[Splm-commits] r88 - pkg/splm/R

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Tue Oct 26 01:06:38 CEST 2010

Author: gpiras
Date: 2010-10-26 01:06:38 +0200 (Tue, 26 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 88

Changes in spregm to SURE models

Added: pkg/splm/R/spregm.R
--- pkg/splm/R/spregm.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/splm/R/spregm.R	2010-10-25 23:06:38 UTC (rev 88)
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+`spregm` <-
+function(formula, data=list(), index=NULL, w, 
+                   method = c("init", "weigh", "fulweigh"), lag=FALSE, endog = NULL, instruments= NULL, verbose = FALSE, control = list()){
+ ## depends on:
+  ## reorder data if needed
+  if(!is.null(index)) {
+    require(plm)
+    data <- plm.data(data, index)
+    }
+  index <- data[,1]
+  tindex <- data[,2]
+  ## record call
+  cl <- match.call()
+  ## check
+  if(dim(data)[[1]]!=length(index)) stop("Non conformable arguments")
+  ## reduce X,y to model matrix values (no NAs)
+  x<-model.matrix(formula,data=data)
+  y<-model.response(model.frame(formula,data=data))
+  ## reduce index accordingly
+  names(index)<-row.names(data)
+  ind<-index[which(names(index)%in%row.names(x))]
+  tind<-tindex[which(names(index)%in%row.names(x))]
+  ## reorder data by cross-sections, then time
+  oo<-order(tind,ind)
+  x<-x[oo,]
+  y<-y[oo]
+  ind<-ind[oo]
+  tind<-tind[oo]
+  ## det. number of groups and df
+  N<-length(unique(ind))
+  k<-dim(x)[[2]]
+  ## det. max. group numerosity
+  T<-max(tapply(x[,1],ind,length))
+  ## det. total number of obs. (robust vs. unbalanced panels)
+  NT<-length(ind)
+  ## check w
+  if(is.matrix(w)) {
+    if(dim(w)[[1]]!=N) stop("Non conformable spatial weights")
+    require(spdep)
+    listw <- mat2listw(w)
+   } else {
+    listw <- w
+    rm(w)
+   }
+  ## check whether the panel is balanced
+  balanced<-N*T==NT
+if(!balanced) stop("Estimation method unavailable for unbalanced panels")
+  ## mostly unchanged from here:
+  mt<-terms(formula,data=data)
+  mf<-lm(formula,data,method="model.frame")#,na.action=na.fail
+  na.act<-attr(mf,'na.action')
+  xcolnames <- colnames(x)
+###accomodate additional endogenous variables
+   xend<-which(colnames(x) %in%  endog)
+   aux <- length(xend) 	
+	Daux <- x[,xend]
+if(!is.matrix(instruments))	zin<- which(names(data) %in% instruments)
+if(xcolnames[1] == "(Intercept)") rhs<-paste(c(instruments,colnames(x)[-c(1,xend)]) , collapse="+")
+else rhs<-paste(c(instruments,colnames(x)[-xend]) , collapse="+")
+Kmat<-matrix(0, NT, aux)
+for(i in 1:aux){
+	fml<- as.formula(paste(endog[i],"~",rhs) ) 
+#	print(fml)
