[Splm-commits] r253 - in pkg: . R man

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Fri Feb 17 16:53:29 CET 2023

Author: gpiras
Date: 2023-02-17 16:53:29 +0100 (Fri, 17 Feb 2023)
New Revision: 253

eliminate some printing

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2023-02-16 11:21:42 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2023-02-17 15:53:29 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
              person("Roger", "Bivand", role = c("ctb"), email = "Roger.Bivand at nhh.no", comment=c(ORCID="0000-0003-2392-6140")))
 Description: ML and GM estimation and diagnostic testing of econometric models for spatial panel data.
 Depends: R (>= 2.12.0)
-Imports: plm, maxLik, MASS, bdsmatrix, ibdreg, nlme, Matrix, spam, methods, spatialreg (>= 1.2-1), spdep (>= 1.2-1)
+Imports: plm, maxLik, MASS, bdsmatrix, ibdreg, nlme, Matrix, spam, methods, spatialreg (>= 1.2-1), spdep (>= 1.2-1), stringr
 License: GPL-2
 LazyLoad: yes

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2023-02-16 11:21:42 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2023-02-17 15:53:29 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 importFrom(plm, pmodel.response)
 importFrom(plm, pdim)
 importFrom(nlme, fdHess, lme)
+importFrom(stringr, str_remove)
 #if (packageVersion("spdep") < 1.2) {
 #  import(spdep, except=c(do_ldet, eigen_setup, trW, impacts.gmsar, impacts))
 #  importFrom(spatialreg, do_ldet, eigen_setup, trW, impacts)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 export(bsktest, sphtest, bsjktest, vcov.splm,
 effects.splm, print.effects.splm, slag, 
 print.splm, spml, spgm, summary.splm, sphtest,
-listw2dgCMatrix, spreml, rwtest, slmtest)
+listw2dgCMatrix, spreml, rwtest, slmtest, impacts)
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
 S3method(sphtest, formula)
 S3method(sphtest, splm)
 S3method(impacts, splm)
+S3method(impacts, splm_GM)
 S3method(slag, pseries)
 S3method(rwtest, formula)
 S3method(rwtest, panelmodel)

Modified: pkg/R/impacts.splm.R
--- pkg/R/impacts.splm.R	2023-02-16 11:21:42 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/R/impacts.splm.R	2023-02-17 15:53:29 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -1,5 +1,290 @@
-impacts.splm <- function(obj, listw = NULL, time = NULL, ..., tr=NULL, R=200, type="mult", empirical=FALSE, Q=NULL){
+impacts <- function(obj, ...){
+  UseMethod("impacts", obj)
+impacts.splm_GM <- function(obj, ..., tr=NULL, 
+                            R=NULL, listw=NULL,
+                            type = "mult",
+                            time = NULL,
+                            evalues=NULL, tol=1e-6, 
+                            empirical=FALSE, Q=NULL, 
+                            KPformula = FALSE, prt = TRUE) {
+  object <- obj
+  if(is.null(listw) && is.null(tr)) stop("either listw or tr should be provided")
+  if (!is.null(object$endo)) stop("impacts for model 
+                                  with additional endogenous 
+                                  variables not yet available in splm")
+  if(!is.null(listw) ){	
+    if(!inherits(listw,c("listw", "Matrix", "matrix"))) stop("listw format unknown")
+    if(inherits(listw,"listw"))  Ws <- listw2dgCMatrix(listw)	
+    if(inherits(listw,"matrix"))  Ws <- Matrix(listw)	
+    if(inherits(listw,"Matrix"))  Ws <- listw	
+    if(all(rowSums(Ws) != rep(1,Ws at Dim[1]))) stop("Only row-standardised weights supported")
+    if(is.null(time) && is.null(tr)) stop("time periods should be provided")
+  }
+  if(is.null(tr)){
+    s.lws <- kronecker(Diagonal(time), Ws)
+    tr <- trW(s.lws, type= type)
+  }
+  if(object$nfimpacts == "lag_gm"){
+    if(isTRUE(KPformula)){
+      stop("KP formula not yet implemented")
+      # if(is.null(tr)){
+      #   if(is.null(evalues)) evalues <- eigen(object$listw)$values
+      # }
+      # if(isTRUE(object$Durbin) | inherits(object$Durbin, "formula")) vc_impacts_formula_lag_mixed(object, evalues, tr, prt)
