[Splm-commits] r93 - in pkg: . R man

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Fri Dec 17 18:49:08 CET 2010

Author: the_sculler
Date: 2010-12-17 18:49:08 +0100 (Fri, 17 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 93

Added doc for sphtest, lrtest; fixed DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE; updated version number

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2010-12-14 23:01:04 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2010-12-17 17:49:08 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: splm
 Title: Econometric Models for Spatial Panel Data
-Version: 0.2-02
+Version: 0.2-03
 Date: 2010-09-22
 Author: Giovanni Millo <giovanni.millo at generali.com>, Gianfranco Piras <gpiras at mac.com>
 Maintainer: Giovanni Millo <giovanni.millo at generali.com>

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2010-12-14 23:01:04 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2010-12-17 17:49:08 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 export(bsjktest, bsktest, 
 effects.splm, print.effects.splm, write.effects.splm, 
-print.splm,spfeml,spregm,spreml,spsegm,summary.splm, spseml, spsegm, spreml, spfeml, spregm, spfegm,listw2dgCMatrix)
+spseml, spsegm, spreml, spfeml, spregm, spfegm,
+lrtest.splm, sphtest, listw2dgCMatrix)
@@ -19,3 +21,6 @@
 S3method(bsktest, splm)
+S3method(sphtest, splm)

Modified: pkg/R/print.splm.R
--- pkg/R/print.splm.R	2010-12-14 23:01:04 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/R/print.splm.R	2010-12-17 17:49:08 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -21,6 +21,15 @@
     else cat("No error covariance parameters\n")
+    ## add printing of spatial autoregressive parameter
+    ar <- x$arcoef
+    if (length(ar)) {
+        cat("\n")
+        cat("Spatial autoregressive parameter:\n")
+        print.default(format(ar, digits = digits), print.gap = 2,
+                      quote = FALSE)
+    }

Deleted: pkg/R/semarREmod.R
--- pkg/R/semarREmod.R	2010-12-14 23:01:04 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/R/semarREmod.R	2010-12-17 17:49:08 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-semarREmod<-function(X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w, coef0=rep(0,3),
-                     hess=FALSE, trace=trace, x.tol=1.5e-18, rel.tol=1e-15, ...) {
-  ## spatial- and time- error autoregressive, random effects panel model estimation
-  ## following Appendix A.2 in Baltagi, Song, Jung and Koh WP, version May 2004
-  ## V matrix, as V/sigma.e^2 in BJSK 2007
-    Vmat<-function(rho,t) {
-      V1<-matrix(ncol=t,nrow=t)
-      for(i in 1:t) V1[i,]<-rho^abs(1:t-i)
-      V <- (1/(1-rho^2)) * V1
-      }
-  ## spatial lag operator
-    B<-function(lambda) diag(1,n)-lambda*w
-  ## determinant of B
-    detB<-function(lambda) det(B(lambda)) # use more efficient versions from Elhorst
-  ## some useful pieces:
-    alfa2<-function(rho) (1+rho)/(1-rho)
-    d2<-function(rho,t) alfa2(rho)+t-1
-    Jt<-matrix(1,ncol=t,nrow=t)
-    In<-diag(1,n)
-  ## second determinant in (A.17)
-    det2<-function(phi,rho,lambda,t) det( d2(rho,t)* (1-rho)^2*phi*In+solve(crossprod(B(lambda))))
-  ## Z0 for (A.13)
-    Z0 <- function(phi,rho,lambda,t) solve(d2(rho,t)*(1-rho)^2*phi*In + solve(crossprod(B(lambda))) )
-  ## inverse of Sigma
-    invSigma <- function(phi, rho, lambda, n, t) {
-                   invVmat<-solve(Vmat(rho,t))
-                   BB<-crossprod(B(lambda))
-                   invSi1<-kronecker(invVmat,BB)
-                   invSi2<-1/(d2(rho,t)*(1-rho)^2)
-                   invSi3<-kronecker( solve(Vmat(rho,t),Jt)%*%invVmat, Z0(phi,rho,lambda,t)-BB )
-                   invSigma <- invSi1 + invSi2*invSi3
-                   invSigma
-                   }
-  ## concentrated likelihood
-    ll.c<-function(phirholambda,y,X,n,t,w) {
-            phi<-phirholambda[1]
-            rho<-phirholambda[2]
-            lambda<-phirholambda[3]
-            ## perform GLS
-            sigma.1<-invSigma(phi,rho,lambda,n,t)
-            b.hat<-solve( crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%X, crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%y )
-            ehat<-y-X%*%b.hat
-            sigma2ehat<-(crossprod(ehat,sigma.1)%*%ehat)/(n*t)
-            bhat<-list(betahat=b.hat,e=ehat,sigma2=sigma2ehat)
-            e <- bhat[[2]]
-            s2e <- bhat[[3]]
-            uno <- n/2*log(1-rho)
-            due <- -1/2*log(det2(phi,rho,lambda,t))
-            tre <- -(n*t)/2*log(s2e)
-            quattro <- (t-1)*log(detB(lambda))
-            cinque <- -1/(2*s2e)*crossprod(e,sigma.1)%*%e
-            const <- -(n*t)/2*log(2*pi)
-            ll.c <- const+uno+due+tre+quattro+cinque
-            llc <- - ll.c
-            }
-  myphirholambda0 <- coef0
-  optimum<-nlminb(myphirholambda0, ll.c,
-                  lower=c(1e-8,-0.999,-0.999), upper=c(10e8,0.999,0.999),
-                  control=list(x.tol=x.tol, rel.tol=rel.tol, trace=trace),
-                  y=y, X=X, n=n, t=t, w=w, ...)
-  myphirholambda<-optimum$par
-  myll <- optimum$objective
-  ## optimal values of parms:
-  phi<-myphirholambda[1]
-  rho<-myphirholambda[2]
-  lambda<-myphirholambda[3]
-  ## perform GLS
-            sigma.1<-invSigma(phi,rho,lambda,n,t)
-            b.hat<-solve( crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%X, crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%y )
-            ehat<-y-X%*%b.hat
-            sigma2ehat<-crossprod(ehat,sigma.1)%*%ehat/(n*t)
-            beta<-list(betahat=b.hat,e=ehat,sigma2=sigma2ehat)
-  ## names for coefs and error comp.s
-  nam.beta <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
-  nam.errcomp <- c("phi","rho","lambda")
-  ## calc. cov(b) by GLS
-  covB<-as.numeric(beta[[3]])*solve(crossprod(X,invSigma(phi, rho, lambda, n, t))%*%X)
-  dimnames(covB) <- list(nam.beta, nam.beta)
-  ## calc. cov(phi,rho,lambda) by numerical Hessian
-  covPRL <- solve(-fdHess(myphirholambda, function(x) -ll.c(x,y,X,n,t,w))$Hessian)
-  dimnames(covPRL) <- list(nam.errcomp, nam.errcomp)
-  ## make (separate) coefficients' vectors
-  betas <- as.vector(beta[[1]])
-  errcomp <- c(phi, rho, lambda)
-  names(betas) <- nam.beta
-  names(errcomp) <- nam.errcomp
-  RES <- list(betas=betas, errcomp=errcomp,
-              covB=covB, covPRL=covPRL, ll=myll)
-  return(RES)
-  }

