[Splm-commits] r157 - in pkg: . R man

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Sat Mar 30 23:22:06 CET 2013

Author: the_sculler
Date: 2013-03-30 23:22:05 +0100 (Sat, 30 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 157

Major revision ex CSDA paper for all functions depending on spreml.

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-03-28 21:12:49 UTC (rev 156)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-03-30 22:22:05 UTC (rev 157)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Package: splm
 Title: Econometric Models for Spatial Panel Data
-Version: 1.0-05
-Date: 2012-10-24
+Version: 1.1-00
+Date: 2013-03-30
 Author: Giovanni Millo <giovanni_millo at generali.com>, Gianfranco Piras <gpiras at mac.com>
 Maintainer: Giovanni Millo <giovanni_millo at generali.com>
 Description: ML and GM estimation and diagnostic testing of econometric models for spatial panel data.
-Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), MASS, nlme, spdep, plm, Matrix, bdsmatrix, spam, ibdreg, car, lmtest, Ecdat
+Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), MASS, nlme, spdep, plm, Matrix, bdsmatrix, spam, ibdreg, car, lmtest, Ecdat, maxLik
 License: GPL-2
 LazyLoad: yes

Modified: pkg/R/sarREmod.R
--- pkg/R/sarREmod.R	2013-03-28 21:12:49 UTC (rev 156)
+++ pkg/R/sarREmod.R	2013-03-30 22:22:05 UTC (rev 157)
@@ -38,17 +38,26 @@
     ## the fact that in this case the vcov matrix is block-diagonal
     ## calc. Wy (spatial lag of y)
+    ## (flexible fun accepting either listws or matrices for w)
     Wy <- function(y, w, tind) {                  # lag-specific line
+        wyt <- function(y, w) {                   # lag-specific line
+            if("listw" %in% class(w)) {           # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- lag.listw(w, y)            # lag-specific line
+            } else {                              # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- w %*% y                    # lag-specific line
+            }                                     # lag-specific line
+            return(wyt)                           # lag-specific line
+        }                                         # lag-specific line
         wy<-list()                                # lag-specific line
         for (j in 1:length(unique(tind))) {       # lag-specific line
              yT<-y[tind==unique(tind)[j]]         # lag-specific line
-             wy[[j]] <- w %*% yT                  # lag-specific line
+             wy[[j]] <- wyt(yT, w)                # lag-specific line
              }                                    # lag-specific line
         return(unlist(wy))                        # lag-specific line
     }                                             # lag-specific line
     ## lag y once for all
-    wy <- Wy(y, w2, tind)                         # lag-specific line
+    wy <- Wy(y, w2, tind)                          # lag-specific line
     ## the sigma matrix is inverted during the GLS step and not before as
     ## in the other cases, to take advantage of specialized methods in the
@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@
         e <- glsres[["ehat"]]
         s2e <- glsres[["sigma2"]]
         ## calc ll
-        zero <- t*log(detB(psi, w2))              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
+        zero <- t*ldetB(psi, w2)              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
         due <- detSigma(phi, n, t)
         tre <- -(n * t)/2 * log(s2e)
         cinque <- -1/(2 * s2e) * crossprod(e, solve(sigma, e))
@@ -158,7 +167,7 @@
     ## final parms
     betas <- as.vector(beta[[1]])
-    sigma2 <- as.numeric(beta[["sigma2"]])    
+    sigma2 <- as.numeric(beta[["sigma2"]])
     arcoef <- myparms[which(nam.errcomp=="lambda")]  # lag-specific line
     errcomp <- myparms[which(nam.errcomp!="lambda")]
     names(betas) <- nam.beta

Modified: pkg/R/sarem2REmod.R
--- pkg/R/sarem2REmod.R	2013-03-28 21:12:49 UTC (rev 156)
+++ pkg/R/sarem2REmod.R	2013-03-30 22:22:05 UTC (rev 157)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 sarem2REmod <-
-function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 3),
+function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t., nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 3),
     hess = FALSE, trace = trace, x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15,
-    ...)
+    method="nlminb", ...)
