[Splm-commits] r222 - in pkg: . R

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Wed Oct 2 20:55:02 CEST 2019

Author: the_sculler
Date: 2019-10-02 20:55:02 +0200 (Wed, 02 Oct 2019)
New Revision: 222

Fixed index bug in fixed effects (spfeml.R) and extended the comaptibility of panel functions (e.g. slag()) to FEs

Modified: pkg/ChangeLog
--- pkg/ChangeLog	2018-07-13 13:12:01 UTC (rev 221)
+++ pkg/ChangeLog	2019-10-02 18:55:02 UTC (rev 222)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Changes in Version 1.5-0
+ o Fixed effects methods (spfeml) are now based on the data transformation infrastructure of plm, so that (as already happens in spreml) calls to panel functions in the formula are supported: e.g., to slag() to do Spatial Durbin models 
 Changes in Version 1.4-11
  o Fixed fixed effects 

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2018-07-13 13:12:01 UTC (rev 221)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2019-10-02 18:55:02 UTC (rev 222)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: splm
 Title: Econometric Models for Spatial Panel Data
-Version: 1.4-11
-Date: 2018-07-13
+Version: 1.5-0
+Date: 2019-10-02
 Authors at R: c(person(given = "Giovanni", family = "Millo", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "giovanni.millo at generali.com"),
              person(given = "Gianfranco", family = "Piras", role = c("aut"), email = "gpiras at mac.com"))
 Author: Giovanni Millo [aut, cre],

Modified: pkg/R/spfeml.R
--- pkg/R/spfeml.R	2018-07-13 13:12:01 UTC (rev 221)
+++ pkg/R/spfeml.R	2019-10-02 18:55:02 UTC (rev 222)
@@ -1,89 +1,96 @@
-spfeml<-function(formula, data=list(), index=NULL, listw, listw2 = NULL, na.action, 
-model = c("lag","error", "sarar"), effects = c('spfe','tpfe','sptpfe','pooling'), method= "eigen", quiet = TRUE, zero.policy = NULL, interval1 = NULL, interval2 = NULL, trs1 = NULL, trs2 = NULL, tol.solve = 1e-10, control = list(), legacy = FALSE, llprof = NULL, cl = NULL, Hess = FALSE, LeeYu = FALSE, ...){
+spfeml <- function(formula, data=list(), index=NULL, listw, listw2 = NULL, na.action,
+                   model = c("lag","error", "sarar"),
+                   effects = c('spfe','tpfe','sptpfe','pooling'),
+                   method= "eigen", quiet = TRUE, zero.policy = NULL,
+                   interval1 = NULL, interval2 = NULL, trs1 = NULL, trs2 = NULL,
+                   tol.solve = 1e-10, control = list(), legacy = FALSE, llprof = NULL,
+                   cl = NULL, Hess = FALSE, LeeYu = FALSE, ...){
-        # timings <- list()
-       # .ptime_start <- proc.time()
+    model<-match.arg(model)
+    effects <- match.arg(effects)
-effects <- match.arg(effects)
-if (model == "sarar") con <- list(LAPACK = FALSE,  Imult = 2L, cheb_q = 5L, MC_p = 16L, MC_m=30L, super=FALSE, opt_method = "nlminb", opt_control = list(), pars = NULL, npars = 4L, pre_eig1 = NULL, pre_eig2 = NULL)
-else     con <- list(tol.opt = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,  Imult = 2, cheb_q = 5, MC_p = 16, MC_m = 30, super = NULL, spamPivot = "MMD", in_coef = 0.1, type = "MC", correct = TRUE, trunc = TRUE, SE_method = "LU", nrho = 200, interpn = 2000, SElndet = NULL, LU_order = FALSE, pre_eig = NULL)
+    if (model == "sarar") {
+        con <- list(LAPACK = FALSE,  Imult = 2L, cheb_q = 5L, MC_p = 16L, MC_m=30L,
+                    super=FALSE, opt_method = "nlminb", opt_control = list(),
+                    pars = NULL, npars = 4L, pre_eig1 = NULL, pre_eig2 = NULL)
+        } else {
+            con <- list(tol.opt = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,  Imult = 2, cheb_q = 5,