+Kmat[,i] <- fitted( lm(fml, data=data))#there was a data1 deleted on 09/22/2010
+	} 
+	}  
+  ind<-seq(1,T)
+  inde<-rep(ind,each=N)
+	wy <- unlist(tapply(y,inde, function(TT) lag.listw(listw,TT), simplify=TRUE))    
+	wy <- array(wy, c(length(y), 1))
+   colnames(wy) <- ("lambda")
+    if (any(is.na(wy))) 
+        stop("NAs in spatially lagged dependent variable")
+ddum<- apply(x, 2, function(kk) all(range(kk) == c(0,1)))
+inx<- x[,- which(ddum == TRUE)]
+smallk<- ncol(inx)	
+	}
+else {
+	inx<-x
+	smallk<-k
+	}
+ K <- ifelse(colnames(inx)[1] == "(Intercept)" || all(inx[, 1] == 
+        1), 2, 1)
+if (smallk > 1) {
+        WX <- matrix(nrow = nrow(inx), ncol = (smallk - (K - 1)))
+        WWX <- matrix(nrow = nrow(inx), ncol = (smallk - (K - 1)))
+for (i in K:smallk) {
+            wx <- unlist(tapply(inx[,i],inde, function(TT) lag.listw(listw,TT), simplify=TRUE))    
+            wwx <- unlist(tapply(wx,inde, function(TT) lag.listw(listw,TT), simplify=TRUE))    
+            if (any(is.na(wx))) 
+                stop("NAs in lagged independent variable")
+            WX[, (i - (K - 1))] <- wx
+            WWX[, (i - (K - 1))] <- wwx
+        }
+    }
+instr <- cbind(WX, WWX)
+exp<- cbind(x[,-xend], Kmat)	
+betaIV <- spdep:::tsls(y = y, yend = wy, X = exp, Zinst = instr)
+	}
+else betaIV <- spdep:::tsls(y = y, yend = wy, X = x, Zinst = instr)
+res <- residuals(betaIV)
+ 	}
+	exp<- cbind(x[,-xend], Kmat)	
+	XpX<-crossprod(exp)
+	Xpy<-crossprod(exp,y)
+	betaOLS<-solve(XpX,Xpy)
+	res<-y-exp%*%betaOLS
+	NT<-N*T
+	df<-NT-dim(x)[2]
+	S<-sum(res^2)/(N-1)
+	}
+  XpX<-crossprod(x)
+  Xpy<-crossprod(x,y)
+  betaOLS<-solve(XpX,Xpy)
+  res<-y-x%*%betaOLS
+  NT<-N*T
+  df<-NT-dim(x)[2]
+  S<-sum(res^2)/(N-1)
+  }
+ }
+  Gg<-fs(listw,res,N,T)
+  pars<-c(0,0)
+estim1 <- nlminb(pars, arg, v = Gg, verbose = verbose, control = control, lower=c(-0.999,0), upper=c(0.999,Inf))
+  urub<-res- estim1$par[1]*Gg$ub
+  Q1urQ1ub<-Gg$Q1u - estim1$par[1]*Gg$Q1ub
+  S1<- crossprod(urub, Q1urQ1ub)/N
+  method <- match.arg(method)
+  switch(method, init = {
+	finrho=estim1$par[1]
+	finsigmaV=estim1$par[2]
+	finsigma1=S1
+    }, weigh = {
+	Ggw<-pw(bigG=Gg$bigG, smallg=Gg$smallg, Q1u=Gg$Q1u,Q1ub=Gg$Q1ub,Q1ubb=Gg$Q1ubb, u=res, ub=Gg$ub,ubb=Gg$ubb,N=N, TR=Gg$TR)
+      pars2<-c(estim1$par[1],estim1$par[2],S1)
+      estim2 <- nlminb(pars2, arg1, v = Ggw,ss=estim1$par[2] ,SS=S1,T=T, verbose = verbose, control = control, lower=c(-0.999,0,0), upper=c(0.999,Inf,Inf))
+	finrho=estim2$par[1]
+	finsigmaV=estim2$par[2]
+	finsigma1=estim2$par[3]
+    }, fulweigh = {
+	Ggw<-pw(bigG=Gg$bigG, smallg=Gg$smallg, Q1u=Gg$Q1u,Q1ub=Gg$Q1ub,Q1ubb=Gg$Q1ubb, u=res, ub=Gg$ub,ubb=Gg$ubb,N=N, TR=Gg$TR)