-    ## extensive function rewriting, Giovanni Millo 29/09/2010
+    ## extensive function rewriting, Giovanni Millo 27/03/2013
     ## structure:
     ## a) specific part
     ## - set names, bounds and initial values for parms
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
     ## - calc final covariances
     ## - make list of results
-    # mark
-    #print("uso versione 0") # done from saremsrREmod4.R
+    ## now using flex optimization and sparse matrix methods
     ## set names for final parms vectors
     nam.beta <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
@@ -26,18 +25,13 @@
     ## initialize values for optimizer
     myparms0 <- coef0
-    ## set bounds for optimizer
-    lower.bounds <- c(1e-08, -0.999, -0.999)   # lag-specific line (3rd parm)
-    upper.bounds <- c(1e+09, 0.999, 0.999)     # lag-specific line (idem)
     ## modules for likelihood
-    B <- function(lambda, w) diag(1, ncol(w)) - lambda * w
-    detB <- function(lambda, w) det(B(lambda, w))
-    invSigma <- function(philambda, n, t, w) {
-        Jt <- matrix(1, ncol = t, nrow = t)
+    invSigma <- function(philambda, n, t., w) {
+        Jt <- matrix(1, ncol = t., nrow = t.)
         #In <- diag(1, n)
-        It <- diag(1, t)
-        Jbart <- Jt/t
+        It <- diag(1, t.)
+        Jbart <- Jt/t.
         Et <- It - Jbart
         ## retrieve parms
         phi <- philambda[1]
@@ -45,29 +39,29 @@
         ## psi not used: here passing 4 parms, but works anyway
         ## because psi is last one
         ## calc inverse
-        BB <- crossprod(B(lambda, w))
-        invSigma <- kronecker( (1/(t*phi+1)*Jbart + Et), BB )
+        BB <- xprodB(lambda, w)
+        invSigma <- kronecker( (1/(t.*phi+1)*Jbart + Et), BB )
-    detSigma <- function(phi, lambda, n, t, w) {
-         Jt <- matrix(1, ncol = t, nrow = t)
+    detSigma <- function(phi, lambda, n, t., w) {
+         Jt <- matrix(1, ncol = t., nrow = t.)
         #In <- diag(1, n)
-        It <- diag(1, t)
-        Jbart <- Jt/t
+        It <- diag(1, t.)
+        Jbart <- Jt/t.
         Et <- It - Jbart
-        detSigma <- -n/2*log( det( (t*phi+1) * Jbart + Et) ) +
-            t*log(detB(lambda, w))
+        detSigma <- -n/2*log( det( (t.*phi+1) * Jbart + Et) ) +
+            t.*ldetB(lambda, w)
     ## likelihood function, both steps included
-    ll.c <- function(philambda, y, X, n, t, w, w2, wy) {
+    ll.c <- function(philambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy) {
         ## retrieve parms
         phi <- philambda[1]
         lambda <- philambda[2]
         psi <- philambda[3]                       # lag-specific line
         ## calc inverse sigma
-        sigma.1 <- invSigma(philambda, n, t, w)
+        sigma.1 <- invSigma(philambda, n, t., w)
         ## lag y
         Ay <- y - psi * wy                        # lag-specific line
         ## do GLS step to get e, s2e
@@ -75,66 +69,130 @@
         e <- glsres[["ehat"]]
         s2e <- glsres[["sigma2"]]
         ## calc ll
-        zero <- t*log(detB(psi, w2))              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
-        due <- detSigma(phi, lambda, n, t, w)
-        tre <- -n * t/2 * log(s2e)
-        quattro <- -1/(2 * s2e) * crossprod(e, sigma.1) %*% e
-        const <- -(n * t)/2 * log(2 * pi)
+        zero <- t.*ldetB(psi, w2)              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
+        due <- detSigma(phi, lambda, n, t., w)
+        tre <- -n * t./2 * log(s2e)
+        quattro <- -1/(2 * s2e) * t(e) %*% sigma.1 %*% e
+        const <- -(n * t.)/2 * log(2 * pi)
         ll.c <- const + zero + due + tre + quattro
         ## invert sign for minimization
         llc <- -ll.c
+    ## set bounds for optimizer
+    lower.bounds <- c(1e-08, -0.999, -0.999)  # lag-specific line (4th parm)
+    upper.bounds <- c(1e+09, 0.999, 0.999)     # lag-specific line (idem)
+    ## constraints as cA %*% theta + cB >= 0
+    ## equivalent to: phi>=0, -1<=(rho, lambda, psi)<=1
+    ## NB in maxLik() optimization cannot start at the boundary of the
+    ## parameter space !