+                        MC_p = 16, MC_m = 30, super = NULL, spamPivot = "MMD",
+                        in_coef = 0.1, type = "MC", correct = TRUE, trunc = TRUE,
+                        SE_method = "LU", nrho = 200, interpn = 2000, SElndet = NULL,
+                        LU_order = FALSE, pre_eig = NULL)
+        }
-nmsC <- names(con)
-con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
+    nmsC <- names(con)
+    con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
-    if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC])) 
-            warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
+    if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC])) {
+        warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
+    }
-##    if (is.null(quiet)) # now this has a default in spml(), hence it never is
-##	quiet <- !get("verbose", envir = spdep:::.spdepOptions)
-##    stopifnot(is.logical(quiet))
+    ##    if (is.null(quiet)) # now this has a default in spml(), hence it never is
+    ##	quiet <- !get("verbose", envir = spdep:::.spdepOptions)
+    ##    stopifnot(is.logical(quiet))
-	if (is.null(zero.policy))
-            zero.policy <- get.ZeroPolicyOption()
-        stopifnot(is.logical(zero.policy))
+    if (is.null(zero.policy)) {
+        zero.policy <- get.ZeroPolicyOption()
+    }
+    stopifnot(is.logical(zero.policy))
-	  ## reorder data if needed
-  #if(!is.null(index)) {
-    #require(plm)
-  #  data <- plm.data(data, index)
-  #  }
 ## data transform with pdata.frame (plm.data deprecated)
   ## transform data if needed
-  if(!("pdata.frame" %in% class(data))) {
-    data <- pdata.frame(data, index)
-  }
+    ## substituted by data management through plm
+#  if(!("pdata.frame" %in% class(data))) {
+#    data <- pdata.frame(data, index)
+#  }
-  index <- data[,1]
-  tindex <- data[,2]
+#  index <- data[,1]
+#  tindex <- data[,2]
-	  ## record call
-        ## now passed on from spml() but to be sure:
-        if(is.null(cl)) cl <- match.call()
+    ## record call
+    ## now passed on from spml() but to be sure:
+    if(is.null(cl)) cl <- match.call()
-#check the model
-# model<-match.arg(model)
+                                        #check the model
+                                        # model<-match.arg(model)
-#check the effects
-# effects<-match.arg(effects)
+                                        #check the effects
+                                        # effects<-match.arg(effects)
-  ## check
-  if(dim(data)[[1]]!=length(index)) stop("Non conformable arguments")
+    ## check
+    #if(dim(data)[[1]]!=length(index)) stop("Non conformable arguments")
-  ## reduce X,y to model matrix values (no NAs)
+    ## reduce X,y to model matrix values (no NAs)
-  ## the old module based on standard model.matrix etc.
-  ## can be substituted by the module taken from spreml() in
-  ## order to use the functions from 'plm', so that any
-  ## panel transformation of the data can in principle
-  ## be employed (e.g., slag() for spatial Durbins).
-  ## Ready to employ under here:
-  #
-  ## data management through plm functions
-  # pmod <- plm(formula, data, index=index, model="pooling")
-  #  X <- model.matrix(pmod)
-  #  y <- pmodel.response(pmod)
-  #  ind <- attr(pmod$model, "index")[, 1]
-  #  tind <- attr(pmod$model, "index")[, 2]
-  ## Gio 8/1/16
+    ## the old module based on standard model.matrix etc.
+    ## is here substituted by the module taken from spreml() in
+    ## order to use the functions from 'plm', so that any
+    ## panel transformation of the data can in principle
+    ## be employed (e.g., slag() for spatial Durbins).
