=horodatefin,
-					silent=silent)
-			bmC at echantillon<-charge(bmC at echantillon,vecteur=c(TRUE,FALSE),label="essai",selected=as.integer(1))
-			bmC at echantillon<-choice_c(bmC at echantillon,selectedvalue=echantillon)
-			validObject(bmC)	
-			return(bmC)
-		})
-			if (!bmC at echantillon@selectedvalue) {
-				echantillons=" AND lot_pere IS NULL"      
-			} else {
-				echantillons=""      
-			} 
-			if (nrow(bmC at parquan@data$par_nom)==0 & nrow(bmC at parqual@data)==0) {
-				stop("You need to choose at least one quantitative or qualitative attribute")
-			} else if (nrow(bmC at parquan@data)==0) {
-				#caracteristique qualitative uniquement
-				req at sql=paste("SELECT ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin, lot_methode_obtention, SUM(lot_effectif) AS effectif,",
-						" car_val_identifiant_tous as car_val_identifiant",
-						" FROM (SELECT *,", 
-						" CASE when car_val_identifiant is not null then car_val_identifiant",
-						" ELSE lot_pere_val_identifiant",
-						" END as car_val_identifiant_tous", 
-						" FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_ope_lot_ech_parqual", 
-						" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne),
-						echantillons,
-						" AND lot_tax_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at taxons@data$tax_code),
-						" AND lot_std_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at stades@data$std_code),
-						" AND car_par_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at parqual@data$par_code),
-						" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '" , debutPas , "', TIMESTAMP '" , finPas , "')" ,
-						" ) AS qan",
-						" GROUP BY qan.ope_date_debut, qan.ope_date_fin, qan.lot_methode_obtention, qan.car_val_identifiant_tous " ,
-						" ORDER BY qan.ope_date_debut",sep="")
-			} else if (nrow(bmC at parqual==0)) {
-				# Caracteristique quantitative uniquement
-				req at sql=paste("SELECT ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin, lot_methode_obtention, SUM(lot_effectif) AS effectif, SUM(car_valeur_quantitatif) AS quantite",
-						" FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_ope_lot_ech_parquan",    
-						" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne),
-						echantillons,
-						" AND lot_tax_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at taxons@data$tax_code),
-						" AND lot_std_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at stades@data$std_code),
-						" AND car_par_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at parqual@data$par_code),
-						" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '" , debutPas , "', TIMESTAMP '" , finPas , "')" ,
-						" GROUP BY ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin, lot_methode_obtention" ,
-						" ORDER BY ope_date_debut",sep="")
-			} else {
-				#les deux caracteristiques sont choisies, il faut faire un Bilancroise
-				# attention je choisis un left  join ea veut dire certaines caracteristiques quant n'ont pas de contrepartie quantitative     
-				req at sql=paste(
-						" SELECT ope_date_debut,",
-						" ope_date_fin,",  
-						" SUM(lot_effectif) AS effectif,", 
-						" SUM(car_valeur_quantitatif) AS quantite,",
-						" car_val_identifiant_tous as car_val_identifiant",
-						" FROM (",
-						" SELECT *,",
-						" CASE when car_val_identifiant is not null then car_val_identifiant",
-						" ELSE lot_pere_val_identifiant",
-						" END as car_val_identifiant_tous",
-						" FROM (",
-						" SELECT * FROM ",get("sch",envir=envir_stacomi),"vue_ope_lot_ech_parquan", 
-						" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne),
-						echantillons,
-						" AND lot_tax_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at taxons@data$tax_code),
-						" AND lot_std_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at stades@data$std_code),
-						" AND car_par_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at parqual@data$par_code),
-						" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '",debutPas,"',TIMESTAMP '",finPas,"') " ,
-						" ) AS qan",
-						" LEFT JOIN", 
-						" (SELECT lot_identifiant as lot_identifiant1,car_val_identifiant ",
-						"  FROM vue_ope_lot_ech_parqual ", 