+      # else vc_impacts_formula_lag(object, evalues, tr, prt)
+    }
+    else{ 
+      if(isTRUE(object$Durbin) | inherits(object$Durbin, "formula")){
+        type <- "mixed"
+        interval <- c(-1,0.999)
+        coefs <- drop(object$coefficients)
+       # print(coefs)
+        p2 <- length(coefs)
+        lambda <- coefs[1]
+        #print(lambda)
+        beta <- coefs[2:p2]
+        #print(beta)
+        p <- length(beta)
+        p1 <- p + 1
+        names(beta) <- names(object$coefficients)[2:p2]
+        #print(names(beta))
+        icept <- grep("(Intercept)", names(beta))
+        iicept <- length(icept) > 0L
+        n <- length(object$residuals)
+        irho <- 1
+        drop2beta <-  1
+        if((lambda > interval[2] ) | (lambda < interval[1])) warning("Value of the spatial parameter outside of parameter space")    
+          dvars <- NULL
+          if (iicept) b1 <- beta[-icept]
+          else  b1 <- beta
+          p <- length(b1)
+          #print(names(beta))
+          dn <- grep("lag_", names(beta)) #which of the names of beta has "lag_"
+          #print(dn)
+          dc <- beta[dn] # betas that are lagged
+          #print(dc)
+          beta1 <- beta[-dn] # all the betas (and)including the lagged) 
+          #print(beta1)
+          xb <- beta1[which(names(beta1) %in% stringr::str_remove(names(dc),"lag_") )]
+          #print(order(names(xb)))
+          xb <- xb[order(names(xb))]
+          l_xb <- length(xb)
+          if(length(which(names(beta1) %in% stringr::str_remove(names(dc),"lag_") ))>=1) xo <- beta1[ -which(names(beta1) %in% stringr::str_remove(names(dc),"lag_") )]
+          else xo <- beta1
+          gamma <- dc[which( stringr::str_remove(names(dc),"lag_")  %in% names(beta1))]
+          gamma <- gamma[order(names(gamma))]
+          l_gamma <- length(gamma)
+          if(length(which(stringr::str_remove(names(dc),"lag_") %in% names(beta1)))>=1) don <- dc[-which( stringr::str_remove(names(dc),"lag_")  %in% names(beta1))]
+          else don <- dc
+          l_don <- length(don)
+          if (iicept) {
+            xo <- xo[-icept]
+            l_xo <- length(xo)  
+            if(l_xb != 0){
+              b2 <- c(xo, xb, rep(0, l_don), rep(0, l_xo), gamma, don)
+              bnames <- c(names(xo), sort(names(xb)), names(don)) 
+            } 
+            else{
+              b2 <- c(xo, rep(0, l_don), rep(0, l_xo),  don)
+              bnames <- c(names(xo), names(don)) 
+            }
+            P <- matrix(b2, ncol = 2)
+          } 
+          else {
+            xo <- xo
+            l_xo <- length(xo)
+            if(l_xb != 0){
+              b2 <- c(xo, xb, rep(0, l_don), rep(0, l_xo), gamma, don)
+              bnames <- c(names(xo), sort(names(xb)), names(don)) 
+            } 
+            else{
+              b2 <- c(xo, rep(0, l_don), rep(0, l_xo),  don)
+              bnames <- c(names(xo), names(don)) 
+            }
+            P <- matrix(b2, ncol = 2)
+          }
+          #print(P)
+          if(!is.null(R)){
+            #first build the zero fills
+            if (l_xo != 0 && l_don != 0 && l_xb !=0) {
+              zero_fill <- list(1: l_xo, (l_xo+1):(l_xo+ l_xb),  l_don, 
+                                l_xo, (l_xo + l_xb+1):  (l_xo + l_xb+l_gamma),
+                                (l_xo + l_xb+l_gamma+1):(l_xo + l_xb+l_gamma+l_don))
+              l_zero_fill <- 6
+            }
+            if(l_xo != 0 && l_don == 0 && l_xb != 0) {
+              zero_fill <- list(1: l_xo, (l_xo+1):(l_xo+ l_xb),  
+                                l_xo, (l_xo + l_xb+1):  (l_xo + l_xb+l_gamma))
+              l_zero_fill <- 5
+            }
+            if(l_xo == 0 && l_don != 0 && l_xb !=0)  {
+              zero_fill <- list(1: l_xb,  l_don,(l_xb+1):  (l_xb+l_gamma), (l_xb+l_gamma+1):( l_xb+l_gamma+l_don))
+              l_zero_fill <- 4
+            }
+            if(l_xo != 0 && l_don != 0 && l_xb ==0)  {
+              zero_fill <- list(1: l_xo, l_don, 