+    ## Ready to employ under here:
+    ## data management through plm functions
+    pmod <- plm(formula, data, index=index, model="pooling")
+    x <- model.matrix(pmod) # NB x here instead of X
+    y <- pmodel.response(pmod)
+    ind <- attr(pmod$model, "index")[, 1]
+    tind <- attr(pmod$model, "index")[, 2]
+    ## Gio 8/1/16
-  x<-model.matrix(formula,data=data)
+  # old module:
+  #x<-model.matrix(formula,data=data)
   clnames <- colnames(x)
   rwnames <- rownames(x)
-  y<-model.response(model.frame(formula,data=data))
+  #y<-model.response(model.frame(formula,data=data))
   ## reduce index accordingly
-  names(index)<-row.names(data)
-  ind<-index[which(names(index)%in%row.names(x))]
-  tind<-tindex[which(names(index)%in%row.names(x))]
+  #names(index)<-row.names(data)
+  #ind<-index[which(names(index)%in%row.names(x))]
+  #tind<-tindex[which(names(index)%in%row.names(x))]
   ## reorder data by cross-sections, then time
@@ -93,117 +100,117 @@
-  #make sure that the model has no intercept if effects !=pooled
-  if (attr(attributes(model.frame(formula,data=data))$terms, "intercept") == 1) {
+    ## make sure that the model has no intercept if effects !=pooled
+    if (attr(attributes(model.frame(formula,data=data))$terms, "intercept") == 1) {
   	x <- as.matrix(x[,-1, drop=FALSE])
-    colnames(x)<-clnames[-1]
-    dimnames(x)[[1]]<-rwnames
-    clnames <- clnames[-1]
-  }
-	x <- as.matrix(x)
+        colnames(x)<-clnames[-1]
+        dimnames(x)[[1]]<-rwnames
+        clnames <- clnames[-1]
+    }
+    x <- as.matrix(x)
     k <- dim(x)[2]
-  ## det. number of groups and df
-  N<-length(unique(ind))
-  n<-N
-  ## det. max. group numerosity
-  time <-max(tapply(tind,ind,length))
+    ## det. number of groups and df
+    N<-length(unique(ind))
+    n<-N
+    ## det. max. group numerosity
+    time <-max(tapply(tind,ind,length))
-  ## det. total number of obs. (robust vs. unbalanced panels)
-  NT<-length(ind)
+    ## det. total number of obs. (robust vs. unbalanced panels)
+    NT<-length(ind)
-  mt<-terms(formula,data=data)
-  mf<-lm(formula,data,method="model.frame")#,na.action=na.fail
+    mt<-terms(formula,data=data)
+    mf<-lm(formula,data,method="model.frame")#,na.action=na.fail
-  na.act<-attr(mf,'na.action')
+    na.act<-attr(mf,'na.action')
-##checks on listw
-  if(is.matrix(listw)) {
-    if(dim(listw)[[1]] !=N ) stop("Non conformable spatial weights")
-    #require(spdep)
-    listw <- mat2listw(listw)
-   }
-  if (!inherits(listw, "listw"))
+    ##checks on listw
+    if(is.matrix(listw)) {
+        if(dim(listw)[[1]] !=N ) stop("Non conformable spatial weights")
+                                        #require(spdep)
+        listw <- mat2listw(listw)
+    }
+    if (!inherits(listw, "listw"))
         stop("No neighbourhood list")
- 		can.sim <- FALSE
+    can.sim <- FALSE
     if (listw$style %in% c("W", "S")) 
         can.sim <- can.be.simmed(listw)
     if (!is.null(na.act)) {
         subset <- !(1:length(listw$neighbours) %in% na.act)
         listw <- subset(listw, subset, zero.policy = zero.policy)
+    }