+    cA <- cbind(c(1, rep(0,4)),
+               c(0,1,-1,rep(0,2)),
+               c(rep(0,3), 1, -1))
+    cB <- c(0, rep(1,4))
     ## generic from here
     ## calc. Wy (spatial lag of y)
+    ## (flexible fun accepting either listws or matrices for w)
     Wy <- function(y, w, tind) {                  # lag-specific line
+        wyt <- function(y, w) {                   # lag-specific line
+            if("listw" %in% class(w)) {           # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- lag.listw(w, y)            # lag-specific line
+            } else {                              # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- w %*% y                    # lag-specific line
+            }                                     # lag-specific line
+            return(wyt)                           # lag-specific line
+        }                                         # lag-specific line
         wy<-list()                                # lag-specific line
         for (j in 1:length(unique(tind))) {       # lag-specific line
              yT<-y[tind==unique(tind)[j]]         # lag-specific line
-             wy[[j]] <- w %*% yT                  # lag-specific line
+             wy[[j]] <- wyt(yT, w)                # lag-specific line
              }                                    # lag-specific line
         return(unlist(wy))                        # lag-specific line
     }                                             # lag-specific line
     ## GLS step function
     GLSstep <- function(X, y, sigma.1) {
-        b.hat <- solve(crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% X,
-                       crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% y)
+        b.hat <- solve(t(X) %*% sigma.1 %*% X,
+                       t(X) %*% sigma.1 %*% y)
         ehat <- y - X %*% b.hat
-        sigma2ehat <- (crossprod(ehat, sigma.1) %*% ehat)/(n * t)
+        sigma2ehat <- (t(ehat) %*% sigma.1 %*% ehat)/(n * t.)
         return(list(betahat=b.hat, ehat=ehat, sigma2=sigma2ehat))
     ## lag y once for all
     wy <- Wy(y, w2, tind)                          # lag-specific line
-    ## max likelihood
-    optimum <- nlminb(start = myparms0, objective = ll.c,
-                      gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
-                      y = y, X = X, n = n, t = t, w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy,
-                      scale = 1, control = list(x.tol = x.tol,
+    ## optimization
+    ## adaptive scaling
+    parscale <- 1/max(myparms0, 0.1)
+    if(method=="nlminb") {
+        optimum <- nlminb(start = myparms0, objective = ll.c,
+                          gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
+                          y = y, X = X, n = n, t. = t., w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy,
+                          scale = parscale,
+                          control = list(x.tol = x.tol,
                                  rel.tol = rel.tol, trace = trace),
-                      lower = lower.bounds, upper = upper.bounds)
+                          lower = lower.bounds, upper = upper.bounds)
-    ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
-    myll <- -optimum$objective
-    ## retrieve optimal parms
-    myparms <- optimum$par
+        ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
+        myll <- -optimum$objective
+        ## retrieve optimal parms and H
+        myparms <- optimum$par
+        myHessian <- fdHess(myparms, function(x) -ll.c(x,
+                            y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy))$Hessian     # lag-specific line: wy
+    } else {
+        require(maxLik)
+        ## initial values are not allowed to be zero
+        maxout<-function(x,a) ifelse(x>a, x, a)
+        myparms0 <- maxout(myparms0, 0.01)
+        ## invert sign for MAXimization
+        ll.c2 <- function(phirholambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy) {
+            -ll.c(phirholambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy)
+        }
+        ## max likelihood
+        optimum <- maxLik(logLik = ll.c2,
+                          grad = NULL, hess = NULL, start=myparms0,
+                          method = method,
+                          parscale = parscale,
+                          constraints=list(ineqA=cA, ineqB=cB),
+                          y = y, X = X, n = n, t. = t., w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy)
+        ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
+        myll <- optimum$maximum  # this one MAXimizes
+        ## retrieve optimal parms and H
+        myparms <- optimum$estimate
+        myHessian <- optimum$hessian
+    }
     ## one last GLS step at optimal vcov parms
-    sigma.1 <- invSigma(myparms, n, t, w)
+    sigma.1 <- invSigma(myparms, n, t., w)
     Ay <- y - myparms[length(myparms)] * wy       # lag-specific line
     beta <- GLSstep(X, Ay, sigma.1)
     ## final vcov(beta)