+                                l_xo, (l_xo+1):(l_xo +l_don))
+              l_zero_fill <- 3
+            }
+            # if(l_xo == 0 && l_don != 0 && l_xb ==0){
+            #   zero_fill <- list(l_don, 1: l_don)
+            #   l_zero_fill <- 2   
+            #   
+            # }
+            # print(class(zero_fill))
+            attr(zero_fill, "l_zero_fill") <- l_zero_fill
+            #   print(l_zero_fill)
+            if(iicept) {
+              mu <- c(lambda, beta[1], xo, xb, gamma, don)
+              m0 <- c(xo, xb, gamma, don)
+            }
+            else{ 
+              mu <- c(lambda, xo, xb, gamma, don)
+              m0 <- c(xo, xb, gamma, don)
+              }
+           # print(mu)
+            #print(object$vcov)
+            Sigma <- object$vcov[match(names(mu), rownames(object$vcov)),match(names(mu), rownames(object$vcov)) ]
+            #print(Sigma)
+          }
+          ####CHECK THE 
+          #  if (!requireNamespace("spatialreg", quietly=TRUE))
+          #  stop("install spatialreg")
+          # res <- spatialreg::intImpacts(rho=lambda, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu,
+          #                               Sigma=Sigma, irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames,
+          #                               interval=interval, type = type, tr=tr, R=R, listw=listw, evalues=evalues,
+          #                               tol=tol, empirical=empirical, Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p, 
+          #                               zero_fill = zero_fill)
+          res <- spatialreg::intImpacts(rho=lambda, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu,
+                                        Sigma=Sigma, irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames,
+                                        interval=interval, type = type, tr=tr, R=R, listw=NULL,
+                                        evalues=NULL,
+                                        tol=tol, empirical=empirical, Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p, 
+                                        zero_fill = zero_fill)
+        }
+      else{
+        type <- "lag" 
+        if (is.null(object$interval)) interval <- c(-1,0.999)
+        coefs <- drop(object$coefficients)
+        p2 <- length(coefs)
+        lambda <- coefs[1]
+        beta <- coefs[2:p2]
+        names(beta) <- rownames(object$coefficients)[2:p2]
+        p <- length(beta)
+        p1 <- p + 1
+        if((lambda > interval[2] ) | (lambda < interval[1])) warning("Value of the spatial parameter outside of parameter space")    
+        icept <- grep("(Intercept)", names(beta))
+        iicept <- length(icept) > 0L
+        zero_fill <- NULL
+        dvars <- NULL
+        if (iicept) {
+          P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
+          bnames <- names(beta[-icept])
+        } else {
+          P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
+          bnames <- names(beta)
+        }
+        n <- length(object$residuals)
+        mu <- NULL
+        Sigma <- NULL
+        if (!is.null(R)) {
+          mu <- c(lambda, beta)
+          Sigma <- object$vcov[match(names(mu), rownames(object$vcov)),match(names(mu), rownames(object$vcov))]
+        }      
+        irho <- length(beta) + 1
+        drop2beta <- length(beta) + 1
+        #  if (!requireNamespace("spatialreg", quietly=TRUE))
+        #  stop("install spatialreg")
+        # res <- spatialreg::intImpacts(rho=lambda, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu,
+        #                               Sigma=Sigma, irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames,
+        #                               interval=interval, type = type, tr=tr, R=R, listw=listw, evalues=evalues,
+        #                               tol=tol, empirical=empirical, Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p)
+        # 