-						" WHERE ope_dic_identifiant in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne),
-						echantillons,
-						" AND lot_tax_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at taxons@data$tax_code),
-						" AND lot_std_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at stades@data$std_code),
-						" AND car_par_code in ",vector_to_listsql(bmC at parqual@data$par_code),
-						" AND (ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin) OVERLAPS (TIMESTAMP '",debutPas,"',TIMESTAMP '",finPas,"') " ,
-						" )as qal ",
-						" ON qan.lot_identifiant=qal.lot_identifiant1",
-						" )as qanqal",
-						" GROUP BY  qanqal.ope_date_debut, qanqal.ope_date_fin, qanqal.car_val_identifiant_tous",
-						" ORDER BY qanqal.ope_date_debut",sep="")
-			}
-		})
-#' charge method for BilanMigrationCar
-#' Used by the graphical interface to collect and test objects in the environment envir_stacomi, 
-#' fills also the data slot by the connect method
-#' @param object An object of class \link{BilanMigrationMult-class}
-#' @param silent Default FALSE, if TRUE the program should no display messages
-#' @return \link{BilanMigrationCar-class} with slots filled by user choice
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-			bmC<-object  
-			if (exists("refDC",envir_stacomi)) {
-				bmC at dc<-get("refDC",envir_stacomi)
-			} else {
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose a counting device, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			}
-			if (exists("refTaxon",envir_stacomi)) {
-				bmC at taxons<-get("refTaxon",envir_stacomi)
-			} else {      
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose a taxa, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			}
-			if (exists("refStades",envir_stacomi)){
-				bmC at stades<-get("refStades",envir_stacomi)
-			} else 
-			{
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose a stage, clic on validate\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			}
-			if (exists("bmC_date_debut",envir_stacomi)) {
-				bmC at horodatedebut@horodate<-get("bmC_date_debut",envir_stacomi)
-			} else {
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose the starting date\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			}
-			if (exists("bmC_date_fin",envir_stacomi)) {
-				bmC at horodatefin@horodate<-get("bmC_date_fin",envir_stacomi)
-			} else {
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose the ending date\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			}  
-			if (exists("refchoice",envir_stacomi)){
-				bmC at echantillon<-get("refchoice",envir_stacomi)
-			} else 
-			{
-				bmC at echantillon@listechoice<-"avec"
-				bmC at echantillon@selected<-as.integer(1)
-			}
-			if (!(exists("refparquan",envir_stacomi)|exists("refparqual",envir_stacomi))){
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose at least one parameter qualitative or quantitative\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)	
-			}
-			if (exists("refparquan",envir_stacomi)){
-				bmC at parquan<-get("refparquan",envir_stacomi)
-			} 
-			if (exists("refparqual",envir_stacomi)){
-				bmC at parqual<-get("refparqual",envir_stacomi)
-			} 
-			stopifnot(validObject(bmC, test=TRUE))
-			funout(gettext("Attention, no time step selected, compunting with default value\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-		})
-#' handler for bilanmigrationpar
-#' @param h handler
-#' @param ... Additional parameters
-	calcule(h$action)
-#' calcule methode
-#'@param object An object of class \code{\link{BilanMigrationCar-class}} 
-			bmC<-object
-			if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom=="aucune" & bmC at parqual@data$par_nom=="aucune") {
-				funout(gettext("You need to choose at least one quantitative or qualitative attribute\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)}
-			res<-funSousListeBilanMigrationCar(bmC=bmC)
-			if (exists("progres")) close(progres)
-			data<-res[[1]]
-			data[,"debut_pas"]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(x=data[,"debut_pas"],format="%Y-%m-%d"))   # je repasse de caractere 
-			data[,"fin_pas"]<-as.POSIXct(strptime(data[,"fin_pas"],format="%Y-%m-%d"))
-			bmC at valeurs_possibles<-res[[2]]   # definitions des niveaux de parametres qualitatifs rencontres.