     covB <- as.numeric(beta[[3]]) *
-        solve(crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% X)
+        solve(t(X) %*% sigma.1 %*% X)
     ## final vcov(errcomp)
-    covTheta <- solve(-fdHess(myparms, function(x) -ll.c(x,
-        y, X, n, t, w, w2, wy))$Hessian)          # lag-specific line: wy
     nvcovpms <- length(nam.errcomp) - 1
+    ## error handler here for singular Hessian cases
+    covTheta <- try(solve(-myHessian), silent=TRUE)
+    if(class(covTheta) == "try-error") {
+        covTheta <- matrix(NA, ncol=nvcovpms+1,
+                           nrow=nvcovpms+1)
+        warning("Hessian matrix is not invertible")
+    }
     covAR <- covTheta[nvcovpms+1, nvcovpms+1, drop=FALSE]
     covPRL <- covTheta[1:nvcovpms, 1:nvcovpms, drop=FALSE]

Modified: pkg/R/saremREmod.R
--- pkg/R/saremREmod.R	2013-03-28 21:12:49 UTC (rev 156)
+++ pkg/R/saremREmod.R	2013-03-30 22:22:05 UTC (rev 157)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 saremREmod <-
-function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 3),
+function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t., nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 3),
     hess = FALSE, trace = trace, x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15,
-    ...)
+    method="nlminb", ...)
     ## extensive function rewriting, Giovanni Millo 29/09/2010
@@ -26,18 +26,16 @@
     ## initialize values for optimizer
     myparms0 <- coef0
-    ## set bounds for optimizer
-    lower.bounds <- c(1e-08, -0.999, -0.999)   # lag-specific line (3rd parm)
-    upper.bounds <- c(1e+09, 0.999, 0.999)     # lag-specific line (idem)
     ## modules for likelihood
-    B <- function(lambda, w) diag(1, ncol(w)) - lambda * w
-    detB <- function(lambda, w) det(B(lambda, w))
-    invSigma <- function(philambda, n, t, w) {
-        Jt <- matrix(1, ncol = t, nrow = t)
+    BB.1 <- function(lambda, w) {
+        solve(xprodB(lambda, listw=w))
+    }
+    invSigma <- function(philambda, n, t., w) {
+        Jt <- matrix(1, ncol = t., nrow = t.)
         In <- diag(1, n)
-        It <- diag(1, t)
-        Jbart <- Jt/t
+        It <- diag(1, t.)
+        Jbart <- Jt/t.
         Et <- It - Jbart
         ## retrieve parms
         phi <- philambda[1]
@@ -45,27 +43,28 @@
         ## psi not used: here passing 4 parms, but works anyway
         ## because psi is last one
         ## calc inverse
-        BB <- crossprod(B(lambda, w))
-        invSigma <- kronecker(Jbart, solve(t * phi * In + solve(BB))) +
-            kronecker(Et, BB)
+        BB <- xprodB(lambda, w)
+        invSigma <- kronecker(Jbart,
+                              solve(t. * phi * In + BB.1(lambda, w))) +
+                                  kronecker(Et, BB)
-    detSigma <- function(phi, lambda, n, t, w) {
+    detSigma <- function(phi, lambda, n, t., w) {
         In <- diag(1, n)
-        detSigma <- -1/2 * log(det(t * phi * In +
-                                   solve(crossprod(B(lambda, w))))) +
-                                       (t - 1) * log(detB(lambda, w))
+        detSigma <- -1/2 * log(det(t. * phi * In +
+                                   BB.1(lambda, w))) +
+                                       (t. - 1) * ldetB(lambda, w)
     ## likelihood function, both steps included
-    ll.c <- function(philambda, y, X, n, t, w, w2, wy) {
+    ll.c <- function(philambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy) {
         ## retrieve parms
         phi <- philambda[1]
         lambda <- philambda[2]
         psi <- philambda[3]                       # lag-specific line
         ## calc inverse sigma
-        sigma.1 <- invSigma(philambda, n, t, w)
+        sigma.1 <- invSigma(philambda, n, t., w2)
         ## lag y
         Ay <- y - psi * wy                        # lag-specific line
         ## do GLS step to get e, s2e
@@ -73,24 +72,47 @@
         e <- glsres[["ehat"]]
         s2e <- glsres[["sigma2"]]
         ## calc ll
-        zero <- t*log(detB(psi, w2))              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
-        due <- detSigma(phi, lambda, n, t, w)
-        tre <- -n * t/2 * log(s2e)
+        zero <- t.*ldetB(psi, w)              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
+        due <- detSigma(phi, lambda, n, t., w2)
+        tre <- -n * t./2 * log(s2e)
         quattro <- -1/(2 * s2e) * crossprod(e, sigma.1) %*% e
-        const <- -(n * t)/2 * log(2 * pi)
+        const <- -(n * t.)/2 * log(2 * pi)
         ll.c <- const + zero + due + tre + quattro
         ## invert sign for minimization
         llc <- -ll.c
+    ## set bounds for optimizer
+    lower.bounds <- c(1e-08, -0.999, -0.999)  # lag-specific line (4th parm)
+    upper.bounds <- c(1e+09, 0.999, 0.999)     # lag-specific line (idem)
+    ## constraints as cA %*% theta + cB >= 0
+    ## equivalent to: phi>=0, -1<=(rho, lambda, psi)<=1
+    ## NB in maxLik() optimization cannot start at the boundary of the
+    ## parameter space !