-###specific checks for the SARAR        
-if(model == "sarar"){
+    ## specific checks for the SARAR        
+    if(model == "sarar"){
-	 if (is.null(listw2)) 
-        listw2 <- listw
-     if (!is.null(con$pre_eig1) && is.null(con$pre_eig2)) 
-        con$pre_eig2 <- con$pre_eig1
-    else if (!inherits(listw2, "listw")) 
-        stop("No 2nd neighbourhood list")
+        if (is.null(listw2)) 
+            listw2 <- listw
+        if (!is.null(con$pre_eig1) && is.null(con$pre_eig2)) 
+            con$pre_eig2 <- con$pre_eig1
+        else if (!inherits(listw2, "listw")) 
+            stop("No 2nd neighbourhood list")
-# if (is.null(con$fdHess)) con$fdHess <- method != "eigen"
+   # if (is.null(con$fdHess)) con$fdHess <- method != "eigen"
         # stopifnot(is.logical(con$fdHess))
-     if (!is.null(con$pars)) {
-        stopifnot(is.numeric(con$pars))
-    }
-    stopifnot(is.integer(con$npars))
-    # stopifnot(is.logical(con$fdHess))
-    stopifnot(is.logical(con$LAPACK))
-    stopifnot(is.logical(con$super))
+        if (!is.null(con$pars)) {
+            stopifnot(is.numeric(con$pars))
+        }
+        stopifnot(is.integer(con$npars))
+        # stopifnot(is.logical(con$fdHess))
+        stopifnot(is.logical(con$LAPACK))
+        stopifnot(is.logical(con$super))
-    can.sim2 <- FALSE
-    if (listw2$style %in% c("W", "S")) 
-        can.sim2 <- can.be.simmed(listw2)
-    if (!is.null(na.act)) {
-        subset <- !(1:length(listw2$neighbours) %in% na.act)
-        listw2 <- subset(listw2, subset, zero.policy = zero.policy)
+        can.sim2 <- FALSE
+        if (listw2$style %in% c("W", "S")) 
+            can.sim2 <- can.be.simmed(listw2)
+        if (!is.null(na.act)) {
+            subset <- !(1:length(listw2$neighbours) %in% na.act)
+            listw2 <- subset(listw2, subset, zero.policy = zero.policy)
+        }
-	}
+    switch(model, lag = if (!quiet) cat("\n Spatial Lag Fixed Effects Model \n"),
+           error = if (!quiet) cat("\n Spatial Error Fixed Effects Model\n"),
+           sarar = if (!quiet) cat("\n Spatial SARAR Fixed Effects Model\n"),
+           stop("\nUnknown model type\n"))
-switch(model, lag = if (!quiet) cat("\n Spatial Lag Fixed Effects Model \n"),
-	    error = if (!quiet) cat("\n Spatial Error Fixed Effects Model\n"),
-	    sarar = if (!quiet) cat("\n Spatial SARAR Fixed Effects Model\n"),
-	    stop("\nUnknown model type\n"))
+    ## check whether the panel is balanced
+    balanced<-N*time==NT
+    if(!balanced) stop("Estimation method unavailable for unbalanced panels")
-  ## check whether the panel is balanced
-  balanced<-N*time==NT
-  if(!balanced) stop("Estimation method unavailable for unbalanced panels")
-	indic<-seq(1,time)
-	inde<-as.numeric(rep(indic,each=N)) ####takes the first n observations
-	indic1<-seq(1,N)
-	inde1<-rep(indic1,time) ####takes observations 1,  n+1, 2n+1...
-  ### generates Wy if model=='lag'
+    indic<-seq(1,time)
+    inde<-as.numeric(rep(indic,each=N)) ####takes the first n observations
+    indic1<-seq(1,N)
+    inde1<-rep(indic1,time) ####takes observations 1,  n+1, 2n+1...