Deleted: pkg/R/semarmod.R
--- pkg/R/semarmod.R	2010-12-14 23:01:04 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/R/semarmod.R	2010-12-17 17:49:08 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-`semarmod` <-
-function(X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w, coef0=rep(0,3),
-         hess=FALSE, trace=trace, x.tol=1.5e-18, rel.tol=1e-15, ...) {
-  ## spatial- and time- error autoregressive (pooling) panel model estimation
-  ## modified by restriction (phi=0) from Appendix A.2 in Baltagi, Song,
-  ## Jung and Koh WP, version May 2004; restricted likelihood in (3.15).
-  ## V matrix, as V/sigma.e^2 in BJSK 2007
-    Vmat<-function(rho,t) {
-      V1<-matrix(ncol=t,nrow=t)
-      for(i in 1:t) V1[i,]<-rho^abs(1:t-i)
-      V <- (1/(1-rho^2)) * V1
-      }
-  ## spatial lag operator
-    B<-function(lambda) diag(1,n)-lambda*w
-  ## determinant of B
-    detB<-function(lambda) det(B(lambda)) # use more efficient versions from Elhorst
-  ## inverse of Sigma
-    invSigma <- function(rho, lambda, n, t) {
-                   invVmat<-solve(Vmat(rho,t))
-                   BB<-crossprod(B(lambda))
-                   invSigma<-kronecker(invVmat,BB)
-                   invSigma
-                   }
-  ## concentrated likelihood
-    ll.c<-function(rholambda,y,X,n,t,w) {
-            rho<-rholambda[1]
-            lambda<-rholambda[2]
-            ## beta_hat as GLS estimator and error variance estimator
-            sigma.1<-invSigma(rho,lambda,n,t)
-            b.hat<-solve( crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%X, crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%y )
-            ehat<-y-X%*%b.hat
-            sigma2ehat<-crossprod(ehat,sigma.1)%*%ehat/(n*t)
-            bhat<-list(betahat=b.hat,e=ehat,sigma2=sigma2ehat)
-            e <- bhat[[2]]
-            s2e <- bhat[[3]]
-            uno <- n/2*log(1-rho^2)
-            tre <- -(n*t)/2*log(s2e)
-            quattro <- t*log(detB(lambda))
-            cinque <- -1/(2*s2e)*crossprod(e,invSigma(rho, lambda, n, t))%*%e
-            const <- -(n*t)/2*log(2*pi)
-            ll.c<-const+uno+tre+quattro+cinque
-            llc <- -ll.c
-            }
-  ## iterate (=traballa) until convergence:
-  myrholambda0 <- coef0
-  optimum<-nlminb(myrholambda0, ll.c,
-                  lower=c(-0.999,-0.999), upper=c(0.999,0.999),
-                  control=list(x.tol=x.tol, rel.tol=rel.tol, trace=trace),
-                  y=y, X=X, n=n, t=t, w=w, ...)
-  myrholambda<-optimum$par
-  myll <- optimum$objective
-  ## optimal values of parms:
-  rho<-myrholambda[1]
-  lambda<-myrholambda[2]
-  ## perform GLS
-            sigma.1<-invSigma(rho,lambda,n,t)
-            b.hat<-solve( crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%X, crossprod(X,sigma.1)%*%y )
-            ehat<-y-X%*%b.hat
-            sigma2ehat<-crossprod(ehat,sigma.1)%*%ehat/(n*t)
-            beta<-list(betahat=b.hat,e=ehat,sigma2=sigma2ehat)
-  ## names for coefs and error comp.s
-  nam.beta <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
-  nam.errcomp <- c("rho","lambda")
-  ## calc. cov(b) by GLS
-  covB<-as.numeric(beta[[3]])*solve(crossprod(X,invSigma(rho, lambda, n, t))%*%X)
-  dimnames(covB) <- list(nam.beta, nam.beta)
-  ## calc. cov(phi,rho,lambda) by numerical Hessian
-  covPRL <- solve(-fdHess(myrholambda, function(x) -ll.c(x,y,X,n,t,w))$Hessian)
-  dimnames(covPRL) <- list(nam.errcomp, nam.errcomp)
-  ## make (separate) coefficients' vectors
-  betas <- as.vector(beta[[1]])
-  errcomp <- c(rho, lambda)
-  names(betas) <- nam.beta
-  names(errcomp) <- nam.errcomp
-  RES <- list(betas=betas, errcomp=errcomp,
-              covB=covB, covPRL=covPRL, ll=myll)
-  return(RES)
-  }