+    cA <- cbind(c(1, rep(0,4)),
+               c(0,1,-1,rep(0,2)),
+               c(rep(0,3), 1, -1))
+    cB <- c(0, rep(1,4))
     ## generic from here
     ## calc. Wy (spatial lag of y)
+    ## (flexible fun accepting either listws or matrices for w)
     Wy <- function(y, w, tind) {                  # lag-specific line
+        wyt <- function(y, w) {                   # lag-specific line
+            if("listw" %in% class(w)) {           # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- lag.listw(w, y)            # lag-specific line
+            } else {                              # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- w %*% y                    # lag-specific line
+            }                                     # lag-specific line
+            return(wyt)                           # lag-specific line
+        }                                         # lag-specific line
         wy<-list()                                # lag-specific line
         for (j in 1:length(unique(tind))) {       # lag-specific line
              yT<-y[tind==unique(tind)[j]]         # lag-specific line
-             wy[[j]] <- w %*% yT                  # lag-specific line
+             wy[[j]] <- wyt(yT, w)                # lag-specific line
              }                                    # lag-specific line
         return(unlist(wy))                        # lag-specific line
     }                                             # lag-specific line
@@ -100,28 +122,65 @@
         b.hat <- solve(crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% X,
                        crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% y)
         ehat <- y - X %*% b.hat
-        sigma2ehat <- (crossprod(ehat, sigma.1) %*% ehat)/(n * t)
+        sigma2ehat <- (crossprod(ehat, sigma.1) %*% ehat)/(n * t.)
         return(list(betahat=b.hat, ehat=ehat, sigma2=sigma2ehat))
     ## lag y once for all
-    wy <- Wy(y, w2, tind)                          # lag-specific line
+    wy <- Wy(y, w, tind)                          # lag-specific line
-    ## max likelihood
-    optimum <- nlminb(start = myparms0, objective = ll.c,
-                      gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
-                      y = y, X = X, n = n, t = t, w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy,
-                      scale = 1, control = list(x.tol = x.tol,
+    ## optimization
+    ## adaptive scaling
+    parscale <- 1/max(myparms0, 0.1)
+    if(method=="nlminb") {
+        optimum <- nlminb(start = myparms0, objective = ll.c,
+                          gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
+                          y = y, X = X, n = n, t. = t., w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy,
+                          scale = parscale,
+                          control = list(x.tol = x.tol,
                                  rel.tol = rel.tol, trace = trace),
-                      lower = lower.bounds, upper = upper.bounds)
+                          lower = lower.bounds, upper = upper.bounds)
-    ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
-    myll <- -optimum$objective
-    ## retrieve optimal parms
-    myparms <- optimum$par
+        ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
+        myll <- -optimum$objective
+        ## retrieve optimal parms and H
+        myparms <- optimum$par
+        myHessian <- fdHess(myparms, function(x) -ll.c(x,