+    ## generates Wy if model=='lag'
-env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
-assign("y",y, envir=env)
-assign("x",x, envir=env)
-assign("listw",listw, envir=env)
-assign("NT",NT, envir=env)
-assign("time",time, envir=env)
-assign("k",k, envir=env)
-assign("n",n, envir=env)
+    env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
+    assign("y",y, envir=env)
+    assign("x",x, envir=env)
+    assign("listw",listw, envir=env)
+    assign("NT",NT, envir=env)
+    assign("time",time, envir=env)
+    assign("k",k, envir=env)
+    assign("n",n, envir=env)
-wy <- unlist(tapply(y,inde, function(u) lag.listw(listw,u, zero.policy = zero.policy), simplify=TRUE))
+    wy <- unlist(tapply(y,inde, function(u) lag.listw(listw,u, zero.policy = zero.policy), simplify=TRUE))
-#demeaning of the y and x variables depending both on model and effects
+    ## demeaning of the y and x variables depending both on model and effects
-if (effects=="tpfe" | effects=="sptpfe"){
+    if (effects=="tpfe" | effects=="sptpfe"){
 	ytms<-tapply(y,inde,mean) ####for each time period takes the mean for the cross section observations
 	tpms<-function(q) tapply(q,inde,mean)
 	xtms<-apply(x,2,tpms)   ###same thing for the X variable
@@ -211,19 +218,19 @@
 	for (i in 1:k) xtm[,i]<-rep(xtms[,i],each=N)
-if (model %in% c("lag", "sarar")) {
-		wytms<-tapply(wy,inde,mean) ###same thing for Wy
-		wytm<-rep(wytms,each=N)
-assign("wytms",wytms, envir=env)
+        if (model %in% c("lag", "sarar")) {
+            wytms<-tapply(wy,inde,mean) ###same thing for Wy
+            wytm<-rep(wytms,each=N)
+            assign("wytms",wytms, envir=env)
+        }
-assign("ytms",ytms, envir=env)
-assign("xtms",xtms, envir=env)
-	}
+        assign("ytms",ytms, envir=env)
+        assign("xtms",xtms, envir=env)
+    }
-if (effects=="spfe" | effects=="sptpfe"){
+    if (effects=="spfe" | effects=="sptpfe"){
 	ysms<-tapply(y,inde1,mean) ###for each cross-sectional unit takes the mean over the time periods
 	spms<-function(q) tapply(q,inde1,mean)
@@ -231,158 +238,172 @@
 	for (i in 1:k) xsm[,i]<-rep(xsms[,i],time)
-if (model %in% c("lag", "sarar")){
-			wysms<-tapply(wy,inde1,mean)
-			wysm<-rep(wysms,time)
-			assign("wysms",wysms, envir=env)
-			}
+        if (model %in% c("lag", "sarar")){
+            wysms<-tapply(wy,inde1,mean)
+            wysm<-rep(wysms,time)
+            assign("wysms",wysms, envir=env)
+        }
-assign("ysms",ysms, envir=env)
-assign("xsms",xsms, envir=env)		
-	}
+        assign("ysms",ysms, envir=env)
+        assign("xsms",xsms, envir=env)		
+    }
-# if (effects=='pooled'){
-	# yt<-y  	###keep the variables with no transformation
-	# xt<-x
-	# }
+                                        # if (effects=='pooled'){
+                                        # yt<-y  	###keep the variables with no transformation
+                                        # xt<-x
+                                        # }
-if (effects=="tpfe"){ ####generate the demeaned variables for tpfe
+    if (effects=="tpfe"){ ####generate the demeaned variables for tpfe
-if(effects=="spfe"){ ####generate the demeaned variables for spfe
+    if(effects=="spfe"){ ####generate the demeaned variables for spfe
-if (effects=="sptpfe"){ ####generate the demeaned variables for both types of FE
+    if (effects=="sptpfe"){ ####generate the demeaned variables for both types of FE
 	yt<-y - ysm - ytm + rep(mean(y),NT)
 	for (i in 1:(k)) xmm[,i]<-rep(mean(x[,i]),NT)
 	xt<-x - xsm - xtm + xmm
-# if(effects == 'pooling')	{
-	# yt <- y
-	# xt <- x
-# }							
+                                        # if(effects == 'pooling')	{
+                                        # yt <- y
+                                        # xt <- x
+                                        # }							
-	wyt<-unlist(tapply(yt,inde, function(u) lag.listw(listw,u), simplify=TRUE))
+    wyt<-unlist(tapply(yt,inde, function(u) lag.listw(listw,u), simplify=TRUE))
-if(model=="sarar")	{
+    if(model=="sarar")	{
 	w2yt<-unlist(tapply(yt,inde, function(u) lag.listw(listw2,u), simplify=TRUE))
 	w2wyt<-unlist(tapply(wyt,inde, function(u) lag.listw(listw2,u), simplify=TRUE))
-	}
+    }
-if 	(model == "error"){
+    if 	(model == "error"){