-			# funout("\n")
-			#	assign("data",data,envir_stacomi)
-			#funout(gettext("the migration summary table is stored in envir_stacomi\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-			#data<-get("data",envir_stacomi)
-			# chargement des donnees suivant le format chargement_donnees1  
-			bmC at time.sequence=seq.POSIXt(from=min(data$debut_pas),to=max(data$debut_pas),by=as.numeric(bmC at pasDeTemps@stepDuration)) # il peut y avoir des lignes repetees poids effectif
-			if (bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun=="Anguilla anguilla"& bmC at stades@data$std_libelle=="civelle") 
-			{
-				funout(gettext("Be careful, the processing doesnt take lot\"s quantities into account \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-			}
-			funout(gettext("Writing data into envir_stacomi environment : write data=get(\"data\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-			bmC at data<-data 
-			###########################
-			bmC<-x # ne pas passer dessus en debug manuel
-			##########################
-			colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("debut_pas","Date",colnames(bmC at data))
-			if (bmC at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune"& bmC at parquan@data$par_nom!="aucune") {# il y a des qualites et des quantites de lots
-				nmvarqan=gsub(" ","_",bmC at parquan@data$par_nom) # nom variable quantitative
-				colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("quantite",nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data))
-				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep(nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data)))
-				# ici je ne sors que les variables quantitatives pour les graphes ulterieurs (j'ignore les effectifs) 
-			} else if (bmC at parqual@data$par_nom!="aucune"){ # c'est que des caracteristiques qualitatives
-				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep("effectif",colnames(bmC at data)))  # effectifs en fonction des variables qualitatives, il n'y a qu'une seule colonne     
-			} else if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom!="aucune"){ # c'est que des caracteristiques quantitatives
-				nmvarqan=gsub(" ","_",bmC at parquan@data$par_nom) # nom variable quantitative
-				colnames(bmC at data)<-gsub("quantite",nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data)) # je renomme la variable quant
-				mb=reshape2::melt(bmC at data,id.vars=c(1:4),measure.vars=grep(nmvarqan,colnames(bmC at data))) # valeurs quantitatives (il n'y a qu'une) 
-			} else if (bmC at parquan@data$par_nom=="aucune"&bmC at parqual@data$par_nom=="aucune"){
-				stop("This shouldn't be possible")
-				# ce cas est impossible
-			}
-			mb=stacomirtools::chnames(mb,"value","sum")
-			mb=funtraitementdate(data=mb,nom_coldt="Date") 
-			assign("bmC",bmC,envir_stacomi)
-			assign("data",data,envir_stacomi)
-			# graphiques (a affiner pb si autre chose que journalier)
-			# pour sauvegarder sous excel
-		})
-#' le handler appelle la methode generique graphe sur l'object plot.type=1
-#' @param h handler
-#' @param ... Additional parameters
-hbmCgraph = function(h,...) {
-	if (exists("bmC",envir_stacomi)) {
-		bmC<-get("bmC",envir_stacomi)
-		plot(bmC,plot.type="barplot")
-	} else {      
-		funout(gettext("You need to launch computation first, clic on calc\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	}
-#' le handler appelle la methode generique graphe sur l'object plot.type=2
-#' @param h handler
-#' @param ... Additional parameters
-	if (exists("bmC",envir_stacomi)) {
-		bmC<-get("bmC",envir_stacomi)
-		plot(bmC,plot.type="xyplot")
-	} else {      
-		funout(gettext("You need to launch computation first, clic on calc\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-	}
-#' This handler calls the generic method graphe on object plot.type 3
-#' @param h handler
-#' @param ... Additional parameters
-	if (exists("bmC",envir_stacomi)) {
-		bmC<-get("bmC",envir_stacomi)
-		plot(bmC,plot.type="summary")
-	} else {      
-		funout(gettext("You need to launch computation first, clic on calc\n",arret=TRUE)		)
-	}
-#' plot method for BilanMigrationCar
-#' @param x An object of class BilanMigrationCar
-#' @param y not used there
-#' @param plot.type One of "barplot", "xyplot", "summary table
-#' @param ... Additional parameters
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-			# transformation du tableau de donnees
-			if (plot.type=="barplot") {
-				g<-ggplot(mb)
-				g<-g+geom_bar(aes(x=mois,y=sum,fill=variable),stat='identity',
-						stack=TRUE)