+                            y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy))$Hessian     # lag-specific line: wy
+    } else {
+        require(maxLik)
+        ## initial values are not allowed to be zero
+        maxout<-function(x,a) ifelse(x>a, x, a)
+        myparms0 <- maxout(myparms0, 0.01)
+        ## invert sign for MAXimization
+        ll.c2 <- function(phirholambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy) {
+            -ll.c(phirholambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy)
+        }
+        ## max likelihood
+        optimum <- maxLik(logLik = ll.c2,
+                          grad = NULL, hess = NULL, start=myparms0,
+                          method = method,
+                          parscale = parscale,
+                          constraints=list(ineqA=cA, ineqB=cB),
+                          y = y, X = X, n = n, t. = t., w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy)
+        ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
+        myll <- optimum$maximum  # this one MAXimizes
+        ## retrieve optimal parms and H
+        myparms <- optimum$estimate
+        myHessian <- optimum$hessian
+    }
     ## one last GLS step at optimal vcov parms
-    sigma.1 <- invSigma(myparms, n, t, w)
+    sigma.1 <- invSigma(myparms, n, t., w)
     Ay <- y - myparms[length(myparms)] * wy       # lag-specific line
     beta <- GLSstep(X, Ay, sigma.1)
@@ -130,9 +189,15 @@
         solve(crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% X)
     ## final vcov(errcomp)
-    covTheta <- solve(-fdHess(myparms, function(x) -ll.c(x,
-        y, X, n, t, w, w2, wy))$Hessian)          # lag-specific line: wy
     nvcovpms <- length(nam.errcomp) - 1
+    ## error handler here for singular Hessian cases
+    covTheta <- try(solve(-myHessian), silent=TRUE)
+    if(class(covTheta) == "try-error") {
+        covTheta <- matrix(NA, ncol=nvcovpms+1,
+                           nrow=nvcovpms+1)
+        warning("Hessian matrix is not invertible")
+    }
     covAR <- covTheta[nvcovpms+1, nvcovpms+1, drop=FALSE]
     covPRL <- covTheta[1:nvcovpms, 1:nvcovpms, drop=FALSE]

Modified: pkg/R/saremmod.R
--- pkg/R/saremmod.R	2013-03-28 21:12:49 UTC (rev 156)
+++ pkg/R/saremmod.R	2013-03-30 22:22:05 UTC (rev 157)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 saremmod <-
-function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 2),
+function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t., nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 2),
     hess = FALSE, trace = trace, x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15,
-    ...)
+    method="nlminb", ...)
-    ## extensive function rewriting, Giovanni Millo 29/09/2010
+    ## extensive function rewriting, Giovanni Millo 27/03/2013
     ## structure:
     ## a) specific part
     ## - set names, bounds and initial values for parms
@@ -26,36 +26,31 @@
     ## initialize values for optimizer
     myparms0 <- coef0
-    ## set bounds for optimizer
-    lower.bounds <- c(-0.999, -0.999)   # lag-specific line (2nd parm)
-    upper.bounds <- c(0.999, 0.999)     # lag-specific line (idem)
     ## modules for likelihood
-    B <- function(lambda, w) diag(1, ncol(w)) - lambda * w
-    detB <- function(lambda, w) det(B(lambda, w))
-    invSigma <- function(lambdapsi, n, t, w) {
-        It <- diag(1, t)
+    invSigma <- function(lambdapsi, n, t., w) {
+        It <- diag(1, t.)