+        res <- spatialreg::intImpacts(rho=lambda, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu,
+                                      Sigma=Sigma, irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames,
+                                      interval=interval, type = type, tr=tr, R=R, listw=NULL,
+                                      evalues=NULL,
+                                      tol=tol, empirical=empirical, Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p, 
+                                      zero_fill = zero_fill)    
+      }
+      # if (!requireNamespace("spatialreg", quietly=TRUE))
+      #   stop("install spatialreg")
+      attr(res, "iClass") <- class(object)
+      res
+    }
+  }
+  else stop("impacts for sarar not yet implemented")
+impacts.splm <- function(obj, listw = NULL,
+                         time = NULL, ..., 
+                         tr = NULL, R = 200, 
+                         type = "mult", 
+                         empirical = FALSE, Q = NULL){
 if(is.null(listw) && is.null(tr)) stop("either listw or tr should be provided")
@@ -17,7 +302,9 @@
-if(is.na(match(obj$type, c("fixed effects lag","fixed effects sarar","random effects ML", "fixed effects GM","lag GM","fixed effects GM")))) stop("object type not recognized")
+if(is.na(match(obj$type, c("fixed effects lag","fixed effects sarar",
+                           "random effects ML", "fixed effects GM","lag GM",
+                           "fixed effects GM")))) stop("object type not recognized")
 	if(obj$type == "fixed effects lag"){
@@ -26,7 +313,7 @@
 obj$data <- as.vector(obj$model)
 obj$s2 <- obj$sigma2
 obj$secstep_var <- obj$vcov
-imp <- impacts(obj, tr=tr, R=R, ...)
+imp <- spatialreg::impacts(obj, tr=tr, R=R, ...)
@@ -39,7 +326,7 @@
 obj$data <- as.vector(obj$model)
 obj$s2 <- obj$sigma2
 obj$secstep_var <- obj$vcov[-2,-2]
-imp <- impacts(obj, tr=tr, R=R,...)		
+imp <- spatialreg::impacts(obj, tr=tr, R=R,...)		
@@ -57,7 +344,7 @@
 obj$secstep_var <- matrix(0,nrow(obj$vcov)+1,nrow(obj$vcov)+1)
 obj$secstep_var[1,1] <- obj$vcov.arcoef
 obj$secstep_var[(2:(nrow(obj$vcov)+1)),(2:(nrow(obj$vcov)+1))] <- obj$vcov
-imp <- impacts(obj, tr=tr, R=R, ...)		
+imp <- spatialreg::impacts(obj, tr=tr, R=R, ...)		
 		else stop("Impacts Estimates are not available for Error Model")		

Modified: pkg/R/ivsplm.R
--- pkg/R/ivsplm.R	2023-02-16 11:21:42 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/R/ivsplm.R	2023-02-17 15:53:29 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -143,6 +143,6 @@
     result$legacy <- FALSE
     result$listw_style <- NULL
     result$call <- match.call()
+    result$nfimpacts <- "lag_gm"

Modified: pkg/R/spgm.R
--- pkg/R/spgm.R	2023-02-16 11:21:42 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/R/spgm.R	2023-02-17 15:53:29 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@
 results$legacy <- c(lag, spatial.error)
 results$endog <- endog
 results$est.meth <- "GM"
-class(results) <- c("splm")
+results$Durbin <- Durbin
+class(results) <- c("splm","splm_GM")
@@ -181,12 +182,18 @@
+colnames(varb) <- rownames(varb) <- Znames[-which(is.na(biv))] 
 if(any(is.na(biv))) biv<-biv[-which(is.na(biv))] 
-else	biv<-biv
+else	biv <- biv
         result <- list(coefficients = biv, vcov = varb, sse = sse, 
             residuals = as.numeric(ehat), df = df, Zp = Zp, readout = readout)

Modified: pkg/man/spml.Rd
--- pkg/man/spml.Rd	2023-02-16 11:21:42 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/man/spml.Rd	2023-02-17 15:53:29 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
-\title{Spatial Panel Model by Maximum Likelihood}
-\description{Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of spatial panel models, possibly with fixed or random effects.}
-spml(formula, data, index=NULL, listw, listw2=listw, na.action,
-                 model=c("within","random","pooling"),
-                 effect=c("individual","time","twoways"),
-                 lag=FALSE, spatial.error=c("b","kkp","none"),
-                 ...)
