[Splm-commits] r74 - pkg/R
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Mon Apr 19 18:20:41 CEST 2010
Author: gpiras
Date: 2010-04-19 18:20:41 +0200 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 74
import summary.splm
Added: pkg/R/summary.splm.R
--- pkg/R/summary.splm.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/summary.splm.R 2010-04-19 16:20:41 UTC (rev 74)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+`summary.splm` <-
+ ## summary method for splm objects
+ ## adds incrementally to the model object, as summary.plm does
+ ## structure remans the same for all type but 'spsegm' (symultaneous equations requires a special printing)
+ if (object$type=='spsegm'){
+ coeff<-object$coefficients
+ eq<-object$EQ
+ var<-as.matrix(object$vcov)
+ ser<-sqrt(diag(as.matrix(var)))
+ tr<-coeff/ser
+ pr<-pnorm(abs(as.matrix(tr)), lower.tail=FALSE)*2
+ Xnam<-object$Xnames
+ Ynam<-object$Ynames
+ reg<-object$K
+ sp<-object$spec
+ lags<-object$lags
+ errors<-object$errors
+ endogenous<-object$endogenous
+ rho<-object$rho
+ nlags<-length(which(unlist(lags)==TRUE))
+ nend<-length(which(unlist(endogenous)==TRUE))
+ numx<-vector("numeric",eq)
+for (i in 1:eq) numx[i]<- sp[i] + length(which(lags[[i]]==TRUE)) + length(which(endogenous[[i]]==TRUE))
+ tmp<-seq(1,eq)
+ tmp2<-rep(tmp,numx)
+ b<-split(coeff,tmp2)
+ se<-split(as.matrix(ser), tmp2)
+ t<-split(tr,tmp2)
+ p<-split(pr,tmp2)
+ object$b <- b
+ object$se<-se
+ object$t<-t
+ object$p<-p
+ object$eq<-eq
+ object$xnam<-Xnam
+ object$ynam<-Ynam
+ object$sp<-object$spec
+ object$lags<-object$lags
+ object$errors<-object$errors
+ object$endogenous<-object$endogenous
+ object$type<-'spsegm'
+ class(object)<- c("summary.splm","splm")
+ object
+ } else {
+ ## to date, only balanced panels are allowed for 'splm'
+ balanced <- TRUE #attr(object,"pdim")$balanced
+ model.name <- object$type #attr(object,"pmodel")$model
+ effect <- "individual" #attr(object,"pmodel")$effect
+ ## make coefficients' table if vcov exist
+ if (!is.null(object$vcov)) {
+ std.err <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov)) #vcov(object) doesn't work
+ b <- coefficients(object)
+ z <- b/std.err
+ p <- 2*pnorm(abs(z),lower.tail=FALSE)
+ CoefTable <- cbind(b,std.err,z,p)
+ colnames(CoefTable) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error","t-value","Pr(>|t|)")
+ object$CoefTable <- CoefTable
+ } else {
+ object$CoefTable <- cbind(coefficients(object))
+ colnames(object$CoefTable) <- c("Estimate")
+ }
+ if (object$type == "fixed effects error" && object$method != "eigen") {
+ lambda <- object$spat.coef
+ object$lambda <- lambda
+ }
+ if (object$type == "random effects GM" ) {
+ lambda <- object$rho
+ object$lambda <- lambda
+ }
+ ## make AR coefficient of y's table
+ if(!is.null(object$vcov.arcoef)) {
+ std.err1 <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov.arcoef))
+ ar <- object$arcoef
+ z <- ar/std.err1
+ p <- 2*pnorm(abs(z),lower.tail=FALSE)
+ ARCoefTable <- cbind(ar,std.err1,z,p)
+ colnames(ARCoefTable) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error","t-value","Pr(>|t|)")
+ object$ARCoefTable <- ARCoefTable
+ }
+ ## make error comps' table
+ if(!is.null(object$vcov.errcomp)) {
+ std.err2 <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov.errcomp))
+ ec <- object$errcomp
+ z <- ec/std.err2
+ p <- 2*pnorm(abs(z),lower.tail=FALSE)
+ ErrCompTable <- cbind(ec,std.err2,z,p)
+ colnames(ErrCompTable) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error","t-value","Pr(>|t|)")
+ object$ErrCompTable <- ErrCompTable
+ }
+ object$ssr <- sum(residuals(object)^2)
+ object$tss <- tss(object$model[[1]])
+ object$rsqr <- 1-object$ssr/object$tss
+ object$fstatistic <- "nil" #Ftest(object)
+ class(object) <- c("summary.splm","splm")
+ object
+ }
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