         ## retrieve parms
         lambda <- lambdapsi[1]
         ## psi not used: here passing 4 parms, but works anyway
         ## because psi is last one
         ## calc inverse
-        BB <- crossprod(B(lambda, w))
+        BB <- xprodB(lambda, w)
         invSigma <- kronecker(It, BB)
-    detSigma <- function(lambda, t, w) {
-        detSigma <- t * log(detB(lambda, w))
+    detSigma <- function(lambda, t., w) {
+        detSigma <- t. * ldetB(lambda, w)
     ## likelihood function, both steps included
-    ll.c <- function(lambdapsi, y, X, n, t, w, w2, wy) {
+    ll.c <- function(lambdapsi, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy) {
         ## retrieve parms
         lambda <- lambdapsi[1]
         psi <- lambdapsi[2]                       # lag-specific line
         ## calc inverse sigma
-        sigma.1 <- invSigma(lambdapsi, n, t, w)
+        sigma.1 <- invSigma(lambdapsi, n, t., w)
         ## lag y
         Ay <- y - psi * wy                        # lag-specific line
         ## do GLS step to get e, s2e
@@ -63,72 +58,134 @@
         e <- glsres[["ehat"]]
         s2e <- glsres[["sigma2"]]
         ## calc ll
-        zero <- t*log(detB(psi, w2))              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
-        due <- detSigma(lambda, t, w)
-        tre <- -n * t/2 * log(s2e)
-        quattro <- -1/(2 * s2e) * crossprod(e, sigma.1) %*% e
-        const <- -(n * t)/2 * log(2 * pi)
+        zero <- t.*ldetB(psi, w2)              # lag-specific line (else zero <- 0)
+        due <- detSigma(lambda, t., w)
+        tre <- -n * t./2 * log(s2e)
+        quattro <- -1/(2 * s2e) * t(e) %*% sigma.1 %*% e
+        const <- -(n * t.)/2 * log(2 * pi)
         ll.c <- const + zero + due + tre + quattro
         ## invert sign for minimization
         llc <- -ll.c
+    ## set bounds for optimizer
+    lower.bounds <- c(-0.999, -0.999)  # lag-specific line (4th parm)
+    upper.bounds <- c(0.999, 0.999)     # lag-specific line (idem)
+    ## constraints as cA %*% theta + cB >= 0
+    ## equivalent to: phi>=0, -1<=(rho, lambda, psi)<=1
+    ## NB in maxLik() optimization cannot start at the boundary of the
+    ## parameter space !
+    cA <- cbind(c(1,-1,rep(0,2)),
+               c(rep(0,2), 1, -1))
+    cB <- c(rep(1,4))
     ## generic from here
     ## calc. Wy (spatial lag of y)
+    ## (flexible fun accepting either listws or matrices for w)
     Wy <- function(y, w, tind) {                  # lag-specific line
+        wyt <- function(y, w) {                   # lag-specific line
+            if("listw" %in% class(w)) {           # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- lag.listw(w, y)            # lag-specific line
+            } else {                              # lag-specific line
+                wyt <- w %*% y                    # lag-specific line
+            }                                     # lag-specific line
+            return(wyt)                           # lag-specific line
+        }                                         # lag-specific line
         wy<-list()                                # lag-specific line
         for (j in 1:length(unique(tind))) {       # lag-specific line
              yT<-y[tind==unique(tind)[j]]         # lag-specific line
-             wy[[j]] <- w %*% yT                  # lag-specific line
+             wy[[j]] <- wyt(yT, w)                # lag-specific line
              }                                    # lag-specific line
         return(unlist(wy))                        # lag-specific line
     }                                             # lag-specific line
     ## GLS step function
     GLSstep <- function(X, y, sigma.1) {
-        b.hat <- solve(crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% X,
-                       crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% y)
+        b.hat <- solve(t(X) %*% sigma.1 %*% X,
+                       t(X) %*% sigma.1 %*% y)
         ehat <- y - X %*% b.hat
-        sigma2ehat <- (crossprod(ehat, sigma.1) %*% ehat)/(n * t)
+        sigma2ehat <- (t(ehat) %*% sigma.1 %*% ehat)/(n * t.)