-  \item{formula}{a symbolic description of the model to be estimated}
-  \item{data}{an object of class \code{data.frame} or \code{pdata.frame}. A data frame containing the variables
-  in the model. When the object is a \code{data.frame}, the first two columns shall contain the indexes, unless otherwise specified. See \code{index}}
-  \item{index}{if not NULL (default), a character vector to identify the indexes among the columns of the \code{data.frame}}
-  \item{listw}{an object of class \code{listw} or a \code{matrix}. It represents the spatial weights to be used in estimation.}
-  \item{listw2}{an object of class \code{listw} or a
-  \code{matrix}. Second of set spatial weights for estimation, if
-  different from the first (e.g., in a 'sarar' model).}
-  \item{na.action}{see \pkg{spdep} for more details.}
-  \item{model}{one of \code{c("within", "random", "pooling").}}
-  \item{effect}{one of \code{c("individual","time","twoways")}; the
-  effects introduced in the model.}
-  \item{lag}{default=\code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, a spatial lag of the dependent variable is added.}
-  \item{spatial.error}{one of \code{c("b","kkp","none")}. The type of
-  spatial error in the specification, if any. See details.}
-  \item{...}{additional argument to pass over to other functions}
-  The models are estimated by two-step Maximum Likelihood.
-  Further optional parameters to be passed on to the estimator may be:
-pvar: if \code{TRUE} the \code{pvar} function is called
-hess: if \code{TRUE} use numerical Hessian instead of GLS for the
-standard errors of the estimates
-quiet: if \code{FALSE} report function and parameters values during
-initval: one of \code{c("zeros", "estimate")}, the initial values for
-  the parameters. If \code{"zeros"} a vector of zeros is used. if
-  \code{"estimate"} the initial values are retreived from the estimation
-  of the nested specifications. Alternatively, a numeric vector can be
-  specified.
-  x.tol: Tolerance. See \code{nlminb} for details.
-  rel.tol: Relative tolerance. See \code{nlminb} for details.
-  An object of class \code{"splm"}.
-  \item{coefficients}{coefficients estimate of the model parameters }
-  \item{arcoef}{the coefficient for the spatial lag on \code{y}}
-  \item{errcomp}{the estimates of the error variance components}
-  \item{vcov}{the asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients}
-  \item{vcov.arcoef}{the asymptotic variance of the
-  estimated spatial lag parameter}
-  \item{vcov.errcomp}{the asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the
-  estimated error covariance parameters}
-  \item{type}{'random effects ML'}
-  \item{residuals}{the model residuals}
-  \item{fitted.values}{the fitted values, calculated as \eqn{\hat{y}=X \hat{\beta}}}
-  \item{sigma2}{GLS residuals variance}
-  \item{model}{the matrix of the data used}
-  \item{call}{the call used to create the object}
-  \item{logLik}{the value of the log likelihood function at the optimum }
-  \item{errors}{the value of the \code{errors} argument}
-Baltagi, B.H., Song, S.H., Jung B. and Koh, W. (2007)
-Testing panel data regression models with spatial and serial error correlation.
-\emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \bold{140}, 5-51.
-Millo, G., Piras, G. (2012)
-splm: Spatial Panel Data Models in R.
-\emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{47(1)}, 1--38.
-URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v47/i01/.
-\author{Giovanni Millo}
-data(Produc, package = "plm")
-fm <- log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp
-## the two standard specifications (SEM and SAR) one with FE
-## and the other with RE:
-## fixed effects panel with spatial errors
-fespaterr <- spml(fm, data = Produc, listw = spdep::mat2listw(usaww),
-                   model="within", spatial.error="b", Hess = FALSE)
-## random effects panel with spatial lag
-respatlag <- spml(fm, data = Produc, listw = spdep::mat2listw(usaww),
-                   model="random", spatial.error="none", lag=TRUE)
-## calculate impact measures
-impac1 <- spatialreg::impacts(respatlag, listw = spdep::mat2listw(usaww, style = "W"), time = 17)
-summary(impac1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
+\title{Spatial Panel Model by Maximum Likelihood}
+\description{Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of spatial panel models, possibly with fixed or random effects.}
+spml(formula, data, index=NULL, listw, listw2=listw, na.action,
+                 model=c("within","random","pooling"),
+                 effect=c("individual","time","twoways"),
+                 lag=FALSE, spatial.error=c("b","kkp","none"),
+                 ...)