 	dm<-function(A) trash<-unlist(tapply(A,inde,function(TT) lag.listw(listw,TT), simplify=TRUE))
-   wxt<-apply(xt,2,dm)
-   # colnames(wxt)<-paste('Lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
-   wx<-apply(x,2,dm)
-   # colnames(wx)<-paste('lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
-	}
-if 	(model == "sarar"){
+        wxt<-apply(xt,2,dm)
+                                        # colnames(wxt)<-paste('Lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
+        wx<-apply(x,2,dm)
+                                        # colnames(wx)<-paste('lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
+    }
+    if 	(model == "sarar"){
 	dm<-function(A) trash<-unlist(tapply(A,inde,function(TT) lag.listw(listw2,TT), simplify=TRUE))
-   wxt<-apply(xt,2,dm)
-   # colnames(wxt)<-paste('Lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
-   wx<-apply(x,2,dm)
-   # colnames(wx)<-paste('lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
-	}
+        wxt<-apply(xt,2,dm)
+                                        # colnames(wxt)<-paste('Lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
+        wx<-apply(x,2,dm)
+                                        # colnames(wx)<-paste('lag.',colnames(x), sep="")
+    }
-# print(clnames)
-colnames(xt)<- clnames
+                                        # print(clnames)
+    colnames(xt)<- clnames
-assign("yt",yt, envir=env)
-assign("xt",xt, envir=env)
-assign("wyt",wyt, envir=env)
-assign("wy",wy, envir=env)
+    assign("yt",yt, envir=env)
+    assign("xt",xt, envir=env)
+    assign("wyt",wyt, envir=env)
+    assign("wy",wy, envir=env)
-if (model %in% c("error", "sarar")){
+    if (model %in% c("error", "sarar")){
 	assign("wx",wx, envir=env)
 	assign("wxt",wxt, envir=env)
-if (model == "sarar")	{
-	assign("w2yt",w2yt, envir=env)
-	assign("w2wyt",w2wyt, envir=env)
-	assign("listw2", listw2, envir = env)
-	assign("can.sim2", can.sim2, envir=env)
-	assign("similar2", FALSE, envir = env)
+        if (model == "sarar")	{
+            assign("w2yt",w2yt, envir=env)
+            assign("w2wyt",w2wyt, envir=env)
+            assign("listw2", listw2, envir = env)
+            assign("can.sim2", can.sim2, envir=env)
+            assign("similar2", FALSE, envir = env)
-	} 
+    } 
-if(model %in% c("lag", "error") ){
+    if(model %in% c("lag", "error") ){
 	assign("compiled_sse", con$compiled_sse, envir=env)	
 	assign("f_calls", 0L, envir = env)
-    assign("hf_calls", 0L, envir = env)
+        assign("hf_calls", 0L, envir = env)
+    }
+    assign("verbose", !quiet, envir = env)
+                                        # assign("first_time", TRUE, envir = env)
+    assign("LAPACK", con$LAPACK, envir = env)
+    assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
+    assign("similar", FALSE, envir = env)
+    assign("family", "SAR", envir = env)
+    assign("inde",inde, envir=env)
+    assign("con", con, envir=env)
-assign("verbose", !quiet, envir = env)
-# assign("first_time", TRUE, envir = env)
-assign("LAPACK", con$LAPACK, envir = env)
-assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
-assign("similar", FALSE, envir = env)
-assign("family", "SAR", envir = env)
-assign("inde",inde, envir=env)
-assign("con", con, envir=env)
     if (!quiet) 
         cat(paste("\nSpatial fixed effects model\n", "Jacobian calculated using "))
-if(model == "lag"){
-    interval1 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig, trs = trs1, interval = interval1)
-    assign("interval1", interval1, envir = env)
-    RES<- splaglm(env = env, zero.policy = zero.policy, interval = interval1, con = con, llprof = llprof, tol.solve= tol.solve, Hess = Hess, method = method, LeeYu = LeeYu, effects = effects)
+    if(model == "lag"){
+        interval1 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig, trs = trs1, interval = interval1)
+        assign("interval1", interval1, envir = env)
+        RES<- splaglm(env = env, zero.policy = zero.policy,
+                      interval = interval1, con = con, llprof = llprof,
+                      tol.solve= tol.solve, Hess = Hess, method = method,
+                      LeeYu = LeeYu, effects = effects)