         return(list(betahat=b.hat, ehat=ehat, sigma2=sigma2ehat))
     ## lag y once for all
     wy <- Wy(y, w2, tind)                          # lag-specific line
-    ## max likelihood
-    optimum <- nlminb(start = myparms0, objective = ll.c,
-                      gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
-                      y = y, X = X, n = n, t = t, w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy,
-                      scale = 1, control = list(x.tol = x.tol,
+     ## optimization
+    ## adaptive scaling
+    parscale <- 1/max(myparms0, 0.1)
+    if(method=="nlminb") {
+        optimum <- nlminb(start = myparms0, objective = ll.c,
+                          gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
+                          y = y, X = X, n = n, t. = t., w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy,
+                          scale = parscale,
+                          control = list(x.tol = x.tol,
                                  rel.tol = rel.tol, trace = trace),
-                      lower = lower.bounds, upper = upper.bounds)
+                          lower = lower.bounds, upper = upper.bounds)
-    ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
-    myll <- -optimum$objective
-    ## retrieve optimal parms
-    myparms <- optimum$par
+        ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
+        myll <- -optimum$objective
+        ## retrieve optimal parms and H
+        myparms <- optimum$par
+        myHessian <- fdHess(myparms, function(x) -ll.c(x,
+                            y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy))$Hessian     # lag-specific line: wy
+    } else {
+        require(maxLik)
+        ## initial values are not allowed to be zero
+        maxout<-function(x,a) ifelse(x>a, x, a)
+        myparms0 <- maxout(myparms0, 0.01)
+        ## invert sign for MAXimization
+        ll.c2 <- function(phirholambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy) {
+            -ll.c(phirholambda, y, X, n, t., w, w2, wy)
+        }
+        ## max likelihood
+        optimum <- maxLik(logLik = ll.c2,
+                          grad = NULL, hess = NULL, start=myparms0,
+                          method = method,
+                          parscale = parscale,
+                          constraints=list(ineqA=cA, ineqB=cB),
+                          y = y, X = X, n = n, t. = t., w = w, w2 = w2, wy = wy)
+        ## log likelihood at optimum (notice inverted sign)
+        myll <- optimum$maximum  # this one MAXimizes
+        ## retrieve optimal parms and H
+        myparms <- optimum$estimate
+        myHessian <- optimum$hessian
+    }
     ## one last GLS step at optimal vcov parms
-    sigma.1 <- invSigma(myparms, n, t, w)
+    sigma.1 <- invSigma(myparms, n, t., w)
     Ay <- y - myparms[length(myparms)] * wy       # lag-specific line
     beta <- GLSstep(X, Ay, sigma.1)
     ## final vcov(beta)
     covB <- as.numeric(beta[[3]]) *
-        solve(crossprod(X, sigma.1) %*% X)
+        solve(t(X) %*% sigma.1 %*% X)
     ## final vcov(errcomp)
-    covTheta <- solve(-fdHess(myparms, function(x) -ll.c(x,
-        y, X, n, t, w, w2, wy))$Hessian)          # lag-specific line: wy
     nvcovpms <- length(nam.errcomp) - 1
+    ## error handler here for singular Hessian cases
+    covTheta <- try(solve(-myHessian), silent=TRUE)
+    if(class(covTheta) == "try-error") {
+        covTheta <- matrix(NA, ncol=nvcovpms+1,
+                           nrow=nvcovpms+1)
+        warning("Hessian matrix is not invertible")
+    }
     covAR <- covTheta[nvcovpms+1, nvcovpms+1, drop=FALSE]
     covPRL <- covTheta[1:nvcovpms, 1:nvcovpms, drop=FALSE]
     ## final parms
-    betas <- as.vector(beta[[1]])    
-    sigma2 <- as.numeric(beta[["sigma2"]])    
+    betas <- as.vector(beta[[1]])
+    sigma2 <- as.numeric(beta[["sigma2"]])
     arcoef <- myparms[which(nam.errcomp=="lambda")]  # lag-specific line
     errcomp <- myparms[which(nam.errcomp!="lambda")]
     names(betas) <- nam.beta

Modified: pkg/R/saremsrREmod.R
--- pkg/R/saremsrREmod.R	2013-03-28 21:12:49 UTC (rev 156)
+++ pkg/R/saremsrREmod.R	2013-03-30 22:22:05 UTC (rev 157)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 saremsrREmod <-
-function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 4),
+function (X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t., nT, w, w2, coef0 = rep(0, 4),
     hess = FALSE, trace = trace, x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15,
-    ...)
+    method="nlminb",
+          ...)
     ## extensive function rewriting, Giovanni Millo 29/09/2010
@@ -17,36 +18,55 @@
     ## - calc final covariances
     ## - make list of results
-    # mark
-    #print("uso versione 5") # fixed  'rho^2' for 'rho' in uno <- n/2 * log(1 - rho^2)
+    ## from version 2: both nlminb (fastest, some negative covariances) and
+    ## optimizers from maxLik ("BFGS", "SANN", "NM") are supported.
+    ## from version 3: analytical inverse for Vmat (see notes; eliminates
+    ## singular matrix pbs., from ca. 45'' to ca. 30'' on 281x3 'datiNY' example)
+    ## and exploit the fact that solve(crossprod(B))=tcrossprod(solve(B))
+    ## (this last not giving any benefit; but check sparse methods on B)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/splm -r 157

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