-				assign("g",g,envir_stacomi)
-				funout(gettext("Writing the graphical object into envir_stacomi environment : write g=get(\"g\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-				print(g)
-			} #end plot.type = "barplot"
-			if (plot.type=="xyplot") { 
-				g<-ggplot(mb)
-				g<-g+geom_point(aes(x=Date,y=sum,col=variable),stat='identity',stack=TRUE)
-				assign("g",g,envir_stacomi)
-				funout(gettext("Writing the graphical object into envir_stacomi environment : write g=get(\"g\",envir_stacomi) \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
-				print(g)
-			} #end plot.type="xyplot"
-			#TODO create summary method
-		})
-#' summary for BilanMigrationCar 
-#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{BilanMigrationCar-class}}
-#' @param silent Should the program stay silent or display messages, default FALSE
-#' @param ... Additional parameters
-#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
-#' @export
-			if (plot.type=="summary") {
-				table=round(tapply(mb$sum,list(mb$mois,mb$variable),sum),1)
-				table=as.data.frame(table)
-				table[,"total"]<-rowSums(table)
-				gdf(table, container=TRUE)
-				nomdc=bmC at dc@data$df_code[match(bmC at dc@dc_selectionne,bmC at dc@data$dc)]
-				annee=unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(bmC at time.sequence),"%Y"))
-				path1=file.path(path.expand(get("datawd",envir=envir_stacomi)),paste(nmvarqan,"_mensuel_",nomdc,"_",bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun,"_",bmC at stades@data$std_libelle,"_",annee,".csv",sep=""),fsep ="\\")
-				write.table(table,file=path1,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep=";")
-				funout(gettextf("Writing of %s",path1))
-				path1=file.path(path.expand(get("datawd",envir=envir_stacomi)),paste(nmvarqan,"_journalier_",nomdc,"_",bmC at taxons@data$tax_nom_commun,"_",bmC at stades@data$std_libelle,"_",annee,".csv",sep=""),fsep ="\\")
-				write.table(bmC at data,file=path1,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,sep=";")
-				funout(gettextf("Writing of %s",path1))
-			} # end plot.type summary 
-		})

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationMult.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationMult.r	2017-04-07 07:37:04 UTC (rev 346)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationMult.r	2017-04-07 09:22:02 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@
 			# retrieve the argument of the function and passes it to bilanMigrationMult
 			# easier to debug
@@ -279,8 +280,11 @@
 			# we round the date to be consistent with daily values from the 
 			req at datedebut=bilanMigrationMult at pasDeTemps@dateDebut
 			req at datefin=as.POSIXlt(DateFin(bilanMigrationMult at pasDeTemps)+as.difftime("23:59:59"))
+			if (length(bilanMigrationMult at dc@dc_selectionne)==0) stop("DC has length zero, are you connected to the right schema, do you use the right dc number ?")
 			dc = vector_to_listsql(bilanMigrationMult at dc@dc_selectionne)
+			if (length(bilanMigrationMult at taxons@data$tax_code)==0) stop("Taxa has length zero, are you connected to the right schema, do you use the right taxa ?")
 			tax=vector_to_listsql(bilanMigrationMult at taxons@data$tax_code)
+			if (length(bilanMigrationMult at stades@data$std_code)==0) stop("Stage has length zero, are you connected to the right schema, do you use the right stage ?")
 			std=vector_to_listsql(bilanMigrationMult at stades@data$std_code)
 			req at select = stringr::str_c("SELECT 

Modified: pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationMultConditionEnv.r
--- pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationMultConditionEnv.r	2017-04-07 07:37:04 UTC (rev 346)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/BilanMigrationMultConditionEnv.r	2017-04-07 09:22:02 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -171,39 +171,7 @@
 			if (nrow(tableauCE)==0) {
 				funout(gettext("You don't have any environmental conditions within the time period\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
-			stations<-bmmCE at bilanConditionEnv@stationMesure at data
-			#######################
-			# color scheme for station
-			#######################
-			if (is.null(color_station)) {
-				color_station=rep(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8,"Accent"),2)[1:nrow(stations)]
-				names(color_station)<-stations$stm_libelle
-			} else if (length(color_station)!=nrow(stations)){
-				funout(gettextf("The color_station argument should have length %s",nrow(stations)),arret=TRUE)
-			}