-    res.eff<-felag(env = env, beta = RES$coeff, sige = RES$s2, effects = effects, method = method, lambda = RES$lambda, legacy = legacy, zero.policy = zero.policy)    
+        res.eff<-felag(env = env, beta = RES$coeff, sige = RES$s2,
+                       effects = effects, method = method,
+                       lambda = RES$lambda, legacy = legacy,
+                       zero.policy = zero.policy)    
-	}
+    }
-if(model == "sarar"){
+    if(model == "sarar"){
-    interval1 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig1, trs = trs1, interval = interval1, which = 1)
-    assign("interval1", interval1, envir = env)
-    interval2 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig2, trs = trs2, interval = interval2, which = 2)
-    assign("interval2", interval2, envir = env)
-    # nm <- paste(method, "set_up", sep = "_")
-    # timings[[nm]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
-    # .ptime_start <- proc.time()
+        interval1 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig1, trs = trs1, interval = interval1, which = 1)
+        assign("interval1", interval1, envir = env)
+        interval2 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig2, trs = trs2, interval = interval2, which = 2)
+        assign("interval2", interval2, envir = env)
+                                        # nm <- paste(method, "set_up", sep = "_")
+                                        # timings[[nm]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
+                                        # .ptime_start <- proc.time()
-      RES<- spsararlm(env = env, zero.policy = zero.policy, con = con, llprof = llprof, tol.solve = tol.solve, Hess = Hess, LeeYu = LeeYu, effects = effects)
+        RES<- spsararlm(env = env, zero.policy = zero.policy, con = con,
+                        llprof = llprof, tol.solve = tol.solve,
+                        Hess = Hess, LeeYu = LeeYu, effects = effects)
-res.eff<-felag(env = env, beta=RES$coeff, sige=RES$s2, effects = effects ,method = method, lambda = RES$lambda, legacy = legacy, zero.policy = zero.policy)    	
+        res.eff<-felag(env = env, beta=RES$coeff, sige=RES$s2,
+                       effects = effects ,method = method, lambda = RES$lambda,
+                       legacy = legacy, zero.policy = zero.policy)    	
-		}
+    }
-if (model=='error'){
+    if (model=='error'){
+        interval1 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig, trs = trs1, interval = interval1)
+        assign("interval1", interval1, envir = env)
+                                        # nm <- paste(method, "set_up", sep = "_")
+                                        # timings[[nm]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
+                                        # .ptime_start <- proc.time()	
-    interval1 <- jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig = con$pre_eig, trs = trs1, interval = interval1)
-    assign("interval1", interval1, envir = env)
-    # nm <- paste(method, "set_up", sep = "_")
-    # timings[[nm]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
-    # .ptime_start <- proc.time()	
-  RES <- sperrorlm(env = env, zero.policy = zero.policy, interval = interval1, Hess = Hess, LeeYu = LeeYu, effects = effects)	
-    	res.eff<-feerror(env = env, beta=RES$coeff, sige=RES$s2, effects = effects ,method =method, rho=RES$rho, legacy = legacy)
+        RES <- sperrorlm(env = env, zero.policy = zero.policy,
+                         interval = interval1, Hess = Hess,
+                         LeeYu = LeeYu, effects = effects)	
+    	res.eff<-feerror(env = env, beta=RES$coeff, sige=RES$s2,
+                         effects = effects ,method =method,
+                         rho=RES$rho, legacy = legacy)
@@ -389,106 +410,101 @@
-    ##calculate the R-squared
+    ## calculate the R-squared
     yme <- y-mean(y)
     rsqr2 <- crossprod(yme)
     rsqr1 <- crossprod(res.eff[[1]]$res.e)
     res.R2<- 1- rsqr1/rsqr2
+    ## generate fixed values (from fixed_effect)
+    y.hat <- res.eff[[1]]$xhat
+    res <- as.numeric(res.eff[[1]]$res.e)
+    N.vars<-res.eff$N.vars
-	#generate fixed values (from fixed_effect)
-	y.hat <- res.eff[[1]]$xhat
-	res <- as.numeric(res.eff[[1]]$res.e)