+  \item{formula}{a symbolic description of the model to be estimated}
+  \item{data}{an object of class \code{data.frame} or \code{pdata.frame}. A data frame containing the variables
+  in the model. When the object is a \code{data.frame}, the first two columns shall contain the indexes, unless otherwise specified. See \code{index}}
+  \item{index}{if not NULL (default), a character vector to identify the indexes among the columns of the \code{data.frame}}
+  \item{listw}{an object of class \code{listw} or a \code{matrix}. It represents the spatial weights to be used in estimation.}
+  \item{listw2}{an object of class \code{listw} or a
+  \code{matrix}. Second of set spatial weights for estimation, if
+  different from the first (e.g., in a 'sarar' model).}
+  \item{na.action}{see \pkg{spdep} for more details.}
+  \item{model}{one of \code{c("within", "random", "pooling").}}
+  \item{effect}{one of \code{c("individual","time","twoways")}; the
+  effects introduced in the model.}
+  \item{lag}{default=\code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, a spatial lag of the dependent variable is added.}
+  \item{spatial.error}{one of \code{c("b","kkp","none")}. The type of
+  spatial error in the specification, if any. See details.}
+  \item{...}{additional argument to pass over to other functions}
+  The models are estimated by two-step Maximum Likelihood.
+  Further optional parameters to be passed on to the estimator may be:
+pvar: if \code{TRUE} the \code{pvar} function is called
+hess: if \code{TRUE} use numerical Hessian instead of GLS for the
+standard errors of the estimates
+quiet: if \code{FALSE} report function and parameters values during
+initval: one of \code{c("zeros", "estimate")}, the initial values for
+  the parameters. If \code{"zeros"} a vector of zeros is used. if
+  \code{"estimate"} the initial values are retreived from the estimation
+  of the nested specifications. Alternatively, a numeric vector can be
+  specified.
+  x.tol: Tolerance. See \code{nlminb} for details.
+  rel.tol: Relative tolerance. See \code{nlminb} for details.
+  An object of class \code{"splm"}.
+  \item{coefficients}{coefficients estimate of the model parameters }
+  \item{arcoef}{the coefficient for the spatial lag on \code{y}}
+  \item{errcomp}{the estimates of the error variance components}
+  \item{vcov}{the asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients}
+  \item{vcov.arcoef}{the asymptotic variance of the
+  estimated spatial lag parameter}
+  \item{vcov.errcomp}{the asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the
+  estimated error covariance parameters}
+  \item{type}{'random effects ML'}
+  \item{residuals}{the model residuals}
+  \item{fitted.values}{the fitted values, calculated as \eqn{\hat{y}=X \hat{\beta}}}
+  \item{sigma2}{GLS residuals variance}
+  \item{model}{the matrix of the data used}
+  \item{call}{the call used to create the object}
+  \item{logLik}{the value of the log likelihood function at the optimum }
+  \item{errors}{the value of the \code{errors} argument}
+Baltagi, B.H., Song, S.H., Jung B. and Koh, W. (2007)
+Testing panel data regression models with spatial and serial error correlation.
+\emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \bold{140}, 5-51.
+Millo, G., Piras, G. (2012)
+splm: Spatial Panel Data Models in R.
+\emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{47(1)}, 1--38.
+URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v47/i01/.
+\author{Giovanni Millo}
+data(Produc, package = "plm")
+fm <- log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp
+## the two standard specifications (SEM and SAR) one with FE
+## and the other with RE:
+## fixed effects panel with spatial errors
+fespaterr <- spml(fm, data = Produc, listw = spdep::mat2listw(usaww),
+                   model="within", spatial.error="b", Hess = FALSE)
+## random effects panel with spatial lag
+respatlag <- spml(fm, data = Produc, listw = spdep::mat2listw(usaww),
+                   model="random", spatial.error="none", lag=TRUE)
+## calculate impact measures
+#impac1 <- impacts.splm(respatlag, listw = spdep::mat2listw(usaww, #style = "W"), time = 17)
+#summary(impac1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)

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