Modified: pkg/man/spreml.Rd
--- pkg/man/spreml.Rd	2010-12-14 23:01:04 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/man/spreml.Rd	2010-12-17 17:49:08 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
-spreml(formula, data, index = NULL, w, lag=FALSE,
-           errors = c("semsrre","semsr","srre","semre","re","sr","sem"),
+spreml(formula, data, index = NULL, w, w2=w, lag=FALSE,
+           errors = c("semsrre","semsr","srre","semre",
+                      "re", "sr", "sem","ols", "sem2re"),
            pvar = FALSE, hess=FALSE, quiet=TRUE,
            initval = c("zeros", "estimate"),
            x.tol=1.5e-18, rel.tol=1e-15,
@@ -36,8 +37,9 @@
   in the model. When the obect is a \code{\link{data.frame}}, the first two columns may contain the indexes. See \code{index}}
   \item{index}{if not NULL (default), a character vector to identify the indexes among the columns of the \code{\link{data.frame}}}
   \item{w}{an object of class \code{listw} or a \code{matrix}}
-  \item{lag}{default=\code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, a spatial lag of the dependent variable is added: Not yet implemented}
-  \item{errors}{one of \code{c("semsrre","semsr","srre","semre","re","sr","sem")}. See details.}
+  \item{w2}{an object of class \code{listw} or a \code{matrix}}
+  \item{lag}{default=\code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, a spatial lag of the dependent variable is added.}
+  \item{errors}{one of \code{c("semsrre","semsr","srre","semre","re","sr","sem", "ols", "sem2re")}. See details.}
   \item{pvar}{if \code{TRUE} the \code{pvar} function is called}
   \item{hess}{if \code{TRUE} use numerical Hessian instead of GLS for the standard errors of the estimates}
   \item{quiet}{if \code{FALSE} report function and parameters values during optimization}
@@ -59,7 +61,10 @@
   \code{"semre"} individual random effects and spatial correlation;
   \code{"re"} individual random effects;
   \code{"sr"} serial correlation;
-  \code{"sem"} spatial correlation.  
+  \code{"sem"} spatial correlation.
+  \code{"ols"} none (spherical residuals).
+  \code{"sem2re"} spatial correlation in both individual random effects
+    and idiosncratic errors (Kapoor, Kelejian and Prucha's specification).
   An object of class \code{"splm"}.
@@ -95,8 +100,13 @@
 Produc <- Produc[Produc$year<1974, ]
 fm <- log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp
+## the two standard specifications:
+## random effects panel with spatial errors
 respaterr <- spreml(fm, data = Produc, w = usaww, errors="semre")
+## random effects panel with spatial lag
+respatlag <- spreml(fm, data = Produc, w = usaww, errors="re", lag=TRUE)
\ No newline at end of file

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