+      weights<-tw(W=listw,N)
+      pars2<-c(estim1$par[1],estim1$par[2],S1)
+      estim3 <-nlminb(pars2, arg2, v = Ggw, ss=estim1$par[2] ,SS=S1,T=T,TW=weights$TW, verbose = verbose, control = control, lower=c(-0.999,0,0), upper=c(0.999,Inf,Inf))
+	finrho=estim3$par[1]
+	finsigmaV=estim3$par[2]
+	finsigma1=estim3$par[3]
+    })
+  yt<-y-finrho*wy
+  dm<-function(A) trash<-unlist(tapply(A,inde,function(TT) lag.listw(listw,TT), simplify=TRUE))
+  xl<-apply(exp,2,dm)  
+  xt<- x-finrho*xl
+  xl<-apply(x,2,dm)
+ xt<- x-finrho*xl
+  w2y<-unlist(tapply(wy,inde, function(TT) lag.listw(listw,TT), simplify=TRUE))
+  wyt<- wy-finrho*w2y   	
+  	}
+  theta<- 1-(sqrt(finsigmaV)/sqrt(finsigma1))
+  ind1<-seq(1,N)
+  inde1<-rep(ind1,T)
+  ytmt<-tapply(yt, inde1, mean)
+  ytNT<-rep(ytmt,T)
+  yf<-(yt - theta*ytNT)
+  dm1<- function(A) rep(unlist(tapply(A,inde1,mean,simplify=TRUE)),T)
+  xt<-cbind(wyt,xt) 
+  xtNT<-apply(xt,2,dm1)
+  xf<-(xt - as.numeric(theta)*xtNT)
+  colnames(xf)<-c("lambda", xcolnames)
+  H<-cbind(xf[,-1], instr)  
+  HH<-crossprod(H)
+  Hye<-crossprod(H,xf[,1])  
+  bfs<-solve(HH,Hye)
+  yendf<-H %*% bfs
+  Zf<-cbind(yendf, xf[,-1])
+  xfpxf<-crossprod(Zf)
+  xfpxfi<-solve(xfpxf)
+  betaGLS<- xfpxfi %*% crossprod(Zf,yf)
+	}
+  dm1<- function(A) rep(unlist(tapply(A,inde1,mean,simplify=TRUE)),T)
+  xtNT<-apply(xt,2,dm1)
+  xf<-(xt - as.numeric(theta)*xtNT)
+  xfpxf<-crossprod(xf)
+  xfpxfi<-solve(xfpxf)
+  betaGLS<-xfpxfi%*%crossprod(xf,yf)   
+  }
+  fv<-as.vector(xf%*%betaGLS)
+  egls<-yf - fv
+  #print(class(egls))
+  SGLS<-sum(egls^2)/(N-1)
+  xfpxfNT<-(1/NT)*xfpxf/finsigmaV
+  PSI<-solve(xfpxfNT)
+  covbeta<-PSI/NT
+  errcomp<-rbind(finrho,finsigmaV,finsigma1,theta)
+if(lag)  nam.beta <- c("lambda", dimnames(x)[[2]])
+else nam.beta <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
+  nam.errcomp <- c("rho","sigma^2_v",'sigma^2_1',"theta")
+  rownames(betaGLS) <- nam.beta
+  rownames(errcomp) <- nam.errcomp
+  colnames(errcomp)<-"Estimate"
+if(lag)  model.data <- data.frame(cbind(y,x[,-1]))
+else model.data <- data.frame(cbind(y,x))
+  sigma2 <- SGLS
+  type <- "random effects GM"
+    spmod <- list(coefficients=betaGLS, errcomp=NULL,
+                vcov=covbeta, vcov.errcomp=NULL,
+                residuals=as.vector(egls), fitted.values=fv,
+                sigma2=sigma2,type=type, rho=errcomp, model=model.data,
+                call=cl, logLik=NULL, coy=yt, cox=xt, rhs=k)
+  class(spmod) <- "splm"
+  return(spmod)

Property changes on: pkg/splm/R/spregm.R
Added: svn:executable

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