-			if (!all(names(color_station)%in%stations$stm_libelle)) {
-				stop (gettextf("The following name(s) %s do not match station name: %s",
-								names(color_station)[!names(color_station)%in%stations$stm_libelle],
-								paste(stations$stm_libelle, collapse=", ")))
-			}
-			cs<-cbind(stm_libelle=names(color_station),"color"=color_station)
-			#######################
-			# color scheme for dc
-			#######################			
-			if (is.null(color_dc)) {
-				color_dc=grDevices::gray.colors(length(dc))
-				names(color_dc)<-dc
-			} else if (length(color_dc)!=length(dc)){
-				funout(gettextf("The color_dc argument should have length %s",length(dc)),arret=TRUE)
-			}
-			if (!all(names(color_dc)%in%dc)) 
-				stop (gettextf("The following name(s) %s do not match DC codes: %s",
-								names(color_dc)[!names(color_dc)%in%dc],
-								paste(dc, collapse=", ")))
-			cdc<-cbind("DC"=names(color_dc),"color"=color_dc)
 			# we collect libelle from station
 			for (i in 1:length(unique(tableauCE$env_stm_identifiant))){
@@ -277,7 +245,20 @@
-			# merging with colors
+			#######################
+			# color scheme for station
+			#######################
+			stations<-bmmCE at bilanConditionEnv@stationMesure at data
+			cs<-colortable(color=color_station,vec=stations$stm_libelle,palette="Accent")			
+			cs<-stacomirtools::chnames(cs,"name","stm_libelle")
+			#######################
+			# color scheme for dc
+			#######################		
+			cdc<-colortable(color=color_dc,vec=dc,color_function="gray.colors")			
+			cdc<-stacomirtools::chnames(cdc,"name","DC")
+			#######################
+			# merging with colors for manual scales
+			######################

Copied: pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanMigrationCar.r (from rev 342, pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanMigrationPar.r)
--- pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanMigrationCar.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/stacomir/R/interface_BilanMigrationCar.r	2017-04-07 09:22:02 UTC (rev 347)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#' interface for BilanMigrationPar class
+#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand"at"eptb-vilaine.fr}
+interface_BilanMigrationPar = function()
+	quitte()
+	bilanMigrationPar=new("BilanMigrationPar")
+	assign("bilanMigrationPar",bilanMigrationPar,envir=envir_stacomi)
+	bilanFonctionnementDC=new("BilanFonctionnementDC") # appel ici pour pouvoir utiliser les fonctions graphiques associees sur fonctionnement du DC
+	assign("bilanFonctionnementDC",bilanFonctionnementDC,envir=envir_stacomi)
+	funout(gettext("Loading of the lists for taxons, stages, counting devices, qualitative and quantitative parameters\n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
+	bilanMigrationPar at taxons=charge(bilanMigrationPar at taxons)
+	bilanMigrationPar at stades=charge(bilanMigrationPar at stades)
+	bilanMigrationPar at dc=charge(bilanMigrationPar at dc)
+	bilanMigrationPar at parquan=charge(bilanMigrationPar at parquan)
+	bilanMigrationPar at parqual=charge(bilanMigrationPar at parqual)
+	#TODO transformer la valeur logique de échantillon en un refchoix correct (radiobutton)
+	bilanMigrationPar at echantillon=charge(bilanMigrationPar at echantillon,vecteur=gettext("with","without",domain="R-stacomiR"),
+			label=gettext("Choice of batch type, inclusion of samples ?",domain="R-stacomiR"), 
+					selected=as.integer(1))
+	#######################
+	# Interface Graphique 
+	##########################
+	group <- gWidgets::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE)   # doit toujours s'appeller group
+	assign("group",group,envir = .GlobalEnv)
+	gWidgets::add(ggroupboutons,group)
+	choice(bilanMigrationPar at pasDeTemps)
+	choice(bilanMigrationPar at echantillon)
+	choice(bilanMigrationPar at dc,objectBilan=bilanMigrationPar,is.enabled=TRUE)
+	ggroupboutonsbas = gWidgets::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE)
+	gWidgets::add(ggroupboutons,ggroupboutonsbas)
+	assign("ggroupboutonsbas",ggroupboutonsbas, envir=.GlobalEnv)
+	toolbarlist = list(
+			Calc=gWidgets::gaction(handler = hbilanMigrationParcalc,
+					icon = "new",
+					label=gettext("calculation"),
+					action=bilanMigrationPar,
+					tooltip=gettext("Calculation of numbers by time step",domain="R-stacomiR")),
+			Graph=gWidgets::gaction(handler = hbilanMigrationPargraph,
+					icon = "graph",
+					label="graph",

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/stacomir -r 347

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