-	N.vars<-res.eff$N.vars
-	nam.rows <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
+    nam.rows <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
-   names(y.hat) <- nam.rows
-   names(res) <- nam.rows
+    names(y.hat) <- nam.rows
+    names(res) <- nam.rows
-	## make model data
-   model.data <- data.frame(cbind(y,x))
-   dimnames(model.data)[[1]] <- nam.rows
+    ## make model data
+    model.data <- data.frame(cbind(y,x))
+    dimnames(model.data)[[1]] <- nam.rows
+    if (model == "lag")   spat.coef<-RES$lambda
+    if (model == "error") spat.coef<-RES$rho
+    if (model == "sarar") spat.coef <- c(RES$lambda, RES$rho)
+    Coeff<-c(spat.coef, RES$coeff)
-if (model == "lag")   spat.coef<-RES$lambda
-if (model == "error") spat.coef<-RES$rho
-if (model == "sarar") spat.coef <- c(RES$lambda, RES$rho)
+    type <- paste("fixed effects", model)
-Coeff<-c(spat.coef, RES$coeff)
+    if (Hess){
-type <- paste("fixed effects", model)
-if (Hess){
 	if(model == "lag" ){
-   		var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
-		var[1,1]<-	RES$lambda.se
-		var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
+            var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
+            var[1,1]<-	RES$lambda.se
+            var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
 	if(model == "error" ){
-	 	var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
-    	var[1,1]<-	RES$rho.se
-    	var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
+            var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
+            var[1,1]<-	RES$rho.se
+            var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
 	if(model == "sarar"){
-		var <- matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2))
+            var <- matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2))
 	    var[1,1] <-	RES$lambda.se
 	    var[2,2] <-	RES$rho.se
 	    var[(3:ncol(var)),(3:ncol(var))] <- RES$asyvar1
+    } else {
-if(model == "lag" ){
-   var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
-   var[1,1]<-	RES$lambda.se
-   var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
+        if(model == "lag" ){
+            var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
+            var[1,1]<-	RES$lambda.se
+            var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
-if(model == "error" ){
-	var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
-   var[1,1]<-	RES$rho.se
-   var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
+        if(model == "error" ){
+            var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+1))
+            var[1,1]<-	RES$rho.se
+            var[(2:ncol(var)),(2:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
-if(model == "sarar"){
-   var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2))
-   var[1,1]<-	RES$lambda.se
-   var[2,2]<-	RES$rho.se
-   var[(3:ncol(var)),(3:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
+        if(model == "sarar"){
+            var<-matrix(0,(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2),(ncol(RES$asyvar1)+2))
+            var[1,1]<-	RES$lambda.se
+            var[2,2]<-	RES$rho.se
+            var[(3:ncol(var)),(3:ncol(var))]<-RES$asyvar1
+    }
-spmod <- list(coefficients=Coeff, errcomp=NULL,
-                vcov = var ,spat.coef=spat.coef,
-                vcov.errcomp=NULL,
-                residuals=res, fitted.values=y.hat,
-                sigma2=RES$s2, type=type, model = model.data,
-                call=cl, logLik=RES$ll, method = method, effects=effects, 
-                res.eff=res.eff)
+    spmod <- list(coefficients=Coeff, errcomp=NULL,
+                  vcov = var ,spat.coef=spat.coef,
+                  vcov.errcomp=NULL,
+                  residuals=res, fitted.values=y.hat,
+                  sigma2=RES$s2, type=type, model = model.data,
+                  call=cl, logLik=RES$ll, method = method, effects=effects, 
+                  res.eff=res.eff)
-if (!is.null(na.act)) 
+    if (!is.null(na.act)) 
         spmod$na.action <- na.act
-  class(spmod) <- "splm"
-  return(spmod)
+    class(spmod) <- "splm"
+    return(spmod)
-	}

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